K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmoroccain consulat

hello guys i am wondering if the forms that i will recieve from the consulat here i will handtyping them is this possible to handtype them ?

You can fill in the forms by hand, as long as the handwriting is neat and easily readable.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-28 18:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSending visa Fees?? Maroc

How do you send the visa fees and im not talking about online. I mean like do i send a check with my fiance to morocco or western union? what? wat is the best way? or how did u do it?

He's got to pay in cash, at either a BMCE bank, or at the consulate itself. I'd recommend you send him the money via Money Gram (it's much cheaper and more plentiful in Morocco). Then he can go pay the fee.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-04 07:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures$88 FOR I-864??? K1 visa

ok thanks alot. i was going crazy over that. cuz i didnt see neone filling in morocco say that they had to pay i864 fee, But they do charge it turned in with a K3 application??

They charge it when it's turned in with an IR/CR-1 application. A K3 would complete it in the US the same way a K1 would. You have to understand that the K1 is not technically an immigrant visa. It's a non-immigrant visa that allows it's holder to establish immigrant intent when they enter the US. The I 864 is a document that can only legally be applied to an immigrant visa. If you read the document itself, this becomes clear. The I 134 is the financial support document that is normally required for non-immigrant visas, such as the K1.

Casablanca consulate has taken it upon themselves to require that SOME (not all) K1 filers submit an I 864. I am assuming that it is because they either A) Want to see that someone is willing to sign this legally binding document on behalf of the interviewed individual. Or it could be B) A way for them to make couples slip up, so they can deny.

I put nothing past them. But rest assured, you don't need the $88, and any I 864 submitted with a K1 is pretty much a useless, non binding piece of paper.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-05 04:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures$88 FOR I-864??? K1 visa

Sooo a friend of mine that filed the I-130 whose fiance is in Morocco says that I will have to pay $88 for the I-864 and send the receipt with it to morocco, but im confused because im filing the I-129 and K1 visa so isn't there a difference and I also researched that, you only pay $88 if ur filing for I-864 within the U.S. and you don't pay if ur filing outside of the US. soo can someone please please tell me the inside scoop? Does the USC have to pay the $88 with the 350 for the visa fee????

They're not going to charge you for the I 864 turned in with a K1. Honestly, I think they only ask for the I 864 with a K1 to show that someone is willing to sign that form for the intending immigrant. The I864 contract used at the consulate for a K1 cannot be reused when the immigrant comes to the US and adjusts status. It is not considered binding until immigrant intent is established- that's when the immigrant comes to the US and marries. At that time, when AOS is filed, you'll need a brand new I 864, and the fees are included in the $1070 AOS fees.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-04 22:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEasy or hard. Interview

We are preparing to send in our CR-1 after two failed K1 attempts. Thank you for this information. We are not sure how much to send and if we should concentrate more on the time since our last denial up to today? We sent 25 pounds of proof and were denied. I don't want to kill them but we want it to be good and enough. The denials reasons were very weak but they were denials none the less. We have been together for 5 years so as you can see the proof could be huge. Any advise? Thanks

You should probably concentrate on the time from your denial to the present, especially if they have previously seen past evidence. Frontloading the petition with a handful of photos (5-10 really good photos, stuff of you with him and his family, etc, maybe one from each trip to show how long term the relationship is) is a good idea, because they WILL look at that stuff when it arrives at the consulate. There's only a 50/50 chance of them looking at any evidence you take to the consulate, as you most likely know. So make the frontloading count.

I'm not very familiar with your case and what red flags you may have, but addressing them directly in the new petition with any kind of evidence you can provide is probably wise. Affidavits from both yours and his family regarding the relationship, etc could be helpful to put into the petition itself. If sending affidavits, make them short and to the point, one page max. I sent in an "evolution of relationship" timeline letter, describing the milestones of our relationship from start to the present- this is something that is recommended to do in several Asian countries, and I liked it because it gave me a presence at the interview, and showed some of my personality to the CO.

Think quality, not quantity, and try to make the evidence you send irrefutable. I made sure the photos I let them see did not seem at all posed or phony (we all put on phony smiles for the camera sometimes). I tried to convey to them our everyday lives and interaction in them. They did look at them. I don't know if it helped, but it seemed the right way to approach them.

Good luck, hon. I really REALLY hope you make it this time.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-10 23:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEasy or hard. Interview

You really aren't going to find any supportive tips regarding Morocco here. Tough place to get through, and that's about it.

To some extent, it is the same as anywhere else: get your documents and interview skills in order as best as you can, and attend the interview.

Good luck.

That's not 100% true. There are trends about the CO's at Casablanca that can be studied and used to one's advantage. They tend to favor people that are well prepared, but not over prepared (don't take too much evidence, minimalism is best). They like people that are relaxed and confident, but not cocky. Going over practice questions repeatedly (to the point of extreme) is advisable, so that one is comfortable with the answers, but doesn't seem too rehearsed. Trying to relate to the CO as a person and not talking like you're at a job interview is a good thing- being conversational and somewhat jovial loosens them up a bit.

I've studied this consulate extensively, both before and after my husband's interview, and waited with several people while their SO's interviewed to get a first hand, fresh perspective on how an interviewee feels after leaving the consulate. There's no doubt, the place is a nightmare- but it's not impossible to get out of there with a visa the first time.

OP should read the reviews, go back in the MENA forums and read about the interviews of those both approved and denied- look for trends in both. There's also a set of videos of a town hall meeting in Washington, DC that the chief of the non immigrant visa section did a while back. Her name is Nahal Kazemi, and she handles a lot of K1 interviews herself. Watching the videos gives you a good feel for her personality and how to approach her:

Yeah, it sounds like preparing for war. Know what you're up against. A key to winning a battle is to know what your opponent will do first.

There's some supportive tips for success at Casa.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-07 21:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEasy or hard. Interview
When my fiance had his interview, we had lived together in Morocco in his parent's home and had a 6 month old daughter together. They raked him over the coals at the interview- saved him for last, and he was questioned by 2 CO's. Several times, they'd ask him questions, send him away to discuss his answers, then bring him back to the window for more questioning.

We had enough evidence to pass an adjustment of status stokes interview for a married couple. I believe they still wanted to deny him. They even requested a drug test be taken, and an I 864 be submitted before he was issued his visa, and in the end, I think they only issued it because of our daughter and that they knew I was in Morocco and could show up at the consulate with her if they denied. I sent them emails telling them I would. :lol:

Casablanca is nothing to fool around with. Be over prepared, calm, and speak in conversational tones. Wish you luck.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-07 16:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdecision based on ??
I think it's been overlooked that this was a K1 visa application. Casablanca has a history of arbitrarily denying these applications, even without a large age difference or other red flags. From the pattern they have shown, it is done as a "test" of the relationship- if they have any doubt of the beneficiary's commitment to the petitioner, they'll deny just to see if he stays long enough to see a review or a second petition through. The sad fact is that they don't really have to give much detail as to a reason. All they have to say is "no bonafide relationship", and the petition is on it's way back to USCIS for a year or to expire.

OP, there's really no sense in focusing solely on the age issue as a reason for the denial. They cannot legally discriminate against you based on it, and they will never state that age was a factor in their decision, even if it was the sole factor. The most constructive thing you can do now is to prepare for a possible rebuttal, or (if the K1 petition expires before review, which it most likely will) another trip to Morocco to marry your fiance, so that you can apply for a CR1 visa. This, along with formulating a plan to strengthen your case in the long run (by giving them no red flags to deny for, there are ways of overcoming the age issue). Begin by preparing affidavits from both your family and his regarding the relationship, and possibly a letter from him addressing the age issue directly, and how he feels about it (keeping in mind the CO's assumed position on the issue). Take a moment to step back from your emotions about what happened, and use the energy from those emotions to get stuff done.

We're all here for you. :luv:
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-14 20:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdecision based on ??

I want to know if the interview took a little bit over 1 hour, fiance answered all questioned asked in a very timely manner. He felt all questions were how he knows me and family as well. Aside from the big age factor, what is it about the interviewers that leads them to think it is bogus. Aside from a long term relationship, would age really matter? They did not even gave him a reason why is was being sent back to VSC!!!

Age does matter to them, but they can't use it as an official reason. They'll say there's not enough proof of a genuine relationship and leave it at that. The consulate you interviewed at doesn't give out K1 visas easily. They even deny spousal visas and give a vague reason why. Now is the time to dig in to the forums here and figure out what your next step will be.

I'm really so sorry this happened to you :( (F)
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-13 20:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmorocco
Dr Ambari would tell you anything you wanna hear to get your money.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-16 14:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmorocco

which doctor ur fiance was at ? khadija or abdelouahed ?

He saw Dr Ambari.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-16 11:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmorocco
Doctor is going to want to see your interview letter before an appointment.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-15 14:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLas Vegas marriage...Stigma?

Squeaky, you have not heard? I thought you are the "mother" of the MENA forum! :wow:

They say M&M candy "melt in your months and not in your hand"...but when we got it "in hand" we were the ones that literaly melted. :thumbs:

Squeaky, thank you(truely)for providing the MENA forum with valuble information. Best wishes to you.

LOL congrats. Sorry, sometimes I get distracted from mothering MENA when I'm actually mothering my KID :lol:

Thanks ;)
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-25 08:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLas Vegas marriage...Stigma?
Plenty of people get married in Vegas. I don't think they'll see it as odd. Just don't book your Vegas trip until you have visa in hand. ;)
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-24 15:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChances on a 3rd K-1 Visa

Hi Squeaky,

Not first time with Casa - first K1 was through back in '04 and I hear recently they are on a denial coaster ride. I'm still looking to relocate there either way, but want to weigh in all options ahead of time.

I appreciate your response very much.

:yes: A 3rd K1 visa being approved by Casablanca is not something I see happening for you (or anyone. They don't like K1 cases to begin with). If you plan on relocating to Morocco- your best option would be to get married in Morocco, live there for some time, and then do a direct consular filing when you're ready to return to the US.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-24 14:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChances on a 3rd K-1 Visa

Thank you Casprd that is a good point. My ex's are from different countries and not related in any way at all. I am thinking about the K-3 versus K-1 route, but just that I would prefer having the 3-month window to help adjust before nuptuals. I didn't do that first time...I just scheduled the marriage right away. I believe that time is important.

Again, I appreciate all the helpful feedback. Thank you all.

Will this be your first dealings with the consulate in Casablanca, Morocco? I have a feeling they're going to ask ALOT of questions about this- they're not a very easygoing bunch.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-24 11:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange in plans..will this be a problem?

Thanks, we already had the interview and have the visa. But on the visa application question # 34, it asked for "the names and relationships of persons travelining with you" since I was planning to go and come with her, we wrote that I will be traveling with her. Now, our plans changed since I am unable to take a vacation from my she will be entering alone / traveling alone. Will this be a problem at the POE since we said on Q# 34 that I will be traveling with her...but now she will be traveling alone?

Thanks again!

The customs guys shouldn't give her a hard time about this. I'd just see that she has your phone number handy so they can contact you if they do have a question about it.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-08-01 00:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy name came up in a conversation

Why would you go into credit card debt? Only spend what you have. It's called 'Being responsible'. It isn't very hard to do.

Your views on the middle class are severely flawed and your attitude matches your views. Pretty pathetic.

Stop blaming other's for your situation and look in the mirror. It isn't your parents fault or anyone elses in that you couldn't go to college or get a better job/s.

I'm not blaming others for my situation. Frankly, you know nothing of my situation further than what I have said- and I won't discuss the ugly bits here. Suffice it to say that most people who have walked in my shoes are either dead, in prison, or TRULY milking the system by not working at all and collecting welfare. Considering the lifestyle I've had in the past, my situation is a damn good one.

I don't think my views on the middle class are flawed at all. Not when they're buying groceries with credit cards and are one missed paycheck away from foreclosure. I deliver food to the houses of the so called middle class- $300,000+ homes with manicured lawns and not a STICK of furniture in them. Watching my cousin with a master's from Johns Hopkins struggle for 2 years to find a job only to lose her home and have to move in with her parents, who are also being foreclosed. The high and mighty United States is falling apart, one middle class citizen at a time.

I look in the mirror and see someone who's doing the best I can with what I've got, not digging myself in deeper.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-08-01 18:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy name came up in a conversation

Lots of people make low-income work for them. Saving for what they need. Paying their bills. Cutting back on "luxuries". You want your cake and you wanna eat it too. You made your choices, and we made ours. Not everyone who is rich or middle class even got that way because their family was. Some of us worked hard to get where we are.

I want my cake and wanna eat it too? Sorry, in my house, cake IS a "luxury". Majority of upper middle class and middle class have credit card debt, car notes, house notes- EVERYTHING I have is paid for, with cash. And my job DOES offer health insurance. It's the crappiest plan on the face of the Earth, for a ridiculous amount of money. I actually COULD afford it, but the State sponsored healthcare that I am eligible for has better coverage than what my employer offers.

Sorry man, I don't buy going into credit debt to make it into the "middle class". I prefer to pay cash for what I need, and I don't think I'm milking the system by CHOOSING to get the best health coverage that is available to my family, and myself, who supports my family alone.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-31 23:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy name came up in a conversation

Hey, I wouldn't consider myself part of that 10%. My whole point is your way of thinking is flawed. You work 2 jobs and you chose not to have health insurance. In fact, you probably have very little debt, pay cash for everything, and live well within your means. That is great, but the one big problem though is you choose to spend your money to put food on the table and clothes on your back as opposed to purchasing health insurance because you know that if god forbid some catastophe were to happen you would get free health care. So you make X amount of money and you need food, clothes, rent, insurance, etc. Well, let's cross insurance off the list because it is so costly and if we ever get injured or sick we can go to the hospital and get free health care. That is the problem. Why do you have this option? If there was no such thing as free health care, health care would be so much less expensive for all of us. It's because of people like you who think the way you do and who have taken advantage of the system (albeit the system allows you to do so) that makes health care so expensive for all and cause this big debate to raise taxes on the wealthy. Why? Why should I or anyone else pay your healthcare? If the system was not set up the way it is and there was no free health care would you still forgo health insurance (though it would be much cheaper)or would that now be moved up on your list? Do you understand what I am saying? Since health care is free, you milk the system. If it wasn't free and something else was free then you would pay for health insurance and milk the system elsewhere. This entire idea that you deserve free healthcare are socialist ideals. It has nothing to do with the rich versus the poor. It has to do with is this a socialist country? Unfortunately you proved my entire point that it's not illegal immigrants that are bringing the system down, it's poor US citizens that want handouts at every corner. All I am saying is that if there were NO handouts for anyone and the US ended all social programs many problems fix themselves, including the immigration problem. Your argument is, "But we can't do that because then what happens if I get ill or suffer a serious injury." That is the whole problem. People not only relying, but expecting the US government (via taxpayers moeny) to bail out the poor.

To make matters worse, if things are so difficult where you cannot attain health insurance what in the world are you doing petitioning a spouse or fiance? An I864 is to guarantee that the spouse or fiance will not become a public charge. Certainly there is a serious flaw in the system if there is a chance that the USC themself could become a public charge. Not having health insurance makes you a public liability. If the US government is concerned about spouses or fiances of petitioners becoming a public charge perhaps they should tighten the rules on the petitioner themself first.

You're incredibly naive if you think that our corporate health insurance providers would lower premiums if social services programs were eliminated. If "free" healthcare wasn't offered to me, I simply would not have health insurance at all, and my daughter and I probably would have died in childbirth, making my need to put food on the table a moot one. I've been coughing up 30% of my income since I was 13 years old. I see VERY LITTLE other benefits from my tax dollars, which go to funding un needed wars and outrageous salaries for politicians. If they didn't tax us to death, maybe we COULD afford health insurance.

Oh and btw, my income is enough for the I864. :lol:

And I believe in Socialism. Capitalism destroyed this country. If it got rid of social programs, I'd be first on the plane to leave.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-31 11:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy name came up in a conversation

Let's play devil's advocate. Why is it the government's problem or tax payers problem if you can't afford health insurance.

It becomes the tax payer's and government's problem that workers can't afford healthcare when all the blue collar people start dropping dead from rotten teeth and easily treatable illnesses. Who's gonna build your McMansion and cook your Red Lobster when all the poor folks who normally do it are dropping dead of pneumonia because they can't afford a doctor?
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-30 23:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy name came up in a conversation

Let's play devil's advocate. Why is it the government's problem or tax payers problem if you can't afford health insurance.

10% of the US population pay 80%+ of the taxes in this country. I'm not going to say that the other 90% of the population's taxes are meaningless in the whole scheme of things, but for the most part it's just not much. My point of the amnesty, open borders and no social services for anyone is this. How many drug dealers, gang member thugs are there in the US from south of the border? 1,000,000? Those are the folks that don't need to be here. The majority of the other 29,000,000 folks are good people. Do some of these 29,000,000 people use social services and milk the system? Sure they do, but it's the government that lets them. It's not their fault that we have screwed up rules and laws allowing free health care for anyone, unemployment, food stamps, etc. Legal US citizens milk the system as well. The problem isn't an illegal immigration problem. The problem is providing these free services to anyone. Stating that one payes taxes so they deserve these services is hogwash. People get these services because of the taxes that the top 10% in this country pay. If social services were done away with and amnesty was granted to the 29,000,000 good illegal aliens those that are here to milk the system would go back. Many illegal aliens are good hard working folks. I'd rather my tax money go toward helping a good hard working illegal alien than a lazy US citizen. The truth is that anyone born and raised in the US has unlimited opportunities. You just have to go and get it. Illegal immigrants do, why can't US citizens? Scrapping all social services coupled with an amnesty solves so many issues. Many illegal immigrants would go back, many won't come, and without government handouts it would put real pressure on US citizens to produce or suffer the consequences. Do I think you deserve to die if you have a heart attack and no money? I don't wish ill will on anyone. However, if you are truly working hard at 2 jobs, and your jobs do not offer insurance and you cannot afford an insurance plan than that is on you. Why? Because you choose your jobs and professions. One thing is certain, it certainly should not be an entitlement that US citizens get all these social program handouts just because. SO back to my original question, "Why is it the government or tax payer's problems if one can't afford health insurance?" Please don't answer, "Because I'm a tax paying USC." There are way too many folks in this country that believe being a USC entitles them to free stuff yet think illegals shouldn't get the same free stuff. that is a horrible way to think. We are all human beings. The only thing that should determine who lives comfortably and who doesn't is "Who produces, who works hardest, and who works smartest." I'm not going to berate you, but if I really worked my butt off at two jobs and I couldn't afford insurance I would switch careers. Insurance premiums are outrageous because hospitals charge outrageous amounts because of all the people who think they are entitled to free care. Until the government does away with all the free social programs nothing will change.

Pfft switch careers. My jobs are hardly careers, mainly because my parents were working stiffs like me who couldn't save for college for their kids, and I'm not willing to go tens of thousands of dollars into debt in student loans to get a job where I don't earn enough to pay them off. I'm not chasing your bullsh1t "American Dream"- I'm trying to put food on the table.

Basically what you're saying is that rich people have a greater right to healthcare than poor people. That's what it boils down to. And that's exactly what's wrong with this country. You jackholes in the 10% feel like you're more human than us 90% because you're wealthy. You're all just one bad day on Wall Street away from being poor like the rest of us. God forbid you find yourself in my shoes. Damn, I hope when the next Great Depression starts, all you rich fuxtards throw yourselves out of windows like the last time.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-30 23:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy name came up in a conversation

Well aren't you a good samaritan. I disagree completely. People should not be ostracized simply based on where they are born. Amnesty for all is the solution. But how can we possibly pay for all the people who will take advantage of all the social services? We don't. That's the problem. All the free services, for everyone! Get rid of all social programs for everyone and open the borders. It would work. The real problem is not illegal immigrants. The real problem is this idea that hopitals need to care for a non-paying patient. No money, no service... legal status should not be an issue.

What about all of the American citizens who work their butts off at low paying jobs and can't afford insurance? If someone like me, who works 2 jobs to make ends meet but can't afford outrageous insurance premiums has a heart attack- I should just DIE because I can't afford insurance!? Screw you, man.. That's all I can say.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-07-30 00:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdministrative Processing? WTH is going on with our visa?!?!?! (Dominican Republic)

And do you really thinkt hat the visa specialist would know better about whats going on than the consulate that actually has the passport?

AP can happen to anyone, it usually has nothing to do with the details of your case. As others have said, it's usually for security checks and such. It's a regular occurrence in some countries, especially those in the Middle East. It can take weeks to months, and sometimes longer. Good news is, if they thought it was going to be a long AP, they wouldn't have kept the passport, they would have returned it and told your SO to wait for a call (speaking from the experiences of those in the MENA forums who've had long APs). So hopefully it won't be more than 3-4 weeks.

Edited by squeaky580, 04 June 2011 - 10:41 AM.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-06-04 10:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresthe interview !!!!
At Casablanca, be prepared to know everything from your spouse's birthday to your spouse's shoe size. Know everything there is to know about him/her. I mean everything. Know the name of their high school, college, and employer. Know their boss's name and what they do. Know their kid's names and birthdays (if they have kids). Know the names of friends, siblings, and parents. Know what kind of car they drive. Know everything about the city they live in in America. Know how much money they make and if they have any debt. There is NOTHING you should not know about your SO when you interview at Casablanca. They can and have asked about the most personal, and trivial details of the USC's life during interviews, and have denied people for not being able to answer. Be well prepared. Good luck.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-09-03 01:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapplying k1 but will put married?
I have a friend who brought his wife here that he married through proxy. They were a couple before he came to the US on a diversity visa- he was unable to afford to return to visit her right away, so they married by proxy when he'd been here in the US for 4 years. About a year after, he returned to his country after saving money for the trip and she became pregnant. They did not have a ceremony then, as legally, they were already married. When he got his citizenship that year, he decided to petition her to come join him. It took him 2 years of legal wrangling to get her here, but now they are together. Everyone's circumstances are different, but it is possible to use a proxy marriage for immigration purposes- I've seen it happen.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-09-15 22:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat should we do now Please
Sorry this happened to you. Casa is hard. They will be harder the next time you go in. Go to the MENA forums and read up about it. You're certainly not alone.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-09-25 00:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 , HOW DOSE IT WORK ?
In order to even qualify for the waiver, you'd need to exhaust all the ways you could possibly meet without her traveling to Morocco. Meaning, you'd need to apply for, and be denied a visitor visa, and you'd have to show them that you made attempts to meet in other countries near the US. And her medical papers would have to be tight. Even then, the chances of being granted a waiver are very slim.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-09-27 22:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1_129f denied
Nancy, I am so sorry this has happened to you. Unfortunately, there is no shortage of denial cases in the Middle East and North Africa forum, and I would suggest you skim through what people have done after denial for some good, regional specific advice. There is an entire thread pinned at the top of MENA regarding returned petitions, and the process that follows them, here: http://www.visajourn...tates-via-221g/

May I suggest that you send the consulate an email and ask them if they extended the expiration of the petition before sending it to the US. If they did not, there is a very good chance that it will expire before it reaches review. You should still, however, go over your fiance's interview experience in detail, to attempt to figure out exactly what brought them to the conclusion that your relationship is not valid. Go over every question and answer, because at review, the only way to refute the consulate's decision is to present new evidence that is contrary to their line of reasoning.

It is not impossible to overcome this denial. I have seen it happen first hand, in other denied K1 cases. The chances of a review actually happening are fairly slim, though, and if the petition expires, the best remedy is to marry your fiance in Algeria, and file a CR-1 petition.

Best wishes,

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-03-15 21:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 SUSPENDED UNDER SECTION 221(G) OF THE UNITED STATES
Just get it to them as soon as possible, wait a week, and if you don't hear anything back, call or email the consulate for your status.

Edited by squeaky580, 20 October 2011 - 09:32 PM.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-10-20 21:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 SUSPENDED UNDER SECTION 221(G) OF THE UNITED STATES

I disagree My fiancee was in AP for 3 weeks and all they needed was her passport.

I was just speaking from my personal experience, when my husband got the 221(g) for the same exact reason at the same exact consulate... Only difference was, they didn't even keep his passport, they took it when he brought the documents in. He had his visa 3 days later...
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-10-20 21:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 SUSPENDED UNDER SECTION 221(G) OF THE UNITED STATES
Should take about a week after he turns in the required documents to get his visa, if he was approved.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-10-20 17:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressponsors

thanks.. so now i am stuck.. it looks like he will not be able to come here.. my family is against supporting us due to his religion among other things.. My heart is broken badly because of this...i just dont know what to do anymore...I miss him so much and we are so close to the finish line in this process... :(:(:(:(

The best I can tell you is to try to find a part time job to make up the extra money. :( Sorry.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-10-22 15:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressponsors
you cannot combine your assets with her's to reach the poverty level. Your mother, as a joint sponsor has to make the guideline herself.

Edited by squeaky580, 22 October 2011 - 12:33 PM.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-10-22 12:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressponsors
If your mother comingles her assets with her husband and they file jointly, Casablanca will absolutely want an I 864a from her husband. Just and FYI.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-10-22 01:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestions on sponsors
Jaime, yes he can, as long as he grosses over the poverty level for 2 people for the year on his taxes.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-10-25 13:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about pictures

But why worry about all this now? Did I miss something here?

Casablanca is notorious for not looking at evidence that is brought to interviews. It's advisable to "front load" a petition package that will be forwarded to Morocco, with anything you absolutely want to consulate to see.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-11-07 14:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about pictures
Girl these people are crazy. Having these "engagement" parties is common for K1 couples in Morocco. Indeed I know of no one who has NOT had one. Casablanca knows this, and they're also aware of how difficult it is to marry in Morocco. I sent these pictures with henna, hugemongous caftan, crown on head, etc. NO PROBLEMS- they had NOTHING to ask about them. They know the deal. Every country is different about this kind of thing. It's a bad idea for people to generalize when giving country specific advice.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-11-07 14:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow About A $1000 i-129f

So America was born as a communist nation? I remember "no taxation without representation", but don't recall "share the wealth" until very recently.

The colonies didn't trade their goods and sell their property? There was no weath built in this country?

Capitalism is the very core of this nation - Just an FYI for you.

Do a little research and you'll find that there are actually other economic systems besides communism and capitalism (WOW!). America was founded during a time when Mercantilism was the major world economic system. Capitalism as we know it in the modern world began taking shape after World War I. It peaked in the 1950's, and has been slowly but surely dragging us down ever since. If you're still living the illusion that you can be wildly successful if you just work hard, you're joking yourself. I know people in their 70's who can't afford to retire and are STILL working hard, with very little to show for it. Capitalism makes the rich richer off of the labor of the poor, and keeps the poor working under the delusion that they might one day become rich. It would be highly amusing, if it weren't so sad.

You're right, Capitalism is at the very core of this nation, and it is tearing it apart.

Edited by squeaky580, 14 November 2011 - 01:09 AM.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-11-14 01:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow About A $1000 i-129f

As an aside to your last paragraph - America was FOUNDED on the prinipals of capitalism. We weren't born communists and "changed" a few decades ago like some other countries, and I personally am happy to compete in a free market economy for all I have and want.

I don't know where you got this from. America was most certainly not founded on the principals of capitalism. There was no such thing as capitalism AT ALL until the 19th century, when mercantilism declined in Europe and the industrial revolution began. Just FYI.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-11-13 15:18:00