IMBRA Special Topicsdoes anyone know what is Imbra Law?
I can answer that one................. A PAIN IN THE ###!!!!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-07-13 11:21:00
IMBRA Special TopicsRFE FOrm
It tells you on the RFE the date it has to be returned by or before.
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-07-20 07:25:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWaxing Philosophic About IMBRA

So, I think we are in a agreement. IMBRA is a good thing, the way it's implemented is bad.

No, you misread my mind again. I think IMBRA is not a good thing. I think trying to protect people from harm is a good intention. I don't think any preemptive law is going to accomplish that.

They already make sure the beneficiary knows how many times you've been married at the consular interview. Why does it matter if your former spouses were from another country? The way the law reads, If had 2 foreign wives that I was married to for 20 years each and we divorced without ever an unkind word towards each other, I must now get special permission to file a petition for a third and they can turn me down. But, if I married two USC women under the same circumstances, there would be no question regarding my ability to petition for a third wife.

We already have laws that are supposed to protect people from abuse--enforce those laws and perhaps the instance of abuse will go down. I know of no statistics that link the number of marriages to abuse. I would like to see the evidence that shows a trend that multiple petitions is linked to abuse--a few isolated cases of repeat abusers does not indicate that a person filing a second or third petition is any more likely to abuse than someone filing for the first time. I would like to see evidence that shows a higher incidence of abuse when an IMB is used vs. all other petitions--I don't think it exists.

I didn't use an IMB, I have no record of abuse, this was my first and only petition and it would not have been a problem for me, but I don't agree that IMBRA is a good thing.

If you want a law, make it mandatory for USCs to disclose certain convictions formally, to any spouse USC or foreign, with some government form before their marriage can be recognized by the US (This would be a requirement before you marry in a foreign country too). Make it a federal law, not an immigration law. Make the penalty for falsifying this document stiff and enforce it.

Well... I have to say good job on that post! I agree! if it's a law for immigration it should be a law for marriage period, or get rid of it!!! I think I'm in too deep here and i'm bailing out. I've put to much opinion and too much personal info. I really just come here for help to get through the process.

Edited by AndyMisiu, 20 July 2006 - 02:20 PM.

AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-07-20 14:18:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWaxing Philosophic About IMBRA

kinda sucks!! I think this is not taking away my liberties, but it is restricting and making the process more difficult for me to handle.

Not directed towards you .. but if you drink and drive.. are you not committing a crime? If you commit a crime I feel you give up your liberties.. The country in a whole (not as tough as canada) is pretty strict on Drinking and driving.. Is it as bad as the other crimes.... in my mind no... does that make it not a crime.. no .. 6 one way 1/2 a dozen the other..

Vartan, it's no problem to direct anything towards me. I've done the crime and the time. We don't need to get into specifics or anything, and we probably already have gotten too personal. When committing a crime you do lose liberties, such as driving, and job freedom. We're talking about marriage here, an institution entered into by 2 people, not 3.

You know, I really think the law is a great thing, I really do. I think that beneficiary's should be informed about the person there getting involved with. I'm sure some people don't tell the whole truth, I'm sure there are predators out there. Now, I'm not talking about this law because of my opinion on who should marry who. Should someone marry a pedophile? well in my eyes no, but it should be there choice. I'm just talking about law and the freedom of choice here. I just don't think the law should prohibit marriage. I DO agree with informing the beneficiary of the petitioners past.

I know that I'm not going to be denied because of what I've done. I'm just more or less a little scared of the time it could take for my petition to be adjudicated do to the new law. I mean, I think I'll be the first to go through this, or one of the first. I wonder if they even have the information packet to give my fiancee? are they going to have a separate interview to inform her? I wonder if USCIS know what there going to do? We just want to be together like everyone else.
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-07-20 14:13:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWaxing Philosophic About IMBRA

There is no doubt in anyones mind that IMBRA is a good thing.

I'm absolutely positive that you are wrong with this statement. I do not think that IMBRA is a good thing. I think it's intentions may be good, but I also think that the way it is implemented is bad. I think for all the extra checks and disclosures, it will do little to change the end result. I also think that it has the potential to be enforced in ways that will restrict some liberties of nonabusive people.

I don't think a "preemptive" law can ever be justly applied.

Well, you more or less agreed with the statement. You said "there intentions were good" which is what the statement I made implied. You also said the problem was "the way it is implemented is bad". So, I think we are in a agreement. IMBRA is a good thing, the way it's implemented is bad. I also agree that liberties will be restricted on nonabusive people.

Any time you have a new law it takes time to iron out the wrinkles. That's why the timing is so bad for all of us.

I also think that it has the potential to be enforced in ways that will restrict some liberties of nonabusive people.

How so? I can't see it myself.

Well, Alcohol abuse is a pretty bad thing and I sure have abused that privilege. It just sucks that I'm stuck in the adjudication of court records & police records, and convictions, and all this other good stuff. My fiancee knows about everything I've been through, she doesn't want to wait extra time so they can tell her about something she has helped me with and knows about. I'm wrapped in with Wife beaters, murderers, rapists, and slave traders!! kinda sucks!! I think this is not taking away my liberties, but it is restricting and making the process more difficult for me to handle.
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-07-20 13:31:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWaxing Philosophic About IMBRA

However, should the government be able to deny petitions because of someones past, or multiple filing? or should it really be the beneficiary's decision?

I think that is part of the protection the foreign national gets.. knowing that their future husband/wife has petitioned for 1,2,4 previous people.. I wouldn't be so sure of them if I saw that myself.

That does give the petitioner a choice and does protect them. I'm more or less talking about the fact that you have to file a waiver.

I would be a little suspect about a beneficiary that has filed a few petitions themselves. Hey! let's be honest though, when your in love, all blinders are on!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-07-20 13:19:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWaxing Philosophic About IMBRA
There is no doubt in anyones mind that IMBRA is a good thing. I think posters have stated this time and time again. I think the main problem everyone has with the law is the timing and implementation of it. The law has been a heavy inconvenience on many petitioners.

No one seems to have a problem with the information being shared with the beneficiary, that's a great and beautiful thing. However, should the government be able to deny petitions because of someones past, or multiple filing? or should it really be the beneficiary's decision?
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-07-20 13:03:00
IMBRA Special TopicsProtest on Capital Hill?
The IM is up and I'm in!! just let me know what to do!!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-07-20 20:19:00
IMBRA Special TopicsComplying with IMBRA convictions
Ok, RFE mailed back to the USCIS. IMBRA questionnaire filled out again and all certified court documents sent in with RFE again including new information, police reports. Now we will see how the adjudication of such petitions will be. I also included in my cover letter that I already sent this information with the NEW I-129F petiton.

Edited by AndyMisiu, 26 July 2006 - 04:09 PM.

AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-07-26 16:07:00
IMBRA Special TopicsComplying with IMBRA convictions
Ok, I received the RFE in the mail regarding our petition. The RFE was the standard IMBRA RFE even though I already answered the questions in the new I-129F petition. I don't know if this would help anyone but it may be a good idea to include in your cover letter that this is an IMBRA compliant petition. I mean, state that it's the new I-129F petition you have filled out. This might help the overworked officer who is just issuing RFE's like a robot!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-07-20 07:12:00
IMBRA Special TopicsComplying with IMBRA convictions
I got an RFE e-mail notice from Vermont today. I wonder if it's asking for more IMBRA evidence, only time will tell.
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-07-13 18:02:00
IMBRA Special TopicsComplying with IMBRA convictions
Hey! Vic&el4ever!! looks like we're the only ones. Maybe the USCIS will push us through faster while trying to test the IMBRA adjudication, or it could make it slower.

Oh, well!! good luck!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-07-10 07:01:00
IMBRA Special TopicsComplying with IMBRA convictions
I thought it would be a good idea for those of us who had to comlpy with IMBRA concerning convictions, to post there time-lines in this thread. This way we can keep updated and advice others on how they are handling this type of application.

Good luck to everyone!!!!!

I figured I would type a full page letter for each conviction explaining all that happened and put court terms into understandable terms. I only sent in certified court records with charges and disposition.

Police records take up to one month to receive, so I sent in this information to show compliance and honesty. I am gathering the Police Records together incase of an RFE for more evidence.
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-07-07 11:02:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE after filing new I-129F
Ok, RFE sent back to USCIS :dance:
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-07-26 15:57:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE after filing new I-129F
I'm so excited!! tomorrow I should have all the material gathered to send into the USCIS for the IMBRA RFE. It's great to feel that we're back in action!!!!! I'll never make a mistake like that again!!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-07-25 17:12:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE after filing new I-129F
I'm so tempted to just send back the RFE with a letter stating I already sent in the documents. This seems like a common mistake by USCIS sending the RFE. I guess it's better to wait and send everything plus more again with the RFE. I can't stand being at a stale mate!! I want to move forward. It will only take me another 5 days or so to get the paperwork again. I guess I can wait!! another RFE for the same thing could be a 2 week delay or more. :whistle:
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-07-21 07:02:00