beansFemaleCanada2010-02-28 17:41:00
CanadaWhy Canada Sucks....
Well come move to Maine and we'll see how awesome the pro-America chants are. I have no health insurance, I work in a doctors office with 3 employees (including myself). My husband has medicare, I'm not eligible nor can I afford to pay $900/month for health insurance for me only. I'd gladly pay my gst/pst/income tax or whatever to know I can get treated and not worry about the bill. I don't drink so I don't care about the price of budlight. A head of lettuce here is a dollar more than Canada, infact everything here costs more probably w/ the exception of booze and cigarettes. To rent a POS apartment is $800+/month plus your utilities. In Canada, my 1000 sq ft apartment had 2 bedrooms, included all utilities and central air, had a swimming pool was nice quiet and I paid $750/month. My main fear here is getting sick..what am I going to do? I have no idea. I like the States but sometimes I wish my husband immigrated to Canada instead.
beansFemaleCanada2010-03-06 20:55:00
CanadaCanadian medical vision test
Here's a fun tip. "Forget" to bring the glasses. Most charts the 20/20 for DVA (distance) is TZVECL, 20/25 APEOTF, 20/20 for NVA (upclose) P3SEAR, 20/30 VJFXGH :P..just kidding don't cheat an eye test. Its really just the communicable diseases that they're worried about. Not being able to see is more of a personal hazard. But when you can you should get that rx filled to save from the headaches and constantly having to trick your eyes.
beansFemaleCanada2010-03-15 11:34:00
CanadaVisa: Denied
I'm sorry, you'll get it all worked out.

If it's any consolation, when I was told we weren't approved right away I got lost on my way back from the embassy too.

And I was from Winnipeg too! lol
beansFemaleCanada2009-10-13 17:12:00
CanadaCould someone please double check our map? Vancouver consulate & Working Medical
Yeah the walk is not bad at all especially if the weather is nice but hey if he gets lost just get him to flag down a cab.
beansFemaleCanada2010-04-14 16:20:00
CanadaTrying to Decide
Well you could but thats alot of money all kind of a waste really. I'd say stick with the original plan, I had a problem with my medical and it was the day before my interview. Wasn't that bad, still got a visa in the end. But up to you.
beansFemaleCanada2010-04-21 18:07:00
woop woop congratulations :D i've been following your case and that is very exciting for you.
beansFemaleCanada2010-04-19 13:21:00
CanadaOMG... And she thought I was lying!!! **You're SO gonna laugh!**
In relation to the sales lady. I would have hung up on her. However, I don't own a timeshare so I don't know the relation between owning a timeshare and being rude to the lady.

The immigration thing = ridiculous. But since my family is full of immigrants they understand a little bit more than others. lol My Oma said "I don't want you to leave Canada but who am I to talk I left two countries before I came here"
beansFemaleCanada2009-05-02 09:40:00
CanadaKeeping Bank Accounts & Credit cards after move to USA?
well custom house is i accidently selected a wire transfer instead of a debit on my bank account..thankfully i e-mailed them explained the situation and they changed it from a wire to a debit no questions asked :) yay custom house :D
beansFemaleCanada2010-04-23 13:35:00
CanadaKeeping Bank Accounts & Credit cards after move to USA?
lol weird pc financial is my bank then again i didnt change the address..but i did change the address on my pc financial mastercard to my us address and never a peep. i made my first custom house mistake though i accidently picked wire..i'm going to see if they can delete the transaction because i didn't want to do it as a wire..oh my brain = easily confused
beansFemaleCanada2010-04-21 15:31:00
CanadaKeeping Bank Accounts & Credit cards after move to USA?
Well I'm new to custom house and i have yet to pay any ridiculous fact i haven't paid a single fee yet :S as long as you do eft transactions its no fees
beansFemaleCanada2010-04-21 11:36:00
We went to Bar Harbor, ME for our honeymoon. We had a great little weekend package that included a ride on a sail boat, spa package, an amazing meal in a stuffy "money" people restaurant, and a lobster bake. Acadia National Park is great so we went hiking and went not. It was a great time :)
beansFemaleCanada2010-04-23 10:46:00
CanadaCanada Consulate Confusion!?

What do ya know, its on the Vancouver Embassy page under Visa Information subsection Fiance(e) and says this:

"The U.S. Consulate General in Vancouver processes fiancé(e) (K1) and spouse (K3) cases for citizens of Canada, or aliens who are Canadian permanent residents. Applicants must also be residing in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the Yukon or the Northwest Territories. All other applicants in Canada are processed at the U.S. Consulate General in Montreal."

Okay, so call NVC at:

Hours: Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM to 12:00 AM (EST)
Tel: (603 334-0700).
beansFemaleCanada2010-05-01 19:10:00
CanadaCanada Consulate Confusion!?
Happened to me. Case first went to Sydney Australia then Montreal :| Long story short, call NVC. You can try and speak to a CSR first but they will give you a bucket answer that all visa processing goes through Montreal and the Vancouver does not do K-1 Visa processing. At that point ask to speak to a supervisor. They'll start to look into for you and say "Yea we messed up, we'll send a message to Montreal and transfer" . I did use information directly from website but I'm having problems finding that link. I'll filter though my e-mail and see if I can find it. If I can I'll post it.

Just know it is totally possible..its just a pain but worth it.
beansFemaleCanada2010-05-01 19:00:00
CanadaDo all police checks through CPIC go through Ottawa?
In Winnipeg, I just went to the City website, went to the police section and printed, filled out a form. Faxed it down with copies of my ideas with my credit card number. They charged it got it in a mail a few weeks later. Literally didn't have to go downtown or any of that #######..just used the fax machine at work! super convenient i'd try and see if your local police station offers that service because it was awesome.
beansFemaleCanada2010-04-21 11:18:00
CanadaThinking Canadian in the USA
Good call Kritkit
beansFemaleCanada2010-04-14 20:34:00
CanadaThinking Canadian in the USA
I live in Maine..a very "Canadian" like state or thats how most Mainers say it anyways..and somedays the differences is overwhelming. I tried explaining to the girls at work the benefit of socialized health care. What it would mean to them if they lived in Canada. All they kept ranting on about is how could I deal with the thought of knowing someone was abusing healthcare. No matter how many times I said "Well, I never heard many stories about people abusing the Canadian health care system. I'm sure it happens frequently but I never hear much of it. But Dr.'s in Canada don't feel as great of a need to just give you something because you're here and you're paying for a service" and they just went on and on about what if they went to the doctors for a sore foot do you think thats okay? I said well if they feel something is wrong with them and they want to seek treatment that is their right to do so. I'm not a doctor, and if someone feels something is wrong then they have the right to go find out and get help for it.

The other things are: the lack of foreign food products in the grocery stores..I miss the superstore. Miss the labour laws, I hate that when I feel homesick that people (not my husband/family of course) will tell me to suck it up because this isn't Canada and its never going to be. They don't understand that I'm more than happy to pay taxes on items and income if I know its going to good causes.

And whats the deal with transit? In Winnipeg, I took the bus daily because 1. its eco friendly 2. its cheap and 3. i don't have to worry about parking, gas, etc. Here I take the bus and people look at me like I have the plague. don't get it.

America is great, and I'm glad I came here. But who knew a place so similar could be so very different. I agree w/ Kathryn on her view. I miss the sense of comraderie that you had with fellow Canadians vs. me first you second.

PS- sorry if this doesn't make sense my brain was in swirls thinking of all the examples where I missed Canada lol

Edited by beans, 14 April 2010 - 04:54 PM.

beansFemaleCanada2010-04-14 16:53:00
I didn't receive a copy of it at my medical in vancouver sooo what i did was i emailed them and told them to fax it to my dads office he scanned it and emailed it to me i printed it off and viola i got approved with that so i'd try and get it from them

Edited by beans, 26 May 2010 - 06:29 AM.

beansFemaleCanada2010-05-26 06:29:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
UGH!!!!!! So I got the job I applied for and started work on Thursday. On Friday our Jeep (aka the deathbox) dies. Now I have no reliable transportation to/from work except for transit. It doesn't operate on Sundays, and stops running at 6:20 PM M-Sat. So work closes at 6 and I have to hope that I get on the bus for 6:15 otherwise I'm SOL. GOD I HATE THAT JEEP. My husband refuses to ditch it just keeps trying to fix a lost cause. I think I'm going to have to use my income to save up and buy my own POS.
beansFemaleCanada2010-01-30 18:16:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
lol ooooooooooooo i gave you my hearttttt lol god i feel like i'm back to working at pharmaplus listening to their radio..interview is on tuesday
beansFemaleCanada2010-01-21 14:49:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Its optometry tech/office clerk i'm super excited. i'm convinced the only way she called was because she's not from the us herself and us immigrants must stick together lol she has a heavy accent but i can't place where it is from
beansFemaleCanada2010-01-21 14:31:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Letting the days go by let the water hold me down...

Anyways I got a job interview :) Its like the interview gods read my vent post and said "Fineeee we will call her..gah"
beansFemaleCanada2010-01-21 14:26:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
I WANT A JOB!!!!! Or even better than that I want at least a call back so I can sit down with someone and show them I'm not some crazy foreigner who doesn't understand American culture or whatever. I'm an experienced resume looks good. In Canada I could submit my resume for a job post and get a call the next day. Here? Things I'm qualified for, know I'm qualified for and I get nothing. I hate recessions :(
beansFemaleCanada2010-01-20 13:43:00
CanadaEmployment Help
Well update on my call back. I got the job :D So, I'm now one of the lucky few in Maine with a full time Monday-Friday job with full benefits. Wohooo. I start on the 20th.

Good luck everyone on your search!
beansFemaleCanada2010-09-03 16:41:00
CanadaEmployment Help
All my job searching was online. The first place I hit (and was most successful) was my state's career bank. I applied for at least 50 jobs only got 1 call back and that was the job I got. Since then I have had a job interview(s) with a regional health office here. They just called me back today asking to call back so hopefully I got that one. Because, although I'm extremely grateful to have a job, full-time with full benefits would be a million times better since I don't have any insurance at all currently.

So yeah, main thing is looking at your states job bank. Maine's was really useful you would upload your resume, select job skills that you have, and it will e-mail opportunities they think you would be good for. You would accept the referral, and send your resume to the employer. But any service offered through your state seems ten times more trustworthy to me.
beansFemaleCanada2010-09-02 17:14:00
CanadaRick Mercer visits Algonquin Park
See here is my in Maine I get the CBC but it comes in so crappy. And they only reasons I can think of why is 1. Time Warner Cable sucks or 2. CBC doesn't broadcast digitally. So its like a horrible tease trying to watch RMR but it rarely comes in. *sigh*
beansFemaleCanada2010-10-02 08:55:00
I would have to say no, and agree that you have to actively be a resident. Meaning, living in Canada in Ontario.
beansFemaleCanada2010-10-07 06:38:00
I had to do the same thing as wolf. No driving record was required in Maine.
beansFemaleCanada2010-10-09 13:29:00
Canadai-9 verification
Well the big meeting with HR revealed nothing, they kept saying based on the information I provided that I should have no problems working and that I never misrepresented myself. They then went on to say that 99.99% of the people that work for our company are citizens and that the girl responsible for e-verifications must have assumed I'm an American. No matter how many times I said "What was the point of me completing the i-9 when the person responsible doesn't even look down at the page". Long story short the girl reverified me and everything is now apparently good to go.
beansFemaleCanada2010-11-19 20:08:00
Canadai-9 verification
So, in September I was hired at a regional health office. I filled out the I-9 form supplied them my SSN, green card, and drivers license. On Saturday, HR e-mailed me stating there was a discrepancy with the SSA. Today, they came to my office made me fill out a form saying I contest the information, or non-contest. Saying I don't contest could lead to my termination. It turns out the discrepancy is that they listed me as a US citizen and not an LPR. When they ran the verification DHS or SSA or both said no you're crazy. I then asked the lady what the discrepancy was and she said my name and social given don't match. I asked her to physically show me the form where they check off what the issue was and it said "SSA unable to confirm US Citizenship" I then told the lady I'm not a US citizen but an LPR. She claimed she didn't know, and that I'd still have to sign the form. Basically, I freaked out went to my boss in a tizzy and now I have a meeting with essentially the head of HR tomorrow morning. Has anyone come across anything like this? And will this have a negative impact on my immigration or anything in the future? I'd hate for DHS to think that I'm going around claiming I'm a citizen for someone elses mistake. And, if I statisfy to them that I meet the requirements to be gainfully employed in the US, will I still have to go to SSA?

I'm sorry if this post makes no sense, but seriously my brain is freaking out.
beansFemaleCanada2010-11-17 22:17:00
CanadaChristmas Present Thread
I'm excited for Christmas this year because last year my husband and I weren't able to get each other much of anything because I wasn't able to work at the time. So this year I went a little overboard. I got him a call of duty wii controller because he's been obsessed, jeans/belt/shirts, car stereo, and a dvd. I'm excited I've been begging him to open a present daily..but he still won't.
beansFemaleCanada2010-12-15 19:21:00
Congrats Minnew!
beansFemaleCanada2010-01-30 18:21:00
Yeah at Winnipeg my I-94 was done for my and typed up *shrugs*
beansFemaleCanada2010-01-16 15:05:00
Greencard came in today only took a week. I like it :D lol Guess I'm done for a year and some change
beansFemaleCanada2010-01-15 17:28:00
My GC was approved through CSC and I did not require a form I-693(or whichever it is) I just photocopied the one from the interview and sent that. No harm no foul.
beansFemaleCanada2010-01-14 12:25:00

I've no coffee ( other than drinking it lol) or fast food experience!! Mine is in I'll try Belk, J.C. Penney, among some other places. There's a couple of restaurants here too I'd work at, but I really don't want to be a waitress again... :dead:

You have a Timmy's near ya?? I'm so jealous...been craving a double double forever!! It's one of the first things I'm going to go get when I get back to BC!! LOL

That and Timbits...and I'll eat a couple for

lol Well Joyce I've never worked in a restaurant or fast food chain in my life but at this point it appears to be an immigrants right of passage.Because no one is hiring. I have applied to 26 places thusfar (keep a list lol), and I have yet to receive a single phone call. I've got a clean record, have management experience, worked in tourism and retail lol and bupkis. So at this point Mc Donalds doesn't seem all that bad :( lol but yeah our town has like four Tim's around
beansFemaleCanada2010-01-08 12:07:00
lol I don't know if I could work at Starbucks, I mean I LOVEEEEE Starbucks but could you imagine working with those baristas all day? My second backup is Tim's though. I'll walk in be like "I'm a Canadian, I KNOW Tim Horton' should hire me"
beansFemaleCanada2010-01-08 00:52:00
Card production ordered woot woot. Now if only I could get a job interview. I told myself if I don't get a call by January 21st ish I'm applying at Mc Donalds..I mean how bad could it be :|
beansFemaleCanada2010-01-07 19:17:00
Thanks! lol And why did you have remind me about the picture Inky? I had my biometrics when I was sick as hell and all pimply lol he's all like did you want to see it and I was like "No I won't like it anyways lol"
beansFemaleCanada2009-12-08 19:34:00
My case got transfered to CSC today wooohoo
beansFemaleCanada2009-12-04 21:21:00