United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Either Bridgewater or Middleboro! (somewhere around there, whatever is cheaper!)

What a coincidence!!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-08-06 08:14:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
I hope we have these meet-ups when I move to Massachusetts. sad.gif

I anticipate feeling very lonely!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-08-06 04:41:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Alex & Rachel @ Aug 4 2008, 11:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gemmie @ Aug 3 2008, 10:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Anyways, this morning I was dreaming about getting my period and having stomach cramps... and then I woke up to find that it wasn't a dream. I have work today, as well.

My period seems to be every 5 weeks now, and usually quite painful. Does anyone else have this?

yes.gif You have my sympathies!

Have you considered going on the pill? I know not everyone wishes to but if you have no objections it can help tremendously with heavy flow and pain.

Hmmm... before, I had no reason to go on the pill as I wasn't sexually active and also had so much time away from Bill that it didn't seem worth it... though now, I think it's time to consider it!

Thanks. smile.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-08-04 05:52:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
The winters are harsh! And the summers are worse to me!

From one extreme to the other...
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-08-04 04:55:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Yes, I'm sorry to hear that things haven't been working out for you both. But you know, everything happens for a reason (if you believe that like I do) and I'm sure you'll find happiness in whatever new destiny you're choosing for yourself. I hope you guys can stay friends.

PS - I'll be moving to MA myself next year, shame you had to leave!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-08-03 16:59:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
I had my first wobble yesterday. The driving lesson didn't go as well as I wanted, and I asked C if he would go out with me for more practice. That was a mistake. He was just pi$$ing me off, I don't know why, it was irrational. I stayed calm till we got home, but then I cried for an hour. It was only after about 45mins that I realised I was just missing home, and sick of not knowing how everything worked, getting a massive reaction to mosquitos, feeling exhausted after being outside for more than 10mins (it's HOT here). It all got on top of me. I was fine for a few hours, and then had another cry before bed. I'm ok today, but I think it's all starting to sink in. And I'm not even at my final destination yet.

Honestly, that's completely normal! Try and find a comfort in that... sometimes when I visit for a long period (at least to me), I experience it then, so I know I'm going to have the same reaction when I move there, it's natural.

I'm used to being able to just go out at night without the bugs and humidity, and would like to keep doing this, even if it's just a walk, but Bill doesn't like to go out (he's the American and should be used to this, but the mosquitos always attack him to the point where he wants to go back inside)... I also feel tired ALL the time during the day, like I just want to go inside and sleep, away from the heat. I don't understand the money (since in the UK, a quick glance of the size and colour tells you everything; and the quarter looking like 10p, etc.) so get nervous when I think of working... I'll think of something funny that I want to tell my best friend and then miss all my friends...

The things we do. smile.gif

Anyways, this morning I was dreaming about getting my period and having stomach cramps... and then I woke up to find that it wasn't a dream. I have work today, as well.

My period seems to be every 5 weeks now, and usually quite painful. Does anyone else have this?
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-08-03 04:19:00
United KingdomFly Safe Stinky Monkey
Aww I'm glad she made it OK.

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas.

Happy 2009 to you all!!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-31 18:42:00
United KingdomK1 vs tourist visa and get married
To most of the above posters, marrying on a tourist visa (or VWP in his case) is not fraud.

Staying afterwards would be.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-13 06:40:00
United Kingdomcan a caution stop you from aos
QUOTE (myangelblue @ Jan 10 2009, 07:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
well thing is this caution was in 2005 he came here in 2007 and because he was jus cautioned he really never thought about it. the juvenille thing was he was brought to police station and questioned for something that someone said he did but they jus questioned him never fingerprinted him or cautioned him jus questioned about it.

He entered in 2007 and is still there?

How can he enter on the VWP back in 2007 and still be there without status?

That alone might cause a problem, but someone else will know more about overstays than I do.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-11 13:05:00
United KingdomWe found Brit foods
I'm just going to come out and say it.. I actually quite enjoyed the bread and cheese that I had in the US last week.

If you opt for the "seriously strong cheddar", it's ALMOST as good as English cheese, and it's good enough to live on. smile.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-09 15:16:00
United KingdomCommon questions but just to be sure
OK, thanks guys! We decided not to mention it.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-17 08:55:00
United KingdomCommon questions but just to be sure
That's what I thought, and I'm sure it was never a clinical diagnosis, though it was "suggested" that it might have been PTSD.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-16 13:29:00
United KingdomCommon questions but just to be sure
I'm filling out the form for the medical and it asks about "mental illness or depression".

My mum died a few years ago and I got counselling through my college and also one session at the health clinic; will that come up at all? Because I wouldn't call it "depression" and I don't want it to hold us back from anything because truthfully, it was years ago and I'm fine.

It also asks if I've been hospitalised; I was in for surgery on my mouth for one day when I was 13; and stayed overnight in hospital in Turkey for a (randomly) swollen foot. I assume these count?

Other than that, it's looking fine.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-16 13:20:00
United KingdomShaz 'n' Daymo's Sad Arse X Factor Thread
That's true, but I think it takes a lot of courage to get back out there after everything that has happened.

Apparently her first interview since 2006 is showing tomorrow night, no idea what channel or time though. I saw some clips, honest information she gives.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-29 17:55:00
United KingdomShaz 'n' Daymo's Sad Arse X Factor Thread
in the paper, it said Simon wrote a blank cheque to make sure she got there..

JLS are through! mad.gif

Edited by Gemmie, 29 November 2008 - 05:36 PM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-29 17:36:00
United KingdomShaz 'n' Daymo's Sad Arse X Factor Thread
I loved her ####### too. I think she looks great, but she obviously didn't really care about the show at all.. to her, just a quick performance and then out of there. Good for her anyway.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-29 17:29:00
United KingdomShaz 'n' Daymo's Sad Arse X Factor Thread
QUOTE (Stinky Monkey @ Nov 29 2008, 10:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gemmie @ Nov 29 2008, 10:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I love a bit of British slang when in America. biggrin.gif

I hereby promise to spread it around once there.

I will to, now the fiance answers the phone with a Hello in an English accent makes me laugh

He is learning stuff now, he used to ask all the time what this meant or that meant dont get that so often now

Think the last things he asked were what is a scouse and what are cats eyes

yes.gif That's good.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-29 17:18:00
United KingdomShaz 'n' Daymo's Sad Arse X Factor Thread
I love a bit of British slang when in America. biggrin.gif

I hereby promise to spread it around once there.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-29 17:14:00
United KingdomShaz 'n' Daymo's Sad Arse X Factor Thread
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ Nov 29 2008, 09:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well Daymo says he's watching Celebrity, BUT---
on channel 6, they are interviewing the singers and across the bottom are text messages running across like "Eoghan was amazing. He owned the stage tonight. Katie, Glasgow

Then I saw the text " Diana was as flat as her T1TS tonight. Damian


Tell me it was THE Damian..
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-29 16:34:00
United KingdomShaz 'n' Daymo's Sad Arse X Factor Thread
I didn't know you guys all watched together. blush.gif

Isn't Diana a lot older than him?
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-29 16:31:00
United KingdomShaz 'n' Daymo's Sad Arse X Factor Thread
You guys are hilarious, wish I was chatting with you whilst watching it!

Diana will go, I think.. (I didn't know she was getting it on with Owen??!!) though I want it to be JSL. (is that what they're called?) Louis gets on my nerves as well, shame we can't vote him off.

To be honest, I wasn't too impressed with any of them except the two girls (other than Diana who looks and sings like a China doll)..
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-29 16:23:00
United KingdomShaz 'n' Daymo's Sad Arse X Factor Thread
Alright, I'm looking forward to seeing Britney tonight... blush.gif

Edited by Gemmie, 29 November 2008 - 12:27 PM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-29 12:27:00
United KingdomIs this really a cultural difference?
QUOTE (Damian P @ Jan 18 2009, 08:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This has been a very enlightening read. See, when I was growing up, we always had a cat in our house, and we let it out whenever it wanted, day or night, because it's natural for them to be outside. Cats are one of Mother Nature's finest natural hunters: haven't you all see the way they crouch down low, and wind up their hind legs before pouncing on some poor unsespecting bird, mouse or squirrel? laughing.gif Keeping them indoors just isn't right.

But having said that, after reading this, I now understand why 'er indoors looked at me like I had 2 heads when I told her we should let our kitten outside just as soon as she was old enough. I guess "house cats" is an American thing. wacko.gif

That's exactly what happened with us!

"Why would you let your cat outside..."

We've come to an agreement now, to keep the cat indoors. I hate the thought of them being bored or unhappy but we'll see what happens. He says that he's never seen a cat that behaves that way.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-19 08:46:00
United KingdomIs this really a cultural difference?
We're both HUGE animal lovers and can't wait until we have the money/space to get pets. We want a puppy and perhaps a kitty too.

Well, Bill says that it's uncommon and abnormal, as well as pretty stupid, to let cats wander off outside on their own because they get killed so easily, either by other animals or mostly cars. His family and everyone he knows keep their cats indoors and use litter-boxes. He told me instances of cats that accidentally were let out, and ran into the road.

In the UK, it's normal to let your cat outside.. walking down the street, it's common to see cats sitting around in gardens or at the side of the street. I'm not talking about strays, I mean actual pets. We've always had independent cats that love to go outside and come inside as they please, and never had any problems with them getting hurt. In fact, the youngun's claw at the window/door once they reach a couple of months. I don't know anyone that HAS had a cat run over, except a girl who funnily enough, lives in America! Her cat was instantly run over. I don't get why American cats are constantly killed outside?? Is it because they aren't used to it?

Is this difference actually there?

Edited by Gemmie, 17 January 2009 - 09:15 AM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-17 09:14:00
United KingdomEngland
We're still apart but we still plan on perhaps moving back to England in the future.

There are a lot of practical reasons (healthcare, education, transport) but we'll wait and see how I settle in the US first.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-18 10:01:00
United KingdomWhat was the transition like?
QUOTE (Damian P @ Jan 31 2009, 05:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
'Er indoors took this from her house the other day:

Like my mate Rut (who lives in Terre Haute, IN) says, "if anyone back home says it's cold, tell them to #### off - they don't know what cold is." laughing.gif

yeah, I admit, I do think of all the snow we get in New England whenever someone in Old England mentions how cold it is.

I also think of that whenever the Americans mock the clouds and rain over here.. I'd rather that than the extreme weather there anyday..
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-01 08:42:00
United KingdomWhat was the transition like?
So we're getting a multi-region DVD player so I can bring my collection.

Will the PAL discs still work?

Stupid question?

Nevermind - apparently for like $20 more, you can get the NTSC/PAL converter with it too. smile.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-28 10:39:00
United KingdomWhat was the transition like?
QUOTE (KnightAndMagpie @ Jan 25 2009, 10:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gemmie @ Jan 25 2009, 01:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hmm.. I don't think £10K is a lot of debt for a student, it's over £9K just for the tuition fees.

If you're using savings to live on, or have wealthy parents and can live away from home without help, that's easy enough to pay.

Those that can't afford to pay living costs as well have another £6K (on average) per year on top of that, so may have to repay £27,000. Luckily, I get some help from the government as I come from a single-parent family who only earns 11K. Compared to everyone else I know, I'm doing extremely well, as I don't have any credit cards or store cards to pay off, and I only touch my overdraft when I'm desperate; even then, I pay it back straight away. I just use what is given to me in loans and grants. Most people I know have had their overdrafts cancelled as they couldn't afford to repay it.. we're talking 1-2 grand here. I even know people that need to work just to meet the rent requirements as they're busy paying back other things. Student debt can be seriously messed up, it's no wonder the country is cr$pping itself.

Well, because of complications, I'm estranged from my family's a security thing as well as cultural, so I have to be careful about my spending as I have no parental support. I also don't want to be heavily reliant on Knight as that'll put pressure on him and he's got university to deal with, too. I find the thought of being that much into debt terrifying and I don't wnat to wind up going to the US with that hanging over my head. I'm not a very big spender and I don't drink, and I only splash out if I'm going for dinner or the theatre, or if I desperately need something. Knight's wonderful and will get me things that are cheaper in the US (like headphones) if I need them, and then he'll send them over.

Also, the less I have here, the less I have to take with me. =D See, I think ahead!


Same as.

My mum isn't alive anymore and my dad is a cleaner, barely making enough to support his own household expenses. That means I don't get parental support like other students I know, there's no one to bail me out if I get into financial trouble. I don't really drink and I'm more of an "indoor girl" anyways so am careful with my money.. that being said, I can't escape the fact that I've needed to take out money to live on as well as the tuition fees. I plan on paying it back of course, but I just think £10,000 debt for a student is very minimal, unless talking about that on top of tuition and living fees.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-26 08:42:00
United KingdomWhat was the transition like?
Hmm.. I don't think £10K is a lot of debt for a student, it's over £9K just for the tuition fees.

If you're using savings to live on, or have wealthy parents and can live away from home without help, that's easy enough to pay.

Those that can't afford to pay living costs as well have another £6K (on average) per year on top of that, so may have to repay £27,000. Luckily, I get some help from the government as I come from a single-parent family who only earns 11K. Compared to everyone else I know, I'm doing extremely well, as I don't have any credit cards or store cards to pay off, and I only touch my overdraft when I'm desperate; even then, I pay it back straight away. I just use what is given to me in loans and grants. Most people I know have had their overdrafts cancelled as they couldn't afford to repay it.. we're talking 1-2 grand here. I even know people that need to work just to meet the rent requirements as they're busy paying back other things. Student debt can be seriously messed up, it's no wonder the country is cr$pping itself.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-25 17:25:00
United KingdomWhat was the transition like?
Oh I'm not saying it's a bad thing at all. It's just a difference that I've noticed, there's this huge safety net in the UK that serves as a "just in case" for everything. If you can't pay back your loan, there's X. If you lose your job, there's Y. The government hands out benefits left and right and people don't seem to be 100% "involved" in their job over here, but it feels like Americans make their job more personal.

It quite surprised me as when I was just starting out in psychology, my first experiment was about stress management differences between the US and UK; even though there were more life changes in the US, they were much less stressed than the Brits. Having now seen a lot more of the US, I would have guessed that it would be the other way round - more life changes in the UK (more people changing jobs) and more stress in the US (related to work).
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-25 14:10:00
United KingdomWhat was the transition like?
I haven't made the move yet but I have spent many months there.

The UK seems to have a big safety cushion that the US doesn't.

Work ethic is the main one, I think. In the UK, people *generally* don't care about their jobs (though this depends on where you are).. it's something that brings the money in of course and it's still important to enjoy your job, but it's not the end of the world if you lose your position, and you can always fall back on the vacation time and/or other jobs nearby if you've had enough. In the US, it seems that everyone puts 100% into their jobs, even when it comes to their attitudes and presentation. They work damn hard in comparison for little benefit, and I think that's the biggest culture shock I'll experience.

It's the same with colleges; in the UK, there are so many restrictions on when you can start paying back your loan, though in the US, you must get a job and pay it back, or they'll come down on you like a ton of bricks. That's the impression I've gotten, and I've heard the same thing from people too. You also MUST get a job while in college to get by, but in the UK, it's easier to go through three years of university without having a job.

I find it MUCH more friendly over there. If you started chatting to someone in the UK, they would think you're a complete #### I reckon, but in the US, it seems normal for people to ask how you are, etc. BUT I also find that a little uncomfortable in some situations where the other person is selling something. It's one thing being polite because you want to be polite to someone, and I love when that happens, but it makes me feel *off* when waitresses are nice in an obvious-fake way because they want to get a decent tip.

I too sometimes feel uncomfortable speaking because people turn to look at me, but Bill tells me that they're just surprised and actually like the English accent. I also get a bit tired of having to repeat things; not because they can't understand me with an accent (everyone has said that it's clear and pretty much a generic English accent) but because they spend the first time concentrating on the fact that I have an accent, if that makes sense, so lose concentration.

The driving thing, obviously. I'm used to taking the bus and train everywhere, so I'm learning to drive straight away because I have to.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-25 13:31:00
United KingdomCadburys Cream Eggs
Yeah, it's easy to get the Cream Eggs, but try asking some of them what an Easter Egg is.

"You mean Cadbury Cream Egg.."

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-03 09:30:00
United Kingdomphoto size for medical
I just called and asked, she said UK but if you have US, that's fine too. smile.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-18 12:42:00
United KingdomTransportation options to London and a personal problem
I agree with the others.

I can't drive, and live further from London than he does, but it's easy to hop on a train and read for 2 hours, then catch the right tube to Oxford Street.

At the age of 18, I was travelling to London, and then catching a plane to the states all by myself.

Edited by Gemmie, 14 February 2009 - 10:33 AM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-14 10:32:00
United KingdomReturning Packet 3
OK thanks guys.. smile.gif
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-01 07:52:00
United KingdomReturning Packet 3
We sent Packet 3 back (the forms with the checklist) on March 19th, haven't heard anything from them yet.

I'm worried a little seeing as it says to send the forms back ASAP or there may be problems.

I tried calling the switchboard but got the American voice-message droning on for minutes about other numbers to call, didn't tell me anything about my situation.

Does anyone know how long it takes for them to send the interview date? Or know of an efficient number to call to find the status of your case?
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-01 06:44:00
United KingdomInterview check
My interview is next Tuesday and I want to make sure I have everything ready.

Yeah, I know there are Guides and I know there are a million of these threads too, but it puts my mind at ease, and I know the UK peeps are really helpful and friendly.

Here's a list of what we have (or are getting within a few days):


My birth certificate
Bill's birth certificate
Co-sponsor's birth certificate
U.K Passport
U.S sized passport pictures

Copy of NOA1 and NOA2
Interview appointment letter

New letters of intent (dated and signed)

(from both sponsor and co-sponor)
134 form filled out
Letter of employment
Tax forms and returns (including W2's - all from last 3 years)
Pay stubs (recent)
Bank statement (for this year)

(In scrapbook of relationship evidence)
Airline tickets
Phone bills
Chat logs

Medical Certificate Thing - says "incomplete"
(This is due to the HPV vaccine that I can get while in the U.S)

Police certificate

Is there anything we're missing?

Bill doesn't have an employment letter yet but he is starting a new job next week. Will they care if he doesn't have a letter for this new job? (he doesn't make over the limit but his co-sponsor has one and she does).

Nothing needs to be notarised, right?

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-26 13:29:00
United Kingdomwaiting on interview date!
Ours took a month.. sent off packet 3 on March 19th and didn't get an interview date until April 17th.

I know it's worrying but you'll be fine.. we put June as our travel date, and they still gave us a quick date.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-28 14:58:00
United Kingdompacket 3 processing
I was wondering this too; if we had made a mistake, would they wait until the interview to call us on it?

Hope not..
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-02 04:23:00
United Kingdomswine flu
I'm travelling, no matter what.

I've gotten on the plane knowing there was a chance my eardrum would burst. wink.gif

I'm sure everything will be fine. But I'll make sure before flying my family out.

Edited by Gemmie, 28 April 2009 - 05:11 AM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-28 05:11:00