US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCan a relative get permission to be present in...
Just wondered if anybody knew wheather a relative can get special permission to be present in the medical and interview.... I know they're asked to wait in the waiting area but I'm going to need physical assistance.....especially doing a x-ray etc ..

I plan to call the embassy when I get a date but just wondered if any of you "experianced" folks out there know of anything of the such?

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-27 23:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWorried...! Some questions.
which medical place is that email address for in London? May I use it?

Btw Good Luck!
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-04-05 20:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical ... what exactly do they do?
wow this thread sure kicked up a storm....
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-04-04 23:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical ... what exactly do they do?
Course it does

- Your Girl x
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-04-01 22:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical ... what exactly do they do?
:thumbs: tyvm


I had my medical exam in London in february for K1 and you will be fine, they won't ask to see anything!! You do need to change into a dressing gown in just your underwear and they prod and poke your stomach but that's about it, as well as taking a blood test. You'll be fine. My doctor was a south african guy and was extemely nice, oh and you can ask for a female nurse to be present for it all if that is any help to you. The doctor does ask if you've had any problems concerning that area but that is as much as it was. Hope this helps!!


Ah good thank god I would've had a serious problem there, an I'm sure alot of you may be thinking that it's no big deal but each man has his own wounds which salt is easily poured and in this case it is wone of my few. Sadly enough I would've switched places to go to England to get past it, not sure if it ease's Fiona as it was mainly my concern but it does me alot, I thank you...


Edited by AFQuaid, 01 April 2006 - 10:05 PM.

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-04-01 22:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical ... what exactly do they do?
Can a female possibly answer concerning the "examine your genitalia" part as if this is a must to pass then alot of time has been wasted for us as I would be likely to revoke the App. then let it happend...

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-04-01 18:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical ... what exactly do they do?
My fiance is wondering what they will do when I go to the medical. When you actually see the doc what does he/she normally do first --- last....can you tell us some examples?

I tried to look up experiances especially with female "aliens" but the search function on this site doesn't work too well.

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-04-01 15:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWanted To Share My Lovely Reply From
:D I sent what I hoped was the Alliance Medical Centers email (googled it and found a website) an email in hope in answering my questions. I have tried to phone this place but they couldn't give me information without my booking date which is kind of weird because there were general queries. And the first e-mail message I got was the phone them. So I was a tad pissed off. Then today I got a lovely shocking reply.
Here were my questions:

1) My friend told me that out of the two centers for immigration medicals in london only one had wheelchair access. Which was apparently the Alliance Medical Imaging Center (insert address). Is it true it has access?
2) I have a complex immigration case because I have Muscular Dystrophy. I have 6-8 letters of reasurrance from my doctors that I am fit to fly, stable enough to do this and details of my long term health issues. Is this enough or do I need to bring my entire medical records?
3) I am wheelchair dependant, after seeing pictures of how they do chest x-rays at the medical center from VJ ( :D ) I realise I won't be able to use it as its against a wall and at a standing persons level. I cannot transfer out of my wheelchair without special equipment that general hospitals normally don't have on site and I cannot bring this equipment from home as I'm travelling from Manchester. How does your medical center normally handle people in my situation regarding chest x-rays?

Here was there reply:

Hello Fiona

I am Iain Lamb, Clinical Lead Radiographer for the Centre.

We do have wheelchair access to the centre, just let us know when you
are arriving and we will give you the directions to our easier access

As to what information to bring, I have spoken to the Knightsbridge
practice and if you bring what ever information you have availiable that
will be helpful.

When taking the X-ray we will be able to manage this without too much
inconveniance to you.


Iain Lamb
0207 935 7711

That is soo positive, I'm really happy and more at ease now.
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-03 19:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBeaming From Ear To Ear Because
I would love to go stuff this checklist in the mail because it stares me in the face every mornin'. You know what its like. It's a real question of judgement now because I have the police record, everything else EXCEPT for the I-134 from fiance and co-sponcer. They are waiting on supporting letters to attach with theirs before sending it back to me. I've had alot of PMs of people basically saying I'm delaying myself if I don't send this checklist back until I officially have the I-134s in my hand. Which I see the point of, I know they will get those to me eventually and before the interview. I trust them dearly. I'm paranoid though of saying I have a document I don't! And my parents (who like to butt in from time to time about this visa)...bless them but sometimes grrr. Keep telling me to wait till I have them. I had an email from the London embassy the other day thinkin' they lost our chestlist 'duh. I just cannot decide wheather to take this risk for a quicker interview date or to do the "better be safe than sorry."

*confused and pressured*

So I'm gonna have to try and weigh up the pros against the cons.
If I send the checklist in

1. Hopefully I will get an interview date for late julyish not right into the summer
2. Shows fiance (who I've been naggin' to death about if he's recieved anything yet poor guy) I trust he will get them to me.
3. Will give us a boost knowing an interview date
4. Ability to book medical on same date and transport ready.


1. Interview comes around but fiance and co-sponcer have some difficulty with obtaining something
2. Forms get lost in the post to me
3. Have to reschedule interview because of possible difficulties with form evidence
4. Get into trouble for tickin it and jeperdising our chances
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-07 18:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBeaming From Ear To Ear Because
Hey ya'll,
What a wonderful wake up to a saturday morning to find this on my doorstep. They really cut it close just 3 days before the 40 day wait mark. Phew it's such a relief to have it in my hands. I contacted the Greater Manchester Police in England to obtain it and am going to attempt to attach it here so people can look to see what it's like. I've blacked out my name of course. But yeah

:dance: *does the VJ dance*

Good luck to everybody else still battling to get there police certificates.

Attached Files

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-06 11:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIs there anything missing? I-134 evidence
Hi Vjers,
My fiance and co-sponcer (his mom) are continuing to battle through the I-134 forms. I wanted to check with people who have done this if this sounds right what we'll end up with at the end.

- I-134 filled in by fiance (sponcer) and notorized
- Supporting bank statement that shows clearly Andy recieves SSI. Showing how often, how much, who from and how long.
- A letter by Andy stating his unemployment due to disability

- I-134 filled in by co-sponcer (andrews mom) and notorized
- Letter from the state of California stating she'd employed as a fulltime caregiver for Andrew and how much she recieves.
- Supporting bank statement that shows she clearly gets payed by them as a job, how often, who from, how much and for how long.
- Copy of last income tax return just incase

Is there anything else we may have not realised? We are doing this on our own despite the complex case we have because we cannot afford an attorney and the MDA hasn't yet responded to our request for support.

In the mean time we must carry on. I'd like advice from others who have done the co-sponcer thing because there fiance doesn't mean 125% above the poverty line. Is there any other evidence we have missed?

Thank you
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-05 20:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionApproved K1 Applications Being Recalled!
This cannot be happening. :crying: We were approved March 8th....we've already spent 9+ months apart....
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-11 19:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionam i set to go to the medical??
I'm not a one for needles either. But I've had many. My advise is when nerves or anxiety arrive, remind yourself constantly why you're doing this and a life time of'll recieve after the shot(s).

:thumbs: Good Luck!
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-22 10:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWe got approved
Congratz !
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-23 10:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionquestion concerning interview at embassy
Erm lemme see if I can recall the redflags....
  • Not sharing the common language
  • Relationship doesn't look valid
  • Not having the right documents ready can make you seem ...well not serious
  • Not enough evidence of time period you've known each other
  • Overstay
  • Previous visa denied (is a red flag if you've lied and they found and is generally a red flag even if you do mention it)
  • Drug abuse
  • Criminal records
  • Contagious illness
  • They consider you may become a public charge (nice ones like London ask you to get a co-sponcer instead of straight up denying you)

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-26 09:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThis question keeps poppin in my mind
Thanks for the advice :) I feel much more confident about it.
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-26 22:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThis question keeps poppin in my mind
Hey VJers,
In early april I sent PK3 back to London without the checklist (as I hadn't gotten all documents yet and didn't know whether to risk it or not)....anyway so on one of the forms of what I sent back there was a question.

Do you intend to work in the US? (can't remember exact form)...

I had put "unsure." I put this because I am unable to work here in the UK due to disability and no jobs here are available that can cope with my physical needs. I want to "try" at some point to look into transcription work in the US, as that would be something I'd be able to do (it's big in the US but not in the UK). But I am still unsure on my health whether to take the risk to find a job and then end up having to quit unable to cope with the workload. Looking back at my answer I have a feeling I will have to explain it but my question is, was this a sensible answer to put in your opinion? I have never worked due to disability, but I do internet DJing for an ammiture internet radio station for a few pounds every week but it isn't a real job. Other than that I have never been able to do any real job....but like I said America may have transcription work and hours I'd be able to cope with. I don't know yet as I'm not there and know that anyway when you arrive you cannot work for several months. I'm sorta worring now that they might see this as a answer. But I was being honest. I know the fact I'm unemployed will be a negative, but in your opinion has my honest answer may cause more confusion?

Andy thinks I'm overthinking. Which is probably true. This is the most important thing i've ever done and I don't want to screw it up even more than health etc thats beyond my control.

Also I wanted to you think it'll be possible for me to apply for permition to work just incase I find something that may be suitable for me?
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-22 10:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwells fargo Bank being difficult!!!
oh ok then, sorry my eyes jumped a few posts as I got distracted. He's gonna add it up himself and attach it to the bank letter. Thank you all very much!!!!
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-01 15:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwells fargo Bank being difficult!!!
Ok guys, thank you all for your responces. Heres an update...

Andrew phoned the number and they told him to print off his transactions and use that, but they CANNOT sign it. For some reason....Now is this acceptable...a print out that isn't signed or stated in a letter of total amount disposited in the last year? We're going through London.

Andy can find somewhere else to notorize it, possibly kinkos. It's just that "total amount disposited" thing...
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-01 15:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwells fargo Bank being difficult!!!
Nah, I meant for the I-134s to be notorized not the evidence for it.

Thank you for ur advice
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-31 22:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwells fargo Bank being difficult!!!
Ok, so Andy goes to the bank today to request the evidence needed for the I-134 forms which were:

Statement from an officer of the bank or other financial
institution where you have deposits, giving the
following details regarding your account:
1. Date account opened;
2. Total amount deposited for the past year;
3. Present balance.

The bank manager wrote a letter and signed it stating when the bank account was opened and present balance but couldn't write the total amount deposited in the past year because the way there system works he has to call a customer service number to obtain that info

And to top that off the bank doesn't notorized.

advice please :( He's gonna try and call this number tomorrow but he's not sure what hes doing. It's wells fargo bank. Anybody got experiance?

*had to edit because I misunderstood*

Edited by AFQuaid, 31 May 2006 - 10:05 PM.

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-31 22:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGot my Pack 3...
LINA!!! I'm so happy for you girl !!! :dance: everyones doing the happy dance today.


AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-10 21:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwe're back on the visa train WOOOHOO!!
Thanks everyone for your kind words and encouragement. Glad to be back! Where's that sweetie trolley? I want some jolly ranchers imported from the States to tie me over till I get back hehe...

Joey, can't find the thread but here's a brief.
Dec we recieved RFE, they had changed their requirements right in the middle of our process so we had to send recorrected photos (when the requirements changed from 3/4 view to full frontal), and our explaination of how we met wasn't enough on the question so it took it 4 months to gain as much information as we could to get a solid case on our relationship. Most of the delay was due to trying to obtain letters from the travel agent, wish charity, van rental etc it took them quite a while to do that and our deadline was March 4th to get it all back in and I believe we managed to in feb. Then everything went very fast till we got Pkt 3 and hit the I-134 form NIGHTMARE! Andy is unemployed due to disability and is way below the requirements finationally so we have his mom as co-sponcer and they had a horrid time fighting with Wells Fargo Bank in stockton california. They could NOT understand the I-134 requirements they basically had to spell it out to them and they could not give them total amount deposited so he had to obtain every single one of his monthly bank statements and work it out himself (I really hope the Embassy don't have a prob with that) cos wells fargo just wouldn't co-operate. He then found out they don't notorize stuff either! so he had to make another appointment elsewere, more waiting. He ended up spending near 200 dollars which included notorizing, obtaining a years worth of bank statements, paying for a letter from his moms employer and gas to get to these appointments added up because they kept cancelling! *breathe*

:no: I swear he is leaving that bank !

You can visit our website (link in sig) for more updates, im redoing it just now so its a bit up in the air but the majority is there :)

Again VJ thanks for the support, I dunno what we'd of done without your advice....
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-10 21:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwe're back on the visa train WOOOHOO!!
Hey Everyone,
Our visa journey has been at a grinding hold since April because of *scoff* Wells Fargo Bank. But Now :dance: *does the visa dance* we've hopped back aboard this visa train and have that BLOODY! checklist sent back in after 3 months.

:dance: So So happy :dance: :innocent: I pray we don't hit anymore obsticals but with our luck this is just the first of a long line of them. Well its like the 2nd after the RFE knocked us for 4 months :wacko:
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-10 13:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPay Slip, does it come with Pk4?
Just wondered if anyone knew if the pay slip for the K-1 Visa interview (London) comes with packet 4? Or do I have to request it?

Also how is the medical payed? Do I just write a check and they ask for it at the appointment?

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-11 17:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSo Who is getting married soon??????
We're aiming for Oct 3rd :yes: or at least that was our "estimate" wedding date written with pk3 LOL....
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-11 17:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview 2 days time:)
Thoughts are with ya Lizzy. You'll be fine :yes:
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-11 17:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionco-sponsor questions, my fiance is on disability...
My fiance is on disability too and we have a co-sponcer. I am also on disability so double the fun.

We collected:

My fiances;

1. Bank letter with date account was opened, current amount and total amount desposited within the past year. Some banks can't tell you total amount disposited over the past year so he had to get all his bank statements for a year and calculate it all himself and write a note attaching it to the bank letter
2. I-134 completed and notorized

Our Co-Sponcer

1. Bank letter with date account was opened, current amount and total amount desposited within the past year. Again some banks are funny so just do the same as above.
2. Letter of employment, she is his caregiver so contacted the State Of California for a letter explaining her job
3. 3 years of tax returns
4. I-134 completed and notorized
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-14 14:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBeing Paranoid....
thank you all for you great advice and experiances. I guess I think they look at everyones case with a magnifing glass... But if you guys have done the same thing and they didn't notice then thats that. Nothing to worry about :) Perhaps I should listen to Andy when he says it's alright more often, he tells me often enough...I'm sure you can imagine why I'm so anxious over this whole thing, I don't want to make it even harder on us even if it is accidently, I have a hard time forgiving myself especially if it *could* cause us to be apart longer. *sigh* phew, brief moment of visa insanity over.. now back to looking down that straight road to that sunset :)
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-14 19:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBeing Paranoid....
Sorry *breathes*, having a bad day :( Thank you for your advice, that eases my mind a little.
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-14 13:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBeing Paranoid....
Ok guys,
I'm freaking out cos I just realised when I made my email account I put the first letter of my fiance's surname as my last name rather than the letter of my current surname. I use his surname for "non official" things like some couples due through the strain of this process. Stupid thing to do now I realise that London Embassy might have looked at that funny and think we're married! Because I've been using that account to send emails to the embassy. Plus I go and print out an email and send it to them as confirmation of the medical and interview being on the same day (they gave permission via email) so I just popped that in with the checklist so they'd see they'd agreed just incase. But now I'm really worried because of the letter of the surname thing i.e Fiona S instead of Fiona A on the sender info of the emails. Do you think they'll spot that and a red flag will pop up? :crying: I know I've done this to myself, I'd die if thats the reason they turn us down thinking we're married. Has anybody else done this? I didn't realise till I was looking at old emails and realised it comes up as Fiona S. Doesn't say the whole last name ever just the first initial.
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-14 12:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview date!!
Oooh Congratulations :dance: :dance: :dance: You guys so deserved that after all that time. We wish you ALL the luck in the world :)
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-14 13:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUpdate on E-mail Delays from London
Hey folks,
Thought I'd post just recieved a reply from London (sent 11th June it is now 21st), obviously not 3-4 day reply as stated in their automatic message. I asked them if they recieved our checklist yet as it would of gotten there to next day. To say the least I expected the reply they sent;

"We have no record of having received the Document Checklist. However there is a delay of 6 - 8 weeks between the date forms are received by the Embassy and the date in which they are processed and entered on to our system. As soon as the Immigrant Visa Unit has received the Document Checklist and completed any additional processing on your application you can anticipate receiving an appointment date for an interview within 8 weeks.

Thank you for your e-mail correspondence.

Consular Information Unit
U.S. Embassy, London

At this rate I'll be lucky if we get a September interview nevermind getting to see Andy again then. Bit annoyed. Now I have a GREAT concern about our NOA2 Approval expiring 7/7/06. I emailed London a few weeks ago about that and got this jumbled up reply;

"For your information, the visa petition approval is only valid for four months. If your fiance has not obtained an interview in this time his application will NOT be cancelled , it will remain valid providing that he furnishes a sworn affidavit from you, the petitioner, confirming that you will be married within 90 days of arriving in the United States.

This letter should be furnished, together with all other supporting documents, at the visa interview.

Thank you for your e-mail correspondence.

Consular Information Unit
U.S. Embassy London
Cons/CIU/MH "

Obviously they have myself and my fiance the wrong way around. I got Andy to write another "intent to marry within 90 days" and I have it with me but what if my interview isn't by 7/7?

Btw :( a year tomorrow since I met andy in person for the first time and on the 4th July will be exactly a year since I last saw the face of my future for the last time that keeps slipped further out of my grasp.

Some days are harder than others and as we wait, wait and wait. Doesn't help I'm now being tested for glaucoma. If they do diagnose that thats another thing to add to the list of medical problems at the medical. Arrg, life is definently testing our strength....

Hope your journeys are going well guys :) I look forward to the interview and possibly meeting a VJer lol
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-20 18:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWedding Date......Packet 3?????
Andy and I guessed....Around Oct, if they ask we're just gonna say its an estimate. You're quite right to think huh? They tell ya not to make any plans and they want your wedding date lol. Very contradictary!

Good Luck and Congratz on getting P3.
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-21 14:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionReally Basic I-134 Question
Yes, Andy phoned to confirm at the time he is actually her employer. :)
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-27 14:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionReally Basic I-134 Question
When we were doing the I-134 forms we made sure we had the tax returns anyway, despite non of us is self-employed just incase they need it for any reason. It depends how causious you are, if you think it'd easy your mind to have them with you anyway if they want to just have a peek then take them, if not it's all good. I'm unsure what qualifies as a tax document you speak off, my co-sponcer sent me what they send her on a yearly basis. Do you get a bundle of documents confirming taxes every year or so?

And Jaylen, on the I-134 forms or at least the most recent one of the requirements is "total amount deposited within the last year," we never saw anything about monthly deposites. But we have monthly statements just incase. Just wanted to mention. And yes it totally depends on the Embassy you're dealing with too :) Good Luck!
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-27 11:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion28 Day Processing Question

What 28 day processing?

After you send back the checklist for the K-1 they say (in my case by email after inquiring if they recieved it) that there is a 28 day processing. I wanted to know should I expect it on the 28th day from the date I sent it or do they mean to expect the interview letter sometime after the 28 day processing. Does that make more sense? Sorry for the confusion.

So by the 28th day or sometime after?
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-28 12:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion28 Day Processing Question
You know with this 28 days to process Packet 3/checklist issue I was wondering if after the 28 days you recieve the letter for an interview BY the 28th day or should be expecting it sometime after that day? Just wondering because I just made a calculation, if I'm right....I posted back our checklist on the 6th June...28 days to process they said by email....that would make it the 4th July. Wouldn't it be so amazing if we got the letter for the interview date on that date? The same date last year I last saw Andy...
AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-27 15:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAUGUST 9TH 10:10am
:dance: Heh after all this time I end up finding out the Interview date here :lol: anywho this so kicks ###!!!

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-04 16:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAUGUST 9TH 10:10am
I'm gonna go cry now :crying: got packet 4 with interview this mornin' TY SO MUCH VISAJOURNEY, we couldn't of gotten this far without you guys....

Edit: Whoops was so excited I put 10:10am it's 10:00am! Titles wrong

Edited by AFQuaid, 04 July 2006 - 08:37 AM.

AFQuaidNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-04 08:35:00