Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan Citizenship
Jenn, please let me know how this turns out.. once we get AOS straightened out, we want to do this for our daughter, and haven't the foggiest clue where to start.. Wish you luck with it :)

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-04-08 21:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaOsama bin Laden dead.
Can't believe it until I see it. He's been dead before. I don't trust it. I don't care how gory the pictures are- they can release them in black and white..
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-05-03 22:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat goods to bring back to morocco from U.S.?
All of you probably have Fesi inlaws.. :lol: judging all Moroccans based on Fesi people is like judging all Americans based on people from LA or New York. And you probably stayed in hotels that looked like the brochures in the airplane seats on RAM. I was fortunate to see real Morocco. I love it, but it ain't a bed of roses.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-01-15 13:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat goods to bring back to morocco from U.S.?

There's a vast difference between sugarcoating things, and generalizing an entire culture based on your experience with your in-laws.
My experience with my immediate in-laws was along the same lines as Abdul/Tahlisha. Wonderful, warm, fun, funny people, who were very welcoming, and who didn't need or want anything from me. And, who have no desire to come to America, or be American!

It's frustrating to see people who choose to surround themselves with negative people from a culture, and then generalize and blame the culture.

I generalize based on far more than just my inlaws. The second my husband touched down in the US, he's gotten dozens of emails from people in Morocco, friends and friends of friends, asking him to send them things. Even my Moroccan friends in the states and my Moroccan ex here in America are materialistic- only wearing labels, spending every extra dime on designer clothes. I'm glad you have had good experiences, but generalizing goes both ways.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-01-12 16:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat goods to bring back to morocco from U.S.?

WOW.... People get pretty catty up in here.... LOL..... Moroccans are more materialistic than anyone else..... We are all people and all people like and want to have nice things........I don't beleive they want to be americans.... I mean really what is so great about us?????? They just want the opportunity to make a better life for themselves and their families.... Just like everyone else in the world.... In general some pretty bad opinons of Moroccans have been thrown out and it makes me wonder why those with such opinions would choose to marry.... I have had nothing but Awesome experiences whith my hubby's family...... They have treated me better than my own family.....

I guess my husband's family is just ghetto. I lived with them for 6 months and it was like living in a zoo. They're really ghetto. I can't say it was the best experience, as some people here know. I witnessed them fistfighting over material things and money (and this is the women). My brother in law's main ambition in life is to win the greencard lottery, then come here and win the powerball lottery. That's just my experience with my inlaws... I don't sugarcoat stuff.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-01-11 14:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat goods to bring back to morocco from U.S.?

I respectfuly disagree. Actually it is bordering on offensive/insulting to say that. So anything made outside the "land of milk and honey" is bad? The typical media propaganda seems to be doing its job well. Respectfully, as Arabs, we could care less about gifts (let alone were they are made). "Materialism" is, never was, and will never be, part of the Arab culture. We take pride in our long and great culture and tradition, and getting material things that are "made in the US" of any other country for that matter is not part of it. I am a proud American. I am also proud of my Arab heritage. To hear someone say something like this (which I know is not true) hurts. All what we care about, and want, is the pleasure of your company. Hospitality and virtue is deeply ingrained in the Arab culture. This is who we are, and this is how we will remain.

Dude, are you freakin kidding me? If I went to Morocco with no gifts for my inlaws, they'd smile in my face, sure, then they'd be trying to get some of my hair to do bad spells on me. PUH-LEASE. Moroccans can be more materialistic than Americans, if not for any other reason than they WANT to be Americans. Spare us all the preachy #######- we are people who have actually been there.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-01-10 18:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat goods to bring back to morocco from U.S.?
Take Hershey kisses and minis.. a huge Costco sized bag.. they're great because you can give them to kids a few at a time, and they LOVE them. Can't get them there. Take something for your mother in law like Shake n Bake, or a box of Hamburger Helper, chili spice mix (I used that while I was there, they told me that chili is "rich people food") and let them marvel over the laziness of us Americans :D Also, Doritos are impossible to find there, Chex Mix, maybe a box of sweet American cereal. I'm trying to think of easy to pack foods (also thinking of things I couldn't find when I lived there). As for clothes, they love Diesel jeans, I know that, and Pumas.. anything with a logo on it. When I went the first time, I got my mother in law several bottles of Victoria's Secret body wash in many scents. She used them so sparingly, she still had some when I returned a year later. I also took my husband's cousins a dual voltage flat iron and a plug adapter.. they loved that.. Have fun!


Edited by squeaky580, 04 January 2011 - 10:52 PM.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-01-04 22:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaTwo Religion Marriage
My husband is Sunni Muslim, and I am Mahayana Buddhist. I was born Catholic, but have been practicing Buddhism for about 12 years. We have an 18 month old daughter, who we are raising Muslim.

We just don't discuss religion in philosophical terms. We can discuss it as it relates to our daughter, but when it comes down to the rhetoric of our respective religions, it can get ugly. I don't believe in organized monotheistic religion, and he was raised in a country where the King is also their religious leader. I respect Islam and it's teachings are sound. I also feel that practising Buddhism should be a choice one makes, so I didn't have an issue with my husband wanting to raise our daughter Muslim. I think kids need to be given spiritual direction at a young age, before they are able to choose for themselves.

Overall, it's been 3 years we've been together, and religion hasn't ever been an issue in our relationship. Admittedly, there is a lot of give from my side about it.

From what I understand about Latter Day Saints (from my many meetings with missionaries over the years), there is much more that Mormons share with Shia Muslims than there are differences- both are considered by the "mainstream" (by no means my personal opinion) to be a "lesser" denomination , and both have a tendency to be more literal in their interpretation of their respective holy books, having a more traditional way of life.

my thoughts to you is to find what you have in common, and focus more on those things as a couple. I hope things work out for you :)

Edited by squeaky580, 02 May 2011 - 11:19 PM.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-05-02 23:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaFee at interview

I think he is planning to be there at about 8:30. Yeah I remember reading in a review that someone waited for a long time while they were doing the visitor and work visas, and after that they interviewed for the fiance and spousal visas.

Girl I'm way ahead of you. I'm talking about when he goes to actually pick up the visa. I have that much faith in your preparation skills :D
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-05-09 19:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaFee at interview

Isn't you suppose to pay like a visa delivery fee or something :D i don't know how it works in morocco

Nope, in Morocco, visas are picked up at the front window of the consulate. Lisa, tell him not to arrive in the line too early, they give out student and visitor visas first ^_^
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-05-09 09:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaFee at interview

Ok, thank you so much! I kept reading in the reviews that people paid a fee but I didn't know how much it was or what it was for.

When you paid the "IV" bill- that's what it was- Immigrant Visa application fee ;)
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-05-08 23:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaFee at interview

It's CR1/IR1 visa and I'm asking about the fee he has to pay at the interview in Casablanca.

Thank you!

Lisa, for the CR1 visa, the visa application fee is paid at the NVC stage. If it were a K1, it would be $140 that's paid on the day of the interview. The fee is to apply for a visa.

So don't worry girl, you've already paid it.

Edited by squeaky580, 08 May 2011 - 11:23 PM.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-05-08 23:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhich the best of three Doctor in Morocco???

Haha. I was going to put the opposite squeaky!! We had bad experience with Khadijah and worked with Ambari to get it fixed! I never met her but met Ambari and had positive experience.

We were greeted at Ambari's door by his receptionist in her pajamas. Made to wait for the Dr to show up past our appointment time, then the receptionist tried to pocket the lab test money from us- we had to argue with her to return it. We went to him because my husband's father worked at the medical school he attended and knew of him. Wish we'd gone elsewhere :P
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-05-04 04:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhich the best of three Doctor in Morocco???
Go to Dr Khadija. Dr. Ambari is a hack.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-05-02 22:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions regarding Moroccan/American marriage and immigration

Hi Everyone,

I apologize as I realize that many of these questions have been asked before but I've searched through the forums without finding all the answers I'm looking for and I'm hoping that some of you can help me to get an understanding of what seems to be an incredibly confusing process.

Here is our situation: I'm American and my wife is Moroccan. We've been married for a year and a half and we've lived together in Morocco and Turkey. We are expecting our first child in a few months. I haven't been back to the US for about 2 1/2 years. I'm self employed and my income is sporadic and not very high. I make enough to keep us housed and fed in Morocco or Turkey, but probably not enough to support us in Hawaii where I come from. We have no intention of going back to the US for the next year or so, but after that, we are considering it, mainly for the benefit of our child.

So, here are my questions:

1) Can anyone tell me what I have to do to make sure our child gets US citizenship?
2) Is it possible to get my wife a visa when we don't have a US residence?
3) I've heard that the American partner has to have an established residence in the US? Is that true? Can I establish a residence without being there and separating from my family?
4) Are there financial requirements in order to get my wife a visa?
5) How long does the process take? What's the best way to go about it? How much does it end up costing?

I've found some information that answers these questions, but I'm really hoping that someone who has been through the process can definitively clear these things up for me.

Frankly, I am somewhat astounded that these things are issues since from what I've been told by some other people it seems that I will either have to separate from my family in order to get a visa or never go back to Hawaii. Frankly, both options are unacceptable.

Thank you for any light you can shed on these questions.


1.) When your child is born, go to the US Consulate in Casablanca and file for the child's citizenship there. A DNA test may or may not be required.

2.) You're going to need to prove domicile in the US. This could be as simple as using a parent's or other family member's address in the US as a place you will be staying when you return. An affidavit from them will most likely be required.

3.)In the event that use of a family member's address is not possible, you may be able to arrange to make a deposit on a place before arriving in the US (I'd only do this if the people were trusted, or you could have a friend or family member make arrangements on your behalf).

4.) You must sign an affidavit of support, which requires you make 125% of the poverty guideline for the year you apply. If you're going to be living in Hawaii, the guidelines are higher. For this year, for 3 people in the state of Hawaii, the guideline is $26,650. You can use a co sponsor if needed.

5.) If you file directly through the consulate in Casablanca (you must have held legal Moroccan residence for 6 months prior to filing to do this), you can shave about 5 months off the process, knocking it down to around 3-4 months between filing and visa issuance.

You don't have to return to Hawaii, but in order to file overseas, you must hold 6 months of legal residency to file DCF. In Morocco, that means holding a valid Carte de Sejour, not just living there. And some of the US domicile issues may be a little tough to work out from overseas, but it is doable. Wish you much luck.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-05-31 10:32:00
Middle East and North Africaemergency help!!!!!!!!!!!

concerning tourist visa they ask in the consulat official website for:
"receipt for a non-refundable application fee in Moroccan Dirhams equivalent to $140 U.S. Dollars."
so from where Ihave to get this receipt??plz help very emergent.

You get the receipt when you pay the fee.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-05-31 10:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Spouses Poll

- Which country is your MENA Spouse from? Or, if you are the MENA spouse, which country are you from?

- Is the MENA spouse male or female?

- If you are the USC spouse, are you originally MENA? Or, if you are the MENA spouse, is your USC spouse originally MENA?

SHARE!! :)


N.B: I couldn't start the thread in a Poll format since the first question has more than '12' possible choices, and you can only have 12 choices for each question.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-23 19:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaPlease keep in MENA, Advice.
Men bring over multiple women from Philippines, Ukraine, Russia, and South America all the time. After 2, I think you need a waiver, that's all. Aside from the obvious questions that will be asked about your previous relationship, you should have no problems, if it's on the up and up.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-06 22:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaIm Confused, should I use form I-130 or I-129f

Hi everybody,
I was referred to this forum, if someone can help me out, I would appreciate.
Here's the link:

The issue comes down to, are you considered legally married in Morocco? If she were to come live with you there, could that marriage certificate be taken to the police station and be used to get her a carte de sejour? If the answer to that question is yes, then you are married by US standards, and should file for a CR-1.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-11 10:20:00
Middle East and North Africahow much month my wife can stay with me in morocco
I will answer it again. If she intends to stay longer than 90 days, she must declare her intent within 15 days of entering Morocco at the local police station. There they will give her the forms for a carte de sejour. I think the fee was $50USD. She must take a copy of your marriage license with her when she goes. The carte lasts one year, then must be renewed.

Another way to stay longer than 90 days is for her to spend overnight in Ceuta, get her passport stamped, and then return to Morocco. This is the option I chose when I lived with my husband in Morocco for 6 months. It should be noted though, that just crossing the border and coming back in the same day is not going to work- she must stay overnight. And it's not guaranteed that Spanish officials will let you in to Ceuta or Melilla unless you have a carte nationale with an address in the north of Morocco.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-13 15:13:00
Middle East and North Africahelp plzzzzzzzz (K-1 but 'married' - Morocco)

No wonder people having trouble getting K1/CR1 in Morocco. more than 50% of the threads from Morocco that I read here are some sort of fraud or look like it.

Posted Image
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-15 13:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaTraveling from MENA through European cities

Chicago O'Hare

You might consider seeing if they could fly in direct from Casa to Montreal and connect to a US bound flight from there.. Royal Air Maroc flies into Montreal from Casa. I believe the daily RAM flight arrives in Montreal at around 6pm, and there is a daily 7:25pm direct flight to Chicago from Montreal.. I don't know if that's enough time- it might be, since they don't have to go through customs there..

Edited by squeaky580, 21 April 2011 - 12:41 PM.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-04-21 12:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaOnline College?

Adam is thinking about University of Phoenix to study Computer Networking online. Has anyone on here studied from UoP and how was it? Any pros or cons from it? Or any other advice? Or what about any other colleges online?
He prefers to study from home since we live too far to drive out daily/weekly to a college and he likes studying online. He's got to get his highschool diploma from Egypt which his mom is working on that for him this week.

Also, he is about to finish the paperwork for the N400 and send that in for Citizenship... does it make a difference that he is in the process of Citizenship/name change if he starts college shortly?

I don't know if LPRs are eligible for FAFSA, but citizens certainly are... that might be a factor to consider regarding the N400 ;)
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-24 23:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaTraveling from MENA to AMERICA

So, you can get into Canda on US visa but can not leave canada. why go for US visa? why not just go for one from Canada?

I think she meant, as long as they don't leave the airport.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-22 22:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaTraveling from MENA to AMERICA

So I have read on past entries if you have a valid visa to the US you are able to travel though Europe with no problems. My question is the same true for Canada? Thank you

P.S. Sorry if its posted somewhere else but I didn't find/see it.

The same applies for Canada as applies to Europe regarding an individual with a Moroccan passport. They can travel through, but cannot leave the airport without a transit visa. That being said, RAM's direct flight into Montreal may be a good option for the spouses of VJers who live in the west/midwest, and is often overlooked. :)
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-21 21:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaRed Flags
Sarah, the best advice I can give is to make sure your current fiance is fully aware of all the (tiniest) details surrounding your first marriage and divorce. Having evidence that your prior relationship was also bonafide might help. When addressing your age difference- contact with, and approval from his family, as well as addressing the issues of future children in your relationship are the best ways to go about dissuading a CO's possible suspicions that may arise due to the age difference.

Overall, have an airtight case. Make sure your fiance is well versed about your life. Make as many trips to Jordan as possible, and document them with lots of photos, especially of you and him interacting with his family together. Do a little research on VJ about other common red flags that come up at MENA consulates, and if you have any of those issues, find a plausible way to counteract them.

If you take the time to do some research and prepare your fiance for all possible lines of questioning at the consulate, you should be just fine. Good luck.


Edited by squeaky580, 29 June 2011 - 10:33 PM.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-29 22:32:00
Middle East and North Africashould i be happy ?
That's so great, Yassine! Keep up the good work!
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-29 18:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow many days is 6 months?

Direct Consular Filing in Morocco. GC?

You have to actually hold the carte de sejour for 180 days before you become eligible to file directly at the consulate. The carte de sejour takes about a month or more to process (this is the Moroccan govt we're talking about- dirhams can make the wheels spin faster). Make sure you apply for the carte de sejour within 15 days of entering Morocco, as is required. Good luck ^_^
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-01 14:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaEvil sister inlaws... Grrr hahaha

It takes cajones to swing at a girl? :blink:

Yeah. I'm a 300 pound girl from the 'hood, and he's just the kind of A-hole that WOULD swing on a girl.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-08 12:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaEvil sister inlaws... Grrr hahaha
Shoot, now that I'm thinking about it, I'm not even done ranting abt them yet- the cousin in question is his cousin twice. Like this- his paternal great aunt married his maternal uncle, and they had a son. Their son married my husband's paternal aunt. They had a daughter. That is her. Same girl who dressed like a streetwalker at our engagement party, danced around with 200dh bills that were our wedding gift stuffed in her dress, then took half of them when the party was over. Made all the photos totally unusable. And also pawed all over my husband while posing for photos at OUR ENGAGEMENT PARTY. OMG!
Posted Image

Beat that.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-07 20:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaEvil sister inlaws... Grrr hahaha

I remember the baby bottle brush (the instrument used to clean a baby bottle, right?) story you told me. I will never forget that mess. I, therefore, agree that your BIL is a shepherd of Satan.

LOL I didn't even realize who you were on VJ! I should have known from the hotness on your profile pic! :rofl:
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-07 20:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaEvil sister inlaws... Grrr hahaha

Please share this one lol! Dying to hear! Its so funny its rediculus!

That wasn't my brother in law. That was my husband's aunts and/or cousins who also lived in the house (there were ELEVEN of us in that house). I had lost the baby bottle brush- left it on a table in the hallway. One of them took it- and when they brought it back, it was covered in curly black hairs, all over. ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING. To this day, have no clue what they did with it. SIGH. They also claimed my $50 hair straighteners, and supplies to do my nails. Put viruses on my laptop when my father sent it to me- I had to 7X wipe my hard drive and reinstall Windows (took 3 days).

And they were constantly fighting. His 18 year old cousin got in an argument with his aunt in the stairwell and gave her a black eye. This prompted the aunt to put a lock on the bathroom doors and give everyone a key but her. Then the same cousin stole about $300USD from his other aunt and gave part of it away to a boy she liked (this was quite a coup, involving my BIL pulling up MSN chat records and text messages from her phone when she wasn't there, and ratting her out).

Living with those people was a CHALLENGE, ya'll. Fortunately, my husband's parents are saints and made up for it a little bit. I was ready to GO OFF on them all.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-07 20:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaEvil sister inlaws... Grrr hahaha
My brother in law is a shepherd of the devil. He made my life a living hell when we lived in Morocco, highjacked the computer so I couldn't contact my family, and would always make off color remarks about the US. Even had the nerve to say that Osama Ben Laden was "a great man" ON 9/11 a few years back. It got to the point where I wanted to punch him in the mouth and did everything I could to get him to swing on me first. I even spit in his face, and he didn't have the cajones to swing on me. Sooo glad I got away from him. sigh.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-07 10:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan is just around the corner
We came back to the States 2 days before Ramadan started last year. It was painfully difficult for him. He came from an environment where everyone is fasting to America where he has to constantly explain himself. It was tough because my family wanted to have him over for dinner to meet him and stuff, but they're all old people who eat dinner at 5pm. Compound it with me going back to work, and there were a few days when he only ate one meal.

This year will be better. He understands that I have to get up at 5am for work, so I can't be up all night cooking for him. And he's learned his way around the kitchen, so he can take care of cooking his meals during the day to eat later on. He's got it all planned out. We'll see how it works ^_^
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-03 00:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccans
oh la la :pop:
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-05-01 14:02:00
Middle East and North Africaa question!!

my wife is divorced and has 2 kidds who live with their dad,n she sees them 6 days every month.
my question is: is it obligatory for my wife to be earning the money to cover 4 persons(me her n the kidds) for a cr1 or she s just have to cover me n her!?
thx in advance.

If she provides them any financial support, or claims them as dependents on her taxes, then yes, she will need to include them in her household size.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-11 17:22:00
Middle East and North Africapackage 3

hello everybody . who receive package 3 the Petitioner or Foreign Beneficiary .

The beneficiary.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-16 14:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat is the name of the bank in Morocco to pay fees
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-17 00:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaArabic TV Channels in the U.S.? Where & how?
Dish Network offers Arabic language channels as part of an international channels "package". At one time, Dish Network offered 2M Monde, though I am not sure if this is still the case. They do offer several Syrian and Egyptian channels that she might be familiar with from NILESAT. They're not cheap tho. You can get 2M Monde on a free to air satellite dish (like the ones in Morocco)- It's broadcast from Galaxy 19.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-20 21:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaApproved at casa
OMG YAY!!! :dance: :dance: It makes me so happy to see success out of Casa! Congrats and hope you have a happy reunion with your friends and family in the States!
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-14 19:26:00