Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAirline baggage weight limits for Russia to USA

My wife flew coach with two bags, no extra fees. This was about four years ago so things may've changed.

Yup a few things have changed since then.
-When I went to Y O in July 2008 Delta allowed two 50# bags.
-In '09 it was down to 1 50#er.
-I flew Aeroflot in Sept/Oct and they were using the now standard, 20kg limit.
-Now most airlines cut it off at 20 KG (44#), but for some reason Aerosvit allows 23 kg (50#) still and 2 bags.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-15 22:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAirline baggage weight limits for Russia to USA

Actually I'm flying JetBlue from Maine to JFK on Sunday (50# limit)and Aerosvit JFK-SIP (20 kg) BOTH airlines allow 1 free checked bag, a 10 kg carry on (they never weight it though so "if it fits it ships"), and personal bag or laptop bag.

I agree with the crowd though, that for the price of your ticket (and visa) you could pay for the extra bag(s), ship a lot of stuff AND meet her at JFK to escort her the rest of the way to P-Burg.


Yes, Aerosvit DOES still weight carry on. Thank GOD they allow TWO (not 1 as I stated above) that's TWO checked bags up to 23 KG each. I said thank God as one of my carry ons was a bit over weight.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-15 22:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAirline baggage weight limits for Russia to USA

I tend to agree with slim, she is not 5. she has done a lot of the leg work on getting the visa already. I'd rather save my days for when she gets here so we can use them here together.

the interesting this is Kemerovo to Pittsburgh is cheaper than JFK, IAD (Washington DC), PHL (Philadelphia), BWI(Baltimore), and it seems like any other decent size city. And I didn't lookup the KG to pounds is for 20KG. that is a lot, and if she can get 2 bags checked that's a hell of a lot. she really doesn't need to bring much either. She does not have a car, lives in a studio apt, and really does not have much.

Bottom line is get her here in one piece, safely.

20 kg is 44 lubs Chris. The scales there will be in Kg though so... And if she's flying coach its only one checked bag the next will be extra charges.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-11 22:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAirline baggage weight limits for Russia to USA

Varies by airline. Aerosvit this last summer was 27kg for the transatlantic flight NY-Kiev and back, but our flights from Burlington to NY were limited to 20kg by JetBlue.

If you are going over, bring a small suitcase inside a large one. Each person was allowed two checked bags, one carry on and one purse or laptop case.

Actually I'm flying JetBlue from Maine to JFK on Sunday (50# limit)and Aerosvit JFK-SIP (20 kg) BOTH airlines allow 1 free checked bag, a 10 kg carry on (they never weight it though so "if it fits it ships"), and personal bag or laptop bag.

I agree with the crowd though, that for the price of your ticket (and visa) you could pay for the extra bag(s), ship a lot of stuff AND meet her at JFK to escort her the rest of the way to P-Burg.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-09 19:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDME/SVO ordeal
Maybe now would be a good time to pitch some stand-by gennies to em.

Been watching it on the news here in Simferopol and just glad we're not flying anywhere for now. I wanted to use Wizz to go to Kyiv on Sun, but Mila nixed that and we scored the last two Kupe bunks (together) on the train.

I see NYC got hammered too. How did the rest of NE fare Gary?
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-30 03:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWTF! I cannot believe she said that!!!

"Southern Russia"? Southern Russia is 45 degrees north latitude. Same as Montreal. :lol:

Alla told me she WOULD retire to Moscow, but not to Ukraine. Not because it is warm, but because it is "interesting". But we will not make enough money to retire in Moscow. Dammit.

You can canoe on the Moscow river...why not?

Maybe you could talk her into Krym? Warmer, cleaner, relaxed. Still cheap (like me).
TnicMaleUkraine2011-01-12 02:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWTF! I cannot believe she said that!!!

Not mine. I am constantly telling her "just like in Moscow" and she always replies, "No, sorry, this is better;"

That goes for just about everything, cheap clothes at Walmart, excellent foods not found there, road conditions (even for Illinois!), the local library or the hot showers and flush toilets at a state park campground. Virtually everything is better here......she says that about me, but I'm not too sure.....I let her keep trying to convince me :whistle:

Why do I get the feeling that this um, "convincing" could go on for an indefinite time. B-)
TnicMaleUkraine2010-11-16 16:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWTF! I cannot believe she said that!!!

We started out with a garage opener. Vika used to tell me all the time how spoiled Americans are, and that she doesn't mind being out in the weather. Now I see a definite change (of action, with total silence about the subject) when it is raining or cold. She tends to head for cover just like the rest of us.

It's funny how they change their tune after THEY get "spoiled" a little, eh? :rofl:
TnicMaleUkraine2010-11-12 08:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWTF! I cannot believe she said that!!!

I am sure these women love being right all the time

Yes, they say "You Boss", and just when you start to believe it... :rofl:

Irina (my ex) was the same. Everything was better in Russia. But when I would say, "OK, great, lets move to Russia" she would balk "it too hard live zere!". "why don't you want to live in Russia Honey?" "Cheap clothes here" :rofl:
TnicMaleUkraine2010-11-10 07:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFirst trip to Ukraine

Way to go Tnic. I don't know how many times we've tried to correct people that it is UKRAINE. Even asking them if they are from The America or have been to The France or The Germany doesn't seem to have much of an effect. We have so many movies say we are visiting or going to The Ukraine. I guess the soviet line of "We get our grains and breads from The Ukraine" for about 60 years really sunk into everyone's subconscious.

And, I'm with you about the food, except for salty, stinky fish. :crying:

Okay, now back to our regular programming. The lovely ladies walking down the street, in the cafes and shops, etc. :bonk:

It's a never ending battle isn't it Gary?

But hey, I'm in "the" Crimea and the weather is getting warmer already and there more and more click, click, click on the by-ways and it's just SO nice to sit at a sunny sidewalk cafe, sip a chai (or pivo) and watch the parade. :innocent:
TnicMaleUkraine2011-01-22 01:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFirst trip to Ukraine
Mila doesn't do the dried stinky fish, but she SO loves her little stinky fish sammies for breakfast. And then can't understand why I won't kiss her til she brushes.

She thinks I'm a wimp because I don't like picking bones out of EVERY effin bite when I do eat fish (cooked and still warm), but I told her "look, we can buy a whole fish and I'll SHOW you how to cut a boneless fillet, but until then I'll eat something that won't puncture my guts." That's when I usually get "the look" and we change the subject. :rofl:

But for the OP, I will echo the rest of the lads here. Ukraine is a wonderful place to be. And btw, it's Ukraine not "THE" Ukraine. True, they aren't up to the US (or most of the West) in many areas, but most homes have the usual modern conveniences and everyone seems to survive just fine. If you insist on coffee with out "mud" grab a bag of filters before you leave though. Nescafe Gold isn't bad if you can deal with instant. The public toilets I've used here are modern and clean, but I haven't ventured too far off the beaten path. The most disgusting ones I've seen were in Russia when I was there 2 years ago. After that we're talking the train potties where there's always a group of MORONS that have the crazy idea they can whizz with the seat down while the train is rockin and rollin because their aim so so superior to anyone else. Best advise there is wait for the station to "cop a squat".

Stinky fish aside, the food here is awesome. Don't be afraid to try anything.
TnicMaleUkraine2011-01-20 02:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExchanging Money in Russia
My ex's mama had an ATM card that I got just for her and she (well her granddaughter) would draw her monthly support with no problems and a small fee from Banknorth.

Now I live in Ukraine and use my bankomat exclusively. Banknorth knows the card is here and I gave them the expiration date of the card for the end date they demanded, but my card from People's United (I didn't report overseas use to them) also works fine with no flags. I know a guy from RMP (GG) that ALWAYS has problems with his HSBC card EVERY TIME he tells them he's going intl. and never has a problem when he doesn't say anything.
TnicMaleUkraine2011-01-31 01:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMailing a package
I've sent a bunch o boxes to Y O via USPS and always wrote an English label only. Never had a problem. Deliver time averaged around 1 month.
TnicMaleUkraine2011-01-31 01:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine K-1 initial denial - next steps to fix

Be extra careful of introductions in Odessa. That is all I will say about that.

There is always the possibility a 30 something (I doubt a 20 something but maybe) is truly sincere about a 52 year old man. I DO know one couple that has a 30 year age difference and they get along very well, but I do not consider it the "norm". 10 years seems ideal, up to 20 years seems common. Almost to a person, FSU women want older men and want there husband to be as much a "father" as a husband and no, that is not as perverted as it sounds.

Also I would not doubt at all the sincerity of someone just because she wanted to move from Ukraine. I mean, we all expect something from a marriage or else why do it? There are risks and benefits, responsibilities and rewards. So what? You get an uber-devoted wife that cares about you like even your mother never did and never says "no" to sex and she is HOT and cooks great food. Problems so far? SHE gets a better life for herself and her children (either that she already has or will have with you) and she was going to be a devoted wife and mother anyway, so why not to a better husband in the USA? Sounds like a good deal to me.

FSU women always strck me as being supremely "biological". Much more so than their American counterparts. Like the femal deer that chooses the strongest buck, they are looking for enduring qualities. Six pack abs and good hair aren't enduring and are not inherited by their children and can't feed anyone. A stable guy making a decent living is a ROCK to build on. If he is a little older he is more experienced and better able to care for a family and more mature. Good stuff.

I norder for these relationships to work there has to be 100% devotion and trust. Long distance relationships cannot wor without that. If you have a doubt, it can't work. You can tell when someone is devoted to you. when you have results, they are devoted. When you have excuses, they are not.

I'm not familiar with the intro scene, but otherwise I couldn't agree more Gary, on all points. I did meet (on-line) a few 35+ ladies and two years ago wanted to go meet one of them, but I made that fateful trip to Walmart and it took the next 2 years to realize I should have to Zaporozhye. But then again, here I am with this wonderful creature who is totally devoted to me and low and behold she's actually 2 years OLDER than me. During this latest search though I really set a hard cut off at 40 but still wanted someone closer to 50 because I just felt like we would be a better match and that's where my comfort zone was.

I know you meant to mention a man who sets a good example for the children too or maybe it was implied in the "strong buck" part. A good husband and a good father figure (or deduska) who can provide for his family is pure Gold for them. And if ya have a table saw, well, it's Katie bar the door. :lol:
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-31 00:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine K-1 initial denial - next steps to fix
To be honest YGR, I don't have the brains or the gall to pull off something like that.

I got pretty good at spotting the potential for a scam early in the search. Believe me, I knew even then that some beautiful 20 something hottie (and most 30 somethings) were not seriously interested in a 52 y/o man. It was a scammer that got me started looking in the FSU actually and I didn't get taken either. I do know that one major thing in my profile "About me" blurb included that I was going to relocate to her city so the GTGs and especially the GCGs didn't bother with me and I ignored the ones that tried. I had one nice, sincere lady (same age as me) terminate correspondence because of that too. She wanted out of Ukraine for political reasons.

We don't really know how things flowed with B-man and his girl, but based on the little info he gave us I'm not sure I would have caught on for awhile. I mean it was a chance encounter by way of a friend's intro and recommendation in Odessa so I may have gone along with that one and been none the wiser for quite some time. And yes, it really would suck to know it was all a lie. Not just because of the money, but because he opened himself to her and trusted her. I hope he can find the courage to pick himself up and try again. Like so many have said, there are thousands of good, honest, sincere women that are aching for a good man like he seems to be. I wish Birdman luck, FWIW.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-30 12:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine K-1 initial denial - next steps to fix

i love scam posts over all.
while its unfortunate what some people go through (USC ),its rather interesting to see how far some people go for a rather small amount of money ( she cant live her entire life on the money she scammed off the OP ) when they could get a job and spend their own hard earned money and have a stable life.

Without going back and reading the whole thing, isn't B-man the one that had been supporting her since Jan this year plus all the extras (like 2 PC's, etc.)? Granted she probably can't retire from what he sent her, but if she's running the same scam on 10 or 20 other guys, she's putting some serious cash away.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-30 10:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

This woman KNOWS her beaches! :lol: There are good beaches in Crimea and in the Sea of Azov...and in the Black Turkey. But around Odessa is awful.

In Donetsk they made a really nice "River Walk" area and there are some very nice parks around, but the river (Kamilus) is horribly polluted and you can't swim there. Shame.

I can vouch for the Crimean beaches! Mostly gravel/slag rock, but very little trash. Is there an FSU city that is NOT full of hotness? Doubtful. :dance:
TnicMaleUkraine2011-01-24 01:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power
I've found that you can see plenty without moving your head. :devil: Plus I do the bulk of the shopping (alone). :innocent: And anyway, who needs to spin when there's a continuous babe parade. :whistle:
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-31 10:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power
It's kinda funny. You're thinking mini skirts and heels and I'm looking at hotties in tight jeans and knee high boots with heels. Even all bundled up for Siberia, they're STILL jaw droppin hot here in Krim. My Bride-to-be at the top of my list (of course).

Heaven, I'm in Heaven... :dance:
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-31 01:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

Ex is the key word there.

Well, the point was that she didn't care if I spent $7.99 or $79.99. But of course $79.99 is better. Same "Oh Sank you" though.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-20 06:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power


"Why you buy for your wife cheap f'king flowers? So cheap and dead, blat. You event can't buy for your wife nice flowers. So horrible and ugly. So cheap. Uzhes. You like original bum, blat. Next time you must buy for your wife so wonderful and pretty - and expensive - flowers. Not zis cheap sh!t from f'king Kroger, blat."

Why did I not see that one coming? :rofl:

I must be spoiled then. With the ex just the fact I brought some home was all she cared about. She knew where from and how much and loved the thought. Mila is the same. Just that I thought of her and did something is everything to her.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-19 07:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

I like points.

Just stop by Kroger and splurge on a 7.99 arrangement of daisies or something Slim. You'll get points.

Or will she wonder what you feel guilty about and clobber you instead of kiss you? :bonk:
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-18 10:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

So you think my hobby of DIY building (built my own home, lake cottage, docks, decks, boardwalk ....) will help keep Olga interested? Reading your posts on this makes me think that I have a very happy future in store once we get that visa! :)

Oooh, you're gonna be some kinda tired the next morning. :yes:
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-16 06:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power
Well, REALLY long thread and I only read the first 3 or 4 pages...

Just in case it never got mentioned.

-Flowers you brought with you from the USA are worth almost unlimited bonus points. Absolutely worth the $15 and transport concerns. ROI is priceless.
-If you throw in a few DYI home projects, well now you've jumped off the scale. :thumbs:
-Add in a nice hot meal when she gets home from the office and you'll never get any sleep, but the aerobic workout improves stamina so hang in there. :devil:
TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-15 00:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBack from Ukraine/Czech
Hey welcome back Brad & Vika! I forgot you were visiting the FSU.

I know what you mean about the personal space. I got used to it while I was in Crimea. Didn't really have any problems with line jumpers though. In fact when I got back to CT I got some looks because I was "crowding" the folks ahead of me in lines, on yeah, right, arm's length, I remember now. LOL. Everyone still just crams around the booth, kassa, etc. but everyone sort of keeps track of who's next and it becomes more like organized chaos instead of a free for all. Maybe Crimea is simply a Kinder, Gentler place to be.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-30 10:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLearning English

Humor and patience go a long way.

Vodka is up there somewhere too.


If the first two start to get ragged, pour on number three.

I can get away with taking the bags of groceries into the kuxnya, but I better darned well get my butt back to the door and change right after. She doesn't yell, but I wish she would. "The Look" is worse than the ice at shrinking things. :rofl:

Easy, it gets easier after she trains you in the proper ways.

Edited by Tnic, 11 December 2010 - 10:45 PM.

TnicMaleUkraine2010-12-11 22:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLearning English

OK, THAT would probably cause bodily injury to occur to myself! :unsure:

Only if your in the same house. My evil twin plans to quietly disappear in December. Like it never happened. :whistle:
TnicMaleUkraine2010-11-19 16:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLearning English

The information we put in the profile is not to be taken seriously and shouldn't be by any woman's profile that is honestly looking for love. It is setup specifically to bring out the scammers. And it sorta fulfills that male fantasy ;)

Actually I know what you mean. I've been bored to tears here lately so to pass the time I set up a couple fake profiles (with a male porn star's pics no less) just to play the players.

-So far I'm engaged twice over and soon I'll be in joint possession of 2.8 million bucks as soon as I get off my fat butt and get with the "bank" to do the transfer.
-Fiance #2 just declared her undieing love for me today in "her" 5th letter. What a gal! I'm a lucky guy!

Still waiting for the really sexy pics from both of them though. :rofl:
TnicMaleUkraine2010-11-19 13:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLearning English

I guess I got one like LL. My wife is trying to help her friend find a good man so she signed her up on Anastasia. Then my wife created an account under my name there so she could see what her friend's profiled looked like to the men on the site. Next thing I know I have this calendar that pop's up everyday with a different Anastasia model and my wife keeps bringing them to my attention. She also makes it a point to tell me how many messages I receive each day from the women on the site and then we look at the profiles together.

I hope she isn't buying credits to write to these girls. :rofl: Now THAT would just be too weird even for me and I a bit left of center already. Honestly I'm not sure how I would handle that.

I have it pretty good though. She takes care of my every need and I don't put the neck swivel on when we're out together. I am free to notice and when I'm on my own, well I notice a little more. But still its babes on parade everywhere you go over there anyway, who needs the swivel?

She's a little jealous of my ex who I'm still on speaking terms with, but then I'm 8128 km from my Baby and she worries. But that whole distance thing is going to zero in less than a month. YeeHaw!
TnicMaleUkraine2010-11-18 21:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLearning English

We have the big internet porn debate all the time. When she's "unavailable" (not home) for some reason she'll encourage me to "go watch porno" but then when she's "available" (home) but yet making herself unavailable (sleeping, resting, relaxing - she gets tired from that 14 hours of work she does each week) she gets ticked off that I'd "event dare to watch porno when you have hot sexy wife in home."

I've tried and tried to remind her that hot sexy wife doesn't mean diddly if she's "unavailable." She's still not buying it.

That's one that your unlikely to win any time soon Slim.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-11-17 20:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLearning English

I wouldn't go too far with that line of logic. Telling your wife that you don't mind it a little dirty would just lead to an unproducitve discussion with a very predictable result. I tend to go with the "of course you are right sweetie" response to those statements :lol:

Ah yes the five magic words. Yes Dear, you are right. :dance:

My ex gave up on me about a year into it. I usually would change shoes in the bedroom as there was never any space for it at the door. Then I went barefoot or in socks til she got tired of telling me about it.

My Mila is a different creature all together though. There is a rack inside the door and the shoes come off then and there. No exceptions. We both go barefoot a lot though, unless its cold and she drops my socks (sometimes the clean ones) on the keyboard while I'm working. Then it's "Yes Dear, you are right." When I get back home I plan to pick up a new pair of slippers though. All I have right now is a very old pair, she keeps for guests, that aren't comfy at all and the beach slippers I bought in Koktebel.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-11-12 08:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest, Worst, Most unexpected thing about FSU
It makes me think of Chekov on Star Trek. Everything seemed to be a Russian inwention.

Just thank God they still like looking like women here! I don't care who invented it.
TnicMaleUkraine2011-02-09 11:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest, Worst, Most unexpected thing about FSU
Two warm sunny days in a row here in Simferopol. Time for an afternoon at the center market.

Click, click, click... :thumbs:

GAWD!!!!! I like it here!
TnicMaleUkraine2011-02-09 02:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest, Worst, Most unexpected thing about FSU

Just a note: those are not wheelchair ramps, those ramps for baby strollers. In FSU people on wheelchairs ought to stay home.

How bout for the carts and hand trucks the retailers and venders use? They're also quite convenient when hauling luggage at the train station and since the man handles the bags I used them every time.

Click, click, click. The food is great and the people are friendly after you get to know them. The stores I shop at have very reasonable prices for clothes and shoes, comparable to say TJ Maxx/Marshal's and no Chinese stuff so I've become somewhat of a fashion plate in Simferopol. And speaking of Simferopol, this is one of the best places I've lived and after living on the I95 corridor just north of NYC (Bridgeport, CT area) the drivers here are nothing to be concerned about. In CT they were aggressive AND mean, here its just aggressive. And finally, the lifestyle simply suits me to a T and living here in retirement is the best decision I ever made. Well, to marry my Mila is the best, but, you know.

Crumbling infrastructure everywhere you go. Manhole covers disappear over night and you better watch your step because as Alla said, "Ukrainians do not fall into holes." so if I did my clever disguise would be revealed. If you find an unmarked hole snap off a tree branch and stuff it in there. Sections of sidewalk get displaces by tree roots or even hauled off to Uncle Sasha's courtyard and there always seems to be mud and/or water to cause a major detour when walking to the market. Plenty of stray cats and dogs, but not as many as I've seen in other places in the FSU.

Uggs are here cutting down on the click, click, click and they still don't look sexy even on a Ukrainian.

The low cost of living here in Crimea. The relaxed atmosphere in Simferopol. People just take it a little more easy here unlike in the big cities where you get shoved out of the way by someone in a rush, and everyone seems to be late for something in Kiev.
TnicMaleUkraine2011-01-10 01:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThings you will not see (or hear) in the USA

I did not get the PM

One word for you..."Bribery"

Ok, PM resent.

As for bri... er, GIFTING it may not be as easy as it once was with all the corruption probes and turn over of govt. officials. Too many new barons (not the 555 kind) that are still shy about taking money from just anybody right now.

And of course Crimea likes to do things a little differently too. They're autonomous after all and like to act like it.
TnicMaleUkraine2011-03-29 18:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThings you will not see (or hear) in the USA

where are you? I thought a tsunami no one noticed swept you of the Crimean penninsula. Where you been?

Sorry to hide myself away. It was the tsunami of time allowed in Ukraine that swept me off.

I was keeping up at RMP, but mostly just laying low for a spell. I'm in Maine right now waiting for that darned calendar to move the 180 day window into 2011 so I can go Home and tie the knot. I had a major snafu with my divorce doc Apostille thingie. Its fixed now, but we have to have enough time (I already have 65 days on the books for 2011) to go back to Kyiv for the short lived letter of Non impediment and still leave 30 days for the RAGS waiting period. So we're looking at mid June the way thongs are going.

Did you get my PM Gary?
TnicMaleUkraine2011-03-28 21:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThings you will not see (or hear) in the USA

I never hunted with a bow. The deer at my mom's house come up and kick the picture window to tell her to fill the feeder and will eat from the bucket if you hold it. I think they can smell me and I could kill them with a knife, but my mom would probably object to me knifing the deer in her front yard.

And nobody wants to send Mom into a tizzy.

Wish I was Home so I could ask Mila about this thread's topic. Sigh...
TnicMaleUkraine2011-03-27 21:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAny advice for interview at Kiev Embassy?

Does she know about all your previous wives and all those children and all those felonies? If yes, them all will be fine!

Don't forget "that Uncle" that we only speak about in muted whispers. :P

And if you're going with her, bring a chair. Mon & Tue. is a total mob scene out front. Wed AM (I was there for an ACS appt at 0830) wasn't too bad. So if she has a choice for scheduling...

And good luck!
TnicMaleUkraine2013-04-18 11:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo Obtain B1/B2 while waiting for K1 in Ukraine
Good luck with the B2. Kiev is getting VERY stingy with them. I just spent 2 hours standing outside waiting while she went through a 2 minute interview only to be denied. And the CO didn't even bother to look at the supporting docs she had, that they SAY you should bring along.

2 minutes looking at her monitor then NO.

And I also saw ALOT of UACs walking out passport in hand. Oh, and the new passback kiosk that probably cost us 500,00 bucks to include is no longer in use. I guess they're not collecting enough visa fees to pay the rent, but then it was the usual mob scene so maybe they just want to funnel the cash somewhere else?
TnicMaleUkraine2013-04-16 08:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusANy RUBers filed DCF
Since I have the advantage of staying here on a Temp Res permit (ti be filed soon) I'm taking the advise of a few mates and have been scouring VJ reading all I can find on DCFs.

ANyone here on the RUB board gone that route? Would like to hear any accounts on how it went with Kiev.


PS What happened to the great threads on Guns n Pie, p-butter and popcorn kiosks? You know who you a :innocent: re.
TnicMaleUkraine2013-04-24 14:09:00