AOS interview is on Monday, Oct. 4 and my husband and I are trying to get our papers in order:

1. Did I have to have the original of the NOA2 of the I-129F, I know I submitted a copy with the AOS package but I haven't been able to figure out where my original went (doh)?
2. What do I take as documentation establishing my Canadian husband's eligibility for Lawful Permanent Resident status?
3. What do I take as the petitioner's evidence of United States Citizenship? I am taking my birth certificate because it says to, but isn't that evidence of U.S. citizenship? Should I take my passport too?
4. Will this be enough supporting evidence of our relationship? I added my husband to my bank account, but his name doesn't appear on my statement but we have checks with both our names printed on them. Would the checks be good? I have a piece of mail from our church where we were married that has both our names on it and our address. I have our individual car titles with our mutual address (but he owns his car and I own mine, both our names aren't on one). Would the car titles be good? I am going to print out a few wedding photos, but from what I have read about Detroit, they don't really look at them anyway.

Monday is coming so quickly.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-09-28 19:30:00
It was so funny. Last night, my husband had checked USCIS at about 8:30 p.m. There hadn't been a touch since 8/16/10, then boom, when I woke up and checked my email this morning there was an email from 9:30 p.m. last night saying that card production had been ordered for my husband's EAD! Yeah! We really want the card in his hands so he can start work but knowing it is approved is helping him to get direct offers from the businesses that want to hire him. I am so happy, now just to wait until Oct. 4 for our AOS interview in Detroit.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-09-23 16:47:00

I am in the process of filing and its so much stuff didnt think it would be as long its like applying for visa all over. How long does it usually take to get your AOS approved?

We mailed our package on July 27 and we have our AOS interview scheduled for Oct. 4. We are hoping for and expecting approval but I think a lot depends on whether your case gets sent to the California Service Center or whether it goes to your local office.

If you go to immigration processing times, choose your field office, then click on "field office processing times", you will get an approximate wait time for a particular office to process an application. The Detroit office says it take 4 months to process AOS but several of the Michiganders who have been processed lately got their interviews in 2 months from their NOA1.

Edited by lilacvioletiris, 12 September 2010 - 07:30 PM.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-09-12 19:30:00

OMG OMG i just went for bio yeaterday and this morning i get this email!! :)


Your Case Status: Card/ Document Production

On September 2, 2010, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you.

EEK!! lol yay i can work boo on fixing my resume lol.

Yeah! Hope the USPS moves quickly on getting your EAD to you.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-09-03 20:12:00

I received my EAD in the mail today!! I'm so frikken happy! Now to find a job and start contributing! woo hoo!

Could you update your timeline? I like to compare so I can guess at when my husband will get his EAD. How many days did it take from submitting your paperwork to receiving the card in the mail?

They must have felt my worries.

Any hour ago I got my "Acceptance Confirmation" emails!!! I'm going to print them off and keep them with the piles of my AOS stuff.

Now more waiting to be done... hopefully not too much, though.

Congrats! Hopefully more good news soon.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-09-02 12:47:00

Well since I mentioned it...Just got the text saying his EAD was approved too! :)

That is nice and fast 47 days! I hope my husband's EAD is on that staffer's desk that took care of your husband. Waiting for the EAD is torture, even though we have an AOS interview date because my husband is chomping at the bit to work.

It's been a week today since Chicago received my AOS and I haven't heard anything yet. Be it by email or mail.

I'm starting to get a little worried. Our mail hasn't come today yet, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :unsure:

I would wait at least 2 weeks before getting "worried". If all is ok, you should have your NOA1 within 14 days, and if something is wrong you will get the package back. But I am sure all is well and the U.S. postal system is just slow in getting the letters from Chicago to where you live.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-09-01 12:46:00

Mathews AP was approved today! Now if only everything else would get approved.

The EAD would be nice first or even AOS. Hope the rest of your documents get processed quickly.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-08-31 12:50:00

Wow that's so great, i'm very happy for you!!

My husband scared me because he called me at work. We had been waiting for a piano to get moved out today and we had another friend "wait for the movers" while my husband was at a job interview (not one he thought would be good, but he didn't want to blow off someone who would be interested for "networking" purposes). It was definitely excellent news. Missa said the Detroit office is in a "bad area" so I am not exactly excited about going to the interview for that reason, but my husband getting his Green card is definitely a good thing. Yeah! :dance: :dance: :dance:
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-08-30 13:59:00
I am totally amazed! My husband just called and we have our AOS interview date on October 4! I can hardly believe it! The letter was mailed out on 8/26/10 but there was no update on the USCIS website. It is basically 2 months from our NOA1 date to our Green Card Interview! Detroit here we come!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-08-30 13:09:00

Green Card arrived today!!!! :dance: :star: :D

Yeah, glad you got your green card! Cool about the 08-09-10!

I haven't been on here forever! Way to go Slider on the EAD! woo hoo! Kimbear and Colleens I completely feel for you :( Hopefully it won't be too much longer!

Well my AP was approved on Monday and I am thinking that I should recieve my EAD soon I'm hoping. I was comparing timelines and it looks as though most ppl got their EADs approved on the same day or just a few days after. I really really hope so!! I have an interview on Monday for a job I really want, I didn't even apply for it. A girl I know here just told her boss about me and he wants me to come in, she has explained everything about my situation though. I am wondering if I can start working as soon as the EAD is approved or if I have to wait until I get the card in the mail? I hope not because I don't want this job to pass me by (if I get it!) and the mail seems to take forever from USCIS.

Could you update your timeline to help the rest of us "compare"?
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-08-28 21:45:00


Yééé! I'm happy for you! Welcome in the waiting room :P

I got the second email saying my case was sucessfully transfered to CSC.. But still no Biometrics letter, sucks!!

No biometrics still? Seems weird especially with your transfer to CSC. But I guess one step forward is always good
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-08-25 20:09:00

Sent my AOS package off in the mail today! Got a little emotional in the car on the way home.

Wish us luck!

Can't wait to see movement for you too!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-08-24 13:52:00

if you have to make the trip and stay overnight stay in Southgate (30 mins from uscis) not in detroit near the building

My husband and I will take that into account.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-08-24 13:48:00

FYI the USCIS office in Detroit is in a VERY bad neighborhood. everything around it is all boarded up and slummy looking, then BAM in the middle of a slum; this huge pristine glass governmental building

Wow, I know my husband and I will go to Detroit if we aren't transferred to CSC but it seems the people in Michigan have been having their interviews, not transfers. Glad you made it out alive and didn't get shot.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-08-21 21:00:00

Soooooooooooo............... Basically this afternoon has resulted in a lot of OMG OMG OMGGGGGGG OH MY GODDD.......... HOLY #######.... OMG............ *repeat*. :crying:

First off, I have a job interview tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!! (more on that later)

SECONDLY... I got this in my email today:


Your Case Status: Card/ Document Production

On August 16, 2010, we ordered production of your new card.


Awesome! Have fun at that interview and may the green card come quickly!

Yeah AandB,congratulations on your case being transferred to CSC. However, you better get used to not getting any touches on your EAD! My case was transferred to CSC on the 15th of July and resumed processing at CSC on the 21st of July. On the 22nd, I got a touch on my EAD and before that, no touches! So I am guessing that when they get to your I-765, they approve it right away (except in cases where RFE's are issued).
Good luck to all of us!!!
KnR aka slider100

I hope they get to the others of us who haven't gotten EAD cards yet or are still waiting for them to be processed! My husband is definitely ready to be employed again like so many of the others here.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-08-18 11:06:00

I know I can't wait for Mathew to have his EAD. The wedding pretty much wiped us out. Add to that that I've got a 300 car payment every month, car insurance, and $220 health insurance to pay for we're screwed with only one of us working. Oh, yeah, and I'm only PART TIME. He has some savings from when he was working in Canada but we've pretty much blown through that. :( At least we still live with my mom until he can get a job. I'd hate to have to pay rent on top of all of that. We'd probably be living out of a card board box.

I know he'll make great money once he's got his EAD, but knowing that doesn't help our situation right now.

Booh! Hurry up EADs! We all need them quickly!

Thanks for the postcard from the Aquarium of the Smokies. My husband really wants his EAD bad too. He had been playing around with the resume builder on the Michigan Works website and a "talent company" actually called him for an interview. He told them he doesn't have his work permit yet, but the shop that the "talent company" works for has been looking for someone like my husband for a couple of months, and the shop manager was the one that found my husband's resume and wanted the "talent company" to do the initial interview. If the shop would be willing to wait until my husband has his work permit, it would be awesome to know he has a job waiting for him, but who knows what will happen. I make enough to "take care of him here" but there are other bills to be paid and his savings will only last a few months. Ugh. EAD come quickly! I figure he will get it the middle of October (maybe a birthday present for him) but he is hoping in September.

I hope the others still waiting for biometrics letters get them soon. Seems strange that they don't get sent out immediately for everyone. Colleens I hope that biometrics comes super quick for you and that you can find work in something once you have the work permit. Just a few more months until your baby comes! That is exciting.

We called USCIS and logged a service request for my biometrics, even the girl on the phone was pretty surprised that we had been waiting so long. She said that it can take up to 30 days to get a response, but sometimes you will get an e-mail from the local office within a few days. So hopefully I hear something early next week. Even if my appt isn't for another month or so, I would just like to know when. I want to go home before I can no longer fly so it would be nice to be able to have a time frame so that I can start searching for flight deals!!!

It seems like time is going by so slowly for the pregnancy, I guess because I am home all the time doing nothing. But we have started buying stuff and getting things ready, so I am sure that will make the time go by a lot quicker!!

Hope this is the ticket for you! Government bureaucracy is crazy!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-08-14 21:20:00
My husband received his biometrics letter yesterday and we took a chance that the ASC would let us do a walk in. The original appointment was for Friday September 3 but I would have been back teaching school and my husband didn't want to get lost driving himself. Now more waiting with no specific tasks.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-08-13 11:00:00
Walk in biometrics successful in Grand Rapids, MI. It took 30 minutes because one of the technicians took a break just when we finished filling out the paperwork. We took a chance driving 1.5 hours but I told my husband we would go school clothes shopping if we were denied a walk in appointment. Now to celebrate with a Chinese food lunch.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-08-13 10:02:00

OMFG it's a miracle..i FINALLY got my biometrics letter in the mail today...but it's for September the 2nd..sigh. was kinda hoping to have my bloody ead in august..which is when the timeline says.:(

Yay! About time! Does the place where your biometrics have to be taken allow walk-ins? Might be worth your time.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-08-09 20:07:00

Wow. I keep telling my friends and family that no, it's not "easy" for Canadians to get their paperwork down here-it is, based on what I see in the other forums on here, almost an even bigger pain in the a$$. *argh*

Chicago got my AOS/EAD/AP on July 22nd... and I'm hoping to have my AP to go back home for a visit October 8th or so... After checking everything here, I, uh, feel kinda discouraged.

re: the RFE's: did any of you guys do the vaccination supplement (i.e. Form I-693)? Curious to see if sending that in, along with the medical done for the K-1, was helpful or not....

I also only sent in the vaccination sheet for my husband that was included outside the sealed medical in the package from Dr. Seidan's medical office in Toronto.

got RFE. :(

I know it's not the end of the world or even a terrible thing(at least it means they were working on it!), but it's still a horrible, sinking feeling.

I can't even imagine what it would be for. I had everything they ask for. I pay a lot of attention to this kind of stuff. :bonk:

Bummer, I wonder what it is for.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-08-06 13:43:00

We got the email notifications today. BUT, I put the receipt number in to try and add it and says it's not found. So no idea. At least I know they have it and are moving things around.

We got our NOA1 emails on Aug. 3 and we received the hard copy NOA1's today in the mail. I just looked them up on the USCIS website and the MSC numbers worked. Now more waiting.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-08-06 13:29:00
My husband's Social Security card arrived in the mail today - 7 days after he applied! I am glad that was painless. Finally the website updated to tell us that my husband's AOS package was redelivered to the Chicago Lockbox on WEDNESDAY, July 28 at 6:34 A.M.'s tracking is certainly not the fastest since it is Friday now.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-07-30 14:37:00

You mean your husband? :hehe:

Don't feel bad, I do that all the time at work! But I try writing auto policies for people who aren't born yet... :lol:

At least it's an easy fix right?

Oh, yes, my husband, of course. It is quite the adjustment to say that but I love to say HUSBAND anyway!

LOL! are married now! Good thing you caught that error. Its bad enough having it sent back once...but twice? Sheesh....I'll be really happy when I get my NOA1 and know that this time they accepted it. Of course I overnighted this package to them twice it makes THAT much of a difference I had to shell out 18 bucks to get it there faster.

No, it was only sent back to us once and we found two errors on 2 different forms with regard to his birth date.

I will be interested to know if you get the same MSC numbers from the Chicago lockbox or not with your second submission. It will make it easier for tracking it "online".
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-07-27 10:19:00

Getting the SSN applied for was easy. Did that yesterday in 20 minutes at the SSA office and the lady said we could come back on Monday to pick up a slip of paper with his number to take to the SOS to get his Driver's License.

Bad news came today in the mail, I am not sure what is wrong with the check I sent to "U.S. Department of Homeland Security" for 1010.00 written with the amount "One thousand ten dollars and 00/100" but the only thing I can figure was the check was in my maiden name and I signed it with my married name (they wanted a "legal signature"). So I guess we mail the package out again on Monday with a new check (which has my married name on it!) and sign it with my married name. UGH!

DOH, I put my fiance's birthdate as October ##, 2010. Uh, yeah, he isn't born yet. Guess he doesn't need to pay the biometrics fee, lol. So I fixed that on the form I-485 and on the I-765 and mailed off the package again with a check in my married name.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-07-26 19:28:00

Ohhh I hope they let you apply. Is this his first SSN? Sometimes they don't let K1s apply after they have married already and started AOS. They make you wait for your green card. If they give you trouble, ask to speak to a manager. Good luck! Let us know how it goes

Getting the SSN applied for was easy. Did that yesterday in 20 minutes at the SSA office and the lady said we could come back on Monday to pick up a slip of paper with his number to take to the SOS to get his Driver's License.

Bad news came today in the mail, I am not sure what is wrong with the check I sent to "U.S. Department of Homeland Security" for 1010.00 written with the amount "One thousand ten dollars and 00/100" but the only thing I can figure was the check was in my maiden name and I signed it with my married name (they wanted a "legal signature"). So I guess we mail the package out again on Monday with a new check (which has my married name on it!) and sign it with my married name. UGH!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-07-24 13:06:00

Yes! And it was a very easy interview. Just make sure you bring lots of pictures. She bugged me that I only brought three hehehe But we don't take lots of pictures of us so she was ok with that.

BTW, I finally got my DL tonight! Posted Image

Yeah! My husband and I will likely go to the SSA on Monday to apply for his SSN and to change my name.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-07-23 08:27:00

Well I sent my AOS packet offon the 8th and today it was returned (feel free to have a pity party on my behalf). Of course all it says is Rejected because of an 'outdated' form. It took me awhile to figure that which one since they all expired 2011 or 2012. Well apparently the I-485 I used that wasn't to expire until 2011 was replaced by one that expires dec 2010. I guess I never looked at that one to see if there was a newer version before I printed off my STACK of papers (did I mention I have 3 kids so everything times 3). I just got it all refilled out and printed and put back together so we can overnight it tomorrow.

Blah...seriously not impressed with myself. :bonk: :bonk:

Yikes, I hope my husband and I filed the right form. We mailed it off last Tuesday and they still haven't cashed the check but we won't be home until this Thursday. How long did it take for them to return it if it was an "outdated form"?
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-07-20 18:46:00
I have my husbands AOS papers all filed out, we just need to go make a photocopy of it for our records, sign all the dotted lines, and mail it off before we head on our honeymoon! Yeah!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-07-13 12:09:00

Thanks! Yea, I've been sorta looking, but not that hard, lol.

I had my AOS interview today actually! It went very well. When you walk into the USCIS building, you go to the right (as opposed to the biometrics, you went left). You place your appointment letter on a desk on one of the windows (it was #8 today). They come out of the door at the opposite side of the room from the doors you entered (there's a kid area next to it). I'd probably sit close to it, cause it can be hard to hear them call your name.
So we went in & rose our right hand & said we'd tell the truth....
She asked a couple questions (my mom & dad's first names, if I was working, if we had kids).
Then she went through that checklist you had to tick "yes" or "no" on when filing....the one that asks: are you a terrorist, do you plan to over-throw the gov't, do you practice polygamy, etc....about 10-12 questions.
Asked how we met & where we got married.
She asked for my EAD card (which I JUST got) & took it! I was kinda surprised, I thought we got to keep it.
Then she told me that my greencard should arrive in 2-3 weeks!!

I asked her 2 questions:
1. Verify the AP is void as of now.....yes
2. If the civil surgeon's transcriptions were necessary & in my case, they weren't! Money un-necessarily spent.

All & all it was pretty painless. All they asked from my husband was id(driver's license) & thats it.

Congrats! Weird about them taking the EAD. So does that mean you have to wait another 2 or 3 weeks for the green card to arrive before you can work?
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-14 16:09:00

Got my EAD. I was surprised how nice it looks!

Glad you got that. Two months and 26 days between application for AOS and receiving the EAD. I am hoping that trend continues (and maybe a few less days) when I am ready to send in the AOS packet in a month.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-14 10:12:00

Had my interview today! Approved! WOOHOO!

Sweet! Two months for EAD and AP and 3 months 3 days for Green Card. I have hopes that my fiance' and I will have it so good once we get our AOS, EAD, and AP packet in the mail after our wedding.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-12 11:53:00
My fiance' was reading the information sheet Montreal gave him for Adjustment of Status and it makes a statement about not filing for advanced parole until USCIS tells us they received our I-485. What say you all? I told him that the I-485 instruction sheet says to do the employment authorization document AND advanced parole together. We will be adjusting from the K-1 visa in July once we get married. My fiance' and I both thought it was a weird instruction to wait for "AP". I figured we would just file I-485, employment authorization, and advanced parole in one package.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-06 09:15:00

Grats on the job Tina and the green card spoom!

And i got my marriage certificates!!! :)

so for reference..don't wait as long as they tell you too, chances are you can get it earlier. Picked up 6 copies for 35$, not so bad. Now i can do my SSN and send in my AOS as soon as we get the rest of the money, and my pictures. Woot! Finally feel some progress haha.


Are you waiting for "wedding photos" from a professional or can we just print out ones that our friends take on their digital cameras? I am going to call my county clerk to see how much the certified certificates cost. HOpefully it is around $35 that would be better than lots more money.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-04-22 13:43:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Woohoo!! That's two April folks with interviews! And both in the same week! It would be awesome to find out soon, end this part of the stress, anyway.

Yes, having stress reduced is good. I felt so sorry for a married couple yesterday who hadn't brought their xpresspost envelope with them and the visa assistant told them that they couldn't leave to go get it. I can't imagine getting to Montreal and not having everything the people would want there. has been a life saver!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-04 10:19:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Maybe someone could anonymously get in touch with Paul Meyer and pick his brain about ANY and ALL documents possibly needed for an average case. Honestly, we're trying to save THEM time too! :P

Maybe that person who makes the list would update the Canada wiki for IR1/CR1 with the information. Once location is always a good thing. Just a thought.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-02-19 17:35:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
I would think any woman so close to getting her husband back with her would be ALL ABOUT getting whatever needs to get done to get him home! It is exciting to see the excitement in this thread. Gives hope to those of us still waiting for our interviews (even if my fiance' is waiting for a K-1 interview).
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-01-22 19:17:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal

Congrats! As of 10:18 this morning, my fiance's package of visa information and his passport are on their way back to him. YEAH! July 1, 2010 can't get here fast enough because that is when he plans to POE. I am so excited for you though. Waiting is so hard, but when it is past, some new waiting seems to crop up!

And his visa package was delivered just before 11 a.m. this morning. I can hardly believe that he actually has the visa in hand now. On to planning for his moving and POE on July 1, 2010. Canada post was pretty quick once Montreal actually put the visa package in the mail (we interviewed on May 3 and the package was received by Canada Post on May 10 and received by my fiance' on May 11). One more thing DONE!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-11 11:16:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal

My Fiance's Packet 3 was logged in today(May 10,2010), waiting on interview date now. the game begins!

Congrats! As of 10:18 this morning, my fiance's package of visa information and his passport are on their way back to him. YEAH! July 1, 2010 can't get here fast enough because that is when he plans to POE. I am so excited for you though. Waiting is so hard, but when it is past, some new waiting seems to crop up!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-10 15:12:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal

How exciting!!! I'm so happy for you guys :) Did they say how long they expect it will take to send your approval out?

Within 2 weeks, the consulate officer said. I have been checking Canada Post, and nothing shows up in their system. I am going to try again after 8 a.m. since I figure mail pickup is likely in the morning.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-06 05:38:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
I am so glad to be past the waiting for Montreal part, well, except now my fiance' is waiting for his xpresspost envelope to arrive!

The interview is by far the easiest part of it all!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-04 10:09:00