Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnyone get married in Ukraine?

she already mentioned having it translated but also needed some official something for them to accept it. I know there is no residency restriction seen to many guys get married in that city ( they all take pictures in the park behind the apartment I rent). I am not above a bribe or two.:devil:

You want it Apostiled. Which basically means notarized only it has more juice.

There are a couple guys at RMP who tied the knot over there if you want to hook up let me know.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-25 20:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOne year later....

the sad part is that he misses his friends and family and basically has no one here but Daniil and me. he needs them to visit so he can enjoy a bottle of vodka, a cigar, and a long russian conversation.

Sounds like you need to spend a day or two at Brighten Beach. Brighten Beach Ave feels just like the Old Country, except for the Ell Trains. Step into any shop there and you'll be greet with "zdradstvuitye". And the food shops! I can never spend less than a C note on take home, mostly from the hot tables. There are a couple nice cafes over on Kings Highway too that serve pretty good shashlik and salyanka.

But hey, when I get back I'd be HAPPY to split a bottle and enjoy a good cigar with him.

Edited by Tnic, 31 August 2010 - 06:35 AM.

TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-31 06:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOne year later....
Well we both returned to the RUB fold about the same time!

You guys look great together! Love the pic of Daniil (Dah neel?) with the shades. Priceless.

Congrats to both of you.

Like Brad I would be very interested in Dima's take on integrating into our culture. Since I hope to be integrating somewhere myself someday.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-28 13:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusthey'll steal it if it isnt tied down

Glad its not just me then! Do you guys find yourself fantasizing about being able to have a normal conversation without having to explain things? I love her and Im in this for the long haul but at times it would be nice just to be able to speak normally and at a normal speed :wacko:

Yeah I do! But I want to do it poruski. I got a LOT of work to do before that happens.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-09-05 08:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusthey'll steal it if it isnt tied down

Russian Ellie May??? :rofl: Kinda like Ellie May but hotter and with high heels and a Russian accent. Oh, yeah, I'm down for that!!!! How DID we ever win the cold war? That still has me puzzled, and worried...maybe we really didn't.

Alla is more like Eva Gabor on Green Acres! :lol:

Alla stopped one time in the middle of the road. I had been looking out the side window. "Why are we stopping?" Look...stupid animal is in the road! There was a squirrel in the middle of the street. The squirrel was laughing at us.

No way. If we had three raccoons, that would be it...Alla would insist we move immediately. Raccoons are "too big and mean and dangerous" I related the story seriously. In our old house I had to sleep toward the window and she slept "behind me". I swear, she was serious, she was going to escape down the stairs after pushing me into the jaws and claws of a bear! She was sure the local black bears would climb in our 2nd floor bedroom window and EAT us! :lol:

I'd have to say Yes, Irina is way hotter than Ellie May. If we had been allowed behind "The Curtain" no way did we win. They woulda netted us in like smelts. Irina's the short one standing with her daughter Olga.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-30 15:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusthey'll steal it if it isnt tied down
Well thanks for the morning belly laugh guys. I had forgotten about the um, "Trappers" in the parks when I was in Yoshkar Ola.

My ex girl, Irina was the Russian version of Ellie May Clampett. The last place we lived she had three raccoons coming up on the back porch eating old kolbasa nearly out of her hands. And a couple skunks and half the stray cats in the area.

She used to drive me nuts in the car. I'd about to pull out into traffic or cross an intersection when GAAAASSSSP, CAAAAAARRRRREFUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLL! I'm spinning my head, no cars coming, no idiots, er, people stepping out in front of us. It would be a pigeon or a squirrel that of course had already disappeared.

Lubs, always thought it was cute.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-30 07:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusthey'll steal it if it isnt tied down

Actually, that was a few months after being her and it was kind of a shrug and "meh...its Vermont" moment. Her biggest shock was when we walked downtown just two days after she arrived. In front of the historical museum was a table with some brochures and a black plastic "kettle", like one of those Halloween "witches kettles" She looked inside and said "What is it?" That's the donation pot, sweetheart. "Voooooooooooooowhat!!!??" Inside was some money, not a lot, but maybe $15-20. She just stared and looked around to see if anyone else saw what she was seeing. Money left outside! On the sidewalk! People walking by! Are they crazy here?????? :rofl:

She also was a bit un-nerved by our method of paying bills. I still write checks and I would do the bills with her and then put them in the mailbox out front and put the flag up. "what is it?" This tells the mailman we have mail to go out so he will be sure to take it. "When will he come?" Tomorrow, usually around 12 noon. "VOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwhat?" That is MONEY we are putting in there!" No, it is checks to the electric company and cell phone company, no one will bother it. :wacko: Crazy Americans! Then our new checks with her name the mailbox! new debit the mailbox! NO WAY! "This would get stolen in Ukraine, no question, absolutely!" She is right, the mail is horrible in Ukraine and anything that even looks of value will be stolen and the mailman collects 7 UAH "bribes" from the "pensioners" on his route. They gladly pay it because he brings the checks to the door. If they ever start "direct deposit" in Ukraine, the mailmen will revolt and burn down the country!

This a delayed post, but thanks Gary for the sound effects from Alla. Every time I read VOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWHAT? I can almost hear it and I get a chuckle out of it.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-29 06:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusthey'll steal it if it isnt tied down

Actually, that was a few months after being her and it was kind of a shrug and "meh...its Vermont" moment. Her biggest shock was when we walked downtown just two days after she arrived. In front of the historical museum was a table with some brochures and a black plastic "kettle", like one of those Halloween "witches kettles" She looked inside and said "What is it?" That's the donation pot, sweetheart. "Voooooooooooooowhat!!!??" Inside was some money, not a lot, but maybe $15-20. She just stared and looked around to see if anyone else saw what she was seeing. Money left outside! On the sidewalk! People walking by! Are they crazy here?????? :rofl:

She also was a bit un-nerved by our method of paying bills. I still write checks and I would do the bills with her and then put them in the mailbox out front and put the flag up. "what is it?" This tells the mailman we have mail to go out so he will be sure to take it. "When will he come?" Tomorrow, usually around 12 noon. "VOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwhat?" That is MONEY we are putting in there!" No, it is checks to the electric company and cell phone company, no one will bother it. :wacko: Crazy Americans! Then our new checks with her name the mailbox! new debit the mailbox! NO WAY! "This would get stolen in Ukraine, no question, absolutely!" She is right, the mail is horrible in Ukraine and anything that even looks of value will be stolen and the mailman collects 7 UAH "bribes" from the "pensioners" on his route. They gladly pay it because he brings the checks to the door. If they ever start "direct deposit" in Ukraine, the mailmen will revolt and burn down the country!

I actually sent a debit card with some other stuff to a lady in Ukraine once. It actually arrived untouched. And THAT reminds me that I need to open a new account and bring the card with me.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-21 09:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusthey'll steal it if it isnt tied down

Imagine Alla's surprise when she found our house HAS NO LOCKS. I don't mean it has locks we never use...I mean it HAS NO LOCKS. At least our other place did not. The outside doors had those knobs like on a closet, just a knob latch. For one, crime is virtually non-existant and our former home was so remote that a person could hit the house with a backhoe to break in and no one would know it! I told her....if someone wants to break in, why should I pay for a broken window?

Now we actually have locks on the doors, but she still thinks it is funny we have glass in the doors. Our door, actually TWO doors in Donetsk asre like bank vault doors. But to be fair, I would do the same in a big city here.

We also went into a rural store on a Saturday afternoon and found the clerk was out for a bit and left a box of money on the counter and a note..."please make you own change" :rofl:

She has said it is one of the things tops on her list for living here...clean environment, nice roads, cheap clothes and shoes, and no crime. All "big pluses" of living here.

Hey, I remember those "Vault" doors! I had to break the inner one open for (now ex)Mama when the old lock tumblers died. At least it was wood and the frame was wood.

I bet the look on Alla's face was priceless when she saw the money box.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-20 17:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime flies!
Well, another belated congrats going out.

I know you'll do your level best to keep your part of Vermont warm and safe from bears.

Mila doesn't seem to be concerned with bacteria...
TnicMaleUkraine2010-09-14 23:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDone
Well a belated, but none-the-less heart felt Congratulations to Mrs. Slim.

As my Mila would say, "Good Done!"
TnicMaleUkraine2010-09-14 07:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGood News/ Bad News
I lost a kidney back in '02 to cancer so I'm an official survivor. But really I got lucky and ONLY lost the kidney. A little later and it could have been much different.

I'm pulling for you VV. Never give up.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-04 10:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine power struggle

Does that surprise you? Although I don't keep track of such things, I think that women listing themselves on MOB websites has probably risen in recent months. We still have a pretty good reputation as where to live, even if not necessarily warranted.

My brother in law moved back to Ukraine after living in Russia for many years and was hoping for a better life. Now he thinks that the only thing that has improved is his weather. He moved from Ekaterinaburg to Odessa.

I did surprise me at the time. It was a first for me. Until then everyone I wrote to was thrilled they wouldn't have to move.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-06 11:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine power struggle

Ukraine is as completely corrupt as it ever was and as long as the former communists are still around, it will stay that way. It will take another few generations to make a noticeable difference. It wasn't until Gorbachev, for example, that Stalin actually lost control of the USSR. It took nearly 40 years until someone could make meaningklful changes without one of Stalin's henchmen stepping on his neck.

I hear you about the communists! We get propaganda from "The party of the people" a couple times a week in the post box. And THEY flaunt their wealth in the people's faces worse than the elected officials.

Ironically a very nice lady ended communications with me because I wanted to come here to live. She hates the president.

Edited by Tnic, 05 October 2010 - 11:47 AM.

TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-05 11:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSuggestions on who to have translate documents.

Which begs the question, "why do they require a translation?"

Now where would a bureaucracy be without hoops to make us jump through? Personally, I think they just like watching us do tricks for them.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-11 16:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSuggestions on who to have translate documents.
So in Chris' case maybe a translated copy of the school transcripts for just in case?
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-09 00:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSuggestions on who to have translate documents.

Still DOH! The USCIS and the State Department (consulates) do not require apostiles, notarizations or any other "official" BS for translations. Persons are not prevented from doing their own translations if they wish. UKRAINIAN law is different but when dealing with the US consulate they do not give a rat's pa-toot about Ukrainian law. IF a Ukrainian fiancee, for example, has her documents translated IN UKRAINE by a UKRAINIAN translator, that translator must comply with Ukrainian law. OR if (as in your case) you are presenting US documents to the Ukrainian government, then you have to follow THEIR rules.

Alla did lots and lots of translations from Ukrainian documents (and Russian documents) right here in the US by email, then mails them to the fiancee's US petitioner do be given to the Consulate. No problems ever.

Alla also was a translator in Ukraine and did translations and interpretations for foreign business working in Ukraine and Russia, She had to do whatever was required by the job. Correspondence, or even a contract, between to private businesses did not require an apostile, for example, UNLESS the business wanted one. That was rare. Any translations she did in Ukraine had to bear her official stamp and any for the Ukrainian government had to have an apostile.

The consulate in Kiev does not require translations any longer at all, IF the documents are in Ukrainian, Russian or English. USCIS still DOES require translations. So, while you may not need translations for a visa interview, you will need them for the AOS filing.

But I'll be dealing with the Ukrainian authorities concerning marriage to one of their citizens AND moving here to live in Ukraine with her. So I do need a few things translated and apostilled to obtain my Temp (and eventually permanent) resident status here.

USCIS will have zero, nada, zip to do with me or Mila.

So maybe I can hook up with Alla for some translations?
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-08 10:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSuggestions on who to have translate documents.

Where do you get they need an US Secretary of state Apostille Stamp on a foreign diploma?

The person translating only need to be proficient in both languages and attest to that on the bottom of the translated document. Notary is overkill unless the Embassy asks specifically for it.

DOH! Missed the diploma part. I was thinking about other official docs (like a divorce decree or something like that) that would require an apostile. I will need my divorce decree translated into Ukrainian and stamped so I can get married here in Simferopol (I think).

Not US Sec State. The Sec State of the State you reside in.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-08 00:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSuggestions on who to have translate documents.
I would start with the Embassy/Consulate website nearest to you. They should have a list of translators that they accept.

Then you need to contact your State's Secretary of State for the Apostile stamp.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-07 08:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over

Nice slide show. And at this point I can say with some authority that we should have gone to Crimea. :lol:

Thanks Brad. Glad you enjoyed it. I made another one later that's a little longer and has some location titles to ID places.

HERE'S the new one.

And you're welcome to come for a visit any time. The Obolone and shashlik will be on hand.

Oh, btw, Today's Country music? Its just Rock with a fiddle in it (Slim :bonk: ).
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-30 10:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over
I meant to say Aw SHUCKS not sucks. I really should proof my ramblings better.

Phil thanks for the kind words. It was truly the trip of a lifetime and I came back with the results I was hoping for. We are both waiting anxiously for December 13th when I expect to be back home in her arms again, with all necessary documents for a wedding and permanent stay in hand. The date is still TBA.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-19 06:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over

Even if is is just Country music.........nice Teem !!!

Aw sucks, twernt nuthin.

Really it was a matter of finding a song that;

A) Was the right length
B) Fit the theme I wanted to go with, which is I wanna go back, this is the good stuff.
C) uTube didn't disable for copyright infringement. What freakin copyright? I want some tunes to go with my vacation slide show. I'm not promoting a business, fer cryin out loud.

Country was the genre that I both liked and fit the bill. I like rock too and some blues, but nothing else fit all three criteria.

@ Slim
Oh, how I remember my days with AFaRTS! Very fondly in fact.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-18 18:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over

Very nice pictures, I didn't know they were such big fans of country music there :)-

Thanks guys.

I didn't know they would go for my cowboy muzik either. One evening in Koktebel I made shashlik for our friends (all artist in various mediums) and set up the notebook with all our Krim photos in slideshow and cued up the Country. They were mesmerized. I switched to some Eagles later and Nargis (the pro pianist) begged me to put the Country back on. She even made a toast thanking me "for showing us such beauty", her words. Mila explained later that they didn't care what it was. Good music is good music.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-18 05:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over
Well I've been back in CT for 5 days now and I've recovered from my DIY "Spacibo" exercise. The jet lag fog is beginning to lift and I started playing with movie maker to put a music montage of the trip together.

Here's what I came up with yesterday before the debacle in Madison, WI.

Enjoy the Show.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-17 06:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over

OMG! You and Slim and Shawn are all giving us TMI visuals!

I forgot to mention the cowboy boots. Gotta have the boots too. :rofl:

Number 4 is where she walks in wearing a skirt while you are on your back, and decides she needs to get some water and you notice..."Um Ma'am, did you forget something?" :whistle: And she say "No, I didn't forget anything" :o

Oooh, so THAT'S #4
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-03 00:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over

Under the sink work can result in Plumber fantasy number 4, I hope that is the one you need for your collection. :whistle:

Is that the one where I'm on my back in my bikini swimsuit and tool belt and she comes sauntering in wearing nothing but a smile? Oh yeah, I like that one. :devil:

I solved the switch mystery. I removed the switch from the wall box and the wires from the switch (of course) and in one of those "what happens when I do this" moments I started turning two screws only to discover that those "ears" on each side of the switch were in fact the clamping/gripping mechanism that secures the switch to the wall enclosure. :bonk:

After many hugs, kisses and "maladyetz" I finally got around to the shower head hanger and my first "two handed" shower since I got here.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-02 05:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over

They opened one of those "home centers", on the east side of Donetsk and I went there last visit. The place seems heavy on displays and lite on "in stock" stuff. Most of the home products like doors, windows, etc., had to be ordered. And it was godawful expensive compared to similar things here. As I recall a hollow core pre-hung interior door was nearly $300. Same thing here would be maybe $75. Ceramic tile is mostly of the "photo print type" with a printed pattern on the surface. REAL tile comes only from outside the country and is horribly expensive. Alla is also shocked at home cheap tile is here also. The tools tended to be ultra heavy, plastics and aluminum maybe aren't in style yet, and expensive. I actually pack along my tools when I go there (some) such as my DeWalt battery drill and three charged batteries. (I always end up fixing things in our flat or the MILs place) Caution: working on your back under the sink can cause you to be in a vulnerable position to live out every plumber's fantasy! :thumbs: I usually go to the bazaar/market near our flat and rummage around in little booths full of boxes of "stuff" to find various parts and pieces to fix things and get them for a good price...and it is half the fun anyway. There is no bar codes and inventory tags on that stuff, you make your collection and then go to barter with the proprietor. Price can vary depending on currency displayed. They don't take MC or Visa. :unsure:

I noticed that the saws in particular are gawd awful heavy. I'm guessing it might have something to do with field windings for 220VAC instead of the 110 we are used to, which would mean twice the copper inside the stuff here. The cordless tools are the same as I'm used to weight-wise.

Damn! Now I'll have to break the sink or something and fix it while she's home to live out my plumber's fantasy.

Well things are getting serious now. My collection of power tools has begun. Yesterday I picked up a cordless drill/driver and a set of drill bits (including two bits for ceramic) at the local bazaar. I'll be going back to get a few hand tools as I need them too. Mila has decided that she is going to buy a tool box for me. I particularly like the part where the salesman plugged in the charger and inserted each battery (two) to demonstrate that it worked. We bought a CFL light bulb someplace else on the way home and the lady demoed that as well.

My first project will be to install the shower head hanger, thus the ceramic drill bits and then I'll work on securing that kitchen light switch. Apparently the box in the wall is not the one that you secure the switch to. When we were at New Line the other day the nice young lady demonstrated for me how to go about it. You need a modern box that the switch clips into with those side "ears", but first I have to attach the new box to the old one. She said to use plaster, but I'm just gonna run screws through the new box into the holes in the back of the old one.

We had a very nice afternoon roaming through the stalls and ogling toys, er, tools and materials options that we'll need for the reno on our balcony. I wanted to get a bite to eat and we found (after searching for it) a middle eastern cafe that had some pretty darned good food. I had some pilof and shashlik while Mila had the pilof and a salad all for 50 uah and we had plenty.

We picked up some fresh fish that looked like carp, but was salt water fish and a few things I needed for a salad similar to olivea(sp?) and we went on home with our booty. The fish turned out to be quite tasty and my salad was a hit too. I need to find a good fillet knife though. I enjoyed the fish, but I'd enjoy it more if I didn't have to think about all the bones.

Edited by Tnic, 02 October 2010 - 01:43 AM.

TnicMaleUkraine2010-10-02 01:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over

Install ceramic tile in the bathroom and they have to scrape you off the bed the next morning! Just what I need on top of sore knees.

No tile on the floor. The bathroom is already finished (thank God). But we're looking at reno ideas for the balcony. Went to New Line last night and got to look at possible materials to do it and of course I got to ogle some toys, er, tools that I'll be needing. The Circ saw I want, a Rebir, will even clamp upside down to a table to become a "Tablesaw". Damn thing weighs a ton too, but plenty of power. I hate a saw that has to "think" about going through a piece of lumber. And speaking of which, lumber was the only thing we didn't see there. I grabbed a 5m tape measure and had over 220 cm out and it still didn't flop down. I likey!

Mila said I was exactly like our grandson Max with his toy cars. :rofl:
TnicMaleUkraine2010-09-30 23:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over

LOL Yes yes yes....just plan out the repairs and upgrades and you won't tax your system too much!!!

Just keep her out of Home Depot and Bed, Bath & Beyond and you're good to go!!!!

Also playing with the kids or helping them with their studies or just spending time with them will earn you tons of bed-time also.

Therein lies a difference between more Western women and FSU women, they really really appreciate a man who will do repairs and spend time with the kids; appreciate is too weak of a word, they really really value highly those traits.

Well lets just say I'm glad she's going to work today. I need the rest. I think I'll wait till next week to fix the toilet. :whistle:

She showed the website to Nova Liniya last night. This could get interesting.

Edited by Tnic, 29 September 2010 - 02:06 AM.

TnicMaleUkraine2010-09-29 02:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over

I use the long bladed screwdrivers and watch for a spark at the end. It is the signal that the demons (smoke) have entered the screwdriver and are racing toward your fingers...then I let go the screwdriver!


I got lucky. In that metal tub of old well used tools was a screwdriver just the right size that just happened to have a little indicator lamp (that works) in the handle. So I was able to quickly ID the hot wire and kept the demons safely imprisoned in the wire. We ate supper last night with the ceiling Lamp on for the first time since I arrived. What a difference! And then she wouldn't leave me alone after dinner. I'm exhausted. I never would have thought home repairs could be an aphrodisiac. :wow: I think I'm glad there's no room for a tablesaw.

I better eat my Wheaties as today I'm replacing the leaky kitchen faucet. :help:
TnicMaleUkraine2010-09-28 00:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over

One word of caution...they really like that 220v. electricity they have there, they even use it for DOORBELLS. Found that out when I fixed my MILs doorbell. Having your girl present during such moments of discovery can knock you down a click or two in her eyes, so best not to have her around when you are doing stuff like that...there are some things that just should not be watched while being made. Cottage cheese is not the only one.

No problem Gary. :lol:

I worked a few years as an electrician when I was getting started in the big World. I know how to keep the smoke inside the wire. Its bad if you let the smoke out, very bad. But this is a switch so there should only be one hot wire, even with 220VAC and I will take every precaution that I don't discover which one, the hard way. Just to be safe® I'll put on the rubber gloves she keeps in the bathroom.

Edited by Tnic, 27 September 2010 - 12:31 AM.

TnicMaleUkraine2010-09-27 00:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over

No thanks, to much like cooking. I'd rather build a shelf for a plant or something. :lol:

Always go with your best pitch Gary. :thumbs:

I've proved my skills in the kitchen now I gotta get "Mr Fixit" in gear. We just got back from the Center Bazaar with a new light switch and a faucet for the kitchen sink. Tomorrow we should have light in the kitchen, at long last.

This is the biggest Bazaar I've ever seen too. If you can't find it there you really don't need it. They have everything you could need to rebuild or repair anything in the home and then clothes to fill the shkaf and food to fill the new xolodilnik.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-09-26 08:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over
Now take that Gamboorgor and add some minced onion, pepper and carrot, some bread crumbs and an egg and now you have koteleti. Awesome on the mongal! Some adjika or Bullseye and you got a winner there.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-09-24 01:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over
I found out that a man who can cook is a big turn on too.

We just got back from Koktebel yesterday. I brought some Seafood Alfredo that I made earlier (enough for 6 people)and froze and we had supper with our friends the first night. Mila was so proud the way they devoured it. Then I cooked shashlik (twice) and they kept saying "it is so good I'm so full, but I can't stop eating."
TnicMaleUkraine2010-09-23 00:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over
I know what you mean about the "handy man" effect. Jeez, I replaced an extension cord that was too small for the washing machine (it was badly over heating) and I'm a freakin god. Yeh, she threw herself at my feet for that.

I'm almost afraid to see what's gonna happen when I replace the toilet flush mechanism, the kitchen faucet and a bad light switch in the kitchen. She may not let me come up for air for a couple days or (gulp) weeks.

And grandchildren can be included in the "be good to kids" thing. We spent an evening walking around town with little Max and had a fantastic time together. The way I treated him and the way he responded to me just turns her on. Mostly he was between Grammy and me holding both our hands. It really felt like we were a family. Her daughter just adores me because Max loves me so much already.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-09-17 00:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over
I have a question someone should be able to help me with.

Mila and I are planning to marry here in Simferopol. I know I need my divorce decree (and passport?)translated to Ukrainian and apostilled.

Is there something else that I need to bring with me when I return to tie the knot?
TnicMaleUkraine2010-09-16 13:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over

well that was what I thought...even in the FSU dreams can take you only so far...thanks anyway

HOWEVER, if you are realistic, looking in your own age bracket and are a good guy you can certainly find a good woman over here. Just don't expect a 20 y/o super model to throw herself at your feet. The kind of woman you want, really doesn't care too much about your looks as much as what you have inside.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-09-16 00:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over
Here are some pics we took while in Yalta last week.


http://s67.photobuck...ber 2010/Yalta/
TnicMaleUkraine2010-09-15 00:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over

All over it. We are opting for another country in October instead of going down to Crimea, but it would be awesome to know somebody there next year. Sounds like you are putting down roots.

Yeah, maybe someplace a little further south would be good in Oct. it's getting a little brisk here now, but still pleasant days and evenings (with a jacket or sweater) for walking around town.

I guess I AM taking root here. I bought a drip coffee maker last night. Now I just have to tape off those stupid level limiter holes in the back so I can have a full mug, and no water puddles around the machine. Thank God she noticed the water last night and got a tray out to contain it.

As with any move to a new area, there is some adjustment period, but I really feel at home here. As soon as I can read Russian a little more and know where more places and things are around town I'll be jumping on marshutkas like a native.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-09-14 01:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting Over

Coolness! Happy to hear it worked out. I'm curious to hear more about Yalta too. Yalta is on our to do list.

well at the risk of breaking some major LINKS rule here's my thread at RMP.

We stayed in Alupka about 10 km toward Foros from Yalta. We had a great time in spite of some not so great weather in the middle of the week.

And when we get a bigger place we'd be more than happy to put you up and show you around.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-09-13 08:40:00