IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswe got letter from nvc with case file number now what?

hi there


if i'm asking a stupid question i'm really sorry, but on the 13 of this month she recived this letter as we have no idea what to do next she has called the NVC and been told i have to send the ds230 part 1 off but to who and where she has no idea however when i called the US embassey in London i was told there is one more form my wife has to fill out till i can send them the Ds 230 we are both totaly confused at the moment any help you could give us would be gratefully accepted


many thanks ridcully


ps the letter is attchedAttached File  scan0024.jpg   189.48KB   30 downloads

Ridcully41Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-05-21 14:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswe got letter from nvc with case file number now what?

hi there

i'm really sorry if i'm asking a stupid question my wife recived this email from the NVC two weeks ago and neither of us has a clue what to do next my wife has called the nvc and been told one thing, that i have to fill in my ds230 part 1 and send it to her and i have rang the US embassey in London and told that before i can do that my wife has to fill in something else first we are stuck neither one of us knows what to do next i have tried to get my wife to look on this site unfortunatly she only has a smartphone and no computer (very frustrating)


if any of you could help it would be greatly appreciated  

Attached Files

Ridcully41Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-05-21 14:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical in London

LDN number. i am assuming that would be the same as my case file number. if it is then yes i have. is it going to do any harm to get it done now rather than later, it's just i have some unused leave from work to use up and i can get an appointment on thursday and due to the school holidays i won't be able to take any leave (unless it's for my interveiw)after next week 


Ridcully41Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-14 05:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical in London

just a quick question


is there any sense in getting my medical done before NVC has finished with my case, or should i play it safe and wait till after?

Ridcully41Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-14 04:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmy wife has cold feet

long story short we were about to send packet 4 when my wife of 8 years gets scared we have been seperated for just over a year now she is relucantant to send it in as she thinks i need to court her again i don;t have a problem with that other than the atlantic ocean i guess what i'm asking is how long will NVC keep our case pen and also can i just visit ?


Ridcully41Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-05 16:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresquestion about where to live

i had thought as much thank you for your answer

Ridcully41Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-22 14:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresquestion about where to live

i know this is a strange question


my wife still wants me move to the usa but not live with her for the time being as we have had a few problems plus she wants to get our daughter used to the idea of me being back in their lifes and not just somone who visits every 4 or 5 months or a voice at the end of the phone,is what she wants to do even possible?


any answers would be greatly appreciated

Ridcully41Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-22 12:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI got denied after 11 months of waiting Now WHat

  They put a requirement in for meeting in the last 2 years.  They are rule driven and that is a rule they follow.  There are a couple of exceptions but they also follow those rules strictly.   There are many reason for this rule.   There are whole groups of people that think they are madly in love with someone they have talked to for years but a series of accidents have kept them apart.  Google romance scams.   What if these people by the thousands clogged the K1 line with petitions for their "love" who is frequently a poor young man from a place other than where they think their love is from.  Why 2 years ?   It is kind of like why is voting age 18 , they picked a number that made sense to them.  If there was no number you would also see petitions from people that met as children in school and have grown into very different people.   At any time you could have complied with the rules and submitted a conforming , approvable petition but you chose to wait on the original one. 

just out of interest what would those exceptions be? 

Ridcully41Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-05-16 03:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresObtaining UK ACRO - Police Certificate process

i might have my wires crossed, but i was told to wait till your at the NVC stage before getting the Police certificate as they are only valid for 6 months.

Ridcully41Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-05-14 03:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

Like momof1 mentioned, waiting for the visa even if it takes a long while is really nothing in the grand scheme of things. My husband and I are 6.5 years post visa issuance and arrival to the US. We were apart for 2.5 years between meeting each other, getting married, and waiting for the visa. The wait was difficult. I cried and whined and complained. 6.5 years later I look back and think, what the hell was I crying, whining, and complaining about? It seems like forever ago. We've lived so much life since then. We've been through tough times and joyous times. We've lived apart due to work. We've had a child together and now have another on the way. We've almost ended things a few times the first 4 or so years. All of that makes the visa process look like a cake walk, easy peazy. So success is not living in two different countries while waiting for a visa and it's not getting the visa. It's living day to day life and making things work even when it would be easier to go your seperate ways. I'm not saying our life is always hard but there were hard times that certainly blow waiting for a visa out of the water. I'm also not saying our marriage is a success because we're both still breathing and anything can happen at any time to f things up.

And for the record, YOU are more focused on the visa as a sign of success than most others in this thread.

Really, do you read backwards as well as it seems you've missed the entire thread of what I've been saying what is successful. Where have I said getting a visa is a sign of being successful? From what I've read above in your post, it's there after receiving the visa and living together is a sign of success. So marriage beforehand, living apart for years, spending years of online conversations night after night giving up your freedom so you can spend the evenings seeing the one you love is not making a successful marriage? It's takes two strong willing people to carry on this kind of relationship without literally going insane to stay committed and follow through after years of missing each other.

Getting the visa merely means now you can breath. Almost every person here that posted to the OP has said, THE MAN WILL LEAVE YOU FOR A YOUNGER WOMAN after a period of years basically.

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-17 07:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

Good one - I'm laughing too
What is wrong with that woman ???
We look fabulous for our ages and our men are lucky it have us...

Thumbs up!

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-17 07:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man
Dosent croquet require a continuous stroke like when you were playing putt putt.
Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-16 20:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man
Gonna take my wife to play putt putt now.
Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-16 20:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

Your post is duely noted and the "read between the lines meaning" and innuendo is really quite sleezy. You feel better for putting that our there?

Hey, no fair, you read between the lines faster than I did MouadsWife.

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-16 18:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

What now?

Well it's true, a good portion of them are. I give ####### to my sisters all the time for saying, I really need to get married so I don't have to work anymore. Idk if they are my sisters, I tell them to get off there #### and support themselves and quit whining.

Maybe that's where the assumption came from, your own words?

My husband's father takes care of his unmarried daughter, if at any point he was not able to, then my husband would. From here or there, or wherever he was. What he wouldn't do is talk about any of them derogatorily online, regardless of anything, for any reason ever. Or make reference to inflicting violence on any living being. Least of all any female, ever. One of many ways he differs...

And where in my posts did I inflict violence onto my sisters. It's not okay by any means in MY family to say such things about marrying any man just as a means to quit working, etc.


Edited by Kathryn41, 16 October 2013 - 10:08 PM.
remove personal attack

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-16 17:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

I have some friends that are from Fez too. I have not visited the area of Fez, but I have heard it is beautiful.

You should go next time, my wife is ready to pack it up and live there. Enjoy your evening, getting ready to enjoy a lamb tagine. Lol, wife said, are you done harassing those haters of us old women. Maybe ?? Maybe not

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-16 17:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

Hey! My husband worked in El Jadida! Restaurant Ozoud...

I resided in Fes where my family is from, but my moms family lives in El Jadida, where she felt most at home when I left. Me and my wife are retired, yes at a young age of 30, my wife is 45 and I personally enjoy taking care of her. We travel to morocco often, have a home in Fes, and basically just have a good life.

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-16 16:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

MENA culture lesson: islamically, women are under no obligation to support themselves. If they're not married, it's their fathers and brothers job.

You don't have to tell me anything islamically speaking. I have six sisters, two in El Jadida married, and the other four live 16 hours from Morocco. We work to help our family, we don't ask for help from our families. Our mother is our priority, so yes, my sisters left their home to help support her many years ago, so,there goes your lesson right out the door.

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-16 16:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

And of course the old, tired generalizations about Moroccan women being gold-digging baby makers.

Well it's true, a good portion of them are. I give ####### to my sisters all the time for saying, I really need to get married so I don't have to work anymore. Idk if they are my sisters, I tell them to get off there ### and support themselves and quit whining.

And of course the old, tired generalizations about Moroccan women being gold-digging baby makers.

Well it's true, a good portion of them are. I give ####### to my sisters all the time for saying, I really need to get married so I don't have to work anymore. Idk if they are my sisters, I tell them to get off there ### and support themselves and quit whining.

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-16 16:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

Actually most of the people commenting are witnesses to the trainwrecks not the people in them.. They are NOT degrading your spouse.. What they are doing is recounting most of the 7 to 8 plus years they have been here and have see ALOT... You should really pay attention to Sandinista and Msheesha.. They have been around for years and years and have some pretty wise things to say.
No one is saying that people do not start with good intentions. No one is saying that people are morally bankrupt on either side. But someone marrying someone their kids age after several years is most likely going to lose that younger partner. They are going to want their own kids, looks fade etc. ESPECIALLY POST CITIZENSHIP. Does it mean all will end? No. But the majority of the moroccan, algerian and Egyptian men that I have met through 10 plus years who have citizenship through American spouses do not  remain with them. Its not common for mena marriages to last anyway.. THrow in the age difference and honestly of all of those, I know one and its because hes sick and does not have having kids as a priority. Most of these guys want kids and even if they love their American wives at one point, most will eventually leave the marriage. Idealising these relationships is just dangerous.. Listen to these women talk and do whatever you want. But the reality is when you are in your 50s and he is in his 30s he will leave you.. maybe not for another woman but he will leave once he has established himself.. thats no offense to you.. Its just the way it is. I am sorry if it hurts.. But its just the way it is.. I am sorry. Dont come here and ask for opinions if you do not want them. The people here can recount all kinds of things to you if you ask them. The numbers are NOT good. Its not about the men. Its about these ridiculous age gap marriages that are completely not ok in the mena culture.If most American men dont want to marry their mom, most mena men dont either.. They will if they have to get out of the country.. but its sure not a first choice. If they could get a girl close in age that would convert to islam, thats a much better bet for them than marrying someone their moms age. And if Momma is ok with it, shes in on it. What mother in her right mind wants her kid marrying someone her age?

All I can do is laugh at your racist post of older women. You only wish you looked like some of the older women who obviously have the guts to posts there picture here.

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-16 16:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

Successful how?  Because he got a visa?  That's not successful.  When he comes back here after he's got his citizenship and his finances in order and he's STILL with his 28 yr his senior wife, then I'll applaud his success. 

His story if you have read it is very successful. They have been through the ringer for years now, and getting through that is having a successful marriage. It's all of you with the VISA picture in your vocabulary.

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-16 06:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

Successful visa issuance isn't the same as a successful marriage. What others are suggesting is that the rate of still being married after visa issuance/green card/citizenship for these relationships is very low. If your only judge of success is getting a visa then yes most are.

Seriously, is a long distance marriage clearly not successful to most of you here. Have you not read that mans story with his wife and the amount of time they have been apart, then denied, than waited again to finally be approved.

A successful marriage or relationship is based on a life commitment to one another, here or there not on a freaking visa lady. Geez

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-16 05:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

 I & my wife have 28 years age gap, i'm the young one, and we made it just recently on Aug 2013, i got my IR-1 visa, most people had no hope for us, but with comittement we made it at one of the toughest US consulate in the world....Casablanca.  
 It took 2 1/2 years since the date of filing with a denial + NOIR to finaly get approved, lots of drama pain frustration limbo but it is still possible with such significant age difference.
 I'm here in the US waiting for an end to this government shutdown so i can obtain my social security #.  Plz don't be discouraged, you can make it, you're blessed to be here in Visajourney prior to filing, learn as much  as possible, and i agree with Futureberberwife, get to know your hubby deeply, learn from others' mistakes, and ignore those who try to discourage you, alright?  Peace

Amazing story brother, 28 years older, and yet another successful post.

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-15 08:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

I am 20 years older than my fiancée and have 4 children from my previous marriages. We were approved without AP on 9/12 for his K1 visa. He will be here god willing by December 15th. We have been together 2 years and I have been to Amman 5 times and I am also Middle Eastern. I believe the number of my visits and the fact we applied one year after being together plus all the proof of our relationship I presented assured the consulate our relationship was solid.
It has not been easy by any means, it tests  every fiber of the relationship and trust me when I say I have been on an emotional roller coaster. If it werent for my friends here such as the lovely mimolicious supporting me and listening to me complain I probably would have thrown in the towel.
Thank god I didnt cause we are so happy right now - over the hurdle and with the stress of the visa gone we are once again madly in love :)
I know it wont always be like this and we have many more hurdles to face once he arrives but nothing can be as hard as being separated for two years and not knowing if we would be approved or end up in AP.
My best advice is get to know him - dont rush into the visa process because you need a solid foundation to build on.
Age is just a number and we laugh all the time because he is much more mature than I am and thankfully I take excellent care of myself so the age difference is not too apparent.
I pray to continue to be one of the success stories too :)
best of luck

Now look at that, 20 years older, just another success story people.

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-15 08:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man
[quote name="mimolicious" post="6564411" timestamp="1381154394"]

Hello, I am 21 years older than my husband, we didn't have any issues because of our age difference as far as being approved.. I have 2 children from a previous marriage and we are different religions. I will say that my husband and I spent quite a bit of time together in real life before taking the leap into marriage. I don't think a week is long enough to really get to know someone(my opinion). His family and mine approved of the the relationship(and marriage), which in a MENA country is very important, we were both questioned in depth about family approval at the interview(I attended with him). Between the time of filing the petition and the time of the interview(which was 6 months) we were together in real life(in his country)for over half that time. I think every relationship is different and you need to make the decision realistically. You need to think of what life will be like after he is here. You need to be prepared and have supporting evidence to submit with the petition. We did not present a huge amount of evidence, but I think the fact that we had spent so much time together worked in our favor. My husband has been here for almost exactly a year(Oct 12),  we are very happy and our marriage is very strong, but we both work at it. For us the age difference hasn't been an issue, but I will say that I think of it more than he does(I am 48 he is 27). We are very lucky, my family and friends love him and the same goes for his family and friends, they love me. It took my husband 5 months before he found his first job in the US(which was a nightmare job) and an additional 5 months beyond that for him to find a job in his field. Even with a degree in computer engineering and experience in his home country, no one in the US was willing to hire a new immigrant with zero experience here, it was tough. He works as an intern, but he loves his job, they treat him well, and in December when his contract is up they have already told him they will hire him on a permanent basis(YAY!). I can't tell you what to do, that is up to you, but just make sure you weigh all the factors and think it through long and hard. The visa process is long and difficult(not to mention expensive) and puts a lot of stress on the relationship, it isn't all rainbows and puppy dogs, and once he gets here it is even more difficult. For us it has worked out and it was worth every last tear and penny we spent. We are one of the success stories(so far).

Look anther successful story

Wow! How could I leave out your post, outstanding 21 years older. Yeah great picture of the two of you.

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-15 07:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

"I have seen that a 23 year old boy here in United Stated is more immature than a 23 year old man there. My husband is from Morooco. We have an 18 year difference also. Although he is one of five brothers, third to the youngest, he managed his home there, took care of his family, raised his siblings, owned his own business, and along with his mother managed the family finances. You can not judge or even compare an American man's maturity level to theirs 'in my opinion'. Americans are very spoiled, self indulgent and take things for granted. Yes, there 'might' be a small portion over there who are likewise... but they are hard to find. My husband has been here for 3 and a half years and he nows owns his own business. He does mostly all the cooking and helps me clean. Hes a very generous and loving person. His father is the same way. I could not ask for a more loving husband. Yes going to have coffee is what they do.. does it mean they're lazy in life, uneducated in matters of life? No.

Thumbs up for a great post.

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-15 07:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

The numbers jive. My kid will be nearly as old as the the OP's fiancé when I'm her age. How that's hateful is beyond me, it's just numbers. No one's been rude or hateful about it. On the other hand, you've been rude and snippy since you first chimed in here, as well as being completely off point.

Non MENA people can study MENA norms, cultures, and standards until the cows come home. What ultimately matters in the situation of an American woman who is significantly older than her fiancé, with a significantly larger amount of adult life experiences is what that man's life experiences are and his relationship skills and abilities to relate to a wife who is at a completely different place in life, with those life experiences formed in a completely different place from where the guy is coming from. If he doesn't have the actual experience, as is common in MENA, does he at least seem promising? Squawking at Futureberberwife, like it's anthropology pop quiz time, doesn't have anything to do with what she was asking. Yea, north African norms are way different from north American. Everyone's clear on that. What matters, and what I think Futureberberwife was getting at, is how does the OP plan on dealing and adjusting to that? Can she? Will he contribute and try equally as hard? That'll be up to them. Hopefully it works. Lots of people have tried, and some have succeeded.  Lots haven't. But anything less than Pollyanna is like hateful, blah blah blah. 

Same story just a different day/year from you.

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-14 06:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

Yes! I totally have nothing good to say about all the MENA guys, all the time. Without fail.

Yessss! It's the big meanies on VJ saying meanie stuff just to be jerks. No
basis at all! MENA consulates, especially in the cases of dramatically large age gaps where American women are older, are just randomly some of the most difficult, scrutinizing consulates in the entire world out of sheer coincidence. No basis at all! 

Lol, the mods should babysit and open a thread about this. One would think if it's the undeniable, dominant, prevailing phenomenon where the majority of totally mismatched and culturally bizarre relationships where American women marry MENA guys young enough to be their kids were outdistancing everyone else in marriage longevity, the threads wouldn't need mod creation to come into existence. But ok. No one denies there's a few scattered long term age gap couples out there. But the odds are heavily stacked. That's all anyone is saying here. 

What business is it of yours to speak about women marrying men young enough to be there kids. That's just speaking hateful and you have a lot of hate amongst yourself/inside to say such. Your not a older woman married to a younger so really your opinion is blurred and not needed here.

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-13 17:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

That is what I would like to see too. All I have heard is how older woman , younger men will never make it together. Not ever relationship is the same, not ever man is the same. It doesn't matter if you are MENA or American or from any other culture, there are men who lie, cheat to benefit themselves. I believe in our relationship. There is no doubt in my mind that he really loves me and no one here or anywhere else will ever change my feelings about that. All I asked for was advice, was hope that we have a chance to be together, that we wouldn't be denied based on our age. It wasn't intended for anyone to discriminate or say untrue things about MENA men. So my apologies to whoever took offense to mean or rude replies.

There are so success stories here but once they come on it's the same people saying yeah just wait another year you'll see. My wife will be waiting a hundred years for what these women want to happen to us.

No need to say sorry for asking advice. You just need the right advice from STRONG women who are not intimated by these members who seem to know it all.

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-13 16:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man
Honestly, it still amazes me after all these years visa journey is still the same. I remember six years ago, women came here including my wife and was given the same advice as it is today. There are so many age difference success stories that are forgotten about but yet we MENA younger men are only out for a Greencard. Amazing just amazing people.

I wish moderators would open a topic for successful stories of younger men married to older women so we don't have to always defend ourselves and have a place to go and tell our successful stories too.

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-13 16:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man
[quote name="sandinista!" post="6579845" timestamp="1381693968"]

There's a wide range of MENA male capabilities and norms among guys in their 20s living at home, just like any other group of guys. My husband came to the US knowing some basic cooking and cleaning and self sufficiency skills, and actively worked to learn more of these skills while we have been married. No women in his house wait on any males in his house hand and foot. But there's plenty of stories and experiences shared here in MENA over the years of utter incompetence in these areas, and the guys seeing absolutely nothing wrong with that incompetence, and not looking to make any changes or improvements there. Some relationships with American females are totally ok with that. Others it takes completely by surprise, and it becomes a big source of conflict. Reading experiences shared on this website since 2006, I've seen a lot of complaints and frustration expressed about it. Far too many to write off. And far too many to agree with general statements about how it's silly not to assume that guys in their 20s, MENA or not, are totally prepared to run households with women of any age. That's ridiculous. 

Money has been a major source of conflict too, I've read countless complaints about MENA guys who once they start working in the US contribute absolutely zero to the financial needs in the house. This has to be discussed beforehand. There are no guarantees at all that a MENA guy in his 20s, or any other guy, is financially responsible, or knows how to or wants to contribute to household expenses, just because Madeinmorocco2 says they " understand the meaning of money and how to spend money wisely at a very young age as we start working and helping our families live." No. That is not even remotely a universal truth. MENA guys can be just as big of losers in this area as any other guys. 

Comparing broken marriage rates in the US of same age couples to couples with age differences in Morocco is like trying to compare apples to bowling balls, Madeinmorocco2. Sociologically, there are HUGE differences, reasons, and consequences that make it impossible to compare side by side the way you're trying to do here. Pointless comparison really.

You never have nothing positive to say about MENA men do you? Especially the age gap ones. Hope you have the opportunity to sit down with couples who have succeeded many years beyond your marriage and maybe you will change your mind that couples can love each other beyond being the same age. Your statics are based on what you read, not actual percentages.

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-13 15:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man
I made an error in my post and cannot edit it properly without it posting again.

I wanted to say to berberwife that it's common we do not go outside and have relationships before marriage. In my prior post I said we DO. I just want to confirm this.

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-13 12:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

Dear berberwife,

I hope since you are married or getting married to a moroccan that you have done your homework on our culture before you come here and tell this this lady about Life, relationships, and having practical experience. In our culture it's very normal for us not to live outside the home until marriage including men like myself before I married. And secondly, we understand the meaning of money and how to spend money wisely at a very young age as we start working and helping our families live. I offended that you speak as if a 20 + year old man cannot possibly know how to live outside the home. Many Muslim men DO NOT relationships before marriage including sex, so why would you go as far as saying he needs all this experience before she marry him in order for them to have a successful marriage.

I've been in USA for four years happily married without any of the requirements you mentioned above. I've seen more broken marriage between same age relationships here than any of my moroccan brothers and sisters married to younger or older men and women.

Edited by Madeinmorocco2, 13 October 2013 - 12:36 PM.

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-13 12:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

I know that a week is not long enough time to spend with him. I am not trying to rush into anything. We both just needed to know that it is possible for us to be together or if we needed to end it now before either of us get hurt. We are going to visit with each other more than just once. I have met his mom on Skype and she is very accepting to us. She has said that she wants her son to be happy and if I do that for him then she is ok with it. I was marred for 15 years before so I know what marriage is about. That is why I have to be sure this is what I want and he needs to be sure as well since he is younger. He wants to be with me and I want to be with him. Thanks for you advice, it is appreciated. I hope you have a great vacation. :)

I wish you happiness, my thoughts for you is to spend some more time and a few more visits.

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-13 12:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man

Speaking of him being younger-what does he have as far as life/relationship/practical experience? As in, has he ever lived on his own, has he ever managed money, has he had any prior romantic relationships? A big differential in terms of experience can be a big issue in any relationship.

Dear berberwife,

I hope since you are married or getting married to a moroccan that you have done your homework on our culture before you come here and tell this this lady about Life, relationships, and having practical experience. In our culture it's very normal for us not to live outside the home until marriage including men like myself before I married. And secondly, we understand the meaning of money and how to spend money wisely at a very young age as we start working and helping our families live. I offended that you speak as if a 20 + year old man cannot possibly know how to live outside the home. Many Muslim men do have relationships before marriage including sex, so why would you go as far as saying he needs all this experience before she marry him in order for them to have a successful marriage.

I've been in USA for four years happily married without any of the requirements you mentioned above. I've seen more broken marriage between same age relationships here than any of my moroccan brothers and sisters married to younger or older men and women.

Madeinmorocco2MaleMorocco2013-10-13 12:19:00
USCIS Service CentersWant to drop Petition

you can petition as many as you want at the same time. But do you really think they are going to approve a fiance visa while you still have an open petition for your wife? Use common sense

I agree that the Marriage petition needs to be closed, before petitioning a wife or fiancee. What I was referring to was that I once read that a person can petition as many foreingners as you can justify to financially cover. Most likely they were talking about a spouses family (children)? I don't remember the details...and it doesn't really matter. I'm only here to figure out what I need to do to make everything right, for me, not to argue over the laws, or to criticize others of my opinion of their ethics.
Update. I received a text message friday that my ex-spouse petition, that had been approved, was returned to the california application center. I am interpreting that it is now clear for me to petition for a fiancee visa. I had mailed the divorce decree, asking for my petition to be withdrew.
I thank people for their help.
woodsman4cbMaleBrazil2012-10-01 23:06:00
USCIS Service CentersWant to drop Petition
I am thinking I need to get a intenational visa consultant. I called and visited with one for 30 minutes, and found out ton's of information. The fact that I had a "quick turn around" is not a red flag. It would have been a red flag if it was the person from the other country, since they would obviously be wanting to come here, and would be their main concern. He explained that the ruturned petition was excellent, that I had done what I needed to do in ending the petition. Since they returned it from NVC to USCIS, it showed that they were removing it since it is conditional of a spouse of a US citizen.

The price they charge for a consultant service, to have the interview go smoothly with their advice and preparation, is worth it to me. There are many unwritten rules to the official regulations that one will not find in government instructions. I didn't have to have a lawyer for my divorce, but wanted it to be done correctly, why would I not want my fiancee to be done correctly too? If I didn't have any complications, I'm sure I could handle it myself, but thanks to this site, it has showed me that I could have problems, if not presented correctly.
woodsman4cbMaleBrazil2012-09-29 13:54:00
USCIS Service CentersWant to drop Petition
I know that it sounds terrible, and is easy to draw quick conclusions. I knew my fiancee last year, from talking to her on the internet. It was between her and the one I ended up marrying. The one I married said she wanted to come here to be with me in the USA. I married her on that promise. The day we married, I flew back to the USA, because of my work. She then started talking crazy, saying that she wanted to have her baby in her country, when she got pregnant, told me I was free to be with another woman if I wanted to, before she came. Then she started saying that she didn't want to come now, since her dad was bad health, her aunt had cancer and her mother needed her to help pay the rent, and her little sister also needed her. She then said that she would come here for a couple of months but wanted to go back and stay in Peru, that there were a lot of Americans that had Peruvian wives that lived in Peru. I told her that was not the marriage I wanted. We then decided on divorce. We weren't talking, and were seperated, by many miles... yes, I did start talking again to my old friend, who helped me figure out how to get out of my mess. Yes, I jumped in and married her too fast maybe. She made a complete turn around after we married. Yes, I made a mistake. My fiancee forgave me. After my divorce, I stayed with my fiancee for approximately a month, and we have many things in common, and got along great. I intend to visit her again soon. There will be 90 days that we will have to decide here too. I really think that this is the one, as crazy as I may sound. I have the messages in the computer messenger of where my ex-wife was talking crazy, and told me that she didn't want to come. I don't think that you can love someone, and not care if they "go" with another, just because you are in another country.

I would think that they would be looking more at the facts of if I had a petitioned fiancee, that overstayed the 90 days or did something illegal?

I received this status update today. Could someone please help me figure out what it means? :On September 28, 2012, a USCIS office received this case from the State Department with a request that we review it. We will notify you when we complete our review, or if we need something from you

Thanks for the help, and concerns
woodsman4cbMaleBrazil2012-09-28 21:38:00
USCIS Service CentersWant to drop Petition

In April of this year you petitioned for your wife, now you are already divorced 5 months later and want to bring another person here? You need to make sure the other petition is 100% closed before you attempt another petition for a different person.

Thanks for the reply. What information are you refering to? I was told by one of the people that work for the USCIS that I talked to over the phone, while trying to drop my petition, that according to her information, that there is no law that keeps you from petitioning as many people as you want, as long as you were financially able to support them. All I can find for the Fiancee visa is that we both need to be able to marry, either divorced or single, and have met within the last two years?? Am I missing something? If I am suppose to make sure that it is 100% closed, what can I do? I have already called, mailed and emailed. Should I continue that?
I appreciate the info.
woodsman4cbMaleBrazil2012-09-28 20:37:00
USCIS Service CentersWant to drop Petition
In April I petitioned for a spouse visa. My spouse decided she didn't want to come. I sent a letter to the California USCIS to discontinue it, and drop my sponsorship. Five days later I received notification that the application for my spouse was approved. I called them a couple of times, and re-sent another letter saying I wanted to drop the petition. The last time on the phone with California, they told me to send my divorce decree and a letter to NVC. I did. They sent me a letter that I needed certain information to give them, before they could discuss it. I then emailed them with every bit of information that they requested. I received a letter today that the NVC has returned the petition to USCIS. It has preference category as Conditional Spouse of US Citizen. It says that I need to direct further inquiries to USCIS.
Do I need to write them again? Do they keep a file of my letters. The visa petition was approved in July of this year.

The reason why I am concerned is because I have since met someone else that I want to apply for a fiancee visa, and do not want the other petition to interfere. My divorce decree is going to be sent, as required, with the fiancee visa application.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
woodsman4cbMaleBrazil2012-09-28 19:55:00