Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Ach steffi, dass das so gar kein Ende nimmt fuer euch mit dem Haus. Wenn ihr eingezogen seit schmeisst ihr besser ne Rieseneinstandsparty. Die habt ihr euch dann vedient :).
EvelineFemaleGermany2010-09-22 21:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!

Susanne & Ahn: also der cybex callisto ist nun hier und gefaellt mir sehr gut. Ich kann ihn tatsaechlich mit einer hand zusammenlegen u aufbauen. Die liegepositionen sind auch sehr schoen und stabil, insgesamt sehr stabil. Ist ein stadtwagen, geht auch auf gras aber eben nicht durch den wald durch matsch und steine. Jona ist gleich reingeklettert und wollte probefahren :) aufm flughafen wird das sehr angenehm sein vom fahrgefuehl und vom zusammenlegen, da ist ja immer alles dalli dalli.

DenCybex Callisto gab es gestern bei mamabargains fuer 150 Dollar.

EDIT: Wer noch will...

Edited by Eveline, 18 September 2010 - 04:10 PM.

EvelineFemaleGermany2010-09-18 16:09:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Stefanie: Alles Gute mit der Bewerbung. Hoffentlich lassen die sich nicht so lange Zeit wie die Firma in DC. Hoffe, dass du die Stelle bekommst. Das waer ja ein Volltreffer :). Viel Spass biem Studium. Wie viele Jahre hast du denn noch vor dir? Solange wie ich dich 'kenne' bist du doch schon am studieren oder? Scheint dir ja Spass zu machen, no offense :).
EvelineFemaleGermany2010-09-11 14:15:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
@Anna: Ich hoer auch oefter aus Dtl. als hier in den USA, dass ich doch wieder arbeiten solle etc. Ich denke Grund ist 1. Dass die Frau vor allem im Osten schon immer so erzogen war schnell unabhaengig zu sein und recht bald wieder arbeiten zu gehen (weiss nicht, wie das damals in Westdeutschland war). Insgesamt aber hoert man ja immer wieder, dass man 'Sich nicht vom Mann aushalten lassen soll" 2. faehrt man in Dtl. glaub gar nicht so viel rum wie hier in den USA. Wuerden wir in Dtl. wohnen waeren wir NIEMALSL jeden Tag so viel unterwegs wie hier. Wir sind fast nie daheim, haben immer was zu tun und sind unterwegs. Meine Nachbarin in Dtl. ist den ganzen Tag daheim. Ich denke einfach, dass man von dir auch annimmt, dass du in den USA eben im Haus sitzt und dieses nicht verlaesst, wobei das sicher nicht so ist. 3. Hat man als Frau in Dtl. ja nen ganz anderen sozialen Rueckhalt. Die Arbeitsstelle wird einem offen gehalten, man bekommt Erziehung/Kindergeld und kann dann problemlos wieder in den Job einsteigen. Dass man hier gefeuert werden kann wenn das Kind mal drei Tage mit nem stomach bug im Bett liegt verstehen viele in Dtl. nicht. Ich finde hier in den USA macht es - sofern man keinen sofortigen backup plan wie ne Nanny oder Familie hat - in den Kleinkinderjahren wenig Sinn gross Karriere machen zu wollen.

EvelineFemaleGermany2010-09-10 14:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
ICh wuerde noch einen holen. Gibts bei euch sowas wie craigslist? Du bist doch sicher nicht die einzige Mama on base oder? Vielleicht kannst du da einen gebrauchten Stroller auftreiben. Matti ist ja noch nichtmal zwei und in dem Alter laufen sie ja gerne ueberall hin, nur nicht hinter Mama her. Wenn ich mir vorstelle, wenn ich Allie nicht im STroller haette in der Mall oder so....ohje...da wuerden wir nie ankommen und sie wuerde alles aus den Regalen zerren.
EvelineFemaleGermany2010-09-08 08:13:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Herzlichen Glueckwunsch zur Verlobung. Dann kanns ja jetzt losgehen.
EvelineFemaleGermany2010-09-06 21:52:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Ich glaub nur deutsche kuemmern sich wirklich darum, dass das Kind komplett flach liegt. Meine Kinder sind beide mti Babywanne aufgewachsen, haben 'krumm' im Sitz gelegen und in einem nur fast flachen Kinderwagen und entwickeln sich beide wunderbar. Sie haben auch zu lange im bouncer gesessen etc. Mit genuegend tummytime und anderen Haltungen ist das alles auszugleichen.

Ich werde NIE verstehen warum man fuer nen Kinderwagen 500 Dollar ausgibt, nur damit man allen Schnickschnack dran hat. Ne Tragetasche hab ich nie gebraucht, wozu denn? Ich fand es viel praktischer den Kindersitz mit ins Haus zu nehmen. manchmal sassen die beiden da noch drin bis sie wieder aufgewacht sind *gasp*. Ich hatte nur so ein haessliches gruenes Graco Fahrgestell und es hat alles gut geklappt. Ich kenne ein Maedel, die hat ein Riesenaufstand wegen nem Kinderwagen gemacht, hat ihn bei Ebay ersteigert, nur damit es auch ein deutscher Wagen mit Deutscher marke etc ist und nun ist das Teil so ein Klopper, dass sie ihn nicht in ihr Auto bekommt. Selber Schuld.
EvelineFemaleGermany2010-09-06 20:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Ich glaub, wir haben schon mehr als nur 4 Links fuer die German People. Babsi hat damals das originalposting gemacht, da hatte ich gerademal K1 eingereicht und sie rannte jeden Tag zum Briefkasten in der Hoffnung auf Neuigkeiten, das war irgendwann im Juni 2003 oder so. Seitdem schreiben wir ja mehr oder minder fleissig hier. Ich glaube eher, das ist der fuenfte, wenn nicht sogar sechste Thread aber ist ja auch egal :).

@anna: Schoen zu hoeren, dass ihr samt Sitz gut angekommen seit. Geniesst die Zeit in Deutschland.

Hier nix neues. Keine Plaene fuer's Wochenende. Ich hab noch nen Carters Gutschein, den ich einloesen will und werd meine Kinder wohl heute shopping schleppen. Ansonsten wuerd ich gern an den Strand aber mein Mann ist ein Strandmuffel. Vielleicht nehm ich die Kinder allein, mal sehen. Mutter Natur hat Einzug gehalten udn mich zerreists bald :wacko: . Hab gestern den halben Abend geflennt weil ich super emotional bin....argh...backlabor sag ich nur, so fuehlt es sich an und Eric durfte sich gestern mit sienem Gewicht auf mich stuetzen, damit der Schmerz weg war :).
EvelineFemaleGermany2010-09-05 09:01:00
Asia: SouthPregnant and need to ask a question.
If you are the USC and the baby will be born in the US, you don't need to do anything. Baby will be a USC also. Congratulations.
EvelineFemaleGermany6/2/2008 20:46
Asia: East and PacificBirth certificates - translation
Hi Magnolia, I guess you posted this in the wrong forum (Asia???) :whistle: Anyway. CAll or go to the Standesamt of the city you were born in and ask for an international birth certificate (they are 7 Euros). Better yet, get three of them so you have two originals with you at all times since you need one for AOS etc....They get cheaper the more you buy (the second one is only 3,50 Euros). The international birth certificates are in German, English and French and the USCIS as well as the consulate in Frankfurt accepts those. Good luck.
EvelineFemaleGermany2007-01-09 09:08:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresvery bad news
Why would you apply for a FIANCEE VISA when you are already married??
EvelineFemaleGermany2008-06-06 17:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresForm I-134
Usually USCIS has the most recent one on their site. If it's on there, then you can use it.
EvelineFemaleGermany2008-07-20 16:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 when in militray
No, being active duty military does not mean that he doesn't need to send as much evidence. Nobody wanted to see W2s from my husband since I showed them his latest LES but they did want to see the bank letter, letter from the employer etc.
EvelineFemaleGermany2006-05-09 13:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiona waiting time at Frankfurt embassy
Agnes, give them a call and see. Maybe your interview invitation got lost or fell behind a desk or whatever. They are usually pretty friendly (believe it or not :P ). Good luck.
EvelineFemaleGermany2006-05-22 10:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIs the DS-230 needed for a Fiance Visa at the interview?
I only submitted Part I, nobody ever asked for Part II of the DS230.
EvelineFemaleGermany2006-09-17 09:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow many Military personal got denied the visa
Nope, didn't have any problem at all. After all, I would say we even had some kind of "bonus" at both interviews. I was done with the K1 Interview after about 10 Minutes and 15 in the consulate in Germany and with the AOS interview after only 15 Minutes with no waiting time at all (we only handed in the invitation and got called right away).
EvelineFemaleGermany2006-10-18 08:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMistake on DS230 and D 156 Forms
I don't think there should be any problem. Just wait until you get the interview letter and if they have questions about it you can answer it right there instead of delaying the process now. Good luck.
EvelineFemaleGermany2006-11-03 07:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDs 230
Anyway, it will be on the NOAs. They have to state it somewhere, right?
EvelineFemaleGermany2006-11-03 18:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDs 230
The Alien Registration Number should be in the upper right corner of your NOAs. Mine is in the box where it says "Beneficiary". Also, it will appear on her visa later. It is not the Number from the I94.
EvelineFemaleGermany2006-11-03 17:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionco-sponsor
And also, you don't need to present the Affidavit of Support until the actual interview at the consulate/embassy of your or your fiances country. Just send off all the other stuff first before you get to the I134
EvelineFemaleGermany2006-11-07 09:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoctor in Frankfurt a pervert?
Oh Wow, I know a bunch of people that went to the Frankfurt doc but nobody complained about him. I mean, yeah, I heard that the nurses were rude and you had to argue with them in order to get whatever you needed but not that the doc is a pervert. I went to the Munich doctor's office and I can't complain. Sorry about your experience.
EvelineFemaleGermany2006-11-14 10:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI wish I found this site sooner
Just regular clothes should be fine. I rather felt comfortable in a pair of jeans than being stuffed into a pair of business pants but couldn't breath. as long as everything is clean and doesn't smell, he'll be fine. Good luck and for further advise...there is the AOS forum a little further down. You'll have plenty of questions coming up, believe me.
EvelineFemaleGermany2006-11-29 11:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAny military sponsors out there for K-1 petition?
I gave them my husbands very last LES and they asked for the employment letter as well as the bank letter so I don't think there is any way to get around this for him. They didn't care for the Tax returns and W2's but all the other stuff had to be shown. good luck.
EvelineFemaleGermany2006-11-30 08:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOMG, somebody HELP!
I agree. Get your fiance to send them a letter stating, that you both are still legally free to marry and willing to do so withing 90 days of your entering the United States (as soon as you have the visa of course). No big deal, it just sucks that you have to work extra because they took their sweet time.
EvelineFemaleGermany2007-01-09 07:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionINTERVIEW

what are you filing for, K-1? My now husband interview time wasn't set, but we arrived at the consulate like at 6 in the mornig there was a long line. He got in there like at 8 then they called him like at 9 or so. He said that when he went in the interview was like less then ten minutes but we waited till 1pm to get his visa, the printing was what took a long time.

So he got his visa the same day? That's great! Why do some get it mailed and others get it the same day?

I think I'm going to be mad if I show up with all these stamps that they ask for if I end up getting the visa the same day LOL

You won't be getting it the same day unless you have a reason for it. I have heard of people going back to the Frankfurt consulate two days after the interview to pick it up but I don't think they'll print it right that day. Make sure nothing is missing for the interview and you'll have the visa within a week.

My interview itself lastet maybe 5 minutes without the waiting in between. Alltogether I was in there for maybe 25 minutes.
EvelineFemaleGermany2007-01-24 16:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGerman Packet 3 Question
Fill out the checklist first (even if the medical isn't done yet but scheduled) and check every box that is necessary for your case. Then, go ahead and take copies of EVERY document in the pack 3 after you filled it out and signed it BUT do not sign the DS156K, they will give you the document back at the Consulate and have you sign it. I actually sent a copy of that document to Frankfurt and they made me sign the copy. The birth certificate and the police record you also take to the interview, no need to already send it in. Then put all the forms (DS-230, DS-156, DS-156 (K) and DS157) plus the other needed docmentes like copy of passport and pictures etc. in an envelope and send it off to Frankfurt. The affidavit of support I134 is not needed until the interview either.
EvelineFemaleGermany2007-01-05 09:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow fast Frankfurt mailed you the visa?
I had mine after two weeks but I had my medical the day before the interview so that delayed it a little bit.
EvelineFemaleGermany2007-05-22 11:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOF-230I
Are you sure it's the OF230I and not the DS230I Biographic Data?

Here's a link to the DS230 I. Only Part I is necessary for K1-applicants.

Edited by Eveline, 13 February 2007 - 09:06 AM.

EvelineFemaleGermany2007-02-13 09:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIf I am the US citizen, do I need to have the interview like my wifey?!?
QUOTE (mrs @ Jul 11 2008, 12:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Brad and Vika @ Jul 11 2008, 01:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mrs @ Jul 11 2008, 01:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
blink.gif Silly Question! I would like to ask if I am the citizen in the US, do I need to attend an individual interview after filing the K1 form?!?! Thanks a lot!

You don't have to go to the interview, but the concensus here on VJ is that it probably helps. Good Luck!!

Thanks a lot, so there is the interview ONLY for my fiancee in Hong Kong?!?!? Just want to double confirm!!!! cool.gif

Yes. She is the one who receives the visa so she's the one to be interviewed. You can join her if you want but it is not mandatory.
EvelineFemaleGermany2008-07-11 00:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionReceived K1 Visa today - Got a question though
Must be a German thing. Mine was cut open too.
EvelineFemaleGermany2009-06-27 11:23:00
CanadaBaby's Citizenship
The baby will be American and Canadien citizen either way. Our baby will be German/American. It doesn't matter where the baby is born but the nationality of its parents.
EvelineFemaleGermany2006-11-07 15:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionquestion
QUOTE (Chrissy25 @ Mar 10 2008, 02:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
my removal of conditions package is ready to mail, my greencard expires on april 12th, due to a couple of financial issues we have to wait till the very end of march to mail it, we will send it priority mail and it should be there before my greencard expires, this will be ok won't it, it shouldent pose any problems? input would be great thanks

As long as the forms make it there before April 12th, you will be fine. Good luck and hopefully they won't let you wait for too long.
EvelineFemaleGermany2008-03-10 13:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOk what gives with this I-751????
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Apr 7 2008, 10:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It seems that no one who filed in Texas from mid-February on has received any type of documentation - either an NOA or the biometrics letter. My cheque was cashed March 10. Last week I called USCIS and was able to get the number that is trackable. The I-751 changes to a CR-189 and a new number is assigned at that time. This number is trackable. My on-line status report says that they sent me a receipt on March 11 but they obviously have not. I haven't received anything nor has anyone who has filed at TSC. Please join us by using the link and adding your name to the list of us 'waiting' for TSC to start doing their job.

I received my bio appointment letter yesterday but no NOA1 extension letter. They have two more months to get it to me or I will infopass.
EvelineFemaleGermany2008-04-08 03:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 TSC no NOA1
SAme here. SEnt everything to Mesquite, didn't get a NOA but the invitation for fingerprints. Checked my case online and it states that a notice of transfer was sent. Oh well, as long as I have SOMETHING from them in my hands I don't care what it is. In the end, all that counts is the approval and eventually the new gc.
EvelineFemaleGermany2008-04-07 16:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Fee?
The total is 545.00, it also states that in the instructions. Make the check out to Department of Homeland security. Good luck
EvelineFemaleGermany2008-04-09 11:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCopy of Passport not nescessary?
Correct. A copy of your GC is enough.
EvelineFemaleGermany2008-04-12 23:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSSN card change question
QUOTE (hello28 @ Apr 15 2008, 08:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
HI. I just filed 3 months before my wife's conditional residency expires... so I sent in my i-751 to remove conditional status. I just noticed that on her SSN card it says....


I emailed someone before about this, but wanted to make sure that we can get that notation taken off her SSN card. Also, what docs do we need and how difficult is it to have it taken off the SSN card and if it's possible. Can we do this BEFORE her 2 yr green card expires or should we wait until we get the extension letter? thanks in advance!

It doesn't necessarily need to be taken off. All you need is to show the valid greencard, either at the SS office or to her future boss. The greencard is DHS authorization.
EvelineFemaleGermany2008-04-15 21:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHelp on 1-751
I don't have children from previous relationships, only one child with my husband (USC). I did include our son, put "US CITIZEN" in the box, copied the birth certificate and sent it off with all the other stuff. I don't think they gonna get all hung up on that. If they do, they should really explain that part a little better cause then - according to the paperwork - I don't have any children (since my son didn't immigrate with me and eggs don't count, right?)
EvelineFemaleGermany2008-05-03 05:50:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionlast minute I-751
I didn't use any clips, binders, tabs etc. Just a cover letter and everything that belongs together I stapled together.
EvelineFemaleGermany2008-05-15 20:16:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNOA received from TSC
QUOTE (ella_kirk @ Jun 5 2008, 07:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Visa Journey,

I just got an NOA from TSC regarding my 1-751 Application sent to them last May 28th.

Hopefully, it won't take long for me to get my Biometrics Appt.

So maybe TSC is not asleep after all.?

Still waiting for my NOA (package sent out in mid March). They are still sleeping.
EvelineFemaleGermany2008-06-06 10:24:00