Middle East and North AfricaSo does it really suck when they get here or what?
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Apr 10 2008, 12:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (wahrania @ Apr 9 2008, 02:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gaby&Talbert @ Apr 9 2008, 12:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Apr 9 2008, 11:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Hate for an ex is love that has disappointed you. You need some counseling. I don't hate my ex, I don't love him, I have no feelings because I don't care any more. I have moved on to greener pastures.

If my husband spent this much time dwelling on his ex I would get so freaking sick of it that it would eventually lead to problems. Can't you move on????

I have moved on and I never talk about her, I only brought her up because I am curious why the difference in women from other cultures.

First let me clue you into something. Many women from other cultures do dastardly things to American Men. Take a hop skip and a stroll over to some of the other threads and you will see South American , Russian, Chinese you name it taking American men for greencard rides up and down the street. I personally have watched several south American women in the area that I live in in Florida make a laughing stock of their American husbands. Its not about culture. Its about UPBRINGING and to catagorize all American women as bad because you got taken for a ride is horrible. You are painting all women from MEXICO as saintlike and great moms and that just is not the case. You could have just as easily ended up with a former prostitute who stole all your money and waited out her AOS period and latered you.

I watch these threads started by these men that somehow think all RUSSIANS are saints. I got to the point that I just pointed out that most of the prostitutes working in UAE . Abu Dhabi and Dubai are from the FSU. The problem with prostitution of the FSU countries has become so severe that you really do not know WHAT or WHO you are marrying when you marry a woman from a foreign country. At least with an American you can run a background check. Can you do that with a foreign wife? Do you really know where she has been all the years before you knew her...The same thing stands with South America and Mexico. Do you really know the woman you marry as well as you could know an American? Just wondering.

The arrogance of some of the American men marrying foreign women astounds me. You do not have to BASH american women to point out the positives in your wife. American women also have to put up with being expected to work full time and raise kids and do everything else while alot of American men would put us out to work like farm hands and abuse the ####### out of us and then when you finally get your wife toy from overseas, you baby them. If I could sit on my ### and raise kids and not pull in a paycheck, I would be miss perfect too. The biggest problem with american women is our MEN. They want everything, give very little back, offer no romance or love story and then whine that we don't do what foreign women do. We don't get the chance to. We have to build your life on our backs,break our lives in half, raise your children for you to turn around and say we are not feminine or submissive enough. Who the hell is paying the bills while we are submissive. Not a damn person.... I do not blame you for looking overseas but most women do not start out their relationships bitter. We start out with dreams and needs.... and unlike most of my friends who just put up with the beer bellies and no personality red neck antics, we went else where too. Just like you

Sorry mena girls if my post offends anyone...

See now, you pissed of Wahrania, and she is raging preggy hormonal.

Wahrania, it is true about the Russian prostitutes in Dubai. MY SIL lived there and said they are everywhere. Imagine one of them hooking up with an American for a visa. Then we would see some hate all Russian women.

The thing I find interesting is that after looking through quite a few of the forums, I have seen many many many negative comments about American women, but this was the first one I have seen about American men. (DON'T PISS OFF THE PREGNANT WOMAN!) tongue.gif In all seriousness, it is tiresome to read about how 'we' are all money-grubbing gold diggers or evil or selfish, etc. I just don't know what American women they are talking about or have been associating with - no one in my family or friendship circle could remotely be characterized that way!
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2008-04-09 14:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo does it really suck when they get here or what?
QUOTE (julianna @ Apr 9 2008, 11:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nagishkaw @ Apr 9 2008, 12:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nope, you are not alone.

I think a lot of us ask around and try to figure out where the hitches were (like this thread), and then from that added to our personal knowledge of the individual involved... we try to guess and prepare for what we think MAY happen. Sometimes we're right, sometimes we're wrong. Lotsof us try to focus on re-creating a "home" for the individual on the get-go, although some of that just cannot be done-- especially when they are moving into an established household with almost nothing of their own. I would think that is one thing that kind of sucks for some people, but it may not matter to others. Some individuals may prefer to try to "build something together" and others probably would love to be in charge of building their own smile.gif Also I think lots of time moving to a new country you'll tend to catch a couple of colds or get kind of sick from a change in environment/viruses/bacteria/etc. That probably sucks smile.gif I got that advice from a friend, and so I had stocked up on some cold medicines and OTC stuff of all kinds, just in case.

The OTC idea is fantastic - I always seem to get run-down and sick when I travel long distances like that!! Now if I could just find somthing that cures jet-lag, we'd be all set! (I HATE`that wakeup at 2AM ready to start the day period!!)
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2008-04-09 14:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow Muslims Are Treated In USA
WOW, I was in tears in the middle of that too! And then I was angry, and then I was happy to see someone do something... Thanks for sharing...
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2008-04-08 11:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe little things your husband/wife does
QUOTE (wahrania @ Mar 26 2008, 01:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>

Hmmmm... not sure what all this means? Does your husband smile at you a lot?
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2008-03-26 11:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe little things your husband/wife does
I agree, a man room will be ideal when we move, and maybe a nice quiet woman room too! smile.gif

After some years, we will be moving back to India and building a house, but we both decided that a few years of him getting to know my family and my cultural background would be good for our marriage, as well as his career! smile.gif
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2008-03-26 00:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe little things your husband/wife does
QUOTE (martiniolive @ Mar 25 2008, 07:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> think I vote for your hubby!!!! he's a poster man for good behaviour in my book.......

QUOTE (CarolynRitesh @ Mar 24 2008, 10:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ritesh is a big 'feeder' also - anything he eats or cooks, he loves to share with me...

Head massages with oil...

Complete body massages...

Never missed a day in 2.5 years of calling me, no matter where in the world each of us are...

Took 10 days off of work to be by my side in the hospital through two surgeries, fed me, bathed me, changed my bed pan in emergencies, yelled at nurses and doctors when necessary, spent a day in summer weather (in India, on a motorcycle!) traveling all over town to find my blood type, nursed me back to health for two months...

Hand washed ALL the dishes after a Christmas gathering for 15 people...

Stays in the bedroom when I need some time just to myself/gives me my space...

Always thinks of my comfort and happiness first when planning trips, nights on the town, etc.

Always talks things through and never raises his voice or temper...

Is calm when I am exasperated about things in India, things to do with this process, etc.

Aaw, thanks! I think he is pretty special, wouldn't trade him for the world! blush.gif star_smile.gif heart.gif
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2008-03-25 14:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe little things your husband/wife does
Ritesh is a big 'feeder' also - anything he eats or cooks, he loves to share with me...

Head massages with oil...

Complete body massages...

Never missed a day in 2.5 years of calling me, no matter where in the world each of us are...

Took 10 days off of work to be by my side in the hospital through two surgeries, fed me, bathed me, changed my bed pan in emergencies, yelled at nurses and doctors when necessary, spent a day in summer weather (in India, on a motorcycle!) traveling all over town to find my blood type, nursed me back to health for two months...

Hand washed ALL the dishes after a Christmas gathering for 15 people...

Stays in the bedroom when I need some time just to myself/gives me my space...

Always thinks of my comfort and happiness first when planning trips, nights on the town, etc.

Always talks things through and never raises his voice or temper...

Is calm when I am exasperated about things in India, things to do with this process, etc.
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2008-03-25 00:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFillable forms issue (I-130/G325A)
QUOTE (LadyJane @ Feb 26 2008, 09:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We hand-wrote in the fields where there wasn't enough space. It was fine! smile.gif

Another option is to attach an addendum page with the complete information, referring to the line number and title of the field. I had this problem with listing complete addresses in India! smile.gif
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2008-02-26 11:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDid you send something fun & original with the I-130 ?
QUOTE (KipandSarahJayne @ Mar 8 2008, 08:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok .... there appears to be a bit of discrepancy with the accepted notion of 'first come first approved' at the USCIS.
Sure, there are a couple of July filers without approval ... and there's a bit of backlog .... but there are some which are getting approved way ahead of schedule.

The fact there was a November I-130 filer (November 20th 2007) who got approved on February 7th 2008 through Vermont just proves my point.

So .... let's look outside the box for a second and consider the thought ..... as the adjudicators are human, do they tend to deal more quickly with the I-130 packages which look more appealing ??? idea9dv.gif .... don't think I'm being silly .... this is quite basic psychology, and probably something most of us didn't take into consideration when sending our paperwork in.

I presume most of us went the usual route of sending in the bog standard paperwork ... a few photos .... cover letter .... marriage certificate ... and anything else you can find that documents some form of ongoing relationship.
However ..... were there any of you which sent something a little fun & different ? ..... and you've been approved ?

Did any of you use fun coloured paper ?
What colour envelope did you send your stuff in ?
Did anyone send a DVD of themselves ?
Did anyone slip in a small but meaningful gift ?

Most importantly of all .... how big were the envelopes you sent ? .... did you pay for a small packet to be delivered ? .... or was there the necessity for big machinery to be involved in the delivery of your application, meaning it will take the adjudicator a year to read through it ?

Let's take the heat out of this 'piece of string' wait, and actually consider something else .... some of you are getting ahead faster than others, so there has to be a reason .... and noone seems to have broached this point before.

Sorry to jump on this thread as I submitted my I-130 DCF, but I think the key sentence above relates to the fact that someone was processed quicky in Vermont - I am sure I read somewhere else that Vermont moved VERY quickly for them - rather than the idea of an unusual package. wink.gif Although I like the idea, and personally would love to see something unusual in a day of papers papers papers. I can say that the USCIS people in Delhi tore apart our lovingly arranged package in about 3 minutes and literally pushed things back through the window so that they fell on the floor. In our case, the fact that we got to the rep. right before lunch time seemed to speed things up! wink.gif

As far as a DVD goes, I don't think the offices have anything that they can use to play those on, and it might even hinder your process. The gift idea is interesting, just trying to figure out what would be meaningful to a government employee of an unknown sex! If you were to send some kind of food, etc., it could even be looked upon with suspicion! I too would love to hear from anyone who has tried something unique - I wonder if you would even get an feedback about that from UCSIS? smile.gif
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2008-03-08 12:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresstill have not got I-864

I am not sure exactly how things work when you process from the US (we did DCF), but the I-864 forms/packet can be downloaded directly from the USCIS website on-line. We did our forms this way rather than waiting for things to come from the consulate or embassy and it made the process MUCH faster!

Good Luck!
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2008-04-04 03:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan I travel out of India while I-30 is pending
I don't really know the answer as to whether or not it will affect your process, but I did want to let you know that they asked Ritesh at our interview about any countries he had traveled to (only the UK for work a few years ago), and even probed about our honeymoon location (Goa, so it wasn't an issue!).

That he had been to the UK for work was not an issue at all, but since it was some time ago, and for work, that may have been why... You wouldn't need police certs for any other countries unless you were there for 6 months plus, so that is not a worry.

Maybe it would be good to e-mail the Chennai IV Unit and give them the details of why you are traveling, and ask their opinion?

I hope you don't miss out on an opportunity to travel!! smile.gif
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2008-04-06 06:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)GOT THE 221 PAPER
QUOTE (rick @ Apr 9 2008, 06:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (CarolynRitesh @ Apr 9 2008, 03:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rick @ Apr 5 2008, 06:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everybody, i had my interview last April 4, and i got the 221 paper. The consul did tell me to submit additional documents from my fiance his two (2) divorce papers from his ex's, i only had the latest one. He got married 3 times though. But they let me pay the visa delivery. If i can submit the documents they needed, will it guarantee that i can have my visa soon? helpsmilie.gif

Anyone here that encountered problem like this? Just want to know the outcome...

Thanks again...

I am confused - he has divorce papers for two ex's, but he has been married 3 times? Since you are on a K1, I am assuming you are not the 3rd? Be very careful about that, I don't think USCIS, etc. would appreciate that kind of discrepency on forms...

Good Luck in resolving this quickly!

He was married 3 times and divorced 3 times too. Yes I am on K1 and be the fourth to be. I only had submitted the divorce papers of the 3rd one, and the embassy needs the divorce papers of the 3. So i have to submit the first 2 divorce papers to them.

Ohhh, ok, thanks for clarifying - I thought he was married three times, but only told USCIS that he was married twice! Thanks for clarifying! smile.gif Then it should not be too much longer, just make sure he gets those papers to you fast! smile.gif
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2008-04-09 08:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)GOT THE 221 PAPER
QUOTE (rick @ Apr 5 2008, 06:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everybody, i had my interview last April 4, and i got the 221 paper. The consul did tell me to submit additional documents from my fiance his two (2) divorce papers from his ex's, i only had the latest one. He got married 3 times though. But they let me pay the visa delivery. If i can submit the documents they needed, will it guarantee that i can have my visa soon? helpsmilie.gif

Anyone here that encountered problem like this? Just want to know the outcome...

Thanks again...

I am confused - he has divorce papers for two ex's, but he has been married 3 times? Since you are on a K1, I am assuming you are not the 3rd? Be very careful about that, I don't think USCIS, etc. would appreciate that kind of discrepency on forms...

Good Luck in resolving this quickly!
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2008-04-09 03:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian swearwords
'Idi na hui' - even though I am not male, I love that one! smile.gif
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2008-04-10 12:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
Wow Bobalouie, tell me more!! I would never have thought of Oklahoma City as a place to be, but one of the job possibilities for Ritesh is in Oklahoma City, and that housing market alone is appealing! (Plus, it is a centralized jumping off point from which to explore the US!)
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2008-04-09 01:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
QUOTE (Chuckles @ Apr 8 2008, 11:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
... and then there are millions upon millions of people who have never met their spouse before marriage, such as is common in India, and very many of those marriages work out just fine.

Its not worth predicting or worrying about other peoples 'relationship worthiness'. Just get on with life and let other people be.

Sorry you took what I wrote that way Chuckles, it was not how I meant it to come across. It was not about 'relationship worthiness', it was an honest question about how others make their marriages work in a cross-cultural setting. I am curious to see how other people are dealing with it because no matter how any of our relationships evolved initially, we have to deal with things that other couples don't when they are both in/from the US. We are getting ready to move to the US, and it is something I am thinking about right now.

As far as Indian arranged marriages go, it is the mentality of both sides of the couple and there is a LOT of family support to help make them work. Even with that, Indian couples where one member grew up in the US and the other in India face the same obstacles that everyone else faces and divorce is on the rise...
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2008-04-08 01:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
Again this thread has taken a few interesting turns! smile.gif

I would have to agree with eekee that spending one week with someone 24/7 is not the same as dating someone for several months. Not to mention, but you are jet lagged for most if not all of that trip and fuzzy thinking prevails! Some advice my Mom gave me a long time ago is to know a person for at least a year before you make any big decisions because in that year you will see them in all kinds of different situations (and they you) and can get beyond that euphoric phase as eekee so eloquently put it.

Of course there are couples that meet and instantly know they are right for each other, of course there are couples that meet on-line and then have a brief meeting together and work out - and of course there are couples that date for long periods and still do not work out - it's just that couples who have been dealing with each other face to face have better tools in their toolkit to deal with the unpredictableness of life.

Obviously, most people can't take a year away from financial, family, etc. obligations and fly around the world to settle into a completely different culture to get to know their potential mates better. I have to admit, that if I had met my husband on-line and come to India for a week or two to meet him, we might still have gotten married, but our transition to a new life together in the US would be much MUCH more difficult for both of us than it will be since I have spent 3 years in his culture. We have both changed in this process so far and will continue to do so as we shift into a different culture together. Seeing him and being with him over time in his own culture helps me to understand where he is coming from, why he thinks certain ways, does certain things, etc. To expect him to go to the US and just 'become American' is un-realistic, but I do expect him to change - that is impossible to avoid.

I guess my point is, don't underestimate the depth and influence of anyone's native culture and mentality and don't overestimate the power of love or an 'easier' life in building a solid and lasting relationship. My question for everyone (both for those with spouses here and those preparing for their spouses/fiancees), how are you preparing for/dealing with this shift in both of your lives? What has been easy, and what has been challenging? How have you, as the USC or Russian changed for the better or worse?
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2008-04-08 00:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
Oh Charles, if I hadn't already seen enough of your posts to know a little bit of how you operate! wink.gif I'll tell you what, you start it, and I will get my flame-thrower ready!

Now, back on topic(s)...
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2008-04-07 12:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
Please don't derail this thread with stories of how awful American women are - this is really an interesting thread! (Even if we are not all awful!!)
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2008-04-07 11:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
Wow, this is a much more interesting thread than I thought it would be upon first glance at the title!

I spent two years in Kazakstan in the Peace Corps, so this region always holds an interest for me. Jeffrey, thanks for sharing your story - have you posted what it was like to live in Kazan in other threads? I would love to hear your impressions! I see that your local office is Detroit - my hometown, but I have not lived in the area since 94 - is there a large Russian population there now? If so, where?! I am moving back in mid-May and would love to find that community, brush up on my Russian and get some blini! smile.gif

eekee, when you mentioned Russia not wanting to have any more 'Central Asians' coming in via marriage to Russian spouses, were you talking about the Russian population who after the breakup flocked back to 'Mother Russia' in fear of a loss of power/influence, etc. (many of whom were treated like outsiders and village idiots and some who returned to Central Asia, or are you talking about the actual Kazaks, Turkmen, etc.? I never met any ethnic Kazaks, etc. who had any desire to live in Russia in my two years there, but I did run across ethnic Russians who thought about it or had families in Novosibirsk, etc.

Slim, you always crack me up! From other boards that I am on, I was under the impression that a lot of the Russians in Korea are prostitutes? I'm not trying to denigrate the women or start a flame war, just something I have heard...

To the man with a fiancee in Ufa, I would say be very very careful... I lived in a medium sized town in Kazakstan which may not compare at all to Ufa, and it was from 2002-2004 so prices may have skyrocketed, but I did so on $120 a month, and that was a little above average wages for the local community - and I lived very well. I would imagine the lifestyle you are providing her for $600 a month is uhm, VERY nice. And, if she is making no efforts to learn English and communicate with you, it worries me.

There is actually a pretty active Russian influence here in India, particularly in Goa - it is great to see Russian menus on the restaurant sign-boards. Unfortunately, it seems to be a seedier group that comes here and sets up shop.

In general, I would say that Russian women are amazing - because they are strong, they perservere in the face of adversity, they can be very dedicated to hearth and home no matter the circumstances, and they really hold the family together - at least in Kazakstan! (But like people anywhere, they can have negative qualities and traits.)
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2008-04-07 02:35:00
Asia: SouthAnybody studying your SO's language?
I am a very sad case when it comes to my husband's language... I moved to India to train and coach engineers in culture and language (English), so the focus was generally on me NOT speaking local languages with the people I work with... sad.gif When we first started dating, I learned a few uh, choice phrases from him and his colleagues... Nothing I can print in here!

Unfortunately, Ritesh is from Delhi and we live in Bangalore - neither of us speak the local language! I tried for a few months with a language instructor who had taught Peace Corps volunteers in the 1960's, thinking it would be with the teaching/learning methods I went through in the 2002 Peace Corps in Kazakstan... That didn't go too well! I plan on finding a Western style instructor who is a native Hindi speaker when we get to the US so that I can communicate with him in a Hinglish way at least!
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2/11/2008 12:29
Asia: Southbooking a flight
QUOTE (DanielParul @ Feb 29 2008, 12:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
D always gets really good prices on that one

I agree with all of the above, tried them all at different times and had good luck - has been lucky for friends...
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2/29/2008 12:12
Asia: SouthNo objection Letter
Wow, I guess we got ours just in the nick of time! Truly, it did not help us much anyway, we had to get the notarized statements at the local courthouse for about 150 rupees per person, and they were fine!

In all honesty, if you want to save yourself in case of an RFE, I would find the legal documents that declare your marriage as legal. Be able to get that from a lawyer, or a copy from something official. That is really the only way to save yourself in case you get an RFE for the marriage... (Although they still may want the Hindu marriage to be certified/registered with the government as well...)

Good luck, let us know how things go!
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia3/4/2008 5:24
Asia: SouthNo objection Letter
That is correct, I did not have to go to Chennai to get the letter - just a quick email with a scan of my passport page and then they emailed me a PDF file, and mailed a hard copy.

I think I read on another site that you converted to Hinduism, soooo, I am not sure if that would be recognized in India or not, but either way, I think you would have to register a Hindu marriage for it to be 'legal' - but NOT sure on that at all.

What the poster above says about the I-130 and dates of marriage, etc. has been cited by others on VJ as well as having caused a denial of the petition - keep your fingers crossed if so!!
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2/27/2008 7:16
Asia: SouthNo objection Letter
QUOTE (indianheart @ Feb 25 2008, 09:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (silent @ Feb 24 2008, 06:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all,

We have just filed our i-130 but we (more of me the wife) are pretty skeptical that we might get an RFE based on that our marriage wasn't registered.

So me and husband have talked about it and have decided for him to come to India and get the marriage registered if we do get an RFE. The question is the requirement of No objection letter.

He is already married to me, he is just coming to India for registering, so what kind of a No objection letter should he make? and also I do know in India he can have it done by any of the US consulates, but what if would want to come prepared from USA, which department should he contact in USA for such a no objection letter?

Also, since I am from Port Blair, I have talked with a couple of lawyers and registrar office here and they all say it will take around 45 to 50 days to get it, they don't even want their hands to be greased innocent.gif , but I do know and have read other VJ members having it done within 1 week. Just wondering if you guys can show me which lawyer to get in touch with for speeding up the process?

Thanks for any help good.gif

that no objections letter will be the easiest part of this whole process...just go to an us embassy and tell them you need one and they will hand it over with no problem (at least that was the way it was for me). no long line to wait in and the man behind the counter was very nice (this was in delhi). I dont know if our mature age made any difference but it is nothing to worry about. You and your husband have nothing to worry about when it comes to this letter.

I agree with the above poster about the 'No Objection' letter - I went through this in Bangalore in December. All I had to do was send a scan of my passport to the Chennai Consulate with an email requesting the 'No Objection' letter.

BUT, then I had to go to the local courthouse with my fiance and get a notarized statement that I was unmarried, never been married, etc.

Actually, here was our process:

1) Get form from the local registar's office - or the form people in the general area, be prepared to show address proof if necessary for your address to the registar, and even that can be a big pain!

2) Make sure you take the 'No Objection' letter with you to the Marriage Registrar. That was not enough for our guys in Bangalore, and no, greasing of palms DID NOT HELP! That was when we went to the local courthouse and had a notary take a statement (typed on typewriters) that we were unmarried, etc.

3) Once all the documents are in, you still need to wait THIRTY DAYS minimum for a "Special Marriage Act" registration.

4) Go to the Registrar with 3 witnesses, sign a TON of papers, and get your Certificate on the same day - at least we did!

One more point, it may have made a difference that I had a permit to live here long term since I am USC - not sure if that impacts your process or not... (It served as my address proof anyway!)

Good luck, let us know the process in your area once you go through it!
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2/26/2008 6:35
Asia: SouthIncome Tax Clearance - NOC - needed for emigration check?
OK, I did some checking around and found this link, I have not even had time to read it carefully, but it looks useful. Again, hopefully someone with recent experience will chime in!

CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia3/2/2008 16:32
Asia: SouthIncome Tax Clearance - NOC - needed for emigration check?
QUOTE (Sanjiv Patel @ Mar 3 2008, 01:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
From my experience over 15 years back there was a requirement to produce IncomeTax clearance certificate before boarding international flight, if one was immigrating (I don't know if it applied to non-immigrants, also). My sister and nephew will immigrate to US in May (interview in Apr) 2008. I was wondering, if they should bother getting IT clearance, and if so, how does this process work.

Also, does one need to show police clearance before boarding?

What if anything else required for emigration check.

Thanks in advance.


Sanjiv Patel

Hi Sanjiv,

That is a GREAT question that I had not even heard of our thought about - I am glad you brought it up! Hopefully someone who has emigrated recently will post an answer soon, as well as tell how to go about getting such a document if necessary!

CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia3/2/2008 15:37
Asia: Southvisa finally in hand
Congratulations and thanks for the tip - we submit ours in about 10 days!
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia3/9/2008 2:26
Asia: SouthIR1 / CR1 visa applicants ....lets reunite
QUOTE (Dunhill @ Mar 11 2008, 10:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks Ze22...i too thought there is nothing left to pay !! Lets check it out once again!!

Hello Everyone!

I think the VFS fee might be to courier the passport back to you/your loved one once the visa is in it. I was told that even if I take all my documents to the interview (NOT recommended!), that I would still have to pay the VFS fee 15-10 days in advance - so, that is what I am guessing the rupees are for...
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia3/11/2008 12:39
Asia: SouthHindu beneficiary/non-South Asian petitioner
QUOTE (silent @ Mar 11 2008, 05:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First of all sorry to be bumping onto an old post tongue.gif, but reading this made me think for a bit.

Here is the thing, I am a born Hindu, I have never in my life worn a Bindi other than on our wedding day. I am Bengali, and in our custom, married woman is ought to wear some red & white bangles and sindoor. Again I don’t wear those. What I wear are my wedding ring and a gold bangle which has another crust of iron inside it (it’s another Bengali custom).

My husband is white, and he is more into Hindu religion than I am, though we first met online through Yahoo's Hinduism chat room, but our views on religion are different. He is more of a Bhakti marga kind of a guy, where as I am more of an Advaitya kind of a girl. I don't believe in rituals.

Well what I am wondering is, I know its going to be something in a long run(slap myself and remind to stop making future plans already headbonk.gif ), but whenever in months to come or may be in a year to come, and I have to go to Chennai for my interview, should I be the good Indian girl, wearing Sindoor a nd a Sari(again, worn that thing only 4 or 5 times in this 25 years of my life on earth) or should I just be me?

Hi Silent,

I am probably not the right person to answer this, but my feeling is to just be yourself. I think in both India (more and more these days!) and in the US there is more room for that, and remember, you are going to be interviewed by an American, and you are married to an American who is a convert to Hinduism... I have a feeling that this is all coming out the wrong way!! Anyway, wear the clothes and symbolic things that are important to you, not what you think someone else will think you should wear. I love saris, but would not be my most comfortable wearing one to an interview in Chennai and that discomfort might translate into something else for an interviewer - know what I mean?

My husband is a jeans and black t-shirt wearing kind of guy, he will be a bit more formal than that at the interview, but I think he would be very uncomfortable in more traditional clothes or even a kurta, and the last thing you want to do when you are already nervous is be uncomfortable!

Good luck, I can't wait to hear the news that you have made it through and are on your way! smile.gif

For the original poster, enjoy your trip to Nepal - I wish I could arrange for 6 weeks off to go there, it looks sooooo amazing!
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia3/12/2008 3:24
Asia: Southflights from Europe to India
QUOTE (JanaknJanet @ Mar 8 2008, 05:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok ok here is the scenario... I have enough milage for a roundtrip ticket to Europe.. might only cost me the taxes.. possibly $100 or so .. sooo..
If I can get to Europe.. where would the least expensive flight be to go to Europe?
Does anyone know of any special flights or who flys easiest.. cheapest to Europe.. I am not tied to a European country.. just need to find the country that will give me the best flight to India from there...
So.. If if look .. I can do say Paris or Frankfurt.. or London.. all these..
If i can make it work I wish to spend a bit of time with Jan and if i can use my milage it would be fantastic..
A round trip from Portland to India is about 1100.. but . if i can fly to Europe .. and get a ticket to India from there for $500 or less whoo hooo. I think I can manage it.


Where are you coming to in India? Some deals may relate to where you are flying in and out of... Just so you are aware, (in case you are coming to Bangalore) they are trying to get the new international airport open here at the end of March/beginning of April, but things are not looking too promising right now.

I think I heard that Jet Airways was doing some special deals to London - but that was possibly a year ago! (My how time flies!) I would check some Indian travel web-sites such as: or, etc. for deals in and out of India - you can sign up and get E-Tickets...
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia3/8/2008 4:50
Asia: SouthPCC
That should not be a problem as the certificates are good for at least 6 months if not 1 year - check the certificates, it should list the length of time that they are applicable. I LOVE your home state! smile.gif
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia3/29/2008 4:25
Asia: SouthHow tough is it really to get a K1 in Delhi?
The DCF process worked for us, but I had already been working and living here for 2.5 years. To pack up and move here could be more time consuming and expensive - you have to live here for at least 6 months to qualify (you could do the marriage during that time period, but you would still have to complete 6 months of residency here!). You also have to show proof of enough assets or a job in the US that will pay enough to meet the I-864 requirements of income - or have a joint sponsor... We submitted our I-130 at the USCIS office in Delhi on Feb. 6th, and have our interview in Chennai on April 3rd (Chennai is very fast!!) and hopefully will get the visa and be on our way in May. Either way, you would be looking at a MINIMUM of 8-9 months and if you factor in the time/cost to move there, etc. it could be much more.

I know how hard it must be to wait and be away from your loved one, but there is no easy anwswer... sad.gif Once he gets to the US, you will have to go through AOS (on the K1 or K3 - $1010) where having the ability - permission for working, and things like getting a driver's license will also be time consuming and expensive.

Weigh all of your options and possibilities carefully, think ahead of all the next steps for the paths that you could take, and it will be easier to make a decision. I have spoken to people/read posts where spouses struggle more when they move to the US and don't have that freedom to work, etc. - the adjustment to a new life is just more difficult, especially for men. sad.gif

Keep researching, keep asking questions, keep talking to your sweetie, and keep posting here! smile.gif
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia3/30/2008 6:20
Asia: SouthHow tough is it really to get a K1 in Delhi?
As my husband constantly tells me, what is the use or good in worrying? wink.gif Gather what you can: any chat logs that you can pull out, any pictures that you can get, anything - just gather it! (Do you have e-tickets for the plane trip?) Emails going back two years is pretty substantial in my opinion. What about affidavits from family members? They could be helpful... To be honest, why would the hotel reservations be in both of your names - you are not married yet, right? wink.gif It is just proof that you were here in India - not proof that you were sleeping in the same space!

Try and stay calm, gather what you can, and good luck! Keep us posted on your journey!
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia3/29/2008 4:32
Asia: SouthFebruary & March Visa Interviews (India)
CONGRATULATIONS!!! smile.gif I wish you much happiness in your new life TOGETHER!
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia3/25/2008 14:55
Asia: SouthFebruary & March Visa Interviews (India)
QUOTE (Manish+Manya @ Mar 6 2008, 10:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes yes.gif Daniel & Parul got approved. Parul will receive her visa in a day or so.
As of now since Daniel is here with her, they are busy celebrating their approval.
She will be flying with Daniel on 12th March hence busy with her packup too.
They will update their experience on the forum soon.

//For Parul&Daniel

YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations Daniel and Parul!!!!
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia3/6/2008 12:37
Asia: SouthFebruary & March Visa Interviews (India)
I don't know if I have missed it anywhere, did Daniel and Parul get their visa????? I hope so!!!
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia3/6/2008 11:13
Asia: SouthFebruary & March Visa Interviews (India)
QUOTE (DanielParul @ Feb 24 2008, 01:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wrote to the New Delhi Consulate abt PCCs as my father was in the military and we were always moving from 1 place to the other.. As per what I knew - I would have needed PCCs from 4 places..
Here's the reply I got from the Consulate -

Dear Parul:

This is in response to your inquiry regarding the K-1 visa application.

The validity of PCC is one year from the date of its issuance. You need to obtain first PCC from local area police station

where you are residing for the past six months or more. The second PCC is required from the regional passport office.

Thus we need only two PCCs from India. Applicants who have resided in any other country for one year or more after

The age of 16 may also be required to submit police certificates for these countries.

We hope this information is useful to you. However, please contact us in case of any clarification.


Visa Information Unit

U. S. Embassy

New Delhi, India

Hope this info helps people who are confused about PCCs good.gif

Thank you SOOOO much for that information - my husband and I have been going crazy with these things! smile.gif
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia2/27/2008 13:27
Asia: SouthApril Interview Support Group (India)
QUOTE (k3visa @ Apr 2 2008, 07:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
do we have to submit the originals of I-797 (NOA2) for the K3 visa interview at chennai..My spouse has the copies of both I 130 and I 129F approvals...
Is the demand draft $131 (Rs 42) same for the K3 visa???
does anyone know if Chennai sends the visa using Courier or gives the visa on the same day of interview???how long usually it takes to receive after the interview if they use courier?????
Thanks and good luck with the interviews...

Hi K3visa,

Check the link below for the current fees, and depending upon when your interview falls, check the web-site to make sure you have the exact correct amount. (The rupee rate changes at random depending upon the exchange rate at the time of the interview, so don't get a demand draft done until fairly close to the interview date.

The VFS courier system is used for passport delivery and it takes 2-5 days to get back to your address of choice. (They do NOT hand it back to you in the Consulate.)


The Chennai website is a wealth of information for their process, as is the VFS website. smile.gif Good luck!
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia4/2/2008 11:10
Asia: SouthApril Interview Support Group (India)
Hey Kshatriya! We are in Chennai right now, did the medical stuff yesterday, just have today to rest and mentally prepare. Tomorrow is the big day!!! Is your fiancee here yet? You guys all ready? Good luck to you and your fiancee!!
CarolynRiteshFemaleIndia4/2/2008 1:03