US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWeird response from embassy

Difficult to know how to interpret, but I would say it sounds like the waiver is approved, but he is still under AP (extra security/ name checks- very common for males from his country).


i emailed them again but asked about " waiver's response" and they say:


Please note that we have received the NVC?s response on your case, however the case is still going under admin processing. At this stage no further documents are required.


we went thru 5 months of AP last year before they sent us back to USCIS for review, then we waited over 8 months before we got reaffirmed, then to DOS with 2 weeks of AP there and now we are back at the embassy we are in AP again.....they did all security checks and background checks. i so want to ask them why AP again.


samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2013-05-01 07:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWeird response from embassy

I would so ask your senator to send a request on the timeframe status....they seem to give them more information.(at least in my case they did). Maybe it Will get them to act more quickly...I am so happy u are finally at this step!!!! So now you are waiting for another interview or just approval on visa processing?? Best wishes Always


I do have that in mind. i am a little scared too since last year i got the congressmans office involved i feel that is what sparked this whole thing. they ( the embassy) is suppose to respond back to a congressional inquiry within 48 hours and it took them a week to respond back and that is when all heck broke loose and they sent us back.

i want to ask them why the AP again. they see we have been reaffirmed for visa processing. my husband said give them 2 weeks and see what they do . after that if we hear nothing i will email again.

i checked today and they updated the interview list for may but we are not on it.

samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2013-04-30 16:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWeird response from embassy

Here is the response i got back yesterday from the US Embassy in cairo on an email i sent asking about what are the next steps we are looking at after they received the paperwork from USCIS for reaffirmation......


Please note that we have received the waiver?s response, however the case is still going under admin processing. Whenever this process is completed, you will be notified.


My biggest concern is the , whenever part. sounds like to me they are saying when they get to it they will get to the however part too. My husband is not liking their choice of words....


any suggestions, please advise!

samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2013-04-29 01:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionvisa fee


 huh.png NO! The information they send you from the Embassy in Tunisia is wrong. The fee is $240, we verified that with them. That's what my fiancé paid and he just arrived 2 weeks ago. Perhaps the fee is different for CR1 but for K1 it's $240.

by the way, for your fiancee, WELCOME TO USA!!!! I hope you 2 will start with a great life!

samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2013-05-11 05:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionvisa fee


 huh.png NO! The information they send you from the Embassy in Tunisia is wrong. The fee is $240, we verified that with them. That's what my fiancé paid and he just arrived 2 weeks ago. Perhaps the fee is different for CR1 but for K1 it's $240.

that is what i mean, for every visa class the fees have gone up. when you think you have all fees paid, there is another one behind everything. i think for my class it is 2 of them. one at the embassy and another online before my husband gets his greencard for cr1 class.

samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2013-05-11 05:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionvisa fee

yes my friend the fees have gone up. even for me ir1/cr1 there are new fees that have to be paid once the visa is issued.

samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2013-05-07 04:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInvestigators

Hi Everyone


I have posted for sometimes and hopefully I post the right place.


As of today 5/21/2013, my wife informed me that two investigators came to her house, my wife was not home at the time.  While they were waiting, they looked everywhere inside the house.

Once my wife got home, they asked her to sit down and started to ask questions, all questions are the same they asked my wife at the interview in the Consulate office.

I know that it is a good sign that they start up my my (CR1).  Anyone that went through this process, please give me some advice.

After the investigators met with your spouse, How long before they inform you that the visa issue or refuse?  Appreciate your time.

hello there,


yes my husband had the same experience jan 4 2012, 2 days after his first interview. the investigator called him while i was online with him and posed as a DHL rep. when the man came to our apratment the first thing he asked was to look thru our apartment, my husband refused at first but after 10 minutes of them talking is when he found out this guy was from the embassy.

after that we were in Admin Processing for over 5 months til i got our congressman  at the first interview, they told my husband 2 weeks and they would call, which they never did but that is when all heck broke loose. they try to call him liar and stuff. they sent our papers back to uscis with an attitude. took over 8 months for them to review. that is when i saw the Notice of intent to revoke and the investigators report and oh did he lie his butt off. but i was able to prove him and the embassy wrong and we were reaffirmed and sent back to the embassy to finish the visa process. now we are in AP again for almost 2 months now but i got the congressman involved again.


be careful what the investigators do.


if she wasnt home, how they get in to look around her home?

samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2013-05-21 21:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy in Cairo...please any help!!!

Urgh that MO person is useless with his/her vague responses. I stopped emailing because of them and I got my visa when I least expected it.

It's a waiting game I'm afraid, good luck and keep the faith.

thanks for responding. i know it is a waiting game but we have been going thru this for 2 1/2 years now. they sent our papers back to uscis june 19 2012 after  2 interviews and 1 investigator that lied in his report in which i proved the investigator wrong by my rebuttle and the email is ent to the embassy the day after he came, he went to my husbands home jan 4 2012 and in his report said he went march 22 2012.


i have stopped emailing the embassy and leave it to my congressman's office now to deal with. last year when they had to get involved because we were over 5 months in AP. once they got the email from congress, we saw things move fast, 2nd interview scheduled and all. but it seems they stil had problem with my hsubands divorce from 2008. we married in 2010.


when did you take your visa?

samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2013-05-08 20:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy in Cairo...please any help!!!

oh no ClockWatch2.gif sounds as though you are one step closer but still on Egyptian Processing time. Please Keep your Faith and Pray it will come soon. I really Feel it is ridiculous that you have to go thru AP again especially after having your reaffirmation completed. Do they put your paperwork on top of the stack or at the bottom when they receive it in Cairo???? Makes you wonder..........Not FAIRcrying.gif


it is like i said, the congressmans office is going to make contact with them. she has been with me thru the whole process and see's no need for us to wait any longer.

if anything like last year, god willing they should call my husband into the embassy to finish his visa soon.


when the embassy kept using "whenever" in all my emails, it sounded like our papers in a corner somewhere. IR visa's are suppose to take presedence over all others according to the embassy website!

samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2013-05-08 20:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy in Cairo...please any help!!!

it seems as though even after a Reaffirmation of a petition we still go thru AP' This is what i get in an email this morning:


Please note that we have already received the NVC response on your case, however your case is currently undergoing mandatory administrative processing.  The time needed to review an individual?s case is difficult to predict.  Once this process is completed, we will process your case to conclusion.


Consular Section

U.S. Embassy, Cairo




Please anyone who is dealing with the embassy in cairo and has been thru this, send me your advice please. i feel the answers i get are vague!



samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2013-05-07 04:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEgyptian Ministry of Interior asks neighbors about husband??


I can't even imagine going through this :( Really, I'm so sorry they are putting you through this.

they say you have to go thru hell to get to


my hubby is worth the wait.


it is just so sad that the embassy does these things to people and the department of state doesnt care.


it is like the CO wants you to lie to them and they will approve the visa but when a person is telling the truth, they treat them like criminals and call them liars.


i dont think they would know the truth if it hit them between the eyes.


also at my hubbys first interview, before the CO could see the file, someone took out of his file the 500 pages of evidence i showed them at uscis, so the CO never seen any of it.

samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2014-06-14 22:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEgyptian Ministry of Interior asks neighbors about husband??

Well it's good to know that I'm not alone in this case then. My husband was not at the time of the investigations, he was at work. The only person he lives with is his parents. Interesting that they do such a thing, but I completely understand and appreciate them doing this because it helps unclog the system (those of fraud).


also too, it doesnt really claer up the back log of any fraud.


i have a friend here who been 5 years with a man from Embaba, Giza and he wasnt here not even a month, stole all her money and back to egypt. so the fraudulent ones gets thru the cracks as well. ICE is now investigating him.

samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2014-06-13 07:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEgyptian Ministry of Interior asks neighbors about husband??


I have no such blog dear. You must have me confused with someone else dear.

she was talking about my

samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2014-06-13 06:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEgyptian Ministry of Interior asks neighbors about husband??

I saw your picture and blog on CNN. WOW. I hope you two can be together soon. How TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!! I will dieeeeeeeeee. What is the status of your case as of now? I'm so sorry you guys are going through this


sometimes i feel like i am dying a little inside but we keep our love alive. i miss him everyday but thanks to go and viber


our case is at the board of immigration appeals right now in line to be heard. when i was in Egypt in january, we found out USCIS revoked our petition after the second NOIR. when i came  back i appealed it and we are still waiting, so i plan on another trip this october to go and spend time with my husband and step daughter.


it seems the embassy did not care about our relationship because they never asked my husband any questions about us, always about his siblings and his ex. they are not educated on the laws of egypt as well.


the only thing i can do now is plan for the next trip, put our story out there for all to see and pray that the BOIA will over turn this decision.

samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2014-06-13 06:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEgyptian Ministry of Interior asks neighbors about husband??

Well it's good to know that I'm not alone in this case then. My husband was not at the time of the investigations, he was at work. The only person he lives with is his parents. Interesting that they do such a thing, but I completely understand and appreciate them doing this because it helps unclog the system (those of fraud).


That is good he was at work.


The embassy has investigators that lie as well, just as in our case. they have never shown any factual or concrete evidence on any accusations made by the so called investigator they sent to my husbands home in 2012. So as i always say, be careful, even the investigators will lie as well from the embassy. From what i gather in the 3 1/2 years we have been fighting and we been back to the embassy level 3 times, they never use any outside ministries to help them, they wont even use the ministry of civil status to check on any papers. they rely on these investigators they have that lie. this one asked my husband to look thru his apartment and closets, wrong thing to do, dont they know that is wrong??? these investigators are not the police and have no right to invade a persons privacy.

samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2014-06-13 06:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEgyptian Ministry of Interior asks neighbors about husband??

hello there...


Now the embassy sent someone to my husbands home 2 days after his first interview, an investigator that possed as a DHL rep on the phone when he called and my husbands sister answered the phone.


i called Dept of state and they said the embassy will do what they have to so to check on everything, basically making sure the man is not living with

samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2014-06-12 21:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHurrayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Yes, Congratulations!!!!


* 8 months is a long time. when we started it took us 8 months too for our petition to get approved.


soon you will hear from NVC and just follow what they say.


Keep us updated!!!

samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2013-05-25 18:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportscr1 going home :)


samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2013-06-04 08:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAP IS OVERRRR!! VISA IS BEEN APPROVED FINALLYY!!

Good to hear that.


On may 28th 2013 they called my husband to tell him AP was over and submit a new police report, medical report and ds230 as well but when he went for his appointment to take it in, they sent us back again to USCSI for review after being reaffirmed and waiting over 9 months for last review.


i wish you well. 

keep us posted!

samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2013-10-02 12:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC: Cairo Embassy IR-1/CR-1

why would Allah want it?

Allah ( meaning God) will only make things happen when he is ready for it to happen to you or for you! It is only within God's power for things to happen and with Allah (god) all things are possible. you have to keep the faith and believing in him.
samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2012-05-22 01:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC: Cairo Embassy IR-1/CR-1

Soooo, I checked the interview schedule at embassy in Cairo... June schedule is not out yet but out of the 29 scheduled IR1/CR1 Egypt (CRO2012) interviews in May, only 3 are VJ members (that I can tell) some other cases that I didnt care to consider were from 2008-2011, yikes!!! what would cause a case from 08 to happen now?!

I just hope they're not facing a backlog again... seems they've been scheduling interviews after one month from notification date recently. It's already the 7th so i'm thinking that means definitely no interview before June 7 for us, but who knows... grrr... i wish they'd schedule us already, I'm so tired of all this heartache...already been a week since my case complete... they were doing so well for so long, dont stop the good progress you embassy people!!!

hang in there. i know from when we were at NVC it took 4 months of " we are sorry but he didnt make it this month"
now we made it Jan 2 2012 and wait til now, 4 months of AP, and now they say 2nd interview needed.
samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2012-05-07 00:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC: Cairo Embassy IR-1/CR-1

hello there.....just an update on where me ad my husband stand with the embassy in cairo.
i get email from embasssy saying he need 2nd interview. wow the same day they get an email from my congressmans figure.

they make us wait since january 2 2012 when he had his interview to tell us this this.

i , like a good wife, forwarded that email to my congressmans office so they can see it. i see no reason and they need to tell us when there is soemthing wrong and stop hiding information.
my husband tried to call the embassy 2 times and both times left him on hold.

when we signed into DHL website to check waybill number it said this:

Further Detail:
The Shipment is currently at a DHL facility due to the Receiver being on Holiday until 06/05. Please note date format may be DD/MM or MM/DD Next Step:
Delivery of the shipment will be attempted after the Receiver has returned from holiday

and it showed a scan that say hold for delivery after the 2 scans that said scheduled for delivery as agreed!

needless to say we are not too happy right now. it has been long time and it time for it to finish!
my husband always says:
i want it
you want it
but when Allah wants it, he will make it happen!
samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2012-05-06 17:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC: Cairo Embassy IR-1/CR-1

Hi there!!! Welcome to the thread!!! Thanks for having your signature filled out. Would you mind filling your timeline as well, that way you can be included in timeline data in VJ. :)

hello there to you and thank you. i will surely get the timeline filled in. i need to pull all my papers to get exact is why i used signature line to give what i know.

this is a mess and my mind is

nice to meet you!
samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2012-05-06 09:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC: Cairo Embassy IR-1/CR-1

The DHL fee was around 90 pounds
No other fees
No AMERICA BORN spouses inside. If you are Egyptian or part Egyptian then you can sit inside but not at the interview
We stayed at Shepherds Hotel. A quick 1 minute walk. It is next door to the embassy. I cannot remember what he paid... I am sure it was about 100 dollars
There is nowhere to go sit nearby. I know there was a McDonalds a bit far for me to walk. Most female spouses waited outside across the street sitting on the curb.
Good Luck

My husband paid DHL i think it was 85 pounds.
lol...i remember that curb so the street from the embassy.

actually now they dont let but the person being interviewed inside so the curb is ready for anyone wish to sit unless they call your name to come inside if there is a problem.
samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2012-05-06 09:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC: Cairo Embassy IR-1/CR-1
(F) Hello everyone....i am glad that i was told about here. a place i can feel comfortable talking with others in the same boat here.
good luck to all and may allah show the way for all our spouses to get their visas soon insha allah!

we want it, our spouses want it but Allah wants it when he wants it! this is what my husband tells me to try and have patience.

Edited by samy + janet aly, 03 May 2012 - 06:12 AM.

samy + janet alyFemaleEgypt2012-05-03 06:09:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
QUOTE (Stefanie @ Feb 11 2009, 02:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Susanne @ Feb 10 2009, 06:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
@Steffi ja Brendon hat echt schnell gelernt. aber wir haben zu dieser Zeit auch in Deutschland gewohnt. Wenn man den ganzen Tag deutsch hoert geht das alles viel einfacher! smile.gif

Ich hatte mir das auch immer vorgenommen, mit Collin deutsch zu reden, waehrend wir hier sind. Ich dahcte, dass wuerde einfacher sein. Da er aber den ganzen Tag von 5 bis 17 Uhr mit seinen Army Buddies zusammen ist und ich meist gestresst und unmotiviert von den Vorlesungen nach Hause kommen, ist Englisch reden dann doch einfacher. Vielleicht klappt es ja dann besser, wenn wir Kinder haben und er zwangslaeufig deutsch hoert. Mal sehen!

Ja, da kommt dann sowas wie "Open den Mund" oder "Get off the Tisch" laughing.gif und alles ist komplett durcheinander "Go see das Mama" argh... helpsmilie.gif luv.gif
EvelineFemaleGermany2009-02-11 10:21:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Jaja, der doofe Schnee laughing.gif . Wir hattens gestern 75 Grad aber es war so windig...brrr. Da frierts einen ja regelrecht. Heute sind es nur 70Grad und keine Sonne.

In unserer Stadt braucht man seit Anfang des Jahres nen permission slip von der Verwaltung, dass man nen garage sale machen darf. Max sind 2 sales pro Jahr.
EvelineFemaleGermany2009-02-09 11:53:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Schoen, dass es dir besser geht Nina. Krank sein ist doof.

@SteffiH: MIL hat jedes Jahr mehrmals nen Garage Sale und ich versuche nun schon seit laengerer Zeit meine ganzen Babyklamotten loszuwerden. Allerdings wohnt MIL so weit aufm Land, dass viele nicht bis hier raus fahren und lieber in der City garage saling gehen. Der naechste GS wird bei uns im Haus gehalten da wir ja in der City in ner subdivision wohnen und was ich dann nicht loswerde werd ich verschenken. Fertig. Vielleicht kann ich einiges an Frau DakotaK1 hier abtreten whistling.gif .

Ich bin auf der Arbeit, wir haben seit neuestem Internet...wohoooo. Muss aber was tun.

EvelineFemaleGermany2009-02-09 10:44:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Ich bin eigentlich wegen dem Easel und dem highchair gefahren und hab rundherum eben noch eingekauft laughing.gif . Mein Mann ist mal wieder krank. Jedes Wochenende hat er ein neues Gebrechen, so langsam nervt es mich weil ich kaum Ruhe von den Kiddos hab, vor allem nach der Grippewoche letztends.
EvelineFemaleGermany2009-02-08 19:57:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Ihc hab gestern 43 Dollars beim Garage Sale gemacht und heute 177 Dollar im IKEA aufn Kopf gekloppt, an Zeugs, das ich so gar nicht wirklich brauchte, naja, eigentlich doch. Allie hat nen highchair bekommen udn ADam nen easel fuer seinen Geburtstag. Dann noch Bettwaesche, Kotbullar, Kinderzeugs, Silverware fuer Adam etc... kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Allie rollt sich jetzt immer Abends auf dem Bauch in ihrem Bett und schlaeft nich mehr, argh. sie macht mich irre. Hoffentlich findet sie bald raus, wie sie liegen kann UND schlafen kann.
EvelineFemaleGermany2009-02-08 17:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
@Nina: Hast du deinem Mann gesagt, dass er doch bitte daheim bleiben soll? Ich bin naemlich auch so, beschwer mich ueber meinen, dass er nicht da ist wenn ich krank bin aber meist bekommt er gar nicht mit, wie schlecht es mir eigentlich geht, bis ich ihm wirklich direkt sage, dass er doch gefaelligst dableiben soll. Manchmal kriegen es die Maenner eben nicht auf die Reihe und erkennen sowas nicht.

@Chnst: Das tut mir leid, dass Ben so ein Sturkopf ist. Manche Kinder fangen ja schon sehr zeitig an tantrums zu werfen. Ich hab mir immer gedacht - als ich ein bruellendes Kind gesehen hab - dass meine Kinder NIEEEEEE so sein werden udn ich als Mutter da was gegen tu. Come to find out....There's nothing you can do und es ist ja auch nicht so, dass man sich die Klienen so anerzieht. Ich glaube das einzige was funktioniert ist ausprobieren. Solange probieren, bis ihr was gefunden habt, was funktioniert. Hat er nen Lovey, will er noch ne Geschichte hoeren, neues Bett etc...Ich hab aber auch leicht reden, beide Kinder sind sehr gute Schlaefer. Ich sag Adam "Geh ins Bett, Mama holt die Decke (er hat ne Decke, die ueberall hinmuss) und den Nucki" und er flitzt die Treppen hoch ins Bett und deckt sich schonmal zu.

Allie hat sich heute immer im Bett rumgerollt und wollte einfach nicht schlafen weil sie eben vom Bauch noch nicht wieder auf den ruecken kommt. Sie war dann letztendlich so fertig, dass sich ihre Augen immer nach hinten rollten, sobald sie an der Brust war und irgendwann ist sie dann voellig erschoepft weggepennt.
EvelineFemaleGermany2009-02-07 22:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
@Anh: Auch hier kein Touch zu vermelden.

@Chnst: Adam hatte auch mal ne SChrei und Klammerphase wo es pleotzlich hiess ich verwoehne ihn und er wird zur totalen Sissy. Irgendwann hoerte das wieder auf. Du machst das super. Meisters Mutter sein noch neben der Uni und hast auch noch deine Schwiegermutter-Mann-Verschwoerung im Nacken. Alles Gute, lass den Kopf nicht haengen, es wird besser.
EvelineFemaleGermany2009-02-07 18:01:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Wenn ich das lese bin ich froh, dass ich Adam die ersten neun Monate komplett fuer mich allein hatte und keine Schwiegermutter dazwsichenfunken konnte. Meine MIL fragt zu Glueck meistens, ob sie Adam dies oder das geben kann. Wir essen alles, Adam auch, ab nem bestimmten alter kann man den Kleinen glaube manches Essen nicht mehr vorenthalten, es sei denn man verzichtet selber darauf. Soll heissen, bei uns gibts ab und an schonmal fast food und auch Suesses, aber eben alles in Maszen.

Das einzige mal, wo ich bei MIL 'nein' sagen musste war, als sie Allie Spruehsahne verabreichen wollte. Ist zwar schoen, dass Adam sich so drueber freut aber ich will nicht, dass Allie's erstes Essen Spruehsahne ist.
EvelineFemaleGermany2009-02-06 20:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Hallo Kiwie, du kannst das VIsum am naechsten TAg abholen, wenn du ganz schnell danach ausreisen musst. Ich weiss nicht, wen man kontaktieren muss dafuer oder ob es reicht, das am Tag des Interviews zu sagen aber ich hab auf jeden Fall schon davon gehoert.

Ich glaube ich hab mein Ticket damals erst gebucht, nachdem mein Visum approved war, ich wollte aber auch erst drei Monate spaeter ausreisen. War also nicht sooo eilig bei mir.

Alles Gute, das INterview packst du schon. Ist wirklich halb so wild.
EvelineFemaleGermany2009-02-06 16:00:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Wohooo..willkommen im Club good.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif whistling.gif

EvelineFemaleGermany2009-02-06 15:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
@Sabrina: Hoert sich gut an. Ich denke, das ist voellig ausreichend an Beweismaterial.
EvelineFemaleGermany2009-02-06 14:30:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Den US Pass hat sie ja schon. Rein theoretisch koennten wir schon abduesen. yes.gif
EvelineFemaleGermany2009-02-05 21:01:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Genau, Matti koennte mit US Pass nach Dtl. einreisen aber mit dt Pass eben nicht in die USA, oder eben nur als Tourist.

Ich hab Allie's Zeug doch noch heute zur Post gebracht. Nun warten wir bis der Pass da ist.
EvelineFemaleGermany2009-02-05 17:42:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Uebrigens muessten auch alle deutschen Kinder erstmal auf ihren deutschen Pass warten bis sie reisen koennten. Ganz so ohne geht es ja fuer bestimmte Laender nicht.

Ich hab jetzt allie's Bilder ausgedruckt und zurechtgeschnitten, alles eingetuetet und morgen geht alles zur Post und weg damit.
EvelineFemaleGermany2009-02-05 15:53:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
QUOTE (HappyOne @ Feb 5 2009, 02:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
@Reisen mit dt.Pass: haette mich aber jetzt mal interessiert. Also muessten alle hier geborenen theoretisch warten bis sie den US-Pass haben zum Reisen?

Kommt der dt. Pass eigentlich mit der regulaeren Post oder mit UPS oder so?

Jap, der pass dauert aber nciht lange. Fuer beide Kinder war der US Pass innerhalb 2 Wochen da.

Der deutsche Pass kommt glaube mit der normalen post.
EvelineFemaleGermany2009-02-05 14:53:00