United KingdomEmail to contact DoS or US Embassy London??

They've been really awkward since this whole change thing. I've been trying to contact them for weeks to ask for my fiance's name to be added to my Interview. Heard nothing back after submitting the form, waiting the 5 business days stated, then submitting it again just in case they missed it. Not gotten anywhere from the switchboard either, after being told to call the MRV payment number and being told they have no information, then being transferred to an automated message by the switchboard operator, I was then told to 'just wait for a response' after calling again. With a week to go until my interview, I have no idea if she's going to be able to attend with me.

I know they are terrible at responding,I have sent countless e-mails to them and not heard anything back. It's so frustrating. Just so you know you can take your fiancee to the interview. :)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-29 14:21:00
United KingdomEmail to contact DoS or US Embassy London??

You can contact them here: http://london.usemba...ntact_form.html
They replied to me in about 4 business days.

I don't know if you can email DOS but whenever I've called them they've been helpful.


Thankyou so much Laura,I have just emailed them and hope so much to have a response. :) Which number did you call for DoS? 

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-20 11:39:00
United KingdomEmail to contact DoS or US Embassy London??

Does anyone know of any visa e-mail adresses I can contact over finding out my visa status since having my interview at the US Embassy? I haven't got anywhere by making phone calls so i'm hoping i get a response through e-mails. Have any e-mails worked for you to obtain a response about your visa status?



missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-20 01:34:00
United KingdomWhat to do after the visa is issued?

Hello everyone,


I was issued my visa yesterday afternoon (when my status changed). I am not sure what the procedure is next and what to expect/do in order to receive the visa. Asfar as I remember i did not pay for the visa to be sent to my home,instead while paying my MRV fee i selected the visa to be sent to Southampton which is close to me. I now wish I had it sent to my home. Will I receive an e-mail/message regarding the visa arriving with the courier service? Is there a way i can have it sent to my home?


If anyone can help me with this then i would be very grateful. :)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-06 12:36:00
United KingdomCan anyone help me with this?

I contacted the DX courier service regarding my visa/passport being issued and they sent this back...



The U.S. Department of State Consulate located in London has released document related to your Visa application for delivery by our courier.
The tracking number for the package is **********
You may track the progress of this shipment at************&tpc=SO40 3SA
For a list of identification required to receive returned document(s), please refer to the information at https://ais.usvisa-i...rmation/courier

The Yatri Visa Appointment and Information Service Team


The status on the courier service website says 

Delivery Status:

Booked for collection from collection point


Do I have no option but to pick the visa up from the collection point i selection when i paid the MRV fee or can i still have it sent to my home address?


missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-09 09:45:00
United KingdomNumber for the courier service DX Secure?

Hello,Does anyone have the number to call for the DX courier service where I can speak to a real person as they only have the automated service numbers on the website and they ask for a tracking number to which i do not have. If anyone can help i would be so grateful. :)



missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-09 07:01:00
United KingdomCEAC Creation date changed to today's date? What does this mean?

My has been issued today! :D It was "ready" yesterday but changed to "issued" today,the following day after having the creation date change. :)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-05 14:15:00
United KingdomCEAC Creation date changed to today's date? What does this mean?


Nah my interview isnt until 24th september! I think this is really good news for u at long last!

How exciting! This is the last hurdle for you then! Hopefully you won't have to wait as long to get your visa after the interview but I don't think you will. :) Some people think the interview is the scary intimidating bit but i actually was excited about it! haha :D 

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-04 13:47:00
United KingdomCEAC Creation date changed to today's date? What does this mean?


Hey misspatrick judging by the comments on the London forums this is good news

I hope so Azsara. :) Have you had your visa yet? How long did you wait? I was beginning to think my cse had been forgotten about. :)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-04 13:36:00
United KingdomCEAC Creation date changed to today's date? What does this mean?

Hi all!


I have a question and I wondered if anyone can answer it for me. :)


My K1 visa interview in London was on the 2nd August. It has been "Ready" up until today when the creation date and status update date has changed to today's date (September 4th) 


Does anyone have any idea why the dates have changed and is this a good sign? :)


Thank you. :)



missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-04 13:30:00
United KingdomRecent changes to the US Embassy London

Good Morning,


Does anyone think the recent changes to the US Embassy in London would have caused there to be a delay in getting visa's out to people? unsure.png  I have been waiting over 2 weeks for the visa after being told I should get it within 2-3 working days. I have been looking at other people's visa timelines and they have had interviews after mine and received their visa's already. I'm worrying mine has got lost or something. The Embassy are so hard to get in contact with it seems to speak to a real person and as i work 8am-6pm weekdays I cannot make the call during work time. I'm so confused and worried as to it's whereabouts...


Thank you for any comments....

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-18 03:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoS contact number?

Thank you so much to you both,I realized I hadn't been pressing "1" before (as of course it's a U.S number) so I should have known...silly me! Thank you for verifying the number with me. :) 

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-18 11:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoS contact number?

I tried calling the DoS yesterday with this number ....(202) 663-1225 

Is this the correct number other people have been getting through on as each time i tried to call it said "This number has not been recognised". Would like so much to speak to someone about my visa status. :)


missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-18 08:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI need help,please can someone help? :(

hey hunni, I am still waiting too, no updates on my case sine 15th for my case and 16th for kids k2's. looking like we have to start considering canceling the wedding which is the 14th sept sad.png Try calling the DoS number and let us know what they say babe xxx

It says also about Administrative Processing "Most administrative processing is resolved within 60 days of the visa interview, but the timing can vary based on the individual circumstances of each case.  The Department of State is continuously working to improve processing and expedite visas and we appreciate your patience." so if this is true then you may have a greater chance of getting the visa before you leave,is there any way you can put the wedding back at all? x

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-22 12:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI need help,please can someone help? :(

hey hunni, I am still waiting too, no updates on my case sine 15th for my case and 16th for kids k2's. looking like we have to start considering canceling the wedding which is the 14th sept sad.png Try calling the DoS number and let us know what they say babe xxx

Heya,I just got off the phone with the DoS and apparently my case is going through the processing at the embassy but they cannot give me any info o how long it will take and they don't know what sort of further processing they could be doing but this guy said it can take days,weeks or months and everyone's case is different so there is no reason to suggest it is lost but when the embassy have finished processing the visa and getting it checked then they can send it back to me but as yet it is still undergoing the necessary checks in order for it to be sent so that's probably why you haven't received yours either. :( I expect ours are both in the same pile and haven't been attended to yet but i wouldn't cancel your flight yet,remember you still have 3 weeks to go until your wedding date and that's a lot of time for them to issue you your visa's,plus you have children so it may take that bit longer than average to process them all. :) xxx

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-22 12:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI need help,please can someone help? :(

DOS is you best option and was suggested on the weekend, wasn't it? Or was that was the other one waiting? And if DOS is open until 5pm, that is until 10pm your time when you are off work. And yes, why hasn't your fiancé called? Talk to DOS tomorrow and if they say 'administrative processing' ask if it is the long, security checking AP or if you case is just lost behind the file cabinet. Others have been told approved, but found out they had weeks or months of security checks, so try to get that out of them....what kind of AP. They may not know if nothing was indicated on the computers. Keep asking questions and digging.

Edit. sorry for the repeat. I missed the ones who told you about the times.

Yes,I heard of the DoS number last week and I was under the impression it (DoS) opens at 9am and closes 3pm U.K time so i hadn't tried to contact due to my hours being long. I gave the number to my Fiance and he tried calling once and didn't get through. I will ask about AP and what kind of AP the visa may be under today when i finish work. Is the DoS number to call from the U.K (1 202 663 1225)? 



missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-22 01:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI need help,please can someone help? :(


Dont worry sis courier conmpany'll contact you soon, nd keep checking the ph too, make sure you wont miss the call frm anybody these days especialy frm courier company..nd try to contact with their consulate in us to ask if they already sent your passport to the courier company... i pray you will get your visa soon..i knw sis how you are feeling at the moment just 1/2days more thn visa will be in your hands InshaAllah smile.png

Thank you i will. :) I hope so much that it is with the courier or at least still being processed because i then know what is happening with it,it's the not knowing that i don't like,it makes me worried that something has happened to it. Thank you for your help,it's very kind of you. :)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-21 16:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI need help,please can someone help? :(


DOS are open 8:30am until 5pm EST - equivalent to 1:30pm until 10pm London time.  Can't you phone today - they will be open for another 40 minutes?  I phoned from the UK whilst I was going through the same stage as you are.

Thanks Anna,I didn't actually know that but thats great news if it's true!:D I can contact them tomorrow then,i only haven't yet because i thought they were open until 3pm and i finish work at 6pm every weekday. Also it's 10.30pm here so they will be closed but will try tomorrow and i hope so much to get through. Thank you again.

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-21 16:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI need help,please can someone help? :(

Calling DOS is really your best (and perhaps only) option. They usually answer pretty quickly, so even if you have a half hour lunch break to step out and call them, it would probably be worth your while.


DOS: 202-663-1225 (from US...not sure about from UK)


London Embassy: 703-439-2367 (US)

                              020-3608-6998 (UK)


You should check out the UK Consulate page on VJ. It has all of their contact info there, too. http://www.visajourn...gdom&cty=London


You should also check out the DOS website for information. 


Thank you for the numbers,I think i will give the US number to my fiance and see if he can call the DoS from the U.S. He may have more luck with it. :) Thank you so much for the contact numbers.

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-21 16:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI need help,please can someone help? :(

you welcome sis! we all are here to help out eachother! so did you call courier company maybe you can consdr to pick up your passport frm their office directly.. try to call courier nd ask them if they have your passport

Aww,That's a lovely thing to say thankyou :) I have tried many times to contact the courier service but i get the automated service asking for the tracking number which i don't have. They make it so hard to just speak to a real person.

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-21 16:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI need help,please can someone help? :(

Did you check your status online ? if you havnt then you can check your visa status on here   you can also call dos.. good luck smile.png

Thankyou,I have been checking the CEAC status everyday but it still remains "Ready",last update was on the 12th August. I am yet to call the DoS,I work mon-fri 8am-6pm and i know the hours are 9-3 to call the DoS. I also know they aren't open on weekends so it makes it tricky to have the time to call them.

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-21 16:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI need help,please can someone help? :(


If you fill in your timeline others will know what point of the process you are at and who you are trying to deal with, USCIS,NVC or US Embassy?  You may also want to ask for help in the UK section.



Thankyou,Which numbers/websites can you recommend i try for help in the U.K?


I'm currently in waiting for the k1 visa.I had my interview at the US Embassy London on the 2nd August. I was told the visa had been approved and I would receive it in 2-3 working days yet even now I'm still waiting so i'm concerned as to what is happening with it. :( I check the CEAC website for the visa status everyday and it's always "Ready" but my last update was the 12th August,I wouldn't mind waiting if i knew there was a long wait but i think as they told me it would be 2-3 days i assumed it should be with me by now and looking at others timelines who had their interview after me and already have their visa's i can't work out what is wrong. :( I'm struggling to contact anyone who can help me. :(

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-21 15:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI need help,please can someone help? :(

Please can someone suggest a number to call where I can possibly find out something about finding out about what is happening with my visa. I'm absolutely fed up from not hearing a thing for the last 3 weeks after being told i should receive my passport back in 2-3 working days. I have got to the point where no matter what number i call i get an automated message or someone who passes me on to someone else or tells me they cannot help. I have sent e-mails to get no response,my fiance has tried leaving messages and had no response too. I'm frustrated at not getting through,stressed,not sleeping well and getting me down so much. I need help :(

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-21 15:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoes anyone know if this is good?? :)

As I said in your other thread, my case creation date changed to the date my visa was issued. So this looks like progress for you. I would expect it to change to Issued within the next few days.

Thanks Laura,I got home from work an hour ago to find it's been issued! :D:D:D so happy!!!:D:D:D

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-05 14:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoes anyone know if this is good?? :)

Am sure it is but  a month is a long time to wait for a visa. Was it on AP before it  changed to READY?

No it has never shown AP and i spoke to the DoS the other day and they said my interview was "excellent" and they are doing no further checks on me. 

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-04 15:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoes anyone know if this is good?? :)

I think  its a good thing, because ours said ready too for like two day and visa issued. My fiance had his interview on 29th, I checked on 30th it says exactly what urs said  then yeaterday visa  issued.

I hope your right and it means good news,have been waiting over a month now :)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-04 15:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoes anyone know if this is good?? :)

Application ID or Case Number: LND********** Case Creation Date: 04-Sep-2013 Status Updated Date: 04-Sep-2013    


Your case is open and ready for your interview, fingerprints, and required documents. If you have already had your interview, please check your status after two business days. If no interview was required, please check back in two business days for the status of your application.
This is my status from tonight....I have already had the interview,been waiting a month for the visa but it's not going through any further checks according to the DoS. Is this positive? smile.png
The creation date and Status update date has changed to today's and the wording underneath changed.

Edited by missypatrick14, 04 September 2013 - 02:48 PM.

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-04 14:46:00
PhilippinesVisa Updates for August 15,2013 interview at Manila USEm

Mine was on the 2nd August,everything went well and I was approved yet still waiting on my visa too. We just need to keep positive and be patient. :)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-25 03:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat does "Ready" mean on CEAC website?

Thankyou all for your help,it's all so confusing and the only way to find out anything seems to be from this website! :)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 16:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat does "Ready" mean on CEAC website?

Hi all!


What does "Ready" mean on the CEAC status section? My last update on the case was on the 12th August,I have yet to hear anything more. Confused as it says about preparing for the interview yet I have already had the interview and they told me my visa was approved. I'm really confused about it...


Thank you :)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 15:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAdmin Processing -> "Issued" -> "Ready"?

I believe it goes like this, READY > Admin Proc OR ISSUED


If your status says READY then either they probably haven't updated the status yet or maybe they put you in AP. My status was showing READY for exactly a month and then all of a sudden it showed AP. But I knew it was under AP because I called the Department of State and the ladies over their told me it's under AP. Why dont you call DoS and tell them your case number to check the status.

Hello! :)


Hmmmmmmmm,according the CEAC site my last update was on the 12th August,this being 1-2 weeks following my interview. I will give DoS a call like you say and see what they say,Thankyou :) 

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-17 02:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAdmin Processing -> "Issued" -> "Ready"?

Good Morning everyone,


I was wondering does the "Ready" status on the CEAC website mean the visa is ready for pick-up? I have already had the visa interview on the 2nd August and stll not received my documents. Does the procedure go as follows? 

"Admin Processing" -> "Issued" -> "Ready"


I'm so confused and worried.



missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-17 02:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow long was your status "Ready" before you got issued the visa?

My status on the CEAC website has been "Ready" for the past week,how long did you wait before your status changed from "Ready" to either "AP" or "Issued" or even "Denied"?

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-19 13:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAdministrative Processing and Administrative Processing - two different cases.

If it's in AP the status says AP.


It SHOULD do yes but sometime's it's not updated on the CEAC website so it says one thing yet you could be at another stage of the process.

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-23 14:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAdministrative Processing and Administrative Processing - two different cases.

So your visa is ready and you never had AP at all, contrary to your other thread.  I asked why you thought you had AP...

That is what they told me yesterday at the DoS when i spoke to them,they guy said i was in "AP" and but today the lady i spoke to said i wasn't. My status says "ready" but that doesn't tell me anything.

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-23 13:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAdministrative Processing and Administrative Processing - two different cases.

Hi all. I want to share my story for those who is undergoing AP and hope this will help a little.

07/30 - I had my interview. CO didn't clearly say if I was approved or not. I had one missing doc and I was aware of that. This was a Police Clearance from one country I lived more than 6 months. They kept my passport and told me to send the doc to them and they will contact me. They gave me white 221 g form.

07/30 - CEAC status showed AP ( Your case needs further review. )

08/01 - Sent the Police clearance to the embassy.

08/02 - Got a text from the courier saying the doc was delivered.

08/02 - CEAC still on AP

..... I didn't call the embassy regarding the doc submitted cause my fiance told me that's not how the government works, the more you call them the more they do it late...

08/09 - Sent an email to the embassy and ask for acknowledgment upon receipt of the doc submitted. ( couldn't wait no more so I asked them )

08/11 - Got an email from the embassy saying they have received additional doc and referred my case to concerned team for processing. CEAC still on AP.

08/12 - CEAC changed to READY ( You can book your appointment. )

08/13 - CEAC showed READY ( your case is open and wait for two business days. )

08/15 - CEAC changed to AP ( Your case is undergoing necessary AP. This can take several weeks. )

08/16 - CEAC changed to ISSUED.

I hope this helps a little. There is an AP and there is an AP. They are two different cases depends on it's content. You are put on AP after the interview if your case needs further review , you may have one missing doc or they really need further review ( CEAC shows AP your case requires furhter review. ) and there is AP which showez your case is undergoing necessary AP ( If I am not mistaken this AP showed when they will issue you a visa soon )

If you have any questions on my case, feel free to ask I will help. God Bless to all of us.

Hi Jessy,

I had my interview on the 2nd August and my status since then has stayed at "ready". I have contacted the DoS and they say the US Embassy in London has my file and there is no notice on my case about it going through AP. What do you think "ready" is all about after having the interview? Other people who had their interview around the same time as me are struggling to get their visa's also...


Thankyou :)

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-23 13:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa on hand! Anyone travelling Manila - Phoenix?

hi, when did you have your interview? i'm still waiting for my visa after my interview last Aug. 5. All went well, but my visa status remains READY since after that said interview.

Hi Nell82, 


If it makes you feel better i know of two others who had their interview on the 5th August and are still waiting for their visa,my interview was on the 2nd and i'm still waiting so i think ours from the first week of August may have just been out to the back of the line somewhere. My status still says "Ready" also.

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-25 03:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAll those who had their interview in the first week of August?


I had my interview 2nd of August too. I got a call from DX courier on the 7th and got the visa on the 9th. I live really close to London, I don't know if that is a contributing factor. Stay positive. You were approved, the hard part's over. smile.png

Oh no,I wonder why mine hasn't come through yet :( I'm not far from London even,only an hour. I wonder why some have gone through already and others not :-/ Trying to stay positive but very hard when noone from the EMbassy tells you anything. 

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-26 08:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAll those who had their interview in the first week of August?

Anyone who ad their k1 visa interview in the first week of August,have you received your visa yet? I had my interview on the 2nd,I know a few who had their's on the 5th and none of us have yet received our visa's, yet others who had their interviews later than us have. Is it something to do with a "batch" of applications for the first week interviews that have not yet been processed? I just don't know what to think,but keeping positive and patient smile.png:)

Edited by missypatrick14, 25 August 2013 - 03:31 AM.

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-25 03:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAdministrative Processing

Thanks to your post, I think I understand the processing descriptions a little better, so thank you!!


I am in the exact same position.  I have been in "Administrative Processing" for a while, even though I was told at the interview that I had been successful!!




Your welcome,it always helps to read other people's experiences and see what the norm usually is. :)


I think having being told you were successful with your interview and notbeing given any notice that they would do more checks before issuing your visa means they are most probably just being slow.  How long have you been waiting since your interview? I waited from the 2nd August until yesterday (5th sept) when it was finally issued and that was with the US Embassy in London. I had the help of a family member who works in the US government to help push it through otherwise who knows when i would have got it.

missypatrick14Not TellingUnited Kingdom2013-09-06 12:26:00