PhilippinesIs it time to pack my things? CEAC Status - ISSUED

congrats po! hope before this day will end i'll receive good news...

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-15 20:07:00
PhilippinesAnyone here still waiting for visa issuance after approval?

that was helpful. are you given a whitepaper or a 221g after the interview? or you got an email saying you are under 221g Ap?

yes, i was given a whitepaper after interview explaining that they still have to wait for my medical results to be submitted directly by SLEC... no other documents needed... i inquired from SLEC... they sent me an email saying they already submitted my results even before my interview.. in fact 3 days before my interview... and it was clear to me when the consul said that i just have to wait for my passport with visa stamp within 7-10 days.. but to my frustration it didn't happen... called USEM yesterday and the agent told me... the medical result has no relation to why im still on AP.. asked them what are the reasons, the agent refused to tell me.. and advised me to just wait.. asked until when, she answered me.. no definite date..


lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-23 06:04:00
PhilippinesAnyone here still waiting for visa issuance after approval?

Crazy. That was more than a month already. What actions you did? Did your fiance appeals about it and call them?


my husband called USEM twice already... and agents just told him that my case is under AP and they cannot give any other information... and they advised him to just wait... agents didn't even mention the 60 days time period stated on their website... this is like a guessing and waiting game...

i found this info...


this might help us a little bit to understand AP


? What is Administrative Processing? AP is also called Additional Administrative Processing and is when the applicant is being checked more closely. It can be for security checks which encompass fingerprints and/or name checks or for document verification.

? When does Administrative Processing Happen? AP can happen at any time during your processing. It can happen at a service center, at the NVC level, or at the embassy level. It mainly is discussed here in the forums at the embassy level.

? Who can get Administrative Processing and Why? AP usually affects men and women from certain countries but anyone can get AP. Persons coming from T countries (Terrorist Countries) seem to have more security checks and have to endure AP at the embassy level after their interview. Common names, your nationality, religion, education, relationship of applicant, travels and job can all be factors for AP. Having incomplete or missing documents will also cause a case to be put in AP. In some cases if the embassy does not believe in the validity of the relationship they can investigate it further with a field investigation.

? What are the T-Countries? Although it is classified, the list of countries reportedly affected by these restrictions includes, but is not limited to, Afghanistan,
Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Djibouti, Egypt,
Eritrea, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya,
Malaysia, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia,
Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates,
and Yemen. This list is complied from an attorney and the list of T-countries can change at any time.

? Can I check the status of my case? The embassy will not in many cases respond to emails until a certain amount of time has elapsed. The best bet is to contact Department of State aka: DOS and ask them for an update bi-weekly. They will not be able to give you details but they can tell you if the case is still pending in AP or cleared.

? DOS information: DOS can be contacted Monday through Friday during business hours. You must have all information concerning your case with you so that they can assist you.
Department of State?s visa Information phone number: 202-663-1225

? Can I expedite this process? The simple answer is NO. No one can expedite the checks since they are considered a matter of National security. An elected official can only make a congressional inquiry on your behalf. They cannot get the checks finished any faster.

? Does AP have any time frame for completion? NO AP can last anywhere from days, weeks, months and in a few cases years.

Anyone that happens to be given a 221(g) or Administrative Processing letter must be patient and let them do their work. Do not call constantly and ask about your case. Remember each time your case is moved it can then end up at the bottom of the stack and your time can be extended. Each case is different so you cannot judge your case by any other and each consulate/embassy may have a different average time for completion of AP.

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-23 05:42:00
PhilippinesAnyone here still waiting for visa issuance after approval?

Hi its been a month since your inteview. Are u the one who got 221g bcoz of your late medical?


yes it was about my medical but that was not actually late... SLEC submitted my results 3 days before my interview.. and the last agent ive talked to, im on AP but not because of the medical results... and for what reason, they said they are not allowed to say anything...

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-23 05:17:00
PhilippinesAnyone here still waiting for visa issuance after approval?


Her interview was on Aug 7.

mine was July 11... oh my... i want this AP to be over.. :/

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-23 05:04:00
PhilippinesAnyone here still waiting for visa issuance after approval?


No change. CEAC still untouched since aug13 (ready and AP), call to embassy resulted in "still processing"


hello. how many days you've been waiting already?

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-22 07:49:00
PhilippinesAnyone here still waiting for visa issuance after approval?

still hoping for a change today... can't wait for this wait to be over...

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-22 01:42:00
PhilippinesAnyone here still waiting for visa issuance after approval?

USEM is working on visa cases... noticed some changes in status of others... hoping for good update on my status today... 42 days now of waiting!

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-22 00:21:00
PhilippinesAnyone here still waiting for visa issuance after approval?

In my case my fiancee was given 221(g) for another NBI with AKA and awaiting HK Police Clearance.  NBI with AKA was submitted 8/7/13, hence a ceac update status on 8/8/13.  Called HK and found out that Clearance was mailed 7/30/13 and arrived Phils. 8/2/13.  I was given tracking # for the document. Last Friday 8/16/13 I spoke to an embassy personnel and was informed that they are still waiting for the HK Clearance?!!??. So I sent an email asking for an update status with all pertinent information for the HK Clearance.  Weekend passed by and now typhoon closure and the holiday (8/19-21/13).  So there was no one to actually do the checking.  Ho-hum, grrr!, just in the waiting mode.  Not a whole lot we can really do.  Just to think that folks in Metro Manila is hard hit with all these floods.  Let's just pray for their safety and well-being.


it's frustrating to know that there will be more delays... USEM will resume its operation on thursday... 39 days of waiting! next week there will be another holiday... I hope they will work on weekends also...

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-19 18:53:00
PhilippinesAnyone here still waiting for visa issuance after approval?

Can i ask what was the reason that the applicant undergo on a administrative processing for a long time? 


in my case, they gave me a letter saying that they will issue my visa after they receive my medical results from SLEC. i found out they already have it even before my interview but i think they havent reviewed it.. called them and they've confirmed they already have it.. but until now... still at AP.. hubby asked them if there are other reasons.. agent answered she cant give any information... to preserve the confidentiality of the process...

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-16 23:49:00
PhilippinesAnyone here still waiting for visa issuance after approval?


I'm sorry, I was hoping we have the same AP message.  Have you tried calling USEM? Some of the VJ's called to understand what's going on with their visa status.


I received the below AP message yesterday.


Your visa case is currently undergoing necessary administrative processing. This processing can take several weeks. Please follow any instructions provided by the Consular Officer at the time of your interview. If further information is needed, you will be contacted. If your visa application is approved after administrative processing, your passport will be delivered by our contracted courier to the address you specified when you booked your interview.


the last person ive talked in USEM told me they will wait for my medical results from SLEC.. but they already have it before my interview... i called SLEC for confirmation and told me they already submitted my medical results to USEM.. we called USEM and they refused to tell us the reasons for the delay... and also they said no required documents..

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-15 18:04:00
PhilippinesAnyone here still waiting for visa issuance after approval?

Hi, I just got out of 2GO Mall of Asia branch and picked up my visa. Any news on your end?


still at AP last updated aug 13... before, they always update the date...


May I ask what is the AP full message? 


it says "Your case is under administrative processing. Please see the letter you received at your interview for more information. If you are required to submit additional documents, please submit them to the U.S. Embassy via any branch of 2GO courier service (Attn: Immigrant Visa Unit) together with a copy of the letter.

If further information/review is needed, you will be notified once we have completed our review of your case.

Consular officers need to be reasonably satisfied that all issues have been addressed before a final determination is made regarding visa issuance."


lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-15 07:58:00
PhilippinesAnyone here still waiting for visa issuance after approval?

I was approved on the 30th of July. It was on Ready status in CEAC for 9 working days (13 calendar days to be exact) from the date I was approved. I religiously check the status of my visa every friggin day and today it was changed to AP. This sucks. They've never given me any 221g form. It's just frustrating to wait for the visa when you know you're a stone's throw away to being with your significant other. My fiance is itching to book a flight to be with him on the end of the month (Aug 30) but we can't do anything yet unless we have that friggin visa. Ugh. 


do you have any update on your visa? mine is still at AP...

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-15 07:21:00
PhilippinesAnyone here still waiting for visa issuance after approval?

Hello? Just want to ask if there is someone here waiting for their visa to be issued after being approved during the interview? I was given a 221(g) letter with a check marked on the medical results option, with direct submission remark. SLEC has confirmed that they already submitted my results 3 days before my interview. It's been 32 days now of waiting since interview.


Anyone who has the same experience? what did you do?

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-12 01:01:00

Thank you, I hope it sooooooooo soooooooooonnn, after lllllllllllooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnngg delays..idea9dv.gif dancin5hr.gif


how many days youve been waiting? in my case almost 2 months... hoping for your reply to get some hope..

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-31 22:51:00
PhilippinesHappy 2nd Anniversary to our Cr-1/Ir-1 visa process and still stuck on AP..

2 years? are you done with your interview already? in my case, im close to 3 months since interview.. still under AP.. :'(

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-09-24 00:50:00
PhilippinesAnyone here who has been on AP for over a month but issued already?

When was your interview ? Are you and your husband both Filipinos ? Did you work or live abroad ? DOS told me that my case never went to them.


July 11.. no, he's ecuadorian but US citizen already... didnt live or work abroad.. im planning to call DOS too...

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-09-29 09:35:00
PhilippinesAnyone here who has been on AP for over a month but issued already?

Hi are you still in AP ? Do you know of any red flags why they put you in AP ? Did you ever call the embassy about your case ? I was interviewed in Manila last July 18, 2013 and still in AP until now.


i'm still on AP. i wonder who's working now on our case. is it USEM here in our country or DOS in US. during my interview, consul said i was approved. tried to contact but they dont tell us the reasons.

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-09-26 08:14:00
PhilippinesAnyone here who has been on AP for over a month but issued already?


Most don't have to do two interviews, even with AP, only if the embassy is seriously "seeing" fraud issues do they pull someone back in for another interview.   I read with some countries the embassy get a lot nastier than USEM right out of the gate.


oh USEM be good to me... husband is sick... he badly needs me...

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-09-04 06:48:00
PhilippinesAnyone here who has been on AP for over a month but issued already?



We had a first interview on July 8th (2013), second interview on July 22nd (they seemed to find it odd that a US man with a Ph.D. would want to marry a Filipina who never went to college), and then administrative processing until last week.  The visa was finally listed as issued on Aug 29th, coincidentally 4 days after I got a senator to send in a query about the reason for the delay in approving the visa.


i was interviewed July 11, so i hope they are now working on our case. do you think it really helped when your senator send an inquiry to them?

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-09-03 02:03:00
PhilippinesAnyone here who has been on AP for over a month but issued already?

Hello? Just wondering if there's someone here who has been on AP for more than a month and then already received his/her visa?

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-09-01 22:53:00
PhilippinesSealed envelope from medical

hello guys? just want to ask. my interview is on July 11. I kinda need help on when I should do my medical exam? my husband want me to do it on July 4 coz he's thinking it will save us money if i'll stay manila from my medical exam till the interview day (coz im from tacloban, far from manila). But i am thinking do you think that is so close? the medical results, can i get it in one day or st lukes has to send it to my home address? help please.

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-06-07 21:35:00
PhilippinesGot a HIT on NBI CLEARANCE
same here... they let me return last feb 22 but when i get there my NBI clearance is still not available... they wanted me to call them before i'd go back to their office... called them yesterday, still my clearance is not yet available... just good thing i don't need it now...
lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-02-25 20:31:00
Philippinesmedical validity


The embassy will inform you to re-do your medical. They will not issue your visa unless you will do the medical again..


i was thinking the same.. i was just really curious why they changed the status to ISSUED and not sent me an email to re-do my exam... havent received any instruction also.. but anyway, i'll call them later.. :)

lemajecaMalePhilippines2014-02-06 23:16:00
Philippinesmedical validity

hahah yeah... we've waited 7 months... first few months were not easy.. so stressful... waiting and not knowing any reason why visa hasnt been issued yet... during interview consul said clearly that my visa is approved... but yes, my ceac stat was admin processing for 7 months until yesterday it changed to Issued.. been informing them that my medical has expired already and was told to wait for an email informing me to retake the med but havent got any.. i was thinking they shouldnt change the status to issued unless im done with my medical... i'll call USEM later bout this matter... but praying they wont ask me to repeat my medical...

Yeah, AP is the only logical reason for such a delay. But a CEAC "Issued" status after 7 months, without USEM contacting her? Or her contacting them. Hhhhmmmm ... Some people can still be this patient, I guess. 


the last time my husband contacted the USEM was last week... and i called them before to inform them that my medical has expired already... lol i was stressfuly patient... :))

It is very possible there had a full blown Administrative Processing... as in some issues to be resolved.


might be... called them for a lot of times already but i always get the same response from them... admin processing and just wait... but really happy that finally i am close at being with my husband... waited so long...

I assume that her/his case was on A/P. The reason for the delay. smile.png


you are right po, but for the exact reason... they don't say anything...

lemajecaMalePhilippines2014-02-06 23:14:00
Philippinesmedical validity


The 6 month-thing is prior to interview, sis. And for CR-1s, your AOS is also adjusted prior to interview.


I checked your timeline and you were interviewed last July, yes? But you haven't received your visa yet?


yes sis i was interviewed last July 11.. havent received my visa yet and just tonight i checked my status and it says ISSUED already... so does this mean no need to repeat my medical exam?


may you please explain about AOS is adjusted prior to interview? thank you for the reply po.

Edited by lemajeca, 06 February 2014 - 11:11 AM.

lemajecaMalePhilippines2014-02-06 11:08:00
Philippinesmedical validity

hello. is it possible for US Embassy Manila to issue my visa even if my medical has expired already? took my medical exam last July 4, 2013 so it has been 7 months already. i was interviewed last July 11, 2013... just checked my status and it says issued. i am really hoping they will no longer ask me to repeat my medical exam. im on CR1 visa... hoping for your response.

Edited by lemajeca, 06 February 2014 - 11:04 AM.

lemajecaMalePhilippines2014-02-06 10:58:00
PhilippinesAdministrative processing delay time after interview for K1

Looks like the employee handling our case ate their wheaties today, finally all issued.


when was your interview?

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-31 22:59:00
PhilippinesAdministrative processing delay time after interview for K1

Did you had your medical a week before the interview? Or earlier?


my interview was July 11.. then my medical was July 4.. and SLEC submitted my results July 8..

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-10 01:44:00
PhilippinesAdministrative processing delay time after interview for K1


That seems too long.  What did you have to return to satisfy the 221(g)?


221(g) for the reason that they havent checked my medical results during the interview.. but when i contacted SLEC.. they already submitted it 3 days before my interview.. i actually dont understand why it's taking too long for them to review my case.. called them to ask what's the reason, the agent just told me they are not allowed to give any information regarding the process..

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-10 00:28:00
PhilippinesAdministrative processing delay time after interview for K1

AP here for 29 days now... received 221(g) letter coz of medical results which was already there 3 days before my interview.. truly sucks!

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-08 23:45:00
PhilippinesNBI clearance

hi...pano sa case ko? i got married last July, 2012. never ko pa ginamit surname ng husband ko...lahat ng documents and id's ko nasa maiden name ko pa rin including passport,
need ko ba include yung married name ko sa pagkuha ng NBI clearance? kukuha plang ako pra mai-ready for interview...tnx...God bless!

we are on the same boat. dapat nung una ko pa prinocess yung pagkuha ng ID na gamit ung married name ko.
lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-02-07 08:12:00
PhilippinesSt. Luke’s Medical Exam Walkthrough

This all about the culture results for my Parents due today June 21 and it says in the paper to call June 27 for the results. They called a week ago(week 7) to follow up but they were told it wasn't available yet and to call back on June 20-21 results may already be in. So when my Mom called SLEC yesterday, she was told that the result is already available for her but not for my dad yet and will probably be in on the next day. Was told again to call back the following week that will be on June 27. Since my mom has been calling them almost everyday, she was given a hint by slec.. told her: " Kung malapit na sa due date na wala pang result or hindi pa kayo natatawagan namin, there's a big chance na negative a result." which I understand naman coz they cannot provide the results over the phone. My parents just wanted to know when will be the immunization coz they want that date close to their interview since they have to travel by plane and mom has to work pa eh. The guy from slec then told her, they can call on JUne 25th, and may have their shots on the 26th and interview rescheduled on the 27th. Well, I just hope the results are negative even the hints were clear.


so it actually means na it will not take more than 2 months to get the result for the sputum?

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-06-24 07:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports7 months and 4 days waiting for noa2
8 months and 2 days of waiting... still praying and hoping... :crying:
lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-02-27 18:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsapproved or denied

YAY! Tacloban?

nope... sent a PM... :luv:

YAY! Tacloban?

nope... sent a PM... :luv:
lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-03-07 03:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsapproved or denied

Yes, proud to be waray :-). I am from E. Samar. You?

hello.. :yes: . I am from Leyte.
lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-03-07 03:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsapproved or denied

Yes its an affidavit with your information on it and saying all the information you told them is true and correct, you raised your right hand and sworn. After I signed the affidavit i asked for a copy and asked them if i am denied. The good thing is that the one who interrogated me is from my hometown (but we dont know personally, he just mentioned after a long interrogation and we talked in our regional language(waray). After i sworn and signed the affidavit i asked him and the white american (i think he is the head of fraud department) if i am denied, they laughed together and told me, you can go home now and we will contact you 1-2 weeks. Girl, i tell you i was so deppressed while on my way home and cried so much when i reached home. But my fiance check my visa status and He told me to cheer up because my visa was ISSUED!

you mentioned you are waray... i wonder where you from? I'm waray too...
lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-03-05 06:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOMG! Now THIS! Administrative Processing?


It's been in AP for 2 weeks now.  i had to fly back home yesterday and get back to work...couldn't wait any longer.  was hoping to be able to fly back together and be with her through the POE process.


been waiting for 35 days now... my husband called USEM and the asked about the reasons for long wait... but apparently the agent said she's not allowed to give information about the process to preserve the confidentiality of the process... it's frustrating... there's nothing else we can do but to wait for the process to be over... :/

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-13 21:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAdministrative Processing

Hi missypatrick14,


This AP thing has me really puzzled. I'd never heard of it until earlier this year. My In-Laws were put on AP and a cousin's mom as well and took them 4 and 5 months respectively to receive their visas. This was in the Dominican Republic. Not to say yours will take that long, I truly hope not as this very frustrating and don't wish anyone to have to go through this nonesense. I know, their cases and yours fall under totally different categories, but that AP bs can take up to 60 days or more no matter the case. Many do not take that long, but is good to be aware.

Here is the link:



Here is an excerpt from the link:


"Most administrative processing is resolved within 60 days of the visa interview. When administrative processing is required, the timing will vary based on individual circumstances of each case."


The worst part about this is that everytime you call, the answer is the same, they do not provide details as to why it is in AP.


Just try your best to stay possitive it will come soon, as patience is probably the only option available for those in AP. If everything went well in the interview, you should be good.


Do not forget to call them and email them at least every week.


the Visa Services, Public Inquiries Division at (202) 663-1225. Important Notice: Effective Monday, September 9, 2013 at 8:30 a.m., the new telephone number for the Public Inquiries Division will be (202) 485-7600.


NVC: 603-334-0700 (7:00 am EST to 12:00 pm EST) or e-mail: NVCINQUIRY@state.go


Take care, best of luck.





i'm wondering, that 60 days, would that be business or working days? coz if yes, then it will take 3 months...



lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-23 05:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAdministrative Processing

Good evening all!


Just to get an idea of how long others have waited,how long were any of you in "Administrative Processing" for before you had your visa sent back to you? I have been in this process for a  while (3 weeks) ,just interested to know how long others have waited? 


Thank you smile.png


43 days as of today... i know some who are waiting for 99 days already and 64 days... But our consular is here in Philippines... :/

lemajecaMalePhilippines2013-08-23 04:57:00