US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAUGUST 9TH 10:10am
I'm gonna go cry now :crying: got packet 4 with interview this mornin' TY SO MUCH VISAJOURNEY, we couldn't of gotten this far without you guys....

Edit: Whoops was so excited I put 10:10am it's 10:00am! Titles wrong

Edited by AFQuaid, 04 July 2006 - 08:37 AM.

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-04 08:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Next Wednesday
I have my interview next wednesday at London. I have no questions really just wondered if anybody could drop in with just some advise about the interview in general. I'm VERY extremely, a nervous reck sort of nervous.

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-03 18:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTax returns. Do I get em back?
Hiya everybody,
I just wondered at the London Embassy do they give you the origional tax returns back? Our co-sponcer sent us origionals plus one copy. BUT she needs them back asap. I have told them yes because origionally I thought they took both then handed origionals back but now I'm in doubt. :help:

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-06 06:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLONDON
It was very busy. I waited 3 hours. I'm about to post my London Marathon.
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-09 16:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOur London Marathon
Hi Again,
Just hoppin' back on in here to answer about the Hep AOS question.

According to the lady at the Alliance Medical Imaging Center who looked over my vaccine paper she seemed to think it was "odd" that I didn't realise I needed this for the medical. I didn't know! I cannot remember reading anywhere about the Hep B and you know me I went to my GP months ago and argued with them to give me the MMR booster and polio etc. Apparently because of my age (under 19s) I need to have AT LEAST the 1st dose of this order to satisfy immigration officials. BUT she did say the 2nd and 3rd dose that completes this vaccine could be done in the USA for AOS those last two weren't needed for the K-1 just the first dose. It sounded a bit odd to me too but the letter says the same thing.

I'm going to look up the yellow pages for private doctors tonight and make some phonecalls monday morning. Thank you everybody for you help!

*fingers crossed*

Out of all the medical mess I never thought my problem would be a Hep B vaccine lol.

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-11 09:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOur London Marathon
Hiya Gang,
Thank you everybody for your comments and congratulations. It really means alot to us.

We've hit another problem though which I'm sure we'll leap over but we need some help. I've asked in the UK forum but people there are not aware of my case or story. If this thread needs to be moved Ewok go ahead.

I phoned up my GP this morning as you may remember I need the Hep B vaccine (only the 1st dose) to complete my approval. The lady at the medical center gave me a letter to hand over to my GP to say that by immigration requirement I need this vaccine. The reason I DID NOT get it done whilst at the medical center down in London was I DID NOT have the money on me and wasn't aware I missed a vaccine till the day.

The problem is folks I phoned up the GP, they said that because the vaccine isn't "cost effective" for the NHS they actually don't have a stock of the Hep B available although I'm willing and have the money to pay for it now. I can get the 2nd and the 3rd dose done in the USA. But I need the 1st to get the visa issued. What are my options?

The letter the lady gave me is directed at my own GP and it needs to be returned with it stamped or signed or a letter confirming I had to vaccine FAXed back to the medical center in London and they'll inform the Embassy to complete the issuence of my visa. But my GP doesn't have the vaccine. The lady at the reception desk of the GP surgery said she'd "do her best" and get back to me but I don't know when! Or how she could sort this if they have no supply. She was on about they might do it as a "one off"...key word "might."

How long do you suggest I wait for her to get back to me? Who and where could I possibly get this vaccine in the Manchester area now? I cannot possibly go back down to London. Somebody in the UK thread (though misunderstanding) suggested I look up the yellow pages and get a private doctor to do it but will they accept they need to return this letter that is aimed at MY GP?


AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-10 22:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOur London Marathon
:dance: :D :dance: I can't say in word's how happy I am but am glad it's for sure my girls on her way HOME, heh an I wont be macho I cried in happiness near an hour after hearing this :dance: :D :dance:

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-09 18:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOur London Marathon
So the story begins after very little sleep and an early rise of 4am. The transport I had booked (as you may remember train option didn't work out) was actually a private ambulance was spot on at arriving at 5am. Everything started out really well, we had everything and I clinged to my folder as if my life depended on it, as it does.

It took us from 5am-8am to begin to "near" London and you could tell you were nearing it even if you were 60+ miles off because the traffic oh my god. Hooking horns, police on motorcycles it was madness! Then to make things worse as we start moving again we hit roadworks, then traffic, then more roadworks, then more traffic. It was so bad we didn't get anywhere near to finding the Embassy till 9:30. It became a case of the two paramedics with me hopping out of the ambulance every few streets asking random Londoners where the flippin' building was. Oddly most Londoners don't seem to know much about where any buildings are. They asked 6 people before asking a policeman and by that time it was 10am. My appointment time, fear going through me thinking the worse. Maybe they won't let me in? It's too late! They aren't gonna let us off with "we were stuck in traffic."

We eventually found the building but nowhere to park that wasn't streets away. Guards were glaring at our dilemma as they stood beside the two lines of people gawping at the commotion. Eventually they parked the ambulance across the street and a paramedic hopped out to go talk with the guard. He came running back saying they need to see the appointment letter and passports of myself and mum (who was going in with me to help physically). They gave the ok and allowed the paramedics to offload me. We headed towards the two lines of people and the guard checked our passports again and my appointment letter and got on his walkie-talkie to inside the Embassy sayin' they need somebody to come down for assistance with getting me inside. There were steps at the main enterance. We only waited about 5 minutes then another officer showed us round the back into a big garage thing with crates. Accidently my wheelchair skidded on the sandy ground and the guy got a clipped ankle :blush:. He didn't mind though. He showed me into a lift and we went unstairs into the visa department, thats after mum was asked if the bottle of lavender cooling water in her handbag was a weapon! He actually asked her to test it on her and he said ok he believes its a perfume thing.

He told us then to get a ticket from the nice lady at the far end and we got number 015! and was told we'd be seen at window 1. So we sat near there as instructed. For 3 hours the screen flashed and spoke it seemed like millions of 200 numbers and then 300s then the occasional "8" then repeated numbers and "last calls." In which time we saw some poor man collapse as he got himself a ticket (I'm guessing from anxiety) but he had to be helped up and everybody gasped. We sat, we twiddled our thumbs, the guy that was running the nice little sandwich and drink counter at the back of the room offered to help me buy something to pass the time. That was nice of him. I passed him up on the offer because it was quite early on but eventually I asked mum to grab us some food and drink.

Finally my number was called to window 14! which was round the little corridor. A business type gentleman was there and he asked for my passport photos (2), birth certificate - copy and origional and police report - copy and origional. He checked em then got me to sign some forms then gave me the origionals back.After a minute of him typing on the computer he did my fingerprints then told me to go to window 15 next door. Where I was met by the most nicest american lady who had a beaming smile on her face. She asked me for the Affidavit of support forms and visa fee slip, checked them. Said everything looked great and asked me to raise my right hand and swear everything I'm about to say is the truth. And of course I did. She asked me:

How me and Andy met

What website was it or where on the internet

What do you have in common

How do you plan to support yourself finationally

Do you have a carer lined up

She spent a second looking up our file and made some jokes i.e "Oh boy, Andrew sure wanted us to know you guys had met from the RFE" and "Yep, he is certain he wants to marry this woman" she chuckled. Then she said all looks great and

"I'm Happy To Issue You Your Visa" *BIG RED APPROVED STAMPPED DOWN*

She explained to me again 6 months to enter the US, 90 days to marry on entry. Then about sending the marriage certificate to homeland security. And that she generally wishes us all the best. Pending my medical results my visa will be issued in 1-2 weeks.

I get given a pink courier form. I was the ONLY person with a PINK one everybody had BLUE, I realised that maybe they were all on a totally different visa. Anyway I couldn't get to the desk so mum had to take the filled out form up with the money. All went fine.

Then another guard was actually waiting to take me out and my folder slid off my land and down the ramp of the garage like door they took me out of. Poor guy had to chase it before the papers fell out.

After that the ambulance picked us up again and dad (who had gone to sit in a cafe) but actually ended up chatting to a guy who was waiting for a relative outside. Dad was on about that his friend had a conviction and he'd been in the building since 9am and still hadn't come out, I'd been in since 10:20am and got out at 2:20pm. We wondered what had happened to the poor fellow all the way to the medical center.

I had an appointment at the Alliance Medical Center which isn't too far from the Embassy and was found pretty easily. Dad went inside to ask about wheelchair access and a nice lady showed us round the back where she put down a ramp. Got in fine and she told me to go up the level 2 in the lift and sit in the waiting room. So we did.

The lady from behind the desk brought me a clipboard with another questionaire on it, similar to the one provided in packet three but seems to also have doctors imput section. She asked for a passport photo and documents (pkt 3 questionaire and all my supporting doctors letters and factsheet on my illness i handed over lol). Then the questionaire after I'd finished. She handed them to the doctor who came out his room briefly and she asked me to go change into a gown in the toilet so I did and came back out into the waiting room. The doctor called me in and went over all the stuff I just gave him and seemed very pleased that I'd thought the appointment through. He told me many people go there with pre existing conditions and dont bring doctors support letters even if its just asthma. He says it really helps if you do! So thats some good advice for those here on VJ! He tested my vision and felt my stomach. Took my blood to test for HIV and sent me back out into the waiting area. Then I was called in by a lady checking my vaccination records, the ONLY one I had missed was the Heppititus (sp?) B in which according to her I just need the first dose to complete the approval and I can have the 2 others when in the States. Other than that she was happy, gave me a letter for my GP to let me get it done on the NHS and then hes to fax the alliance medical center and they'll tell the embassy. I was called into the x-ray room and that was simple in and out and back into the doctors room again where he asked a few questions about my care and who would do that etc. I found it actually pretty hard to understand his accent. But he was very jokey and friendly. He listened to my heart too that was very fast he said and asked if I was nervous. Obviously... Then that was that. He thanked me and wrote up his report, read it to me. Was correct and left me to go get dressed again and I payed the lady at the desk and all done.

I actually just got back an hour and a half ago. I'm totally beat.


P.S Andrew and I are completely overjoyed.
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-09 17:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFiance change of address after interview. What to do?
Thank you, though Meaux I didn't mention it at the embassy last week as it wasn't certain he was moving. Hes since been contacted to say they've got it and can move in Sept 1st.

So just leave it till AOS?
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-16 11:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFiance change of address after interview. What to do?
Not sure what forum this belongs in because we're between K-1 and AOS.

We had our interview August 9th, Approved pending medical results. Haven't actually got the visa delivered yet but the thing is Andys movin' house on September 1st. Does anybody know who I contact about the change? Whether I just write a covering letter or is there a "change of address" form for the USC. I'll be living in the new place with him when the visas issued. Do I just email the US Embassy of London or? :help:

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-15 19:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Embassy No Longer Accepting Emails ?!
I emailed the US Embassy of London today to check my medical report had arrived and to ask when my visa would be issued. To recieve this automatic responce;




This e-mail address is solely for individuals who have been authorized
to contact the Consular Information Unit about a specific matter.

This address is not for general inquiries from the public, attorneys or
agents of record. Unauthorized inquiries will be deleted without

Highly detailed visa information is available from the Embassy's
at Due to our heavy workload, we cannot
respond to email inquiries when the subject matter is addressed on the

We also cannot respond to requests for expedited processing, or
nonimmigrant visa "case status" inquiries which are still within the
estimated time frame given on the website, or by the interviewing
Consular Officer, whichever is longer.

If you still have questions after reading all of the content on the
website, please call the Embassy's Operator Assisted Information
for personalized service. Contact information can be found on this

What the heck?

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-30 12:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLetter from NHS doc for medical
Hi Guys,
I took with me a "handwritten" lol letter from my GP that briefly goes over my medication, my current health and any medical issues. The doc at knightsbridge was fine with it.

You two will be fine.


PS the doc at knightsbridge really likes it when you DO provide some form of letter. He told me alot of people don't even with whats considered a minor background illness or not so strong medication. It's best to have backup so he cannot argue with a darn thing OR question your answers because you know the health profession. It has to be there in black and white.

Edited by AFQuaid, 31 August 2006 - 09:27 PM.

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-31 21:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSertich Family Visa Announcement
On the behalf of myself and my fiance Andrew we'd like to officially announce with tears in our eyes and joy in our hearts. The visa we applied for on September 30th 05, and the heart breaking reality in that we haven't seen or touched each other since independance day of that same year. We have finally come to the shining light that represents without a doubt in my mind. Heaven can truely be found here on Earth. That black tunnel of struggle, depression and sheer desperation to bring the future closer is behind us now, all we see is our future in the form of the K-1 Visa in my hand as I type. The mysterious envelopes we've heard so many people obtain before us. If we could see all of you here on VJ who have supported us we'd be throwing one heck of a party right now. We truely won't ever be able to thank everyone enough. Without you all despite it's taken a few days less than a year to get this far I wouldn't of been able to contact the travel agent today to check when I can go "home." Without our generous friends who visit our site we actually wouldn't of been able to afford the way back home and I'd be writting one hell of a sad post right now.

I raise a virtual toast to everybody who has been through and contining to battle through immigration to be with the one they love. I believe if you can get through this as a couple you can tackle anything. This was for sure the biggest challenge myself and Andy have ever done in our lives.

Estimated Date for going home to my man; October 10th 2006

In other news (sees as I'm redoing the website) Andrew is in a new house, it's half of a duplex living right next to his brother, brothers wife, our gorgeous niece hayleigh and have a new niece/nephew on the way. This house inables us to have a place of our own with a carer which we hope we can be more independant in. We continue to strive through life and hopping every obstical. It took him 4 months to be able to get a new place like this one and it truely does sound perfect. Though we are still struggling finacially to purchase equipment after this I really do believe we'll get there in the end.

Thank you all again. :yes: We'll see you in the AOS forums shortly!


Fiona & Andrew
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-09-04 17:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionX-Ray envelope was delivered open
I forgot to check with you guys. When the courier delivered my visa it came in a blue bag with 2 envelopes and my passport inside. One envelope says not to open and the other that says X-ray is actually not sealed but has selotape on the rim that looks to have been opened very neatly. Is this right?

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-09-07 08:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWritten or Spoken Exam?
Hello Everyone,
This is my first time in this board. Some may know me from the K-1 forum from 05-06 and onwards to AOS 06-07.

I intend on applying for citizenship if everything goes A-OK with getting perminent residency and just wanted to get some general knowledge.
I've been practising since K-1 and teaching myself about American History so it's not too new to me but what I wondered was...

Is this going to be a written examination or spoken? I always assumed spoken interview where you're asked 10 or more questions related to America depending on how many you got correct etc. But a family member of my SO is telling me it's BOTH written and spoken and the written part is huge. She's never taken the exam as she's a born US Citizen but worked in the country I cam from for a while and came back to the US. I'm not sure what to believe is right.

Can anybody shed any light?

Fiona & Andrew
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-09-06 13:08:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionChange of Address on 2 year paperwork break
How can I do it over the internet? I'm aware there are typible forms on vj for change of address that I plan to print off and send in the mail but if I can log in on USCIS website and do it through there or something that'd be much easier.

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-09-08 15:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionChange of Address on 2 year paperwork break
I'm on what vj calls the immigration paper work break. The part where you have your 2 year conditional green card and before removing conditions. My question is do I still need to file a change of address as I have recently moved or do I just wait till I start removing conditions and put the new address on that?

innocent.gif Help me fellow vjers

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-09-05 20:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWaiver
Do you have to be divorced in order to file the waiver/by yourself to remove conditions or can you just be seperated with a divorce/annulment to follow?

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2009-03-16 18:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBenificiary birth certificate
When first applying the petitioner needs to include his/her birth certificate. I never included mine and have had no requests for it so far. I can imagine though if the BC is adopted, had name change or moved around alot they may need it early on.

Good luck! :thumbs:
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-01-29 02:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intent

I'm from San Diego, my fiance lives in the UK. We are preparing our paperwok for an I-129 Fiance VISA. We have a question about the Fiance Letter of Intent, that we downlaoded from the site. The letter asks for the name of country where the Embassy is located.

Do we write United Kingdom on both letters of intent?


I'd say so. We did and haven't been questioned.
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-01-29 10:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSENT MY I-129F today!
All the best! :thumbs: Good luck!
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-01-29 02:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWould like to know whats next
Thank you for the clarification.

We did send letters of intent as did my parents as I am not yet 18.
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-01-29 13:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWould like to know whats next
What we origionally put was a brief answer to the how we met question on the 129-F which was "met online through AOL member search engine. Andrew was looking for somebody in similar circumstances - a wheelchair user." Feel pretty stupid now if we were suppost to write a letter then and thats why they're asking now. 'sigh
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-01-29 11:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWould like to know whats next

Sounds like you received an RFE? Submit what they require...usually its just one or two things they need to finish processing your petitio. I would imagine once you send in what they require, you will get a respone soon. Best of luck!

An RFE? Is that bad? We figured everybody was asked for this evidance, no? That's worrying. We're unsure what a RFE stands for. When we get all the information in will everything be ok you think?

They asked for:
A letter explaining how we met
2 frontal face passport size photos of each of us
Plane stubs etc and any documents that can be used as evidence we have met within 2 years
Photographs of us together

So far we have:
A letter explaining how we met.
2 frontal face passport size photos of myself
Plane stubs of myself (BC) and my parents who travelled with me last June to meet Andrew
4 sets of documents explaining I was granted a "wish" to go to Andrew for a 2 week visit in Cali. We waited 2 years for the wish to be granted (the wish charity is for people with life threatening illnesses nothing to do with being denied entry to the states or anything). We contacted every company involved in helping me travel due to physical impairment and each added up together to be 4 packages of documents explaining what they had on record, details and how they were involved in helping me travel.
Photographs of us as a couple.
A covering letter explaining whats included in the envelope.
Andrew is still trying to get his own frontal face photographs done.

Looking at what we have, we think its more than enough but some of you guys are further along than us, what do you think?

Once Andrew gets his photos done it'll be sent off.

Edited by AFQuaid, 29 January 2006 - 10:37 AM.

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-01-29 10:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWould like to know whats next
Hi Everybody,
We're very new. Lingered a bit before the forum crashed and now are registered after seeing the great info members are providing. It's also very handy to know there are others our there in LDR overseas - apart and waiting......waiting....and waiting still. It is a very hard emotional struggle.
We are at the stage where the embassy has requested evidance that we have met within two years. We've gathered almost everything and have a deadline for March 4th 06 to get it all in. We would like to know after this evidance stage what is next normally? After of course this lot is sent and we get a reply would like to look up the next step (set of forms maybe) and types of things we need to pull together so we're ready and can get right on with it when we get a reply. Can anybody help? :star:
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-01-29 10:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslondon police cert
This thread caught my eye. My fiance & I have sent in our petition, got a NOA1 and then a RFE that we met. We're just gathering all the evidence to send back to them by March 4th (the deadline they gave us). I believe there will be a request for a police certificate later on. Would it be for me (the BC) or for my fiance? If I sent away for it now would the embassy accept it if they see it was asked for months before the embassy requested it?
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-01-31 08:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat to do if you didn't copy I 129F?
Can somebody point me towards the list of things required to take to the interview and medical so I know as the process gets nearer what to copy and what not? Thanks.
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-03 15:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat to do if you didn't copy I 129F?
I'm noticing as I'm reading through the posts people have to collect everything they already sent during the process and take them with you to the interview. I have a few copies of some things but not of others like the I-129F for example. I have a copy of the form but not our answers. What can we do when the interview comes up and we don't have copies of the things we've sent to them leading upto the interview?
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-03 11:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhats next?
We've just had a RFE on how we met, after we submit the required evidence and recieved the N0A 2 can somebody tell me what is next?
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-05 14:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBoarding Passes
:unsure: We weren't given back our boarding passes when I went to visit Andrew with my parents. I'm not sure if this was because we had e-tickets and not regular or what. But the issue is we don't have them to use as evidence. Is this vital? We have airline stubs but no boarding passes :bonk:
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-05 18:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhotos of us both - do dates matter?
Thank you slim! We weren't aware we were suppost to send evidence on applying in the first place so we got a RFE! So we're doing our best to scrap everything together.
Totally true about concerts! We have one picture of us at a Eddie Money showing in Stockton California. Although our faces aren't in it but the back of our chairs and heads! But there's a security gaurd in it so LOL :lol: Plus some pictures of us at the county fair, professional portrait, cruise picture which was part of the package we payed for which we didn't know we'd be having our picture taking! Plus we have some with my parents at the hotel so that'll go along with the hotel receipts we've gathered.

Wish us luck. VJ is very helpful!
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-05 13:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhotos of us both - do dates matter?
My fiance and I are in the "gather evidence that we met" stage. My fiance labelled the photographs of us as a couple last night to put in our bundle of proof. He put the names of the people in the photos, location and attempted the dates. We know they were all taken in June and July 05 but we cannot remember specific dates for 2 of these photos. Would you think it's ok just to put June/July 05?
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-05 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre benefits income?
Ty Guys :) your stars :thumbs:
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-06 15:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre benefits income?
I know it may seem to a normal person a disabled person immigrating is a weight on the state etc. I qualify for emergency benefits (which are very little btw) because I have a serious life threatening health condition since birth. I have a number to apply for the emergency benefit and all the lady gave me for when the time comes. I double checked with her and I do qualify. The issue is if benefits are "income" when it comes to the k-1 visa forms. Ty all for your responces they are much appresiated.
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-06 14:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre benefits income?
Thank you G :)
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-06 13:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre benefits income?
Hi Again,
Another question just crawled into my mind. As I'm reading ahead. When we get to the finational part of the process and need to fill in questions of income. My fiancé and I both are on disability benefits. In the UK I am recieving 6 different benefits that have secured me over for daily living as I am severely disabled and unable to work. My Fiancé has his own apartment in the States and manages to pay all he needs to with US disability benefits. We both do not have jobs and will not be seeking jobs due to impairments. When it comes down to question of income and work. Do we just put how much benefits we got last year etc? Just to make this question clear we haven't been asked finational questions yet, but once we get there we'd like to know what to put. We cannot exactly but "none" because we don't work. We have money and also have an "america" account as we call it were I'm saving to go back to the states when (sigh if we're lucky enough) to have the visa granted. I phoned the social services in my Fiancé's area some months ago about if I'd be intitled any benefits for the first 2 years. Apparently I am allowed to fill out for emergency disability benefits from california as soon as I land with the k-1.

Anyone got an answer? :unsure:
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-06 12:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE
It was a mistake we didn't see it on the first papers that we had to send photos and things in and supporting evidence. We just did the 3/4 passport photo, bio forms, I-129F and mailed it. We answered the question on how we met but didn't realise we were to provide evidence then. We really regret it. Now they are asking for the evidence and frontal face passport photos of BOTH. So we're just delayed now...
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-07 18:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE
Our RFE was to provide more supporting evidence we had met within the past 2 years....
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-07 11:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespassport photos
I'd send them to her just incase. I plan to take the passport photos of us both to the interview when the time comes. You don't need turned away because of a little thing like that....
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-08 15:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoney Money Money....'pulls hair out
:thumbs: TY ok loud and clear. Minds at ease now, know what I'm doing :blush:
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-12 17:30:00