CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

I work for an insurance agency and all of our carriers run credit scores and adjust premiums based on that score. Your insurance credit score or "insurance score" is 100% different than the credit score you will see when applying for a credit card or loan. It is based on a number of factors, one of the biggest things being your insurance history. The longer your insurance history is, no matter with what carrier its through, you will be given a more preferred rate. Also, if you have a lapse in coverage (no matter if you stopped driving, sold your car, had your license suspended, etc) your score will generally be lower. With that said, different companies put different emphasis on credit. We only write with 4 major carriers, but in those 4 companies I see a really wide range of how credit can effect ones score.

Education level is actually a discount, not a surcharge. Or, it is suposed to be that way- I can't speak for every company. Some companies will give you a discount for a higher level of education. It's generally very marginal, and you hardly notice it in the grand scheme of things. We normally avoid asking our customers that question, since people can be rather touchy about their education level. If you ask their occupation, and some other questions, you can sometimes get there without coming out and asking. Some companies also give a discount for being a member of a college alumni association, which is just another way of them asking you your education level. But, most of our carriers don't go there at all. We're you quoting with Progressive Trailmix? Because Progressive was one of the first companies to start doing it. The funny thing is, they don't ask you to prove your education level. So, there really isn't anything stopping you from saying you have a PhD to maximize the credit. They don't bother checking! It's based on the "honor system"

Very interesting! And I suppose like the credit score based on loans, credit cards, etc, it doesn't transfer from Canada to the U.S. either. Blargh! Ugh, why does moving from one North American country to another have to have so many unexpected hurdles that involve outlays of money.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-29 05:29:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Why do insurance premiums have to be based on one's credit/insurance score! I just got the insurance bill so I can insure my fiance's car. Well, because he has "limited credit data" his premium is $250 dollars more than mine over a 6 month period! Yikes! That is taking into account a multi-car policy, "mature household", and several other discounts. Ugh.

At least they were willing to add him without a SSN or Driver's license from Michigan.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-06-28 10:17:00
CanadaCanadian Passport Renewal from US
Good to know it will be fairly simple for DH to renew his Canadian passport and get it back fairly quickly.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-07-07 15:44:00
CanadaAnxious about Primary Evidence needed for K1

I think you have a nice spacing of photos to show that you have seen each other at different times doing different things and with significant people like his mom.


I was in a similar situation - whenever my Canadian man came to visit, he stayed with friends so there were no hotel bills, he drove his car, we ate at my place, etc. We took pictures, explained our situation, and it worked out in the end. I think you have a good list of evidence.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-12-02 15:38:00
CanadaMoving and bringing your belongings - what is taxed?
My DH had a car he was still paying on when he imported. We just kept making payments to Canada through aft. We sent money to his Canadian account each month to cover the withdrawal.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-01-23 20:59:00
CanadaThe IRS/CRA Income Tax Thread
My husband (the Canadian) and I got married in July 2010. He quit his job in Canada about a week before he crossed the border (end of June). We finished his AOS Oct. 2010 and he got a job a couple days later. He worked for a month and made $2275. He was unemployed and received EI for Nov. and Dec. 2010. I am trying to use turbotax.

Can we exclude his income from Canada (for Jan. to June 2010 and his EI for Nov. and Dec. 2010)?

In the little "questions turbotax asks", it says "Was my husband a citizen in 2010, or became one?" I said yes because he AOSed and became a permanent resident. Is this correct?

We stated that my husband is required to pay foreign taxes on the income he received. When my husband does his Canadian taxes will he be claiming "nonresidency" status in Canada?

To qualify for the foreign income exclusion would it be better for my husband to use bona fide resident test or the physical presence test? I used the bona fide resident test using his birthday as when he started living in the foreign country and June 30, 2010 as the day he left.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2011-04-06 13:46:00
CanadaThe IRS/CRA Income Tax Thread
Definitely going to be reading through this thread. Waiting for my husband's T1's from his last employer.

Does Service Canada send a T1 for employment insurance income?
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2011-02-25 09:46:00
CanadaDual Citizenship - Yay or Nay?
My Canadian DH is going to apply for citizenship because of the affidavit of support I filled out. He knows he wants to support our family and have me stay home with our newborn twins who are 7 weeks today. Not having to report to the government if we move is also a factor. He would like to vote as well.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-02-08 10:25:00
CanadaTim Horton's at Meijer!

My DH wants Tim Horton's Hot Chocolate. I guess I will have to check for that next time I go to Meijer (which I think are just in Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois :(  )

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-03-16 09:29:00
CanadaCell phone plans in the US?
After this discussion I looked into pages plus cellular. Found kitty wireless and her forums. Dh and I have now switched over. We will pay $60 instead of $170. We had to have our 4g smartphones flashed which we paid to have remotely done via computer. The Kitty wireless forum was really helpful. Nice to keep our verizon phones but not keep the huge fees.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-02-12 21:11:00
CanadaWe're *this close* to being done with USCIS forever!!

I am waiting on my DH's naturalization interview. I can't wait to be done with the Department of Homeland Insecurity.  No more "waiting" will be nice.  For now, my DH has been in line for an interview in Detroit since April 8.  Looking forward to having his interview and then his oath ceremony sometime in the next few months.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-05-30 05:45:00
CanadaPhotographs for Canadian documents while in the USA

I don't think I will ever use another person to take passport photos again. I used to create the passport photos I needed for my sons. It has Canada as a drop down menu option, then it gives either Passport, Visa, Citizenship, or Permanent resident card for size of photos. What it does it put multiple photos, that you have taken with a white background, on a single 4 by 6 sheet. Then I take it to a one hour photo place to have them print it. In the age of digital, I don't understand why we can't do these forms online and upload photos on line, but maybe some day. Much cheaper 29 cents versus 8 dollars and something. Those one hour photo places don't get any special training anyway.

Edited by lilacvioletiris, 30 May 2014 - 05:39 AM.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-05-30 05:37:00
CanadaHappy mom

Way to go!

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-05-30 05:31:00
CanadaPassport photo

Seems like the requirements are just a tad different. It has been a long time since I filled out the I-129F form though. Just renewed DH's Canadian passport. Took forever to get the U.S. photographer person to understand the rules for the Canadian passport photo.  Smack head.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-06-13 19:12:00
CanadaCanada/US Crossing with Vehicle Letter
They have never heard of a diesel car? This county must be "out of it". Very funny.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2011-09-26 19:25:00
CanadaCanada/US Crossing with Vehicle Letter
I believe his car loan was from the dealer. Is there anyone else who dealt with this (i.e. a car loan from the dealer on a car they wanted to import to the U.S.)?
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-01-20 13:33:00
CanadaCanada/US Crossing with Vehicle Letter
In Michigan (where he is coming) (and Wisconsin where I lived before) my car title had the name of my car loan holder on it until I paid off. I will have to ask my fiance' about his car title in Canada. I hadn't even thought of the fact that they wouldn't give a title at all to the car purchaser. Hum.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-01-20 12:20:00
CanadaCanada/US Crossing with Vehicle Letter
After reading through this thread, I am still a little unclear. If my fiance' still is making payments on his car loan, can he or can't he import it to the U.S.? We were just planning to keep his Canadian checking account open with money to pay his monthly payments.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2010-01-20 11:58:00
CanadaQuick Nexus question about dual citizen infant

VeeNDee, I was wondering the same thing. Waiting my babies passports to come back. Ugh taking infant passport photos, now that was a hoot. I think I took about 100 photos of my son Edward before I got one where he was looking straight at the camera with eyes open, mouth closed, both ears visible.  My son William only needed 3 photos and I had one that was perfect. My DH and I have NEXUS and we definitely want our sons to have it too because I can't imagine long border waits with TWO screaming infants in the car.  Taking their photo at the NEXUS enrollment center will be interesting as well. I guess I will cross that bridge when I finally get my boys U.S. passports.

Edited by lilacvioletiris, 30 May 2014 - 05:30 AM.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-05-30 05:29:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

VeeNDee, so sorry to hear of your loss. I am glad you have chosen to name your little one. I look forward to the day we are all reunited with those we have lost too soon.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-08-14 17:52:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Teeth have made things a bit more exciting lol.


Hang in there- you can do it!


Yeah, talk about teething making things interesting. My Edward has gotten his third tooth on the top gum now - tonight he was crawling around and I was laying on my back just kind of relaxing for the evening. He acted like he was hungry still so I lifted my shirt, and he kind of went to town sucking then all of a sudden - CHOMP! That was the end of nursing for tonight. I think he was just playing around. I need to be careful at that point he doesn't "eat" me.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-07-12 20:02:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Congratulations! For breastfeeding early and often! I was feeding my babies every 1.5 hours and that helped them get latched on right and got the supply that they needed. Although early on, their stomaches are so tiny that they need to eat often.

Hey everyone!
I haven't posted in a while, got a little crazy towards the end. 
Well, where do I start?

June 24th was the due date, which well... Nothing happened!  I was starting to get annoyed!!!  I just wanted the little man out!
I was scheduled for an induction on the following Thrusday, July 3rd.  Canada day came by, I was really hoping he was going to come then, would've made me happy but, oh well.  I was starting contractions on that day.  At about 235am I woke up to pee, went to lay back down, and I didn't feel right.  Cramps started so, I thought, maybe I have to go to the washroom again, got up, get to the door and BOOM! Water broke, my reaction, "Oh, no!"  LOL
I didn't wake my husband up right away (We got married on June 20th), went to the washroom again, a little icky but, whatever.  I woke my husband up, his reaction was funny, just, jumped out of bed and was wide awake - I was not expecting that lol. 
Mother in law zoomed over, she was to take us into town to the hospital.  My contractions started shortly after but, not that bad, manageable; just like bad period cramps.
Dropped our little pitty off at grandpa's and we're then off to the hospital.  As we got close my contractions started to get stronger and closer together.  Got to the hospital around 4am, they hooked me up all up, got my IV going.  I could've killed the RN who did my IV.  I don't know what the hell she was doing with my hand but, she had no luck and left my hand a mess!
Everything was going well, then the contractions started to get worse, I then decided since I could get stoned, why  not?  I got a nice dose of whatever painkiller they gave me but, that didn't last very long.  They gave me a second shot of it but, that probably made it worse.  I then went ahead with the epidural.  I am so glad I got it, as scared as I was with getting a needle in my back, honestly, it wasn't that bad!!  I only flinched because she didn't give me a god damn warning and I thought I messed it all up but, I was good to go!
At around 1pm I think I started to feel the need to push but, I guess I wasn't ready to go just yet, had to wait a little longer.  Then at about 130 or so, I was given the okay to start pushing. 246pm little baby Liam was born.  We named him after daddy, William but, since there are a lot of Williams in the family, we decided to call him Liam.
Liam was born at 7lbs and 15oz, 21.5" long, healthy  and strong.  Had a two day stay at the hospital, coming home was a little scary but, I was glad to be back home and comfortable. 
He had his first doctor's visit today, gained 11oz so, he's doing really well!  Breastfeeding is a little tricky, so, if you ladies have any tips, do share!

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-07-11 18:08:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Cute babies!  Someone gave us bibs for "babies first Canada Day". They were cute.


Trip to Canada - oh my - no exits in Toronto with car accidents.  DH nearly had a breakdown from the boys crying. He got annoyed that we basically had to stop every 1.5 to 2 hours to change diapers or eat. Then the border crossing coming back to U.S. without our Nexus cards (totally need to get them for our boys) - torture. Screaming babies for an hour waiting to get to little "hut". Husband says "never again".  We will see.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-07-08 13:31:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
My boys got there passports a week ago. Need to fill out the Nexus things for them. DH and I leave next Friday to go to Canada for DH parents 50 th wedding anniversary. First long trip with the babies.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-06-20 18:42:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?



We found out a few weeks ago that I was pregnant. I'm at 8 weeks now. We haven't told anyone but the grand-parents yet since it's still so early. I have to say that I am both terrified to lose it (I have PCOS and apparently my chances to miscarry are higher) and terrified to give birth at the same time XD.


Welcome to the thread. Getting to 8 weeks is a good thing. You are only 4 weeks away from when miscarriage risk decreases. I have a couple friends with PCOS that took forever to get pregnant but once they were, they both carried their babies to term.  Have hope that all will go well.


I have twin boys who are almost 6 months old. Being a first time parent is pretty intense. Add in immigration issues for my DH - we are currently waiting on his naturalization which has been in line for interview scheduling since April 8. Kind of like pregnancy - lots of waiting not knowing when the event will happen, lol.


Glad you found us!

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-06-13 11:39:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
It is intense toward the end of pregnancy. I went to the chiropractor once at the end and it made my back and legs feel so much better. It will be amazing to see your little one fill out his clothes. Today I sorted through a bunch of stuff people just gave me - 8 boxes overflowing so much that I will need 8 more boxes to contain it all. I feel like the woman in the Bible who kept fill jars with oil from her "start" jar until every vessel was full. I am ready to share the wealth of tiny clothes my babies don't fit in anymore.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-06-09 19:55:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Ahh, cute little guy.

My boys went to the doctor yesterday - William was 15 pounds 11 oz and Edward was 15 pounds 8 oz. Doctor was surprised that their weights were still so close. I feed them about the same amount so it makes sense to me. They haven't been as bothered by this second set of shots which I am thankful for. Still waiting for DH's interview to be scheduled. detroit is slow it seems for naturalization.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-06-07 17:09:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Marilyn, Emily is sure a cutie! Love the pictures.


The excitement for us is that Edward has teeth. First one came through on Monday. Second one came through yesterday. Both on the bottom. Now this momma has to watch out when he eats. So far I haven't had any "nibbling" that feels any different.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-05-28 07:57:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I'm definitely breast feeding! The extra hormone that's produced in there, hGH, is what helps us lose the weight quicker. I'm even debating on drinking some of it too to help with losing the added body fat i've gained. In the bodybuilding world, it's not unheard of for men to drink breast milk so, why not give it a chance. I keep trying to talk the hubby into it too, i'm sure he'll get on board! My little guy has the hiccups right now, and I think it's the funniest thing to feel! Few more weeks to go! I can't wait to meet him, I already feel he's going to be stubborn since both mommy and daddy are! lilacvioletiris, are you working out? When did the doctor give you the okay to go back to the gym? I'll be itching to get back in the weight room right away, but i'll have to allow recovery time before I start up again.


My babies are 20 weeks old now and I have just started being more meaningful in walking and want to get back to swimming. I had a c section and it was probably 10 weeks post partum before I felt comfortable moving a lot. I had the okay from my doctor at my 6 week appointment, but even now some of the muscles in my abdomen hurt if I walk too much or lift too much too often even groceries and laundry.  So annoying.  Not what I expected after giving birth. 


Internal hiccups are the weirdest feeling. I enjoyed it though.


Ontarkie, yeah it is supper annoying about the passport renewal.  Just too many things happening at once.  We could have waited to do the naturalization but we had the money set aside since last September and we knew if we didn't do it now, the money would be spent on something else soon enough with our boys. I will just be glad to have the process overwith. Still no scheduled appointment for his interview. Last touch on our case was April 8. Ninety days is a long time to wait but I am sure something will happen before than.


VeeNDee, I haven't used its services yet, but I am glad my YMCA has free child care.  Need to get back to swimming there.



lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-05-12 05:11:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
GermanCanadian, welcome to the great excitement of being a mommy to be! I have found breastfeeding to be a great "get your body back" device. I have lost 30 pounds so far. Just remember it takes 9 months to gain the weight so expect at least that long to lose it healthfully and still be able to breastfeed if that is your plan. Boys are great! My twins are 4.5 months old!

Ontarkie, my DH is in the middle of his naturalization process. He applied in March and we still don't have an interview date. His parents 50 th wedding anniversary is end of June but his Canadian passport expires on June 1. We should have applied for US citizenship earlier but when we wanted to in Oct 2013 the government was on shutdown, then the babies came, DH is not the paperwork filler outer kind of person, so finally I pushed him to get it done last week. Ugh waiting. So looking forward to him having dual citizenship! No more dealing with the department of homeland insecurity.

VeeNDee, I guess I am in a community where the expectation is breastfeed or pump for at least a year. I have felt very supported to keep going even though I feel trapped sometimes and don't get much done around the house. Today I finally folded an overflowing crib full of clothes because my littlest son took a nap unexpectedly!

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-05-09 13:02:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Ah, kimbear, sorry to hear the specialist wasn't that "special" in the way of helping.


On the pediatrician front, I think it is all about who you see.  At the office, I go to, the female ped is great, the male ped is well not so great.  The nurse gave the shots but she was quick and for most part my boys didn't cry.  My babies have had a little bit of a cough and stuffy nose but all that can be done is "steam them" to help clear it up.  That has gotten DH's goat - "We need to find a new ped who will give medicine to fix the babies."  Um, they are too little for meds that would fix a stuffy nose.  I think the babies have been bothered by the pollen like I am :( and I can't take anything because I am breast feeding.  I just feel trapped breast feeding.  I get my babies to sleep and I want to lay them down and do something - like dishes, laundry, or online work for money - and the babies just wake up.  I am getting pretty decent sleep, by my Edward has been waking up screaming. It seems he gets so hungry after sleeping 5 or 6 hours that he panics.  The screeches could wake the dead. My William has started to have a fear of other people.  I can't just hand him off to someone else to get a break.  He takes a look at their face and then starts to do his panicked cry.  This momma needs a break from her babies for an hour or two each day.


My babysitter I hired so I can actually work for money online has had a sick daughter this week - fever and diarrhea - so she wasn't coming over.  The back up babysitters have their drivers training test this week so they can't come and they are going on vacation next week.  I need to start calling other people to come babysit because the crying incessantly lately - I think the babies have started to teeth - sucking on their hands and DROOLING.


Waiting for DH's naturalization interview date. Bummed that he has to renew his Canadian passport - hello $260 versus $110 for U.S. passport.  Still can't believe I wrote the wrong year on the check for naturalization and that backed it up 2 weeks. Then in March it seemed lots of people applied for naturalization probably because they got their tax returns.


Well, the babies have woken up. At least I had 1.5 hours of silence after their first morning feeding.  I was hoping for 3 hours so I could do some work, but I had to catch up on some other things and read what was going on with you ladies.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-05-07 06:28:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Oh, Kimbear, I am sorry your little Caihla's has had to go through many health issues :( I hope the specialist can figure something out for her so she isn't in pain.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-04-08 13:01:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Marilyn, Emily is so cute! What fun to have a party at 6 months!


Ontarkie, Lucas is sure growing quick.  Cute photo. 


Hopefully my DH will make it through the infant stage.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-03-28 08:00:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
VeeNDee, that is cute bodysuit.

Marilyn, good luck on your flight. I can't imagine taking a baby on a plane but I am sure the visit will be fun.

Tomorrow we are going to take our first "long" trip. It will be by car and it will take us 1.5 hours. Hopefully DH won't have a meltdown. I want to see my friends for one of their daughter's birthday party.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-03-22 12:51:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Good luck VeeNDee transitioning your little one to her crib.


I am so excited because William has sleep a little over 9 hours each of the last two nights IN HIS CRIB in the room next door!  Yeah!  Now if only I can get Edward on the same program. I lay him in his crib and he wakes right up :(

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-03-16 09:27:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

My boys had their 2 month appointment last Friday. Edward weighed 11 pounds 11 oz, from a birth weight of 6 pounds 2 oz. and William weighed 11 pounds 8 oz, from a birth weight of 7 pounds 10 oz.  They were both 24 inches tall. They got their shots and they have had fevers off and on since then.  They are beginning to start bat at something on their activity mat. William likes it the best. My sister came and took pictures for Easter yesterday.

Attached Files

Edited by lilacvioletiris, 12 March 2014 - 06:26 PM.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-03-12 18:22:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Yeah! Glad he has arrived!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-03-01 18:41:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
That is the worst, Ontarki, things starting and not going anywhere. I can hardly believe March is just days away. Seems like winter will last forever though. I have had a couple more nights of good sleep. A friend came to visit yesterday which was really nice. I have been so lonely at home without being able to go out because it is so cold. Looking forward to spring!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-02-27 09:57:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Ontarkie, hope that baby comes soon. The heartburn was the worst!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-02-23 19:59:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Jens, thanks for sharing that. I had read lots of stuff on

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2014-02-18 06:55:00