K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoney Money Money....'pulls hair out
:thumbs: TY ok loud and clear. Minds at ease now, know what I'm doing :blush:
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-12 17:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoney Money Money....'pulls hair out
I'm not easily offended so don't worry lol. We figured we would need a co-sponcer anyway you're right because of our situation and knowing it isn't going to change. His mom would more than likely be the co-sponcer as she will be in the same household and Andrew and her swap money back and forth as needed. She actually just recently got some tax returns and bought him a new computer.
My worry is if we don't get a co-sponcer form way before the interview so everybodys aware whats going to happen we may get turned back at the interview for not having it already sorted. If the forms to do with this sort of thing are forms taken on the interview instead of posted back and looked over a bit before we get an interview date because it may seem to have suddenly come to there attention we'd get turned away till its sorted? It'd kill us to make 2 trips to London because I live in North-West england. Just want to avoid as much "fuss" as possible. Whats after NOA2, Packet 3?
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-12 16:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoney Money Money....'pulls hair out
Ok I've like read this entire forum now (well since it crashed). I am getting the understanding that you need to be is it 125% above the poverty line or else you need a sponcer. My fiance is below the poverty line despite not having any problems paying his bills. We haven't got to the stage yet but when they find out this (I assume theres money questions after NOA2) will they delay us, then send a letter saying we need a sponcer or will the next lot of forms have the option to fill in sponcer information. Really don't want to be delayed yet again. How does it work?
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-12 13:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSimple Step by Step Guide for filing a K1
* Download form I-129F
* Fill in form
* Download 4 pages of Bio forms. You and your partner fill one of these for each of you.
* Collect evidence that you and your fiance have met within 2 years i.e photographs, hotel receipts, flight stubs/boarding passes.
* Get a 3/4 view passport size photograph done of yourself make sure it's 2inchx2inch (instructions are on I-129F).
*Mail all the above to the place they say on the I-129F....

Once they recieve all that then you will get a Notice Of Action (NOA) 1.....
If they need more evidence or anything they will send you a RFE (request for evidence) and you had a deadline to get what they write to you asking for in. If you do not meet the deadline they close your case.
After NOA1 you should get a NOA2 and that means your application has been accepted so they have to send that around from country to country and then they'll mail you more forms....

My advice, when sending the first bundle of papers try and get as much evidence you can in that you have met anything and everything! We made the mistake of not supplying enough and are now delayed awaiting NOA2....

Hope that helps.
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-12 13:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do you return the RFE in?
My fiance is currently putting together the evidence required but doesn't know what he's to send it back in. What type of envelope. Apparently it came with a little envelope but we've got too much information for it all to fit. :help: Want to get this going as fast as possible.
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-15 22:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGah some evidence is stapled is this ok?
We've just noticed some of the evidence we have gathered were sent to us stapled. Is this ok to send with the RFE? We're not sure wheather it was just the passport photos not to be stapled or everything and anything. If nothings to be stapled do we just take the staples out will they accept that?
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-15 22:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to write the "A" number?
:thumbs: Thanks for the boost guys. I know it may seem a bit paranoid of us but we figure we just dont want knocked back for a stupid little thing that I know sometimes the embassy and stuff can be fussy about....
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-16 16:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to write the "A" number?
Ty just need to make sure.

The A number is for the back of the passport photos. We also need to lightly write our names on each of them. Now do we write our full names in all capitals or?
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-15 22:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to write the "A" number?
Do we write "A number: (insert number)"
"A:(insert number)"
"A(insert number)"
"insert number"
"Alien number: (insert number"

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-15 22:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE gathered and sent to homeland security
Finally got it all together and there requests have all been answered and sent off today. We provided like a mountain lol! Wish us luck we get NOA2 soon :thumbs:
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-16 22:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan fiance visit during process?

I just mailed my I-129F packet (two days ago) and haven't yet received first NOA. My fiance has already bought a ticket to visit for one week next month, not realizing that he should not vist during the process. Can anyone tell me if he might have trouble getting in? I'm hoping it will be ok since we are so early in the process.

Lots of people on these boards visit each other during the process. You just need to keep things like boarding passes/plane stubs any evidence of visits as these may be required later on. Remember dates as you may be questioned about visits at the interview....
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-15 20:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWOOHOO best friday ever!
:thumbs: what a nice surprise to come home to....

:( want to go home to my man
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-17 18:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat hours are homeland security open?
Here you go:

Check Your Case Status

You need to register and log in and add your case receipt number to the portfolio so you can get emails. After you log in you can also set it up so you can recieve e-mail messages if theres any changes made. I believe most recieve NOA2 in an email/by checking the website before it comes to them in the mail :thumbs:
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-18 19:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat hours are homeland security open?
You can check your case status on there website :yes: But you can get a bit obsessive with checking like me...

Ty for your answers...
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-18 13:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat hours are homeland security open?
Hi VJs,
I just wondered if anybody knew what hours homeland security are open? Are they open at the weekend or it is not worth keep checking our online status then? What hours are they open during the day and are there any particularly days everything gets "pushed"?
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-18 12:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSupporting evidence

As you have actually met physically within the past 2 years then it should be fine. Alot applying for the k-1 meet online you see. If you actually know her by meeting in the flesh (within 2 years) it's all good.


He still has the burden of proving the fact they they did meet regardless of the time spent in the USA by his fiancee.

Aussie... Whom are you disagreeing with? We are once again saying the same thing. ;)

Yes I realise this, I was responding to his confusion on visiting fiancee and actually met in RL to establish a LDR. Of course he still has to prove they have met physically. I was just saying he doesn't have to go to her country if indeed when they met when she worked in the US it was within the past 2 years. Otherwise if it was earlier than that I should think he would have to go visit her in her country. Either way however they met, the fact they met period needs to be proved.
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-01-29 14:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Options
Hey Guys,
Thank you for your EXTREMELY informative replies. I can tell you now we both have a much firmer idea of the waiver process or at least the basics. I read the responces out loud on Yahoo to Andy whilst he followed reading because our connection is a bit flimsy tonight.

What can I say? Other than thank you for the compliment. I may not know you from adam but I do "see" you around alot and respect your knowledge and opinion. I speak for myself when I say that I can completely understand why somebody would think we weren't 'hip' or serious or know what we're doing. Age seems to be the biggest factor on that. But we are extremely (I guess that's my new word of the day lol?) interested in the whole legal/visa process because we HAVE to be, if we didn't clue ourselves up on this we'd be in a fine mess. Thanks to the wonderful folks and sources on VJ we got further than we thought we could, and we're more aware of what to expect.

We're going to look over the links that were given and have a good discussion on possible waiver preparation but as you said it isn't so "obvious" what might be the issue. My parents are very doom and gloom and think it will be a medical related denial but we realise that it may be more public charge, financial (I'm not the only one thats not exactly going to win a spelling B lol). I get a bit confused about a "joint sponcer" and a "co-sponcer." At the moment in my portfolio I have I-134 forms from both Andy and co-sponcer (andy's mom)....I am unsure if that makes them a joint sponcer? I suppost the term doesn't really matter but hey, it's good to know.

Anyway as I said we're going to discuss this, my portfolio is already 6 inches thick with copies and "just in cases." We're on the mindset that because we're having both medical and interview on the same day we won't actually be told if we're approved then and there. Because they'd need time to get the medical results an review them for there decision. So any prior preparation to take any forms incase a denial to hand over wouldn't work because we wouldn't know if we're approved/denied nevermind on which grounds. BUT it woul be useful to have them to send off quickly once we find out via mail. :thumbs: Thank you very much folks
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-26 22:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Options
Hi All,
I've never visited this forum before to post, but have skimmed the occasional discussion. Our story is mostly known by folks in the K-1 and Foreign Embassy discussion forums, so you might be unformilliar with our case. Here's a brief;
We are probably one of the youngest couples going through this process, that is the K-1. We had known each other 5 years previously before my fiance, Andy proposed online then officially when we first met face to face in June 2005. As you can see by our timeline we have had many obsticals and delays but despite that we are still fighting and now awaiting an interview date. Andrew and I have baggage, not the sort most have like children or divorces. But medical baggage, we both have a chronic condition which slowly worsens and have a heap of medical notes each. We are STRONGLY aware that when it comes time for my medical in London (I have arranged special arrangements with permission from London Embassy to have medical and interview on same day) that my medical condition may cause a denial. I have armed myself with doctors letters on my health and factsheets on the illness to help. We also understand because we both depend on benefits (Andys on SSI) myself on DLA finationally even together we were below the poverty line. So we have a co-sponcer. But despite this we are also aware despite all our hard work and "paperwork" we have prepared to throw at them in our favor, it may not work. Don't get us wrong we ARE extremely positive despite relatives constantly pushing the fact we might not get approved. We have endured every possible obstical in this process so far....including an RFE, getting caught up in requirement changes, getting special permission aswell as battling with other companies to give us evidence to supply to help with our case. We are SO trying to keep a bright look on things that if we got through near 9 months of this...we'll get there in the end. But if we don't, we need to know what to do. We're the type of people who need to be somewhat aware of the proceedure we face if we are denied this visa. Because we know in our hearts that if that happens and we don't know what the next step is, we will be in a complete mess emotionally. This is where I need to ask a few questions if anybody can give ANY even the smallest bit of information that'd be great. We need to be prepared for what happens either way, and if we do get knocked back, we need to be able to focus straight for that light at the end of the tunnel and get going with what we have to do asap. We don't want to be in a situation where we're denied and totally clueless on what to do next.

Here's what we'd like to ask;

1. I have read of a medical waiver but what I have read seems to say that you can go through that root if you were denied because of "mental" illness nothing really mentioned about physical. Our conditions DO NOT affect us mentally and never will just physically. If this medical waiver is the road we have to go down, is physical illness and mental the same waiver as what I saw, despite it highlighting denial via mental illness more?
2. My father speaks of appeal precedures? Is that the same thing as getting a waiver? Can a appeal/waiver overide a denial?
3. If the reason for denial is finational despite a co-sponcer, is a different appeal/waiver procedure available? What is that called?
4. For either medical or finational grounds of denial am I right in thinking we will end up waiting a further 6 months with our case going through AP?
5. What happens if we are refused a waiver for either of both situations? Can we attempt another visa root? Perhaps a k3? Or would the only option to be then that Andy would have to come to England in order for us to be together?
6. I heard for overstays people are denied (example) and have to write a letter of hardship to ...(no idea). Is this part of an appeal/waiver process or something different? Is it the same if you are denied on medical or finational grounds, that you need to write a letter of hardship?

We have absolute NO idea how waivers/appeals work in this process despite learning so much about the K-1 stages and ins and outs and all our difficultes and obsticals.

I know the majority of you will say we really need an attorney because our case is so complex, despite we've come this far on our own. But getting an attorney is not an option, even the MDA hasn't responded to our request for support.

Any input, advice, experiances ....anything would be great. Thank you!
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-26 17:18:00
United KingdomManchester To San Francisco...does such path exist?
Hi Ya'll.
I'm currently looking into the best flight we can take when I go "home" to my partner in the states. When visiting him to get a direct flight we had to go to London heathrow. Does anybody know of a airline that does a direct flight from Manchester to San Francisco? We've found ones that have a stop over but we really don't want to go through that (off loading medical equipment etc will be chaos). Does such rout exist or am I dreaming?
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-25 14:45:00
United KingdomSubject access Request
Hey, Congratz on getting your police report. How long did you wait? We're still awaiting a month after...
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-04-30 15:54:00
United KingdomAny suggestions?
I emailed London 3 weeks before they responded with my last question. Chin may get multiple emails on the same topic on one particular day ha!
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-04-30 17:29:00
United KingdomBRITS IN THE USA
Shari (& British hubby, Keith) - Birmingham, Alabama
Miranda and James (another future British hubby!) - Huntsville, Alabama
Welshcookie - Mobile, Alabama (eventually)

SpriteyStace (Stacy & Paul) - Stuttgart, Arkansas

Ladybutterfly444 - San Diego, California
lynzm22 (lynsey and Jason)- Lancaster, California
Daisy - hubby is north of Palmdale, California
Perfect - South Orange County, CA
ddchucksgirl - northwest Lost Angeles, CA
robinklake - Myself and UK fiance are in sunny Santa Monica, CA!
Purple Hibiscus - Huntington Beach, CA.
Els and Brian-Riverside, CA
Andrew & Fiona - Stockton, CA

Ladybird216 - Western Colorado
Boiler - Boulder County, Colorado

Jayke (and hopefully within the next 3 weeks her British hubby) - Connecticut
Bradfordplip - Time split between SE Michigan & NE Connecticut
nickels&dimes - Connecticut (Nickels=Sheril UKC & Scott USC)

Kerry - Central Florida
Munchkins (Val and Alan ) - Jacksonville Florida -to be with daughter and family
atothelkini (Alan, N.Ireland) - Tallahassee, Florida
missyandneil - Orlando, Florida
Kate, Josh & bump - Tallahassee

Crazy Brit - Covington, Georgia
Matti_n_Kelli: Hiram, Georgia

MeandMyGeordie - Sher (USC) & Steve (Newcastle upon Tyne) South Central
Idaho, Twin Falls

pj1959us (hubby David)---central Illinois
Luv2teach77 (And her handsome british Husband ) - Trenton, Southwest Illinois
(Near Missouri border)
JJM8081(British fiance Joe)--Chicago suburbs
poppy33usa - just on the illinois side of the illinois/missouri border in the st louis metro area
jpkeswim - Southwest, Illinois near St. Louis Missouri
Crisscat - (Sharri & Neil ) Southern IL 65 miles southeast of St Louis MO and not far from alot of you here in IL LOL
Yorkie - Chicago, Illinois
Frances (Yorkshire hubster, VJ username falcozappa) - Chicago
Circus-of-Power(Paul and Catherine) Central IL

Annelizabeth - Southern Indiana
Andy(uk) Patricia - Near Indy, Indiana
Baileyj - Southwest Indiana

Itsmeitsmeitsree! (Billy and Becky) - Lexington, Kentucky

clmarsh (Christina & Chris): Portland, Maine

Terry & Jeannine.... Towson, Maryland

Kezzie - Boston MA

Bradfordplip - Time split between SE Michigan & NE Connecticut
euro (Amanda) & Mark(USC)..Brownstown (near Detroit)
sanctifyer - somewhere near detroit in mid 2006
badbabe113 - Rockwood Michigan (near detroit)
David(alias Scotty)Scotland to Livingstone County to be with Bess
lizaanne (USC) & Simon (Brit) - Detroit area -one of these days, if this process ever ends
Charlie76 - Michigan, Detroit area
mary&tom - Southeastern Michigan
Alison and Scott - Otsego in Plainwell, Michigan
Colin(Keigwyn UK) and Lisa - Escanaba way up in the UP

Chrissy25 - Southern Minnesota
britsngrits - Twin Cities of MN - Paul-Peterborough
JayJay - Minnesota Lake, near Mankato about 2 and a half hours away from the twin cities
MrsDarby-Oliver (England) and Alicia (Minnesota)-now both living in Minnesota

DaniChristine - Dani (USA) and Anthony (Northern Ireland)

wherezdabearz - John (USA) and Alison (UK) hope to be living together in Missoula (that's where da bearz are...) from end of Jan 2006
techgirl - Terry (USA) and Davo (UK)- Flathead Lake (western MT)

Gemma12nEl - Bergen County New Jersey
VisagirlNJ - My fiance will be moving to Hudson County, NJ in APril

Louandmikek3 - Long Island, New York (Louise, UK and Mike, US)
DavidUK- Manhattan, New York
Gwen75 - Manhattan, New York
Shakysgirl- Russell (UK) and Patricia (US)- upstate NY
Donna(dmd01708) Oneida County, Upstate New York
Estella76 - Marie (US) and Adam (UK) - Queens, NY
Peachbythebeach - Me (US) Hubby (UK) - Long Island

Jo1973 - Durham, North Carolina
saturn5man (Neil) - Near Raleigh, North Carolina
Jaylen Brit(UK) and LenJayUS (US) - Lenior, North Carolina (from this year)
mullensgirl (UK) Chris (USC) Eventually Jacksonville NC

TenderCats (hubby) - Ohio
Widge - NE Ohio
Helen - Columbus OH

Sukie175 (Sarah) - Gage, NW OK (near Woodward)

Pam & Dave, Portland OR
ZZZZZZ (aka Pam & Dave) Portland OR/ Southminster UK
blandas - Move from Loughborough (just south of Nottingham) to Oregon.

Broma25 - Bucks County, Pennsylvania
Britjohn- Delaware County, Pennsylvania (near Delaware border)
cheeky^Wolf - (Helen will be there soon) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Pumpkinsnook - Berks Co, Pennsylvania (arriving 17th August - 13 days and
Antone and Lyanthya - Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Abby(PAX) and Ewen - Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania (likely moving to NYC, NY in the summer of 06)

zenaelarabi - (Oxfordshire to Columbia SC)
pink_cloud-Charleston, South Carolina

govols- Tennessee
TracyTN (and future hubby ChasUK) - Nashville, TN

Geordieluvr (aka Andria and her Geordie Peter) - Richardson, Texas
medicjeff (wife Jane from the UK) Austin, Texas
silent whispers - San Antonio, Texas
tamarae (Shawna & Ciaran from the UK, arriving soon) - Lubbock, TX

HuffyTheSlayer - Salt Lake City, UT

Lou - Central Vermont

naiku - Northern Virginia (whenver this process is finished)
mijkij (also NoVA)
Litlemo (aka Ally - Geordie,,, Greg - USC)
MrsBeer:30- N.Virginia

arwensun1965 - Kent, WA
samantha_lou - Vancouver, WA
Alana (US) & Ewan (Scotland) in Des Moines, Washington......
torpedo_bob, Camas,Washington

Margyw- West Virginia
rebeccajo (and robertwesley - Wes) irishman & southern gal in West Virginia
Girona40 - Curt (USC) and Glenys, Michael and Sarah (UK)

Michelle(USC)andCraig(England)...northern Wisconsin...border of UP of Michigan
Badgerbabe - Green Bay, Wisconsin
SteveLaura/LauraSteve - from London, UK to Milwaukee, WI
Moonlite-just north of Milwaukee
AllSerene-near Milwaukee I think?
Mellie(and Scott)-near Milwaukee
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-04-23 11:22:00
United KingdomMedical, then interview...
If it helps heres what I had to do. It would have cost me over £1000 to get to London twice because I need adapted transport...(don't have a car and am disabled). So I emailed the embassy and said it was extremely difficult for me finantionally and physically to get to London. When I visited my fiance (got a lift from manc to london then flew from heathrow to san francisco..thats 4 hours by road, 10+ hours in the air and another 2-4 hours on the road to stockton) I was very unwell. So I explained that and they gave me permission to have both medical and interview done on the same day. I'm still a bit skeptical on how exactly its going to work out because I look at peoples timelines and both medical and interview times seem to be around the same. Early morning. So I hope the medical people are co-operative with me about getting the medical on the same day as the interview and earlier in the morning so theres enough time.
I'd suggest emailing the embassy you're going through and asking. I don't think money alone gives you an exeption but you can do but try.

Good Luck
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-26 08:49:00
United KingdomWhos in the UK but actually not in the Capital London?
Wow lots of peeps! Thanks for speaking up. Yeh can totally relate about the London assumption, when I went to the US all Andys distant relatives assumed I was from London yet I have a Scottish accent ....well half Scottish half American because I listen to Andy alot and it just sorta goes all funky. You ever find that?

Neat I'm in the next town over from Bolton ...Bury :yes: Personally I don't like the area, it's classed as a "rough" place to live, gangs and such. I'm glad to be moving too. One thing that shocked me when going to the US was how FRESH everything was and how the trees looked so healthy, I mean I know England is known for its gardens but god look at the trees in peoples front yards in the states they least in my town they're all soggy and wet, dark and half dead. Anybody ever noticed the air quality especially in california is so different? I didn't have ONE asthma attack! I swear... amazing. :thumbs:
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-20 18:53:00
United KingdomWhos in the UK but actually not in the Capital London?
Hello? Is there anyone out there? hehe , just wondered if their were any couples who actually aren't in the London area. Seems most couples from the UK the other half is from Kent or somewhere "near." Anyone not quite as near? I'm in Lancashire :)
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-15 18:08:00
United KingdomBA - British Airways
I'm really considering using BA when the visa gets through to return to Andy. I just would like to know peoples experiances with that airline. How was YOUR flights with BA?
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-01 14:39:00
United KingdomMedical Questionaire - Hospitalizions
Just talked with Andrew, he agrees with you guys and my dad. So guess it's me just over-reacting lol.I wish their questions weren't so broad.

Edited by AFQuaid, 11 July 2006 - 05:36 PM.

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-11 17:35:00
United KingdomMedical Questionaire - Hospitalizions
I am a bit confused about one of the questions on the London Medical Questionaire that came with Pk3 months ago. My medical is on August 9th.
It says "Have you ever been hospitalised?" I said yes so it says at the bottom to give additional details.

So my dad interfering as he does constantly with any paperwork had me write just when I've been hospitalised for 3 surgeries. But I have been hospitalised other times such as for tests and minor illnesses. IMHO I would of listed them if he wasn't over my shoulder at the time dictating to me. I do not want to appear dishonest with the medical people as my medical case is complex by missing out other times I have been in hospital. But my father is in the mindset to just put the "major" things and don't mention the tests which lead to diagnosises etc. I think I'm going to rewrite the whole added sheet of paper while he's at work because he is REALLY stressing me out and getting in my face a bit too much. Bless him he's trying to help but it's like he's taking over completely. He even wrote my list of medications on the overside of the questionaire which I've had to cross out the dose because he's put them all WRONG. He apparently wrote it off an old prescription paper. He didn't even have to write the dose, it just says to list the meds. Plus he did it without telling me.

As you see currently having massive control issues with this visa and dad. Dad has never delt with my care, knows my routine, meds or keeps track of when I was last in hospital.

Do you think it's important to list EVERY hospitalisation including tests (that lead to diagnosises) and minor illnesses ASWELL as surgeries? Or is it ME thats going overboard? I just don't want them to find out something I have not mentioned.
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-11 13:51:00
United KingdomMedical Questionaire Advise (Pt 2)
Totally know where you're coming from. I actually have an "overall" letter from my GP which lists all my medical conditions and surgeries and his approval of "fit to fly." Plus a letter from each of my specialists giving an overview of their involvement in what medical issue and its current status.

Thank you both you've really cleared this up for me.

Does anybody know where I can download another copy of the Medical Questionaire? I had written my medications on the overside of it but some have changed in dose and I don't want to use one that has crossing outs on.
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-23 16:54:00
United KingdomMedical Questionaire Advise (Pt 2)
Thank you very much :yes: The fog is clearing... much appresiated.
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-23 08:06:00
United KingdomMedical Questionaire Advise (Pt 2)
Hi Everyone,

I have posted previously about the Medical Questionaire but this time it's a whole different ballgame that I'd be extremely greatful for any advice on. Particularly from people who have filled in the Medical Questionare for London with ANY medical issue in your history.
I'm going to list my issues so they can be understood better or else I'd be a whole jumble. Here goes...

1. One of the questions asks if you have a Neurological disorder. I have a Neuromuscular Disorder but see a Neurologist for checkups every 6 months. At first I would imagine I would tick no, but if I see a neurologist for a neuromuscular disorder does that indicate I should therefore tick yes?

2. Have you ever been hospitalized (bringing this up again). I for sure would tick YES. But it's where it says at the bottom to give details on an additional sheet where I am confused still. I was hospitalised at 3 1/2 for over a week for tests only which condition said neuromuscular disorder, then had random hospitalisations with childhood bugs i.e vomitting, at 8 again for repeated tests to REconfirm said neuromuscular disorder, and again at 11 for SURGERY this time on my foot where I was in 2 weeks, then overnight for a second operation a few weeks after, then again at 14 years for major spinal surgery for Scoliosis and lastly last August for heart tests which came back normal.

Am I suppost to list these hospitalisations like above (but more spread out lol) or just a quick sentance to say I had hospitalisations related to neuromuscular disorder OR do I just write out the surgeries and NOT mention the test admittions etc?

3. Should I be mentioning my Neuromuscular Disorder on this addition sheet to the questionaire despite no questions on it that may account for a "yes" to add additional details to? Does the doctor just take the questionaire and go by that or does he/she ask for more info in the exam where I have the oppertunity to explain my condition? I do not wish them to get a shock if it is not mentioned prior but then again there is no question really to state "Yes" I have that i.e like the lung disease question.

4. There is one question about if you have any impairments in self-care, BUT it's examples are that of i.e learning difficulties. I am totally reliant on carers for i.e dressing, bathing, getting up, going to bed because of physical difficulties related to said neuromuscular disorder. I am sure to answer YES but again on the additional sheet should I state the reason why I have the impairment in self-care or actually list what the impairments are? Or both? It isn't clear to me.

5. I have an appointment August 5th for a thorough eye exam at the eye hospital which may or maynot give me a confirmed diagnosis of Glaucoma, my medical is August 9th which gives me no time to write for a confirmation letter from the eye doctor ABOUT the vision issues. Plus there is the chance I will not know any results till AFTER the medical takes place. So do I mention this current issue or not?

I have supporting letters from 7 specialists, my drug prescription slip and a factsheet on my neuromuscular disorder. But as you can see I am very confused about how much to explain in the questionaire when I have most of the information on other papers for evidence if needed. And lastly;

6. Do I hand the supporting letters and factsheet over with the questionaire and "additional info sheet" to them when they ask for the questionaire or wait till I get to see the medical doctor?

*Breaths out* Ok that was a mouthful, sorry it was so long. I'm just trying to break it down. Looking forward to any experiances/advice. Thank you very much for reading this.
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-22 19:52:00
United KingdomHas anyone got a police report in less than 40 days?
It took 38 days for me :thumbs: Good Luck!
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-17 11:03:00
United KingdomVirgin Train
We could but non of my family can drive nor do we have any friends who are willing. Even after 14 years of living in England from moving from Scotland we still haven't made much of a dent in being accepted nevermind liked in our area. But thank you for the suggestion.


Edited by AFQuaid, 06 August 2006 - 01:40 PM.

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-06 13:39:00
United KingdomVirgin Train
Hi Everybody,
Firstly I would like to thank all for the wonderful advise, information and responses in general.
You'll be glad to hear like I was that the transport situation has resolved.
I had phoned up Virgin Trains to ask about assistance for somebody like myself but they told me they couldn't garentee 100% I would get help despite letting them know 24 hours in advance. So I couldn't take the risk of not getting help as you can understand.
Thankfully we got hold of the origional company and they quoted £800 to get me there and back which we've accepted because we saw no other way that wasn't risking me being stranded somewhere I've never been before.
I tried to contact also some black cab firms but some basically refused to take my electric wheelchair and others said they did not accomidate wheelchairs period.
So there we have it after all the stress and drama back to plan A.
Thank you again everybody.

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-06 06:32:00
United KingdomVirgin Train
Unfortunitely not, it was an "in-person" arrangement and several talks over the phone which were all fine until today. Something to do with policies of having multiple drivers because of the long trip is making the price higher. This company has taken me several places before with NO PROBLEM! And even bragged about how they've taken many other people to London for several reasons but when it came to me apparently it's an issue.
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-04 19:25:00
United KingdomVirgin Train
What else can go wrong for us huh?

Well the transportation I had booked 2 months ago phoned me up today to say they may or maynot be able to take me to London for my interview on Wednesday and take me back. They'll have a quote and decision tomorrow (the quote is increasing from £650 to near £1000) just for a wheelchair access vehicle with driver!

So I need to come up with an alternative and FAST. This company has left things to the last minute to "have a problem" with the arrangement now.

I googled the internet for "black cabs" but could only find London tour ones. I found other companys similar to the above but weren't in Manchester.

Next and last option I try the train and found something called "Virgin Trains" that say they have wheelchair access onto the trains and plateforms. But that isn't the problem now, we have NO idea where we go when we hit London Euston station and how to get back to it when we're done. Anybody know?Can provide me with a map? Info?

Plus in and around the embassy are they're any black cabs parked ready for any customers? I "think" there is but I want to be sure where exactly they are so I can hop in one to go to the medical center.

This WHOLE thing is turning out to be a last minute disaster and if I cannot find a way to get to London and around safely without getting stranded either at plateforms or elsewhere then I'm going to have to reschedule the whole day. The transport company has REALLY landed us in it! I'm furious and very upset.

HELP anybody who knows about trains :crying: Can't take anymore.

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-04 18:49:00
United KingdomGood luck
tyvm :)
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-06 23:54:00
United KingdomHaving problems getting Hep B vaccine. Help
I need the Heppitutis (sp?) B vaccine to complete my approval for the K-1 (as posted in the Embassy area) but my GP will not supply it where can I go? I'm willing to pay but dunno where to turn to to obtain it as required if my own GP says he don't have it because it isn't cost effective. The lady at the medical center offered to give it me there but I didn't have the money on me and going back to London ISN'T an option.

Help. Manchester area anybody know?

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-10 15:35:00
United Kingdompkt 3 is written so poorly
No, they mean

Passport photos - swap the word attach with "pair together" same with the police and birth certificate. They just want you to have the papers in order so at the interview you're not fiddling around trying to find them in a bundle of paperwork. I suggest getting a little envelope for your passport photographs.

DON'T attach the passport photographs to any paperwork they do that at the window. DON'T attach any other paperwork together.
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-23 09:22:00
United KingdomOur Luck Hasn't Run Out Yet...
Hi Everybody,
We've had quite a few PMs regarding our visa and what's going on now so I thought I'd do an update today.

After my interview & medical remember I was told I had to have the 1st dose of the Hepatitus B vaccine in order for the visa to be issued because I am under 19 years old. This caused much debate between my family and of course our friends here on VJ whether I actually "do NEED" this vaccine for the visa rather than AOS or not.

Origionally the lady at the Alliance Medical Center said I could have it done at my local GPs office. But apparently they don't have a stock of the vaccine but did "promise" to do there best and get back to me. Well they did get back to me eventually but :whistle: THANKS TO ANDREA here on VJ! Who so kindly PMed me with an address and telephone number of a lovely little medical place in Stockport I had already booked an appointment which was today. It was a good job too because 2 days after Andreas PM the GPs receptionist phoned back to say "they don't do it there." Well I already knew that! Some people....

So I order the same ambulance company to take me to Stockport for a 5pm appointment. They were suppost to turn up at 4pm on the dot. They were 20 minutes late and the guy didn't know where he was going. So again like the day to London but to the outskirts of Manchester this time, the ambulance man jumped constantly in and out the vehicle every few miles to ask for directions to where this medical center was. Plus this man is quite old and drives at the pace of a tortoise. I swear he was waiting for the traffic lights to turn GREEN to start slowing down. Anyway it got to 5:20pm and apparently the medical center phoned up our house and my dad answered. Obviously worried where we got to. He phoned us to say that they were closing at 6pm. Panic! Not only were we now lost but it starts thunderstorming. We finally find the place at 6:10pm as the place was closing. We burst through the door to a startled receptionist cos we were dripping wet and let the wind/rain in the door.

She gave me a form to fill in which I didn't expect and I couldn't answer half the questions. GPs surgery address, telephone number, vaccination names and dates already recieved. I didn't have this on me and was kicking myself. Which was no point because when we were finally called in she didn't even look at it. She gave me the shot and rabbited on about how we held everybody in the center up and I felt so bad :( . Saying people wanted to get home to their families its real late. :angry: though there was a part inside me that wanted to say back "WHAT DO YOU THINK IM HEAR FOR? I WANNA GO HOME TOO. " I mean I'm greatful they stayed open and all but this doc REALLY let me know how much of an inconvience it was for everybody. So much so most of the talk in the 10 minute period I was in the room was filled with her rabbiting on about it.

Then I toss her the letter from the Alliance Medical Center saying they need confirmation that I have this jab from them and she stares at me and saying "We closed our fax machines etc down." She was about to hand it back to me when I ever so kindly suggested she do it another day. It didn't matter WHEN it just mattered that it was done. She hesitently accepted my suggestion, gave me a HEP B sideeffects sheet and we left.

So now we're at the stage where all that needs to be done is her confirmation sent to London, and London sending it to the Embassy then....





Thank you everybody for all your help. We couldn't of got through our visa journey without you guys!


Edited by AFQuaid, 23 August 2006 - 03:28 PM.

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-23 15:24:00