Russia, Ukraine and BelarusObtaining Private Visa
QUOTE (Brad and Vika @ Jul 6 2009, 07:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Tnic @ Jul 6 2009, 12:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Brad and Vika @ Jul 5 2009, 06:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Tnic @ Jul 4 2009, 10:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To answer your question Brad, yes it's like a friends and family thing. Private visa is also called home stay visa on the consulate website (NYC). I went on a tourist visa last year and stayed at Mama's house, but I want to get a Private visa for any more visits and I'm going for a Temp Res Visa to boot.

Thanks Tnic. How long does a temp res last? And out of pure curiousity, why would you do it? Vika and I talk all the time about taking an extended stay in Ukraine some day. If my work would permit I would go any time (except maybe the hottest part of summer whistling.gif ).

Ekee answered it well Brad. The Russian TRV is good for (I think) 3 years. After the first year you can apply for a Permanent Res visa which allows unrestricted travel in and out. BUT, I could not be gone from Russia longer than six months or I lose it. I'm already retired and our plan is to live there permanently sometime in the next few years. We would come back to visit my family (probably during the coldest months) and hit the VA hospital to catch up on my check ups and of course her shopping then head back to Russia. Mama is 75 now and had a mild stroke last month and she lives in a 3 story walk up and could use our help. Irina is there now until mid Aug.

Very cool. I assume your Russian is pretty good? How did you learn it (thus reopening the great debate about the best way to study Russian).

LOL! About the only complete sentence I can string together is "I speak russian badly." and "I speak a little (chutchut) russian." I actually have a decent vocabulary and I'm working on it slow but sure. I may never get the hang of all the different word endings, but I can be understood if both parties are patient. For my money, the best PLACE to study Russian is of course in Russia. I think I can find a few willing volunteers to help me out. Mama is just aching to have a conversation with me and I would love to indulge her. I can meet and greet and say goodbye in all the usual ways and it really tickles the old girl when I come up on the phone (skype) with her.

I think I've mentioned a guy I know that teaches english in Russia. He's been there for two years now and still doesn't speak much Russian. Or maybe he's just being modest. ??? ?????.


Edited by Tnic, 06 July 2009 - 10:05 PM.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-06 22:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusObtaining Private Visa
QUOTE (Brad and Vika @ Jul 5 2009, 06:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Tnic @ Jul 4 2009, 10:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To answer your question Brad, yes it's like a friends and family thing. Private visa is also called home stay visa on the consulate website (NYC). I went on a tourist visa last year and stayed at Mama's house, but I want to get a Private visa for any more visits and I'm going for a Temp Res Visa to boot.

Thanks Tnic. How long does a temp res last? And out of pure curiousity, why would you do it? Vika and I talk all the time about taking an extended stay in Ukraine some day. If my work would permit I would go any time (except maybe the hottest part of summer whistling.gif ).

Ekee answered it well Brad. The Russian TRV is good for (I think) 3 years. After the first year you can apply for a Permanent Res visa which allows unrestricted travel in and out. BUT, I could not be gone from Russia longer than six months or I lose it. I'm already retired and our plan is to live there permanently sometime in the next few years. We would come back to visit my family (probably during the coldest months) and hit the VA hospital to catch up on my check ups and of course her shopping then head back to Russia. Mama is 75 now and had a mild stroke last month and she lives in a 3 story walk up and could use our help. Irina is there now until mid Aug.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-05 23:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusObtaining Private Visa
To answer your question Brad, yes it's like a friends and family thing. Private visa is also called home stay visa on the consulate website (NYC). I went on a tourist visa last year and stayed at Mama's house, but I want to get a Private visa for any more visits and I'm going for a Temp Res Visa to boot.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-04 21:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow long was your flight?
Plus they have the best sticker! Maineiacs stickers are all over the world

I see you've heard of us. We do like to stay busy.

I say "we" but I retired on a med discharge in 05. Still have my 1st Shirt hat, but ran out of stickers awhile back. We have a pretty nifty retiree hat too. I'll try to dig it out and snap off a pic sometime.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-10 21:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow long was your flight?
Ok, it won't let me edit.

I said north ramp, but meant to say the West. I also see where they were building the new commercial vehicle security insp. facility at the main gate which puts the image at sometime in 02. The SPs got tired of crawling under trucks in the rain and snow and holding up the only lane into the base.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-10 08:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow long was your flight?
QUOTE (slim @ Jul 10 2009, 05:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Tnic @ Jul 9 2009, 08:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That is definately a Weapons Storage Area. I used to have business at the old one in Bangor, ME when I was in the ANG there. It was used as our rifle range after the AF left and some of the guys I worked with had some very interesting war stories from when they kept Genie Nukes there for our alert fighters. Dow AFB was a small SAC bomber base in it's day.

Did you check out the Airport to the north (about 9 km) of YO? A lot of planes parked in nice neat rows.

I have many good stories from the WSA up in Minot. A lot of fun times, a lot of, uh, not so fun times. Either way though, good experience and I wouldn't trade it for the world. There's nothing like digging through six feet of snow to expose a manhole cover to ensure it hasn't been tampered with. As if the six feet of snow on top wasn't proof enough. That's Uncle Sam for you!

Bangor ANG still looks like they're working. There's a C-141 and two C-130s on the south ramp, three KC-135s on the west ramp, two more on the north ramp along with another C-130. And is that an F-101 Voodoo up on blocks in front of the squadron?

I didn't check on YO's airbases last night after seeing that FREAKING HUGE WSA, but I did tonight. The base due north near "shoybulak" seems like it has a relatively low priority since there are several breaks in it's perimeter fencing and not much activity on the ramps. It does have a plowed runway though so it's at least a little bit important! The only aircraft I could see were a few old Colts and some smaller fighter trainers. All looked to be pretty old. Maybe two Bears sitting on the south ramp near the helo? Anyway, the only thing modern I saw was the big Antonov cargo plane. I'm guessing that's their training base.

There's another strip to the east of town near "Savino" but I couldn't zoom on it. It looks to be a bigger runway with more access so maybe that's where they keep the good stuff. I'm too lazy to research it right now, but I'm sure a trip over to,, or any of the tinfoil hatters favorites, like the CIA factbook website would quickly shed light on which cookie jar holds the pichinushki.

I still can't believe the amount of unclassified ####### that's out there today. Reminds me of a "SECRET/NOFORN" briefing I had several years ago where the "intelligence" officer came in and told us about our deployment location, etc., etc., etc. When it came time for pictures, she said, "OK, these were taken a few years ago during the construction phase of the base." I pulled out a few pics I'd downloaded from Google, held them up, passed them around and said, "yeah, these were from like three days ago." She told me to put them away and not to show anyone else as they were now "CLASSIFIED." WTFO? Classified? They were downloaded off the freaking Internet. You know, the thing that has world wide access for anyone and everyone? She seemed quite irritated, and not at the fact that my intel was better than hers and there was something inherently wrong with that, but just irritated by the fact that I'd beaten her at her game.

I just wanted good info. I'm a visual person, so before I go anywhere I like to check maps and stuff to make sure I know what I'm getting into. My buddy recently graduated from intel school and he's assured me the information out there is so much better now. "We get it like 10 minutes after CNN now. It used to be like 20, but now it's only like 10. We're making improvements!" Without getting into details, let's just say he calls me for "confirmation" on all things FSU-related before he produces his briefings. It's not that his super-secret classified network is ineffective, it's just that TV1 shows it on their news several days before it appears on his computer screen.

I think Obama just fixed all that with his recent trip, right?

Yeh, Bangor's ahoppin all the time. I hired on fulltime in 88 as an SP (guarding planes) then switched to AGE for the rest of my career. They have been steadily building and improving since the mid '90s

That (Google maps) image is from a few years ago. I see some buildings that aren't there now and the AGE equipment is normally parked under cover. That long building near the engine test cell is gone as of 2003 and we had the fancy circus tents put up right next to the shop in 2003 or 04. That big square building just off the north (new) ramp used to be motor pool and CE and it's gone as of 2007. It's a nice shot of one of our tankers taxiing out though. I think I can see my old car too.

Oh yeh, You're right about the 101 and if you look right straight ahead of it across MAINEiac Ave you'll see an F 89. The F 89 was one of ours from the old Genie alert days that we recovered from a small muni airport in Maine and fixed it up for display. The Voodoo was also one of ours that we got back from the Canadians. From the two fighters on display you might guess that we were a Fighter Interceptor Wing (101st FIW) before transitioning into tankers (101st ARW) in 1976. The MAINEiacs have a long and proud tradition.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-10 08:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow long was your flight?
QUOTE (slim @ Jul 9 2009, 04:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mox @ Jul 8 2009, 11:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Tnic @ Jul 8 2009, 07:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
YO used to be a major missile base (I think ICBMs) and was not shown on any maps. The airport was an airbase if my info is right.

Still is. There's a big area just outside the city limits that's fenced off and guarded by lots and lots of guys with lots and lots of guns.

If you head over to Google, click on the maps, punch in YO and then switch to the satellite mode, you can see a HUGE weapons storage area to the west of YO adjacent to the area called "krasnooktyabr'skiy."

What's really neat about this map is it's green and summery in the expanded mode but once you zoom in a little, it switches to winter mode! Awesome for aerial recon because it's a lot easier to see "the path less traveled" when there's snow covering it. When you can see roads with tire tracks on them, it's pretty much a given that it's being used. Same with clear parking lots, etc. Cars with snow on them haven't moved in a while. Clean cars have. Fencelines are easily recognized as a straight white path through the brown trees. Pretty simple, huh?

If you look at this particular piece of satellite imagery you'll notice certain things right away about this place. First of all, there's an awesome triple fence all the way around the area, complete with perimeter lighting and fighting positions, outposts, even a few guardshacks. A nice paved road, too! Many of the buildings have berms built around them, and we all know what those are for! And for some reason, there are more than a few long trucks/trailers. Some are snow covered, some are not. Hmmmmm.

To really grasp the size of this place, check out one of ours that's just up highway 83 in Minot, North Dakota. Can't believe all this stuff is on the freaking internet? Neither can Al Qaida! "Thank you Mr. Bush."

That is definately a Weapons Storage Area. I used to have business at the old one in Bangor, ME when I was in the ANG there. It was used as our rifle range after the AF left and some of the guys I worked with had some very interesting war stories from when they kept Genie Nukes there for our alert fighters. Dow AFB was a small SAC bomber base in it's day.

Did you check out the Airport to the north (about 9 km) of YO? A lot of planes parked in nice neat rows.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-09 19:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow long was your flight?
QUOTE (mox @ Jul 9 2009, 11:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, we drove past the scary men/guns/fences on our way to Cheboksari, and it seemed pretty damn big. Couldn't really see much from the road, but it was pretty obvious that this is a high-value target installation. I'll have to go check out the Google satellite pics, thanks for pointing that out!

We went to Chebasary two or three times last year. I didn't notice the fences as I was bracing for the high speed head-on that I was sure would happen, but my future SIL had everything under control. Plus I was trying in vain to convince them that there were much better places than McDonalds, but I lost.

There is however an HQ compound just around the corner from Mama's house.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-09 19:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow long was your flight?
QUOTE (mox @ Jul 7 2009, 11:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hmm. Unless the flights to YO are new, as of a few years ago the airport in YO was completely shutdown.

Anyway, it's always best to do what your girl suggests, so the train was probably a good idea for reasons you or I don't even know. biggrin.gif

Actually IIRC she was surprised to see it was an option so I think the airport is only recently (as of 2008) open. The problem is the infrequency of the flights. It would entail an overnight in Moscow both ways. Taking the train we get into SVO in plenty of time to clear passport control grab a cab (or have one grab you) and get to the train station with a few hours left to kill. Coming back it's an overnight stay.

Also the airport is about 9 km from the city center while the train station is a five minute walk from Mama's house.

YO used to be a major missile base (I think ICBMs) and was not shown on any maps. The airport was an airbase if my info is right.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-08 21:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow long was your flight?
QUOTE (mox @ Jul 7 2009, 06:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Tnic @ Jul 7 2009, 02:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just shy of 10 hours JFK-SVO
A 6 1/2 hour wait.
Then a 15 hour train ride to Yoshkar Ola. Total of 31 1/2 hours not counting the check in and wait time at JFK.
One of these days we're gonna get a deluxe berth, but we've had nice roomies so far and the dinning car is great.

Any reason you didn't fly SVO - Kazan? IIRC, the flight is pretty inexpensive, and I think less than 4 hours. Then it's less than a few hours by taxi.

Well, because she said "we take train". There's actually air service direct to Y/O from Moscow. We saw the schedule at a travel service around the corner from mama's last year and Virginia Agency (part of maxim) has the same think posted on their site, but we would have to book through them from this end. I've searched until I dropped, but can't seem to find any airline website that posts that info. Maybe the girl Friday could help with that next trip. I have to say thought, that I slept like a baby on the train and only woke when we pulled into a station. We arrived fairly fresh and relaxed. Our berth was clean and comfy so no complaints there. The other issue with the flights is that they only go back and forth three days a week and there's no easy connection same day. I'll look at the SVO to Kazan thing though.

And speaking of the Russian Girl Friday, I have her booked to handle Irina's logistics (transport from train station to room to SVO) when she returns next month. The price she quoted me was more than satisfactory.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-07 22:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow long was your flight?
Just shy of 10 hours JFK-SVO
A 6 1/2 hour wait.
Then a 15 hour train ride to Yoshkar Ola. Total of 31 1/2 hours not counting the check in and wait time at JFK.
One of these days we're gonna get a deluxe berth, but we've had nice roomies so far and the dinning car is great.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-07 16:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe foods they made you eat... just once.
QUOTE (AKguy @ Jul 15 2009, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (baron555 @ Jul 15 2009, 02:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I need to get a cat !!!!!!

Haven't brushed mine in a month! And I'm happy to say Anna does the same thing. smile.gif

Diabolically clever, yet simple and VERY effective. devil.gif innocent.gif

TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-16 09:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe foods they made you eat... just once.
QUOTE (Brad and Vika @ Jul 15 2009, 08:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BluesTraveler @ Jul 14 2009, 06:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (slim @ Jul 13 2009, 09:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
..... I'm just wondering if I'm going to spend the better part of my sixties the same way!

You should be so lucky!!!

Actually I think once you have been with a Russian girl, she spoils you for any other woman out there. I do agree with the assessment about Russian girls having no problem walking around the house half naked. I don't mind it at all. So many of the apartment buildings have central heat from the city and they really have little control over how warm it is, always seems like it is 78 to 80 degrees inside during the winter. Additionally mama has the stove running 24/7 cooking something or other.


Irina loves the heat, but hates getting cat hair on her clothes. After we had been dating for a little while whenever I brought her to my apartment (with my cat) she would strip down to her panties as soon as I closed the door. I remember thinking at the time (after my big brain spooled back up) "I think I'm on to something here." Ok, first it was HOLY SH*T!! and HOT DAMN! kicking.gif devil.gif

Nowadays I just look forward to those trips to Victoria's Secret and the "runway show" that I get treated to when we get home.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-15 07:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe foods they made you eat... just once.
QUOTE (slim @ Jul 13 2009, 06:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (baron555 @ Jul 12 2009, 07:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I DO like Saganaki. Great stuff. Made it a few times at home; a little too much brandy and too much Opaa!! The fireball went to the ceiling. Everyone survived!

As long as you still have both eyebrows, you're good!

Unless, of course you,ve stumbled onto a better way to manage that uni brow. good.gif

TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-13 07:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe foods they made you eat... just once.
QUOTE (slim @ Jun 21 2009, 12:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My wife is shocked at my refusal to take meditsin. She also doesn't understand how I can never be sick even though I eat lotta pizza and gamburger, don't have exercise, and always stay in wind. I drink super cold drinks, never wash my hands (I do, just not 299 times a day) and even used to wear my dirty shoes in the house.

How did I ever survive before she got here?

ROFL!! God help me if I allow a cross breeze in the house in 80F heat! I'm melting into the DIVAN and she's closing all the windows!

"Did you WASH that _________ before you cooked it? Konechna lubinaya!

TnicMaleUkraine2009-06-21 21:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe foods they made you eat... just once.
We get Ochokova Kvass here in CT. It tastes pretty close to what we get in Y O (Nash Kvass). Not as sweet as most of the other options we've tried here. I still don't care for it alone, but put a big bowl of okroshka in front of me and I'm all in. good.gif

TnicMaleUkraine2009-06-17 08:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe foods they made you eat... just once.
QUOTE (baron555 @ Jun 15 2009, 08:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Next thing they'll be having you put lettuce and tomatoes on White Castles!!!! laughing.gif

Just don't take the pickles off!! A friend told me years ago that they were the "Stink filters". Take off the filters and those rat burgers would stink up the joint bad.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-06-15 20:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe foods they made you eat... just once.
Yup, the jellied meat and the fish. "Not one of my favorites".

Fish pie, smoked fish (some I like), salted fish, dried fish (someone gifted me with one at dacha last year and I just smiled and said Spacibo), they turn my stomach. I'll eat fish baked, boiled, broiled, fried, grilled or roasted, but just can't stand even the smell of all those other delicacies. Irina tricked me with some pizza with grilled salmon for breakfast one day and I like that ok. She was very proud that I ate fish pie. I don't like the caviar either, sorry.

Kvass? LOVE Okroshka! And cold Borsch as well as all the varieties of hot borsch I've had. And salanka, most kolbasa and cheese. Sour cucumbers (don't why in the world she just can't call em pickles) and sour or salt cabbage and korean carrot as well as most of the salads I've had the chance to sample.

Ok, Russian cuisine as a whole simply agrees with my palate, with a few exceptions. I'll at least taste something and if I really don't like it everyone understands.

I actually prefer the Russian style pizza (with mayo/cheese sauce) over the tomato sauce now and usually cook it that way now. Throw some moskovskaya and jewish salami, onion and peppers on and forget about leftovers.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-06-15 13:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTupolev 154 serving lunch
The liked my Cheburashka though and actually sqeezed his belly, played the song and danced around a bit. Pretty funny to see several airline security folks confiscate a Rambo knife and then 10 seconds later dance around with Cheburashka all smiling and happy.

Its' Russia. You can't make this stuff up!

rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif
TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-12 11:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy Son is Born
good.gif good.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

TnicMaleUkraine2009-06-09 14:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian Forum; what is your favorite drink?
Shots of Russian Standard or mixed with juice.

Baltika (4 & 7) is often found in the fridge too.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-22 17:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSuggestions for Taxi Kazansky Rail to DME please
QUOTE (bobb @ Jul 9 2009, 12:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In late August Luba and I will need to travel from Kazansky Rail station to DME on a Sunday morning. We will have 5 or 6 suitcases (3 BIG). Luba suggested to me we should arrange ahead of time for a taxi. She thinks it will not be as easy to grab one that day easily because we will have so much luggage. Has anyone else been in a similar situation and could provide some contact number, or suggestions.


Getting a taxi will not be an issue, even with all your bags. It's just a matter of how much you want to pay.

We came home with six or seven bags, 3 large ones, last year and there were plenty of mini vans willing and able to take our money. Check out Russian Girl Friday. I have her booked to take Irina from Kazansky in Aug on her way home. Transport to SVO via a room for the night for less than $150.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-09 18:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI'm freakin out man....
No body mentioned it that I saw, but travel to Ukraine has pretty easy requirements.

No visa for up to 90 days.
Can stay for 6 months with a tourist visa.

Or that was the deal last time I checked.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-08-07 14:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe foods they made you try.....and you liked!
Kifir and that jellied meat stuff was about the only thing (besides all the fish) that turned me off.

Okroska, Borsh (hot and cold), cold is like okroshka but with borsh in a jar from the grocery store. Pelmeni, perogi, ok pretty much everything else I love and can't get enough.

Irina and all our friends love my shashlik. In fact tonight it was bachelor night as three of us have our women in Russia right now with me the only American man. Mamuka and Pasha couldn't stop eating the marinated steaks and kutleti I made and grilled for us. They brought the piva and we had a great time and now I have a fridge full of beer and plenty of leftovers to keep me in feed for a few days.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-03 00:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting over
Thanks Rob.

We actually met here as she was getting her D from the guy who brought her over (his idea, not hers) and I canceled travel plans to go to Ukraine to meet a nice lady. But yes, you think its the cultural differences for awhile before it becomes apparent that this is not the woman I thought I was getting. I lived with a similar situation for 10 years with my (now) ex and I promised myself "Never Again".

I'm glad I have the option of going over and staying as long as I want, which is what I will do when I find the right gal to visit (I'm going to stick with Ukraine for now because of the more relaxed visa requirements). Its also a little humorous because one of Irina's close friends here is already lining up the local Russian divorcees for my return to Maine later this month so I won't be hurting to attention.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-08-09 06:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting over
Guys, I don't how to tell you this, but here goes.

In July I made the very difficult decision to end my relationship with Irina. I don't want to hash it out here or run her down because that's just not my style. There were just some things that I cannot live with or tolerate and I have ended it. No fights, no shouting, but a lot of tears from both of us. But, I had to do this.

I am beginning the search all over again now, I will find my second half one way or another. I have already begun writing to a few so I'll see where that leads.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-08-09 06:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUnbelievable!
QUOTE (Brad and Vika @ Jul 19 2009, 09:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Thomas-n-Elena @ Jul 19 2009, 09:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*Len* @ Jul 19 2009, 02:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Meh... let's end this discussion once and for all sleepy.gif Both American and Russian women are jealous of us hawt voluptuous Latinas. Now y'all need to stfu and pass me a lte night sandwich jest.gif

Um no i completely disagree with part of your statement american women might be jealous of latin women but my wife is certainly not, I dated a bolivian woman for 2 years and there are many beautiful latin women but to think my wife is jealous is silly. Russian women dont get jealous, they get angry, frustrated, indignant but not jealous.
And if you dont like the things posted in this forum go hang out in the Mexico forum.
Do you honestly believe you are going to get support for that kind of statement you are in the wrong place boy-o

QUOTE (mox @ Jul 19 2009, 02:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*Len* @ Jul 18 2009, 11:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Meh... let's end this discussion once and for all sleepy.gif Both American and Russian women are jealous of us hawt voluptuous Latinas. Now y'all need to stfu and pass me a lte night sandwich jest.gif

Sorry, but my imaginary FSU wife trumps your hawt latina-ness, because she can be anything I want. Right now she's Miley Cyrus. Don't judge me.

You tell em Mox, Im right behind you, gun in one hand, pie in the other.

I think *Len* was making a little joke (and some one has taken a wee too much caffeine this morning) rofl.gif

Or perhaps the java was still brewing when he jumped in? Hey honest mistake.

Now about those tacos...
TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-19 09:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUnbelievable!
QUOTE (Brad and Vika @ Jul 14 2009, 01:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (slim @ Jul 14 2009, 04:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (amberdima @ Jul 13 2009, 10:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
the stereotypes will never go away; however, blasting american women's appearance and jealousy of the 'competition' doesn't justify your purchase. i have an MOH, but i didn't get this sexy, thin, 9-yrs-my-junior man because there was something wrong with local guys. it just happened that way.

Call it how you want, but you didn't buy yours because the local supply was satisfying you. You went exotic because the domestic models, for whatever reason, weren't doing the trick. All this "we met and it was fate. Love brought us together" balogna I don't buy for a second. (You guys do have a pretty good story though... but I don't buy it!) There's a reason all of us have gone global.

Amber - this is an example of what I was talking about earlier. Slim has just reversed the stereotype a bit - stood it on its head actually. The I upgrated to this foreign hottie because he/she is so much better than our own is the mirror opposite of the You bought a husband/wife from "over there" because you just aren't good enough for the same age/appearance person here. And he probably doesn't buy your story, or mine. I have said many times that I met my wife right here, in my city, and had traveled to Eastern Europe on business and vacation, and found that I had an affinity for the culture there. I did not use the web to find her, although there is NOTHING wrong with that. Without that attitude, no doubt I wouldn't be married now - because believe me there is no way my wife was thrilled at the idea of moving so far away from her family, and no way I would have been able to cope with the cultural issues unless I was interested in her culture to start with.

Just like there are people in America who refuse to believe that a relationship with a foreign national is not some sort of a transaction, there are people on VJ who simply will not believe that you didn't go hunting for a young Belarussian to satisfy your need to upgrade. From what you have told me though, I believe it wink.gif (small consolation, I know laughing.gif ).

Brad, it appears we met our ladies the same way. I found mine at Walmart. really, she's a cashier.

I also bristle whenever I hear someone start in with the MOB ####### and they usually change their tune by the time I'm done "explaining" things.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-14 16:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUnbelievable!
And people actually are amazed that all us "fat old farts" go looking over there for our mates!

Thanks for sharing the link.

TnicMaleUkraine2009-07-13 15:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSheremtyevo
I don't know the ins and outs of SVO, but I will have some details after I zip through September 2nd.

I'm flying everybody's favorite Russian Airline, JFK - SVO - SIP (Simferopol, Ukraine).

I have confirmed with Aeroflot that I will not have to change SVO's as I'm INTL all the way and my bag will check through to SIP. I will have 5 hours to sort it out going and 12 on the return on 6 Oct.

If I think of it I'll get whatever info I can to share with the rest of the class.

In the meantime maybe this will help.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-19 15:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSalt - The Movie

I mean...I would, really. :D But I live in Vermont and we do not have any Interstate overpasses. and even if we did, I could walk to work faster than waiting for a truck to come along to jump on! I would have to hitch a ride to Massachusetts, jump onto a truck there, jump off that truck onto another one heading north and come back. It is a 4 hour ride to the nearest interstate "interchange" where you could do such a thing! :lol:

C'mon down to south western Ct Gary. We'll show ya how its done!

Gotta admit I wouldn't mind getting more north though. Just TOO close to "The Evil Empire" for me. Except for the winters (and accompanying washboard roads) I miss living in Maine.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-19 19:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSalt - The Movie

Anyway, yeah, no way she can jump from three trucks moving in different directions at different levels of the interstate. I mean, c'mon, if that was possible we would all go to work that way!

You mean you don't? Wuss! :lol:
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-19 14:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnother summer over

I guess the Christmas stuff will show up at the end of August then. :rofl:

Don't laugh! It's already being set up around here.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-20 12:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkrainian Couples... What did you bring?
Well you're keeping the memories going for me.

I remember when I had to listen to how much better things were in Russia too. I finally decided to nip it in the bud. "If it's so great over there then why don't you go back to Russia?" She never had a response for that one and things would quiet down for a awhile.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-25 14:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkrainian Couples... What did you bring?

Here's to hoping Alla will not be my EX-wife.

At any rate, we had discussed our situation in quite some detail before we were engaged, so to speak. That is before the I-129f was sent. Alla was not going to be dragging her family across the globe without some idea of what she was in for. I don't blame her, would you? She DID have two sons and a mother she was caring for and those people still need to be cared for. I cannot marry a woman and "take her away" as though she is in a vacuum. I think all of that is agreed to under the "prior committment clause". Slim may be in a different situation to be sure.

Now, she arrives here and when a woman is added to a bachelor place on the lake, guess what? Some things and expenses are going to change. My budget for cosmetics and manicures and smell-goodies was -0- before she arrived. She IS going to have that stuff, you know it and I know it. Our plan, and this is where it gets into that personal stuff I cannot comment on for other people, was that she would get a degree in teaching English as a Second Language, she would not "have to" work, and then I would retire and we can live wherever in the world we want so she can teach, and there really are incredible opportunities for this. We both love to travel, so why not? In a couple years she will have her degree and citizenship, the youngest son will be in college, I can retire and she will work. Deal. She always wanted to be a teacher and was trained for this in the USSR but the money was so poor she could not stay at that job when she could make lots more with her language skills. Now she will be able to teach, travel, get good pay and usually a fully furnished apartment, health club memberships, liasons, etc.

So she arrives and having been independent for many years, she wants to make some money. OK, wasn't the plan, but who cares? She IS going to school full time and keeping her part of the plan. So she does some odd jobs, self employed. She models, does translations/interpretations, sells photos she takes of the local "nature" at local gift shops, etc. So she pays for "her" stuff, we never have any argument over it, I do not have to go look at tires and batteries until she checks out and she is happy as a clam to go spend $30 on shoes...and get TWO pair for that at Marshall's. I don't know about your guy's wives, but Alla is just thrilled to be able to stop at Marshall's on the way home, buy a new pair of shoes and then go have a manicure. And when SHE is happy, I am happy. :P Either way, some money is getting spent on that stuff, we all know it will. She makes enough to pay for all that "stuff" and take two trips to Ukraine every year...for all of us. AND buy an occasional piece of furniture. Our only problem has been finding the time between school for her and the boys to take the trips.

I'm just sayin'...try to arrange the expenses and income in a manner that pleases them. To me, it is all one pot into which one throws all the money and pays everything, but to them it is go with it. I pay the electric bills and all the boring stuff and let her pay for the things which give her pleasure. We never have the "is there enough money for..." conversation. She knows if she has enough money for a manicure, she doesn't need to ask me.
I'm just not going to get in a battle over who goes to the Moneygram counter (which is what it amounts to really) and get the pouty silent treatment over something I know we are going to pay anyway. Makes no sense. Think about it, if she makes money, then you are really arguing over who stands in the line to pay (me, while Alla wanders about the store and meets me at the exit) or who goes to Moneygram. Or who pushes a few keys to transfer money from one account to another. The actual expense is a "done deal", you ARE going to pay for it.

And the return on investment for standing in line to pay for the stuff makes it a "no brainer" :lol:

I get what you're saying Gary.

I was perfectly fine with supporting the house (AND sending money to Mama every month without fail) What had me so POed was she didn't want to spend any of her own money on anything and when she did spend it all in less than a week she was after me for more. What I haven't mentioned yet is she's a true shopaholic. Not the kind we joke about, She's a REAL addict to shopping for that temporary fix. You would be shocked to see the piles of bags full of stuff she's bought. When we were sleeping together the spare room was so full you couldn't see the floor.

When she married her first AM and came here she did it with the intention of supporting her family, not so much for love and she made him responsible for supporting her Mom and daughter. I was with her when she told her therapist this. When it was my turn it didn't take long to start feeling like I was really not much more than a wallet with a ####### attached. She didn't want to be independent, she wanted to be kept and still does.

If she had capitalized on her natural beauty and done some modeling, she could have made a ton with the jeans companies. In fact she'd been offered a shot not too long ago. Or if she had kept painting she could have sold some art along the way, she's quite talented, but won't pick up a brush. She never bothered to learn English for the first 3 years she was here. It wasn't til hubby wanted to divorce her that she got a job at Walmart and picked up some English as she went along.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-24 06:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkrainian Couples... What did you bring?
You're right Slim. That IS how its supposed to work.

I remember one incident with the ex (Irina) right after we got settled in CT. She had just cashed her pay check and was cruising WalMart for clothes and "stuff" and she remarked that when she was with HER ex (in Maine) she never had to use her money. I walked away and spent an hour looking at tires or something. I was paying for everything EXCEPT her stuff already! She never contributed one dime to the house finances and I never asked her to, but SHEESH!

Money was tight then and she damned well knew it. I kept telling her that she needed to save some of her money so she/we CAN go to Russia each year, but she never got it. Last year she borrowed money to go and tried to pressure me into paying the friend back. I ended up putting half of it into an I Pad for the friend's son, but little miss thing is on her own now and its her problem.

I don't how things are going to pan out with Mila, but I know she has a good job and lives comfortably on her own. Since my plan (and dream) is to live there I hope to avoid many of the usual problems associated with bringing her here and setting her up. She agrees completely with me that with our combined incomes we would be very comfortable in a nice apartment, a car and maybe a dacha too. Time will tell.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-24 05:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkrainian Couples... What did you bring?
"That means she gets to complain and speak her mind and you just nod and smile and tell her it will be OK. If you argue or disagree, then she is not safe to talk to you. Don't take so much stuff seriously."

And THAT takes a little getting used to. One of the many mistakes I made in my last relationship.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-22 08:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTied the knot
Congratulations you two!

Many happy years together.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-24 14:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnyone get married in Ukraine?
Here's a LINK to the UA Embassy on Apostilled documents. Hope it helps.

They should also be able to help you find a certified translator should you want one.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-26 06:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnyone get married in Ukraine?

she already mentioned having it translated but also needed some official something for them to accept it. I know there is no residency restriction seen to many guys get married in that city ( they all take pictures in the park behind the apartment I rent). I am not above a bribe or two.:devil:

You want it Apostiled. Which basically means notarized only it has more juice.

There are a couple guys at RMP who tied the knot over there if you want to hook up let me know.
TnicMaleUkraine2010-08-25 20:19:00