CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

Hi Guys, I got my interview on may 19!!!! :thumbs:

You say it about 1 week to receive the visa after the interview?

The consulate officer said my fiance' would receive the visa in the mail within 2 weeks.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-05 15:55:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
We have just added another lucky Montreal interviewee!

Lilacvioletiris May 3 - Approved!
jasonandsarah May 4
corcor May 7
Kevbev09 May 12
Frenzyheart May 17th
Jay & Beverley (aka Bevie) May 19th
jennie1921 May 19th
Supportgeek May 20th

Looks like two VJers will be at the Montreal consulate on May 19!

Keep them coming Montreal! You have been making dreams come true!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-05 13:27:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

At this point? Getting the letter from him would take too long. We've got the letter from his employer with all his employment info, plus all the documents from the past 3 years for his job AND his social security/pension. I guess we're just going to have to go on a hope and a prayer that it'll be okay. It'll be my own fault if it isn't. *sigh*

Thanks lilac.

Hopefully it will be enough. It took my bank a week to print out a list of deposits that they developed in excel, then they signed it and stamped it with the bank stamp and wrote their phone numbers on it. Montreal seemed happy with that. I will be glad when you hear the Magic Words in Montreal.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-05 13:04:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
Ok so far we have:

Lilacvioletiris May 3 - Approved!
jasonandsarah May 4
corcor May 7
Kevbev09 May 12
Frenzyheart May 17th
Jay & Beverley (aka Bevie) May 19th
Supportgeek May 20th

Keep them coming Montreal! You have been making dreams come true!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-05 12:31:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

The worry is DEFINITELY setting in. I'm wondering if they are going to throw us into AP... why? I don't have my grandfather's bank account information. I have his tax stuff, his home ownership information, employer information/letter, all that .... but no bank account information because he makes well over the required amount for 3 people, PLUS he owns his home, and so we didn't think it'd be necessary to use his bank information. GOD. Now I'm freaking out over this. :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: I do not want to be denied or thrown into AP... I feel so stupid right now. :(

Are we totally screwed?

Edit: I'm reading through the instructions, and it does say "Evidence should consist of copies of any of the documents listed below that applies to your situation." That "any" leads me to believe that we MIGHT be okay... anyone have any other thoughts???

I know the tax forms are necessary for the I-864. Montreal didn't ask for them, so my fiance' didn't give the tax forms to the visa assistant, because he had already given the deposits into bank account letter. Is it possible to get that kind of letter from your grandfather? If not, if his taxes prove his income, that may be enough (and I haven't completely started reading the I-864 affidavit of support documentation list yet but I know tax transcripts or taxes with all W-2's and attached schedules are needed).
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-05 12:29:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

I have a few things left to print off, but that's about it. I think the thing I'm most worried about right now is what I'm going to wear, lol. My fiance's mom and I are going to go shopping here in a few days so I can get something.

I'm amazingly calm about the whole situation right now. I suspect that the storm is brewing, and that come the 14th when we leave for Montreal, I'll be a spazzy, nervous wreck.

I wouldn't stress too much about what you wear. My fiance' doesn't own any dress clothes except his church suit so he just wore a T-shirt and jeans (very casual) and I had on what I usually wear to work as a teacher (dress pants and a dressier t-shirt). Some other people there were in suits but most people were dressed casually like my fiance'. Note to self: must get my fiance' a pair of khaki pants for dressier occasions that aren't church related.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-04 10:05:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

Yeah I know, 12 more days til my interview.. I'm not ready at ALL. lol Well I have all the important papers, just need to print out some evidence of our relationship.

They didn't even ask for any evidence of ongoing relationship. We had some at our interview (pictures with captions like we had put in the original packet) but no consulate official asked for them ever. Granted I was there with my fiance' and held his hand through most of the interview so that may have been evidence enough.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-04 10:03:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
Leaving for the airport now with a bundle of papers and an excited attitude. I will definitely fill everyone in when my fiance' and I get out of the consulate on Monday!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-04-30 07:12:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
I can hardly believe that Monday will be May 3 and my fiance' and I will be at the U.S. embassy in Montreal for his interview. All this waiting, paper shuffling, picture taking, doctor's appointments, appointments with police and bank officials, dealing with the IRS, and tonight my fiance' and I will go over our list of documents one more time before I fly out. We will go over it again on Sunday just to make sure we have EVERYTHING so that we can hear those magic words. I am so excited and nervous!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-04-29 11:05:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
Yeah, says the birth certificate was processed yesterday and sent out by courier today. It says it will take 3 to 5 days by courier so my fiance' should have his in his hand by Friday. I am so relieved. I was worried about it and didn't want to have a birth certificate hold up our immigration process.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-04-20 10:26:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
Make sure your fiance' has the long form birth certificate! My fiance' and I were going over his documents when I went up to visit this last weekend and he just had the Ontario "short form" that he used to get his passport and he thought that was good enough. We had to pay $30 to get it expedited in addition to the $35 for the original birth certificate long form in Ontario. Yikes. Glad we got that though. I want him to have that visa quick.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-04-20 09:42:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

So I should have caught that booking period then...May 14-21ish....

Maybe but your date for an interview will likely be July or August. But again, nothing is linear with Montreal. I was one of the later packet 3's from the Jan. to March group and the date for my fiance's interview is May 3. July 31 may be pushing it for a wedding given the unknown of when your actual interview date will be.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-04-13 18:54:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
I think it is just weird to give the deposits from my savings and checking from the bank. but it is what the instructions say to have for me, so I will get it from my credit union. I called the IRS for my tax transcripts on Saturday. It says it takes 10 to 15 business days so hopefully I get it before I fly up to Canada on April 30.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-04-12 09:37:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

I'm SOOOO happy right now. We got all of our I-134 paperwork together BEFORE we leave tomorrow! I was so stressed that it was going to take so long, but it took less than a week once I went with a cosponsor that didn't yank my chain. This process has been so grueling and I'm so upset with my aunt/uncle for what they pulled. Luckily, my grandpa saved the day! I can't wait to be back in Canada tomorrow night!!! :blush:

I am glad you posted your frustrations/questions because I had forgotten I needed to get this done. May 3 is coming up quickly for me and my fiance'.

What did you do with the "bank deposits" part of the I-134 (the date account was opened, total amount deposited fro the last year, and the present balance)? How long did it take for your bank to get this document for you? (I only get paid once a month and would like to have my April paycheck in my account before I get this statement) What about the statement from your employer?
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-04-11 05:01:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
It is a 12 hour trip from my house to the consulate in Montreal. I have one personal day left for this school year (we only get 2 and the other was used for Canadian Thanksgiving). His interview is on Monday so I need to get back home on Monday night to be to work on Tuesday. He and I will have to discuss price though. I am not sure I want to spend as much money as the places seem to want to fly.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-03-29 17:07:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
Is there anyone else that is flying into Montreal in May for their fiance's interview? I have started looking at tickets and it seems the cheapest was about $430 U.S. dollars. Anybody else finding better prices?
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-03-29 15:03:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

I feel like I'm going to pull my hair out. Not only am I trying to race around and get everything ready to leave in 21 days (!!!!) AND try to get things with school figured out, but I'm sick now, too. :crying:

I wish it was May already so this could just be done! I'm nervous and excited and anxious and... :blink: :wacko: :bonk:

Anyone else already start their wedding planning? I'd love to see what everyone else is doing for theirs! :D (Might take our minds off the wait... hehe)

Yes, I have started putting into motion the wedding plans my fiance' and I have. Purchased our wedding invitations on Wednesday. We had already booked the church and the photographer "hoping" that July 11, 2010 would be our date and now as long as all goes well at the consulate, and I wouldn't see why it wouldn't, it will be our date. Trying to get my wedding cake and flowers in order now.

So are you going up to Canada in advance of the interview since 21 days sure won't get you to the May dates from today?
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-03-26 05:03:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
Yeah, I was sort of hoping to meet the woman who also applied to the California Service Center in October like I did but no such luck. Her appointment is four days later. In March there are a couple "bumper crop" days with multiple people going to the consulate on the same day. Having an interview buddy would be fun but I haven't seen/heard any other news for May. Just so happy that we have all gotten our appointment dates already!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-03-24 17:00:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
Ok so far we have:

Lilacvioletiris May 3
jasonandsarah May 4
corcor May 7
Kevbev09 May 12
Frenzyheart May 17th
Jay & Beverley (aka Bevie) May 19th
Supportgeek May 20th

:dance: :dance: :dance: Keep them coming Montreal! :dance: :dance: :dance:
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-03-23 12:27:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
Ok so far we have:

Lilacvioletiris May 3
corcor May 7
Kevbev09 May 12
Frenzyheart May 17th
Jay & Beverley (aka Bevie) May 19th
Supportgeek May 20th

:dance: :dance: :dance: Keep them coming Montreal! :dance: :dance: :dance:
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-03-23 10:48:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

Hey! Congrats to all of you with interviews! Posted Image
Im happy for you guys.

It appears I missed to cut off date by 1 day. Posted Image

there doesnt seem to be many interviews scheduled though...
Were there other people waiting for an interview who havent posted anything yet?
5 over 2 months sounds low.

Seems like there were about 5 people scheduled in April and now another 4 or 5 in May. Does seem low but some people don't post to these threads so it may be more actually if the timelines were searched.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-03-23 10:46:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
Ok so far we have:

Lilacvioletiris May 3
Frenzyheart May 17th
Jay & Beverley (aka Bevie) May 19th
Supportgeek May 20th
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-03-22 18:57:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

OMG YAY! May 20! 8am!!!!

Finally booked! 2 months to get ready....although Im well over half ready, I guess I should just pack the house up :)

Im thinking they must just have piled up the P3's as they received them oldest on bottom, newest on top, then started assigning top to bottom or something odd.


Yeah, it sure is strange their interview date assignment process. I figured it would be first in, first out, but maybe it is first in, last out. But you have a date for an interview. Yeah!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-03-22 14:36:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

Just got off the phone....

MAY 17th!!!!!!! :D

Yeah! Sure does seem like they just put our names in a hat and draw them out, doesn't it. But at least dates are coming!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-03-22 11:24:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

I called this morning and we have an interview!!!

The operator at DOS said that Packet 4 was mailed on March 17th and that our interview date is scheduled for May ______th.

And the reason for the blank?

I was too damn excited and forgot to write down what she said! I think I heard May 18th but she may have said May 19th. I was distracted by her giving me way too much info that Packet 4 contains information "XYZ" that we already know that I second guessed which date she had confirmed. I also blame this minor mix up on trying to prevent wetting myself from the excitement. Apparently the pee-pee dance gets higher level brain function than short term memory.

Rather than me doing the "call of shame" with DOS, Bevie was said she'd check her mailbox this afternoon to see if Packet 4 has been delivered and if not she'd call DOS back. I feel like such a tool... but I just happy to know that there finally is a date.

I hadn't asked about packet 4. I have to ask my fiance' to be on the look out for that. The operator that talked to me didn't say anything about it at all. Exciting news though!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-03-22 10:13:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

So Cruel of you to post this with 15 minutes to go before 5pm EST, I want to knoooowwwwww. :(

Well, it is better than no post at all! I know there are several of us that are waiting to get to the finish line at Montreal. Hopefully more people will have good news today!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-03-22 08:39:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
My fiance' got his interview date of May 3, 2010 when I called at 4 p.m. today! Anyone else received word of their interview date in May. We finished our packet 3 and it was logged by Montreal on March 1 so I figure people from Jan. and Feb. should be having dates too! Call 202-663-1225 before 5 p.m. to see if you are scheduled too!

:dance: :dance: :dance:
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-03-19 15:41:00
CanadaI'm Still Here

Hey everyone...

I hope all is well with everyone. I'm still here but have started working and don't have much time anymore. It's crazy some days. Work until 5 pm, go home and make dinner for hubby who works till 6 pm and gets home at 7 pm, then it's time to eat, call my daughter, catch up on the day with hubby and then by 9:30 pm it's lights out for both of us. Sometimes I'd like to go back to not working and have the day to do whatever I wanted, but I kind of like bringing in a little income so we can plan other things.

I am totally with you on this! As a teacher I just started back full swing last week and leaving my husband who doesn't have his work permit at home each morning is a bummer.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-08-26 13:17:00
CanadaPoE Rainbow Bridge

Here's the hilarious thing - She went through AP, and they are STILL getting married before Matthew and I. I'm the last of the May interviews to get married, and the last of the September 2009 filers to get married.

... Yes, I am going crazy over it right now, but all in good time. 10 is our lucky number, after all. :) 10/10/10 at 10 (well, hopefully at 10. still waiting for the venue in Niagara Falls to get back to us about switching the time from 3 to 10...)

Congratulations, again, Bev. Welcome home! <3

That will be an ultra cool date for anniversaries! Administrative Processing I would not wish on anyone and being with your loved one is always a good thing when it FINALLY happens.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-08-30 20:28:00
CanadaPoE Rainbow Bridge

While we were waiting for him to come over, my CO asked just casually how long the visa had taken to process, I said "from the first application? over a year" and explained to him that I had just finished over 3 months of AP, he seemed pretty sympathetic that I hadn't been able to see Kevin the entire time!

I am so glad you finally got out of Administrative Processing! May to August is crazy! Enjoy getting your wedding planned and all the things that go with it. Glad to hear you got into the U.S. safely! Goodluck.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-08-29 14:12:00
CanadaMontreal K-1 interview review

Congratulations! It must feel amazing! :D
lol - you made me cry!

It did feel amazing. My fiance' is moving to the U.S. in just over a month and our wedding is in 6 weeks. I can hardly wait!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-30 17:07:00
CanadaMontreal K-1 interview review

Great review Lila!

As for the calling by last name i don't know about that. My last name starts with S and i had letter A and was first for everything. Maybe it had to due with the delay in paying the visa fee? We were told the same thing to do it asap and go back to her right away with the receipt. And to not wait in line. just wait on the left side of the line and you'll get called up first.

The visa assistant didn't tell me to wait on the left side of the line, that is why I noted it specifically in my review because I didn't remember reading that in anyone else's review lately. Still getting called second wasn't all that bad, and that couple that called first actually paid their fee after us anyway and also waited in the long line so they weren't told either. Hopefully my review will help others not make the same mistake.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-05 13:16:00
CanadaMontreal K-1 interview review

Congrats lilacvioletiris!! So very good to hear about your interview process. Makes me teary eyed a little bit to share in your joy once its all over:)
The question regarding health insurance...seems to have come up a few times at recent interviews? What did you will have it through your husband...or did you purchase temporary travel insurance for when you are first down in US?


I just told the woman that once we are married, my fiance will be covered by my insurance. My fiance is actually quite worried about the insurance thing so is purchasing temporary travel insurance for a month just to be sure that we get the coverage from my work after our wedding. He is concerned that something might happen between when he leaves Canada and when he marries me. I want him to feel comfortable so he is getting the travel insurance.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-04 09:19:00
CanadaMontreal K-1 interview review

Congrats on the visa!! And thanks for the review :)
What did you give them with the affidavit of support? I'm curious, like the tax transcripts? My fiancé told me last night he can print a PDF from turbo tax for his taxes, do you think it's ok? I just want to know what you gave to them (since it was accepted :) )
Congrats again!!

The affidavit of support says to submit a letter from a bank official with list of deposits for the last year, when the account was opened, and what the current amounts were in each bank account, then it also asks you to get a letter from your employer that tells when you began employment, whether the job is temporary or permanent, and what your yearly salary is. That is all the people in Montreal asked for. No taxes were asked for but I think the affidavit you will do with adjustment of status asks for tax transcripts. The taxes weren't requested at the Montreal interview but I had them just in case (for the last 3 years).
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-04 09:16:00
CanadaMontreal K-1 interview review
We arrived at the Montreal consulate at 6:30 a.m. We parked in the Safeway parking lot on the right hand side of the street just before the consulate and it cost $15 for the day. There was one couple with a little boy ahead of us. No one else arrived until 7 a.m. First a mom with 2 kids and then another married couple (I am assuming CR-1 since he said he was from Texas and she was from Toronto with a Philipino passport). The doors opened at 7:35 a.m. There was a glass company there to replace the doors actually so I think that is why security opened the doors so early. We got letter B as we went through security. Rom had some metal something that they needed to "wand" him for. We actually went down the stairs first to the waiting area for the elevator. The "A" couple came, then the married couple, and then another couple I didn't see outside when they let us in at 7:35 a.m. The security guard gave us a brown laminated sheet with instructions about what would happen today. We waited until 7:45 a.m. then the security guard that I will call "Gaston" called letters A to D. We got on the elevator. Ron and I were the only ones facing the back of the elevator. We learned that the husband from Texas and the Philipino wife from Toronto had been waiting 2 years for their interview.

We sat down in the "U.S. citizens" waiting area facing window 5 and waited until about 8 a.m. when Ron was called first to window 11. The woman behind the glass told me to go pay the Machine Readable Visa fee at window 14 before the crowd comes. Just as I rounded the corner about 20 peple got off the elevator and turned to window 14. IMPORTANT NOTE: I shouldn't have waited in line with these people, instead I should have stood on the outside of the barrier and waited to be called to window 14. The teller chastised me for waiting in line because "I was holding up the interview process". I hadn't seen anything that would have told me to do that so just a heads up.

Back at window 11, Ron was asked for his birth certificate and copy, his passport and copy, 1 original affidavit of support with list of my deposits to my bank account and the letter from my employer (they didn't want my IRS transcripts or my mortgage information), and the intent to marry letter that I wrote (they didn't want the intent to marry letter that Ron wrote). They never asked for the updates of travels for the DS-230 Part One or the DS-156 (but we had those typed up and ready too). They also didn't take any domicile information or any of the evidence of ongoing relationship although we had color pictures with us.

Ron went back to sit down while I was still in line to pay for his MRV fee. I paid the bill and went to sit with him at 8:16 a.m. We then sat and waited until 8:40 a.m. when they called Ron back to window 11 to take his finger prints. Then we went back to sit. The fourth couple who came up on the elevator "Alea Ahmed" was called to room 7 for her interview (do they call by alphabetical order? maybe since my fiance with a last name beginning with B was called next). She left a few minutes later with her companion (I assume fiance' since they seemed to be carrying similar documents in a fed ex box like us but we never talked with them). They left smiling! Then we were called to room 7 at 9:10 a.m. Ron had to put his index finger on the red square then he and I swore to tell the truth - our first set of "I do's"!

The woman asked Ron how we met, if we were still friends with the woman who introduced us, when he proposed (the woman was surprised he remembered the exact date and she was writing them down on a sheet of paper in his folder), then he was asked where he lived, the I was asked where I live, then we were asked how far apart we live, and Ron said 450 miles and I said 9 hours. She then asked us how often we see each other. She asked when I got to Montreal and how I was enjoying my visit. She then asked where I work and what I do. Then she asked me if I had health insurance. Then she turned to Ron and said as she closed her folder, "Based on the information you have provided, I am able to approve your visa." She slid a sheet of instructions under the window and explained that the K-1 visa is a one entry visa.

Ron and I turned to each other and kissed each other in JOY! We picked up our things, walked out to the waiting room, waved at the 2 couples who were still there (both married, one didn't have their xpresspost envelope and they were unsure what would happen since the visa assistant had said they couldn't leave to go get one). We headed down the elevator, put all our stuff together in the fedex box the medical exam had come in because it was raining very hard outside, and we hugged each other and cried a little.

We went out the security doors and there was an older woman that security kept telling to go back outside. There is a sign about standing in the doorway until you are called by security. It was raining very hard and the glass company was still replacing the doors to the consulate.

We were back in our car by 9:22 a.m. It was an awesome experience. I will post our post-interview visits to an audio store and restaurant later. I am so thankful that we are approved. Montreal made my dreams come true. Now to wait for the visa package to come via Canada Post.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-04 07:14:00
CanadaEmployment Help
My husband has found the state's job bank (Michigan Works) to be very useful. It has a resume feature that he filled out and people actually called him (we didn't know employers could see the resume if it wasn't "sent" to them and my husband was just "experimenting"). Lots of temp agencies seem to sift through applicants for "real jobs" so "networking" with temp agencies seems to be a good thing. My husband has gone through a few of the temp agencies that had jobs listed on the state's jobs bank. He works in manufacturing and has gone directly to shops that had jobs posted to connect with people there and drop off resumes.

The interviews have the weirdest attributes though. Several places interviewed him for 2 hours, had him take "tests" (always bring your own calculator if you do anything mathematically related), and discussed his work status (he is still waiting for his EAD). The waiting for the EAD is torturing him after 2 months of "holidays" and a couple places would have been prepared to offer him the job if he had his work permit or green card. Why can't the government process work permits faster to remove the stress that comes to those of us that have an immigrant spouse? A rhetorical question I know! Anyways we wait.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-09-03 19:54:00
CanadaEating Differences

i don't think you can say ketchup is a US thing or a Canadian thing.. it is probably more a person to person or family to family thing...

my husband like ketchup.. he will sometimes even dunk his pizza crusts in it.. the first time he did that I was like :blink:

My Canadian husband would put ketchup on his meat sandwiches, but in my family that was never done. Ketchup was only for hotdogs, french fries, and occasionally a burger (but usually it was just real tomatoes). Miracle whip was also for burgers but definitely not for hotdogs, but again I love my miracle whip with fresh tomatoes on toasted bread.

My husband kept telling me he wanted "toasted tomato sandwiches" after we were married. I kept thinking, ew, gross, toasted tomatoes. Turns out he just wanted the bread toasted, then Miracle whip put on the bread, with fresh tomato slices which is exactly like how I liked tomato sandwiches. It is all about "communication" to figure out what it is that "works" in the food department.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-09-25 17:46:00
CanadaAOS Timeline

I am not sure if there is and where to go

I would suggest the AOS forum for the month you receive your NOA1 here
and then there is the AOS/EAD/AP ongoing conversation right here in the Canada forum. Definitely check them out.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-10-05 20:01:00
CanadaAOS interview Monday, job interview Tuesday - tomorrow first day of work!
I am so excited. Today my husband had a second interview at a Tool and Engineering company and they offered him the job. He starts tomorrow! Big Sigh of relief! He was getting so jittery just staying around the house puttering around all day while I am at work. His shift is from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. so we actually get to see each other in the evening too. A couple other places wanted him to work from 10:00 p.m. to 6 a.m. Yeah, that would not have been good on our marriage.

Yeah! Now just have to keep paperwork to prepare for our Removal of Conditions in a couple years. Life is good.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-10-05 20:05:00
CanadaCanadian Thanksgiving
My Canadian husband and I will be celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving here in the U.S. He is really bummed because he wanted to be with his family (everyone else is together at his parent's home). He really wanted "New Brunswick style" baked beans so they went in the crock pot last night. When I get home, I will be finishing up the mashed potatoes and dressing roast with cream of mushroom sauce. There will be corn and hot rolls on the side.

My husband's birthday is coming up later this week and I think that is most of bummed part for him since his family always celebrated his birthday for him at Thanksgiving (although it was usually early).
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-10-11 08:29:00