K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it possible to get approved in one week?
I'm going to comment here against my better judgement of this being a huge joke.

If you are serious about this than I pray for you first of all. I would like to say welcome to america!! 3 years must be a good experience!! maybe you haven't had enough experience to know that saying "I'm an American citizen" doesn't go to far around here.

Now, the person your trying to pull at emotionally (the adjudicator) will never have the "honor" of reading your well written letter. Your petition will be scanned for completeness and an RFE will be sent for divorce papers. That's the best case scenario!!

But if it's advice your looking for!!

AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-12 13:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it possible to get approved in one week?
That's pretty freaky Aussie!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-12 13:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it possible to get approved in one week?
Jesus!!! I can't believe I sat here and read this whole thread!!! it was just too funny!!! If there is any truth to this?? all I can say is.... it's amazing how many people jump into something without any research.

Edited by AndyMisiu, 12 August 2006 - 01:02 PM.

AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-12 13:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved! Aug 12th!
Hey!! July club!!! congrats!!!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-14 21:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 APPROVAL AUG. 14th!!!!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-14 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved -email 8-10-06 Mail 8-14-06 Hooray NOA2
That's great!! congrats!!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-15 06:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes!!!!! Thank GOd, we are APPROVED!!!!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-14 17:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures190 days and they ask for an RFE.
Man!! I feel your pain!! #######!! :angry: All you can do is comply with what they ask. They are sending you another RFE correct? you have to wait for the RFE. I would write a heart felt letter (as a supplement form to the petition) to go along with your RFE. Explain everything that has happened to you & request expedited service. I don't know if theres some kind of official form for expedited service but send that too if there is. I would keep riding your congress peeps!! and pray!!! good luck to you :thumbs:

I don't know if the letter will help or not. I can tell you that it's a person with feelings who will be reviewing the RFE and adjudicating the loan. It doesnt' hurt to pull at those feelings!!!!

FYI make sure your fiancee has a copy of the letter you wrote and can answer questions about it. Don't write anything that can be used against you!!

Edited by AndyMisiu, 15 August 2006 - 08:57 AM.

AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-15 08:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapproved in 54 days!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-15 04:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI saw this message this morning...
It means if you havent heard anything after 60 days to call USCIS. It doesn't usually take this long 20-30 for a lot of people. Good luck!!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-14 17:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSecond k-1 petition
:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-15 15:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWho Filed NEW I-129f? Any great results???
I filed the new I-129F and still got an RFE for IMBRA. Hopefully they have straightened all that mess out. Look at my timeline for further details.
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-15 21:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOh nooo will we get problems now??
Interoffice memorandum July 21, 2006

The revised Form I-129F became available to the public on June 15, 2006. USCIS will continue to accept older versions of Form I-129F for 30 days following that date (i.e. if post-marked on or before July 15, 2006). The revised Form I-129F has an expiration date of December 31, 2006, and indicated that prior versions will not be accepted. Therefore, after July 15, 2006, all new filings made on older versions of Form I-129F must be rejected. Petitioners should be directed to the USCIS website or forms request line to obtain the new form.

From what you've said you should be fine. Just wait for the RFE.
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-16 07:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved!
that's great news!! congrats!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-15 12:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 in 15 days????

It looks like Vermont is back to speed.

Congrats to the recent approvals and good luck to those waiting :thumbs:

That's exactly what I was thinking!!! :lol:

Congrats on the approval!

I have to assume these quick approvals are being given to people using the new I-129F forms?! :unsure:

Either that, or they just had a training class :yes:
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-15 13:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 in 15 days????
Interesting................... Congrats!!!!! to both of you!!!!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-15 13:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGOOD NEWS for a RECALL who made it out of CSC!!!
That's great news!!! but your like me!! need it in writing!! but I'm sure it's fine. You just gave hope to many!!!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-16 15:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVermont Approval!!!!
Congrats!! good luck at the next rodeo!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-08 15:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELLO HELLO PLEASE RESPONSE WHO R WAITING 4 NOA2?
I just wanted to add where I found the 60 days from. It's on the precessing dates page for the service centers. It says if you've received an RFE and have not heard anything after 60 days to contact the service center.
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-17 13:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELLO HELLO PLEASE RESPONSE WHO R WAITING 4 NOA2?
yea! ok! I'll back off and let everyone deal with this the way they want to. Yes! it would be nice to have facts on how there processing, I'm sure it would help a lot of us to feel better, remember that I am involved with a special case of my own. I'll just leave you with this:

"Logic is great stuff. We liked it. We still like it. It is not by chance we were given the power to reason, to examine the evidence of our senses, and to draw conclusions. This is one of man's magnificent attributes. We agnostically inclined would not feel satisfied with a proposal which does not lend itself to reasonable approach and interpretation. Hence we are at pains to tell why we think our present faith is reasonable, why we think it more sane and logical to believe than not to believe, why we say our former thinking was soft and mushy when we threw up our hands in doubt and said, "We don't Know"."

written by a great man.

I believe my proposal is reasonable, everyone started over in July with the IMBRA RFE date. They should have an answer within 60 days of the receipt notice. I will not say anymore. I realize there is nothing to be said at this point. When we're dealing with raw emotions involved there is no reasoning with people. USCIS is running itself in an unorginized way and many should be upset, understandable. But adjudication is taking place. I can't believe how personal this thread has gotten when I'm just trying to make sense of something. The small personal attacks I'm sure are coming from pure anger and frustration over this matter rather than intentional. I pray for you to live your day in faith, with serenity and peace of mind, and I pray for your approvals. I'm sorry I got involved with your situation, sorry I am speaking off of opinion and not fact, sorry if I've made anyone upset! my intentions were pure! keep the faith and good luck!! no hard feelings here!! LOL!!!!

Sorry for highjacking your thread!!!

Edited by AndyMisiu, 17 August 2006 - 08:33 AM.

AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-17 08:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELLO HELLO PLEASE RESPONSE WHO R WAITING 4 NOA2?

It's been a long hard process. Lots of us have gotten stuck in the IMBRA mess and now the backlog. Listen, everyone is in the tail end of this wait. USCIS is working on it. Everyone will have there NOA2 soon enough. It's very unfortunate everyone got stuck in the middle of a law change. USCIS has given themselves a window of 60 days, nothing is guaranteed. They don't want to hear anything until after the 60 days, and the truth is, there is nothing to tell us. It's waiting to be adjudicated or it's in name checks. The next unfortunate thing is.. everyone will be contacting there congress people for help now that there 30 days past the IMBRA receipt, when USCIS says to wait 60. Now they will be short with others and tired of hearing about it. Some people who really need the help won't get it. The bulk of the waiting was IMBRA, and waiting for the RFE. Now that everyone has the RFE and sent it back, we're in line.

The wait was never this long before IMBRA and now that it's calming down, it will be back to normal. Just bad timing to file an I-129F


One point about what you are saying. If they are saying '6 months from the NOA1' as you are stating, then one would be led to believe that they would try to get the oldest NOA1's approved. That obviously isnt the case. I am fed up, I have a right to be fed up (as do many others). The people that filed recently or in VSC has no clue the frustration and them being the ones to say 'be patient' is killing me. Maybe its meant to help us, but it is not addressing issuess such as '15 day approvals' when what you are saying is 'wait 180 days before asking what is going on'. Hell with this idea. I will keep inquiring.


no, I never said anything about 6 months. All I said is the majority of the waiting was for the IMBRA RFE. Due to IMBRA all petitions were put on hold, some had to be sent back, then some transferred, a couple got lost, but the reason for all the waiting was for the IMBRA RFE. Now that the waiting is over for the IMBRA RFE (except for iceyspots case) things are back up to speed. When you got the RFE you sent it back. USCIS informs you to give them 60 days before we inquire.

So I believe that there is no hold up anymore, just the regular waiting period as if you started all over again after IMBRA. I know it's hard to do this but you have to view the IMBRA RFE receipt notice as your NOA1. Some people "William33" and others are getting there 2nd RFE now for normal things. This is because there was no preliminary processing before the receipt of the IMBRA RFE (says so in the memorandum) so screw the e-mail. The process starts over from the point of the IMBRA RFE receipt notice.

So, some people have sent in there petition in March and had to wait all that extra time for there IMBRA RFE. They endured all the unknown, and all the "what are they going to do? will they make a new petition? are they sending an RFE". I have been following IMBRA with all of you since the first IMBRA thread.

VSC is the faster of all the service centers, this is fact and can't be changed. So people shouldn't compare themselves to different service centers. The service centers are adjudicating at a pace similar to pre IMBRA. If you look at everyones IMBRA receipt notice date, they are all around the same time. Late June & July, mostly in July. It's obvious there not adjudicating according to original NOA1 date. Hence why everyone is over 100 days. Everyone is back at the beginning starting fresh with there IMBRA RFE receipt date as the NOA1.

Are you aloud to be upset? hell yes!! do you have the right to knock down the door at USCIS? do whatever helps you get though this. Personally, I like to think that the people who have been waiting for over 100 days are not some special case of neglect, but a case of unfortunately filing right after March 6th, having to wait the longest to figure out what to do about IMBRA, and finally to get the RFE. So, people above 100 days, don't worry!! the NOA2 is coming.

(referencing red)
#######....1st, "us"??? you filed over three months after part of us AND your in vermont. 2nd, not the case of neglect???? It IS neglect, incompetence, unfair, and not resolved. 3) dont worry???? Its coming soon? We can make the assumption that may be accurate for you, but those of us already screwed cannot make that same assessment.


I say "us" as being a VJ member, not when I filed. And I'm not talking about my petition. I'm trying to talk about the reason for the extra delay in a lot of the cases. If you take a step outside the box you might see what I'm saying. I understand your frustration, sorry for getting involved, maybe next time it's better to leave it alone. LOL


I say "us" as being a VJ member, not when I filed. And I'm not talking about my petition. I'm trying to talk about the reason for the extra delay in a lot of the cases. If you take a step outside the box you might see what I'm saying. I understand your frustration, sorry for getting involved, maybe next time it's better to leave it alone. LOL
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-16 22:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELLO HELLO PLEASE RESPONSE WHO R WAITING 4 NOA2?


One point about what you are saying. If they are saying '6 months from the NOA1' as you are stating, then one would be led to believe that they would try to get the oldest NOA1's approved. That obviously isnt the case. I am fed up, I have a right to be fed up (as do many others). The people that filed recently or in VSC has no clue the frustration and them being the ones to say 'be patient' is killing me. Maybe its meant to help us, but it is not addressing issuess such as '15 day approvals' when what you are saying is 'wait 180 days before asking what is going on'. Hell with this idea. I will keep inquiring.


no, I never said anything about 6 months. All I said is the majority of the waiting was for the IMBRA RFE. Due to IMBRA all petitions were put on hold, some had to be sent back, then some transferred, a couple got lost, but the reason for all the waiting was for the IMBRA RFE. Now that the waiting is over for the IMBRA RFE (except for iceyspots case) things are back up to speed. When you got the RFE you sent it back. USCIS informs you to give them 60 days before we inquire.

So I believe that there is no hold up anymore, just the regular waiting period as if you started all over again after IMBRA. I know it's hard to do this but you have to view the IMBRA RFE receipt notice as your NOA1. Some people "William33" and others are getting there 2nd RFE now for normal things. This is because there was no preliminary processing before the receipt of the IMBRA RFE (says so in the memorandum) so screw the e-mail. The process starts over from the point of the IMBRA RFE receipt notice.

So, some people have sent in there petition in March and had to wait all that extra time for there IMBRA RFE. They endured all the unknown, and all the "what are they going to do? will they make a new petition? are they sending an RFE". I have been following IMBRA with all of you since the first IMBRA thread.

VSC is the faster of all the service centers, this is fact and can't be changed. So people shouldn't compare themselves to different service centers. The service centers are adjudicating at a pace similar to pre IMBRA. If you look at everyones IMBRA receipt notice date, they are all around the same time. Late June & July, mostly in July. It's obvious there not adjudicating according to original NOA1 date. Hence why everyone is over 100 days. Everyone is back at the beginning starting fresh with there IMBRA RFE receipt date as the NOA1.

Are you aloud to be upset? hell yes!! do you have the right to knock down the door at USCIS? do whatever helps you get though this. Personally, I like to think that the people who have been waiting for over 100 days are not some special case of neglect, but a case of unfortunately filing right after March 6th, having to wait the longest to figure out what to do about IMBRA, and finally to get the RFE. So, people above 100 days, don't worry!! the NOA2 is coming.

Am I trying to help everyone? yes! the feelings of dispair and the helpless feelings of being lost are horrible, they ruin your whole day!! "sleepless in or" probably needed the congresman to tell him the petition was moving forward, that's great!!! I'm really, truly happy about this!! the fact that USCIS didn't infrom sleepless about the status of the petition is sad, but the fact of the matter is they adjudicated the petition and are moving it foreward. Just like everyone elses petition. Everyone just needs to relax!! it's going to be OK!! they are working on the petitions.

Edited by AndyMisiu, 16 August 2006 - 09:04 PM.

AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-16 21:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELLO HELLO PLEASE RESPONSE WHO R WAITING 4 NOA2?


One point about what you are saying. If they are saying '6 months from the NOA1' as you are stating, then one would be led to believe that they would try to get the oldest NOA1's approved. That obviously isnt the case. I am fed up, I have a right to be fed up (as do many others). The people that filed recently or in VSC has no clue the frustration and them being the ones to say 'be patient' is killing me. Maybe its meant to help us, but it is not addressing issuess such as '15 day approvals' when what you are saying is 'wait 180 days before asking what is going on'. Hell with this idea. I will keep inquiring.


no, I never said anything about 6 months. All I said is the majority of the waiting was for the IMBRA RFE. Due to IMBRA all petitions were put on hold, some had to be sent back, then some transferred, a couple got lost, but the reason for all the waiting was for the IMBRA RFE. Now that the waiting is over for the IMBRA RFE (except for iceyspots case) things are back up to speed. When you got the RFE you sent it back. USCIS informs you to give them 60 days before we inquire.

So I believe that there is no hold up anymore, just the regular waiting period as if you started all over again after IMBRA. I know it's hard to do this but you have to view the IMBRA RFE receipt notice as your NOA1. Some people "William33" and others are getting there 2nd RFE now for normal things. This is because there was no preliminary processing before the receipt of the IMBRA RFE (says so in the memorandum) so screw the e-mail. The process starts over from the point of the IMBRA RFE receipt notice.

So, some people have sent in there petition in March and had to wait all that extra time for there IMBRA RFE. They endured all the unknown, and all the "what are they going to do? will they make a new petition? are they sending an RFE". I have been following IMBRA with all of you since the first IMBRA thread.

VSC is the faster of all the service centers, this is fact and can't be changed. So people shouldn't compare themselves to different service centers. The service centers are adjudicating at a pace similar to pre IMBRA. If you look at everyones IMBRA receipt notice date, they are all around the same time. Late June & July, mostly in July. It's obvious there not adjudicating according to original NOA1 date. Hence why everyone is over 100 days. Everyone is back at the beginning starting fresh with there IMBRA RFE receipt date as the NOA1.

Are you aloud to be upset? hell yes!! do you have the right to knock down the door at USCIS? do whatever helps you get though this. Personally, I like to think that the people who have been waiting for over 100 days are not some special case of neglect, but a case of unfortunately filing right after March 6th, having to wait the longest to figure out what to do about IMBRA, and finally to get the RFE. So, people above 100 days, don't worry!! the NOA2 is coming.

Edited by AndyMisiu, 16 August 2006 - 08:48 PM.

AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-16 20:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELLO HELLO PLEASE RESPONSE WHO R WAITING 4 NOA2?
It's been a long hard process. Lots of us have gotten stuck in the IMBRA mess and now the backlog. Listen, everyone is in the tail end of this wait. USCIS is working on it. Everyone will have there NOA2 soon enough. It's very unfortunate everyone got stuck in the middle of a law change. USCIS has given themselves a window of 60 days, nothing is guaranteed. They don't want to hear anything until after the 60 days, and the truth is, there is nothing to tell us. It's waiting to be adjudicated or it's in name checks. The next unfortunate thing is.. everyone will be contacting there congress people for help now that there 30 days past the IMBRA receipt, when USCIS says to wait 60. Now they will be short with others and tired of hearing about it. Some people who really need the help won't get it. The bulk of the waiting was IMBRA, and waiting for the RFE. Now that everyone has the RFE and sent it back, we're in line.

The wait was never this long before IMBRA and now that it's calming down, it will be back to normal. Just bad timing to file an I-129F

Edited by AndyMisiu, 16 August 2006 - 06:14 PM.

AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-16 18:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELLO HELLO PLEASE RESPONSE WHO R WAITING 4 NOA2?
I believe that it says directly on the RFE that you should hear something within 60 days. If not to contact USCIS
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-16 16:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELLO HELLO PLEASE RESPONSE WHO R WAITING 4 NOA2?
It's unfortunate for everyone who got caught up in the IMBRA fiasco. However, I do believe it's going by RFE date now. Some cases are going quicker than others, every case is different. The USCIS started things over after March 6th. When they get the RFE back, they give themselves 60 days to adjudicate the petition. If you are under 60 days of processing the IMBRA RFE, then you are within the timeframe and unfortunately... on schedule. I think everyone will hear something by the end of the 60 days, if not then you can call for answers. It sucks!! but if you view it from this perspective, then you should have faith that it won't be much longer.
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-16 15:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures60 days after RFE
As far as you LAST OFFICIAL CONTACT IS CONCERNED, did you read the memorandum

When the RFE is returned, the adjudicator should review it to determine whether the petitioner has responded to all of the questions and submitted the requested additional information, including criminal history information, and an original signature in the attestation block. If the Form I-129F is not signed or is not complete (because all of the questions are not answered or because requested documentation is still missing) or if the petitioner fails to provide the requested information in response to the RFE, the adjudicator should deny the petition.

Adjudicator should review the Form I-129F for completeness, noting supporting documentation that is not present. At this stage, a second RFE may be required for missing items such as date of last meeting or the Form G-325A, Biographic Information.

Don't you think this would leave one to believe that preliminary processing in fact was not completed??? you figure it out for yourself.

and correction, it wasn't April that I wanted to file, it was May, sorry!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-17 14:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures60 days after RFE

uhh! I'd like to know first, who is saying your not entitled to be upset or to want answers. Good luck getting those answers. USCIS has covered there bases on this one. Second, I have been effected by this. I wanted to file in April but had to wait for the new petition to be created!!! plus!! I have issues that are IMBRA related!! so don't tell me I'm not effected!!


What have they done for 3 months???? I-129F's are not the only immigration petitions that are processed at the service centers.
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-17 14:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures60 days after RFE
Well, they haven't been able to adjudicate since then. Everything was put on hold. They just recently have been able to start adjudicating. Now there back to adjudicating at there normal slow pace with a backlog to deal with.
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-17 14:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures60 days after RFE
The USCIS processing dates were updated on August 3, 2006 for all centers.

Processing dates for I-129F petitions are as follows:

California: March 6, 2006
Texas: March 6, 2006
Vermont: April 3, 2006

The service centers ask that you contact them if:

If you filed your case 30 days or more before the date shown under the heading "Processing Cases with Receipt Date of" and you have not received a request for evidence, a decision, or another notice in the last thirty days, please call our National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283

If you received a request for evidence and you responded more than 60 days ago and have not received a DECISION, please call our National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283.
So most everyone is still under the 60 days requested by USCIS.

The only cases that have had preliminary processing are the recalled petitions. All other petitions are adjudicated after complying with IMBRA and subject to second RFE's.

We are quickly destroying any type of correspondence with the USCIS with the repeated phone calls for a process thats running it's course. California doesn't take e-mails anymore and now the USCIS is discouraging callers by stating to call back if your 6 months out from your NOA1. I realize I'm fighting a losing battle here and everyone will keep calling anyway. But I bet you they don't have the answer your looking for. I mean, what do we really want them to say. They are customer service reps who really don't have the answers we're looking for. And the fact of the matter is we're all in line. There are 10s of thousands of petieions all across the country, plus a backlog being cleared away. And it didn't start until the RFE's were received for IMBRA.

Have faith VJers!! the NOA2's are coming!! slowly! but there coming. Of course those of you who filed in March, April, and May have waited the longest, the USCIS didn't figure out how to apply the new law into the petitions until June, everyone had to wait for that. I waited for the new petition to even file, so I've been waiting with you. We have all filed at a tough time for immigration. Things are changing, laws are being made, and we're caught in the middle of it. Some worse than others. USCIS is working on the petitions and there still updating there processing times. Good Luck to everyone!!! and I bet your NOA2's come before the 60 days, if not call for answers!!

I know I'm gonna be hated for this post, but I'm just trying to put some light at the end of the tunnel. Give it 60 days and you should have your answers.

Edited by AndyMisiu, 17 August 2006 - 02:07 PM.

AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-17 14:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA 2!!!!!
approval 41 days after RFE receipt, Congrats to you!! good luck at the next level
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-17 13:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYYYYUUUUPPPPEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's great!!! Congrats!!!

29 days after IMBRA receipt notice
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-17 14:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressix-month deadline

If you call they will be happy to read your case status online to you (I'm serious that's about it). Of course you probably already have access to that right? :lol: Otherwise I'm convinced they really have no clue what's going on like policies, procedures and processing times. I called when my case was transferred to CSC, they didn't have a clue all K-1's were transferred to CSC from NSC and TSC. The lady said oh let me get an immigration officer on the line for you. Then I told him the story and he told me to write a certified letter asking why my case was transferred. About a week after I sent the letter I found VJ and then of course knew that it wasn't just me that got transferred it was all K-1's. So I knew at that point they they really aren't in the loop.

yea! agreed! they really have nothing to tell anyone!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-18 08:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressix-month deadline
Well, every time a VJ member has this said to them it becomes more concrete, and that really sucks. I think it's more about deterring the phone calls rather than an indication of how long the processing will take. I plan on calling too if I don't hear anything within 60 days. :thumbs:
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-17 21:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressix-month deadline
At this point it's a rumor, a couple of VJ members have had this said to them. At this point there is nothing concrete about the rumor.
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-17 20:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVSC Received???
yea! this is your NOA1 notice from USCIS with receipt date. You will get your paper NOA1 in the mail any day now. Your going to want to put that in a safe place for later.
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-18 08:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCongressional Brushoff
It's only been 22 days since they received your IMBRA RFE. The USCIS says to give them 60 days to process it, if you haven't heard anything within 60 days to contact them. I've noticed lately approvals have been coming anywhere from 1-49 days after receipt. The truth is, at this point there really is nothing you can do but wait. I think you should enjoy your weekend and rejoice in the fact that it's moving forward and you should have an answer soon. Don't worry!! everything should be fine.

Edited by AndyMisiu, 18 August 2006 - 05:45 PM.

AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-18 17:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoctor in Frankfurt a pervert?
It's pretty normal for doctors to strip you down for a medical exam. I know that for me in the States doctors are cupping certain things and making you cough, that sucks. It's pretty violating to be naked in front of a stranger but you shouldn't feel that you experienced something that was out of the norm. You were not taken advantage of, it was procedure!! so don't feel bad.

good luck at your interview!!

Edited by AndyMisiu, 14 November 2006 - 01:13 PM.

AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-11-14 13:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEvidence.
I undrstand the need to save on postage and many other area's of the process in which you want to cut corners and save. In my opinion you need to send everything you can. This is not something you want to cut corners on. There is no price tag for the importance of having enough evidence at the interview. I think you should bite the bullet and send everything you have. Hope my opinion helps!!

Good Luck!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-11-20 14:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow difficult are the forms?
What documents are you talking about? it would help if you were a little more clear. I don't know about the consulate you are using but the forms were available in the native language of my fiancee plus available in english. the numbers are the same for the questions on both forms so you would be able to walk through it with your fiancee. I would go to the website for your fiancee's consulate and see if they have the forms available for you there.
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-11-24 07:15:00