IMBRA Special TopicsThird K1 Visa
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Sep 17 2009, 10:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's creepy. Is dimwit the best insult you could come up with?

It fit.

toma1MaleThailand2009-09-17 21:28:00
IMBRA Special TopicsThird K1 Visa
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Sep 17 2009, 09:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I do find it rather odd on how he makes sure to include her bmi with her weight. That is just plain creepy.

I listed it because BMI was part of the earlier discussion, dimwit.
toma1MaleThailand2009-09-17 20:57:00
IMBRA Special TopicsThird K1 Visa
QUOTE (*Len* @ Sep 17 2009, 06:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How old are you? 12?

No, just target marketing.

QUOTE (LaL @ Sep 17 2009, 06:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yup. Len is pretty stunning.

That's fortunate.
toma1MaleThailand2009-09-17 18:15:00
IMBRA Special TopicsThird K1 Visa
QUOTE (Trompe le Monde @ Sep 17 2009, 06:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, I went abroad for a spouse because there were too many fat American men.

I, obviously, don't blame you. Feels good to speak the truth once in a while, eh?
toma1MaleThailand2009-09-17 17:07:00
IMBRA Special TopicsThird K1 Visa
QUOTE (*Len* @ Sep 17 2009, 05:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There are amazingly beautiful women in this country; but they want guess what? amazingly handsome spouses. Ta-Ta.

Easy enough to say when you've iconized yourself using a drawing of an Amazon warrior.
toma1MaleThailand2009-09-17 17:01:00
IMBRA Special TopicsThird K1 Visa
My wife is 5'6" and 115 pounds (BMI 18.5)--a GIANT by Thai standards. She considers herself to be TOO BIG and would prefer to weigh 105 (BMI 17). If she ever gets anywhere near 120, her Thai friends immediately notice and ask her why she is getting so fat. I was taken aback at first, but she takes it in stride and gets back under 115 within a few days. It's a diet plan that seems to work for her, however I've told her that she probably shouldn't try it with her American friends. She wondered why they wouldn't want help with their weight problem; it's a simple fact after all--they ARE too fat!

Which brings me to my point, and I hope no one will jump on me for stating a fact. There is no sense singling out American women. AMERICANS are too fat, and that applies to both women AND men. Personally, I don't care if you are overweight, UNLESS YOU ARE MY SO (or sitting next to me in coach... lol) In all fairness, let me say that my SO is MORE THAN welcome to take issue with my weight if I get too fat for her liking. My best friend in the world is about 120 pounds overweight. I have no problem with that, however I do not want to take him for a wife.

I think most of you can agree that Americans IN GENERAL are too fat--men and women. (I've heard similar complaints about Brits and Aussies... from Brits and Aussies.) Am I saying that it is impossible to find a fit American woman? No. But we've already established that Americans are--generally--too fat, and an overweight Thai (raised in Thailand) is a rare thing. An obese Thai is EXTREMELY rare. If you have a limited time for fishing, you might as well fish in the lake that has the most fish in it, right?

So men (it's mostly men--another fact) go to Thailand looking for a SO because of four simultaneous things:

1. They like an Asian look. (features, size, weight, complexion, etc.)
2. They like an Asian personality. (everyone knows what that is; no need to repeat it here)
3. Education is important and well-educated women are relatively common.
4. It's very, very, very easy to find single women there. (I've heard a million reasons for it, and I won't speculate on which ones are true in this post, but it is a fact that no one who has been there for any reasonable amount of time would deny.)

Finally, I know some people are going to read this and think, "He's superficial; he only cares about weight." Nothing could be further from the truth. But proper weight IS a conditio sine qua non for me in a SO relationship. Therefore, because it is an easily observable variable (as opposed to personality), I might as well use it as a qualifier.

Edited by toma1, 17 September 2009 - 04:48 PM.

toma1MaleThailand2009-09-17 16:46:00
IMBRA Special TopicsThird K1 Visa
QUOTE (DanielParul @ Jan 22 2009, 01:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (steve55 @ Jan 22 2009, 02:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
POLL for the ladies, BE HONEST!!

How many American ladies here would date or marry a man who only made $18K /yr as his career job(not due to being a student or similar circumstance)BE HONEST NOW!! .

I gurantee you, 80% of American ladies will say "NO WAY!" . But 90% of Latin or Asian ladies will say "YES WAY, as long as he works, it doesnt matter how much he makes".

Forget American Ladies. I would not date/marry a man who makes $18K/yr at your age, not because I can't support myself but only because it tells a lot about his ambition and goals in life. I am not American but Asian

I believe that he was speaking of the ethnically Asian groups in East Asia. South Asian Indians are technically Caucasian and quite a bit different than East Asians. The differences are not only racial, but social as well.
toma1MaleThailand2009-09-17 15:46:00
IMBRA Special Topicsblack market broker

Is that true? Just because my BROKER made a mistake, I can't get her visa?

Don't use a broker and avoid the issue all together... seems like it might be more fun to find your own spouse, anyway. If you are interested in Filipina women, go to the Philippines and understand their culture. It's not very hard to meet someone there.
toma1MaleThailand2010-04-03 01:10:00
IMBRA Special TopicsUS Citizens Criminal convictions - chances of K1 visa for fiance?

I wonder if there is any chance I can move to that country (England) while still on probation to be with my husband?

Paragraph 320(18) of the Immigration Rules requires that admission to the UK should normally be refused if the traveller has been convicted of an offence in any country which, if committed in the UK, would be punishable by imprisonment of 12 months or more.
toma1MaleThailand2010-06-14 20:58:00
IMBRA Special TopicsUS Citizens Criminal convictions - chances of K1 visa for fiance?

if you are not guilty you should not accept any plea, rather, you should prove yourself innocent.

What a ridiculous statement. :bonk:
toma1MaleThailand2010-06-14 20:55:00
IMBRA Special Topicspreviously petitioned by another man

typically not an issue.... the consulate may ask in depth questions about it

Yes, hard to say, but if anything I think it should help. You clearly didn't go to the US "just for a green card" before.
toma1MaleThailand2010-06-14 21:10:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRAA Waiver Same Petitioner

Agreed, i'm sorry for my tone in earlier posts, but some of us have been waiting for well over a year for a chance to get our spouses to the usa. So we take it very seriously , If this guy has some hold up about marrying you, then don't waste your time with him.

Marriage should be because you guys really love each other , not a show for family and friends.

In fact , this proves how broken immigration is, you will have processed and went to the usa twice, in the time that some of us are still waiting. something is wrong with that Posted Image

Do you know what caused the holdup in your case?
toma1MaleThailand2010-09-09 17:36:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRAA Waiver Same Petitioner

Hahahaaha! twas' a good one!

yeah but we got the blessing... now the stress will be the argument on wedding gown.

I hear wedding bells! ding ding! Thank You!

Gotta update that post bout' bringing my chihuahua next when I and my little Furry leave soon!.. can't wait!

And Oh! I will need you on that Adjusment Status procedure ... hahaha!

OK, And you better not let me see a post here in 3 months saying you went back again because you couldn't get the dog to the wedding... :)

Edited by toma1, 09 September 2010 - 01:27 PM.

toma1MaleThailand2010-09-09 13:23:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRAA Waiver Same Petitioner

I am so happy everything went well.. I was approved for a visa and this time, we should make it happen.. thank God!

Congrats! And tell him to get control of his family this time! ;)
toma1MaleThailand2010-09-09 12:46:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRAA Waiver Same Petitioner

Wow, you aren't taking this immigration thing very seriously at all, I dont feel . Your fiancée' must be a very patient man to keep shelling out the money to pay for these documents and the stresses of waiting. Who cares if you family couldnt come , its not a joke or game.

I don't mean to be harsh but a lot of people wait years to come here , and would never ruin the chance.

I think if you didn't get married the first time while you were here, you might need to reconsider marrying at all.

It wasn't HER family that couldn't come. It was HIS. Sounds like the apron strings aren't completely cut in this case, but you're harassing the wrong person about that.
toma1MaleThailand2010-09-02 09:06:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRAA Waiver Same Petitioner

Hi everyone! I am new here and I am glad I signed up- I badly need help and I need everyone's input here.

I was previously in the USA, twas' last Dec 2009 under a K1 Visa. My fiance and I wasn't able to push through with the plan to get married since
we were all waiting for family members and others were being dramatic over if we continue to get married without them they'll disown my fiance in their
family- plus his grandmother was sick to attend so we decided that maybe we need more time to gather everyone. I flew back to PH in January and now
everyone was all ready to move on--

We would like to apply for a K1 visa for the second time under-- yes under same petitioner.
But we don't know the requirements and procedures besides making sure that we have the waiver.

Do we need to send the waiver along with the 129F and other documents such as the one I previously submitted?
Do we need to pay the filing fee beforehand?
How long the procedure will be?

Thank you all in advance and I hope you will all have your inputs here that will truly help us.

Why didn't you just have a justice of the peace wedding and sign the paperwork without telling anyone and have the ceremony later? That would have solved a lot of problems that you will now have.
toma1MaleThailand2010-06-14 20:45:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAdam Walsh Act
QUOTE (miricco @ Aug 30 2009, 05:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is the Adam Walsh Act about sex-offender notification unconstitutional?
I have read this law over and over and it is Sad that part's of it made it into law along with SORNA. Most people are not educated on this topic or even how the events of this law being signed into effect tailed in under a different law's

The bill was sponsored by Congressman James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) in the US House of Representatives and moved to final passage over a two-year period. It had been sent to the Senate in 2005 as H.R. 3132 and had 88 co-sponsors, including Mark Foley (R-FL), who had originally introduced the House bill (and later resigned over a sex scandal involving teenagers), and co-sponsor Rep. Bud Cramer (D-AL). The Senate bill passed on July 20, 2006 with an amendment and amendment to the title. Senate co-sponsors John Kerry (D-MA)

I find it so sad that one who originally introduced the House bill resigned over a sex scandel with teens... Hmmm wonder if he is on the State of Fla sex offender register ........ Bet NOT

Part of SORNA was declared unconstitutional this week:
toma1MaleThailand2009-09-17 19:44:00
The troll that started this thread really struck gold here, didn't he...

"S.O." LOL... the only thing he did wrong was not wait until April 1.

Edited by toma1, 03 April 2010 - 12:33 AM.

toma1MaleThailand2010-04-03 00:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Overstayed Fiancee Visa & Married Someone Else
QUOTE (akdiver @ Sep 18 2008, 05:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm just curious if she made financial restitution to the guy who filed her K-1 visa petition. You know - the one it "didn't work out with" before, in the course of 90 days or less, she managed to "fall in love with" someone else. Just curious.

Ya, I wondered that as well. There may be another part to this story... perhaps the petitioner broke up with her, right? Then I would say fine... not her fault. Or maybe he treated her like he married his maid. I've heard stories like that. However, if she dumped him immediately after arrival without cause, I'd have little sympathy for this case...

But we don't really know, so I guess the benefit of the doubt is appropriate here.
toma1MaleThailand2008-09-20 14:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)PLS. HELP! need advice sooo badly
QUOTE (kcm @ May 12 2009, 02:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (toma1 @ May 8 2009, 10:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It sounds like you're got a permanent ban. It doesn't matter if you are married or not... a permanent ban is a permanent ban.

If you cannot get a waiver (which will be neither easy nor quick) you and your husband will have to live in the Philippines...

No its not a permanent ban.. They only gave me 5yrs ban. and it will be up this coming nov. 2009.

5 years for overstaying. But altering dates may be permanent.
toma1MaleThailand2009-05-12 06:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)PLS. HELP! need advice sooo badly
It sounds like you're got a permanent ban. It doesn't matter if you are married or not... a permanent ban is a permanent ban.

If you cannot get a waiver (which will be neither easy nor quick) you and your husband will have to live in the Philippines...
toma1MaleThailand2009-05-07 21:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa denied for supposed false declaration of US citizenship

Being "inadvertently admitted" could lead to problems of it's own if she's caught in the US as she would be here illegally contrary to her lifetime ban.

Granted it's not like they could punish her more but really why spend all of that time effort & money to get here in a round about way and still be worried if she ever has to have her fingerprints registered?

I think the point is that she would live in Canada and visit the USA ad hoc. And what would she need to worry about?
toma1MaleThailand2010-04-04 12:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa denied for supposed false declaration of US citizenship

we would need more school or something to qualify under the points system.

Look at the NAFTA visas.

How much schooling does one need to qualify as a sprinkler system installer or cook?

I'm guessing... not much.
toma1MaleThailand2010-04-04 00:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa denied for supposed false declaration of US citizenship

Well, thinking positively, on the VWP, I was wondering this before. She was denied a visa for life, and considered inadmissable, but does that mean she can come into the US if she gets Canadian citizenship one day?

Technically, no.

However, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that someone in her situation that acquired Canadian citizenship might be inadvertently admitted as a Canadian tourist simply because USCBP may not realize that she is the same person that was banned.
toma1MaleThailand2010-04-04 00:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa denied for supposed false declaration of US citizenship

The reason for the doctor shortage has more to do with the colleges only allowing certain number of spaces each year and requiring immigrating doctors to train under the Canadian system before being licensed. It isn't the price ceiling demand that has caused shortages but the protectionist actions of the licensing boards that want to keep profits high by limiting available doctors - but it has come back to bite them big time.


I'm not saying that those things don't aggravate the problem--of course they do--but the price ceilings are the heart of the problem and always have been.

"After spending a decade in university, going $100,000 in debt and taking on life-or-death responsibility, doctors are wondering why they make the same salary as auto plant workers."

"Young doctors are more likely to seek the most lucrative work in cities or go to the United States rather than start more modest practices in small towns because of growing debts when they leave medical school. That has set off an increasing competition among small towns to attract doctors."

"The doctor shortage began in the mid-1980s -- not coincidentally, at the same time the last Trudeau government passed the Canada Health Act, which forbade user fees, balanced billing by doctors and private clinics and hospitals. Immediately, doctors began moving to the United States by the hundreds every year."

"Over the quarter century since the Canada Health Act became law, approximately 12,000 Canadian doctors have moved south. According to another article in the CMAJ last winter, "this is the equivalent of having two average-sized Canadian medical schools dedicated to producing physicians for the United States" every year for 25 years."

"A visiting friend from Canada explained one reason why there is a doctor shortage in his nation. Canada's tax laws set the taxation rate at 80%, once a given level of income is reached. Most doctors, he said, reach that level by the end of October. Rather than work hard in order to keep a paltry 20% of their earnings, many doctors flee to Florida to enjoy two+ months of vacation in the sun."

"Canada's proximity to the United States causes a "brain drain" or migration of Canadian-trained doctors and nurses (as well as other professionals) to the United States, where private hospitals can pay much higher wages and income tax rates are lower (partially because health care is not covered through taxation)."

"The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) released a report[42] in July 2007 endorsing private healthcare as a means to improve an ailing healthcare system. Dr. Brian Day, who acted as President of the CMA in 2007/2008, is the owner of the largest private healthcare hospital in Canada and a proponent of mixed public and private healthcare in Canada."

Edited by toma1, 03 April 2010 - 08:16 PM.

toma1MaleThailand2010-04-03 20:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa denied for supposed false declaration of US citizenship

How does obtaining Canadian Citizenship erase the lifetime ban for false claim of US citizenship? Unless I don't understand something she is banned from entry into the US period...

Canadians that drive across the border are not thoroughly checked, as they do not need a visa in advance. A Canadian with her new husband's last name--say Maria Smith, for all intents and purposes will not be recognized on crossing the border as the Mexican Maria Gonzales that has a lifetime ban. She will not be required to provide any documentation, other than her Canadian passport.

And what is the risk anyway? Zero. She already has a lifetime ban. Would she get ban for her next life, too? :devil:
toma1MaleThailand2010-04-03 18:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa denied for supposed false declaration of US citizenship

You can add 'doctor' to that list for Canada. The doctor shortage back home is sickening!

Yes, pun intended :)

Don't doctors have mandated fee limitations under the CHA? With that in place and a huge southern neighbor that does not have a similar system, it's no wonder Canada has a doctor shortage. As long as it is easy for a doctor to work on the US side of the border, it's a simple supply and demand problem. Price ceilings cause shortages.

And price floors cause surpluses--as in the US Dairy industry.

Edited by toma1, 03 April 2010 - 05:59 PM.

toma1MaleThailand2010-04-03 17:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa denied for supposed false declaration of US citizenship

Actually, here is a list of the high demand occupations in Canada - athlete and entertainers are not among them, not surprisingly.

Cooks and sprinkler system installers even? WOW.. might be easier to list the ones that are aren't in demand. I guess they have a lot of space to fill up there... :devil:

Maybe the OP and/or his wife could fit into one of those categories, or at least get trained for one... some of them don't require much training. Ya know... once she is a Canadian, it's not very difficult to visit the USA through the VWP.
toma1MaleThailand2010-04-03 17:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa denied for supposed false declaration of US citizenship
Forbes did an article a few years back about the top 10 occupations most likely to receive a visa. The context was the US, but I suppose they would apply to almost any industrialized country. Any guesses? The list is below:
7. Researcher or Scientist in the Hard Sciences (e.g pharmaceutical researcher)
6. Top Tier Athlete
5. Artist or Musician of Extraordinary Talent
4. Executive for a Large Company ("If you're with a small company forget it.")
3. Physical Therapist
2. Registered Nurse
1. University Professor
toma1MaleThailand2010-04-03 12:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa denied for supposed false declaration of US citizenship

Regardless, immigration to Canada is not easy. You do need to qualify through one of the available programmes: family sponsorship, employment; Canadian employed or educated: investors, or Provincial nominees. Canada selects potential immigrants via a 'points' system where you need to have a certain number of points awarded in areas of education, work qualifications, work experience, work availability, fluency in written and spoken English, fluency in written and spoken French, be within a certain age, etc. to meet the criteria for an interview. At an interview you would then be evaluated for how well it appears you would adapt to Canadian culture and society. So, if you do have good transferable job skills - especially for jobs in demand in Canada -, good work experience, a higher education and are fluent in at least one of the two languages in Canada you may qualify.

Here is a link to Canadian immigration opportunities:

YAY! I passed! :)

Seriously though, doesn't Canada also offer a NAFTA visa? I assume that they must, as the US offers one to Canadians and Mexicans.
toma1MaleThailand2010-04-03 01:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Spouse Deported 2 yr. ago for late DWI Ticket

The only thing I have been told for certain is that my husband had to wait at least a couple of years before he could come back.

It's generally a 10 year ban for an overstay as long as you have indicated. I can't imagine anything happening to change this without a lawyer.
toma1MaleThailand2010-07-19 22:54:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)does a previous overstay affect getting approved for the k1 visa?
QUOTE (tammy-josty @ Dec 5 2008, 08:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I stayed more than a year but just because I fell in love with him(and still are)..

That's just so Italian/romantic.... hehe... but seriously, it depends on how long you overstayed. I hope you don't mean that you overstayed more than a year...
toma1MaleThailand2008-12-07 17:06:00
Asia: SouthTourist visa to Thailand questions
QUOTE (Pattu Rani @ Oct 13 2008, 06:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How did this thread end up in S. Asia???

Anyway, chok dee!! good.gif Wish I was going to Thailand - our plan was to go through BKK from Nepal when G get his visa, unfortunately Thai Air doesn't fly out of JFK any more so it's more difficult for us.

Not everyone knows the difference between S. Asia (India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, etc...) and S.E. Asia (Thailand, Lao, Viatnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, etc.)... it's an honest mistake.
toma1MaleThailand10/19/2008 10:50
Asia: SouthTourist visa to Thailand questions
But yes, if you absolutely don't want to leave then, yes, you need to apply for the 60 day visa.
toma1MaleThailand10/12/2008 19:34
Asia: SouthTourist visa to Thailand questions
QUOTE (rsn @ Oct 12 2008, 07:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (toma1 @ Oct 12 2008, 06:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rsn @ Oct 12 2008, 07:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have already purchased tickets to visit my g/f in Thailand (4th visit) at the end of this year. I plan to stay for 7 weeks. In order to do this, I believe that I will need to apply for a 60 day tourist visa. Is that correct?

While in Thailand for those 7 weeks, I will need to check in to my office 5 days a week or so, over the internet, and complete some tasks. I will also likely have to call in to meetings. I'm worried that this is not permitted on a tourist visa, but I'm not entirely sure this is true. I won't be accepting a job in Thailand or doing any work related to Thailand at all. I'll simply be keeping current on my tasks and responsibilities at my job back in the U.S. Can someone knowledgeable advise me on this matter? If this is not permitted, please let me know how I can make this work, as I cannot take a vacation without working for more than 3 weeks, and my g/f and I have decided that we need at least 7 continuous weeks together before we can decide if we should get engaged or not.

I've spent a LOT of time in Thailand and my answer should put your mind at ease...

First, you can either apply for a 60 day visa OR you can put that money toward a nice CHEAP Air Asia flight to Penang, KL, or Singapore for you and your gf. Just leave some time before your 30 day visa expires. When you return, you will get another 30 day stamp. We did this TWICE this summer. You can do it for up to 90 days of stay. Absolutely legal.

And don't worry, you can keep and work at your USA job while you are in Thailand. No problem AT ALL.

You can PM me for my email address and I would be happy to answer any questions you have about Thai immigration.


I like your suggestion about the Air Asia flight but my girlfriend and I have both agreed that she should keep her current job. She would have to quit in order to take that much time off, and we think it will look good on her visa app if she keeps her job for as long as possible. There are other reasons too, but that is one.

Are you 100% positive that I can work at my USA job over the internet while in Thailand? I just want to be sure, because I saw the following blurb on the visa app:

ATTENTION FOR TOURISTS AND TRANSIT VISA APPLICANTS ONLY: You declare that the purpose of your visit to Thailand is for pleasure only and that in no case shall you engage
yourself in any profession or occupation while in the country

You could just go for a weekend. There is no minimum stay outside the country required to get a new stamp.

I am 100% positive. You cannot accept a Thai job... believe me, they don't care that you will be earning money elsewhere and spending it in Thailand.
toma1MaleThailand10/12/2008 19:26
Asia: SouthTourist visa to Thailand questions
QUOTE (rsn @ Oct 12 2008, 07:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have already purchased tickets to visit my g/f in Thailand (4th visit) at the end of this year. I plan to stay for 7 weeks. In order to do this, I believe that I will need to apply for a 60 day tourist visa. Is that correct?

While in Thailand for those 7 weeks, I will need to check in to my office 5 days a week or so, over the internet, and complete some tasks. I will also likely have to call in to meetings. I'm worried that this is not permitted on a tourist visa, but I'm not entirely sure this is true. I won't be accepting a job in Thailand or doing any work related to Thailand at all. I'll simply be keeping current on my tasks and responsibilities at my job back in the U.S. Can someone knowledgeable advise me on this matter? If this is not permitted, please let me know how I can make this work, as I cannot take a vacation without working for more than 3 weeks, and my g/f and I have decided that we need at least 7 continuous weeks together before we can decide if we should get engaged or not.

I've spent a LOT of time in Thailand and my answer should put your mind at ease...

First, you can either apply for a 60 day visa OR you can put that money toward a nice CHEAP Air Asia flight to Penang, KL, or Singapore for you and your gf. Just leave some time before your 30 day visa expires. When you return, you will get another 30 day stamp. We did this TWICE this summer. You can do it for up to 90 days of stay. Absolutely legal.

And don't worry, you can keep and work at your USA job while you are in Thailand. No problem AT ALL.

You can PM me for my email address and I would be happy to answer any questions you have about Thai immigration.


Edited by toma1, 12 October 2008 - 06:48 PM.

toma1MaleThailand10/12/2008 18:46
Asia: East and PacificThe whole Thailand Ordeal?

I was talking to a friend about this. He kept saying something that's been in the papers for a while. All this from a Buddhist nation...

Take care of yourself. Is Anna with you, too? I haven't seen her around Pantip lately.

Yes, she's here. Here are my photos from the red zone today...

toma1MaleThailand2010-05-20 13:51:00
Asia: East and PacificThe whole Thailand Ordeal?

I haven't seen it but I'm not sure the US is a model for crowd control.
I was at a parade in 06 in NYC and almost got crushed to death because of
idiot cops who couldn't see what was right in front of their eyes.

It basically said that they cleaned up the streets with a minimum of casualties and tried to compare it to the current situation in Thailand. I don't have a copy, but a friend of mine told me about it.

In other news, I was pinned down by snipers for over an hour today while I was walking around Petchburi. We holed up in a small soi in that area. RTA stormed in and things were pretty tense for a while.
toma1MaleThailand2010-05-20 07:58:00
Asia: East and PacificThe whole Thailand Ordeal?

Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

Any body wants to say 'lets talk'? what would the US do if this happen here

Someone was passing around an article about how the US handled the LA Riots. Have you seen it?
toma1MaleThailand2010-05-19 18:52:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)help pls... i'm preg0~
QUOTE (jazz_acid @ Dec 15 2008, 10:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok what now that my fiancee is about to lose his job.... he possibly lose his job this friday. crying.gif

I guess it depends on whether a letter from his employer is required in your Packet 3 and whether he already obtained that letter or not... if not, he's probably going to need a co-sponsor. (There is A LOT of info on this site about co-sponsors, so be sure to run a search about it before asking people to repeat it here....)
toma1MaleThailand2008-12-15 22:39:00