United KingdomUK police transcript..."NO LIVE TRACE"
Mine also said "no live trace" and I'm clean, everything was fine. smile.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-31 11:37:00
United KingdomNovel ways to keep in touch with your other half! :)
I have to agree with Nich. Vonage is amazing.

He would call the UK for free (included in his $40 p/m) and now that I've moved, we set up something amazing that has helped me out so much. For just an extra $5 p/m, you can have a virtual number set up in any town/city in the UK so that your loved ones can call you for local rate. Thanks for that advice, Nich - you were the one to tell me about it, I think. But we would talk every night using Vonage.

I also used to send him little things, like DVD's, games, teddy bears, cards, etc... we'd send texts during our day to talk about what was happening and also remind each other about the future.

One time I spent a few weeks of my free time drawing a huge picture of all of our inside jokes. He loved it so much he wanted to frame it! It always makes us laugh and remember our friendship as well as our romantic bond. I think that's important as the stress of the distance and immigration process can be devastating.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-23 11:20:00
United Kingdomthe visa is on the what?
Congratulations guys. smile.gif

I went through Boston Logan also (if you want to meet up when you're all settled, please let me know. I would love to have a fellow Brit around here adjusting to things).

I got in the Visitor line (as the other one clearly states US citizens and green card holders). I was seen to within a couple of minutes and the officer opened my envelope and put the information from my file into his computer. He didn't seem to have too much knowledge of the K1 visa and had to look up the instructions - he also recorded me as a F1 visa holder which caused complications later on. For this reason, I would recommend using the Resident line just because I assume they know more about the procedure rather than being used to dealing with tourists. They're very friendly and everything is very relaxed. I've never read a poor review of POE at Logan.

Good luck!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-26 12:07:00
United KingdomEngland Trip
QUOTE (Ellie-and-David @ Sep 16 2009, 12:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm not going home for Christmas. My parents have decided to escape the cold weather and visit us in Florida!

A warm christmas day will be so weird!

I miss proper bacon so much, I'd sell my granny for a back bacon and egg sandwich right now.

Christmas wouldn't be Christmas if it wasn't cold. Here in MA, there is usually absolutely loads of snow. Although I hate having to shovel the driveway so much, it makes it so much more festive!

I would also love a proper bacon sandwich. Or a proper curry. Luckily, we found a Wagamama near here so we can always get Chicken Katsu curry. smile.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-16 14:56:00
United KingdomEngland Trip
I don't miss it enough to call myself "homesick" - I miss my loved ones back there but don't actively have a gaping hole where England used to be or often pine after it. If I think about it, I realise that I do miss it.

But yeah, I would like to go back there tomorrow if I could. Have a stock up of my favourite foods, see my loved ones, walk around my favourite places, hear the accent in person.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-13 10:05:00
United KingdomEngland Trip
We're hoping we can go back around December as it will be 6 months away for me and 8 months for my husband (USC).

I've always loved my country and so does he - he loves the chocolate, the public transport, the cheese, the chips (real chips, not fries), the openness of the culture. Ahhh, now I miss it even more. smile.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-10 19:12:00
United Kingdomhow to watch UK tv Online
I didn't pay any fees.

I just clicked on 'Register for Free' after downloading and made a username/password. Then after installing it, the player came up. You can click on the different channels and they come through within seconds. I've only checked some of the 1-5 (they all appear to be free) but I imagine the others in the list are only if you pay.

Edited by Gemmie, 14 September 2009 - 12:19 PM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-14 12:18:00
United Kingdomhow to watch UK tv Online
QUOTE (primahen @ Sep 8 2009, 05:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
film on hdi it. you can watch bbc, itv, channel 4, chanel 5 in real time. bbc two sometimes, but then it asks you to subscribe . there are porn channels but they are subscription. there s also film four, eurosports bbc news ........its good.

Thanks primahen, we downloaded filmonHD and it works great for watching the basic 1-5 channels. : good.gif Now I just have to remember to tune in 5 hours earlier than I did in the UK to catch up with Eastenders and Corrie (yes, I am sad).
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-13 18:51:00
United KingdomCustoms
People usually give conflicting advice on this.

Some think it's best to withhold the information and simply say that you're visiting friends or just on vacation - whilst others would say to tell the whole truth and have lots of evidence to prove you're going home.

I visited about 9 or 10 times. I always said that I was visiting my boyfriend or my fiance (when asked the purpose of my visit). Sometimes I would tack on a "visiting my boyfriend for Christmas break" to confirm that this was just a visit. I always had my return ticket ready to show. I also had a letter from my university ready in my hand luggage in case they got feisty (which they rarely did). When asked further questions (if he was American, how we met, etc) I made sure to answer with a smile and bluntly. I made sure he could see my hands and kept them steady. I sometimes commented on how long the flight was to retain normalcy - basically kept myself calm so I didn't look suspicious.

It's up to you how you present your intent at the border, this was just my experience.

Edited by Gemmie, 26 September 2009 - 12:00 PM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-26 11:59:00
United KingdomLondon Medical Experience - September 2009
Glad your medical exam was such a breeze. On to the interview!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-15 17:55:00
United KingdomVisa Arrived... in hand
QUOTE (siya @ Oct 15 2009, 04:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I live in london so flying out of heathrow and heading to Boston. Apparently, its starting to get quiet cold up surpise..


It was below freezing the past few nights, and we've started using the heater. I also brought out the ol' Winter coat last night! PACK WARM THINGS.

Congratulations on your visa. You must be so EXCITED!!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-15 11:26:00
United Kingdomwe did it!

I agree, the AOS was MUCH easier. I got a little scared reading posts on here and prepared myself for the daunting task but it was actually better. Not as much evidence to give (all of those little snippets like boarding passes, photos, etc) and more focused on forms. Plus you can relax as you're together.

Also, I noticed in your sig that the POE officer at Logan didn't know what he was doing. I wonder if it was the same guy as mine:

He didn't seem to have too much knowledge of the K1 visa and had to look up the instructions - he also recorded me as a F1 visa holder which caused complications later on.

laughing.gif I guess they don't get many K1's in Boston.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-15 11:31:00
United KingdomPolice Certificate
I think it took about a month or so, but I was fairly unlucky there. I've heard it usually only takes a few days.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-08 11:04:00
United KingdomUSA Questionnaire for Medical
Stop worrying. tongue.gif

Just put what you feel is right. Personally, I wouldn't bother as it's not a long-term medication and the doctor will ask if you're on medication anyway and you can say the decongestant. He/she can then add it if they feel they should.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-27 11:01:00
United KingdomUSA Questionnaire for Medical
QUOTE (hindocha @ Oct 25 2009, 01:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Used to smoke. not any more. how do I state this?

Used to smoke. not any more. how do I state this?

The way you just did sounds good. Unless it's a yes/no question, then claim no because it means at present time.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-25 11:52:00
United KingdomTomorrow
Congrats! smile.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-27 11:05:00
United KingdomBrown Envelope
Yeah, it's tempting to open it, but there's nothing in it that you haven't seen before anyway. I got to look when the immigration officer opened it at POE and it was basically your whole file from the London Embassy. Nothing mysterious.

Oh, and be careful when you travel with it. I put mine in my hand luggage but it wouldn't close, so I had to fly with it poking out of the top of my bag. I was constantly checking every 10 minutes that it was intact. biggrin.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-27 11:08:00
United KingdomWe are approved!!
Congrats - hold onto that feeling and remember it whenever you get stressed. smile.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-03 20:58:00
United KingdomTime frame for legally staying in the United Kingdom
It sounds like good news, Marm. At least he's out of security checks and now waiting for someone to physically issue the visa. Hopefully once they get that DS-157 (assuming they haven't already got the electronic copy and are just taking ages to put it in the system), they can release the visa for GOOD!

Also, your congressman's staff worker has no clue.. I can't believe she told you that he's allowed to be out of status while his K1 is processing. It's a US visa, not a UK one!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-25 09:48:00
United KingdomTime frame for legally staying in the United Kingdom
I don't understand what form they would need at this point (?!)

Here's hoping you hear back ASAP. sad.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-17 18:37:00
United KingdomTime frame for legally staying in the United Kingdom
Oh MARM, I am so so sorry this is happening to you.

I'm still hoping that it's just a glitch in the system and that the visa will show up.

Please have hope, you and your fiance will make it out..
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-17 11:35:00
United KingdomTime frame for legally staying in the United Kingdom
You deserve this so much... please keep us updated on his POE and the happiness. biggrin.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-16 12:12:00
United KingdomTime frame for legally staying in the United Kingdom
Sounds like you have a lot planned. You will be together within the next couple of weeks! EEEEEEE dancin5hr.gif I can't imagine how relieved you must feel after all of this time. Enjoy your trip to Pakistan, and know that the stress is over for a little while!

I am so excited (and so sad) to be leaving. I'm having a huge party starting from 12pm until early hours of the morning! Everyone is wearing red, white and blue and we're only allowed to listen to American music and drink American drinks!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-11 06:23:00
United KingdomTime frame for legally staying in the United Kingdom
I'm so happy for you MARM, you deserve some good news!!

When are you planning to travel?
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-11 04:36:00
United KingdomTime frame for legally staying in the United Kingdom
I too wish you all the best. I don't know what to suggest, it seems like you've both exhausted every way of getting them to listen. Maybe it was lost in the mail? I don't know what to tell you, but I do believe good news will come of this soon. Let us know what happens.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-09 07:11:00
United KingdomTime frame for legally staying in the United Kingdom
Oh MARM, I'm so sorry that you're having to go through this. You honestly have the strength and patience of a saint.

I know an American girl at my university who applied for her cisa extension and it took them ages to send her passport back to her too, so she couldn't go back to LA to visit family. I don't know how long it took them exactly, I just happened to see many "WHERE IS MY PASSPORT??" status updates on Facebook. It did get to her though, it was certainly not a matter of months, and I hope it's not for you either.

Fingers crossed that it comes very soon. I don't really have any practical advice, other than let's hope the Embassy will understand and be flexible with you.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-06 12:34:00
United Kingdomgertting nervous about interview!
Relax! smile.gif

They're so anti-climatic. You picture a big office with a scary man sitting there and asking you intrusive questions. It's actually more like waiting at Argos and handing over your receipt (i.e documents) and having a quick chat.

You'll do fine.

Edited by Gemmie, 19 October 2009 - 05:49 PM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-19 17:49:00
United KingdomWe set the date!!!!
Yay, congrats!

I agree with Nik/Heather, the hardest part for me (apart from the 5 month NOA2 wait where no one knows anything but everyone wants to know everything) was the wait between the visa approval and the US entry. Because then everyone knows for a FACT that you're leaving (even though you might have told them many times before) and all the emotions come out... sadness, happiness, worry, excitement.. and of course all of the packing and preparations!! And the sheer anticipation of knowing you have that visa in your passport but you can't just hop on a plane until you've sorted stuff out. Those last few days... wow.

But don't worry about that yet, you have plenty of time. biggrin.gif If I could do all of this again, I probably would have prepared more before my interview, as I didn't realise how stressful it would be. Good luck!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-13 11:16:00
United KingdomSign or not to sign DS forms - Packet 3

We accidentally signed everything as we got used to doing so with all of those different forms and then quickly realised and had to start the form over. I signed it at the interview.

Edited by Gemmie, 16 November 2009 - 01:59 PM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-16 13:59:00
United KingdomCase Completed
I don't know of any advice I can give you, but I'm really sorry. sad.gif How long was the overstay for?

Maybe someone in the Waiver forum can help you.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-17 11:33:00
United KingdomWhen can I book my medical?
You probably had the rude b1tch that a lot of us have encountered.

I called while waiting for my packet 3 because I was under the impression that there was going to be a long wait for medicals. A woman answered the phone in an abrupt way, and when I said I wanted to book a medical, she asked when I wanted it. I asked if I could book it for in a few weeks, and she told me "we don't do it that far ahead" and promptly ended the conversation.

I know you feel you should be booking it now to be organised but I've never known for there to be a big wait for appointments, so maybe just wait until you have P3. smile.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-18 11:52:00
United KingdomCountdown

I'm glad I wasn't the only one. Everyone else here seems to be so organised and set on clearing everything that I felt a little bit ashamed.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-18 12:18:00
United KingdomCountdown
Awesome advice.

I left everything to the last week or so too, and only started getting stressed towards the end when there were millions of things I couldn't shift. I would come back from going out with my friends (who wanted to spend every minute with me) to my room that looked like an obstacle course with all sorts of fun piles!

I kept asking friends what they wanted and they never ended up giving me a definite answer (more like "hmm what kinda books? yeah I'll come over soon and have a look" when there were days to spare) and stuff wasn't being sold on amazon because I left it too late. I ended up giving loads of books, clothes and random ####### to the charity shop - and then giving my best friend TONS of things to take in her car (including a hamster).

I know this is naughty, but I also just LEFT things on the actual day because my coach was arriving and I didn't have time. Whoever got my old room was either very happy or very annoyed. tongue.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-18 12:00:00
United KingdomCountdown
Congrats on preparing to make the leap imaisha and Nik&Heather! I bet you're both so excited. smile.gif And you're right, it really is the longest countdown EVER.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-10 11:04:00
United KingdomCountdown
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ Jul 10 2009, 05:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Slightly off topic, but a leap of sorts. Knight and Magpie were married in Texas on the 4th of July. I had the privilege of being there and being her "mum" to help her get ready. She is so beautiful. It was a quickly planned civil ceremony at Marriage Island, but it was absolutely lovely. heart.gif

Here's the location:

Marriage Island is the most romantic spot on the River Walk. The small Island was the location of San Antonio's first Catholic mass in 1691. It is now a popular spot for lovers to become engaged or exchange their marriage vows. It is said if you become engaged or get married on the Island, you will have a long and happy marriage. It's not unusual to happen across a small wedding or proposal in progress as you stroll along the River Walk on any day of the year.

It looks beautiful.

Congrats to them.

I wish you could be my mum for the day up here in MA, Nich. tongue.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-10 13:47:00
United KingdomCountdown
Completely understand. I tried to leave the goodbyes until the very last minute too. It's hard when everyone is so aware that you're leaving and it's the one of the last times they'll see you, and you're trying so hard to make it seem OK and not too sad. The final goodbyes at the station or airport (if they're seeing you off) will be the worst, but just keep reminding everyone that you'll keep in touch and visit each other.

It's good that you have a contact to help you with shipping.

Real life has been an emotional roller coaster, really. The biggest problem is boredom, and feelings of isolation at times. I miss my friends so much, and I'm alone in the suburbs most of the day. We've just got Vonage installed which means I can talk to loved ones for free and they can call us for local UK rate. Our next task is to join me up to classes or clubs, get a monthly train pass, and generally try and get out more.

I'm sure you'll do fine Ellie, and I see you've got a fairly good understanding of some potential difficulties. Florida looks beautiful. smile.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-09 11:56:00
United KingdomCountdown
Wow Ellie, your time has come quickly!

I was still packing on the morning I left yes.gif ... I faffed about way too much deciding what to take and give away. My advice is to start early as something always crops up that you forgot about.

You must be so excited!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-06 12:12:00
United KingdomCountdown
Well I had my appointment today and the officer told me that THEY (USCIS) had me entered on a B2 (tourist) visa!! It pisses me off that we went through this 9 month process only for US immigration to not even know what visa I was on, or try to rectify it themselves. I told her I had never applied for a tourist visa in my life and she said "they must've got it from somewhere..."

She told me to go to the airport I entered in, and get them to change my visa status.

Bloody ridiculous. sad.gif I traveled to the airport by myself which I'm very proud of, and CBP changed it within about 20 minutes.

Good luck, Prima. I threw most of my clothes away or gave to charity and it actually felt very refreshing!

Edited by Gemmie, 02 July 2009 - 09:03 PM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-02 20:59:00
United KingdomCountdown
I found out only when I went to get my SSN. They told me that although I had a K1 in my passport, I was entered as a F1 visa holder and told to get this sorted before they can process my SSN. But of course they couldn't tell me WHERE to get this sorted.. I have an INFOPASS appointment with an immigration officer so hopefully will get results tomorrow.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-01 16:13:00
United KingdomCountdown
I take back my previous post, the dummy entered me as a student rather than a fiance. sad.gif

Working to get this sorted but it's hard to find a living person.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-30 12:46:00