National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!

I hope it goes quickly for you all...mine is still sitting there and has been since 7/3 sad.png




Oh God, have you spoke to a Tier 2 to see what the holdup was? I can only assume that they send these all in bulk to NVC so yours has to be sitting somewhere.  I have seen reports of people who have never been notified via email or text and never had the USCIS website update and the darn thing has been to NVC and off to the embassy already. I hope they figure out what is going on soon for you. 

Brent and VikaMaleUkraine2013-07-29 13:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!

Is it just me or does TSC seem to be speeding up on getting files to NVC? Maybe they worked out the bugs, or I am just being hopeful.  It seems to be quicker for people approved starting around the middle of July. We shall see soon enough for all of us waiting I guess. We just got approved Thursday the 25th and they mailed us NOA2 the 26th per USCIS site. So its not like I expected to have it already, just not ready for another extended wait.  Especially since we have about 90% of everything ready for the interview.

Brent and VikaMaleUkraine2013-07-29 13:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!

Congrats steph!!! Mine finally got shipped from TSC to NVC july 24. Maybe soon I have case number.

I had to wait 3 weeks before getting transferred to NVC from TSC.  NOA2 July3. transfer to NVC july24

How do you find out when they ship it from TSC to NVC. Do you get an email or get notified? Or do you just keep checking the USCIS site? Right now we are in "post decision activity" and it says we have mailed you a notice. What type of wording change do I need to look for on the site? Thanks for your help. Being so much closer but still waiting is all part of the game I guess.

Brent and VikaMaleUkraine2013-07-28 22:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!

We got our NOA2 approval on 7/25/13, 140 days from the NOA1.  Now from what I read its another decent wait time to get it from TSC to NVC. At least the longest wait portion of this is over.  Looking forward to starting to make that call to NVC once I get an email that it left Texas. Thanks for this thread and all the information my fellow VJ'ers have shared with us. This would be an even more scary process without this site.

Brent and VikaMaleUkraine2013-07-26 11:48:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The Waiting room for fiancé visa case number is it 10 days or 20

We just got notification that our case was shipped to NVC on August 14th!!! glad we are finally out of Texas!

Brent and VikaMaleUkraine2013-08-15 10:51:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP Part II
Just made my last call to NVC before the holiday weekends. Actually had a really nice operator who have me more info that anyone so far. We shot the bull a bit, I figured kill them with kindness. He told me from what he has been able to tell that AP for k1 is completely random. Now he could be wrong but who knows. Ill take that over the normal
Answer I've been getting of blah blah blah. If they were just honest and told us what was up they wouldnt be getting so many calls. Again im just venting. Has anyone had any luck calling a Senator or representative? I've got a friend who is John Boehners niece. Thinking about reaching out to her if this keeps going. The speaker of the house (ie his staff) may be able to get a better answer than I can.

Brent and VikaMaleUkraine2013-08-30 20:35:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP Part II

Wow... i like your game, but to me is very frustrating... I have been playing with it too seeing people from the same day and even one single digit away shipped away to the embassy, and mine stays the same, and whenever I call all they can say is "your file ma'am is in administrative processing and we do not have a time-frame for when it can or could be sent to the embassy".  That has been the story all week long, no matter if I e-mail them or call them... I guess I need to be patient and wait until they come back to it from their vacation. 
Excuse me for complaining so much, I am just tired of playing the waiting game. It really does not go with me.

Oh trust me it is annoying the heck out of me too. some operators are nice others are matter of fact and could not care less. A guy today was sympathetic and said to me " trust me it will move pinto them soon. I can't tell you when because I don't know but I'm going off experience". For some reason he sensed the anguish in my voice from being told the same thing yet again. There are quite a few from my day that still show "at NVC" but it truely angers me to see others sent in a week after mine already "in transit". All I can do is pray and wait. I guess maybe I'm a control freak and problem solver because all I want to do is find the solution to what's holding it up and direct them how to fix it and send it on to Kiev. But you will not get any answers as to why it is AP at this stage of the game.

Brent and VikaMaleUkraine2013-08-29 19:32:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP Part II
Joining this thread unfortunately. NVC received and assigned a case number on 8/19. So I call every day on the drive to work and on the drive home from work. All the operators can tell me is that it is in AP. sometimes they says additional processing other times administrative processing. From what I read its the same thing. They are all pretty useless individuals actually. Reading off a screen and spouting the same verbage every time I call. Just hope that one day soon one of them tells me it is on its way to Kiev.

I played a game the other day. As some may know the case number is 3 letters the year then the day of the year plus 500 (so aigust 19th is day 231 so 500 plus 231 gie me my 3 numbers after the year)and the last 3 numbers are the order in which they are assigned a case number. So bored at work I start looking for patterns by changing the last 3 digits. It seems those assigned later in the day are more like to still be "at NVC". I've done this for multiple days by raising and lowering the the 3 numbers after the year. It is not always the case but most seem to be stuck when you have a later issued number on each day. So my question is do they do what they can in a day, leave the rest in a pile, then process the next days, and if they can comeback and work the ones they did t get to? I'm just looking for answers and nobody will give them of course. Anyway my Rant is over. Just needed to vent since I thought we were so close. Now I see people a week later moving in to NVC and out to the Kiev embassy. Guess that's government for you!

Brent and VikaMaleUkraine2013-08-28 22:33:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHello
Toria75FemaleGhana2013-08-13 13:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa approved had interview today
Toria75FemaleGhana2013-07-16 15:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2 RECEIVED, YES!!!!!!!!!!
Toria75FemaleGhana2013-07-09 13:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune filer approved!!!!!!!!
Toria75FemaleGhana2013-12-23 20:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy wife's visa is approved!
Toria75FemaleGhana2014-01-18 00:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHubby is home!!
Congrats could you please share those questions thanks
Toria75FemaleGhana2014-01-30 11:08:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDoes USCIS take the green cards after oath taking?

Don't forget to bring your original certificate of naturalization, they will want to see that.

Ran into an idiot at SS, stating my stepdaughter wasn't in the system yet, had to talk with his supervisor with her original certificate, she copied it and all was okay. Wonder where our government finds these idiots? Don't take, you are not in the system yet for an answer, just in case you run into a Hitler kind of arrogant idiot.

Bush tried to get the SS to keep track of immigration status, SS told him no. Obama got them to do it, but also gave them 100 million bucks. Should be done at the speed of light, if the people at the USCIS ever get around to it. All this new nonsense started about a year ago.

Thanks for the info! Glad to know that they cannot use 'you're not in the system yet' excuse!
maidinheavenNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-22 11:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDoes USCIS take the green cards after oath taking?

For the rest of us, for same day passports, we must bring in airline tickets showing a travel date within two weeks.

Don't believe you have to buy an airline ticket so would need something from your employer to verify your travel. Your job depends upon you having a US passport, would your employee even pay for the fee?

Certainly, you can't be the only one with this predicament, every employee on international flights natural born or not has to have a US passport. Check with your legal or human resource department. For all you know, they have a direct relationship with the DOS.

My wife was in a good position, worked for an American based company in her home country with a direct relationship with the US consulate and many friends there. Where it would take others a year to get a visa to come to the USA, she could get it done in a day.

If just presenting them an airline ticket showing an immediate travel date (international) can solve my diilemma, i should celebrate now, coz I can acquire one anytime. And i've yet to speak to our HR Dept and see if they reimburse passport's fee (i think they do) and if they can also send me a letter as proof of my employment. I will gather as much requirements as i can have to show at the passport agency. Hopefully, they can find my name on the system because i plan to be there the day after oath taking...

Again, Thanks all for great input!! I truly appreciate your time in reponding to my query!
maidinheavenNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-22 07:29:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDoes USCIS take the green cards after oath taking?

yup.. plan ahead now.. . let your inflight operation manager know about your situation and have you taken off the schedule.. you definitely will need a us passport even though technically your philippine passport is still valid (dual citizenship rules apply to you).. even though you fly regional (which one btw?), you never know when you have to divert and end up outside the us, like canada.. not having a us passport would be a big problem then.. i'm a pilot i and was in the same situation as you..

Great! I feel much better now knowing that I have options other than waiting for weeks for my US passport. I work for PSA (US Airways express) and you? I rarely fly outside US but we must have our passports all the time. I am on reserve too so I never know where they will send me...

Thanks again kabayan!
maidinheavenNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-20 12:41:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDoes USCIS take the green cards after oath taking?
Thanks guys! Once i pass the interview and after oath taking, I will definitely do the expedite passport processing and i will see too on what my employer can do to help me with this. I appreciate all your responses!
maidinheavenNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-20 09:57:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDoes USCIS take the green cards after oath taking?
If they do, i may have a little problem.

I submitted my N400 application last Nov. 2012 and i will be soon scheduled for an interview. Everything's going smoothly with my application but i thought of something.... I am a flight attendant for a regional airline and we fly in out of the country so I am required to have my green card and passport with me at all times. I know it takes about 4-6 weeks to apply for US passport. On the interview, should i ask if i could keep my green card after the oath taking until after I get my US passport? (Will they let me?) And if they do, will that still be valid when i get through Immigration at airports?

I am confuse, I cannot work without those documents with me... Please, i need your input and advice... Thank you!
maidinheavenNot TellingPhilippines2013-01-20 08:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPossibly living apart prior to submitting form

Can someone give me some advice please? My spouse got his temporary green card issued a couple of months ago. Now he wants to change jobs and is looking in different states. I can't move because I am about 75% of the way toward my retirement. Is it absolutely required that we be living together in order to get the conditions removed from his green card in about two years? Our lawyer's assistant tells us it shouldn't be a problem if we can prove bonafide marriage in other ways, but I'm not so sure. Does anyone have experience like this? I know it would be better for my spouse to wait the two years before moving to a different state, but he doesn't think it will be an issue for his green card. I'm not as optimistic. Thanks for any advice.

marctravisNot TellingPhilippines2014-05-07 20:55:00
Australia and New ZealandA Few K1 Questions

1) my fiance is a college student so we are going to have to use her father for the AOS he has a stable job and steady income.. anyone see any issues with this?

2) does the AOS have to be a USA citizen/resident?

3) can someone explain what happens after we recieve the NOA2?

4) as most of the time ive know my fiance has been soley based over the internet we dont have much in the way of records of communication from years gone by, although we do have some recent emails and phone records from the last couple of years. will it be a problem not having the early stuff?

4) I am aware that I need to have a medical done. can it be done at any stage or does it have to been done right before my interview?

5) Any advice for the next steps?

1) I assume you mean her father will co-sponsor on the affidavit of support. This is not a problem as long as he makes at least 125% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines for a household of 3 (unless he has other dependents as well) or $23,162.

2) The co-sponsor may be any US citizen, US National or Lawful Permanent Resident who lives in the US, its territories or possessions. HOWEVER, some consulates REQUIRE that the co-sponsor be an immediate family member of the petitioner.

3) Recommend that you read the guides for this one.

4) Consulate needs to determine if the relationship is bona fide today. Evidence of a relationship from 8 years ago is less relevant than more recent evidence. Evidence from the last 2 years will be the most important. It won't hurt to bring some photos from earlier years if you have them.

4b) The medical needs to be done within a certain time before the interview. The embassy will send you a packet of information including what you need for the medical. Some embassies require that results be sent directly from the doctor. So don't do this until you are instructed.

5) Keep reading this site! You're almost there!

Rich&VeroMaleSpain2011-07-25 00:34:00
IMBRA Special TopicsK1 and IMBRA question
The Adam Walsh Act applies as well.

"The USCIS has decided to determine all Adam Walsh Act subject applications at its Vermont Service Center. The Adam Walsh Act applies to certain marriage and fiance(e) visa applications. It requires the Immigration agency to affirmatively determine that a Petitioner will not be a risk to an immigration beneficiary, if the petitioner was convicted of “specified offenses against minors.”The limitation includes petitions for adult and child immigrant beneficiaries. If subject to the Act, the petitioner has the burden of demonstrating that there is “no risk” to the beneficiary. The immigration agency is the sole determiner and its decision cannot be appealed."

Rich&VeroMaleSpain2011-08-02 21:15:00
USCIS Service CentersDHS OIG Audit of USCIS
I like the part where they recommend putting up posters at the Service Centers to remind workers that each file represents people's lives... what workplace problem can't be solved by motivational posters?
Rich&VeroMaleSpain2011-08-05 00:24:00
USCIS Service CentersDHS OIG Audit of USCIS

"The IG analyzed whether teleworking contributed to higher rates of lost files at the four USCIS service centers.

The centers together lose an average of 27,000 alien registration files each month, by in-office workers and teleworkers, the IG said. The missing files typically contain personally identifiable information such as Social Security numbers, fingerprints and photographs, the report states."

"The IG found that the two service centers with the highest rates of telework participation experienced the highest rates of missing files. The Vermont service center was responsible for 39 percent of the lost files; its telework participation rate was 23 percent. The Texas service center accounted for 32 percent of the lost files, and its telework participation rate was 24 percent.

The Nebraska center accounted for 17 percent of the lost files and had a 17 percent teleworking rate, while the California center was responsible for 12 percent of the lost files and had a 7 percent telework rate, the report states."

Link to the actual DHS report:

Rich&VeroMaleSpain2011-08-05 00:17:00
USCIS Service CentersComplain to Ombudsman, VSC leftovers and TSC transfers

How do we know if ours was one that was transferred? Mine hasn't been touched since we sent it in and assigned to the VCS in March.  Will it show on the site? We are only 3 months in so I don't expect any action soon on our case.  I planned on action at the 6 month mark and nothing sooner but if it came about sooner than that I would be pleasantly surprised :)

Brent and VikaMaleUkraine2013-06-11 12:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine K2 help needed
We finally got Vika's ex-husband to agree to let Kirill come with her. We thought it was going to be a tough battle but after some talks all worked out. The help we need is what do we need to have him sign. I emailed the embassy but no response so I was hoping to see if anyone here has gone through this. From what I can gather its a notarized letter stating something to the affect of "he is allowed to accompany his mother and move to the states". In have also read we need a copy of the fathers internal Ukrainian passport. Any help with the wording of this letter and also what language it should be in, and any other requirements would be appreciated so much. It's a shame to not get a response from the embassy but this community has been, and will continue to be a lifesaver. Thanks in advance.

Edited by Brent and Vika, 14 July 2013 - 11:16 PM.

Brent and VikaMaleUkraine2013-07-14 23:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhere is everyone from in Russia?
Viktoriya is from Lugansk Ukraine.
Brent and VikaMaleUkraine2013-07-17 23:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine embassy question
On its way to RUB forum. Didn't even think about that. Forgot about it until you said RUB's are not easily shocked.
Brent and VikaMaleUkraine2013-07-26 17:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine embassy question

Kiev has never been a difficult consulate to deal with.  Very few people report any problems and then it was always for something very unusual.


They DO require that you have all your documentation.  Do not expect to get away with not providing some needed document. They generally are very lenient in reviewing proof of relationship.  For us they looked at four photos and nothing else.  We had -0- questions asked at the interview.  We were called up and told we were approved.  More often some easy questions are asked..."How did you meet?" "Where does your fiancee work" or sometimes they ask biographical questions "What are your parents names?" to see if it is the same person that filled out the form...if you get the drift.  


That said, I brought a lot of evidence of relationship and went to the interview myself.  Better to be overgunned than trampled by an elephant.


They like to see one year's (most recent) tax return.  Bring one.


A couple of sticking points to be aware honest with your fiancee.  If there is a marriage you "forgot" to mention to her and provided documents for (OH YES,  it has happened!) they may ask things about your previous marriages.  Did you meet her while you were separated?  Before a divorce was final?  Make sure you tell her.  These things are not a problem IF she knows everything.


One example...One woman was asked "Did you know your fiance was still married when he started communicating with you?"  Her answer.  "Yes, so what?  So was I."  Approved!  Another was asked the same question and her response was ...cray5ol.gif  They got AP and eventually approved. People in a legitimate relationship just need to be honest.  I know enough about Ukrainian women that they will pretty much accept anything that went on before you met them...pretty tough to shock a Ukrainian woman...but they want you to be honest about it.  After you are are subject to "Death and Dismemberment"™ laughing.gif


Ukraine has no unusual traditions, morals, standards or other nonsense to get in the way of an approval like some MENA and far East countries.  


Thanks Gary, we are open books so she knows everything about me. We did meet while I was still legally married but had been separated for over a year. Divorce in Louisiana is not a quick process when children are involved. But I didn't propose until after I was legally divorced, just didn't feel right. 


I agree about Ukrainian women not being shocked easily.  I think RUB's are like that in general actually.  There is a great clip on Youtube form John Stewart show about how Russians are not shocked by anything. It is one of the funniest things I've seen.  Ill insert a link, it is pretty darn funny, and Vika says "It's very true"




Brent and VikaMaleUkraine2013-07-26 11:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine embassy question
Just got our NOA2 approval tonight. Celebrated a bit but now we Have work to do for the interview. I've read the reviews about The embassy in Ukriane. It seems it gets very high ratings. Anything anyone wants to share about their interview process would be appreciated. I've read that most interviews are only a few questions and read where some people barley had all the paperwork the brought as evidence looked at. Thanks for all your help!
Brent and VikaMaleUkraine2013-07-25 23:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFunny but true RUB video

Good to see you around again Slim!  Good video.
What ever happened to the video of the Russian street fight, where they were heaving manhole covers at each other. I think I lost a little pee watching that one! laughing.gif  I think you posted that one. 
Brent, you are in for the ride of your life, remember the magic words ...  ??? ??? ????, ??? ??????.  
Anything for you, my little bird! 

I'm ready for the ride. Been ready since a couple weeks into talking to each other. Never thought I'd know that over the Internet. Who would have thought? Nice thing for Vika is that one of her best friends from Ukriane is married to one of my good friends. So she isnt alone here in Baton Rouge and has a great friend from childhood to show her the ropes. Side note, I think we owe our friends a nice dinner for setting us up a year and half ago. It's been the best thing that ever happened to me. Its funny how much i appreciate the differneces in Ukrainian women to American women. The contrasts are stark. I read somewhere that RUB women can be cold or as slim said hard. I view that as a strength and good thing for a relationship. Id rather deal with cold or hard than Bat Sh$t crazy any day of the week. Lol. But no matter what it's going to be a heck of an adventure. I have 3 kids (joint custody) and she has a son who is only one day older than my twins. So some weeks ill have three 6 year olds and a 4 year old. God help me!

Brent and VikaMaleUkraine2013-07-27 00:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFunny but true RUB video

I remember my buddy's first time meeting my wife. "Damn, dude. I thought you were joking when you talked about how hard she is." 

Here's another good one that offers a unique insight into RUB stuff.

Ha! That's funny. We went to Mexico for our first meeting after Vikas and my
Good friend introduced us. Great time but when you go shopping there everyone bothers the heck out of you to buy their stuff. They will literally follow you down the street talking to you. Vika acted like she didn't speak English and i used my limited Russian to act like I didn't either. Made shopping a lot more enjoyable. Except for the one Mexican who knew russian, He busted me lol.

Brent and VikaMaleUkraine2013-07-26 20:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFunny but true RUB video
I would have still laughed at this if I wasn't getting married to a Ukrainian. But i know how true this is from my experiences with Vika and my time spent in Ukraine. RUB's are not easily shocked as someone told me and this is a great example. I honestly think it is part of what we all love about them. Hope you enjoy it too.


Brent and VikaMaleUkraine2013-07-26 18:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDS-156 help for Ukraine
Got a question. Filling out a form, DS-156, for my fiancées son who is 6 years old. Under question 14 about national identification number, he does not have one. For Vika's 156 we used her internal ukraine passport number. What would we use for Kirill's, if nything at all? Any help would be appreciated.
Brent and VikaMaleUkraine2013-08-16 18:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A miracle just happened! After almost 14 months undergoing AP, "REFUSAL" on AUGUST 1ST, Today August 18th got a call from my fiance at 5:00AM.........
Toria75FemaleGhana2013-08-18 22:35:00
United KingdomThings you'll miss from the UK, and how you'll compensate?
Definitely crumpets.
Teresa27FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-09 19:55:00
United KingdomLondon medical to interview time estimate?

Hi all,


I was just wondering if anyone recently had their medical and has received their interview letter or even already had their interview?


Just looking for a recent time estimate between the two as I have my medical tomorrow.


Thanks in advance! 

Teresa27FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-09-09 04:02:00
United KingdomQuestion regarding my medical tomorrow

I had my medical in London today and I had one photo of each UK and USA size and I asked the receptionist which one she'd like and she said either would be fine :) :)

Teresa27FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-09-10 14:48:00
United KingdomLondon interview date and those wanting a rough timeline.

Good morning everyone!


I received a letter this morning from the embassy confirming that my interview date is Oct 15th at 8.30am!! FINALLY! 

I hope these next 20 days go by so fast as I am sure they will because I have so much to organise now :) 


Just for those who want to know a rough timeline:

- I had my medical 15 days ago

- The interview date is exactly one month from my medical date


I still can't believe I am only about a month away from being back with my future husband after so much time apart.


For those still waiting...hang on!! This feeling is so worth it.

Teresa27FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-09-25 02:38:00
United KingdomK1 Approved!

I had my interview in London yesterday and was approved  :D


Just eagerly waiting for my passport to be sent back to me, which I'm hoping will be next week.


It was a very straight forward interview - but a REALLY long morning. Lot's of waiting for such a short time up at the windows.


I'm going to write the review now!!

Teresa27FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-10-16 14:29:00