Russia, Ukraine and BelarusANy RUBers filed DCF
Since I have the advantage of staying here on a Temp Res permit (ti be filed soon) I'm taking the advise of a few mates and have been scouring VJ reading all I can find on DCFs.

ANyone here on the RUB board gone that route? Would like to hear any accounts on how it went with Kiev.


PS What happened to the great threads on Guns n Pie, p-butter and popcorn kiosks? You know who you a :innocent: re.
TnicMaleUkraine2013-04-24 14:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLanguage Loneliness

Look up for Russian lang. movies.

And of course your local cable TV Co. most likely has Russian lang. channels available.


Lots of options available for Tv and radio via the net.

TnicMaleUkraine2013-05-02 00:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLanguage Loneliness

Hello all,
My wife and I have been back here in the U.S. since October. We live in an area of southern California in which there are very few Russian language speakers, and recently my wife has confided in me that she feels lonely with no one to speak Russian here. She does have a couple of friends that she speaks with occasionally but I think she is feeling isolated. She speaks English a bit, still learning but can communicate, but I do see that she misses having friends with whom she can speak in her native language. Has anyone else experienced this, and can anyone help?????




I know exactly how she feels after living in UA for the better part of 2 years now.  It's tough not having a bud to sit and yak with.


Have you checked out  Maybe there are a few folks around that you don't know about.

TnicMaleUkraine2013-04-28 00:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMarrying in Ukraine

Got our date yesterday!
Choose the Gown. :dance: :thumbs: :energy: (L) (F) :luv: :wow:
Reserved the Restaurant.
Started inviting guests. :secret:
TnicMaleUkraine2013-04-25 23:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMarrying in Ukraine

Not sure I was told to bring mine but don't think I was asked for it. Might be good to have it just in case.

Yeppers, never hurts to be prepared. I always tell Katya I'd rather have "it" on hand than need "it.
TnicMaleUkraine2013-04-20 12:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMarrying in Ukraine
Ok, another, "I just saw this..."

What's up with the birth cert thing? Anytime I've tried to present mine they always say, "ne nada".

FWIW, your passport is all you really need since a BC was required to get that. If "they" ask for a BC then fine, but I've never had to present mine and I've gone through a few offices ZAGS, OVIR, ZHEK, divorce court...and now ZAGS again, here in the last 2 years.
TnicMaleUkraine2013-04-20 02:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMarrying in Ukraine
I just reread your OP Knighta.

My gal says yes, you MUST go to the ZAGS in the city where she is registered as a resident. Sorry, that adds another couple days travel time.
TnicMaleUkraine2013-04-20 02:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMarrying in Ukraine
Well our docs were accepted and fees paid. We have to call on Tuesday for the date. Apparently I'm the first Amerikan to come through her office so she has to check with the home office in Dnepro for the official okey-dokey on an expedited date.

We scouted the restaurant (ochin vkusna!) and started looking at gowns (OMG she's gorgeous! :thumbs: :dance: ).
TnicMaleUkraine2013-04-20 01:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMarrying in Ukraine

Good but mine was a little different.
My gal could not go into the Embassy with me. It was 14 deg. and she waited outside for me. Make an appointment at the Embassy before you go. You can do this online. I went on Monday with no appointment and had to make one online and come back on Tuesday.

Sorry I wasn't more clear.

-You MUST make your appt. on-line. No other way and they will not let you in w/o the appt. confirmation printed out.
-Also correct, your lady will wait outside for you the same as you will wait outside when she goes in for her interview. At least they wouldn't let me in and I had my USAF 1st Sgt hat on. Hope for good weather as there is no shelter from the elements.

The good thing about the ACS appt is that it only takes about 15 minutes. SO if you arrived in a taxi have him wait for you (she can sit in comfort then) and zip off to the UA FM Legalization office when you stride out the doors with purpose, like royalty.
TnicMaleUkraine2013-04-19 01:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMarrying in Ukraine

what would it matter if has debts in america unless plan to leave for good? other wise none their business

Ok, I'm in country doing this right now.

Rule #1
Always have your gal go to YOUR ZAGS office and inquire as to what they will want you to present to them. Different cities have different ways of doing things. DO NOT expect uniformity or for ANYTHING to make sense here. Eta Ukraina!

-If you're divorced get an original copy from your court clerk and send it to your State's Sec. State for an Apostill stamp. Only the Sec State will do it and ONLY the State that has jurisdiction CAN do it. It usually runs around $15.

-Go to the US Embassy/Kiev site - Citizen Servixes - and schedule an appointment for "notary services". NOTE: make this an early appt as you MUST get to UA FM Legalization office before noon.

-Go the Embassy WITH YOUR GAL. Ask the nice person at the window for a Letter of Non-Impediment to Marriage. (S)he will ask married before or not married before (kinda like paper or plastic?), hand you the appropriate form for you to fill out and direct you to the cashier to pay $50 usd or 415 uah or they take plastic. After payment and completing the form (your lady will need to complete the UA parts (IN UKRAINIAN mind you). Hand the completed form to the nice person at the window along with your passport and payment receipts (both of them) and have a seat, the Consular Officer will be with you shortly at window #5. The CO will swear you in and have you sign the form IN HIS/HER PRESENCE and you're done. Collect your phone, guns & knives at Security on yer way out.

NOTE: you can also print off some LNIs and fill them out ahead of time.

-Call a taxi and head to the UA FM Legalization Office. BEFORE NOON If you can't find the address or remember it, it's beside St. Michael's Church and behind the Intercontinental Hotel. Every cabbie in Kiev knows where both are. Walk around the back of the Hotel with St Mike's on your right. Look for a portal with a blue sign with "2 and something in UA that likely says its the Legalization office. Follow those signs right to their musty doors. Tell them you want it back TODAY. Costs 105 uah. She'll tell you 102, but the kassa lady adds another 3 uah surcharge. Prolly to change the farts in her seat cushions. Return to the Legalization window (both in the same room btw, which is totally shocking that anything in the UA govt. could actually be sensible OR efficient). She'll tell you to be back at 1600 (4pm for you westerners) to collect it and don't be late.

Go have some fun (we zipped over to the vokzal and took the avtobus excurusion. 2 hours, kinda cool and they have an English narrated tour you can choose, for a price) or walk down the hill (St Mike's on your LEFT) to Kreshatik Square. It's only a 10 minute, leisurely walk and the weather is getting really nice now. Short skirts, high heels, click, click, click. Be back at 4, stand in line until 4.15 or 4.20 and watch the line evaporate as they throw docs at people as fast as they can.

NOTE: DO NOT lose that little scrap of paper she hands you. Just don't. :bonk: :bonk: No, I didn't, but someone else did. It wasn't pretty, but it WAS mildly amusing. Yes, I AM twisted.

-Have your passport (info page) translated to UA and all pages copied and included in the neat little package.
-You might also have to have the English text on the LNI translated too. Don't jump up and beat the walls with your head like I did. Eta Ukraina! You'll understand when you see the LNI. It has both Eng AND UA one atop tuther and the FM Legalization stamp on the back (presumably to verify that the document is authentic and correctly translated).

-If you show up at ZAGS with all that done, don't be surprised if they decide they need something else. Eta Ukraina!
-If you're pressed for time in country and have to leave earlier than the required 30 day waiting period expect a "No". Remain calm, its ok if you mumble a little and sigh (quietly) a few times. After much discussion between them and your gal this will most likely change to "Nu mozhet". Well maybe. Bring a translated copy of your plane ticket confirmation just to nudge em a bit and have 800 uah in an envelope. Your gal will know what to do with it, don't ask.
-You will be asked which Friday or Saturday you want to appear before the magistrate and handed a list of wedding prep instructions (IF all is well).

We just jumped through the hoops today and SHOULD get our dates (Expedited no less) tomorrow AM.

Udachi and remember. When things get really frustrating dealing with govt. weinies who seem to be out to get you. They do that to everyone local or not. Eta Ukraina!
TnicMaleUkraine2013-04-18 12:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruskiev customs

Y'all sound like drug smugglers...hahahaha


Vodka outbound and whiskey comin back in.  LOL

TnicMaleUkraine2013-05-02 14:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruskiev customs

Haven't seen D yet, but I'd guess the ATMs are there somewhere.  Hey, its a chance for the airport to make money and they won't pass up a shot at free money from the banks.


Yeah ramped walkways are considered unneccessary here.  Ukrainians are tough so you have to climb the curbs with your bags like everyone else.  


You should have seen how crappy it was before Euro 2012.  

TnicMaleUkraine2013-05-02 00:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruskiev customs

I totally forgot about their food sniffer dog at JFK though.  The little sh*t found my apples in my carry-on while I was waiting for my checked bags to come around the carousel.  But I already reported to the Immy guy and had the little card to turn them in.


But IF you bring any food stuff, vac pack it and maybe put a baggie with detergent powder in a bag with it.

TnicMaleUkraine2013-04-28 01:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruskiev customs

was there in January. They confiscated all the Vodka that was sent home with me. Said no alchlohol allowed on plane, then told me I could go to store in treminal and buy more which would be permissable.( had to be the airports vodka i recon) Went through my carry on. Only thing that I got to bring home was small can of caviar. Going over, I went through amsterdam, there they took my peanutbutter, shaving cream, colognue ( damn bastards, it was Jiffy crunchy). Flew from Atlanta to Amsterdam , then back through atlanta. Atlanta much better airport than JFK, not all the mess with security.I flew for $900 round trip by going through atlanta on delta. Got my tickets on Expedia out 3 months in advance.

DOH!! The vodka and food (except duty free) goes in CHECKED bags matey. :bonk:

I usually carry 2 or 3 bottles home every trip.
TnicMaleUkraine2013-04-25 23:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruskiev customs
Haven't been through D yet, but I doubt its any different from B last Oct Ron. Just make a bee-line for the green line and don't even glance at the hotties standing by the X-ray machine. It's a trap. If you check them out they'll motion you over.
TnicMaleUkraine2013-04-25 10:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusthinking on moving to the Ukraine

Yes Ukrainians are very nationalistic generally.  They do anything they can to try and separate themselves from Russia.


A couple years ago the Govt. even decided to make Ukrainian the official language of Ukraine and required only Ukrainian be spoken in schools, govt offices, etc.  The problem was that very few of the school teachers spoke Ukrainian, especially in Eastern Ukraine.  FOOP!  Eto Ukraina!   


My wife only speaks a little UA and had a heck of a time completing the UA parts of my Letter of Non-Impediment to Marriage last month.  rofl.gif

TnicMaleUkraine2013-05-15 00:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusthinking on moving to the Ukraine
Don't know how I missed that one James. I usually call it out too. :thumbs:
TnicMaleUkraine2013-04-24 23:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusthinking on moving to the Ukraine
You should ok then Mark. Your loss of hearing and partial sight likely has your head on a swivel whenever you're out anywhere. That comes in handy to avoid getting flattened crossing the street at the wrong moment.

Your lack of taste won't affect anything either and your lack of smell could be considered a plus in many back courtyards (especially summer) :thumbs: . I DO like the food here, but much of tastes the same. I've never seen such an array of cheeses that are literally indistinguishable from each other, but they'll still say to me, "oh eto ne vkusna, vi hacho eto" Um, oookay then. :rofl:

Edited by Tnic, 24 April 2013 - 02:04 PM.

TnicMaleUkraine2013-04-24 14:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusthinking on moving to the Ukraine
Hi Mark,

I'm an expat that has thrown in the towel and soon to return to native soil. I don't know how much time you've spent in country so will only say that if you expect US standards you'll be sorely disappointed.

My biggest gripe is the crumbling infrastructure here. The public works area needs serious money for big upgrades in roads (and sidewalks), water, gas, electric...everything. It's all old, soviet era ####### and is falling apart from neglect. The neglect is due to greed at the highest levels of govt as everyone involved with where the funding goes grabs a piece of the pie until there's not enough to maintain things at an acceptable level.

-I'm tired of having someone else decide when I can be warm (the heating water is centrally supplied and is shut off in early Apr through sometime in Nov).
-I'm tired of someone else deciding when I can shower or flush the loo. In Simferopol the water lords shut of ALL water at 10 pm "to save money".
-I'm tired of nearing breaking an ankle or worse every time I walk outside due to the crumbling, uneven walkways.

Well, I think I'll stop there. If you're really determined to come and live it's certainly doable and much cheaper than in the States. I started out with a lot of negatives, but there ARE plusses too. The people are great when you get to know them. And now that spring has sprung I can return to my favorite past time of um, "people watching" at a sidewalk cafe nearby. click, click, click...

Disclaimer: Don't get caught "people watching" by your wife.

For more info on becoming an expat in UA check out There are many hoops to jump through to get your Temp Res (TRP) then Permanent Res (PR) and you'll find all the up to date info there. HINT, do a site search first, trust me, just do it.

Your first step will be to get your D visa from the nearest UA Consulate. Its a 45 day "family visa" of sorts that you must have. Enter UA on the start day of the visa or a day or two later, but NEVER before the start date. DAHIKT.


Edited by Tnic, 22 April 2013 - 03:27 AM.

TnicMaleUkraine2013-04-22 03:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine embassy appointment schedule and language.

Well I know the COs speak SOME Russian according to my (now) wife from her denied B2 interview.

TnicMaleUkraine2013-05-14 23:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInternal Passport of Ukraine

I would bring both passports with you. you just never know.


Having been a Boy Scout (many years ago), I'm a firm believer in the motto "Be prepared".  I always tell my wife that it's far better to have "it" with you and not need "it" than to need "it" and not have "it".

TnicMaleUkraine2013-05-15 00:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOne way or Connection Flights from Rus to US

Easiest is aeroflot through Moscow to JFK.


Yep, that's how I roll too.


Also, as long as she doesn't have to change airPORTS a visa shouldn't be required.  Avoiding her having to change to a domestic flt at JFK is also preferable.  Its more zoo like every time I go through there.


I had a heck of a time finding an Aeroflot flt through Moskva from Dneperpetrovsk that didn't go to DME then depart for JFK from SVO.  We have to take the train to Kiev then go to SVO-JFK.  I refuse to fly out of KBP-JFK for fear of riding in substandard equipment that once belonged to the defunct Aerosh*t.

TnicMaleUkraine2013-05-15 12:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusShort question about tourist visa to Russia

Thanks vb!  Since the west-bound trip only has a 2 hour or less connect and going back is 1.5 + hours connection time.  I think we'll stick with the overnight train for now and enjoy a bit of relaxing romance.  smile.png 

TnicMaleUkraine2013-11-12 17:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusShort question about tourist visa to Russia

IIRC its 7 BUSINESS days so weekends/holidays don't get counted.


Maybe I should look into the multi entry tourist visa myself.  I always fly through SVO from Kiev to New York, but there's a closer airport (Dnepropetrovsk that goes into one of the smaller Moscow airports (VKO?) and requires a transfer to DME.  But then we wouldn't have that overnight ride in Lux to/from Kiev if I went that way.  Decisions, decisions.  Katya's meeting me in Kiev this time though.  Coming home soon.  dancin5hr.gif

TnicMaleUkraine2013-11-08 16:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinally getting our act together

Well, so much for no lag time.


Got the email that all docs are received, but to expect at least 60 days to process.  JAYZUS this is frustrating.  I thought getting a residency permit for UA was a circus.


Anyway, wrote for expedited service and contacting my Senator.

TnicMaleUkraine2014-09-10 09:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinally getting our act together

Ok so I'm answering my own question.


I talked to the good folks at NVC (only waited on hold for 10 mins!) and I was told that our case number was still getting introduced to the system and to try paying the fee tomorrow.  Apparently this is a normal occurence, but really, change the error message, I almost had a stroke.


Also was told that there is no lag time.  As soon as they have the AOS and fee the packet will motor off to Kiev.


We might get to do a little camping before the snow flies if Kiev can give us a decent turn around.

TnicMaleUkraine2014-08-07 12:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinally getting our act together

Well we FINALLY got word from NVC!


I set up myself as the agent-no probs


I attempted to sign in again to pay the $88 AoS fee. - problem!  

This case is in the process of termination. Fee payments and online forms can no longer be accepted. If you believe you have received this message in error, or to resume processing of the case, please contact the NVC immediately.




I SWEAR, all I did was log in and complete the I261 for my wife.

So now I have to wait a few hours to try to call NVC to learn what the heck is up with this.



Can anyone tell me the general time frame this NVC processing takes?

TnicMaleUkraine2014-08-07 05:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinally getting our act together



I just got off the phone with my Pop in Maine and he tells me we have NoA 2 in hand.


Petition approved by Nebraska SC and forwarded to Portsmouth,NH who iirc, will forward to Kiev.  I'm guessing that should all go well, we should be east bound and down Jul/Aug.  WOOT!!!


The one thing I'm trying to figure out now is what alternate forms of proof of income Kiev will accept.  I've emailed them and was told "we do not pre-adjudicate cases"  #######???  There's no contact number to the Consulate either, according to the embassy switchboard.


Why am I searching for alternate proof?  Because most of my income is nontaxable and therefore does not show on a tax return.


Anyone know what I could do here?

TnicMaleUkraine2014-06-29 11:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinally getting our act together

Well, we FINALLY got that receipt from Nebraska Service Center.  I had forgotten I gave my Ukraine address.


I also finally found the My Case Status page and we're showing as Initial review.


I was tinkering with the Processing Time tool and we're a little confused with the results.

-USCIS National Goal - 5.0 Month(s)

-USCIS National Average - 9.4 Month(s)

Vermont Service Center - 5.0 Month(s)


Does this mean that once VT receives the application we can anticipate it going to Kiev in about 5 months?




TnicMaleUkraine2013-12-13 06:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinally getting our act together

Thanks Phil.  


I meant to add the package is forwarded to Nebraska SC, but for some reason I don't edit privileges on my posts (or time expired?).  Thought it would go to NHNVC, maybe that's next?


TnicMaleUkraine2013-11-12 09:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinally getting our act together

USCIS Acceptance Confirmation.


Is that NOA 1?

TnicMaleUkraine2013-11-12 08:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinally getting our act together

Well the deed is done!  The I-130 packet went to the USPS this afternoon.


FYI:  I'm in Maine atm to help Dad help my Mom recover from a surgery.  I'll be headed home in a couple weeks.


What a PILE of paper!  I didn't think the stack was gonna fit into the Express Mail envelope. My darling wife couldn't understand why it took me two days to copy, print and assemble the darned thing.  "I could do it in 1 hour" she claimed.  Ok, baby, have at it on the next batch then.  LOL


Last week I was battling a very nasty cold that may have morphed into bronchitis.  Trouble concentrating falls rather short of the true experience.  Now I can relax a bit, except the wood (5 cords) needs hauled in before I leave.  sigh

TnicMaleUkraine2013-11-05 22:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinally getting our act together

Unfortunately, DCF is not available in Ukraine. But best of luck to the OP! 

Hi Gary, Maven beat me to the punch there.  Thanks for the info.  I was pretty sure her pp wasn't needed for the petition.  Do they need tax returns or can I provide other proof of income?  I think I can find W2s for the last couple of years, but sheesh, I'm a retired gummit worker, its all in the system.


Thanks Maven.  Sad but true.  Kiev got rid of their USCIS desk else we would have filed already.  Making plans to fly back "home" now to help my dad care for my mother while she recovers from surgery.  Thankfully she fine now, but we all had quite a scare when the doc's said colon cancer and larger tumor.  But they got it all and no further treatments will be needed.

TnicMaleUkraine2013-10-22 02:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinally getting our act together

Thanks for the link Holly.  


I still think its nuts to have to prove all prior marriages were legally terminated when you have to prove that before you can get remarried.  Looks like thing are going to be delayed while I wait for some docs to get sent from the US.  But that's ok too.  I have TRP here and can stay as long as it takes.

TnicMaleUkraine2013-10-15 05:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinally getting our act together

Yes, that's right.  At long last, I'm pulling my head out and my bride and I are gathering the docs for a CR-1 filing.


I just looked through the guide, but I didn't see when it was last updated.  Any insights on that?


As far as I understand it we need to gather:


Our marriage cert (translated) -chk

Her divorce docs (translated)  -today

Her passport (?) -Its struck through on the guide.  They no longer need her passport info?

My divorce docs.

     -I have the most recent one from the US Apostilled, but not the previous one.  DO I really need ALL divorce docs?


And of course the G-325A's, photos, etc.


Note:  I am living here in UA with her on a Temp res permit (proof of ongoing bonafide marriage?) and will file at the appropriate Chicago LB.  I'm planning to use UPS or FedEx to ship the packet over.


TIA gang,



TnicMaleUkraine2013-10-14 03:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkrainian visa expedite due to conflict there?

Just sent our expedite request to the NVC AND contacting my Senator.


60 DAYS to process an approved CR-1 petition?  


And can someone esplain me WHY is the NVC (National VISA Center) processing a petition?  Shouldn't it go from USCIS to the Consulate?




"We", because I'm staying with her and flying home with my wife.  Retirement has its benefits.

TnicMaleUkraine2014-09-10 08:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone else waiting for k3 approval?
Thanks fellas! Someone put a bee in my bonnet yesterday about going the DCF route. I'm retarred and have no probs staying here on a TR'PR path in Ukraine. ANd yes, our Consulate does DVFs according to the site info. I'll be givin em a jingle on the talkin machine soon to confirm and get their advise on what forms and when.

This site ROCKS
TnicMaleUkraine2013-04-24 10:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone else waiting for k3 approval?
MAN! My brain is cramping just trying to figure out the basics here.

So my first Q is answered. Time frame is typically 6 months for a K3.

Next noob Qs
I file a I 130
Should I hold on to the I 129f or file it after NOA1?

SHEESH! What a racket! All those illegals can just file a waiver and be welcomed "home" with open arms while those of us who choose the legal route have to wait for months on end to be with our lawfully wedded. Good thing I'm retired and can just go the TR/PR (Green Card) route and stay in country with my blushing bride while we wait......and wait....and wait.
TnicMaleUkraine2013-04-23 05:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTravel to Russia
Mon, Tue & Wed seem to be the cheapest days to fly.

I did my visa myself. I used a travel agency in my girl's hown town for the invitation ($50) and had them register my passport ($45) when we arrived. I printed the application from the consulate site, filled it out got the pix and sent a bank check with express return FedEx and had my visa within a week. We live in New England so the NY consulate is where we send our info. I really isn't complicated.

The next time I go I'm getting a Private (home stay) visa so I can stay for 90 days and work on my Resident visa.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-06-30 08:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusObtaining Private Visa
QUOTE (Brad and Vika @ Jul 6 2009, 07:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Tnic @ Jul 6 2009, 12:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Brad and Vika @ Jul 5 2009, 06:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Tnic @ Jul 4 2009, 10:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To answer your question Brad, yes it's like a friends and family thing. Private visa is also called home stay visa on the consulate website (NYC). I went on a tourist visa last year and stayed at Mama's house, but I want to get a Private visa for any more visits and I'm going for a Temp Res Visa to boot.

Thanks Tnic. How long does a temp res last? And out of pure curiousity, why would you do it? Vika and I talk all the time about taking an extended stay in Ukraine some day. If my work would permit I would go any time (except maybe the hottest part of summer whistling.gif ).

Ekee answered it well Brad. The Russian TRV is good for (I think) 3 years. After the first year you can apply for a Permanent Res visa which allows unrestricted travel in and out. BUT, I could not be gone from Russia longer than six months or I lose it. I'm already retired and our plan is to live there permanently sometime in the next few years. We would come back to visit my family (probably during the coldest months) and hit the VA hospital to catch up on my check ups and of course her shopping then head back to Russia. Mama is 75 now and had a mild stroke last month and she lives in a 3 story walk up and could use our help. Irina is there now until mid Aug.

Very cool. I assume your Russian is pretty good? How did you learn it (thus reopening the great debate about the best way to study Russian).

LOL! About the only complete sentence I can string together is "I speak russian badly." and "I speak a little (chutchut) russian." I actually have a decent vocabulary and I'm working on it slow but sure. I may never get the hang of all the different word endings, but I can be understood if both parties are patient. For my money, the best PLACE to study Russian is of course in Russia. I think I can find a few willing volunteers to help me out. Mama is just aching to have a conversation with me and I would love to indulge her. I can meet and greet and say goodbye in all the usual ways and it really tickles the old girl when I come up on the phone (skype) with her.

I think I've mentioned a guy I know that teaches english in Russia. He's been there for two years now and still doesn't speak much Russian. Or maybe he's just being modest. ??? ?????.


Edited by Tnic, 06 July 2009 - 10:05 PM.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-06 22:03:00