United KingdomLong time!
Posted Image

:D (L)

Mio (top) "standing" on Mayu (bottom). They are actually very close, but I love this photo.

Edited by Gemmie, 01 July 2012 - 11:10 AM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-01 11:09:00
United KingdomLong time!
(F) (L) to you all, I missed coming here!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-29 18:19:00
United KingdomLong time!
Hi everyone!

I think there are a few people here that might remember me. I haven't been on here in forever, but I miss it! So am going to try and keep up with it again.

Updates on me: Me and the hubby celebrated my being in the U.S for three years the other day. In some ways, it feels like forever, and in other ways, it has flown by. I am doing very well, and finally feel like it's home here. The only thing I want to change is that I haven't really made any real friends still- I did make some through a class and through work, but then they were usually students or travellers and ended up moving away. But I am thinking of taking another class this year to meet more people. Other than that, I am still working full-time at the hospital and prison doing research. I've been trained and certified in M.I, a type of therapy, and working with adult inmates helping them have safe sex after release. And last week my boss said she's sending me for further therapy training so I can work with teenagers in prison. It will only be a part-time thing (at the University of Rhode Island), but if I can wiggle myself in there full-time, I can grab myself a State job with all the benefits. Not bad considering I only have a Bachelors degree! :D

Me and Bill are living in a little village miles away from anything, and I like it that way. We're 2 minutes walk from the essentials (pizza place, post office, library, park and bakery) and we have a lovely river outside our apartment, which I LOVE. We have two sister cats that we adopted and they make us laugh every day with their crazy antics. One of them has OCD (she gets very upset if we don't leave the dryer door open) and the other likes water (literally climbs all over me after a shower). We are very happy together, and nothing has changed in our relationship in this process except we've gone through ups and downs and I guess it's deepened. I'm trying not to lose sight of the earlier times of being grateful to even be in the same room- I think it's hard to remember that during every day life and its stressors, worrying about money or work or family.

Immigration-wise, we got our NOA for Removing Conditions last October, so it's been 8 or 9 months and we've heard nothing since Biometrics. But hoping it comes in soon. I can apply for Citizenship this year is I want to, and I think I'm gonna go for it. At first I had an identity crisis ("I am 100% BRITISH AND NOTHING ELSE!") but then decided it's just a passport and who I am will not change.

Anyways there's my news... fill me in with updates! :D
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-26 09:36:00
United KingdomTransition Issues
Vicky, I haven't read all of this topic, just your first post, so sorry if I missed something else.

But I just wanted to say I completely understand how you feel. When I first moved here, I moved to the middle of nowhere to live with my husband and his parents. I couldn't drive, couldn't work, couldn't have my own money, and all I did was sit at home every day and wait for my husband to get home from work. It did affect our relationship in some ways. I didn't notice it at the time, but looking back, I can see it- I was so whiney and miserable each day and the moment he walked through the door, I took the stress out on him, shouted at him if he resisted in any way, and then ended up feeling guilty for acting that way. Even when I got my AP, I had no money to visit the UK. And even when I got my EAD, I had no idea what to apply for. I started applying for all kinds of jobs, and no one would get back to me. I had disappointment after disappointment, and it all added up along with my homesickness, missing my friends in the UK, not having my independence, and I eventually starting feeling depressed. Again, not something I caught at the time. I just thought I was feeling sluggish. But looking back, I can say I was probably depressed. And why wouldn't I be? I lived in that situation for a year and a half, it was enough to bring anyone down.

Just to give you some perspective though, I barely recognise that person when I read old posts on here or think about what I used to do/think/feel. As soon as I passed my driving test, I got myself a job and that was it. Getting to see regular faces outside of my husband and his family was a blessing! We saved up enough to move out, and did so. That was about 1.5 years ago now, and I no longer feel miserable here. I do have days where I want to go to the UK, and all I want to do is see my friends there. But when I look at how far I've come here, and all I've accomplished, I honestly feel proud.

You will definitely get through this. DEFINITELY! I used to read peoples' posts on here when they told me that, and think 'maybe you did, but I never will'. Or 'just go out and meet people'? I would get mad... like, 'how am i supposed to do that with no money, no travel, and no PEOPLE around?' LOL. Really though, there is light at the end of the tunnel. It's crazy to think that when you make the leap, you have no identity over here and you have to start over.

Please message me on here, and/or feel free to add me on Facebook if you want. We can chat about it whenever you like.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-29 18:05:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Oh definitely. He is great at his job, pays loads of attention to detail, etc.

I just want to tell him to SHUT. UP. Especially now that I'm struggling to keep my eyes open at my desk with all the hormones, and I have him telling me pointless updates. I can't even politely hide it anymore. I just look at him, say OK, and turn away. :lol:
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-01 07:54:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
My b!tch is tense coworkers. My new "Supervisor"- he likes to remind me all the time that he's my supervisor even though we all coped perfectly fine without one for ages- is a self-confessed OCD obsessive. A simple project that should've taken 10 minutes took us an hour because he kept obsessing over exact measurements. He's also incredibly uptight. He likes to make a mountain out of a molehill, give me constant unneeded updates (such as literally telling me about the time later that he's going to tell me something), and generally unpleasant to be around. He has to wipe the sweat from his head with a paper towel, has shakey hands, and keeps referencing his high blood pressure over simple work tasks.

I'm such a laid-back person and we clash immensely.

I told him he needs to chill out if he expects to have children in the next year or two (which he does), and he insists that "oh trust me, you need to be OCD with kids". Erm, no, you need to learn flexibility and to relax.


Edited by Gemmie, 31 August 2012 - 02:39 PM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-31 14:39:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
But will YOUR insurance go up as well?

Some idiot smacked into the back of me this year when I was at a Stop sign (I was very shaken but otherwise fine- her car was dented) and she told me she just wasn't concentrating because of issues with her mother, etc, etc, and asked me not to contact the insurance company. She even offered me cash on the spot. I declined, but heard since that if I had contacted them, my insurance would increase, even if it was her fault.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-29 17:51:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Speaking of meet-ups, (ya'll are just too far away for me), I met with Nich-Nick and her husband yesterday. :D We went on a whale watch cruise and then to dinner, was lovely.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-26 10:21:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
So I think we need an Irritating-MIL topic. ;)

Anyways, my best friend is coming to stay with us in 6 weeks! She'll be staying in our new apartment with us for 2 weeks, which I am so excited for, as I haven't seen her in a year. Other than my husband, she's like my other half... so I guess she's my other third. Happy times! :D She really wants to go to NYC since we only live 4 hours away so we're going to attempt it one weekend.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-16 09:39:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Finally moving out of the in-laws soon. Any time this month. I am SO freaking happy about getting away from them!! It's been A YEAR AND A HALF.

:dancing: I know people hate that smiley, but it's needed.

Now that it's coming to an end, the little things are becoming more annoying.

My MIL is still having panic attacks and whatnot, and she's not happy that we're moving out at all, so she's interfering at every opportunity (asking if we've considered X and then telling us that it won't work). We literally told her 15 times we didn't want her father's 1940 couch and were buying new furniture, but she repeats that "no one gets new things for first apartments" (you do when you've been saving for a year and a half!) and starting arguments (she doesn't want to even SEE our apartment stuff in the house so is desperately trying to get us to stuff it all into a back closet, which my husband thinks is stupid). I put something on Facebook the other day that said I couldn't wait until January, and she starts saying things like how we're moving in a "couple of days" because she exaggerates everything in her head.

My husband is her only child and has lived with her all his life (I know, it's pretty sad. She manipulated him into not going away to college but travelling from home instead, and apparently when he was growing up, she stopped him staying over with friends because she couldn't be away from him). So she has a very unhealthy attachment to him. All I can say is.. we're almost freeeeeeeee! He's so happy to be getting away from her and starting our own home together.

Edited by Gemmie, 01 January 2011 - 09:26 AM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-01 09:26:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
We got our UK gifts late, too. It's the Royal Mail I think, because of the backlog (due to weather). Because of this, we held off on sending any Christmas presents until the new year.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-01 09:10:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
I know right, that sounds perfect Maven.

I have a bit of a b1tch. So I've been at my job for over a month now and it's going great, but I can't help but feel disappointed. The project I was hired for? I was told that I'm actually doing something else... I was originally working on the sex project (ooh, er) but now doing the smoking project. That put me off a little bit. I still don't have my own desk so am constantly being kicked off other peoples when they need it. I still haven't been through training as they wanted to wait until the new girl arrives. So then the new girl starts working there (3 weeks after me - until then I was just given textbooks to read) and she immediately gets a desk cleared and starts work on the project that I was supposed to be doing. I've brought it up with my boss in a meeting (that I really wanted to work on the sex project as I was hired for that and am interested in that one more) and she said she doesn't know yet what she's going to get me to do as everything is chaotic. So as I'm sitting around the office with nothing to do on most occasions, the new girl is out being trained and on appointments.

At the moment I'm not sure what to do about it. In general I enjoy working there and I feel lucky for the opportunity, but very upset that I'm being pushed to the side. It doesn't help that I've heard the new girl be a b1tch on more than a few occasions, and I try to genuinely be a nice person to everyone.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-18 10:29:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Remember I spoke about my brother wanting to live on welfare forever and purposely getting his girlfriend pregnant at 19, etc? Well she's pregnant again now (she's now 21). And they planned it, they were trying since the summer.

I asked how he could afford to support another person when last week he was struggling to buy food, and he's going to apply for more welfare. Bear in mind that this year we both received nearly $7000 from my grandfather's inheritance and while I put it in a savings account for our future family (which he said was silly), he spent his on electronics, mountain bikes, jewelery, etc. It makes me pretty angry to think that everyone else has to plan ahead, get good jobs and insurance, save up, generally be responsible. And he's just popping them out and expecting the government to pay for everything he wants. I asked if he has any plans for the future, and he said he'll continue to work at Walmart because it's "easy" (he also b!tched that I'm being paid more than him, because I have a "piece of paper" that I didn't work that hard for).

Sometimes I question how we can possibly be related.

Edited by Gemmie, 21 November 2010 - 09:51 AM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-21 09:48:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Yeah I think I was just being an ungrateful b1tch because the other research positions I had applied for were offering around 26-32K. I am very happy to have those awesome benefits though. And you're right, I am saving hundreds every month in insurance. We also just picked up car insurance for us both for $167 a month. I highly recommend Geico, they give great discounts. I'm just in a b1tchy mood today because I haven't managed to go out on my own yet even though I've had my license for a week because of a trail of inconveniences, and I'm starting to get anxious about driving around Providence in the new job with so little experience. :P

Argh, sorry to hear about the car, all four tires as well! If it makes you feel any better, they will probably last a nice long time afterwards but it's the last thing you need when you're EADing it - or waiting to EAD it.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-12 13:36:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
That sucks, Leenie. "Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers", I hate that phrase!

I know this is probably inappropriate, but it's something that's going on in my head since earlier. The hospital called me and said that my pay rate will be $12 per hour, which is a little over 24K a year. She told me that she increased it because I have a degree and some experience (rather than a high school graduate which they were asking for) so that means they were going to pay lower for their wanted candidate. Which made me think... is it right that someone in medical research earns less than a Walmart employee? :unsure: My FIL just got hired at an archery retail store for $14 per hour. It's not a huge deal because their benefits package is very good, and I'm lucky to have a job in my field, but it was just something that made me question the logic of it all.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-12 12:28:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Thanks guys!

Rob, even worse, I'll be driving in Rhode Island, land of one-way roads and psychotic drivers. :crying:
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-09 11:37:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Eeeeeee, thanks everyone. My husband's grandmother paid for the family to go out to celebrate, so we went to the British Beer Company, and I had a lush chicken and bacon pasty.

Justine, my real name is Gemma. But my close friends and family call me Gemmie (to be cute) and when I signed up to the immigration process, I thought it might be comforting if people responded to me as Gemmie the same way my loved ones do. Haha!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-06 08:06:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Thanks! The job called me back right away, and I have a health screening first thing Monday morning. The funny thing is, they're testing for all of the things I was tested for during the K1 (MMR, DTaP, HepB, TB, chickenpox, etc) but they need proof that I've had all of that. To my knowledge, we handed in the medical records at the POE? If so, here we go again! :lol:

She said she's sent me an official offer letter. She did ask about immigration status and I said I can bring the proof. She was like "Social Security will be fine"... nice to see the company screens legal status well, huh? Either way, feeling so relieved today.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-05 15:38:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
I passed!! :dance:

As I was backing into the RMV, I saw the woman that administered my test on Tuesday and my stomach flipped. But I actually got a differnt person, a lovely man who introduced himself as Warren. He asked how I was and when I said I was scared, he gave me a speech about why I shouldn't be. And as we were setting off, he asked if I was feeling better yet, and I said "I am. You're a nice man, Warren, not that I'm trying to butter you up for a license" :lol: He said it was working. He made me feel so comfortable, and the actual test went fine other than me forgetting once to look in my blind spot. He just made me say I wouldn't do it again. I managed to back-up along the curb just fine. When he got back, he asked if I felt I needed to improve on anything and I said yes, my blind spots and not cutting off traffic on that one turn back there. And he said well done, and said to my husband in the back-seat, "the bad news is your wife now has a license and is going to use your car and your money to go shopping."
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-05 14:31:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Thanks for the tip, unfortunately I can't get away with the 'keep it straight' theory (tried it many times) as not only is the road on a hill (so backing up 50ft down the side) but it's bumpy, and you need to actually adjust the wheel to keep it straight. The worst thing is that the curb disappears in the middle to make room for a driveway, so I don't even have a reference in my mirror. :unsure:

I have my test in a few hours, but I'm not feeling too positively about it. Trying to remind myself to take it slow.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-05 07:00:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Thanks guys. I really hope that it goes OK tomorrow. I've been practicing every day with my in-laws, which is frustrating enough. :lol: My FIL was there when I took my test and he proceeded to tell me fifteen things that probably went against me, which made me feel lovely (especially as we think he's being too harsh - that instructor made it clear she would tell me every thing I did wrong).

Heather, my husband says driving schools here don't administer tests. I checked other branches and they were weeks away, and I've already p$ssed off the job company enough.

I thought about talking to a supervisor but she gave me the score sheet used. It says you're allowed three minor fails (such as incorrect hand positions, forgetting a blinker, failing to check blind spot)... but there is a small box of immediate fails (such as collision or forgetting seat belt). She marked me down as two immediate fails. One for 'lacks control of vehicle i.e. outside marked lines' which I have NO friggin' idea about unless she was counting hitting the curb as lacking control. And the other was 'one or more wheels rolling over a curb'. The curb isn't a usual side-of-the-road curb with straight angles. She told me to back-up down a hill and the "curb" is a curved bump at the side. So I was pretty pissed that I managed to do parallel parking and three-point turns, etc... but failed as I technically rolled up the side of the rounded curb. I'm not trying to skip responsibility, I know I should've been able to do that. But it was such a minor thing that no one else had to do during their road test that I feel cheated, especially as I had a job waiting on me.

Edited by Gemmie, 04 November 2010 - 03:11 PM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-04 15:07:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Ugh, sorry to hear that, Dodi. They messed up my stuff when I was coming through as well, put me in as a B2 holder, etc. I struggled to get anything out of the INFOPASS and had to go back to the airport. I hope it gets solved with minimal stress!

Thanks Prima and Jewel. My husband and other people are shocked at how strict they were. They never even had to do parallel parking, let alone back-up 50ft against a curb and not hit it. They just drove around the block. I'm not under any illusion that I'm going to pass tomorrow either, as I have the same driving instructor. When I passed there yesterday, I saw her taking someone else there to make them back up alongside the curb and I think they failed too because they had to immediately turn back around and go back to the RMV (like she had me do).

I don't know why this has to be so hard. I had bought some clothes for my new job, been looking at insurance quotes, was going to put a deposit down on an apartment... but because of this failed test, I don't think it's going to work out. She has no idea how much she may have just ruined my life. I know that sounds dramatic, but after waiting 1.5 years, everything was finally working out for me.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-04 12:47:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
I failed my driving test. :(

The woman was very impersonal and didn't look at me once. I managed to do the general driving, 3-point turn, parallel park and everything... but failed cause she told me to pull over to side of the road 6 inches away from the curb and I hit the curb. Then she told me to reverse 50ft next to curb and I hit it again with both wheels, so she ticked 'hit curb' as immediate fail.

I don't think I can get the job now as they already waited 3 weeks for me to get the license. I'll see what they say tomorrow, but very very sad today. I have another test on Friday with the same woman but I still think I'm gonna fail again, even my husband and his dad struggle to reverse against the curb and not hit it.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-02 16:31:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Get well soon, Maven.

"Why soon, why not NOW, you just want me to suffer!" - Lee Evans ;)
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-29 10:24:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Ha Krikit, I bet you loved that feeling. Are you looking for work now or just browsing?

Where has Alan (saywhat) been?
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-22 16:45:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
:lol: I just got another job offer from the other interview I had the other week. Isn't it funny when you can go almost a year looking for ANYTHING and then suddenly you get to choose? This one is the top psych hospital in the country and I was dying to work there, but it's only 3 days a week which isn't enough monies. On the plus side, at least I know there was nothing wrong with my interviews!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-21 16:16:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
I wish I was like that too.

I just told her that things work differently over here, Americans work so hard for the things that they want because it's not like over there where everyone is on welfare. I got no comments after that.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-21 15:32:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Definitely. Well I can't say much as I was raised in a council house, fed on welfare... and I really thought that was normal. Everyone at school did the same thing. We never had much money, but that was the norm.

And now my brother is living in a council flat on welfare and raising his son that way. Today he was angry that the new spending budget is really going to screw him over as "people aren't allowed to live in council housing or on welfare FOR LIFE anymore"... :unsure: I did tell him that hopefully in the future he won't need it as he might have his own place and maybe his girlfriend will actually have a job for the first time in her life, but it went over his head. He got a lump sum of 4,500 GBP from our grandfather's inheritance and he's spent nearly all of it on electronics (bear in mind he's living on Child Benefit, Working Tax Credits, Family Tax Credit, reduced rent/council tax). I saved every penny of mine for our family in the future, and he thinks I'm strange. They're planning another child too.

Then I saw someone on FB (23 years old, 2 kids, planning a third) complaining that she's not allowed Working Tax Credits during her extra maternity leave. She hasn't worked in nearly a year, why would she? And then I had someone (23 years old, 3 kids) tell me that it seemed like me and my husband have been waiting ages to have a child.

It's like a different world outside of that town!

Edited by Gemmie, 21 October 2010 - 03:07 PM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-21 15:04:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
I know I've mentioned this before, but I wish people from my hometown would understand that it's not normal to leave high-school, have a few kids, get government/council housing, and then live on welfare. I'm not exaggerating, every single female I know from my school are doing this, except a few that went to college (I know of 3).

Just a rant, sorry if I offended anyone. I know some people genuinely need welfare.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-21 14:44:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
I'm so sorry that you had to witness that, Heather. It shocks me that people that are insufficiently trained are in charge of peoples lives. Was she a med student? Either way I'm sure whatever it is that she was responsible for, she feels awful and hopefully learned a big lesson when she cares for others in the future. I hope you're all doing okay.

Thanks, Ricky. My family aren't too pleased with the idea of me working in a prison (I look like a little girl) but I'm actually looking forward to the challenge. Really put some psych training into action. What did you do?
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-20 16:16:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!

Raining and dank here in LA today -- feels like London. Think I will go buy some Hobnobs, make a pot of tea and watch some ####### telly, which will complete the experience.

Missing my other home today. :(

Those days are sad.

It's cold in MA as well, I'm not looking forward to all of the snow. :crying:
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-20 10:34:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Yuck, sorry to hear about the hives, Maven. At least you didn't have to stay in hospital for too long.

On a lighter note, I got the job!! It won't be starting for a few weeks as I need to have my license, but I'll be working full-time at a hospital and prison. The best thing is that it comes with full benefits which means me and my husband can finally have health insurance (it's 100% paid). So I'm in a non b1tch mood today I'm afraid, just happy. :D
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-14 12:51:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Thanks! I keep telling myself it's too soon to feel this positive as I don't want a huge let down, but hey... I'll take what I can get. :D

LOL at the rant, Krikit. I thought fasting was food only too.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-08 14:36:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
I had my interview on Tuesday at a hospital, and two days later I was called for a second one. I just had it, and I think it went really well. I feel quite confident that I'll get the job. The doctor is Canadian so we connected a little over the weird health system differences, and we made each other laugh talking about our husbands. They used phrases such as "what you'll be doing" and asking when I can start, etc. They said they're out all of next week but will call me the week after. So fingers crossed. :)

It's working with women in prison to help them prevent pregancy and STD's when they get out. My job would be to give them counselling/interviewing while they're there, and then follow up with them the year after their release to give them tests and direct them to health care. So it sounds like an interesting position.

Again, I know this is the b1tchy thread so to contrast with the perky mood I'm in today... um, I totally hate that my jeans are too tight today and digging into my hips.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-08 11:45:00
United KingdomUK B!tches Unite!
Congrats! :)
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-06 10:47:00
United KingdomUmmm, maybe another stupid question!
People get crabby because it's just like one of those 'can we visit during the process' or 'which line do I get in' topics. It's posted 10 times a day and if you go anywhere near the K1 progress forums you'll see what it means.

A touch means someone has done 'something' to your file. If you've not been waiting long, it's probably just been moved to another area. If you've been waiting a few weeks/months, there's a chance it might have an approval/RFE within the next few days.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-21 15:57:00
United KingdomA simple answer would be oh so nice.....
You don't need any evidence for chicken pox. They'll ask him if he's had it, and he can tell them yes, and that's the last he'll ever hear of it. :)

Edited by Gemmie, 08 June 2010 - 01:56 PM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-08 13:55:00
United KingdomHelp my language please !!!
I just found this in The Sun:

He was unaware he was pursuing a madman who had cold-bloodedly been slaughtering

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-09 16:42:00
United KingdomHelp my language please !!!
Said by Maven's ex-internet-boyfriend:

I always thought Brazilian women had senses of humour

?? :unsure:
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-09 11:50:00
United KingdomHelp my language please !!!
Someone on Facebook just said "I have took".

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-08 16:51:00