K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe Power of Spinach

Current Status:

This case has been approved. On October 3, 2006, an approval notice was mailed.

I wanted to say I'm sorry for driving everyone crazy these past few weeks. I've been driven on fear and stress of possible hold ups in my case. I'm glad my worst fears have not come true. I've made it through the VSC level, now onto NVC.

Thank you so much for your support and your occasional slap in the face!!!

This is exactly the news my fiancee needed to hear in order to pull her out from her depression. I'm going to go and call her now!! I'm really so happy!!

Thanks again!! and I hope everyone before and after me will be approved!! good luck!! and God Speed!!

Awsome! :star: your courageous honesty is admirable!!!! How is your finacée now??

She is doing much, much better!! she is feeling like she has a place in life now and not just waiting for it to begin. Thanks for asking.

Edited by AndyMisiu, 04 October 2006 - 02:47 PM.

AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-04 14:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe Power of Spinach
Thanks everyone for the congratulations and best wishes. I hope everyone can share in the peace of mind I finally have at the moment (NVC next). I'm sure everyone will see an approval shortly.

I don't know if the approval was a result of the stubborn persistence and inquiring that was done on my part or just coincidence. I don't know if it was the inquiries made by my state senators or the expedite request that was requested as directed from a USCIS phone person. All I know is I got the answer I was looking for.

It could have and probably was coincidence. Either way, I don't regret bugging the hell out the VSC. Everyone keep the hope alive, push buttons when you need to, and don't except "nothing" as an answer. At least then you will fall asleep at night knowing you've done everything you can.

God Bless everyone on this site!!! and good luck to all!!!!

Thank you again!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-04 13:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe Power of Spinach
Current Status:

This case has been approved. On October 3, 2006, an approval notice was mailed.

I wanted to say I'm sorry for driving everyone crazy these past few weeks. I've been driven on fear and stress of possible hold ups in my case. I'm glad my worst fears have not come true. I've made it through the VSC level, now onto NVC.

Thank you so much for your support and your occasional slap in the face!!!

This is exactly the news my fiancee needed to hear in order to pull her out from her depression. I'm going to go and call her now!! I'm really so happy!!

Thanks again!! and I hope everyone before and after me will be approved!! good luck!! and God Speed!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-04 06:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfinally...
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-09-30 11:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproval
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-04 06:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC Approval
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-03 13:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJoey and Fernanda are APPROVED !!!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-06 13:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally!!!
Wow!! good luck the rest of the way!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-06 16:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED APPROVED APPROVED!!!!!
That's what I'm talking about!!! congrats!!!!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-06 13:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCongressional Inquiry
Just go and read this:


Then talk to me.

Hope I can help someone :thumbs:
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-06 16:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCongressional Inquiry

I think Andy in his other thread said that his Senator told them they wouldn't inquire if a Congressman was already inquiring, as there's no need to double the workload for the exact same information; I was surprised to see him advocating Dean to contact another Senator.

Dean, I'm glad your Congressman is on the ball and knows what a form response looks like! I hope you have some good news soon.

It wasn't that the USCIS would have a problem with it. It was just that the caseworker said she had many inquiries and cases to handle. She said she didn't want to double efforts. But, since I asked her in the manor that I did, she proceeded anyway.
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-06 15:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCongressional Inquiry
I wanted to put an end to the misconception of my mind set. I continually get scrutinized for the way I handle my petition and I think it's a misunderstanding. I took the time to write this in reply to a PM I received from a person who took the time to write something just as long about the process.

I want everyone to understand that there is a difference between being patient and being passive.

I think everyone underestimates my intelligence. I truly do understand that you get more bees with honey than you do with vinegar. I know how to get results from people without holding a shotgun to there head. I'm not saying that I can get results from USCIS or DOS or whoever else. I'm not saying I can force my way through the Bureaucracy. All I'm saying is, there's nothing wrong with making an inquiry. The USCIS gave me a window to do what I did. They may say 6 months on there website for processing but on there phone line they say to contact them if a decision has not been made within 60 days of RFE receipt. I simply used that as my reason of contacting the authorities that I have. If they don't want us contacting them after 60 days have past, then they need to change the message.

I called the USCIS and in the nicest way possible explained what the phone line says about the 60 days. The customer service rep agreed and suggested that since I was outside normal processing times, that I request an expedited service. Trust me that I included in my expedite, that I was inquiring under the advice of USCIS.

When I contacted my Senators I told them that it was probably too early to be calling but I was worried. I was worried because I felt outside of what was the majority of cases being approved in a certain timeframe. I again explained that a false IMBRA RFE was sent to me when I used the new forms in the first place and that I was now outside the 60 day RFE processing time requested by USCIS. I mentioned the amount of VJ members that were approved ahead of me and thought that I was stuck or lost. My caseworkers for my Senators are both very, very nice and more than willing to make an inquire.

There is nothing wrong with inquiring about your case. If there was, than the recourses of a customer service line and congressional inquires wouldn't be there. It's actually up to the Senators discretion in determining whether or not an inquire is made. The USCIS is not going to hold the petitioner responsible for that. I hardly think were dealing with a communist party. Although others might disagree (Hornet)

If you know how to ask people for things than you know how to get the answers or response you want. I personally know how to put my hand next to a fire without getting burnt.

I don't know how I come across on VJ; I think everyone really gets the wrong idea. It's not like I'm banging the door down at USCIS and demanding that I be approved or that she get the visa. I simply follow the rules. That's why I waited until 60 days were up. But if things are outside the norm, than there's nothing wrong with nicely requesting to know what's going on. That's what I did and that's what I'll do. Take what they give you.

Good luck to everyone!!! And I hope you all get the results your looking for.

Edited by AndyMisiu, 06 October 2006 - 11:02 AM.

AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-06 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCongressional Inquiry

ahh!! whatever KitKat!! so we disagree on a few things!! no big deal!! I still concider you to be of some help and wanted to thank you for your post in my ohter thread. I'm over it!!! how about you!! friends?? :thumbs:

Andy, this is the kind of condescending commentary that makes me wonder just how successful you will be, no matter how hard you push the bureaucracy.

And what are you talking about?? what that's called is someone trying to act like an adult and put an end to something. Unlike what you seem to be doing. A personal stab has never been taken on anyone!! unlike what you seem to be doing. If you take the personal stuff out of this it means simply. That while me and KitKat butt heads on here often, I still receive advice in other area's in which we might agree. It's called "being professional" and realizing you don't have to agree on everything.

*joins the group of folks who are a little tired of seeing this same argument (about Andy and him needing to 'chill') go on multiple times across different threads*


Personally, I'm glad you've found someone to help you with your case that does more than pass on the same wait messages from USCIS. I really wish you the best of luck in getting things sorted out.

I would be one of those people in the club. All I do is post something and people feel the need to jump it. If you disagree than add what you think the OP should do and move on.

ohh! and I agree with you Dean.
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-05 15:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCongressional Inquiry

I am chill KitKat and as far as I can tell, all you do is counter act every post I make. How about you chill a little and stop making a big deal about everything. I'm sure I'm not the first or the last person to pry. Some people call the USICIS every single day. I only called twice and pushed a couple harmless envelopes. I assure you my prying didn't have a negative effect. As far as the expedited request is concerned. One of the reasons for the request could be "Compelling interest of USCIS". I would think that would leave a pretty wide open subject for just about anything. Like there incopedence.

I know everythings running fine now with my petition and I'm not worried. I'm relaxed and the dogs are called off. All I offered was assistance and advice on things to do if your set on pushing, which some are.

Also, I remember when you were going nuts on this site and I was asking you to chill, now the table has turned a little. Maybe I went a little overboard but obviously it didn't have a negative effect. The USCIS has people who's jobs are to answer expedited requests just as they have people who's jobs it is to answer congressional inquiries.

I got a great idea!! how about we both relax!! how about you and I let people handle there petitions how they want to. I offered my advice if taken great, if not, great! and you offer yours.

Although I have to say, that making a phone call or faxing a letter is far from a waste of time. It's not like it takes day's to do this. It should only take 30 minutes to an hour of your time, which is well worth it. It didn't effect my petition negatively and for sure didn't hurt.

yeah! people try to deter you from doing lots of things. Like don't call the USCIS until 6 months have passed, give me a break. I would like to know what other avenues there are? I had patience for 60 days for the RFE and then it ran out. I'll have patience for a little while now as well. But if I don't get pushed on to the Embassy within 2-4 weeks, you can guarantee I'll be on the phone.

KK waited 158 days. you waited 95. BIG difference. She was/is chill.

As far as contacting congresspeople and TOO MANY of them:

post #18

How amny times do people have to tell you to chill before you actually listen? GaryC waited 177 days for an NOA2. NVC approved him 9/7. NVC still doesn't have it. Is he calling every day? I doubt it.

WHAT!!!!!!! ARE!!!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TALKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ABOUT???????????????????????????

I am chill! I'm not doing anything that is crazy!!! except maybe posting on here too much about what I'm doing. I made an inquiry with my Senators, big deal! who doesn't?? I sent a expedited request at the advice of a USCIS rep, big deal!! I'm sure they get plenty of those. They either approve it or they don't. There not going to sit there and say "ohh this moth*r ######*r is bugging the hell out of us, denied" because in all acctuality I haven't done that much. You all are making a huge deal out of something that's really not. I think you are being rediculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The amount of times you've heard from me on hear about pushing and bla, bla, bla, is no where near the amount of times the USCIS has heard from me. 2 calls to the USCIS, 2 Senator Inquiries, and 1 expedite request. I would like to know what part of this is sooooooooooooooo CCCCCRRRAAAAAAZZZZZZYYYYYYY!!!! I think you guy's need to give me a break!! really!!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-05 14:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCongressional Inquiry
ahh!! whatever KitKat!! so we disagree on a few things!! no big deal!! I still concider you to be of some help and wanted to thank you for your post in my ohter thread. I'm over it!!! how about you!! friends?? :thumbs:
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-05 14:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCongressional Inquiry

And, in your case, faxing a letter was a waste of time - for both you as the petitioner and for the service center. What's worth it about taking the time to write a letter and fax it to request an expedite when the service center's clear guidelines for an expedite request indicate without any doubt whatsoever that you did NOT qualify for an expedite? You wasted your time and the time of the serivce center employee who had to review the unfounded expedite request, which we can assume took away time from processing petitions!

Yes, everyone is anxious but in Dean's case, he has the help he needs. In your case Andy, you simply have to chill. It's moving, it will continue to move and it will all work out fine.

I am chill KitKat and as far as I can tell, all you do is counter act every post I make. How about you chill a little and stop making a big deal about everything. I'm sure I'm not the first or the last person to pry. Some people call the USICIS every single day. I only called twice and pushed a couple harmless envelopes. I assure you my prying didn't have a negative effect. As far as the expedited request is concerned. One of the reasons for the request could be "Compelling interest of USCIS". I would think that would leave a pretty wide open subject for just about anything. Like there incopedence.

I know everythings running fine now with my petition and I'm not worried. I'm relaxed and the dogs are called off. All I offered was assistance and advice on things to do if your set on pushing, which some are.

Also, I remember when you were going nuts on this site and I was asking you to chill, now the table has turned a little. Maybe I went a little overboard but obviously it didn't have a negative effect. The USCIS has people who's jobs are to answer expedited requests just as they have people who's jobs it is to answer congressional inquiries.

I got a great idea!! how about we both relax!! how about you and I let people handle there petitions how they want to. I offered my advice if taken great, if not, great! and you offer yours.

Although I have to say, that making a phone call or faxing a letter is far from a waste of time. It's not like it takes day's to do this. It should only take 30 minutes to an hour of your time, which is well worth it. It didn't effect my petition negatively and for sure didn't hurt.

I respectfully disagree.

IMHO requests for assistance from elected officials should be used with economy. After all other avenues have been exhausted.

I might also suggest that you develop some patience as your petitions move to this next consulate phase. ConOff's don't really take a liking to someone looking over their shoulder telling them how to do their job - especially if the request appears to them as 'jumping the line' or trying to cull favors.

yeah! people try to deter you from doing lots of things. Like don't call the USCIS until 6 months have passed, give me a break. I would like to know what other avenues there are? I had patience for 60 days for the RFE and then it ran out. I'll have patience for a little while now as well. But if I don't get pushed on to the Embassy within 2-4 weeks, you can guarantee I'll be on the phone.

Edited by AndyMisiu, 05 October 2006 - 01:56 PM.

AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-05 13:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCongressional Inquiry

I would maybe contact another Senator and have them find out that question. If you really want to be pushy you can write a letter for expedited service and explain that you are outside normal processing times for RFE's.

Geez Andy - Dean already HAS a congressional contact who has acknowledged the stupidity of the CSC response and has already emailed back to get a "true" case status for him. What on earth would be the point of going to another senator or requesting an expedite (when obviously there are no grounds for an expedite and it would be denied, just like in your case)? Both moves be a tremendous waste of time.

He has a good contact, she IS helping him. He does need to give her a few days to get a response. As you know, these things do not happen over night, but there is no reason in this situation to continue contacting people. At some point, you simply have to chill and let them do their job!

yeah! maybe your right! I'm just a pain in everyones ###!! you should see how I am at work ;) but I get things done and I stay on top of things. My persistence and drive might not be something that is helpful in this process, but it is in my line of work. I guess it just spills over into the process. Your right KitKat!! Dean should just relax!! sorry Dean!! don't worry!! your approval is on it's way

Although I have to say, that making a phone call or faxing a letter is far from a waste of time. It's not like it takes day's to do this. It should only take 30 minutes to an hour of your time, which is well worth it. It didn't effect my petition negatively and for sure didn't hurt.

But to each there own!! either way you go about it!! you'll have an approval soon.
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-05 10:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCongressional Inquiry

You know that I for one am pulling for you. We have similar cases and have shared similar fears. You now know after seeing my approval and many others alike that everything will be fine. I can share in your frustrations over the waiting and seeing others approved ahead of you. I'm sure you've read a couple of my ranting posts about it. At first I was one of those people who sympathized for USCIS and the IMBRA process. I posted on hear for people to be patient and to except the process for what it is, for the most part that statement is still correct.

Now, the way I interpret the response that was given, is you are in line to be reviewed by an adjudicating officer. I'm not sure but I would want to know if I was with one, or not. I would maybe contact another Senator and have them find out that question. If you really want to be pushy you can write a letter for expedited service and explain that you are outside normal processing times for RFE's. That is what was suggested by a customer service rep at VSC. I don't know if it worked or not, I can say that it probably didn't. The response I got from my Senator was that I'm with an adjudicating officer, and that meant it was being worked on. So, everything was probably coincidence.

However, I'm not one to take "nothing" as an answer and you have every right to find out what's taking so long. Maybe the expedited service request can bring attention to a misplaced case. Not saying that your misplaced, I'm sure that's not the case, but why not cover every base you can. Sitting and doing nothing will for sure bring no answers and it sure won't help you to feel that you are doing everything you can.

Good Luck Dean!! I'm praying for you!!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-05 09:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReally Happy for all the approvals!
The estimated processing times were artificially showing very long because of all the IMBRA delays. As the approvals come flowing in and new people petition, the times showing will be more reliable. Although, mine said October 2nd and the approval came on October 3rd.

Either way, it's done on averages and they are a little out of wack at the moment.
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-04 11:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWTF? Wakass RFE finally arrives

This is a strange RFE indeed! However, if it turns out that all they want in the beneficiary's BC then thank goodness that's all it is. Perhaps his name was flagged when they did preliminary name checks and they are just trying to rule him out as a possible maniac etc.


I like this explanation. One can never tell why they are asking for it. Did you try to contact USCIS for clarification of what they are asking for. There is a prompt that asks if you are not clear on the RFE to press # whatever. So maybe you should call them and find out what it is they are looking for. Everything or just what is checked.

Edited by AndyMisiu, 28 September 2006 - 05:15 PM.

AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-09-28 17:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally!!!!!
isn't there a fable for the boy who cried wolf?

Good luck on the real thing!! :thumbs:
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-11 15:57:00
Yea! don't worry about feeling helpless and frustrated, we're all right there with you on that!! Everyone should have an approval soon. Good Luck!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-03 08:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdjudication adjustments
To answer your question.

It's an average time compiled from other VJ members approvals. It will go up and down with the trends of VJ petitioners. A lot of people are approved before this time, some however have waited much longer. Every case is different.
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-12 18:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapproved--just wait?
You can wait a week and then call the NVC to see if they've received your petition. The petition goes to the NVC before going to the Embassy. If they have the petition they will give you the case number if you ask. They might have sent it off to the Embassy by then, maybe not. I would call once a week to see if it's gone to the Embassy.

Get you papers together for Packet #3

Edited by AndyMisiu, 12 October 2006 - 06:08 PM.

AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-12 18:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Congrats!! here's to a speedy journey the rest of the way!! :thumbs:
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-12 15:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease need an answer
Entering the united states on a visitors visa and getting married is something that people are doing all the time. This is one of the most popular ways of marriage into the states. You do however have to prove that this was not your intentions. It's against immigration law to enter the united states with the intentions of getting married on this type of visa. But people succesfuly are doing this all the time.

Me and my fiancee chose to do things the right way as to not have to fear the worst at the interview. We didn't want something going wrong at the interview and for my fiancee to be BANNED from the united states for a certain amount of time.

You would be lying at the interview if you shose this way of getting married. I don't think you should take this kind of risk for the person you love. EVerything would work out fine doing it the right way. But if you did chose to take this rout you would be filing for the K-3 spousal visa and not the K-1. You can check the other forums on how to do this.
Good Luck!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-16 07:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice Needed Please
ummmmmm... you should be ok with many other pictures. I don't think you need to paint the picture black so to speak. You don't want to make it seem like you are already married!!!! so pick some other pics! ya mean!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-10-17 12:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 with Waiver Approved - Finally
WWWWWOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's wonderful!! congrats!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-09-02 06:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReady to start I-129F for fiancee in VN
It's the full frontal view that is needed for the photo's with both ears viewable.

You should be fine with one prior approved petition as long as you do not have any violent convictions being the US Citizen.

Good Luck on your journey!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-11-13 14:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslost job :(
You should be fine!! but check into one thing. I'm not 100% sure but I think your always the sponsor and whoever else is the co-sponsor. I would search the site under "sponsor" & "co-sponsor" to find out. I know it's not good to post unsure information, so that's why I said to look into it.

Good Luck on your journey
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-11-13 14:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe filling fee
I used a money order and everything was fine, just make sure to keep the tab with the order number so you can track it if needed.

A check is better because you can track when it's cashed and feel good that things are moving along. But they cash every check whether they like the petition or not, so it doesn't really tell you much.

The best is when you call and get your reciept number and start checking status online!!

Good Luck!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-11-21 12:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it Time to Call my Senator?
Have you tried to call USCIS yourself? I think it would be good to contact a Senators office to get some assistance in finding out your status. It would be good to have someone in the states whom you could have better contact with and who has better contact with the USCIS. The USCIS phone prompts say to give them 60 days to process an RFE, which you are well outside of. I would explain that to the case worker at the Senators office.

I always like to take the deer in headlights approach to getting assistance. Be real scared and in the dark about what's going on, probably like how you really feel. This will hopefully get the case worker to feel a little pity for you and have a more sense of urgency. Plus try and build some repor with the case worker and try to set yourself apart from any other of the 100 petitioner phone calls they may get that day. It usually starts with "Hi, how are you doing today?"

Good Luck!! let us know what they say!! there may be another idea in mind but try and get a status first.
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-11-23 10:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresneed help about K-1 visa
no two cases are alike, so you can't compare yourself to anyone.

Good Luck!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-11-24 07:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Help on problem
I'm not sure which countries are more difficult than the next. I have heard that Columbia takes a little longer due to waiting lines, name checks, and a tougher interview experience. Other than that it's the same process as anywhere else and a lawyer can't change the process to make it easier for you. All a lawyer can due is look over your situation for complications such as USC convictions, Beneficiary convictions, prior marriage complications, overstays, past immigration violations, waiver requests, etc...

If you have a pretty straight forward case I would send it in myself, as I did, and so many others here on VJ. VJ can be your lawyer!! all a lawyer is, is someone who is more knowligable and studied in a certain field. I assure you that some VJ members no more than the lawyers do, I found that when I was researching the new IMBRA laws. I was always one step ahead of any lawyer I called.

So, in closing it's totally up to you and your comfort level, but I prefer to do it myself. You can put the time and effort to double check, learn, and prepare the package yourself so you know it's right.

Search this site under "lawyer" and you will see many threads just like your thread here. This will give you a good read on others opinion!!

Good Luck and it sucks you got ripped off!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-11-21 07:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC says approved
Congratulations MyBackPages!!! it's really great to hear the good news from you!! you were a good support for me in the past so I just wanted to make sure you knew that I appreciated it and congrats to you!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-11-23 09:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo i need to have the copies???
You do not need copies. It's only suggested to know what was sent and what was said. You should be prepared to answer any questions about the petition the exact way it was sent. Such as, when you met, proof of meeting, Jobs, what was said in letter of intent, etc....
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-09-07 07:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am starting a prayer brigade for non-stop approval of NOA2s especially for those who have long been waiting and for all other approvals you
Dear Lord,

Help Ania and me to deal with life on your terms. Help me to understand that all is your will. Give me strength each day to put the outcome of our petition in your hands. I pray that all will be well. I pray that we will be together soon. Help Ania in her time of need as she waits to hear something. God, give me strength to except the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Thy will be done, not mine!!

AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-05 07:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC APPROVAL!!!
AndyMisiuMalePoland2006-08-01 13:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisa canceled
Came back to soon from where?
AndyMisiuMalePoland2007-10-09 22:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestax transcripts
I actually made copies of my W2's and 1040's and had them notarized by a notary. The G325 says to have them notarized, but transcripts should be fine. And from what I read earlier, someone just sent the copies and they were fine. Good Luck.
AndyMisiuMalePoland2007-10-09 22:09:00