CanadaWedding Details

You can see our wedding pics at Just scroll down a bit to the ceremony pictures

Wow it looks like you had so much fun!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-30 17:25:00
CanadaWedding Details
So is there anybody else getting married this summer/fall?

June 9, 2009 - SapphireDreams (Civil/Legal wedding)
July 7, 2009 - PopRocks (Beach/Legal wedding)
July 17, 2009 - July09Bride (Church/Legal wedding)
July 17, 2009 - Kristin & TorontoGuy (Civil/Legal wedding)
July 24, 2009- Hapycloud (Civil/Legal wedding)
July 28, 2009- Chadlaure (Civil/Legal wedding)
August 6, 2009 - HuggleBuggles (Ceremonial/Legal wedding)
September 5, 2009 - Chadlaure (Ceremonial wedding)
September 19 2009 - TimandJoyce (Ceremonial/Religious/Legal wedding)
October 10, 2009 - Minnew (Church/Legal wedding)
November 14, 2009 - Hapycloud (Church/Ceremonial wedding)
November 25, 2009 - Darkchilde (Legal Wedding)
December 31, 2009 - Peachey and Varba (Legal Wedding)

January 9, 2010 - Sam and Ben (Legal wedding)
January 20, 2010 - Ashenflowers (Beach/Legal wedding)
January 20, 2010 - Danu (Legal Wedding)
January 23, 2010 - Spoom/ScooterMac (Legal/Ceremonial Wedding)
January 27, 2010 - Rhiann (Legal/Ceremonial Wedding)
February 20, 2010 - CDAgirlMI(church/reception wedding)
April 29, 2010 - Arabella (Beach Wedding)
May 1, 2010 - Peachy (Ceremonial Wedding)
May 22, 2010 - Dan & Ali (Ceremonial wedding)
May 23, 2010 - corcor (ceremonial/legal wedding)

June 6, 2010 - Kristin & TorontoGuy (Ceremonial wedding)
June 19, 2010 - Starburst (Ceremonial Wedding)
June 22, 2010- Jennarationnext (Ceremonial wedding)
June 26, 2010- Kayla*Mathew (Ceremonial/legal wedding)
June 28, 2010 - Jay & Beverley & Bevie (legal wedding)

July 11, 2010 - Lilacvioletiris (church/legal wedding)

August 21, 2010 - Krikit's daughter (Church/Legal wedding)
August 28, 2010 - Supportgeek (legal wedding)

September 4, 2010 - JillA (Celebration wedding)
September 25, 2010 - SapphireDreams (Church wedding)

October 10, 2010 - Frenzyheart (Ceremonial wedding)



August 13, 2011 - darkchilde794+hunny (Ceremonial Wedding)

-Looks like Kristin & TorontoGuy's next!-

Edited by lilacvioletiris, 27 May 2010 - 04:17 PM.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-27 16:14:00
CanadaWedding Details
My wedding dress is now hanging in my living room waiting the 45 days until my wedding. Wow it is so pretty. I can't wait to wear it! Don't want my fiance' to see it so I will have to hold off on showing pictures just yet.

I also got my head band in the mail. The ribbon and pearls are perfect and none of the "metal" stuck in my head to make my headache.

How is everyone else's wedding planning going? I know there are a few in June and July now that people from March, April, and May have gotten their visas in hand and started to move. guess I will have to go back a few pages and find the list of weddings for the year.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-27 15:42:00
CanadaWedding Details

Pictures from the wedding!


Don't be overwhelmed, there's only like 800 of them.

It says "login failed" when I tried to view them.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-17 06:09:00
CanadaWedding Details
I received my sand ceremony vases engraved with my fiance's and mine (as will be after we are married) and one of our favorite sayings: Together Forever...Forever Perfect

I liked the idea of the sand pouring after seeing Arabella's wedding pictures. My fiance' and I are going to bring back a small amount of Ontario sand (decorative beach sand is admissible to the U.S. as long as it is in small amounts) and use sand from my home in Wisconsin to mix. Hopefully they are different enough colors.

Oh, and jelly beans! I bought blueberry and Sunkist Tangerine jelly beans to put in favors for my reception. They arrived today too! Yummy! Bought them off ebay for $20 less per pound than they sold them on the website.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-14 18:43:00
CanadaPutting my ducks in a row!

Okay guys and gals, we are HERE. It's t-minus 24 hours and counting and ... I'm the most calm I've been in weeks, amazingly enough. I want to run over everything once more -- maybe just to keep my sanity, and because I believe I do have everything now, LOL:

To get into the consulate:

My passport
Matthew's passport
Interview Letter

To give at the window:

Matthew's passport & copy of bio page
Birth certificate & copy
Police certificate & copy
My updated Letter of Intent
Affidavit of Support & Supporting Evidence
DS-160 Confirmation Page
Medical Envelope
XPressPost Mailer (12x15)
$131 USD

Thank you again, everyone, for all of your help!!!!

I think you also need 2 passport pictures in color 2x2. It was on the packet 3 list, I think. You can get them in a little booth in the consulate if you can't get them before hand (but you probably have them and just didn't say it here).
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-16 05:48:00
CanadaPutting my ducks in a row!

First off, I'd like to thank you all for being such a tremendous amount of help during our journey. The amount of questions you've answered for me, and the times where you've all re-assured me has been phenomenal. With that said, I ask for your help yet again.

We're leaving for Montreal on Friday, and I'd like some oversight to make sure I'm not forgetting anything!

Packet 4 (+ 1 copy)
Sealed Medical Exam (Do we need to bring the x-ray? I didn't think we had to, but you never know...)
Long form Birth Cert (+ 1 copy)
Police Cert (+ 1 copy)
Passport Photos x2
Passport (+ 1 color photocopy of bio page)
I-134 for me (+ 1 copy - no evidence going with this, as the only thing on there is my personal belongings :wacko: Can't express how much I'm REALLY hoping that job pans out once I get home...)
I-134 for my grandfather (+ 1 copy - Evidence: 2007/2008/2009 Tax forms, W-2s from employment/SSI/pension, Letter from Employer, Home Ownership Assessment)
Updated Letter of Intent (+ 1 copy) (Do I just have him do this, or do we both need to make new ones?)
Assortment of cards we've given each other, plus a few random photos that were originally sent, as well as the originals of documents sent with original submission packet.

And of course, the 12x15 Xpresspost mailer, which we'll be picking up Friday on the way out of town.

I was thinking of making a cover letter for all of the Affidavit of Support stuff, since there's a lot there - I'm a bit OCD with the organizing; not sure if this would be necessary/welcomed or not, lol.

Any other thoughts/suggestions/etc? Do I have it all, or am I missing something? I can't seem to find anything that I'm missing, but better to have more opinions than just my own!


Looks good! Just make sure to write down the tracking number from the Xpresspost mailer so you can track it. Ours just got put in the mail today a week after the interview!

They only took the letter of intent from the U.S. citizen. The people in Montreal didn't want the letter of intent from my fiance' since he signed something else (maybe it was the 156K) that said he would marry me within 90 days. You will do fine! I can't wait to hear you tell us that you heard the magic words!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-10 11:43:00
CanadaXpresspost Prepaid Envelope
Depending on where you live the Xpresspost envelope will probably get to you within one day of being accepted by the post office. Getting to the post office is totally up to the people in the Consulate and I think things sit in the mail room for awhile.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-15 16:56:00
CanadaMathew is on his way!
Congratulations! Hopefully he gets there right on schedule! :dance: :dance:
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-15 16:51:00
CanadaWe were...
Hopefully your fiance's visa will be in hand next week (although Monday is Victoria Day so I guess that will slow down the mail). When does your fiance' plan to move?
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-17 09:14:00
CanadaWe were...
I was so worried, when I saw the ... on your post. I am so glad you were approved! yeah!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-17 09:07:00
CanadaPacket 3 questions

Did you get the police check/certificate same day/while you waited?

My fiance' in Kingston, ON, got his police certificate while he waited and it was even before we got our NOA2 so I think each RCMP is different.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-05 13:02:00
CanadaPacket 3 questions

I noticed that some of you have been able to "log on"? Is this for the Montreal office to check your status or am I also drunk?


Unfortunately, it is not on a computer, but from calling the DOS to see if the DOS computer has been updated with your information "logged in". It requires a phone call and talking to a human to find out the information.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-05 09:42:00
CanadaPacket 3 questions

You guys are the BEST! What would i do without my fellow VJ-ers?? Thanks so much for your quick responses, I can sleep tonight now.

After reading your replies realised I had another blip in my reading comprehension - the mystery date was 7/27/2009 NOT 2010 - I guess a part of me wanted to believe it was my interview date. Time to have another drink I think! :)

Wishing - special shout out to you and best of luck with the financial stuff. We've gathered most of it already - paychecks, tax transcripts, employment letter - just need bank deposit statements. I think that's all we need, but given my fragile mental state lately who knows!! Night all, B

When my fiance' and I went for his interview on Monday, May 3, all the visa assistant wanted was the I-134 affidavit of support (with original signature), the list of bank deposits for the last year with date account was opened and current amount in accounts with bank officer signature, and letter from my employer with work start date, whether I was temporary or permanent, and my salary. They didn't want my tax transcripts or my paycheck stubs, although I had them with me (so I guess I will just use them for AOS in a couple of months once I am married). Goodluck on collecting your documents. I found that the most stressful. The interview is short, sweet, and to the point!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-05 05:48:00
CanadaIssues entering Canada with vehicle plated "In transit"?

Okay great! thanks for clarifying this for me! :)

Have you checked out ABF for moving your things instead? My fiance' found it was way cheaper than U-haul for even door to door moving (although we went with terminal to terminal since his terminal is about 5 minutes from his house and the terminal for me is about 20 minutes away and we could borrow some trucks on either end to get the stuff to the terminal. Just a thought, unless you really want to buy another vehicle for yourselves.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-24 12:00:00
CanadaPOE @ Sweet Grass, MT

After that, we went into the town of Sweet Grass and used the fax machine at a local customs brokerage (Derringer) to fax my stamped visa to ABF U-pack and our belongings were dispatched the next day :) We stayed in Helena, Montana that night and the next day we arrived in Salt Lake City! Our belongings arrived on the 19th which I was really pleased with, I'd definitely highly recommend UPack! Our stuff was in great condition, nothing was ruined and it wasn't even particularly dusty. All in all I'd give the Sweet Grass, MT POE a 5/5 and U-Pack a 5/5 as well ;)

Glad to hear the the U-Pack experience went well. My fiance' is using them as well. We will definitelly be faxing the information ASAP to get his stuff on its way once he activates his K-1.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-25 08:41:00
CanadaEvidence of Domicile for K-1 Visa?
Montreal didn't ask for any evidence of domicile for our K-1 interview. I gave my fiance' a copy of my mortgage and the last three months of utility bills just in case though.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-26 11:57:00
CanadaBorder guard used private info to woo women on Facebook
Wow, don't these people have real lives where they can meet people and ask, "Hey, what's your name and number?".
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-27 14:53:00
CanadaPhotos of the Consulate in Montreal
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-04-22 18:36:00
CanadaPhotos of the Consulate in Montreal
Wow 3 hours for lunch and then done at 3:30 p.m. each day. I want a job at a consulate. Thanks for bringing up the pictures. Never been to Montreal before and I am looking forward to a day soon when I can join my fiance' going down this street to getting his visa!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-01-26 19:16:00
CanadaChange my name or not??

Hey there folks, interesting thread.

I have a rather naive question to ask. :blush:

I got married in the state of Tennessee. After the marriage certificate was issued, I do not recall filling out any additional paperwork, nor do I have any paperwork in my possession to indicate a name change.

Now, here's the naivety... In talking to other people, I got under the impression that my maiden name was replaced by my husband's surname upon marriage. Is this true? I have relatives who, I do not think, ended up filing any paperwork but have since marriage used their husband's surname.

See the following for Common Law Rule (which now has me more confused)


I have been signing documents using my husband's surname - nothing major mind you.

Should I stop using this new signature and sign my maiden name?

As for all of those AOS papers I've been working on - should I use my maiden name?

Did anyone get hassled at their interviews for keeping their maiden name rather than switching?

I like my last name a lot (it is Italian). I dislike my first name for it is hyphenated and has caused me so much trouble. In fact, it seems my marriage certificate may be filled incorrectly despite my best efforts at talking very slow and explaining things as clearly as possible. I believe they've put my name as "BLAH- BLAH" - there should be no space after the hyphen and it seems like they put the second "BLAH" as a middle name rather than a continuation of my first name. Unfortunately, I need to renew my passport before I can pursue this, in case I need to fix my marriage certificate (which will require ID faxed). Passport will remain in maiden name as I have no documents of evidence to show surname change; marriage certificate is not primary evidence but may be requested.

What did you sign your marriage certificate with? With your new name (the last name of your new husband) or with your maiden name? I would think you should be signing all documents with whatever name you signed on your marriage certificate (changed or not, as the case may be).
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-26 11:45:00
CanadaChange my name or not??
I am looking forward to changing my name to the name of my fiance'! I don't want to be confused with my mother-in-law, but we won't see her very much anyway since she lives in Canada and we will live in the U.S.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-19 13:38:00
CanadaNew fees- ouch!

The higher consulate fees are really going to hurt because my fiancee has 3 three children coming with her also. The cost of this process (K1) for us just got higher by $876. I've been looking all morning but can't find an answer to my question. Did other fees go up as well? Specifically I'm wondering about the fees to adjust status once she's here and we are married. For us, any increase is multiplied times 4!!! We may end up broke after all of this but at least we'll finally be together!

The Machine Readable Visa fee for K-1 is going up to $350 on June 4. The other visa application fees (paid to the Department of Homeland Security) that were listed above I believe have not changed.

Check out the link for MRV fee increases and border crossing card fee increases.

I don't believe AOS fees have changed but $1010 is still a chunk of change. Fee for a child under 14 filing with a parent is $600. Check out this USCIS link for more information.

So I guess the age of the children involved will determine if you pay upto $4040 to adjust the status of your family (once they get here with 4 times $350 for the machine readable visa for K-1 and K-2).
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-01 14:38:00
CanadaCrossing the border without activating the visa?

(I'll cross my fingers and touch some wood just in case!!)

The phrase that would be better is "knock on wood" since you want good luck.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-03 12:52:00
CanadaCrossing the border without activating the visa?
I would suggest you call the point of entry you plan to use to "not activate" your K-1 visa. My fiance' did call Port Huron, MI where he usually enters. He was told he could enter with out activating his K-1 as long as he declared he wasn't going to activate it and DID NOT BRING the "Do NOT OPEN" envelope you get from the consulate. We actually decided that he would NOT come visit in the time between getting the visa in his passport and when he actually moves here since we didn't want something to get screwed up or have him denied at the border for some reason. We just didn't want the stress of the unknown.

But call the POE and talk to someone yourself to decide.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-02 10:06:00
CanadaApproved K-1 Visa
Sweet! I hope it gets to you tomorrow.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-02 14:07:00
CanadaApproved K-1 Visa
Congratulations! So glad all worked out for you! Moving in 2 weeks, eh! Have fun getting everything ready to move to America?

So when are you planning to get married?
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-01 14:29:00
CanadaImport car to the US

Ok... Here is my problem:

I received my compliance letter from my manufacturer... It says: The vehicule is compliant with all United States Federal Motor Vehicule Safety Standards (FMVSS), except regulation 208FMVSS, the vehicule is not equipped with a passenger side airbag.

so what i understand here, is that i have to call the NHTSA to know if my car can be elligible to import, and i might need to sign a contract with a DOT RI in the US to modify my car so it can meet the requirements. However.... Is it possible to add a passenger side airbag to a car that doesn't have one at all??? And my car might not be elligible at all for import?

Ok i know i can wait until tomorrow and call and everything but i'm getting really pissed right now, as my fiancé already bought his one-way flight to come here so we can move to Dallas with my car. AND, the women NEVER told me anything about that, and i called 4 times because i had problems getting the letter (the first one wasn't delivered, then there was a mistake in my name, etc..)

Does anyone know something that could help me and let me sleep in peace, or in kind of peace, tonight? :ranting:

I would suggest you call the location that will be your point of entry and talk to a person their about the import. I know Beth & John (another couple where the John came from Vancouver) had the wrong letter, but then subsequently found out that because there was no airbag in the car (because it predates the airbags existance) it cannot be imported. Do you know what land entry POE you are going to go through?
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-04 06:32:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Were you here when someone posted the video of places like Victorias secret and many other stores taking back USED underwear and putting them back on the rack right away?

Yeah, I think I saw that on when someone posted it here. That was the most disgusting thing. If the stuff gets sent to their "distributor" for resale in some knock off store, then maybe I will be avoiding the likes of TJ Maxx (although the one in my town is always dirty and clothes are everywhere, the Goodwill and Salvation Army are cleaner and more organized and at least there, I know the clothes have been worn before and plan accordingly).
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-31 17:50:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Kohl's allows one to bring back clothes that you have worn/washed/taken off the tags, at least thats what their commercial stated!! Never heard of a store doing that!

All I can say, is eww, yuck. Now I will be more careful about what clothes I purchase there.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-27 15:37:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

It worked! Thanks so much. Now can you do something about my cats? They keep turning on my laptop and then surfing really inappropriate sites when I am not closely supervising them...Posted Image

I am glad I have made your web-browsing more friendly. Can't do much about the cats on their web-browsing though.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-19 13:54:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Why are puppies in the store so damned expensive?!

I fell in love with this Alaskan Eskimo but they wanted over a grand...I got my shephard for $200 -_-;

Check out my aunt's Miniature American Eskimos

Her dogs are the cutest. They are $800 but they are cute.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-19 13:51:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

I am using Chrome now, may have to go back to FF. Unless there is a similar add-on for Chrome?

Check out this link

Not sure how helpful it is but it is worth a try.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-19 12:23:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

I am sick of the cereal ads at the top of topics. Die, stupid rabbit and leprechaun, die!

Do you use Firefox? I had no idea what you were talking about because I have wonderful add on for firefox that blocks out all the stupid "ads" at the top. AdBlock Plus is its name. Its free!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-19 12:15:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

I take the dog for a walk about 2 hours before I go to bed. This is actually about when I started having troubles with my sleep. It is also coincidentally when my wife left for her trip to visit her family. :blush:

Hopefully she will be home soon and you can leave the dog walking to her.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-19 10:29:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

On another note, it appears that I am immune to melatonin. I tried it again last night and ended up staring at the ceiling again. I have to imagine that at some point, my body is just going to give out and i'm going to pass out due to shear exhaustion.

How much exercise are you getting each day? Try taking a 30 minute walk a couple of hours before going to sleep, outside. It works wonders and no costly supplements. There are some foods that help with the whole "sleep hormone" producction too, but I will have to look those up at home.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-19 09:49:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Better than being unemployed!!! lol

Yep, that is exactly what my fiance' said. I will do it, because I have a contract and a job and I make enough to support my fiance' and me until he gets his EAD and a job.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-18 09:27:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
So I have been a math and physics teacher for 9 years at the same school. Today, I found out, after I signed my contract a week ago for next year, that they have fired the science teacher, and I will now teach biology, chemistry, physics, and computers next year. UGH, why did I take so many classes in college so I am "endorsed" to teach so many things I don't like. UGH.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-17 12:12:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Doctor follow up yesterday....prescribed me allergy meds....forgot to say i preferred non-drowsy (I have damn job!!) Forgot to ask for a release to finish my physical part of TCI due to the mild concussion. Feel very tired and trying to study for my self paced med transcription course is hell on wheels when you are drowsy!! My bathroom is now a pharmacy!!

Have an allergy test at the end of the month....I CANNOT take ALLERGY MEDS for SEVEN days prior to the test! :crying: Oh boy that is going to be a dreadful week!! I have never had allergy problems like this until moving to the USA! Some of it may be from the puppy we got in October...I hope not:(

Ugh, this spring has been the worst. I believe I am allergic to where I live. Never had a problem before I moved to this part of Michigan 9 years ago but each spring, usually the end of April, beginning of May, my sinuses go NUTS. Good luck with that allergy tests. All the pills the doctors put me on did diddly squat. An over the counter med actually worked better. Speaking of which, I took the last one this morning. I had better head to the pharmacy for more.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-14 17:40:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Screw trying to put my ZIP code in and it insists my ZIP code must start with a letter.

Its not a POSTAL code... it's a ZIP code.

May I suggest instead.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-06 14:31:00