CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
The key is to use the font "Courier New". Then everything lines up like it should!

User ............... P3 Logged ..... Days Since ....... Interview Date!!!
mandaNchris ........ April 16th .... 62 days .......... Aug 10th
Rose416 ............ April 16th? ... 62 days .......... Aug 3rd
Vero and Chris ..... April 26th .... 56 days .......... Aug 9th
J & J .............. April 27th .... 54 days .......... Aug 9th
Pasht .............. April 30th .... 52 days
Wishing ............ May 4th ....... 43 days .......... Aug 16th
Alaba .............. May 6th ....... 45 days .......... Aug 11th
netguy ............. May 10th ...... 42 days
Ken and Kate ....... May 11th ...... 43 days
Valerie78 .......... May 17th ...... 35 days
nickbits ........... May 17th? ..... 35 days .......... Aug 12th
Brenda2010 ......... May 19th ...... 33 days

Edited by lilacvioletiris, 21 June 2010 - 01:57 PM.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-21 13:56:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Just goes to prove that Montreal is totally not linear. Hopefully all of you will have Aug. interviews since nickbits has his.

User ............... P3 Logged ..... Days Since ....... Interview Date!!!
mandaNchris ........ April 16th .... 66 days .......... Aug 10th
Rose416 ............ April 16th? ... 66 days .......... Aug 3rd
Vero and Chris ..... April 26th .... 55 days
J & J .............. April 27th .... 54 days .......... Aug 9th
Pasht .............. April 30th .... 51 days
Wishing ............ May 4th ....... 47 days .......... Aug 16th
Alaba .............. May 6th ....... 45 days
netguy ............. May 10th ...... 41 days
Ken and Kate ....... May 11th ...... 40 days
Valerie78 .......... May 17th ...... 34 days
nickbits ........... May 17th? ..... 34 days .......... Aug 12th
Brenda2010 ......... May 19th ...... 32 days
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-21 08:49:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Yea, same thing happened to me too, We had checked the previous day, nothing, then someone posted at like 4:55 on a friday that dates were released, it SUCKED waiting, Im sure she has one though (Even if she doesnt know what it is) :)

It seems that setting dates happens very late on a Friday. I was the one who posted at 4:41 p.m. on the Friday back in March for May interviews. I had a dial up internet connect at my fiance's that weekend.

I am so glad to see that dates are finally being passed out for you guys! Hopefully by tomorrow afternoon there will be more dates at the end of the dots! I still can't believe that they totally skipped July. I wonder if someone will get a July date tomorrow or if it will just be August dates? Have fun calling DOS!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-20 20:48:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Yes, it actually took them almost the full 2 weeks after the interview to send it, I dont think May 24 and Memorial day holidays helped that any since the consular folks get both Canadian and US holidays off.
Im planning to POE June 30, my fiancee will be here on the 24th, we are going to finish cleaning and final packing of my place, load my stuff at Upack, dump whatever I cant take due to space requirements then if everything is clean, head out to drive to Santa Maria, CA. Im thinking on making my POE at Sarnia/BlueWater Bridge, no idea if its a good/bad place to POE or not yet though.

My fiance' is planning to POE on June 29 or 30 at Sarnia/Port Huron. From some reviews I have read it is a pretty good place to POE. A few people missed getting their I-94 entry/exit record so you must want to make sure you get yours but pretty painless other than that.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-13 05:24:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Thanks nickbits!
I just don't want the guy to say you're not allowed to travel to the US while waiting for a K-1 visa, because I know it's not true... So I just wanted to know which department could actually confirm that...

But thanks for the reassurance!

My fiance' and I went back and forth to Canada about once a month each. He (the Canadian) was never asked for any "proof" of ties to Canada and he always said the truth i.e. I am going to visit my fiance' for the weekend. It is still up to the border guard though. Don't take more than would be necessary for whatever length of time you plan to go and don't move anything in expectation of getting your visa.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-12 13:51:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

I know the wait sucks, Ive been there too, but its likely you are causing yourself even more stress by building yourself up and calling every day. Its like watching a toaster or a pot of water boiling, your perception slows down and it seems to take forever!
Id suggest checking no more than 2x a week if I thought you would heed the advice, focus on other things for a bit, and it will all come together for you :)

I forced myself when I was waiting to only call once a week. Otherwise it was just to stressful.

Then there is the wait for Montreal to put the xpresspost envelope in the mail. Man that totally screwed me up for 8 days knowing that my fiance' was approved but he still didn't have his documents back! I was on pins and needles waiting for the tracking number to finally be put in the system. Then it was delivered within 36 hours of being posted. It was a crazy wait. I am praying that you guys will hear some news at least for some of you this week, maybe even today. I was thinking that the machine readable visa fee "update" was what was holding up the interview dates, but that date has passed so I am sure Montreal will be on it soon for July dates. Don't be surprised when someone with a date in May of being logged gets an interview date earlier in July. I seemed like the person assigning interview dates when in reverse order of date logged (going down the accumulated pile perhaps) for those of us logged in February and March. March people got earlier May dates and February people got later May dates. Remember nothing is first in, first out with Montreal.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-08 12:12:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

I got my Visa in hand!!! Wow that was so fast, 2 days after my interview! I don't think i've ever seen that before... !
The 4th of June theory is a good one, i really think you all should call by friday 4:50pm est time, you might be lucky this week :) I really hope to hear some good news soon!!!

Wow, congratulations. That is so quick!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-03 12:26:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

If as a rule the consulate needs to give 4 weeks notice for interviews, then we need to have dates on Friday the 4th for any interview dates on the first week of July.

I think I remember someone saying that back in Oct. 2009/ Nov. 2009 some people got as little as 2 weeks notice for their interview, so do not despair. It is only June 2. I have a feeling that the magic "June 4 fee increase" might have more to do with the lack of interview dates than anything else.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-02 10:10:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Thanks lilacvioletiris! I feel better now! :whistle:

And I called today and no interview date yet. :crying:

Gosh, I don't know about you guys, but the morale is getting low! We just have to keep hoping that tomorrow or next week brings the most anticipated news! Everyday when we wake up, we're one day closer to being done! :dance:

Alright, have a good evening ya'll!

The CR1/IR-1 folks are getting dates for July today. Maybe tomorrow holds promise. Heads up, the dates are coming.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-27 20:23:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

- Letter from employer
- Tax transcripts for 2009,08,07 (should I get his W2s as weel?)
- Letter from his banks, one for his checking account, one from his savings account
- Last statement from his two savings account

- Last 6 weeks of pay stubs
- Letter from employer
- Tax transcripts for 2009,08,07 (here again, should I get her W2s?)
- Letter from the bank
- Documents proving assets (I'll get her to put something about the house that she owns
with her husband)

Do you guys think this will be ok? And also, his mother his co-sponsoring us, so on the form, when they ask on behalf of whom are you filling this form, what should she put down? Petitioner's mother?

Gosh, I know this is a long post, but I'd be extremely happy if anyone could look over it and tell when what they think... I'm a little worried about this form to be honest!

Thanks guys!

I believe for the I-134 Affidavit of Support, the letter from the employer and letters from the bank should be sufficient but bring the pay stubs and tax transcripts anyway. When you adjust status after you are married, you will need the tax transcripts which already includes the W-2 information so you don't need that in addition.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-27 14:31:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

So in keeping with previous comments, June 4th seems to be of some significance.

So happy the fees went up, not! I'm just adding it to my 'immigration tab'...

They probably are redoing the form letters, unfortunately. So waiting until around June 4 to send out the "new visa fee increase" in the packet 4 letters does make a lot of "governmental sense". I keep coming over here expecting to see some interview dates assigned. I guess I will wait until the second week of June to see something. I am sorry you all have to wait.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-25 11:56:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

I called today and I was told my Fiance is eligible for an interview, however no interview date was set.

Seems like people in the past had the most luck after 4 p.m. on a Friday. Hope good news come soon.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-21 12:58:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

HA! Well how 'bout that! Didn't think about it that way! Makes a lot of sense! Thanks for popping in!

Yeah people! Let's knock on wood for tomorrow!!!

BTW: Do you guys think DOS / the embassy will be open on Monday?

Thanks AandB for the words of 'encouragement'! Gosh you must be excited as hell! 10 days to go!!!

I believe embassies close for all U.S. and country of location holidays so I think the Embassy in Montreal will be closed for Victoria Day and Memorial Day.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-20 10:37:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Today was the last May K-1 interview so maybe the person handling K-1's will have more time for processing the paperwork for you guys. Today or tomorrow has promise for interview dates.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-20 09:46:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Indeed...I have called every day this week, I'm a glutton for punishment :blink:
But on the other hand I feel like I keep on top of it daily haha :star: prediction is...I think interview dates will start rollin in tomorrow...if we have some late afternoon callers. At the latest, next week. This is really just going by the recent P3 logged in to interview times and AandB's experience...

Here's hopin for ya'all (& myself)!! :yes: :luv:

My prediction for interview dates is Wednesday, May 19. It seems like the last couple of months if a person called on the 3rd Friday of the month, the interview date had been assigned 2 days earlier (I only let myself call once a week, I couldn't bear, the "no interview date" mumbo jumbo from the operator). Soon, very soon, interview dates are coming!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-14 18:23:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Gosh, 36 days! That's basically a month!!! Awww, I'm so happy for you - and yes a little jalous! I can't believe it's almost over though, time doesn't go by quick enough! I SO hope for an interview before the 13th of July, that would mean I'd be home before the 26th is I receive the visa soon enough... I just don't want to miss the beach!
Oh well, there will be planty more summers though if worse comes to worse!
In the meanwhile, trying hard to stay positive! :whistle:

It took 8 days for Montreal to return my fiance's passport and "mysterious visa packet". He will open it tonight when he gets home. Now we can make moving plans for July 1, 2010. He needs to work in Canada as much as he can before moving here since we have to wait for the Employment Authorization Document to come during AOS.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-11 14:54:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview


I'm nearing NVC approval and I've started reading this thread because I'm wondering what to expect once our case goes to Montreal. From what people are saying, it sounds like it takes them some unpredictable amount of time to issue the interview date. What phone number do you call to check up on this? I'm familiar with the automated voice system for the NVC but is there a different one for the Montreal consulate?

It sounds from the ongoing discussion that they issue interview dates in "batches". How often does a batch get issued? How do you know when the batch has come out?


There is actually a thread specifically for IR1/CR1 folks here

It is a bit different than the K-1 visas interviews (that most the folks here are waiting for). The folks over at the other thread could probably give you better information for your situation.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-10 21:17:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Yeah i know a couple who went through that process, he guy did his POE maybe a month ago. I don't think they knew about that website!! It's totally crazy. I can't understand how u can go through that process without knowing/using VJ, it's impossible hehe.

I felt so sorry for the CR1 couple who was interviewing at Montreal on Monday, May 3, and they didn't have their xpresspost envelope. Having VJ around has helped decrease my stress by leaps and bounds. People obviously make it to America without VJ but I am glad I have VJ to reassure me that what I am going through is NORMAL.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-05 13:06:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Nope to logging of Packet 3 yet today. I'm getting impatient, even though its only been a week :bonk:

Just eager to get this all going I suppose, sigh.... :innocent:

It took 20 some days from when my fiance' mailed his packet 3 to when it was logged. Good luck waiting.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-04 12:56:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Hi guys I called Service Canada thismorning to inquire about the EI when we move down. The lady was so nice, she said we can definatly claim, as long as we file within 30 days of leaving our jobs, then continue to fill out the EI report every week even though we are not receiving payments as this will keep the file open. Then when the EAD comes they will start paying benefits from the date we moved to the USA, so you don't lose any weeks if you are entitled to the full 36 weeks they will give you 36 weeks. Also they can deposit it into a USA account.

Have a good day

This is most excellent news! So EI will pay from whenever my fiance' moves (I think there is some 2 week "waiting period") even if the EAD doesn't come for several weeks/months later, but they only start paying after the EAD is received? That is one of the best things I have read lately.

Edited by lilacvioletiris, 22 April 2010 - 06:27 AM.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-04-22 06:26:00
CanadaAnother Successful K-1 POE at Bluewater Bridge
I was talking with my fiance' today and he said the border guard gave him a sheet of paper that he would have to take to the office in Detroit with a certified copy of our marriage certificate to "activate the visa". The sheet of paper my fiance' has is just the address of the Local Field Office in Detroit.

My fiance' got the impression that AOS was totally different from what the border guard was telling him to do and that what the border guard was telling him to do was in addition to AOS. The border guard gave my fiance' a sheet of paper with the Local Field Office and acted like my fiance' already had "the list" of what needed to be done. Any ideas on what may have been the border officer was talking about?

I believe that AOS is next step after our marriage and getting the certified copy of the marriage certificate. Is there something else I am missing?
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-07-01 19:45:00
CanadaAnother Successful K-1 POE at Bluewater Bridge

As a future Michigander, I look forward to seeing more posts about all the post-visa stuff! :)

There are several Michiganders on here, I think there is even a thread especially for them (I will probably dig it up now that I am getting ready for AOS once I get married).

We went to the Clerk's office to get our marriage certificate and confirmed that we can come in person with the signed certificate to get our "certified marriage certificate" on the spot. Yeah! AOS faster than waiting to send it in!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-07-01 18:11:00
CanadaAnother Successful K-1 POE at Bluewater Bridge
I am just so glad he is home. He said that it took 30 minutes in side the secondary inspection before he was even called up, then it took another hour to do all the paperwork and import his car because as he put it, "the border guard was as slow as molasses!". They didn't go through his things in the car or anything, but he said lots of people were getting pulled into secondary inspection (probably because of the holidays coming up) so that slowed everything down.

Knowing that he is here and that his car was imported (I wasn't sure about that and when he didn't call 2 hours after telling me he was in Sarnia, I was sure that because his car isn't paid off from the bank in Canada that for some reason they had turned him back, but thankfully that wasn't the case, just terrible traffic and too many people getting inspected).

Today we are going to apply for our marriage license because in MI there is a 3 day waiting period so we need to get that taken care of before the July 4 holiday which is observed on July 5 for all the public offices and banks.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-07-01 08:15:00
CanadaAnother Successful K-1 POE at Bluewater Bridge
He has arrived! I am so glad! Now to unload his car and relax.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-30 19:13:00
CanadaAnother Successful K-1 POE at Bluewater Bridge
My fiance' just called to tell me he successful POE'd at Port Huron. He said his border guard was "slower than molasses" and that lots of people were getting pulled into secondary (probably because of the holidays coming up). Most of the wait was on the Canadian side just getting to the toll booths, so be prepared.

He got his I-94 and imported his car with no problems. More information to follow tomorrow once I can ask him more questions. He was so hungry he said " I could eat road kill." I suggested he find some other nutrition!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-30 16:44:00
CanadaHow do you pay duty on vehicle?
If you had to pay duty on the car, my fiance' said he was told he could pay via credit card.

He was also told if the VIN starts with 5, then your car is covered under the Free Trade Agreement so you wouldn't have to pay duty at all.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-07-02 08:51:00
CanadaHappy Canada Day!!!

ummm...I'm sure someone has answered this somewhere before...but what kind of cheese do you use for poutine? I'd love to make some. I'm sure I could muddle through.

I haven't done the butter tarts thing yet, I probably will for American Thanksgiving, (we'll be away for the Canadian one)but the Nanaimo Bars are always a hit around here!

*Funny how I never thought to make any for our BBQ tonight....:lol:*

To make poutine, you use cheese curds. If you cant find cheese curds, use extra old cheddar cheese, its a good subsitute. For the gravey, any gravey should be okay. You can purchase poutine gravey in canada but that isnt any help down here in the usa.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-07-02 15:06:00
CanadaVisa Production Time

So had my interview June 23, 2010 and passed. The CO told me it would take about 5 days to receive my visa. With the holidays in Quebec and yesterday that means today is day #5. No visa yet!!! I interviewed right after Cdnwife and she got her visa on tuesday but she was an IR-1, im a K1. So I called DOS to see what the hold up was and she said it hadn't been printed yet!!! its approved but not printed, good thing i didn't have my POE anytime soon. I am not POE'ing until July 30th,the lady was nice and said probably next week i should have it, lets hope!!! Just in case anyone else is planning their POE's don't assume it will be as fast as they say.

Our CO said it would take 2 weeks and we had it 8 days later. With the holidays, it will likely be next week. Like they tell you on the packet 3 paperwork, don't quit your job, sell your house or break your lease, etc, until the visa is in your hand because between the printing and the mailroom at the consulate, you just never know.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-07-02 11:00:00
CanadaForms Montreal Consulate requires before K1 Visa interview is set

Do you only need your birth certificate, or do you need the US Citizens birth certificate to bring to the interview as well?

The U.S. citizen's birth certificate (a copy at least) was mailed in with the original I-129F. The Canadian's LONG FORM birth certificate is necessary for the interview but you don't have to mail it in with the packet 3 list and the forms that it asks for. If it is on the checklist, you just need it for the interview.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-07-02 10:57:00
CanadaForms Montreal Consulate requires before K1 Visa interview is set

Can someone help clarify this for me. I received the package from Montreal indicating that before they can set an interview date they require the following forms:

DS-230 Part 1
DS-160 online
Receipt from DS-160

I have looked on Visa Journey's and have read conflicting information about only sending the DS-230 and the DS-160 and checklist and that the other forms the DS-156 and DS-156K and receipt from the DS-160 is required at interview but this is conflicting to what the package says. If someone could please help clarify I would really appreciate it.

My fiance' kept a copy of the checked off checklist that we received in February. Then sent the checklist back with the forms it requested. We took things like the birth certificate, police certificate, letter of intent, etc. with us to the interview (but did not mail them ahead of time) and we kept copies off all the forms we mailed them just in case one of them "got lost" in processing.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-27 20:24:00
CanadaK1 interview Approved MTL
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-24 05:52:00
CanadaCan't cash CDN check in US
I tried to cash a Canadian Check from my fiance'. They had to send it off for "special processing" and a month later I got the money deposited into my account. It was through a local credit union and thankfully they didn't charge us for processing it. Just took FOREVER!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-18 11:09:00
CanadaVisa from US Consuate in Montreal
It took my fiance a full 8 days (that included Saturday and Sunday) before he got his package in the mail. I wouldn't book a flight until you have the package in your hands. Too many things can go wrong with CanadaPost even after the package finally makes it out of the mailroom at the consulate.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-26 20:54:00
CanadaConcerned about Petitioner name changed on DH case

Maybe try sending an email to Montreal? Put something like 'Error in petitioner's name' in the subject line (and your case number, of course) and explain what happened in the body.

Trust Montreal. :rolleyes:

Took them 4 weeks to just log/enter my DS-230! :blink:

I would think that putting "Error in petitioner's name MTL# ##########" would get a better response than "urgent" because everyone that emails Montreal believes their issue to be urgent and you want yours to be read and dealt with because they can do so without opening the email and just reading the subject line.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-28 08:18:00
CanadaAm I Required to Activate My CR1 on a Visit?
My fiance' (now husband) didn't have his car paid off (his Canadian car loan) and he was still able to import it to the U.S. when he activated his K-1 visa.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-07-28 07:29:00
CanadaEvidence of Domicile

OK I won't worry about it... but I'll likely have him print something which states that married service members receive such and such benefits. Cause you know... I'm terrified :P

I just thought maybe something changed because my packet 3 has zero mention of the DS156. Thanks all!

When I went with my fiance' to the interview in Montreal in May, the Consulate Officer never asked for evidence of domicile stuff although I had printed out all sorts of things (utility bills, mortgage, etc.) Don't worry about it. Doesn't apply to K-1 visa.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-07-28 07:01:00
CanadaImporting Car from Canada to USA
My husband imported his 2007 Hyundai Sonata with little issues except it took a bit longer at the border but he is glad he imported while he was activating his K-1. Because his VIN number started with 5, his car is part of the "free trade agreement" and he didn't pay any taxes on importing it. Also note, he hasn't paid off his car (it still has a Canadian car loan against it) and he was still able to import it. He just got a letter from his Canadian bank saying they knew he was moving and would continue the car loan (he has 0 % interest on it and there is now way I, the U.S. citizen could get a better deal than that).
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-07-28 07:10:00
CanadaAT&T Nation with Canada Plan

AT&T homephone also has the unlimited calling plan for $5.99 a month. It was like I struck gold when I found that out one day. Right now Mathew is still in the mindset that he doesn't need a cellphone because he's never had one. He barely uses his blackberry, but I swear I will bring him over to the darkside. :devil:

My husband and I are looking into AT&T's home phone unlimited calling to Canada. But from what I read, I would have to have the unlimited U.S. long distance first (which I don't currently have) and it costs $25. My husband still doesn't want a cell phone either because he never really used one. I was just curious if you had the unlimited U.S. long distance or one of the other long distance plans from AT&T.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-07-30 11:09:00
CanadaPOEing soon...

Bring $6 (US) for your I-94. Other than that, relax, it's not really that hard. Just be patient and kind with the Officers.

My husband (then fiance') came through Port Huron on June 30 and he didn't pay the $6 for his I-94, but I would make sure you have $6 (US) just in case. He had an itemized list of the stuff in his car, but the border guard never touched the things in the car. Since my husband imported his car, the only thing the border guard did was check the VIN number (and since it started with a number 5 and is part of some "free trade agreement" my husband didn't pay any duty fees on the car either). There is a lot of road construction on the Sarnia side so plan on a couple hours just to get to the toll booths in Sarnia, then across the bridge into Port Huron. Do you have Nexus cards for both of you? You can use the NEXUS lane and just tell them you are activating your K-1 and need to go to secondary. My fiance' had called before his POE and was told he could use the NEXUS lane and he choose to do that (which saved time!).

Plan on spending at least an hour in secondary.

Edited by lilacvioletiris, 25 July 2010 - 09:21 AM.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-07-25 09:20:00
Canadaconfused? I-134 or I-864

In my packet 3 I was only asked for the DS-230 and DS-160... nothing else. The packet also says to fill out I-134 Affidavit of Support for the next packet/interview. No other forms. However someone who got a packet 3 just days before me was asked to fill out both DS-156/156K and DS-160. So maybe it depends on the couple?

I think some consulates are updating their forms. The DS-160 has the information repeated mostly from the DS156/156K. It seems that Montreal has updated their packet 3 letter, finally, to not be repetitive.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-07-30 11:23:00