Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Hey ya'll, I wanted to throw an important bit of info everyone's way- after Linda's experience the other day, I thought I'd call the consulate to inquire about them needing an i 864 for a K1. I was told that the i 134 is no longer being accepted for K1's, and that the i 864 is now a REQUIRED document at interview for K1s, though it's not listed in the packet 3.. So for those with interviews coming up soon- send that i 864 to your SO and save the potential delay.. Thank God for express mail!

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-24 09:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

With all due respect, I think that if the guy asks you to send money, it's time to re-think the man, not the chat logs. Just my opinion!

:yes: i agree, but not everyone is of that opinion- it happens..

Edited by squeaky580, 23 June 2010 - 09:25 PM.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-23 21:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Yep, sorry, I realized I typo'd that after I hit post. I edited to correct that Zaytoona's SO was approved.

Someone raised the point earlier, I can't remember if it was in this thread or another, that Casablanca suggests getting to know someone at least a year on its fraud warning. I wonder if they are looking harder at timing? And I wonder if they only look at the time before the filing started. It didn't seem like they took your 2nd visit into account at all, unfortunately. :(

I think that number of visits and time knowing each other seems to be a HUGE factor in their decision making. One 2 week visit, in most cases, ain't gonna cut it. Getting married on the first visit is a big red flag (but one that has been overcome in the past) But as you've pointed out from Monica's case- number of visits and lengths of visits isn't by far all they look at. There are many factors that go into their decision making, and it seems that of late, with K1 cases, they've been trying to do the job of the AOS interviewers by giving out denials to "test" the validity of a relationship by seeing if it can last through a second petition.

As it is in any MENA country as well as South Asian countries, an older woman marrying a much younger man is out of the cultural norm (although, DOS seems much more concerned about protecting older women with MENA men than they do older men with young FSU and SE Asian girls, as is demonstrated by the number of approvals seen in the RUB and East and Pacific Asia forums on VJ). Ability and willingness of a woman to have children is a offspin of the age difference factor. In MENA cultures, young men want to have children, its a matter of family honor. Differences in education levels and socio economic backgrounds can be a red flag too, to Casa. "What would an American woman with a masters degree have in common with a Moroccan man living on a sheep farm in the Atlas mountains?" they might ask.

Also, they read chat logs in detail. Be careful what you let them see. If your fiance has ever asked you to send money in a chat, don't let them see that. I'd be one to say, give them a little bit from times of milestones in the relationship. Let them read about the two of you making plans together, let them read about you discussing common interests, throw in an argument or two, with the subsequent make ups. Show them a relationship, but don't show them too much- with all respect, I think Monica gave them too much and it may have adversely effected the outcome of her petition. There's a fine line between providing evidence and appearing to overcompensate, and in this situation, there's no room for second chances when it comes to this. I'm having a hard time with it myself.

And finally, these consulate guys read body language like a mofo and can see through insincerity. Little white lies and exaggerations that might fly in a job interview are going to be noticed by a CO. As much as we'd like to think that we've got our men well trained to go through these interviews- lets face it, they're men, and they have a whole different way of thinking than we do. How many times have we WISHED we could go into the interview ourselves to represent our relationship before the CO? These poor Moroccan guys have NO IDEA what they're up against when it comes to the US Government. They've never had to deal with them before. I have made it a point to try to familiarize my SO with the way our Government works, from an American perspective. I've explained to him in detail the immigration process and the bureaucracy behind it, the reasons WHY his interview is going to be difficult, and what these COs think about him when he steps through the door. Knowledge is power and we need to teach these boys. LOL.

Anyway, enough of my personal opinions.. we'll see how well my strategy works next week when my poor baby will be subjected to this madness :crying:
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-23 20:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Sorry, I was typing during the attempt to get the thread back on track. Sorry for keeping the can of worms open! :bonk:

Good luck to those whose interviews are around the corner!

You know, don't be sorry- the more I think about it, this thread isn't just about saying "YAY!" when someone's approved and "BOO" when someone's denied, it's about DEALING with our situations, and part of that is discussing and trying to get a handle on why Casablanca is so tough, and what we can do to prepare for it..
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-23 18:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Posted Image
Posted Image

Another Casa VJ interview tomorrow, bonne chance Driss and Alicia ;)
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-23 17:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

And, out of curiousity, where do you get the data that Casablanca is largest fraud consulate in the world?

I imagine this statement is made under assumption, after hanging around in MENA and reading the kind of horror stories that come out of there.. But Guayaquil, Ecuador is right up there- if Casa is a beast with claws, Guayaquil is a beast with teeth- same rule applies with both: know what you're up against, go in prepared for battle, and be ready to lick some wounds when it's all over.. :P
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-23 17:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

I'm going to say something unpopular so try not to flame me.

More than half the MENA-American couples I spot here on VJ -- I have a hard time buying that theirs is a true and genuine, loving relationship. I can't, in good conscience, say that I believe it. I'd like to but I don't. Call me cynical. Most of them smell of fraud and exhibit the 'classic signs.' If I, as a neutral, third-party observer, can't buy it then how do you expect a CO, sitting at the highest fraud consulate in the world, to buy it? Really, come on, now.

I come from a 3rd world country, believe me, I have seen desperation and poverty and the lengths people would go to, to escape it.

I have to agree with Stasshi here. The Casa consulate has a difficult job. Their job is to protect America - it's borders and it's citizens.

Whether you, the USC petitioner feel like you need 'protecting' or not -- seriously, some of the women on here do seem to be blind as bats. Flying half-way across the world to marry someone who popped the question after talking online for two months is not 'spontaneous' and 'romantic' but just plain dumb. There. I said it. "He loves me even though I'm old as his mother and ugly as sin. This is what true love is. He is humiliated by his friends and peers but he takes it like a man. He is -- my man." I don't know whether to laugh or cry. People would sell their mothers for a greencard. And you think a few months of tasteless jokes is a tough price to pay for a GC?

You are not wrong. Sooo many women who date/marry MENA men get used and treated like #######. I think the reason why people get so frustrated about the methods of the Casa consulate is because too often, they seem to have their mind made up through preconceptions before the beneficiary ever walks through the door- and then they don't allow the beneficiary's evidence to be presented at interview to counteract the CO's preconceptions. And as many people who have had experience with this consulate will tell you, they can be quite shady about how they handle people's cases.

No one who's stepped foot into a MENA country is going to deny the kind of fraud that goes on there. If they do, they're naive and foolish. But people should be given an opportunity to properly present THEMSELVES, as opposed to being lumped into a negative stereotype (i.e. slimy, manipulative Moroccan men who'd sell their mother for a green card). If everyone is presumed a liar upon entry to the consulate, and the CO's are being too lazy to actually look at evidence- that's unfair.

That's why people get frustrated about Casablanca.
We're not all fat and old and ugly as sin, btw.. and not all of us are with men 1/2 our age.. lol

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-23 16:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Wow, and here last I saw Casablanca was not accepting EITHER financial sponsorship form for K-1's. I wish they would publish these changes in procedure!

Yay for a Casa approval! I was beginning to forget what those looked like. :dance:

It's not that they don't accept them, it's that they don't specifically request them in the list of forms needed for Packet 3. At interview, they can ask for ALL KINDS of financial documents to prove the intended immigrant does not become a burden on the State.

I'm so happy for Linda and Brahim! They're such an ADORABLE couple and we wish them continued happiness and blessings in America! ^_^
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-23 15:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

I hope all goes well for those having interviews this week. What days are the interviews?

I believe Tuesday and Thursday, respectively.. I am SOOO praying for some good news..
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-20 20:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Welly welly well.. It looks like we've got interviews coming up this week in Casablanca for some VJ folks! Moulay Idriss and I wish Linda and Brahim and Alicia and Driss the best of luck this week.. We're praying that all goes well for everyone! :thumbs:

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-20 20:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Best wishes for you.

Thank you so much.. I hope things are ok for you, you're in my prayers (F) (F)
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-17 20:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Yes, I understand that any information can be misinterpreted....either here or the information that we give them, that's why I was saying that its good for us to try to explain to them what we mean, that way we don't get misinterpreted. Anything can be read in to just about any statement....I think it's our & especially our SOs jobs to make sure that the CO understands correctly the information provided to them. And if I remember right (i may be wrong) most of what I have posted is related to what the CO has said to us & trying to get more information to be able to handle the situation correctly. And I greatly appreciate those that have been helpful & supportive. I'm sharing so that others can learn from our experience & hopefully not make some of the same mistakes that we did.

Monica :)

You're right, you've never been too harsh about them.. It was me who said I was feeling bitter toward them after all the denials lately.. But I think my bitterness is a manifestation of my absolute dread and terror at what should be a momentous occasion for my little family- the opportunity for us to live together in my home country. Instead they make reuniting families a secondary focus to singlehandedly attempting to curb marriage immigration fraud. I understand they have a difficult job, rooting through liar after liar, but they shouldn't begin by assuming that every man who walks through the door is a liar. Liars are easy enough for ME to spot, and these people are highly trained to do it, so why the pre judgements that they seem to exhibit?

Anyway, once again :ot2: :ot2: Tried to pick up translations today, but he procrastinated about leaving, so they were closed when he arrived.. less than 2 weeks left now.. ^_^
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-17 17:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

The government can access email from an ISP or webmail provider without probable cause warrant. They can also track any IP address. Big brother is always watching. :whistle:

:D that's great! Does that mean I don't have to print out 400 emails to give them? oh wait.. they only look at that stuff when we don't want them to.... :hehe:
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-17 14:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

But if it's the consulate you're referring to, they can tell who we all are by our timelines anyway - just looking at a few key dates is enough for them to know who is who...

That's so true.. it doesn't really matter anyway.. as long as no threats are made.. this consulate knows what they're doing.. :angry:


Edited by squeaky580, 17 June 2010 - 01:24 PM.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-17 13:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Call me paranoid, but I don't think that kind of stuff is the best thing to post right along with your pictures! Who knows who reads this site, ya know? :unsure:

Point taken, adjustments made. Ranting is more important than sharing family photos with complete strangers :D
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-17 12:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Do you already have a plane ticket for yourself and a specific date for flying back?

Well, I have a specific date for when I have to leave Morocco before risking deportation and a ban.. and we're working with that date (which, after Monica's experience, I am not posting anywhere, so the consulate doesn't know when I'm going and can't screw with me). I decided I'm not going to book our tickets until 3 weeks after his interview, if he doesn't get a response. I swear to God, if they deny us, they are some seriously cold hearted bastards and I'm taking it to the US press. I'm already so bitter with them after seeing so many people screwed over on VJ and in my personal life by that consulate. It's difficult to maintain a semblance of humility when preparing him for his interview.. :angry: Thank goodness for VJ, where I can vent about it :D
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-17 10:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Sorry for leaving out Vanessa.
How is everything going for you as the interview gets closer?

It's seriously been difficult to deal with the typical Moroccan "I'll get around to it" attitude when trying to get him to take care of stuff that needs to be done. It's a little infuriating, especially since I can't go out and do it myself because I don't speak Arabic. Other than that, though, it's just the normal stress of preparing for Casablanca consulate, and planning for both the best and worst case scenarios. Best case- we all fly home together and he watches the baby while I work. Worst case, I fly home with the baby by myself, and try to get subsidized day care so I can go back to work and afford do go through all this ####### all over again. :wacko:
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-17 09:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Hi All,
Just want to bump the thread a little!

From the posts, it looks like Linda is the next person to have an interview - that being on June22nd. How are you doing Linda? How's everything going with the preparation for the interview, etc?

After that is Sarah on June 30th. Have you made arrangements for the doctor, etc?

Anyone else?

Thanks for bumping us :D we finally did get the packet 3 today and had fun filling all that ####### out, and I was actually able to get his procrastinating behind to the translator today.. His medical is set for the 23rd..

Oh, don't forget Vanessa1 - her interview is the day before mine!

And hey, if anyone is in town here in Casa for their SO's interview and would like someone to cafe sit and distract them during the wait outside the consulate, let me know. I get damn lonely for conversation around here and I come with an adorable 7 month old girl ^_^
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-16 16:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Just an update, got this note this afternoon:

This office has received your fiancé’s case. A packet of information along with an appointment letter was sent to his address. His appointment is set for June 30, 2010 at 8:00 am. The panel physicians’ list is attached for his convenience. Mr. Handsomepants is required to provide the following:

· Birth Certificate and English translation

· Police Certificate and English translation

· Court Record and English translation

· Singlehood Certificate and English translation

· Original Marriage Certificate plus a copy and English translation if applicable

· Original Divorce Certificate plus a copy and English translation if applicable

· Death Certificate of previous(s) spouse and English translation if applicable

· Medical Record from one of our panel physicians, see attached list

· 2 Photos (5cmx5cm) white background

· $350 paid in cash at the consulate or at any BMCI bank.

· Form DS-230

· Form DS-156 x 2

· Form DS-156K

· DS-157

Please note that translations will be accepted from sworn translators only.

For security reasons and to minimize waiting time, visa applicants should not bring backpack or large handbags and must not arrive more than 30 minutes prior to their appointment times. Applicants must present their appointment letters in order to enter the Consulate and should bring only the necessary documents for their interview.

We do not recommend purchasing airplane tickets or making travel arrangements before a visa is issued.
Yeah, no kidding... :blink:


Immigration Visa Unit

United States Consulate General

8 Boulevard Moulay Youssef

Casablanca, Morocco

Email Address:

Public inquiries number: 0661 99 83 64. Hours: 3-4 pm

Frequently asked questions:
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-15 12:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Maybe it is just the mail system there. My fiancee almost never gets my letters or cards. He has only gotten 2 or 3 out of more than 10. I have stopped sending things in the mail to him.

That's what my fiance said too.. I just sent them an email today to ask about it, I guess we'll have to go pick up his packet too..

Good luck to you, Linda- we're rooting for you!
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-14 17:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

I am whole-heartedly supporting this thread! We are waiting for our packet 3 as well. NOA2 came on May 17th, but nothing since. According to the consulate they had not received our file as of last June 5th, but I know it left the NVC on June 1st. Hopefully we will see something this week and all will go smooth. It is so nerve-wracking. I am hoping we all see an upswing of approvals out of Casa B-)


I still haven't received the packet 3 here yet, but I called the Dept of State visa hotline (202-663-1225) and they told me his interview is 30 June! Maybe you should call them and get an update.. You just need the case number from NVC. Still hoping we get those damn papers this week so he can go to his medical.. :whistle: Good luck to you!

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-14 11:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Sarah, I am so happy that you started this thread! Thank you! My fiancee and I have yet to file as well, somehow it just keeps getting pushed back. But lately news out of Casa has me completely worried. My fingers are crossed for those going through Casa right now. Sarah, do you have a return date to the US? Or are you staying until you hear any news?

Unfortunately, my daughter I will be forced to leave Morocco on August 11, with or without my fiance, do to the fact that I can only stay in Morocco for six months out of the year without residency (which is damn near impossible to get without being married). I'm really hoping that they at least interview him before I have to leave, so we have some kind of clue what's going on. If they deny him, I will be forced to wait until January 2011 to return to Morocco to marry him, and then we'll file DCF (since I've already proven I can handle living here, and I don't want to separate our family). I decided to do a K1 because having a child out of wedlock could make marrying here difficult, but looking back in hindsight, I wish I had chosen the DCF route instead :wacko:

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-13 15:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
So I've read suggestions about a thread like this getting started.. Usually threads I start die horrible deaths, I hope that's not the case with this one, because those of us going through the consulate at Casablanca need support from each other, and to hear some positive stories. I'm hoping we get some GOOD news in this thread.

We're waiting right now for Casa to send us a packet 3. They've had our file since the 31 May. I called them last week and was told they haven't scheduled an interview for him yet.

I know there are a few interviews coming up in the next two weeks for VJ people at Casa. We're praying for everyone who goes through Casa that things go well and the tide turns there.. Please let us all know what's going on so we can compare notes..

Thanks ^_^
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-12 15:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaHeyyy whats up
Thanks you guys! Noodles is doing quite well, she's growing like a weed, and she will be 3 in November. I got word that my car should FINALLY be ready on Tuesday incha Allah. It's nice to catch up with ya'll.

Have a nice weekend!

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2012-09-08 14:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaHeyyy whats up

OK SQUEAKY... Hang in there, someone will source out a spare part soonish !

I'm hangin. Expect a lovely settlement befitting the indescribable pain and suffering and threat to my livelihood that this woman put me through when she decided her text message was more important than watching the )(#$&^# ROAD. Will then be taking a wicked vacation.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2012-09-03 21:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaHeyyy whats up

huh ? she posted copious amounts about being mind-blowingly happy to be getting a Mini Cooper, and even more mind numbingly happy to be working 3 jobs to handle all.

My opinion doesn't matter. I am sad she not get a Mini. I was really looking forward to the weekly reports of how much she enjoyed the ride. When those were absent I knew something was amiss, as riding in a Mini is the shiznit.

Mini is the shiznit, but I drive 350 miles a day, therefore, the Prius make it's own car payment. Can't say the mini would do the same.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2012-09-03 12:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaHeyyy whats up
Well, I have reverted to Islam. In my Buddhist practice, the glaring thing that was missing was a relationship with God, and that is important to me. The Buddhist precepts do not differ greatly from the way we are taught to live as Muslims, and I can carry my prior wisdom of kindness and compassion with me as a Muslimah.

Darnell, I bought a 2012 Prius C and picked it up in May. I put 20,000 miles on it, then in mid-July, I was rear ended on I95. My car has been in the shop ever since and I have been driving a rental car. Apparently, since it's such a new model, there are no replacement parts readily available, so the rear hatch my car needs is on back order, and the availability date keeps getting pushed back and back. I miss my car, it's a great little car..

Nice to see you guys again on here :)

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2012-09-02 08:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaHeyyy whats up
I've been absent for a while, working 3 jobs and raising a toddler (and a lack of a decent forums app on iPhone) doesn't allow me to come on much anymore. I thought I'd pop in and say HI! We'll be delving back into USCIS soon, as it's nearly preschool time for the youngun, and time to get the old man out to work. I hope all my oldheads on VJ are doing GREAT and wish much luck to the new folks on here :)

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2012-09-01 10:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaCancelation of our case
In order for your wife to get a carte de sejour, you will need your marriage documents, a source of income, and the fee is roughly $100. Go to the police station in your town, and inquire about the carte de sejour. The police are who issue it and renew it. You should be able to get it for 18 months at a time. All of this must be done within 15 days of her arrival to Morocco. Good luck.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2012-09-15 20:20:00
Middle East and North Africaage differience urgent help plz
Hi Big Deal OP-

I don't believe your relationship is real. You haven't even bothered to claim that you love her so much, can't live without her, etc.

Dude, I know Egypt sucks right now and you wanna get out. Find a woman your own age, or pray that your "hun" doesn't have kids, because if some 24 year old punk was pushin up on my mama for a greencard, I can assure you he would WISH he'd stayed his @ss at home.

That is all, good day, folks :whistle:
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2012-09-18 20:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaAutomatic 2 year wait

Hi Sarah!

Hey! Miss ya!
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2012-09-01 10:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaAutomatic 2 year wait
Oh man. I'm sorry I missed the meat and potatoes of this thread. Sigh.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2012-08-26 12:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Baby Names
QUOTE (Donna A @ Nov 1 2009, 07:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
even though we dont want kids i always told my husband if we did have one we could never name her fatima. its a pretty name but with the word fat in it im sure the kids would call her fatty or something. u know how cruel kids are.

That's exactly why we're going to use Zahra for when she's in school.. lol..
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2009-11-02 00:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Baby Names
QUOTE (Kenza @ Oct 31 2009, 12:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (squeaky580 @ Oct 31 2009, 09:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Our daughter is due in 3 weeks, we're naming her Fatima Zahra.. He had insisted on choosing names, and then ended up being pleasantly surprised when he got stumped and I chose myself.. If we ever have a boy, we'll name him Cherif Abdelah, after his grandfather.. hopefully, there will only be two wacko.gif

Congrats and great name!!!!

Thank you! biggrin.gif
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2009-11-01 17:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Baby Names
Our daughter is due in 3 weeks, we're naming her Fatima Zahra.. He had insisted on choosing names, and then ended up being pleasantly surprised when he got stumped and I chose myself.. If we ever have a boy, we'll name him Cherif Abdelah, after his grandfather.. hopefully, there will only be two wacko.gif
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2009-10-31 09:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere can I notarize y wife signature in Morocco

Sure I will let you know. Bu the way, I think The Consulate do the Notary not the Embassy, correct me if I'm wrong.


No, you're right, it is the consulate. The service is available during US citizen services hours. Moroccan citizens are permitted to use this service if they can produce documents to be notarized for use in the US. I've already gone through the whole process of emailing them and asking them about it. Here's the email:

From: Sarah ******* [mailto:*******]
Sent: Saturday, October 31, 2009 3:26 AM
To: ACS, Casablanca
Subject: RE: Notary services.
- Hide quoted text -

To Whom It May Concern:
*Please note* This is not regarding a visa- I am an American citizen living in Maryland in the US, and my fiance is living in Casablanca. I am having his child in 3 weeks. In order to list his name on her birth certificate, the state of Maryland requires that we both sign an Affidavit of Parentage document and have it notarized. I am unsure if they will accept a Moroccan notary, and wish to know if he can come to the Consulate with his Moroccan identification and have this document notarized there, so that it is legally acceptable in the U.S. I am already aware of the fees involved. I appreciate the time given when replying to this question.

Sarah **********

ACS, Casablanca to me

show details 11/4/09

Ms. ********,

Your husband may notarize the document in question during the hours of service listed below. Please note that November 2-4 we will not have morning walk in hours due to a staffing shortage.



American Citizens Services
American Consulate General
8 Blvd Moulay Youssef
Casablanca, Morocco

Hours of Service:
Monday to Thursday
8:30am to 9:30am
1:30pm to 3:00pm

He had no trouble getting in at all.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-05-21 15:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere can I notarize y wife signature in Morocco
The US Consulate should notarize it for her. They notarized some State of Maryland documents for my husband, no questions asked. $50 per page.
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-05-21 07:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaM.M.Mmmm (MENA.Musical.Moods)
Today I am in a Quentin Tarantino kinda mood.. His films have THE BEST soundtracks EVER.

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-07-02 11:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaM.M.Mmmm (MENA.Musical.Moods)
I'm feelin Al Green.. He calms me down like no other!

KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2010-06-30 14:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor those USC living/moving to Morocco...

Squeaky do you know Michlifen in Rabat very well?

When I lived in Morocco, I lived in Casablanca. I only went to Rabat twice my entire time there..
KittyPollittFemaleMorocco2011-05-06 14:19:00