Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

I'm with Sachi on this one - you never know, God forbid, that you could plan everything for having the visa and then you're like that poor guy in the "Cancelled without prejudice" thread. Be safe - don't buy jack diddly until the visa is in your warm little paws. Just sayin'. :thumbs:

Oh my goodness, I'd honestly think you guys would give me some more credit by now!! I don't believe in ANYTHING until I see it! :lol: I asked the phone monkey if it was a good idea to "shop for airfare", not "drop a few grand on tickets"! :hehe: But thanks for the advice :D
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-14 14:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Hey! My impatient butt called the consulate today, to get an estimation on when we should hear from them, after SO dropped off the papers yesterday.. Dude on the phone told me they should call him next week! I asked if it was safe for us to start shopping air fare, and he said, "yes ma'am" :dance:
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-14 10:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Whoo hoo! I've been looking for updates on FB from you. Silly me, I should have looked here first. :) Congrats and if you guys can get that visa quick back with us next Thursday. It sure would make that long flight a lot of fun!!

:rofl: You got JOKES!! It takes us 3 days to plan a day trip! Not to mention coming up with the capital for it! Seriously tho, if it's ok, we'll come to the airport and see you guys off!! Give me a call or something, I know your man has my man's number! :lol:
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-14 08:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Stay on top of it all, I know you will! But, I think the average time for passport to visa is 2 days. When my husband had interview when he knew he was definitively getting visa, they gave him a date and time to pick up visa.

You know I will! :D I figure they just have to look over the stuff he gave them.. The doctor seemed really puzzled as to why they tested him, but it was all good.. I'm going to call them on Friday if we don't hear from them by then ^_^
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-13 10:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

As the official "we will contact you soon" :angry: ...I am happy to hear that Sarah is well on her way and got the test results back finally! I am sure they will take the passport and get that visa stamped in there already. :dance:

I am having my Congressman make an official inquiry to see if that helps any...I suppose it can't hurt. I will keep everyone posted on here.

Monica, Have you gotten any updates on your case?


Add me to that club now... they took his passport today and said they'd call him.. now I have to remember to keep the phone charged!! :lol:
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-13 10:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
:) Big baby is going to drop off the documents at the consulate in the morning. The test results were back on Friday, but we had to wait for the I864A from my stepfather to come in the express mail.. I'll let you all know if they keep his passport or not.. hope they do ^_^

Hope ya'll have a good week!

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-12 18:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Are you Buddist?

:yes: I am.. and incidentally, I have an OM tattooed on my arm.. :lol:
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-10 06:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

This is a thought I've not fleshed out too much but I wanted to throw it out there. What I've noticed is the Consulate doesn't like it when the Westerner is 'trying too hard.' For example, say you're a regular American/Western woman, who likes to drink and smoke. Wears skirts and loves her Big Mac. Now, after your three-month long relationship, suddenly you're fasting for Ramadan, wearing the hijab, saying 'Alhamudilah' after every sentence. Swearing off pork and alcohol. (Yes, I'm using extreme, exaggerated examples but hopefully, you get what I mean).

Of course, showing some interest is normal and you do want to be familiar with certain aspects of your spouse's culture (my husband will watch a Bollywood movie with me now and then and shows some interest in cricket news) but even I would think it was weird if he was suddenly a fast-believer in Astrology, got an 'om' tattooed on his arm or wore Fab India kurtas all the time.

Where do you draw the line between 'mere curiousity/I want to more know about where he/she comes from' and 'going overboard?'

I probably am not explaining this well but would like to hear about your thoughts. :rofl:
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-10 06:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Or worse what if she looked like Heidi Fleiss ? :unsure:

Posted Image

Ohhhh WOOF! :dead:
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-09 15:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Just trying to kick around ideas beyond "he looks like Brad Pitt and she looks like Nick Nolte." :)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-09 14:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Random thoughts but here it goes...

1. It would take the man having knowledge and sincerity of his spouse, which can come through in many ways. Like a question: What do you love about your spouse? I would make sure he gave me an answer that seems to come from the heart - which is something we can all tell in people. When you talk about your loved one you speak with passion.

I agree with your points, but I've always found this question to be a sticky one.. We're talking about MEN here... Ask them about Germany kicking Argentina's butt and you'll get passion for sure.. But ask even the average American Joe what he loves about his wife, and you're likely to get a: :huh: "Uhh... she makes good pizza fries" :jest: Not every dude is a Casanova B-)
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-09 14:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

And you'd be surprised at how much '#######' somebody who is desperate enough would be willing to go through.

Have you ever read about the threads about men who are supposedly being 'abused' but want to know if they'll receive 10 year GC if they just 'stick it out?'

OMG I know a guy like that! He tells me he's afraid to go to sleep because he worries she'll kill him, but still wants to stay and get conditions removed.. I think you commented on a post I made about him, sachi!
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-09 14:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

IMO, phone bills, photos and chat transcripts are good evidence when everything else seems 'normal' and in place.

If photos only show a large disparity in age and looks, and you look 'unnatural' in those pictures, it doesn't do you any good and only highlights a serious problem.

If the beneficiary is not well-versed in English and your chat-logs are a lot of :wub: and :star: then again, it's only hurting your case by submitting four hundred pages of IM transcripts.

:yes: :yes:
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-09 14:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
I guess my kid will be the only one out of the three of us not going straight to hell :devil: Thank goodness my fiancé isn't an ultra pious Muslim, because, despite my sincerest efforts to TRY TRY TRY to believe, I'm still a Buddhist heathen, and he accepts that for what it is.. For those who'd say OOOMG, he MUST be using you!! Nah.. While this may be a Muslim country, that CERTAINLY doesn't mean that people follow the book here.. Stay for a while, you'll see what I mean.. And I'd hope the "immersed" COs realize that too.. :hehe:

P.S. Ramadan is coming soon, I've actually seen some effort around here to dust off the prayer rugs, for the first time in nearly 5 months.. Kinda like they way my Grandma used to start putting out the nativity scene before X-Mas..
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-09 14:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Yeah, Sarah, but hard facts just don't cut it. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, can meet online, have chat logs out the wazoo, go to Morocco, take 100s of pictures, get engaged, yada, yada, yada - there's your proof. So you go and show it to the CO saying, "here's my proof. See, we're bonafide - these pictures and chat logs and everything else proves it." But if I was a CO and I had seen 20 other dudes walk in with their pics, chat logs, letters and phone bills and the disparity was still overwhelming - I'd probably have to deny them too.

Perhaps then, the government should change their own guidelines and make "I don't like the looks of this guy" a reason to deny... Pfft.. seriously.. The rules for approving/denying applications are in black and white... consulates shouldn't get to pick and choose what rules they follow and deny people on the basis of a hunch, or to "test" their relationships..
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-09 13:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Here's a question for those of us with Moroccan SO's, on the topic of fraud. Have you ever asked your SO about his observations on it? Whether he thinks it is as rampant as we do?

My fiance suggested once that in his opinion around 50% of the relationships he saw between Westerners and Moroccans were fraudulent. To be clear, that means the relationships he SAW walking around Morocco. That wouldn't include random guys in a cyber cafe chatting up women who never get to the point of actually visiting...that number would probably be much higher. And his 50% was only the frauds who would leave after getting their papers. It didn't include the relationships that were motivated by immigration, even if the man planned on showing his gratitude or piety by sticking around and fulfilling his part of the "deal" by being a real husband.

Just one man's opinion. I'd be interested in hearing any others.

I also heard estimates from two American women who had married Moroccan men and who had each lived in Morocco for many, many years. Neither met their man on the internet, one was set up by Muslim friends while she still lived in America and the other met her man when she was already living in Morocco. They both suggested that ALL Moroccan men who met women on the internet were frauds, every single one with zero exceptions. They were slightly less adamant but also suggested that every Moroccan who seeks immigration in his relationship, regardless of how the couple met, was also a fraud. Interestingly enough, both of these women assisted their men with getting citizenship; one divorced but immigration and fraud had nothing to do with it and they are still on good terms, and the other moved back to Morocco with her husband years ago and they've been together for 15 years.

I don't trust Moroccan men very much at all.. I've dated them previously online, and several who were already in America. The very worst of the lying, manipulative Moroccan men I dealt with was already an American citizen- had NOTHING to gain from me.. He lied, he cheated, he stalked me, he was a COMPLETE @SS. Yet, here I am, living in Morocco. I try REALLY REALLY hard not to stereotype... (sometimes it's REALLY hard)

As for my SO, he barely trusts his own family members. Not to speak ill of them, but things have a way of mysteriously disappearing around here. He knows men who've married for immigration purposes and has a very low opinion of most men his age.. He suspects everyone of something shady... That's just the way you have to be over here..

Someone's comment about the Casa CO's going by the experiences they've had in the culture in which they are immersed- I can totally understand that.. No one trusts anyone here.. However, their job is to be objective and base their decisions on hard facts, not stereotypes and speculation.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-09 12:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Have you seen some of the average AP timelines for those going through Afghanistan and Iran?

:yes: I know it's really bad.. but what is worse? A year plus of AP, or being outright denied, given no reason, having your case expire, and then having to pay for another overseas trip, deal with an archaic court system to get married, then fork over another several hundred dollars to file again, with a denial (the reason for which is unclear) in your SO's file? Still gonna take a year plus..

I'd chose approval pending AP..
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-09 12:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

What's the rationale for being easier on Moroccans than people from countries at war? What's the assumption?

The assumption that the average man living in a country at war will do anything to get out, and also, their families will arrange any marriage to get them out.. ohh also, far more likely to accidently import a terrorist from said countries than from here.. (not saying there aren't terrorist minded ppl here, just saying, c'mon, it's Afghanistan we're talkin about)

Edited by squeaky580, 09 July 2010 - 11:53 AM.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-09 11:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Amen to that, sister! That is what amazes me - in many women's eyes, it's the COs who are the bad guys, the evil ones; but they are only trying to protect them from someone who they believe is trying to defraud them. These people are trained - highly I might add, to read body language, eye movement, language skills - one of my favorite questions is - "how do you two communicate?" and the man replies - "What?". Come on!!! F'ing deny him!!! I love how many women believe they can communicate with their man - he doesn't speak hardly any English and she doesn't know any Arabic - and yet they expect that a CO will deem this relationship valid. I have learned that the language of love isn't really spoken by the USEM. Just sayin'.

Heey, I'm not denying the fraud that goes on in MENA countries.. One of mine and my fiancé's favorite pasttimes is screwing with guys who try to fish me on FB and MSN (they make it so easy!! :rofl: ).. However, my issue is Casablanca's propensity to not look at evidence, ask ridiculous questions, and actively SEARCH for reasons to deny couples that have proven a bonafide and onging relationship. And then give no reason for it whatsoever. They're doing it to me right now- They can't deny our bonafide relationship- we live together and have a child together- so instead they're asking for more forms and further medical tests, hoping that we don't come through with them. THAT's the kinda ####### I have issue with.

Even men from Egypt and Jordan and Palestine don't have to put up with the sneaky, double dealing ####### that we continue to tolerate from this consulate.

end of rant
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-09 10:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Jackie and Amirah have their interviews fast approaching! Hope all is going well for them and we get some good news again for July!

As far as the Pakistani/arranged marriages thing- marriages arranged by USC family members are a red flag for most countries, and for countries where it is "traditional", I'd think it'd be just another way for fraudsters to get in! Regardless of how couples meet, I would HOPE that the CO's in countries that are WARZONES would be more tough on the beneficiaries than the CO's in peaceful lil Morocco (America's oldest "ally")!!! But hey, I guess I'm biased?

Edited by squeaky580, 09 July 2010 - 09:16 AM.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-09 09:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Bump, ba..bump, ba..bump.
where's everyone?
No news about Tuesday or today's interviews?

Sarah - did the bloodwork come back from France?

We called yesterday, and it had still not arrived.. they told him to call again tomorrow, which is fine, because the I864A from my stepdad won't be here until Monday thru express mail.. Perhaps by the end of next week, we can have this ####### over...but I doubt it :P

I think the user who had an interview on Tuesday has deleted their account, so I doubt we'll hear about that one.. But looking forward to some good news about today's interview!

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-08 10:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Visas issued by Casa in 2009: K1 = 232 K2 = 3 K3 = 140 K4 = 3


Wow. Pakistan and Afghanistan give out more fiance visas than Casablanca. I guess keeping Moroccan men from sending money home from the US is a HUGE priority for DHS! (no offense to ppl with SO's from Pakistan and Afghanistan, but we all know the madness going on over there, I'd just think they'd be more wary of issuing visas to men in warzones than to Moroccan men in tea salons, IMHO) And did you check out the Philippines!? 5,445 K1's! That's 15 K1's a day, 365 days a year! Go Manila!

Edited by squeaky580, 06 July 2010 - 08:30 PM.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-06 20:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Sorry if you already mentioned it, but if your husband has his visa by August (when you have to leave, right?), will you guys all be coming back to the US together?

That's the plan.. Damn I really hope they're not gonna flip on us and I have to go mental on Blvd Moulay Youssef. Because I'm at a point now where I have cab fare, and I'm not sure I can control my actions.. you know? :girlwerewolf2xn:
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-06 15:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
I wanted to add that I feel the way I do about not overdoing it with evidence, not only because it can look overkill, but because it seems like a worldwide trend that whether an application is approved or denied- they rarely look at that evidence anyway. It adds a lot of seemingly unnecessary stress on the applicant to have to gather all that evidence together, when they could be mentally preparing for the part of the interview that really counts- the face to face time with the CO..just my opinion, again.. :D
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-06 15:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

It seems like perhaps Squeaky, Vanessa, and Msheesha provided less physical evidence than was traditionally suggested on here, correct? Msheesha, I can't remember if you "front loaded" or not, but I believe you mentioned your fiance attending the interview with phone records and some, but not all, of your photos. Squeaky, I believe you front loaded a bit more but when it came time for the actual interview your fiance brought in around 50 pics and no new emails or chat records, right? And Vanessa, if I recall correctly your petition did not front load at all and your husband brought a relatively small number of pictures but no logs, emails, IM records, etc.?

Just trying to gather info in one place. Msheesha also indicated a lack of red flags, Squeaky's situation is a bit unusual (cuuuuute baaaaaby), and it seems like CR-1's out of Casa are generally a bit lower risk than K-1's. So I'm not completely tempted to set fire to all of our evidence having read about your wonderful approvals. ;) But especially with Monica's recent denial, which I do understand but I admit I'll still surprised by, I am debating a bit more whether we should front load less and/or bring less evidence to the interview. I'm still thinking of sending at least some pictures in with the I-129F, but perhaps, for instance, we might not send ANY IM print-outs or emails. I'm debating about whether to send histories, inbox screen shots, and phone bills, or if even that is overkill for the I-129F. A lot to think about!

Congratulations again, and Monica, I hope you two are finding ways to get your next steps off the ground.

In front loading the petition, I included excerpts from three months of chat logs, photos from my first trip, and a couple photos of our daughter, just after she was born. The reason I didn't send him to the interview with any chat logs or emails is simply because there were none. The things taken to the interview should mostly be from AFTER the petition was filed, to prove an ongoing relationship, and I have been living with my fiance since 20 days after the petition was filed. So really the only evidence I could provide them was photographs and my passport showing my entries. If the situation were different, I probably would have had him take some chat logs in (figure about 3-5 page excerpts from each month since filing), and maybe a page from each month of phone records, if they are available.

On a side note, I VERY STRONGLY believe that our K1 petition would have been denied had it not been for our daughter. He had to explain to them that it would be difficult for us to marry in Morocco due to having a child out of wedlock.

My father always used to tell me, an innocent man does not have to explain himself. In dealing with this crazy consulate, I'm beginning to believe more and more that this way of thinking is one that they have as well. I also believe that they will only issue K1's to VERY VERY strong cases. As personal my personal advice, I've been telling people who will potentially go through Casa to file a CR1 and skip the K1. But that's just my opinion.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-05 17:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

I hope they'll come out and share. :) And I'm always eager for more info from you and Vanessa. BTW, did your man happen to notice whether other men were there being interviewed for fiance or spouse visas? If they were successful or not? Maybe you already said that, I can't remember.

We still haven't filed. We're constantly about 2 weeks away from filing. At the rate we're going, I can come back in 6 months and report that we'll be ready in about 2 more weeks. :wacko:

When he went in for his interview, he said it was all little old ladies filing for visitor visas, a few students, and some lottery winners. He was the only family visa applicant there.. :P He said the little old ladies got approved, tho! :thumbs: good news for bringing in-laws to visit in the future..

We're still waiting for the "further test" results, which should be in on Wednesday, and my stepdad's I 864A, which I HOPE we get by next Friday. They said visas are issued 2 days after interview/additional info submission. So, submit papers Friday, visa Tuesday, submit Monday, visa Wednesday. But that's just what they told him. I don't trust them... <_<
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-03 13:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Got 2 K1's in the next two weeks.. one on Tuesday, another the following Monday.. They're quiet people tho :P
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-03 09:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Posted Image
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-03 09:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 or CR-1

Good day all,
I'm not new to the USCIS "game", but I do have a question, more like taking a poll:

Would you file a K1 or a CR-1 for a beneficiary in Egpyt?
Same 50/50 chances approval on both is what I believe, a marriage license does not guarantee better chances.

We want to marry in May when I arrive in Cairo, but all know U.S. Embassy is closed, and for legal marriage the U.S. citizen must go to embassy to obtain the "Permission" letter to marry. We are praying they will be open, cause we truly want a legal marriage now.

If we can not marry in May due to embassy still closed, we have decided to file K1 petition.
We will of completed all the requirments to file a K1 in May, we have had a 15 month relationship, with plenty of evidence such as chats, emails, postal mailings of cards and letter with envelopes, and when Im there, we are having family events and dinners with his family. So of course pictures will be taken at events, and of course of Amr and myself together.
We are not kids, both middle 40's divorced, well educated, so much in common, and communication is great between us.

So tell me your thoughts please.

Hey Beth!
In your situation, if you file for the K1 due to the embassy being closed, I'd make a paper trail of it. Send an email to the consulate asking a question about the issue, being very specific, and when you get a reply (which you already know the answer to), hold on to that email- it shows your intent to marry, and speaks to the fact that you're not married due to the embassy, not that the relationship itself isn't ready.

Due to your closeness in age and circumstance, you might have a bit of better luck than some with a large age gap and socio/economic differences- it's all up to the CO who sees Amr.

Good luck!

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-03-13 16:53:00
Middle East and North Africawhy the Embassy in Cairo still closed?

thanks for the heads up on the heparin, i will talk to my doctor about any medications i may need. I have checked and international flight cut offs is mostly at 35 weeks but may vary by airline. I am planning on going back if i am not able to get appt that soon and it dont look like i will but i feel i have to try and wait and see what the embassy says when or "if" they open. Besides i hate the ideal of being separated from him yet :(

Giving birth in another country is a scary thought. My daughter had unforseen medical issues when she was born that no one could have predicted- if she'd been born in Morocco there's a good chance she wouldn't be alive right now. Just something to chew on if you're thinking of staying.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-03-09 23:35:00
Middle East and North Africa*Poof*
:angry: makes me not want to put any time and effort into those kinds of threads again.

Posted Image
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-03-17 13:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaTired woman here!

I doubt many of the guys are really virgins. They have plenty of opportunities to have sex there.

You'd be surprised.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-03-25 10:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaTired woman here!

we r going to trying it for a bit.. i laid down what i needed/wanted.. we will see

Oh Resha :no: Under most circumstances I'd say you should try for the baby's sake, but not after what he's implied. That's just my opinion, take it or leave it..
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-03-22 17:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaTired woman here!
Resha, I wanted to tell you earlier but didn't get the chance. You need to decide if you want to turn him in to ICE with the evidence you have, or let it go so he stays here and you can go after him for child support. I really think you need to give him a dose of "American reality", that he can't just take advantage of an American woman like he has and get away with it scott free. Start building a case against him now- if he's on your lease, get him taken off of it, save those texts, collect some witnesses that he is deserting you. In 6 months, file for divorce on grounds of desertion- and make sure the divorce record states that he left right after getting his greencard- this will mess up his chances of being able to remove conditions on his own. Don't let him near you- I don't think he's smart enough to know about VAWA, but you never know.

Focus on getting your OWN life back and taking care of Fati. She needs special attention now, and no one's better to give it to her than you. You can get through this a stronger woman.

Posted Image
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-03-22 13:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaTired woman here!

well we just had a big fight I was trying to be nice and stop the fighting but... I have to change myself for him! When I say I want him to change for me he wont.. Bc hes a male and im a female he said.. He says he wants me to clean cook everyday or he doesnt want to be with me.. He told me we were so close to not being together so I told him to go.. Call his cousin and go.. So of course he got mad and took off in the car.. Told me to call his cousin to come get him at no place other than the POOL HALL.. his sanctuary! I am heartbroken bc I do love him but im really just soo freaking tired!

Tell him to take his #### home. Better yet, call his family and tell his mother what he's doing to you and his daughter. Tell them that his cousin is leading him astray from his family. He's bringing shame to his whole family- bring that shame right to him. Take back the car keys, change the house keys, get a restraining order, and let him try to make it on his own here in America. Maybe then he'll realize what an #### he's being.

Girl if it was me, I'd get a sitter and show up at that pool hall every night and nag the hell out of him. And if that didn't work and he still wanted to live the life of a single man, I'd give him the life of a single man. Screw him.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-03-21 21:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaTired woman here!
Resha, I'm so sorry you're going through this. You and your amazing daughter deserve more than this. If you are the sole breadwinner in the family, as others have pointed out, maybe it's time you remind him of this. He wants to eat, he better make it himself, he wants clean clothes to go out- time he washed them himself. Who's funding his "fun"? Don't contribute even a little bit. If this pisses him off and he leaves, well then, obviously he's not the type of Dad you want for your daughter anyway. Not having a Dad around is tough, but I can speak from experience when I say that having a bad father isn't any better :( If you ever want someone to dump your problems on, you know where you can find me.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-03-21 08:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread for March 2011

VJ is not what it use to be lol

Hope everyone is well

OMG Kelly! Now you have TWO mini mes! She is TOOO CUTIE! :luv:
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-03-11 23:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions about CR-1
Congrats on getting married! ^_^ You're going to be a beautiful Moroccan bride! :D
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-03-31 22:41:00
Middle East and North Africabirth certificate at casablanca's k-1 interview

But aren't you supposed to send a complete duplicate of the petition for the interview? That means sending all the documents again including the birth certificate right?

They suggest that you send copies of everything when the original petition is sent, and retain the originals to be available at the time of the interview, in case they are asked for. You wouldn't send the originals to the consulate, just to your fiance, in case they're needed. They rarely ask to see originals, but better safe than sorry.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-04-02 14:45:00
Middle East and North Africabirth certificate at casablanca's k-1 interview
You should have sent a certified copy with the petition, and they will have that petition, so sending another is not necessary.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-03-30 21:31:00