United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!
OMG I love you.

I'm ordering some right now.

The last time I had some was in February. My best friend's boyfriend made me a bacon butty right off the plane.

Edit: "To checkout you have to purchase at least:$89.00" :crying:

Edited by Gemmie, 18 August 2010 - 04:47 PM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 16:46:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!


You b1tch.

ETA: This is a joke, please don't remove/close/invisibilize/wipe-out-VJ over that.

Edited by Gemmie, 18 August 2010 - 04:39 PM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 16:38:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!
FYI, I once posted a whole new thread just to ask people what I put in a particular field on my I-129F form.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 15:45:00
United KingdomLondon is scheduling the last half of Sept!
Congrats! :)
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-17 12:34:00
United KingdomNHS as a tourist
This isn't really about the NHS entitlement, but I once had an experience that US healthcare really helped with.

I woke up and couldn't hear anything apart from my own footsteps. I took myself down to the walk-in clinic (do you know how hard it is to interact with them when you can't hear a thing??) and the nurse told me to use olive oil for 2 weeks. Hydrogen Peroxide is apparently the instant way to clear blocked ears but the UK had banned it because of terrorists!

I went to the US the following day (flying and going through the border with broken ears was fun) and went to the doctor and he instantly cleared them out, and I was able to use the peroxide to my hearts content. They did charge me $75 but I could actually hear my husband's voice. :D
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-19 11:16:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
Melissa, I don't know what happened in the other thread in Site Updates that got closed because post/s were deleted. I posted those examples of the things Julian has said because you didn't believe that he could possibly say something like that. I hate to break it to you, but you DO know he can say things like that, because he's made several antagonizing posts in topics that you have been involved in (and you even spent a while apologizing on his behalf) and they were towards Americans, Jamaicans, Russians etc. If you need proof of that, I can find those too.

If you don't like that people are saying these horrible things about your relationship, then ignore it. Do you know what I would do if someone told me that I'm with my husband for selfish gain? Let them think what they like, because it doesn't affect me or my relationship. I know why I'm in this. Don't come in here once the topic has been closed just to open up another can of worms. If you were really upset that Julian has said certain things, why not log off VJ and speak to him directly about it? The moment someone else agrees with you and says that Julian has been saying horrible things for a long time, you jump to his defense and claim that no one here knows him and calling us condescending b!tches.

Comparing how much your situation is worse than others is a losing battle, as someone else pointed out. In the time your entire process has taken until now, we hadn't even gotten the NOA2 yet. You're lucky enough to see Julian often while many people either don't have the money to do so, or have too many ties meaning they can't leave. You're lucky enough to have bought a 4/5/whatever bedroom house that is to your liking while many people are either living with in-laws trying to save up the money or living paycheck to paycheck after the visa process has cleared their bank accounts. You're lucky enough to have the option of working full/part time, being a housewife, being a mother, whatever you want because you're financially secure enough to choose; while many people are dying for their EAD so they can work any job they can to pull money. Try focusing on those things whenever you feel the need to whine about how many hurdles you've had to overcome. And by the way, I don't say that out of jealousy. I say that because it's offensive to see you bring up your horrible process and compare it to others when you've been extremely lucky.


Please don't close this topic, it isn't involving language, sexual tone, racism, sexism, etc. There's not even any bullying going on here. It's no different to any other topic where there's a different in viewpoint.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-17 12:30:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
My MIL has been unhappy in her marriage for quite some time but doesn't believe in divorce due to her religion. When I ask why she married and had children with someone like that, who has the same qualities now as he did back then, she tells me the same thing, Maven - that he wasn't like that before they got married. I feel so sorry for her because she feels confined to the marriage, not knowing that better things could be out there, or not having the courage to say enough is enough.

I'm so glad you're not putting up with unhappiness.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-06 16:02:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
Wow, and I thought it was all talk. Why did he quit? Was it a genuine reason?
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-02 09:01:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
Jewel, I'm afraid I'm the same as your husband. Whenever we go out and I'm driving, I'm forever asking him "is it that exit that I need" and "left or right?" He gets irritated and tells me that I should KNOW by now and I need to start paying attention to where we're going if I want any hope of driving by myself. And as I tell him, he's had 26 years to get used to the area, and I've had 1 - and only been driving for 2/3 months, so NER. :P
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-01 14:31:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
This week my grandad's estate was settled by a legal company. Can I just say that it's TRULY sad when families feel the need to fall out over inheritance money... luckily our family is still intact, but it's been a year long struggle with my brother, who claims that he is the sole beneficiary (with nothing to prove it) and has fought to take control over the estate. He failed, by the way, and he's having issues with the fact that in the eyes of the law (and I would argue, in the eyes of my grandad), he and I are equal. He has control problems. :unsure:

On topic: I hate when you leave your clothes piled on top of the chair, NEXT to the closet. +1
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-22 13:53:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

Wow, that's a conversation that i'd never like to have with my in-laws :wacko:

Me and my MIL talk about all kinds of things so it wasn't unusual for her to tell me about that. But yeah, patience running thinner every day.

FYI - I have control issues with bread too. Mostly just not having cake-bread for breakfast. :)
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-14 12:12:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
This is more of a statement about my irritating situation rather than my SO.

My in-laws are experiencing marital problems, as in, my MIL has told me that the next few months are critical to whether or not she wants a divorce. :unsure: Today is a year since living here and I'm going out of my friggin' mind. We really want to move out ASAP but can't make the income requirements until I find a decent job (preferably in my field). AWKWARRRD!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-14 11:57:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
I'd never seen a footie match in my life until Saturday - I really enjoyed watching, and was GUTTED at the ball drop! That's not a REAL goal. :angry:
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-14 11:36:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
Gemma want. :(
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-08 16:44:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

Actually, what I find more annoying is the "Oh, I remember those days!" and "Get your sleep now!" and "Your life will never be the same" stuff. I do get the concept that babies and little kids (OK, and even adult kids) interfere with sleep and that a lot changes when you've got a small human you're responsible for. My close friends who have kids have been great though, and mostly offering practical advice, like what stuff we might consider buying, and all the baby stuff people buy but often don't need or use. It seems that it's the friends of friends types who want to ramble on about little Johnny (wait...nowadays, that would be little Chase or Brady) or Ashleigh/Brittanee, who did this, this, and this, blah blah blah... Sheddep lady!

I definitely agree with that. I'm not expecting (although we hope to be in the next couple of years) but it really bugs me when people find that someone is pregnant and then immediately bursts in with the "get all the sleep you can now" and "Good luck, you're gonna need it" stuff. Especially when it's new parents saying this, and they were the ones hating that advice a few months/years before.

And don't get me started on the "ohhhhhh. All I'm saying is, take all the drugs you can get" advice. Studies have shown that a lot of labour pain comes from fear/tension in the body - because of what other people have told us. So basically, when you've gone through that, do not perpetuate the cycle and tell other expecting mummies how much it will hurt. Labour hurts, everyone knows that. Don't frighten the poor cow. :star:
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-07 11:37:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

Yeah, looking forward to Toronto -- I leave tomorrow morning. Meeting up with the lovely Julez on Saturday which just so happens to be my birthday. :D Will check into that rooftop bar thing -- ta.

A mite worried because my evil ex-boyfriend will be at the conference -- I dumped him for my husband, so every year he asks me how my marriage is going. :(

Try not to let him get to you. You know he's only asking because he's hoping you'll give him bad news. Don't indulge him, just say something short, and change the subject. It's your business.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-03 11:10:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

Yeah, there is a limit to what is acceptable, and like saywhat said, you have to think about future opportunities. How does she explain those tats dedicated to previous boyfriends to her current boyfriend?

She attempted to cover-up the star-sign one by designing a huge one over it (though in the right light, I swear you can still see it. :unsure: Tattoos are forever, they always leave *something*) and her other one she simply says is a dedication to him as they were so close. He doesn't seem to mind it much.

I don't have any ink, but if I one day have a daughter (already decided what to call her), I may get a small one on my wrist. :star:
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-03 10:51:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
I kinda get his point though. One of my friends is literally addicted to piercings and tattoos, among which she has her ex-boyfriend's star-sign, another dedicated to another ex-boyfriend's suicide, and an entire upper arm sleeve of clouds (dedicated to her new found love of sky-diving... which incidentally, happens to be what her new boyfriend does). I sense a pattern brewing.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-03 10:45:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

I think my husband and I might never have split if I had a tat of a Spitfire on my breast, but the other one would have to have an Avro Lancaster on the other one. Also, down my spine several cars: Super Minx; Super Snipe; MGB GT; Triumph Spitfire; and maybe a Triumph Dolomite.

You're too right, I think I'll get the double breasted Spitfire and Lancaster too. Mine is a plane-FANATIC. Anything that keeps him happy. He might have to deal with just the wings though, I don't have too much breast to have a whole plane. :lol:

Edited by Gemmie, 03 June 2010 - 10:18 AM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-03 10:18:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

It's a cruel fact that when we are down and need people, that's when they hide until we are happy again - and the converse is true.


I'm sure we've all been in that situation where we have a good ol' rant about what is going wrong in our lives and then notice that we sound like depressive people, so tag on a positive spin to make the OTHER person feel better.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-02 16:17:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
I agree, I could listen to you talk all day, Alan. Or read your words all day. Either way, you're a great spark of wisdom. I especially liked this:

You are pregnant with your new life and it's going to take a while for it pop out so you can take a look and see if it's ugly.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-02 15:29:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
I kind of have to agree a little. Sometimes I find myself pining after England and longing to go back, walk down the old streets, pop into some shops or a local bakery or a pub, stop at a chip-shop and have amazing fish and chips (not to mention all the other food), then catch the public transport to my next destination, all while speaking the exact same language as everyone else.

But when I went back this year, I felt like my bubble had burst in a strange way. I LOVEd diving straight back into the familiarity where I knew how everything worked, and how to talk to everyone, and my confidence was restored. Then I found myself really disappointed at the frustrating road sizes (meaning everyone driving is crazy), the hooded teenagers, the litter in the streets, the constant slang usage, cramped everything, and high prices.

It will always be "home" to me, but I have to remember that I have a somewhat rose-tinted view of what England is, and give myself a slap with the glasses. :P
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-31 16:04:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

why my eyes are green but my hair is dark.

Me too. :) <3
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-26 16:26:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
This is completely off-topic (except it's something that I find irritating) but I have nowhere else to say it.

I hate when there's a topic with a huge-#### article in, and then the first few people quote and respond to the entire freaking thing. It means my finger has to scroll through the article 4 consecutive times. That's it, really.

edit - Good on you for having a man who's into wedding planning. Bill just kept saying "whatever you like, honey" and it drove me slightly crazy, until I figured out that this actually made it tons better. :)

Edited by Gemmie, 21 May 2010 - 04:10 PM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-21 16:09:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
I have to say, I got lucky there. If Bill has nothing to do, he naturally takes out empty cups, folds laundry, makes me a cup of tea. :thumbs: I got a gooden.

I even got him to learn to wash the cheese grater after using it...
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-20 11:49:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

When you wrote 'key word being little money' in another thread as to what your fiancee had, my stomach churned.

Ditto... I thought it was quite telling too that she reacted with a blush and giggle, like a little girl that had spent her pocket money on too many sweeties. :)
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-17 10:00:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

OH HEY WAIT! Don't group all Americans in with the Boston Yankee accents! Down here we talk real slow and nice like for people to understand

Well hubby doesn't have a Boston accent, but I don't know how else to spell how the Americans pronounce it. "Calm-bo"?
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-07 16:58:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
:lol: Julez.

I just thought of something else after reading an old accent topic here. I can no longer order my favourite platter at the local diner, called the Mambo Combo, again. My husband asked why I pronounced the last part 'so British'. I had no idea what he was talking about, it's because of the 'O' in the word 'Combo'. Try saying it now. There's no way to make that sound non-British unless you intentionally say it like the Americans and say "Cambo". Which I refuse to do. And the last time I went to order it, I got a fit of the giggles because he was waiting for my accent to come out, and I literally couldn't make my order. :angry:

We'll talk about my 'O' words when he addresses his 'A' words. It's not HAIRY, it's Harry. it's not CREG, it's Craig.\

Edited by Gemmie, 07 May 2010 - 03:47 PM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-07 15:46:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
I wanna hear some more spousal complaints... :(
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-07 15:07:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

And a propos Julian -- if it doesn't work out with Melissa, give me a call, okay? I could do with some pampering, and I have a feeling I'm probably lower maintenance than Melissa. ;)

And if it doesn't work out with Maven, I'll need some pampering too. I can't resist that charm. <3

HFCS in tea... you're kidding?!
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-07 13:16:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
Do you have a Shaws near you? Or one of those private British shops? That's where we get our tea from (even though it's $5 for 40) because the US version is quite weak. If not, try using 2 teabags per cup. I have great sympathy for anyone that can't find English tea, I don't think I could cope.

Edited by Gemmie, 07 May 2010 - 01:11 PM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-07 13:10:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

And how exactly am I being a troll? The topic is 'Irritating BS your SO does.' I posted a story exactly relating to the topic. A few people even found it entertaining, right up until the time this Jules came along looking for trouble. I wasn't even attacked for being angry with my fiancee, I was attacked for not being poor enough, I suppose.

No wonder America has such a horrid reputation. If I don't live in a trailer, don't carry a gun in my waistband, and have enough money to take care of myself and my fiancee without having to rely on massive credit card debt, then I must be a horrible troll, is that it?

You really are delusional if you think that people care about your finances. It has nothing to do with the topic at hand OR the point that people are making about the way you handled things. YOU were the one that decided people were going there, everyone has confirmed it's how you were with your fiancee, not about money.

You're right though, people think you're mean to your fiancee because we're sub-consciously jealous that you have money :rolleyes:
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-07 13:03:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
Julian, I think you're misunderstanding. This has jumped from phrasing things better for the sake of your fiancee to apparently being judged for finances. The point she was making was that you could've left it less critical and personal by saying "she went out for THIS (enter car here) came back with THAT (enter car here)", rather than launching into a story about how stupid she was and how angry you were. It's not that you specifically mentioned the type of car, the italics were for voice emphasis. This is how things get misinterpreted online.

When I told my husband last night about this topic, he smiled and asked "so did you tell them about my eye scratching?" That reminded me; he sounds like he's pumping water from his eye whenever he scratches it. I think I'm just married to a very water-ey head. :lol:

Edited by Gemmie, 07 May 2010 - 12:49 PM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-07 12:48:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
it wasn't because you mentioned those cars specifically, it was an example of how you could have phrased it differently (by saying "we agreed on X and she came back with Y".

I don't think anyone is judging the TYPE of car or your financial means.

Edited by Gemmie, 07 May 2010 - 11:46 AM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-07 11:46:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
I agree with David, Justine... I was shocked when I came here to find that everything except for water bottles goes straight into the trash. It killed me to throw empty bottles and cardboard packaging into there, but I was told that's how it is over here - they recycle certain things but more often than not... not. When I lived in the UK, the council gave us boxes to separate our stuff into, and we HAD to fill it every week. What you described is very good for an American. I hate the huge cars and 4x4s being driven by small families - and how everyone seems to keep their electricity running no matter what. I was always being told to turn lights off, switch things off, etc in the UK. I dunno, that might not be a 'country difference'.

I think Bill also gets annoyed with me when I talk about the politics over here. I never realised how "conservative' America is. I assumed that if you're more liberal, you'll be the equivalent of our liberal, but I'm always hearing from Americans that those laws are socialist and never work, and are unfair, etc. I try to sit there quietly with a smile, but really sometimes I want to just tell them to move onto the 21st century. :P

When I first came over, I was horrified at how much Americans use the microwave... cereal, baked potatoes, soup, TEA?? :o
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-07 10:06:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

I must be going mad, because I haven't said or done anything that anyone else hasn't said. What about the woman complaining about her husband's 'saliva pools?' Oh how dare she violate their sanctity of marriage by belittling him in a public forum!

:rofl: it sounds so funny when you put it like that.

Seriously though, I don't think it's belittling him to talk about his annoying habits. He won't be upset that I told you all that. And I wouldn't be upset if he were to post about my soaking the bathroom floor or my habit of picking my lips. They're just little perks. I think the difference comes when it's an attack on a serious issue (like going against a mutual decision and potentially wasting hundreds of dollars) because that's something that genuinely made you angry, and also comes off as insulting her intelligence ("She completely failed. Honestly I just can't imagine what she was thinking, if she was even thinking at all"). I know that I would be upset if I were to read that from my husband.

Anyway the issue is over now, this is supposed to be a light-hearted topic.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-06 16:01:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-06 14:34:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

My UKC husband taught me how to drive -- I'd had a learners' licence over in the UK but I was so cr@p at driving stick that we all thought it would be for the best if I just restricted my driving to the occasional attempt. In a large car park. At night. Late at night. Once we got over here, I realised I had to drive to live. He's been driving for over 20 years, and I have now had my licence for two. (Woo!) The first year or so he could hardly get in a car with me without begging to install a second set of brakes in the car. He too is 100% correct all the time :rolleyes: and can't understand how I can get it so wrong. However, the other week we had to travel back to the house in two separate cars. He was behind me on the freeway so he could see everything I was doing. About halfway home he called me and said, "I'm watching you. You certainly don't hang about! You're really quite a decent driver now."Posted Image

You brave woman - I don't know I'd feel about him watching me from behind... in the car, that is! :whistle:

The other week I drove over an ISLAND and I thought he was going to poop out his heart. :lol:

And yeah Julian, I've noticed that most of the drivers out there don't seem to realise they have indicators.
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-06 14:33:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does
*wouldn't let me edit*

I saw someone refer to what is being said here as "light-hearted banter" and I respectfully disagree. SOME of this is light-hearted banter and differences, but the majority of it is insulting someone you love, and airing their annoying habits or "pet-peeves" to the online world. If we want to say nothing embarrassing should be said then you should all mirror the person who gave HER annoying habits rather than her spouses (like the mouth clicking) because she knows what's being written about her and your spouses don't.

I don't see it as insulting the person you love.. everyone has annoying habits, and I'm always telling my spouse what irritates me, he always tells me what irritates him, and life goes on because it's light-hearted and minor - not something that had a huge affect on my emotions because of his intentional decisions. I'll probably even tell him about this topic when he gets home later and exactly what I posted anyways. :)
GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-06 14:26:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

Have any of the non-USC on this thread noticed anything about how their spouse drives that is irritating? My sweetie doesn't use the turn signal much. Must be all those round-a-bouts. :rofl: I know my husband gets annoyed with my driving. I tend to do a lot of rolling stops. I think I picked that bad habit up in California after a friend I had riding with me said, "Don't stop at the stop signs in this neighborhood! We'll get shot!" :lol: :no:

USC husband taught me to drive, but there are still moments when I make a mistake (like last night I accidentally used my right blinker when I meant left) and he yelled "WRONG BLINKER!!" and scared the ####### out of me. :lol: He does everything 100% the correct way, and in his 10 years of driving has never had any accident or made any big mistakes. Which sometimes means he makes a huge deal out of small mistakes that I make when learning.

But I'm also guilty of the rolling stop signs.

Edited by Gemmie, 06 May 2010 - 02:19 PM.

GemmieFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-06 14:18:00