CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I think they have that at my hospital too. I think my husband needs to take this class. Hopefully, it will be useful to the men.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-05-28 19:35:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I like the idea of taking a monthly picture just to record how the little ones change from month to month. Monthly cakes, not so much!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-05-27 18:06:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Everything else is fine and now the baby's heartrate is apparently in the 140s so my gender guessing is varying wildly!  Next week we have our big ultrasound. So excited to see the baby again :)

What is the connection between heartrate and gender? I hadn't heard about that. Next week is your anatomy scan? Exciting. I can't wait until Aug to find out the genders of my babies. Sorry the heartburn has been bad. Saltine crackers are my best friends. A couple of those and usually the pain subsides.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-05-25 16:58:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Marilyn you look like a beautiful pregnant mommy! Love the bright pants.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-05-25 07:29:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Hopefully Marilyn you appointment will be quick given it is the holiday. Today I got to quit my progesterone suppositories. Yeah! Those things were annoying.

Today I was cleaning out my classroom of 12 years of accumulation. I am so tired. I need to rest more.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-05-21 17:00:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Marilyn, congrats on your birthday! I will be 37 in a few weeks. Like, you I thought I would have babies before now but I am so glad I get the opportunity to have babies regardless of how old I am.

I might have to check on that maternity resale store in the Chicago area. My husband and I travel through Chicago to visit my mom.

It is raining really hard here in Michigan. Better than being so hot. Ugh.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-05-20 16:18:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
October is a pretty busy month for vj mommas to be.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-05-18 17:33:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Autumnal (10/04/2013)
Marilyn (09/30/2013)
Kimbear (10/31/2013)
Lilac (12/19/2013 with twins)
VeeNDee (10/14/2013)
I think I will get some hand me downs from my sister if I have girls. I find it humorous that I tell people I am having twins and that I am just 9 weeks and they ask if I know the genders. Nope, still a bit too early to know that. I am looking forward to knowing when Aug comes.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-05-17 18:10:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Welcome Autumnal! It is always nice to have some people who have gone through the similar experiences together. Congrats on your GC. I am assuming you have applied for citizenship since you are waiting for your oath ceremony.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-05-17 18:01:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Ontarkie, here is yo hoping for better things next month if this month doesn't turn out yo be your month.

I am getting ready to go to a prenatal swim class. I have loved the first two. Can't wait for tonight.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-05-16 17:45:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I love the idea of scheming for Father's Day. I need to think of something for my DH.

I can't wait to feel my babies move but I know I have awhile to wait since I am just now almost 9weeks.

I was reading somewhere that a pregnant woman should sleep on her left side. Something about a vein that takes blood back to the heart.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-05-14 17:23:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Remind when your baby is due?
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-05-14 06:24:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
That is so cute Marilyn. Hope you had fun making your baby registry. My mom wants to do a baby shower for me at a church camping event where people from all over Wisconsin where I grew up will be in June. I will be 14 weeks with twins and I will definitely be showing by then. My mom is so excited to be a Grandma to twins.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-05-12 19:54:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Happy Mother's Day to each of us mothers and mothers to be!

My DH took me out for breakfast for Mother's Day. It was nice not having to cook. That was at 9am because I was hungry. Came home read for a little while and then took a nap from 10:30 am to 1 pm when my sister called to wish me a happy Mother's Day!

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-05-12 12:24:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I went to a prenatal swim class last night. It was a blast. I could totally go swimming all the time. I felt so much better afterward.

Yesterday and today I have been telling my coworkers since my belly is becoming a bit too much to hide. Their reactions when I told them I was having twins was priceless. It made me feel good to be surrounded by excitement.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-05-10 17:20:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Yeah Marilyn, I am doing the progesterone suppositories. So annoying that the cramps make me think I am getting my period. I see my doctor on Tuesday. Probably another month on the progesterone supplementation. I hope that both babies are doing well. I am going to mail out a picture card to my aunts and uncles to announce the twins if all is well.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-05-05 18:26:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Marilyn, that is so cool! 


I know my sisters will be into buying lots of things for my twins.  Today my sister texted me that she bought me the twin breast feeding pillow.  Once I know what I am having - boy/girl, 2 girls or 2 boys - I know they will go nuts.  My aunts and uncles will ecstatic when they find out.  I have some pictures I am goign to make into a collage and mail them for "mother's day" to announce our twin pregnancy.  I am so excited!

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-05-04 20:31:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Marilyn, totally stick with the name. Random relative long removed, whatever.

Belly is really getting stretched today. Ouchy! Eating every 2 hours to keep nausea at bay!

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-05-03 18:16:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
VeeNDee, sorry you are still working to gain weight so hard and that nausea is still bugging you. Hopefully your anti-nausea pill will do the trick.

oh, kimbear, isn't it awful! I have been trying to keep the sinus crud away and I have been gargling with salt water every morning and night.

Oh Marilyn that sounds so fun- a little girl! Emily Helen is a beautiful name.

I am currently in the lots of sleep stage. Went to bed at 7:30 last night, got up at 9:15 pm for a bathroom break, and then slept until midnight when I got hungry and finally slept until 4:45 when I had to go to the bathroom really bad again.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-05-02 18:20:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Marilyn, I hope your ultrasound goes well and yes, keeping the blabbermouth people away is so tough.  I am amazed my mom has held it in as long as she has.  I told her we could have a "I am pregnant" party at a family reunion in June and that actually seems to have kept her mouth shut as she strategizes. I want to tell people because I am starting to get so sick and extremely tired.


Kimbear, I am so glad you are getting past the sicky stage.  I think I am just hitting my stride with that.  Woke up in the middle of the night feeling ready to retch.  yuck.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-05-01 05:59:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Oops double post

Edited by lilacvioletiris, 26 April 2013 - 05:48 PM.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-04-26 17:47:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
That is nice Marilyn. Have to enjoy what perks you get.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-04-26 17:41:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I was at the pharmacy today and went down the baby aisle. Baby formula is locked up behind plastic see threw walls! I looked at the prices and knew why! And it isn't even enough to last for so long. Breastfeeding twins will be a trip, but definitely cheaper than formula. Feed the mama, feed the mama!

I will have to look into WIC. Once I am unemployed in June, I really don't know what the future will hold. I really don't think moving to Memphis would be the best right now.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-04-26 14:48:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Ugh, insurance. This morning I received a job offer in Memphis, TN. It i through the same organization that I am currently working for so same salary and benefits. But I would have to move 11 hours away from most of my family and it doesn't seem that DH would have employment really easily. If I don't take it all our prenatal care would be out of pocket, but since I am the USC I guess I may be eligible for medicaid. But then will the government get bent out of shape since I am my husband's financial sponsor even though he still has a job and benefits.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-04-26 11:37:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Marilyn, glad to hear you may be able to do your 3D ultrasound locally rather than having to make a trek.

VeeNDee, I hope your AOS gets approved to. I know when my DH got his approval it was a great stress relief.

AFM, yesterday I had my first ultrasound of my babies. Yep, that's right babies! I am having TWINS! Two little strong heart beats pounding away. I am humbled and in awe that I am growing two little humans. Dry heave vomited this morning caused by trying to cough up phlegm brought on by allergies that I can't do anything about because anti-histamines are a no no in pregnancy.

DH is so excited! He is telling everyone. I am bit more reserved however. A couple more weeks before I get too talky talky with people about my pregnancy.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-04-24 06:15:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
canadiangal, how exactly were you supposed to know that your baby "wasn't as big as would be picture perfect"? Wow. Again it reminds me that there are things in medical science that are beyond our control.

AFM, I think my body has finally decided that hanging onto water is not completely necessary and that I will drink more. I had gained almost 5 pounds since I had the positive pregnancy test, but now I am down to having gained only 3 pounds.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-04-22 05:22:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
hum, well, since the "prenatal peek" is only available in states far away from me, I guess I won't be doing that one particularly. I have seen some of my friends have them in my area in the midwest - and I think like Ontarkie said, there are doctor's offices that do them. I figure the less ultrasounds the better unless there is a medical necessity to see what is going on inside. It would be cool to see what the baby looks like even before it is born but I guess a little mystery is a good thing!
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-04-21 08:56:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Marilyn, I like the ring of Emily Helen. Very regal sounding. Sorry that William got vetoed. I don't know about the 3D ultrasound. Once DH and find out if we are having one or two babies, the decisions about more ultrasounds will likely be made. If I have one baby, I want to go with a homebirth midwife so there would be no ultrasounds with that, except maybe a gender ultrasound if I can swing that. If there are two babies, then I will likely be ultrasounded a lot and think a 3D ultrasound would be cool.

Edited by lilacvioletiris, 20 April 2013 - 07:22 PM.

lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-04-20 19:22:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Kimbear, try eating some pumpkin seeds, almonds, cooked lentils, and raisins. My mom was always eating those to keep the "anemia monsters" away. Especially the raisins in the days leading up to blood tests since her doctor was "anemia happy". Also when you eat iron rich foods you want to eat them with foods high in vitamin C - maybe drink some orange juice to go with them or eat some citrus fruit. I think you are smart to skip the down syndrome tests - unless you would consider terminating a pregnancy, why have tests that aren't one hundred percent accurate and could actually cause miscarriage done. Just doesn't seem smart to me and I will be skipping them too.

For the DHA, try seaweed, ground flaxseeds (I put a table spoon on my cereal in the morning, it is grainy sweet taste), walnuts, and canola oil.

Hope you can keep your thyroid working properly. How did the doctors know it was going wacky?

Marilyn, glad you are feeling better after your shots last week.

AFM, ugh, tonight is the first night I really feel like I would like to throw up. I laid down about an hour after eating supper to talk to the Canadian in laws and within minutes I felt like I was going to be sick. Felt fine when I was sitting up. Yep, 5 weeks for me yesterday!

Been eating my raisins, walnuts, and almonds to keep my tummy happy in between my bigger meals. I have to keep from eating too much tomato based food too close to bed otherwise I wake up in the middle of the night with heartburn. Came home and slept 1.5 hours after work before DH got home. I didn't get the cleaning done I wanted to do, but I felt a little bit better and not quite so exhausted. Granted I am ready to go back to sleep now, but I don't want that nauseous feeling to come back again. Next week Tuesday April 23 I have my ultrasound and I have a job interview. I am excited. Will it be one or two babies? Will it be a job I would enjoy? Next week is going to be interesting.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-04-19 19:25:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Ah Marilyn, love the photo!

VeeNDee, sorry to hear that you got sick while on your trip. That is no fun.

Tonight my DH tried to kiss me after he ate a donut and I told him sorry, the smell/taste was noxious to me today. It is the craziest thing that I never expected about pregnancy.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-04-16 17:05:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Marilyn, glad your shot went okay. I hated the shots all along my IVF so I have been taking progesterone via vaginal suppositories. Uh yeah, I can't wait for that supplementation to be over around 12 to 16 weeks.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-04-15 12:21:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I was thinking of weekly pictures even now just because I can. Obviously later there will be something to see but my doctor hasn't ruled out twins. Since we transferred 2 embryos back in the Ivf there is that possibility.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-04-14 05:21:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Glad the food list was helpful. I am eating about every three hours to stay ahead of the hunger. Smells are the worse for me right now. One of my students had pizza rolls on Wed and then some pasta casserole with tomato sauce and it just smells noxious to me.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-04-12 05:31:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I guess my advice I should have taken before suggesting it to someone else - high energy density seems to be associated with weight loss, not weight gain as far as giving lists of junk food, not healthy food. Finally found one with healthy food:

Healthy energy-dense foods include nuts and seeds, bread and bagels, pastas, avocados, healthy oils (like olive oil or canola oil for cooking), dried fruits, and 100% fruit juices.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-04-11 06:03:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Morning sickness sounds rough. I don't think I have quite gotten to that although today my sense of smell was in overdrive. Some kid was eating pizza snack pockets and it made me want to gag. Oh and then there was the kid spraying adolescent cologne all over school. It made my headache way worse.

My doctor called today with my pregnancy blood test results. I had an hcg of 149 and I am 13 dpo. I get hcg tested again on Friday.

On the gaining weight on healthy food front, do a google search for high energy density food. Thes are foods with lots of calories in small serving sizes -nuts and dried fruit would be my first suggestions. Almonds have been my salvation the last few days since my meals don't seem to last as long anymore.

Ok, time to sleep.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-04-10 20:09:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Thanks for the well wishes.

Marilyn, I am glad to know your little one is all sorts of moving! Maybe an athlete someday for sure.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-04-09 06:03:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I got a positive pregnancy test today! I am so excited. My mom was ecstatic. I can hardly believe the ivf worked. Beta test on Wed and Friday. Two years of trying for a baby and finally with a little help from medical science and a miracle from God I have a baby or maybe two growing inside me.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-04-07 10:12:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
This baby name generator was fun.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-04-06 11:26:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Kimbear, there is actually a website http://www.whattoexp...nding-page.aspx that I think is the digital version of the book. It has come in handy, and yes it talks about the weird metallic taste being totally normal. Headaches and backaches are the other things bothering me right now. I think regardless of the gender of your little one you will love him or her. Be the mommy you know you want to be. Find some older ladies that you can admire and talk to about being a mom and especially about raising little girls if you end up having one. Abuse is a hard issue. Raising your children to be self-sufficient and self-confident young people who can trust you and your husband explicitly is a challenge I think all parents have.

Marilyn, when I saw Gracelynn I couldn't help but think of Elvis and Graceland. My younger sister has a middle name of Jeanann so I think putting middle names together can work. I havea friend whose 7 year old daughter is Grace Emily M. She is her parents GEM :) Emily seems to be popular again as well as Grace. Even if you picked William for your son's name I wouldn't mind. I think William is such a nice masculine name. It was my Great-grandfathers name and his daughter's name was Wilma. William was also my great-great-grandfather's middle name. William is my DH's best friend's name (it is the main reason DH really likes it). Funny thing is that the doctor who did our embryo transfer is Dr. William Dodds but we had the name William picked out from early married times when we were dreaming of having babies.

Ontarkie, I like the fact that you think William Ernest B. sounds professional. I tend to agree.

VeenDee, Oh I am so with you on the the sinus issues where I can't take my favorite antihistimane, oh man this is going to be a tough spring.

AFM, nothing new. No positive hpt yet (again it has only been 9 days past ovulation). I have a headache, my heck and back hurt and I think I am just going to go back to sleep.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-04-06 10:03:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Lilac, i have to say that is a most interesting experience your going though. it was going to be our next option had i not gotten pregnant. So glad things worked out well for you.

Yeah Kimbear, it has been an interesting experience. I have a whole new appreciation for the miracle that is the ability to have a baby. The fact that sperm ever find eggs and grow to be new humans is simple a miracle! Having gone through the waiting of immigration and infertility has given me patience and more of a wait, it will happen eventually, attitude than I ever had before. Immigration and fertility are two things that we as humans have no direct control over. Once the immigration package is in the mail or the sperm goes in search of an egg we have no more control. We just wait and hope that good results come in the end. I am sorry to hear that your family wasn't more excited about your pregnancy. Us VJers are ecstatic for you! :dance: :dance: :dance: After all the troubles you had with immigration, I am glad that getting pregnant was a bit easier.

Marilyn, I love the names you picked out. Very cute. DH and I like William Ernest B. (his initials will be WEB to memorialize how DH and I met) and for a girl we like Veronica Estelle although the middle name is still up for negotiation. I just learned that there is some cartoon character "Veronica Mars" so I need to check the SSA name database to make sure Veronica hasn't become too popular.

AFM, last night I was having terrible back pain. Keep having stabbing pains on the left side of my uterus and this morning I have the weirdest metallic taste in my mouth that hasn't gone away from eating or brushing my teeth. I have a headache that keeps coming and going too. I did a hpt this morning and there was just a shadow where I know the line should be. Hopefully tomorrow there will be a distinct line. Sunday April 7 will mark 2 years of TTC for my DH and me so I am hoping that we get a bfp on an hpt by then. I am still pregnant until proven otherwise because of our infertility treatments this cycle so I will not lose hope yet.
lilacvioletirisFemaleCanada2013-04-05 08:54:00