Middle East and North AfricaFor those USC living/moving to Morocco...

Squeaky do you know Michlifen in Rabat very well?

When I lived in Morocco, I lived in Casablanca. I only went to Rabat twice my entire time there..
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-05-06 14:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor those USC living/moving to Morocco...
Mr Kaplan is a nice guy, very open to talk to. We were fortunate to meet him last year at the 4th of July party at Rabat American School. If you're in Morocco, you should attend :)
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-05-05 19:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g

then u mean i need to marry her even after the i-129 expires , is that what u mean ???

Usually, I would tell someone who's received a denial to fight fight fight it, by going to the consulate and looking for answers, and contacting a congressperson, etc. But your situation is one I don't think any amount of fighting is going to resolve. The consulate had to have a REALLY REALLY good reason to do what they did- this is not something I've EVER heard of happening.

I would suggest you and your fiancee do some serious thinking about why you think they would have done this. Something came up in a background check, or online searches that made them think you are a fraud. Until you can figure out what that is, even if you marry her and file for a CR1, they're just going to deny you again. No one on Visa Journey can tell you why they did this- deep down, I'm sure you KNOW the reason this happened.. Telling us on here that you're not a fraud and how much you love her isn't going to get you that visa.. You need to come up with a plan of action to prove it to THEM, before you get married and file another petition. Either that, or your fiancee should move to Egypt, if you really want to be with her.

So, step ONE- figure out what went wrong. Don't try to lie to yourself, really think about it.
step TWO- figure out how to resolve that issue and prove them wrong.

Then worry about marrying and filing a CR1.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-02 11:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
Just a quick question-

Since this thread was originally started 4 years ago, have people noticed a difference in the trend of Casa returning petitions? Have things gotten any better?
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2009-08-03 20:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdenied

I have contacted the president and my congressman, but can anyone tell me if they are not able or they do not get my e-mail in time what does this mean, and how long can it take?

My husband Driss is so upset with himself he blames himself...I doont feel it is his fault. I mean his english is weak, but we did eveeerything they asked, he did not know two answers, but we have been talking for 3 an half years...he knows me...I not want to have to wait anymore I want mu husband side me...


April El'Majrab

Hi April, my husband's name is Driss too ^_^

Your denial will be reviewed. It is important that you go over your husband's answers and figure out what went wrong during his interview. These are the points you will need to address when it's time to appeal. For example, if it was his weak English, sign him up for an online English tutor so he can improve. If it was lack of time spent together, go there and spend more time. You must disprove what the consulate used as a denial reason.

It can be overcome. The husband of one of my dear friends on VJ just had a second interview after being denied 18 months ago- he was approved. Her story also can serve to give you an idea of how long the appeal process takes. It's a long process, but it's not impossible to overcome the denial. Keep it together and be well prepared, and things will work out.

Best of luck to you.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-03-10 17:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 after 9 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck with Casablanca.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-03-23 23:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTime
If you marry her on the first visit after only chatting for 6 months, there is a high chance of denial. If she is denied on the basis of "short time spent together", at appeal, the only way to overcome the denial would be to make one or more trips to visit her and present that evidence for the appeal. This process can take well over a year for a CR-1 denial.

You might get lucky and get an approval with your current circumstances. If you don't, you're looking at having to take at least one trip back, and another whole year of waiting. Is all that really worth the $600-$800 it would cost to make a second visit before marrying?

Edited by squeaky580, 30 March 2011 - 10:14 PM.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-03-30 22:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHigher Fraud Countries
Oh Casablanca always gets left out. And Guayaquil, Ecuador is up there, too. I have heard that China is tough, but I doubt it needs months of studying and preparation like Casa, or for the USC to fly there and be present like Guayaquil, or the grace of God, like Lagos- in order to get a visa.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-04-11 17:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDo people really ever get rejected?

any country that supports terrorist activities or takes part in them.
in doesnt necessarily mean every man and woman in that country is a terrorist,it means the government is suspected of terrorist activities.
im perfectly fine with using that word,cant sugarcoat everything :thumbs:

Fair enough ;)
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-04-17 01:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDo people really ever get rejected?

umm yeah,the embassies and USCIS have no obligations to reject or approve a certain amount of visas a year,they can do as they wish.try reading up on high fraud or terrorist country subforums to see what i mean

Just curious what someone with Iran listed as their country would consider a "terrorist country"?
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-04-16 11:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGratitude!!!
It's awesome to see gratitude instead of attitude on VJ once in a while! Congrats to you, I'm glad everything worked out!
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-04-27 22:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage in Morocco????

Hello everyone I hope someone can shine some light on why I had to do this.... Today Abdul and I went to the adoule to sign the "book" and I was told I had to take an arab/muslim name Abdul and his brother tried to explain this to me as best they could but I am still kinda confused.... It's not a big deal I just want to understand the reasons why.... I was told that if I didn't take an arab/muslim name I would be put in the "book" as christian and or marriage certificate would also state that I was christian....Abdul and I were both taken a back because neither one of us had heard of this before....

Anyhoo I asked Abdul to choose and he chose Shayma :0)

I could see you as a Shayma :D
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-05-24 20:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresi need help about the form 221g

hi everybody i found in this site the same probleme i have but i see the answers is diffirent and they told her that they did not refusing the visa but they want more information to complet the case and i see the same form i have is like that and i wish you all see the forme pleas and tell me what you all think im waiting pleas

Your visa was denied. They did not issue you a visa and gave you a slip stating that you are ineligible- that is a denial at the consular level. What everyone is telling you is that the consulate does not have the final say on denying visas. So they sent your case back to USCIS with a note attached that says "We are not issuing a visa because of XYZ, we recommend that this petition be revoked." USCIS will usually allow the couple to prove the consulate wrong. So what you NEED to do is figure out what XYZ is. Figure out why you think the consulate didn't issue your visa. There could be many reasons. Then try to change those things. For example, if your wife hasn't visited you many times, have her visit again. Or if you were unable to answer simple questions about her life, write a statement saying WHY that is, and what you've done since then to get to know her better.

Your mind is going in many directions at once. Try to FOCUS on the specifics of your interview and write them down. Then look at what you wrote and try to figure out what went wrong. Those are the steps to take right now. And have your wife join us here on this forum so she can get some guidance too. She is the petitioner, and she is the one who must present your defense when your case is reviewed.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-07 17:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresi need help about the form 221g

I already mentioned suggested plan. There is no other plan. I would try to end the case as soon as possible to be able to file another case. Don't keep rebuttling it. Lawyer will tell you that they can do this but in this case they won't. They will just take your money. Senator/Congressman will not help in this case either. You have 3 options:
1) If you are truly in love end the case, ask her to move there as there is no other option, spend at least 3-4 months together, re-file new case
2) Same but not in Morocco but rather 3rd country
3) You will not have a chance otherwise.

I do not see any other high-probability option.
I will be brutally honest: considering your respective age groups and answers that you are given if I was CO I would reject it too. Now the ball in your aqnd your wife's court to prove them wrong.

Abandoning a denied CR-1 is a BAD idea. OP's wife should let the petition be reviewed (it WILL be reviewed), and if it is reaffirmed, he will be given a second interview. If he succeeds at the second interview, and IR-1 will be issued. Telling the OP's wife to waste another fee and abandon a petition is unsound advice. What they need to do is strengthen their existing case for a rebuttal.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-07 15:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresi need help about the form 221g
Contacting the congressman/senator/consular chief really isn't going to accomplish anything at this point. They're going to tell you that the petition has already been sent back, give you a diplomatic pouch number, and tell to wait to hear from NVC. I've only heard of one person who's managed to get Casablanca to hold their case for a second interview, and they were denied at the second interview as well.

Since this is a CR-1, there will be a review. It will take about a year. During this time, it'd be best if your wife came to visit you again in Morocco, and you really should sit down with her and prepare for a second interview. When they contact her regarding the review of your case, have a response prepared with further evidence. Tell her to read other people's experiences on this site about denials in Morocco, to further prepare both of you for the review to come. You've got a long road ahead of you, but this can be overcome. I've had 2 dear friends who were previously denied in the past year that were able to have their Moroccan spouses join them in America. It takes time. Try to be patient and smart about this. Good luck.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-07 11:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshow can my wife send in rebuttal to the USCIS

you insult my marriage first so u deserve what i said to you and i told u stope puting message on my place you dont have honore or what :bonk: and if he did not like what i said i can give him my adress :dance:

Nope, I don't have honor. I don't care. And this is not your place. This is a public forum, that ANYONE can read or post on. Do us all a favor. Take that $7,000 you have in your bank and spend your honeymoon finding a nice, expensive immigration attorney that will tell you what you want to hear. You're not going to get that here.


and frome the pic you put on here i think you are the boss not ur husband :rofl: poor baby

Some might say that. I handle my business. Your wife would be smart to rein you in before she wastes any more money cleaning up the mess you made at the consulate.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-14 21:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshow can my wife send in rebuttal to the USCIS

Hey Squeaky--

Now we really want to know what is on your mind--I can feel the passion--and want to know the words !!

My husband basically told him that the advice he's been given on this board is sound, and that he should listen to it and not piss off the Americans. He said that Americans are serious people who respect honesty, and that's what he should have brought to the consulate to get a visa. I don't think any cursing was involved, my husband isn't a ###### starter. He doesn't much like it when individuals insult his marriage, tho.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-14 19:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshow can my wife send in rebuttal to the USCIS
ga3 nass li jawbo hna galo lik dossier ki yakhod 3am 3ad ki kmel, hadi hiya l'modda li kolchi daz menha, wakha teb9a tsewel ou t3awd rah 7ta wa7ed ma ye9dar y zereb lik l'wa9t, a7san 7aja dirha hiya te3raf mratek ou te3raf kolchi 3liha bach te9dar tjawb fe ay 7aja sewlouk 3liha!!
ou kon drayef m3a l'mirikan rahom 3ziz 3lihom li dwi m3ahom zwin, ila dwiti khayb may 7emloukch ou may diro m3ak walo.
hadi nassi7a men wizarat l'kharijiya (wizarat si7a sedouha had l'3am).

nzidek wa7ed l'7aja mohimma, mirikan 3tahom lah l'khir 7it me39olin ou ma fihomch l'kdoub, dakchi 3lach melli mchit 3andhom l'9onsoliya dwit me39ol ou ma kdebtch 3lihom ou BIYENT LIHOM RANI KAN BGHI MRATI BEL'ME39OL, ou meli chafo dakchi 3tawni visa.
ou melli mchiti 3andhom nta chafouk machi me39ol ou fik tkhalwid dakchi 3lach ma 3tawk walo.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-14 18:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresi need all the question the consula can ask me in my next interview

They asked my husband in the first interview to write down all the jobs I had in the last 5 years, and to write down every supervisors name at each of those jobs. They also asked the names of the schools my niece, and 2 nephews went to. He could only answer my current job, my current supervisor and my last job. He didn't know the school names. I didn't even know the names of one of the schools. I thought these were normal things an SO might not know about another.

IDK about the preparedness though, we were pretty thoroughly prepared, and they did NOT like it the first time around. The first thing they told my hubby before they grilled him for over an hour was that they did not like our package. My senator's office told me that the Consular Chief said he had never seen such a perfectly organized, and well thought out package before. But see what happened, being TOO thorough backfired in a big way. Because I was utterly #######, it looked too good to be true. I am telling you, there is no way to figure out how or why they conduct their approvals and denials, it is different for every single case. I think this is the most frustrating aspect....because you can get advice from others, but when it comes down to it, every case is individual.

When I say preparedness, I don't necessarily mean a ton of paperwork. My hubby only took in a book of photos, and my passport with a stamp showing I was in the country at the time. What I mean is mental preparedness. Knowing stupid tiny details (hubby can still to this day tell you the employers of all 3 of my siblings and their significant others, the birthdays of my best friend's kids, the names of my supervisors at both jobs, and my entire employment history back to McDonald's in 1994), because Casablanca has a history of asking these kinds of questions. Also understanding the mentality of an American government employee, the guidelines set forth by the State Department for consular officers, and the attitude of specific CO's.

One may say, that if a relationship is genuine, all this "trivial" info isn't needed. But time and time again, Casablanca has denied spousal visas, only for them to be reaffirmed a year later and issue visas at a second interview. Casa has a track record for "testing" relationships in this way, and I know of many relationships that have both passed and failed this test. The bottom line is, if all red flags are addressed at the initial interview, and these kinds of silly questions can be correctly answered, it makes it very difficult for the CO to give a sound reason for denial the FIRST time around.

I tell you, my husband and I spent MONTHS poring over this stuff and studying our butts off about Casablanca. They really, truly, wanted to deny my husband simply because we were a K1 case, and our relationship is a little unorthodox. They even judged his appearance and gave him a drug test before they'd issue a visa. I credit the fact that he knew how to approach the CO's in a favorable manner (by studying their past behavior in other's interviews) that he was able to get the visa in one shot, at a time when most K1s were flat out denied.

Casablanca is a beast, and should be approached as such. Defeating a beast means being confident and knowing it's first move before it does. That's all I'm saying.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-14 19:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresi need all the question the consula can ask me in my next interview
This list of questions is very relevant at high fraud consulates like Casablanca. My husband knows everything about me. You could ask him any one of these questions and he could answer it correctly. We prepared for Casablanca with questions like these, and some of them were asked. And my husband got his visa in one interview. Preparation is everything.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-14 18:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresi need all the question the consula can ask me in my next interview
Here's a list of possible questions:

Initial meeting and courtship :

When and Where did you meet ?
When did your relationship become romantic ?
When did you first meet person to person ?
Why did you fall in love with her ?
When did you propose marriage ?
Did you give your wife an engagement ring ? Describe it.
Why do you marry an American and not a Moroccan ?
What the two of you have in common ?

Information about my wife’s life :

When and Where was your wife born ?
Where does she live ?
What is your wife’s cell phone ?
What does she do for a living ?
How long has your wife had this job ?
How much does she make ? Who is her supervisor ? What is ur fiancee’s office number ?
What does/did she study in school ?
Describe your wife’s education ?
What jobs has she had in the past ?
She worked as : From To
Month Year Month Year
Is your wife planning to change careers ?
Who is your wife’s movie star ? Favorite movie ?
What is her favourite book or auther ?
Does your wife play or watch sports ? Which ones ?
What kind of car does your wife drive ?
What has your wife told you about her childhood ?
What is one of your wife’s long-term goals ?
What is one thing your wife would like to change about herself ?
What is your wife frightened of ? ( Any phobias ? )
Does your wife have any allergies ?
Does your wife take any medication ?
Has your wife had surgery ?
What is your religion ? What is your wife’s religion ?
Does your wife regularly attend religious services? Tell me more about her beliefs.
What religious holidays do you plan to celebrate together, if any ?
What type of agreements do you and your wife have about religion ?
If you have children, what religion do you plan to raise them in or teach them ?
How do you think you and your wife will discipline and train your children ? Are you in agreement about methods of discipline ?
What do you and your wife argue about ?
When was your most- recent argument ? What was it about ?
How do you and your wife usually resolve your disagreements ?
What would you like to change about your wife ?
What does your wife want to change about you ?
How do you and your wife communicate ?
How often and what time do you call each other by phone ?
What do you talk about on the phone ?
How often and what time do you chat online ?
How often do you and your wife exchange email or letters ?
When was the last time u talked with ur wife ? What was the conversation about ?
How would you describe your sex life ?
Did u and your wife live together or have sexual relationship before ur marriage ?
What time does your wife typically go to bed at night ?
When does your wife usually get up in the morning ?
Describe ur wife’s clothes ( in general ). What type of underwear does she wear ?
What does she wear at night ?
What type of clothes does your wife wear to work ?
What does your wife wear on the weekend or on days off from work ?
Does ur wife wear jewellery, perfume, make up, etc.? If so, describe some
When was your wife’s last menstrual cycle ? What type of feminine hygiene products does she use ?
Do you and your wife use birth control ?
What color is your wife’s eyes ?
How tall is your wife ?
What is your spouse’s blood type ?
Has your wife used other names in the past ?
Does your wife have any scars or tattoos ?
When is your wife’s birthday ?
Did you get your wife a gift for her last birthday ?
Did your wife give you a gift for your birthday ? What was it ?
Does your wife have any pets ? If so, what breed, color, names etc.?
What do you love most about your wife ?
What does your wife love about you ?
What is your wife’s favourite food ?
What is a food your wife doesn’t like ?
What is your wife’s favourite color ?
What are your wife’s favourite hobbies or interests ?

Information about my wife’s family :

Who are your wife’s parent ?
Where do your wife’s parents live ?
Describe your wife’s house ?
Have you met or spoken with them ?
How does your wife get along with her parents ?
Does your wife have any brothers and sisters ?
Do your wife’s family have nieces and nephews ?
How does your wife’s family feel about you ?
How does your family feel about your wife ?
Why did you use Internet to find a spouse ?

Information about my wife’s children :

Why did your wife’s relationship with her childrens father not work out ?
What is the name of your wife’s ex-boyfriend/husband ?
Who has custody of the children ?
Does your fiancee receive child support or alimony ? If yes, how much
How old are her children ?
When are their birthdays ? Did you get them any gifts ?
Where does her children go to school ?
What do your fiancee’s children call you ?
Whom her children lives with ?
Will they live with you and your wife ?
Will you be a good parent to your wife’s children ?
Do you plan to have children ?

Miscellaneous questions :

Who is the petitioner (know how to spell their full name) ?
Do you have family in the U.S. ?
When will you leave for the U.S. ?
Where will you and your wife live after your arrive in the U.S.?
What are you plans for works ?
How soon do you hope to start working ?
If you don’t find a job soon after getting employment authorization, what will you do ?
Will you get a U.S. driver’s license ?
Will you drive your wife’s vehicle or use another vehicle ?
Do you plan to apply for U.S. citizenship ?
What are your specific plans, if any, for continuing your education ?
Tell me more about the town or city where you and your wife plan to live ?
What do you think you will like most about this city ?
What do you think you will like least about this city ?
Do u and ur wife have a bank account together ? Where ? What kind of account ?
Are both of u listed on the account ? (Do u have a bank letter, cancelled checks, etc.?
Does your wife have credit cards ? If so, approximately how much ?
Is your wife renting a home or buying one ? What are the monthly payments ?
How are you preparing for ur life in the U.S. and with your wife and her family ?
If your wife ever asked you for a divorce, what do you think you would do ?
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-12 08:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresbefor my interview they give me so much paper pleas help

if ur husband really love you he will act crazy but he did not becaus he want to show u that he dont care about the visa so u have to think about that but me i let my feeling controling me that why i act crazy like that u have t ask ur self why ur husband love u becaus i know why i love my wife

My husband does really love me. He was able to answer simple questions about me. He never had to act crazy about getting a visa denied. Because: Posted Image
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-13 09:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresbefor my interview they give me so much paper pleas help

but her answer it clear she meant that i want only get out of morocco and i dont need to start my life in other place and my job here in morocco so i have to tracvel and start frome the begining again and found a job ther and starte again in ur life it somthing hard so i understand what u said and im smart that why i work in sell beds and i know how to talke with poeple but she meant somthing also and u can understand that but thank you for ur kind answer god bless you

Posted Image

You're totally right. I did mean something by it. Because I know PLENTY of Moroccan men with wives in the US that have been denied visas, and not one of them seemed anywhere near as desperate as you seem to be to get that visa and get it NOW. We've all been telling you to calm down, be patient and smart about this for the sake of your future chances of coming to be with your wife, and all you seem to be doing is grasping at straws, trying to figure out how to get around this denial.

Anyone who knows Moroccans know that they're not commonly the "I NEED IT NOW" type. Your posts smack of desperation and disappointment that this process is not as easy as you expected it to be. Welcome to the long haul, my friend. If you're genuine, you'll get through it.

Edited by squeaky580, 12 June 2011 - 10:57 PM.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-12 22:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresbefor my interview they give me so much paper pleas help

yeah and if my wife want we can visit usa only 1 time in year and if i thought marriage visa it hard like that i will filed a tourist application the first time and married my wife ther but i did know that the first time

lol you say that like it's only marriage visas that are hard. there's NO EASY USA VISA AT CASABLANCA. None. There's no easy way to get to the US. You want to get out of Morocco easily, try Canada.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-12 12:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresbefor my interview they give me so much paper pleas help

they did not tell hime the reason why they did not give him the visa and that really crazy if they dont have a reason why they refusing his visa the first time i think casablanca play on our feeling and we have to found a solution to fight that

lol There's a simple way to fight having your feelings played by the consulate. Live in Morocco. If you want to come to America, you've gotta deal with that consulate. But no one is MAKING you come here.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-12 08:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresbefor my interview they give me so much paper pleas help

but i know some friends they denied them visa the first time and them wifes visited them again and they give them the visa the second time they are like 4 friends and happend the same to them they refusing them visa under section 221g but they call them for other interview like 9 month after that and they got the visa

Did you happen to ask them if USCIS asked for any further evidence? Because if USCIS has reason to believe that the consulate is correct in denying you, they're going to want further evidence to prove the consulate wrong. You can't base your actions post denial strictly on other people's experience. There are people here on VJ who have been denied TWICE by Casablanca. You have to figure out what went wrong with YOUR case, and try to fix it. Your wife spending time over there with you is a good start. Getting a US visa isn't as easy as you thought it was, is it?

Edited by squeaky580, 12 June 2011 - 12:10 AM.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-12 00:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresbefor my interview they give me so much paper pleas help

hi sister i have question my wife she will travel and stay with me till they give me the visa so now it not important for me when and what time they will give it to me but i have question do you think is better for my wife travel to me now or after we know frome USCIS what happend and why they refused my visa

I have a friend that did this- she stayed in Morocco with her husband for nearly 2 years, waiting for his visa. If she does this, she'll need someone in the US who can receive her mail and tell her what they send to her and request. It ends up costing a great deal of money to send documents back and forth thru the poste, because it has to be sent certified express. But I think it's a wonderful idea for her to go and stay with you. You will get to know each other better. Make sure when she arrives that you take her to get a carte de sejour, if she is staying more than 3 months. Otherwise she'll have to go to Melilla or Ceuta every 3 months to get her passport stamped. Good luck.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-11 14:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresbefor my interview they give me so much paper pleas help

hi vereybody my wife she just found out that the sponsor her mom's husband was in the army and after he retired he work in security company and his son stoled his gunn and he sell it and he had a big ticket that he will go to jail so do you all think because they found out in his record this problem maybe they will want onother sponsore and that why i see a small ticket shwoing MISSING I-864

If the only issue was a missing I 864, they would have given you a notice telling you to bring it to the consulate before your visa could be issued, not sent it back to the USCIS. My husband was missing an I 864a, and they gave him time to bring it to them. In your case, there was another reason the visa was denied.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-11 10:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresbefor my interview they give me so much paper pleas help

do you all think its calling the senator and have a lawer in the case will helpe or i have to more think pleas im waiting thank you

The senator can help keep you updated about what's going on with your case, and a lawyer can do your paperwork for you and take your money. Neither can make things go faster, or alter the details of your situation.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-10 13:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresbefor my interview they give me so much paper pleas help

im sorry my wife did not want enter to this site she saw what everybody said here and she get so sick she cant handl that and she told me dont talke on the site but i know that everybody can help me here becaus you all have so much experience

If your wife can't handle this visa process, perhaps she should move to Morocco. We're not trying to be mean or nasty, we're trying to tell you the way things are. You're really not listening. You have to realize that MOST people who apply for a spousal visa at Casablanca are denied. Casablanca is, in my opinion, in the TOP 5 most difficult consulates in the world. You strolled up Blvd Moulay Youssef thinking this would be nooo problem, and you found out you were very wrong. So I'm going to tell you again how this will go down, in LIST form, since you seem to like that.

1.) It's going to take at least 2 months for USCIS to get your case back.

2.) It's going to take another 6-8 months after that for them to review your case.

3.) If they need more evidence from your wife, they will ask for it when they review the case, so you better start preparing for it now.

4.) If your case is reaffirmed, you will get a second interview at Casablanca, about ONE YEAR from now. If you don't pass that interview, your case is DENIED and there can be NO APPEAL. Your wife would need to refile at her expense and chances of a visa being issued are slim.

5.) VJ members cannot tell you why you were denied- you will find out when your case is returned and they send notification to your wife.

This isn't a hand holding session. This is some serious stuff. If you really want to come to America to be with your wife, you should listen to what's being told to you, even if it's not what you want to hear.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-09 17:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresbefor my interview they give me so much paper pleas help

pleas pleas for everybody why they give me this document back

additional documents checklist form I-864 of support under section 213 a of the act and in this for i see at it a smal letter said missing hhmy i864A
part 1 information on the sponsor
part 5 sponsor's household size
part 7 use of assets to supplement incom
part 8 spnsor contract
good shepherd medical center

and all the information my wife sent like letters or letter back show they reciev somthing

and they keep some forms and my medical medecine

They denied your visa. What they returned to you was sensitive personal financial information of your sponsor. What they kept will be sent with the original petition back to USCIS. It has no bearing on your case. You went to an interview and you weren't prepared. At Casablanca, that gets you denied. Work hard to prepare for the next interview, and perhaps you may be successful.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-09 12:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIneligible to Receive Visas under the section 221g

i have the same problem too and i think casablanca they mean to make us suffering

Casablanca is a very very tough consulate. Going in to that consulate without being prepared properly is asking to be denied. There is a very high fraud rate in Morocco, so they are harder than other consulates.

I started a thread that discusses how difficult Casablanca is, maybe it might help you both: http://www.visajourn...ablanca-thread/
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-10 13:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAt what point is A-number assigned
Same here : for a K-1, it's assigned at the time of NOA2. The A number actually reads on the form.
Maybe you could check your NOAs to see if some number that starts with an A stands somewhere ?
brian-and-auroreFemaleFrance2011-04-29 09:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisitor Visa Help from Casablanca for non family member

Hey everyone,

I'm new to this site but I am trying to get information on the process of getting a visitor visa for my friend from Morocco.

My mother and I are inviting my host mom from Morocco to visit us for the Holidays. I am a college student and recently studied abroad in Morocco this past spring/ summer and stayed with my host mom for about 7 months. We became really close and now she's like family. Since I am a college student my mom is sponsoring her trip and has agreed to cover airfare and all expenses while she's in the US.

Some info about her: She's 50, but unmarried and doesn't speak English (I speak Arabic and my mother speaks French which is how we communicate). She lives with her older sister, her family owns the home but her name isn't on the deed, she has a bank account and a car though. She's employed as a host mother with an American school affiliated with the government but the work isn't always steady.

She has filled out a sponsor affidavit form and we're going to send her last tax return as well as a copy of her birth certificate, passport and pay-stubs. We've also sent a letter to the consulate inviting my host mom as well as a letter addressed to my host mom inviting her.

I was wondering if anyone who had experience getting a visitor visa from morocco could offer some advice as well as explain the general process. Will my host moms documents need to be translated into English or do they speak Arabic/French at the consulate? Does the consulate contact my mom before her interview to verify information?

Any information would be appreciated. Thanks a lot/ chukran bazaf!

She may not have too much trouble getting a visitor visa, as she is an older woman with a steady job to come back to. As the previous poster said, it may not be a good idea for her to directly give your mom's affidavit and tax info to them directly. She should keep it with her at the interview, however, in case an affidavit of support is requested, as is sometimes the case. I hope she has success.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-09-19 00:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan KHOBZ bread recipe needed

Yeah I guess you are right... Mexican food is my fav and about a month into my visit the cravings were insane :0) We went some where for pizza... The worst pizza I ever had....

Their Pizza Hut and Domino's over there is better than here. Beef pepperonis!!
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-09-21 13:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan KHOBZ bread recipe needed
The bread my inlaws made in the house always seemed to turn out harder than the stuff sold on the street. I guess there's more than one way to make it?
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-09-20 22:46:00
Middle East and North Africatourist visa

Don't waste your money even applying for a tourist visa.

Use the money you would be wasting to buy something for the house, like a table or a set of pots and pans.

Awesome advice. :thumbs: Have him get some 400 threadcount Egyptian cotton sheets instead.

Edited by squeaky580, 11 July 2011 - 05:19 PM.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-11 17:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaIM SOOOOOOOOOOOOO SAD

Walmart here was NOT friendly at all. In fact, they interviewed my husband and told him, "sorry, your English isn't good enough", which was total rubbish. He is a certified teacher with a BA and 14 years teaching experience and he is working at a local grocery at night stocking.

I only suggested it because I have 2 friends who got right off the plane from Morocco and got jobs at Wal Mart. One as a cashier, and one as a night stocker.

It's tough for everyone right now. I work at Pizza Hut, and 1/2 my coworkers have at least a Bachelors and are delivering pizzas full time.

Edited by squeaky580, 19 February 2011 - 04:31 PM.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-02-19 16:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaIM SOOOOOOOOOOOOO SAD
Have you tried Wal Mart? They are really good about hiring new immigrants. And I also recommend Pizza Hut, they treat their employees very well.

Edited by squeaky580, 19 February 2011 - 12:11 AM.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-02-19 00:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaIM SOOOOOOOOOOOOO SAD
I won't tell you that it's going to be easy.. There will be times that are really tough for you.. But anything that's good is worth fighting hard for, and you'll be making your own new family in America. Just take your time, ask a lot of questions, and try to relax. Your family must be so proud of you ^_^
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-10-05 01:02:00