CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Jens, thanks for sharing that. I had read lots of stuff on

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-02-18 06:55:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

DH has finally filed for naturalization!  Now the wait begins again!


My oldest baby by 2 minutes slept for 11 hours the last two nights!  Yippe!  Granted my milk producing devices haven't gotten the message about the decreased night time need.  Ouch!  I used my pump for the first time this morning.  Worked okay, but man keeping the little funnel things on the right place was a pain.  Definitely not a hands free activity.  Need to make myself a wrap that holds them in place so I can move a bit, maybe eat breakfast while I do the pumping. I would like to get a couple bottles frozen up so I could maybe go shopping in the evening and leave the babies with dad.  He is freaked out about being left alone with the two of them when they are awake. I just have to shake my head, I am with them alone all day long while he is at work. He can handle an hour!

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-02-17 09:56:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Cute pictures Marilyn.

My babies will finally take a pacifer. Sweet silence when they had been crying so hard the last couple days.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-02-12 21:14:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Jens sorry to hear your c section was traumatic. You're right about your handsome little miracle. Love the picture.

Today I was using a couple infant to todoler rockers that vibrate. william loved it and fell asleep for probably 30 minutes today. They both need to nap but are fighting it.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-02-02 14:30:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Wow, Marilyn, hard to believe she is 4 months already.


I am feeling pretty good now that I am 6 weeks postpartum. Took the babies to the doctor yesterday. William is 9 pounds 12 oz and Edward is 9 pounds 4 oz (he has really put on weight well gaining 3 pounds 2 oz since birth).


Took the boys to church today for the first time. There were not too many people at church because of the weather. The boys did very well. They didn't cry. My husband was so scared to take them out. I am glad the day went well. The boys are 6 weeks old and definitely more interactive - smiling and cooing. They are sleeping 5 or 6 hours at a time at night which is great. It will be interesting to see how much snow actually comes over the next few days. Some people are sure crazy about the snow.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-02-01 20:03:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Oh, Marilyn, I wish my sons liked it, although they scream less when they have a full stomach then a change, so being hungry may fuel their fury. I usually change then feed them.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-01-30 02:51:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Exciting times ontarkie!

This Friday I go in for my 6 week post partum visit. That is if it isn't whiteout snow conditions or crazy negative degree wind chills.

My boys have started to smile and coo/talk. It is so cute. I wish the didn't cry so much when they get their diapers changed. I am just not willing to buy a wipes warmer if it is the "cold wipes" that frustrate them so much.

I remember having as Johnny Jump up thing that hung from a doorway. I think my boys would like something like that. I will have to see what I can find.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-01-29 14:42:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Jens, I hope your baby ges turned head down. See if you can find a chiropractor who is trained in the webster technique which help to get your ligaments looser and your pelvis in the right position to get a baby head down. I went to a chiropractor for it and I felt so good afterward. My babies were both head down at the beginning of labor. Still not sure how my littlest flipped over but 31 hours allowed him to rearrange himself inside.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-01-21 17:09:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Oh, I want to go outside but it is so cold and no safe sidewalks reliably cleared.
Went to have baby pictures taken. It was nice and sunny, but the roads out where the photographer lives were snow drifted. It was near white out conditions from the blowing snow. Bapies did pretty good but we definitely didn't get as many pictures of all 4 of us as I had hoped since I kept having to breast feed one baby or the other to calm them down. My husband says it will be a cold day in hell before he goes back. He finds picture taking "invasive". SMH. I will go back without him earlier in the day some day soon since the photographer wants to do more poses and is giving us the pictures as a gift.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-01-19 20:45:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I hope my bapies travel well when the time comes. They were antsy today but dh was home and their crying just stressed him out.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-01-18 20:16:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
That reminds me I need to get Nexus cards for the boys. It is free for kids! But I need to get them passports first which means getting their birth certificates ehich I haven't done yet either. Taking a trip with two infants scares the ####### out of me.

I hope your return trip is better.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-01-18 12:45:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I do have a mei tai type carrier. My mom got it in 1979 at a La Leche League meeting and used it with my younger siblings. It works great, but I only have one and sometimes both babies want to be by a warm mama.

VeeNDee, thankfully if my babies are warm, clean, dry, and fed they eventually fall asleep and will lay by themselves in their crib. I usually endup with one who wants to continue to nurse, so ibring that one back to bed with me nd side nurse. My achilles heal is nursing to sleep. Works good now but there will come a time when I don't want to do that. I also wake both babies up even if only one appears to need something so they stay on the same schedule.

Edited by lilacvioletiris, 17 January 2014 - 08:00 AM.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-01-17 07:59:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
VeenDee, that is too funny that Lily enjoys getting her diaper changed: wish my boys did. They cry bloody murder every time.

Kimbear, that is great that Caihla is sleeping longer stretches. I am looking forward to that day.

So glad my Dh will be home today. I need a break. Getting some help burping and holding the boys will be good.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-01-11 06:00:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Well William's weight was up to 8 lbs 2 oz so now we just wait for their one month check up. Yeah, me being the pacifer has made my nipples pretty sore but not unbearable.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-01-10 09:41:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Yeah, ontarkie, my bigger boy lost more and didn't regain as fast. He would rather sleep than eat. I have been making sure I put him to breast rather than use a pacifer, too. Appt is tonight so we will see how he gains.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-01-09 12:33:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Rescheduled my baby's weight recheck. no way am I going out in -8 degree F air temp that feels like -32 degrees because of the wind.

Home is a good place to be!

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-01-07 11:16:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
My brother and husband spent a couple hours outside movin, snow so they can get out for work tomorrow. Both got called off today.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-01-06 16:13:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Well I am staying in where it is warm. Terrible wind chills expected today down to -20 or -30.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-01-06 07:21:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Yeah, the ob said I could drive now but I still can't pick up both babies in their carseats so I won't be going anywhere alone yet.
The way I sit feeding babies causes me some pain from stretching and pulling and moving around to position wiggly babies. Each day gets better.

Kimbear, I hope Caihla gets better from her shots quickly. It makes me wonder whether I should vaccinate on different days so I don't have 2 cranky babies at the same time.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-01-04 04:01:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Incision is healing well. Two more weeks of no lifting. The temp was -13 F air temp. Crazy yo be out! Babies have eaten supper so now they are sleeping. I need to sleep too.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-01-03 19:15:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Getting ready to go to my 2 week c section incision appt. A friend is taking me since dh has to work.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-01-03 07:24:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Glad you passed your Gtt ontarkie! Good luck with the
Iron pills.

Went to follow up with ped. Edward my smaller son was passed hisbirth weight. william my larger son was 3 oz below his.
Have t go back on next week for a recheck but I can't drive yet nor pick up both babies in their carseats. Surgery scar is healing well but I definitely don't want to push it and take longer to heal.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-12-31 20:39:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
It is fo much better being at home, not the hospital. No one coming to take their vitals all the time. Edward likes to eat for 15 every hour to hour and a half but William likes to eat for 35-40 minutes every 3 hours. About every other feed they are together which is nice. It is sort of funny how it is breast milk in poop out at. Almost every feed. I just love how they curl their little hands up by their faces and watch me with their big blue eyes. I am so in love!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-12-28 15:05:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
William Ernest arrived at 4:13 pm Sat. Dec 21 at 7 pounds 10 oz. Edward Ronald arrived in breech presentation at 4:15 pm Dec 21 at 6 pounds 2 oz. I did pitocin induction from 7:30 am Friday Dec 20 because both boys were head down then until 2:30 pm Sat Dec 21 where even though water was broken for first baby, I never prrogressed past 5 cm. Had spinal and c section.

Stayed in hospital until Dec 25 because of low blood sugar issues with Edward. So happy to be tandem nursing on demand at home now!http://www.mothering.../200/height/400

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-12-27 16:23:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Count down to eviction day for my baby boys tomorrow.  Had contractions from 2 p.m. yesterday and throughout today, but nothing that really got intense enough to head to the hospital. I hope the induction does the trick. Of course, it will be bad weather "showers and foggy" for Kalamazoo/I-94 corridor in Michigan.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-12-19 18:20:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

VeeNDee, ah you little girl made me laugh with her happy face.


Kimbear, Caihla just got some of her immunizations, didn't she? I wonder if that is where the fever is from and the fussiness.  Hope she gets through it and gets back to her 2 hour schedule that seems to be working for you both.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-12-18 18:35:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

The chiropractor adjustment yesterday was great. My hips felt so good. thought the contractions I was having all night long were getting stronger and stronger, but after eating a middle night of the snack of yogurt, I went back to sleep for several hours and the contractions basically stopped again. Ugh.


Going out for an outing to walk some this morning then planning to go walking again this afternoon.


VeeNDee, My mom is here until Dec. 30 to help cook and clean for us. We have food stockpiled and I think I have some friends that will be bringing food over as well.


Kimbear, glad you seem to have found a better doctor to deal with Caihla's reflux. Hopefully she gets better and better and keeps gaining weight.


lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-12-18 09:27:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
VeeNDee glad to see a smiling face on your little girl. I am sure that is a relief.

Ontarkie, hope the glucose test went well.

Well, an induction is scheduled for 7:30 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 20 when I will be 40w1d. I was comfortable with that because I believe that I will go into labor before that. The Biophysical profile showed that the blood flow from the placentas was good, plenty of amniotic fluid, and the babies looked great. We did a non-stress test too and the heart beats were good - but I did not have any contractions during the 30 minutes I was on the monitor. On the way into the doctor I could hardly walk the baby's head was sitting in such a way to cause me serious pain and I was having strong contractions. Ultrasound estimate of the baby's weights was 6 pounds 14 oz for one and 6 pounds 12 oz for the other. The ultrasound tech said the babies are likely 7 pounds or so because the way the babies are laying it is hard to get a good picture of their bellies and heads which is a major part of the ultrasound estimate of their weights.

I called the chiropractor and tomorrow we will see if maybe she can loosen up the spot where the first head down baby is so he turns a little more, since he is facing to the right in my pelvis. I have done some stair climbing and ate some pineapple as well today.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-12-16 19:57:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Still waiting. The doctor on Friday was like "you are 39 weeks pregnant with twins and gestational diabetes. Why haven't you had those babies?" Like I can make them come out all by myself! I really want labor to start spontaneously but on Monday I will be having an ultrasound and depending on the outcome, I think the doctors are going to push for an induction date. I am hoping that the babies decide to come before Monday morning. I don't want to be pushed into having to be induced. But I want my babies to be safe too.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-12-14 20:32:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Crazy how the weather in Michigan went from 2 days of "light snow" to only 2 days of no snow in the next 10 days. Starting to go stir crazy.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-12-10 19:29:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Seems like every morning I will have belly crunching, shrink wrap feelings, now with "I have a bowling ball in my pelvis" feelings, but I get up moving around and everything just peters out. No contractions that are following a regular pattern and regularly spaced. Poor DH is beside himself. At first he didn't want to leave me alone this morning to go to work, but I told him a watched pot never boils! My mom, who is staying through Dec. 30, arrived today so at least that will probably set his mind at ease for a little about having me at home.


I just keep working on work stuff and sitting on my exercise ball as much as I can because that "bowling ball" feeling makes it hard to sit on the couch or chairs.


lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-12-09 14:08:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I sure hope my babies don't have too many feeding difficulties.

This morning I was having contractions every 3 to 5 minutes if I was up and walking around. But 8 to 10 minutes if I Laid down. But then my ob was sick so I had to go in early to see another one and my blood pressure was something over 98. So the doctor sent me to triage to "monitor" me. Three hours of sitting there getting my blood pressure taken and listening to babies heartbeats and all was fine - no protein in urine, not anemic, no high blood pressure readings. But all strong contractions stopped because I could only sit. Went out to lunch with DH. Came home and basically nothing the rest of today.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-12-06 19:53:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Well 38 weeks for me. Still nothing that makes me think labor is impending.  I guess I will just work on some work projects and bounce on my exercise ball today. Everyday I keep telling myself, I can't believe I made it this far and I am still pregnant with twins.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-12-05 05:57:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Nope, babies are still on the inside.  I am really tired today. Trying to drink lots of water and relax. Been sitting on my exercise ball trying to bounce my little boy down further.  Not sure it does any good. My tummy has been one large rock hard mass for the last couple of days. No definitive contractions that I can tell, but what do I know I have never had a baby before, much less twins.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-12-04 14:58:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I had a friend whose little boy was allergic to milk, wheat, soy, and several kinds of nuts. She was breastfeeding but having to majorly change her diet so her little boy wasn't getting sick. I hope you are able to find the right combination of foods you can eat so Caihla doesn't keep vomiting.


I am working on setting up my Christmas tree today. I am participating in an ornament exchange. I made 18 ornaments with styrofoam balls covered in fabric scraps, lace, rick rack, and appliques. They look cute. Hopefully the recipients will appreciate them.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-12-02 12:16:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?


Funny thing, whole grains or complex carbs are suposed to be good they said, but for me if i ate like shredded wheat plain which is a ton of fibre, it did not work at all for my numbers. some foods react differently with people.  after a week or two you can figure it out what works and what does not.

Caihla is actually on Zantac right now for her GERD.  Hoping to see results soon, but from what i've read it can take up to a week to see any improvement.  I just want her to be able to eat and not vomit.  Right now she is starting to realize mommy's boobs = pain and today she refused to eat from me. I had to pump and give her it in a bottle. sad.png


Yeah, finding triggers for GD high numbers took me a couple of weeks. It didn't seem to matter which carbs I ate either sometimes, whether it was "whole grains or complex carbs" or not. Although with straight up sugar, like the sweet and sour sauce I put on top of meatballs, it would spike my numbers but other than that.


Hope you can figure out and get Caihla's GERD under control. I am sure that straight from the ####### milk is a whole lot easier for you to keep up with.


Feeling good this morning.  Maybe my babies will come tomorrow. I am tired of the GD diet.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-11-30 06:25:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I don't know why, just having surgery worries me. I know that every mom has said it's no big deal but the thought makes me nervous. 


Unfortunately I failed my 3 hr and now have GD sad.png I'm glad my diet is regulated but I'm predicting I'll have to do insulin because my sugar levels are still all over the place even though I've been following everything to a "T". 


Have you been able to do any consistent daily exercise? I have GD too and have been able to stay off insulin and keep my numbers basically in check through swimming 30 minutes every day and following the GD diet the dietician gave me. I also found that potatoes and whole wheat bread must stay at 2 carbs a meal even when I am allowed 4 carbs in a meal in order to keep my sugar numbers down. Stress, not drinking enough water, and forgetting to wash your hands with soap and water before testing at all can cause high numbers. Then again, sometimes there is no reason at all. Drinking lots of water seemed to help me too. Think of it as diluting the sugar in your system so the sample your meter takes in has less sugar per part blood.


AFM, I am still pregnant, although I though maybe today would have been the day - got woken up to squeezing contractions at 6 a.m. but by 2 p.m. after some great pelvic back massage by DH and some extra sleep, all the squeezing was gone and I was feeling pretty good. Tried to go to sleep at 8:15 p.m. tonight because I was tired, took my zantac for heart burn, but it was still bothering me at 10:15 so I got up to eat a snack. Now I hope I can actually go back to bed and sleep because I figure I will have these babies soon. Currently 37 + 2.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-11-29 22:46:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Babies still on the inside - 36 + 6 today.  I really can't believe I made it this far with twins. Family is coming in tonight - so glad there is another house they can all sleep in so they come to my house to play games, visit, and eat, then they can go back to another house to sleep or just leave so I can sleep. I will be adding 8 people to my house for the next few days. My mom is going to be staying to help me from Thankgiving until th end of December when my sister with a little girl has foot surgery and won't be able to walk for 6 weeks. So I am hoping these babies don't wait until their due date (Dec. 19, 2013), that way I can get help at the early weeks when I will be most knocked out from taking care of twins and will need cooking and laundry done so I can breastfeed my babies and get the rest I need to recover.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-11-27 07:24:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Holy cow , they mix that many vaccines together? I had no idea. Reminds me, I need to get a pediatrician lined up.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-11-26 08:49:00
CanadaWedding Details
I think that is so cool! Now some stuff is crazy prices but they offer some out of this world creative things I would never come up with.

Tonight I bought my headband that I will wear for the wedding.

Check out if you haven't already.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-05-10 21:27:00