United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
It took a week for our packet to get from NVC to London.

After packet 3 submission, I waited 5 weeks before hearing back with my interview date.

It should come pretty quickly, but you can find out from the timelines at the top (I believe on the London consulate section).
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-13 18:47:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (app-girl @ Aug 12 2009, 02:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for the info!

This is not how I planned on it working either, but what he did was put out cv to potential companys. Then when he told his company 3 months ago that he was leaving they asked him to stay and become head of the department. Which he felt he couldn't turn down, since he didnt have any job offers here. He was really worried that he wouldn't be able to get a job and he lives for his work. So I agreed that if it only for one year I would be fine with it as long as we got married. We have been apart for 6 years already whats one more. headbonk.gif

He can stay in the UK for 6 months after he has his K1 visa. He could temporarily take the position. Is it a matter of finances or does he feel uncomfortable not being able to work for a while?

If it's the latter, if he enters the US and gets married, then adjusts status, his work permit should only take roughly 2 months if everything goes smoothly, and he can look for potential jobs in the meantime. And there's always volunteering if he feels he just needs to work.

It's difficult when you have a perfect opportunity in your home country in one hand but your ticket to your loved one in the other. Just be rational about the extra time, money and stress that it may involve.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-12 11:38:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
I'm sorry to hear aboyt your fiance's ordeal at the Embassy. What a nightmare - they didn't even know about immigration law? Then how come they're able to arrest based on immigration?? Makes no sense.

I'm glad you were approved pending police document... I hope it goes smoothly from here.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-07 11:41:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Wooooo, congrats on the visa and bookage, Julie. smile.gif

Good luck to Jenn and Nick, you'll do just fine!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-14 12:31:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Congratulations Julie. smile.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-10 10:53:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Congrats on all the approvals and POE's. I'll never forget the feeling of running out of the embassy (over the moon) and walking out of the airport (tired, sad, but happy). I hope everyone has lots of good luck with their own dates. biggrin.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-29 10:11:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Jun 12 2009, 11:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I keep coming over to check for this, and am glad that things worked out alright. Wow about the divorce! At least it was exciting!! And the good feelings now that this part is over and you can be together soon are just fantastic, huh??

I was very excited at first about getting the visa, but now it's sunk in that I still won't see him for some time yet and it seems so very far away! (sigh)

You have my sympathies too.. we had to wait 6 months from NOA2 because of school and work. But just to give you some perspective, it has gone really quickly and I can't believe I'm leaving tomorrow! Your time will come very soon.

CONGRATULATIONS ELLIE!! I'm glad it was so anti-climatic for you! kicking.gif

Now you can relax a bit.. well, when you have that visa in hand. wink.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-13 02:59:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Yeah, good luck Ellie.. give your mum some happy news smile.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-11 04:38:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Good luck on your POE, Laura! You must be so happy.

Can't wait to see those joyous comments on Friday, Ellie. wink.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-09 06:40:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
You'll do fine, Ellie.. I know what that worried feeling is like (even though I wasn't nervous until a couple of days before), but you really will ask yourself what you were getting so worked up over. It's a breeze, and the lovely American gentleman that a lot of us are getting is very friendly. It doesn't even feel like an interview, more like an interested stranger.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-08 10:27:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-08 06:29:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Glad to hear you're getting settled, MJ and mrs sdp.

Let's hear the good news, Nik and Heather!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-04 07:00:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Ellie-and-David @ Jun 3 2009, 04:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
All the good vibes are sooo lovely to see. I must admit, alot of people here say that they find that the process seems to have taken forever to do. For me it seems like a blink of the eye since we filed in November.....and sometimes I have to pinch myself that it is happening. Mind you, dave and I have been lucky. We have had 4 weeks together since we filed, which is a lot more than some. I think this has helped make the wait more bearable.

Even though I have booked my tickets, given up my job and moved back in with my mum, on some level I still cant believe it is happening and I dont think I will be able to fully comprehend this until I step off the plane in Tampa, look at Dave's big goofy smile and realise I dont have to go back and forth anymore...

Woooooooooooooooooooooosh. Sorry about that...that was a loooong sentence.

How's the packing going gemmie? Do you feel at all ready? I keep looking around and realising that I am actually going to miss the west country......

I know what you mean. It took us 9 months, since we filed in August, and even though it seemed like a long time, it was so much more bearable because I got to spend time with him for about 4 months..

The packing isn't coming along that well, I keep getting distracted! I have managed to do a LOT of laundry as I have to go through all of my clothes and decide what I want to give away, and it's always nice to give them away when they're clean. wink.gif I've also seperated my books into piles of what I want to keep/send and give away. Other than that, my room is a mess.. too many small things that I don't *need* but I don't want to throw away. Have you started yet?

I will definitely miss the west country.. in a way, I feel ready because I can't stand the thought of going through this waiting and travelling any more, but then I also love it here so much. I'll miss the shops being everywhere (in walking distance), the chip shops, the humour, the sunshine without it being too hot, the beautiful countryside.. I know what you mean though, I can't believe it it's happening either. I'm in a bubble, like you. I think it will feel better when I land in Boston.

Well done on your interview and medical Jim and Christy, everything sounds pretty straight-forward and painless. I agree about the blood test, my heart was going so fast while waiting, I dreaded that more than the "gender check" but it was over so quickly. Afterwards, I didn't even care that I was half naked in front of her, I was just happy.

I bet you're delighted, now you can relax for a while!

Edited by Gemmie, 03 June 2009 - 02:35 PM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-03 14:33:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Congratulations all of you for your medicals, interviews, visas and POE!

It's so good to see such great news in here.. I really appreciate the level of care that people show others.

VJ is probably the best website that I have ever visited (apart from the one where I met my fiance, of course!) or will ever visit. We saved thousands of $ as VJ became our lawyer.. thanks to everyone that helped us with our journey. I know I'm not leaving for a while, but I love seeing all of these good vibes. biggrin.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-03 07:06:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!

I want the US keyboard, already! tongue.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-31 13:06:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Congrats Bob and Pat!! biggrin.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-30 17:07:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Well obviously I haven't been tortured with AP or waiting on additional documents, but I know that I felt incredibly bitter and frustrated when waiting for the NOA2 and seeing applicants that filed months afterwards being approved; and also when seeing couples make the move when I knew I couldn't move myself for another 6 months. It got to the point where I was feeling annoyed at new couples (that had gotten together that year) being approved, when we had been waiting for so many years. It's a horrible thing, but it's a natural feeling (I hope, otherwise I'm just a heartless ######), and I hope that your case is completed very soon. Then you'll be making all of these exciting posts about moving. smile.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-29 17:16:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Good luck on POE's and interviews!!

Sorry I haven't been around too much, busy with finishing uni and seeing friends!

Ellie, everything looks fine. I know it's easy to panic, I posted the same thing when I was in your position. I ended up taking TOO MUCH to the interview. They barely looked at anything.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-28 13:39:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
I'm the obsessive one who tells him everything he needs to know about immigration (in dummy terms) and then he repeats it back to the Americans as though he researched it. whistling.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-27 10:29:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Sounds like a positive step. smile.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-27 10:20:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Don't be silly, you're not a bummer to the group. We all hope it's a case of filling a few forms and having to wait a little bit, before you get your good news.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-22 07:19:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Nevermind, looks like it's about past criminal convictions. How long ago was this? I'm very surprised to hear about a denial.. research the waiver ASAP.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-22 06:29:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
I'm so sorry. sad.gif

Does anyone know what that means??
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-22 06:27:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Congras on all the good news in this thread. smile.gif

I've been busy too, starting packing yesterday even though I have a bit over 3 weeks to go. I have a lot of stuff..
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-21 06:08:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (laura819 @ May 19 2009, 12:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gemmie @ May 19 2009, 06:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations Laura!! kicking.gif

Thanks! He'll POE a few days before you if everything goes well with the visa being delivered *crosses fingers*

I only slept about 2 hours...and now I am too keyed up to sleep! Ahh. Hopefully I will be able to sleep soon!

Now lets end May on a good note with even more approvals!

Bob, let us know how it went for your friend today as well!


None of us are going to get any sleep the night before POE either.

Especially in my case where my friends are determined to get me drunk beyond belief (not gonna happen wink.gif ) but still going to be partying all night regardless.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-19 07:46:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Congratulations Laura!! kicking.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-19 05:58:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Good luck on your medical, Ellie. smile.gif

And good luck for your interview, laura's fiance. smile.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-18 06:39:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Julie Ivy @ May 17 2009, 01:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi UK guys, I know this is the interview thread and I am interrupting serious eurovision chat, but we have just been approved (NOA2 through VSC in 3 and a half months) and I am soooo excited. Have been reading this thread with much excitement and am looking forward to putting our interview date on the list. All the best to everyone, Chris xxx kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Congrats! I see from your picture that you've been to (or are from?) Bath.. I live there. smile.gif

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-17 05:14:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
How to tell you're becoming OBSESSED with the visa process: you almost call one of the VJ posters "HPV" ... sorry H&V!!



Your visa must be here by now, Magpie? (11:30am) Tell us!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-15 05:28:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Not for me.. too much work!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-14 05:38:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (prima and jay @ May 14 2009, 10:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i know this might be slightly of topic though not really because its inregards to gettign this visa. for co sponsor's can they use a driving licence and social security card as a form of id??? c.s. doesnt have passport or birth certificate???? cananyone help


I wasn't even asked for anything to show the co-sponsor's nationality or asked. I had a birth certiificate with me, but he just took her tax return (for 2008) and that was it!! I do know someone else was put on hold for not having anything though; and I know that you can get a driving lisence and SSC as a non US-citizen, so I don't know what else you could have.. maybe they could go to their registry office and get a B.C??

oooh, sounds promising, Kat&Allie... I hope you all get your passports ASAP!!

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-14 05:29:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!

Wow, I bet you're both so happy.. I'm so glad to hear you weren't put in AP MARM and that they didn't give you a hard time because of the passport situation. Let's hope they send that passport to you quickly so you can get the nice visa put inside ASAP.

Let us know how the medical goes Moira!

Edited by Gemmie, 12 May 2009 - 12:46 PM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-12 12:45:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
There ya go, Magpie.. nothing to worry about. Can't wait to see your post screaming about the visa.

About packet 3.. you should have an instruction sheet with it that says clearly DO NOT SIGN with one of the forms. Or, just see what Nich posted. smile.gif

Itching to hear about these interviews today!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-12 06:41:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (KAT&Allie @ May 10 2009, 08:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi guys, I know I haven't been in touch for a while...too busy packing and sorting things out before my departure and the wedding. But all this has now been postponed.

As some of you may remember, I had my interview on 29th April and was told to expect my passport back within 5 working days. well, 5 days have come and gone by and still no passport. DOS is saying it hasn't been printed yet!!!! #######!!!!

I was supposed to fly out today and the wedding was organisedd for this coming Tuesday. It seems that everybody will be there exept for the bride !!!! cray5ol.gif He flew back to Florida by himself today... it was heartbreaking waving goodbye to him... Absolutely gutted....

DOS is saying that it's at Embassy's discretion when they print the visas and they can take as long as they want and we just need to sit tight and wait. Honestly, I thought that getting NOA2 was hard but this - I have never expected or would have believed. My fiance will be calling his congressman first thing tomorrow morning to find what the hell is going on. But the boat has sailed - I shall still miss my own wedding...

Can't find words to explain how devastated I feel right now... as we haven't waited long enough to get our NOA2....

I'm off to cry some more...

I'm so so sorry this is happening to you. sad.gif I don't think there's anything I can say that will it better, but I agree that calling them with your booked wedding date might speed things up. Please try to hold onto the fact that you WILL be flying out very shortly and you will be together and married.

Magpie, it sounds like it's regular visa processing, not more AP. Let us know the moment you get your sparkly visa. smile.gif

Relieved to hear the news, MARM. Good luck to you and Moira for tomorrow. Everything will be fine!!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-11 15:42:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ May 8 2009, 05:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gemmie @ May 8 2009, 09:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Both links appear to be the same? I found it though and am sending both to Bill ASAP. I can't help reading through myself though.. it's good to know what the process is going to be like.

Thank you soooo much. You are a life saver. You were also the one to send me packet 3 so that I could get everything filled out in advance. smile.gif star_smile.gif

Well I'm glad I helped. Oops on the links. headbonk.gif

Here's the AOS list for those ready to look at the next step Nich-Nick's AOS List. I can safely say that those things resulted in a Green Card for us. Other people might have particular circumstances so it's always best to read the form instructions carefully for different issues like if you have a K2 child or a criminal conviction or a communicable disease. My list is just a plain old straightforward boring case.

Remember these are new applications going to USCIS. (Your visa/London papers were actually applying to Dept of State.) So apply in the name you will use after marriage. The G-325A is not just a copy of your previous one. You have a husband or wife to list and maybe an "other names used"...your maiden name. You have a new top line for addresses where you have one being in the US. You should add an employment top line....unemployed, waiting for work authorization from arrival date to present. I used the old one, but modified it and saved under a new name. I cut and pasted the employment lines down a line, one by one to leave space at the top for current, etc, etc.

You might as well do it Gemmie since you're so familiar with forms and immigration verbiage. You could probably do it in your sleep. Or at least you will be a great proofreader.


Yeah, I probably will do it. To be fair, Bill always either filled out the forms with me or looked at them afterwards, he just isn't good with pushing himself to do it. I had to constantly nag him to ask people things that we need to know, and to find out about such and such, has he downloaded this form yet, etc... so to show that he's motivated and willing to do this, he said that he'll tackle the AOS research, but it doesn't actually seem that bad. biggrin.gif One of the first things we must do is see a civil surgeon that will sign us off for the HPV vaccine once we've had that; otherwise send it off to Dr. Arnold.

I'm considering keeping my name and changing it after a wedding happens (perhaps next year); this wouldn't be a problem, you don't think?

Let us know what they say, MARM.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-08 12:15:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ May 8 2009, 01:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For Bill (Gemmie)--a breakdown of the AOS documents to be sent in are in this post on p.6 of the UK AOS forum.
Maybe that will help him start his research. And here's a timeline spreadsheet so people won't have to post "how long did it take you to get your ____? (fill in the blank with NOA, biometric appt, EAD, interview date, etc.) Timeline spreadsheet Talyss helps me update it. There are links to people's profile if you click on the cell with their name.

Both links appear to be the same? I found it though and am sending both to Bill ASAP. I can't help reading through myself though.. it's good to know what the process is going to be like.

Thank you soooo much. You are a life saver. You were also the one to send me packet 3 so that I could get everything filled out in advance. smile.gif star_smile.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-08 09:05:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
I have my visa too!! biggrin.gif I love how we interviewed and got our visas together, MJ!

The courier guy did have a bit of a pop at me for sticking a note on the door with my number. I explained I had no doorbell and couldn't miss this package, and he told me that I should get one quickly, because that cost him personal money to call me from outside... I hate that companies like FedEx and SMS give you a time such as 8am-6pm and expect someone to be there.

Oh well.. It's such a relief that the K1 is OVER. Bill has said he'll research AOS and explain it to me when I get there, because I did almost all of the K1 research/paperwork/nagging so he's giving me a break.

I can't believe how many problems people have had going through Heathrow! I always thought it was so easy to get through here as opposed to the U.S... it makes me so annoyed to think that people treat you this way, as if you're some kind of criminal, when you're openly admitting that you're visiting your family/friends/partner.

I too think it's silly that people that speak NO English are passed through without question to save the hassle.

Edited by Gemmie, 08 May 2009 - 05:44 AM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-08 05:41:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
That's ridiculous, Bob.

When my fiance came to visit me for the second time ever (trips a year apart), they got bitchy with him too.. asked him all about his job prospects in America and how he had managed to get so much time off (almost a month).. nothing compared to what you went through though, Bob! He was eventually let through after 20 minutes with a stamp and a scowl.

Got a text today saying my passport will be delivered tomorrow sometime from 8-6... I don't have a doorbell, so this might be a problem. laughing.gif I'm hoping I can leave a number to call by the door.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-07 12:24:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
As far as I'm aware, Dublin is a POE but maybe that's different with other airlines? Anyway, you won't have to worry about the trip over and worrying if you'll get in - I've never heard of someone on a K1 being turned away! I'm so happy that I won't have to experience that "will they let me in?" feeling again... it's awful.

The realisation that you're "really leaving" is difficult for loved ones. I tried to talk to my family about how upset my friends are, hoping for some comfort as I said it made me feel guilty, and I just got more from them. We're doing as much as we can though to make this easier for everyone (getting them passports, headsets, setting up a phone plan..).

Make sure your mum has I.D with her.

Magpie, I might check that shipping company out! Thanks. smile.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-07 05:05:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!

How are you shipping your stuff?
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-06 14:45:00