Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBossa Nova e etc...
Hello! I'm a Venezuelan wife.... just got to the USA 3 months ago... I LOVE Brazilian music (I mean, bossa nova) and I used to go to clubs (in Venezuela) where wonderful singers performed everyweek... but I haven't found one here!! I live in Baltimore, MD... any suggestions???
camifreeFemaleVenezuela2006-05-12 00:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaQue pasa si teniendo la visa K1 me caso despues del plazo válido de 90 dias?
Por qué se te pasó el plazo? If I may ask... quizás haya chance de hacer algo si estás a punto de que se te venza...
camifreeFemaleVenezuela2006-08-04 13:52:00
Hola! Felicidades por tu boda y buena suerte con el proceso! Sólo un datico por aquí:
Otra cosa que mi esposo (en aquel entonces mi prometido) usó como evidencia fueron las cuentas de teléfono... en el caso nuestro, como él usa sólo celular, pues hasta los mensajitos de texto aparecen. E-mails y cualquier otro tipo de correspondencia que se hayan mandado es bueno tenerla a la mano. Si tienen fotos con terceras personas, también es conveniente. Yo conozco gente casada con USC (no por papeles) que han venido con su visa de turista y no han tenido mayores problemas, pero eso sí, los ha tenido que ayudar un abogado.

camifreeFemaleVenezuela2006-08-01 16:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaQuestion for Venezuelans
Hey girl....

I'm so sorry that you guys are going through such a thing! And I'm more sorry to tell you that nowadays the only way to get ANYTHING from Onidex is bribing someone. Your husband (or his contacts) knows for sure how to get in touch with one of these persons. It's not a nice thing... I'm not proud of it whatsoever, but it's a last resource. You are not the only American citizen I know who has married a Venezuelan person and has had to leave without her/him. If you guys have waited 5 months already, I don't think your approval will take much longer. The situation in Vzla (regarding international affairs) is not in its best moment, so I wouldn't take the risk. Can't you check with your embassy why is the process taking so long?

Cheers and good luck!

PD. Funny... I met my husband in Mérida, at the Hoyo del Queque :)
camifreeFemaleVenezuela2006-08-24 18:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaVery important!
As far as I know (and from what I had to do for my own case), the police certificates are requested by the foreign consulate from the beneficiary's country. In Latin America, some countries call that certificate "carta de buena conducta". I had also been to the US as a tourist many times, but I was not asked for anything from here. Hope this works! Buena suerte :)
camifreeFemaleVenezuela2007-03-03 09:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWhere are you from?
Cami is from Barquisimeto - VENEZUELA
Josh was born in Fargo ND and raised in Georgetown MN

We live in Baltimore MD
camifreeFemaleVenezuela2007-02-24 16:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow did you meet?
camifreeFemaleVenezuela2007-02-28 13:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMaiden or Married Name
She doesn't HAVE to use her married name, as far as I know. However, some people prefer to use it so the USCIS has no doubt about the relationship... I mean, it takes some love to use other people's name :blink: She can also use her maiden name and yours separated with a hyphon (is that how you spell this?) for example Smith-Rivers or something like that....
camifreeFemaleVenezuela2007-06-08 09:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaA quien le gusta Maitena?
Por alguna razón no pude ver la imagen que posteaste... pero yo MUERO por Maitena, además de Fontanarrosa y por supuestísimo, Quino... Ya vi que recibieron el NOA1... qué emoción... suerte con todo eso!!!
camifreeFemaleVenezuela2007-06-19 15:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaQuestion about being Catholic

Thanks for the reply. I am just so nervous about it. I want to do it because I participate in my husbands church, but then I feel like I am letting my parents down. My parents adopted me into their family and baptized me when I was almost in High School. I feel like I am letting them down by converting to Catholic, but I want to be married to my husband in a religious ceremony not just a stupid little court house wedding.

I'm not a very conventional catholic; I live my religion myself and I don't usually care how other people lived theirs as long as they don't harm anybody. The spiritual bond between you and your husband goes far beyond a shrine/temple/church/whatever you want to call it. There are ways to get a civil wedding in beautiful places, and then you'll have time to evaluate the option of converting. If you convert, do it because you really believe and because your heart (not your parents or your husband) finds joy in it. There are even priests who don't mind sharing a religious ceremony with a minister and do it both ways. We have a Jewish friend who's marrying a Catholic girl, and they're doing it that way. Enjoy your wedding... it's time to please yourself because it's your day, girl! Best of luck :thumbs:
camifreeFemaleVenezuela2007-06-21 14:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaQuestion about being Catholic
You would have to take some "classes" because besides getting baptized you'll get your first communion. Try to get in touch with a priest you feel comfortable with. I had my catholic wedding in my country and when we were able to go to my in-law's city, we had a very nice mass and an "extra" blessing, but not a second religious wedding. It was nice anyway. Good luck!
camifreeFemaleVenezuela2007-06-20 17:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americalarga espera....
By the way... Ionescu, do you know any good site to read about Romanian (the language)?
camifreeFemaleVenezuela2007-11-20 17:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americalarga espera....
Ahhhhhhhh... I just saw this thread, already on the Latin American forum... sorry Ionescu!!! blush.gif
camifreeFemaleVenezuela2007-11-20 17:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americalarga espera....
Sorry, but Ewok has never had any problems with our Venezuelan thread in Spanish. If we post in other threads out of the Latin American one, we post in English.

J-and-V, suerte con todo!!!! smile.gif
camifreeFemaleVenezuela2007-11-20 17:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAguinaldos y otros en colombia
En Venezuela los aguinaldos son las canciones de Navidad y los regalos que dan los jefes y los padrinos jeje...
camifreeFemaleVenezuela2007-11-29 22:13:00