Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I think I'm gonna have to re-do the DS156 forms. I've done them already and got the barcode generated. Do you think the info will be entered twice in the system? I think I need to change the way I entered the address.

I don't think anything is being entered in the system when we generate them online.... at least I hope not because I've done the 156 a few times already!

I think the barcode is for their use at the embassy. To scan the docuement for the contents without having to read each one. So, you should be fine.

Thanks, I'll be re-printing mine tomorrow. I need to make a correction.

I have a question about the way you filled out the forms online.... it may sound very #######, but I just want to cover all my bases.... For questions that were not applicable, did you put N/A, or Not Applicable? On the DS230 it clearly states to put N/A, but in the instructions I think they say put Not Applicable.... When filling out the 156 online, I think you have to put Not Applicable.... So, I am thinking for the 156 and 156K and 157, put Not Applicable. For the 230 Pt. I and Pt. II, put N/A.

Just want to get feedback of others that have already been through it.... am I being too paranoid??? :blink:

I thought about the samething. I put N/A in all the spaced that didn't apply to us. I guess I'm being paranoid too :blink: :unsure: :yes: :lol:

Safer to put NOT APPLICABLE rather than N/A. They can be ####### at times and ast like they do not know what N/A means.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-03-11 13:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Things may have changed from a 6 months ago, but we put NOT APPLICABLE instead of N/A. I think that is safer since they can be a bit ####### and act like they do not know what N/A means.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-03-11 13:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
So I am making my occasional visit to my favorite online group. Hello to the veterans. Hope all is well with the new arrivals to the US. To those experiencing some hiccups at the embassy, all I can say is just be patient and be prepared. Sometimes this journey goes easy and sometimes there are unforseen problems. I remember thosae days when the waiting was driving me crazy. You just have to beleive that this is going to work out in the end and just keep fighting to get it right. I will say that in my case, we had years to prepare and knowing this was where we wanted to be eventually, we made sure we had everything they needed. Two years of preparation paid off. My wife got her green card yesterday. 4 months after arriving in the US and without an interview. So this process can have a happy ending. It has to work and you have to just do what ever it takes in your power to make it work. Having a Jamaican fiance that is willing to do the necessary leg work is a real plus. I will spend a couple mins reading some of the postings n here. Not sure I can add much to the abundance of advice already offered cause the veterans on here a doing a great job. Just keep the faith.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-03-11 13:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
To all those heading to interviews, best of luck. I will share with you that it is a lot simpler than we make it. Do not be afraid. When you have a relationship that is solid, it is going to go well and it will show. I would advise you just to be very organized. Get an accordian folder the night before. Label it and put your evidence in order. When you get to that window, do not funble and give them excactly what they ask for. Let them give you back what they do not need.

I had 4 friends go through this recently and I told them a lil secret that worked. For those going to an interview, it may not help cause it is too late. When you are submitting your I- 129 application, get a hard cover file with accro fasteners. It has about 4 tabs. label each one with the info in sections including proof of relationship. You have heard people say you do not need the proof at the application stage, I say hogwash. When your interview date comes, that interviewer is going to go through your folder before he/ she calls you. If you have all the proof, the interview will go simple because between the application and the interview you are not going to have much to add. Walk with the info anyway. The person who interviewed my fiance told her that they do not like to have to get information out of you. If the US fiance has already given them info, then all they will do is verify that info with the Jamaican applicant. When they have nothing to look at, then they need to make an on the spot assesment and that is where the doubth comes in. I had 1 friend who did not follow my advice and had a very difficult interview. 3 out of 4 sounds like a pattern to me.

Ok. My 1 min comment for the month.

For those of you now going. By this time you should be confident in your info. When you arrive in the embassy, leave the doubts outside and go in there and be confident. Trust me, self doubt is a killer and you just have to know it will go right.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-03-03 15:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Ok, I have started an Interview CHECK LIST. Please add & or update any requirements that are missing. Im stressed * will feel better if we can support one another & get this pinned on the board to avoid any future delays in this process.



DS156 K filled out online (no barcode) basically just typed in (2 copies)
DS-157 filled out online (no barcode) typed in (2 copies)
Passport – valid longer than 6 months of fiancee & you.
Photos- Passport 6 full frontal
Birth certificate- Certified copies of fiancée & you.
Police Certificate- valid for 1 year
Divorce Decree- if was married before must be certified copy
No Impediment Form- Received from Registrar Generals office
I-134- Affidavit of Support—Notarized,
3 years tax statements with W-2s or 1099’s (if self employed)
Current bank statements (monthly statements back a year)
Bank letter- from bank providing acct date, average balance, deposit history
Employment letter
Pay stubs
Medical Examination-completed no paperwork to take to interview, Embassy should have file
Application Fee- $100 bring receipt from Paymaster to Embassy @ interview
DS-230 Part I filled out online (no barcode)
DS-230 Part II filled out online (no barcode)
Proof of Relationship- telephone records, letters, cards, emails, photos.

You will need a copies of your previous marriage certificate.

I had a file of all originals (they might ask to see the original), 1 set of copies for interview, and the 2nd set

Checklist update (?)
Our instructions, which are from October, say that the taxes have to be notarized as well. They do ask for bank statements but no time period. All financial records have to be less than 6 months old. Lets keep on checking and double checking. :thumbs:

I just called the IRS today and asked for a Certified Tax Transcript for the last 3 years. I explained that it was for immigration, and the agent said they send transcripts out all the time on IRS letterhead and that would be sufficient for immigration. She didn't know about the "certified" part. She said I should get it in regular US mail in 7-10 days.... I have copies of my 1040's, and my W2's for the last 3 years. How do you go about notarizing or certifying them????

I have bank statements for the last 12 months, and will be getting a notarized letter from my credit union stating the date my account was opened, and my current balance...... These are alot of hoops to jump through.... :whistle: I know it will be worth it.... but if you have my bank statements, why do you need a notarized letter from the bank??? Just venting.... :wacko:

Phone Number to IRS: 800-829-1040

Be careful when requesting the certified tax returns. Just ask the agent for transcripts of your tax return for the past 3 years. That is really what they are looking for when they say certified copies. IRS reps have a habit of thinking it is something else and send you a copy of your transcript on IRS letterhead that is not exactly wht they are looking for.

In respect to the bank statement, from my experirnce , if your income is over the treshold it would not be a big issue. Get copies of your statements for the past year and then get a letter from the bank on letter head telling current balance and date account opened. Banks do not want to do total deposits for the year and all that. If you coud get pay stubs for the year, walk with those also. Rule of thumb and i say this all the time. If you have a bona fide relationship, you need not be scared. Do not second guess yourself. The peopole at the embassy are not monsters despite what they do. they are looking for fraud. Your relationship is solid you just have to go in there and let them see that. I wend 4 months ago with a book of evidence and went right back out with it. Do not go in there scared. Just be confident and do not oversell.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-03-03 14:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Happy Birthday Stephen!! :dance:

Well thank you so much.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-02-11 08:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
So here I am visiting my favorite web site. So after stewing a bit about the musical chairs that USCIS is playing with my wife's I-485, I posted a question on the adjustment of status board and got a couple responses. It seems things have changed with USCIS. I was told that whenever an application is being transferred to California it is because USCIS feels that the case does not require additional adjudication and the green card is issued without the necessity of an interview. Had I known that, I would have saved the $185.00 I spent on the work permit because my better half got an e mail this morning that her adjustment of status has been registered. I called and was told by customer service that the card will be produced and she would receive an e mail shortly and I should wait at least 30 days before I call about it. This is really a surprise for us because we have been preparing things for an interview and now there would not be one. Will keep you guys posted.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-02-07 11:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hi folks. Just checking up on my favorite online community and hoping that all who are on this exciting journey are having as much fun with USCIS as I am.

I know fun is an odd term with USCIS, but that is the only thing my better half and I could come up with and not start cussing.

So here is the funny part. A year ago people in my neck of the woods on the east coast filed these petitions at the Vermont Service center. Now we are required to file at Illinios which we did a couple months ago. She had her bio done and all was going fine. Then we got an RFE from Ohio saying that there was no I-864 filed with the I-485. Now you guys know I am meticulous to a fault so this could not have happened. But me being me and not wanting to piss the federal goverment off decided to resend the I-864 . Good thing I kept copies of everything. Had the originals resigned and was ready to send when I got another RFE from Ohio that the I-864 that was submitted with the application does not show that I have income to meet the 125% treshold. Not giving info here but I am way pat double the $25,000.00 required for a 4 member household. But I was confused because one RFE said they did not receive it and the other said that they recieved it but it was not enough. So I sent the "Did not recieve " one back with documents and then sent the other one with the same I-864 and socuments and copied the poverty guideline and highlighted the amount needed and attached a note. Ok so we seems to have gotten past that. Now the application is transferred to California service Center.

I am trying to remain calm cause I do not want iffeisha panicking or getting concerned, but from Illionios to Ohio to California. What is this USCIS version of musical chairs. Now they are going to lose something again aren't they? Is anyone who is in the I-485 filing stage getting this kind of confusion with USCIS or is it my Caribbean mo jo just acting up here. I guess all I can say to anyone who is dealing with USCIS is just keep copies of everything you send these people. I swear if my staff worked with suck ineffeciency as these people, I will fire all thier asses and get new staff. Maybe that is why I never have problems with my staff getting the work done in the office.

Ok, so I have fussed enough for today. See you guys sometime around Valentine!
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-02-02 09:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
[quote name='FutureMrs' post='689888' date='Jan 28 2007, 02:52 PM']Hang in there girl. Be strong. Follow your inner voice. It always help.

To all my friends on here, keep the faith and I am just dropping by to say hello.[/quote]

Hi Trinilad! How have you and the Missus been? What have you been up to?

All is well. No com.plaints here. We are just trying to keep up with hectic schedules between school and work and family life. She is coping great with the weather. Much better that I expected. Trying to post a pic. Hopefully I will be sucessful

Attached Files

TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-01-28 20:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Nanny - You go girl! That is so exciting, I can't wait to see pictures!

Denden - Hang in there! You are to be admired for being such a strong woman and for your faith in the Lord! I am here for you and I support whatever decision you decide!

Hang in there girl. Be strong. Follow your inner voice. It always help.

To all my friends on here, keep the faith and I am just dropping by to say hello.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-01-28 14:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Happy new year to all. I am still waiting on some snow in Baltimore. Anyone have some to send my way?

Been so busy, but I am still here . Hope you ladies are keeping those men straight and happy.

Catch up. Iffiesha just had her biometrics done and work is coming along fine. This OAS is really moving along so fast. I did not expect this bio to be done so soon. That is about what 45 days? She starts school in two weeks so she will by juggling work and school and she is excited about it.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-01-06 00:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hi Everyone!

First off, just wishing all of you the best in this new year.

I had a question - my cell phone bills have skyrocketed since the start of my relationship, lol. :help:

Does anyone know of any alternative (CHEAP) ways to call JA?

If you are going to do this for a while, I would suggest investing in Netspeak. Offered through Cable and Wireless. Between the internet and the phone service you will pay about 70US per month. But your Jamaican fiance will get a US number and it will be a local call for you. And the good thing is every number you dial will be kept in record so you have your proof for the interview. Trust me after some 400.00 US bills we had no choice,

I also brought cards from

12 c per minute to call Jamaica.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-01-05 23:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hi Everyone,

Thanks so much for all of your help with the questions I posted a few weeks ago. I'm sorry I wasn't able to check in sooner to say how much your input was appreciated. The info you gave helped clarify so much and now, as of Dec. 1, my fiance's ds-156 was turned into the embassy and we're waiting on an interview date -at least I THINK that is what the process is. :-)

I've been reading through the recent posts and am sending out good vibes to all of you going through this process...Sometimes it is the hardest thing in the world, and my heart goes out to everyone who is struggling, and is inspired by hearing about all of you who are getting through. My grandfather used to say "peace be the journey". That vibe goes out to all of you...

As we're waiting to hear back from the embassy, I have a coupl more questions I hope someone might be able to help me with.

1. Am I right about what happens after the ds-156 gets turned in? My understanding is that they process it and then generate an interview appointment date which they will send to him along with the next batch of paperwork in the mail. How long does that usually take? And is anyone else in that same timeline & waiting to hear about interviews? I'm praying for a January date, but I have no idea of that is even realistic.

2. Has anyone heard specifics about new procedures at the embassy? I was reading through the website and got confused about whether or not interview appointments now need to be requested by email like information appointments now do, or if the new procedures only affect new cases not filed yet.

3. When my fiance comes, we were thinking of routing him through JFK to get a work permit/work authorization (what is the proper terminology?). Does anyone have any advice about whether or not it is really worth it to do that? He wants to work right away and has 2 companies who have sent letters saying they will interview him immediately, as long as he has work authorization. In light of that, we want him to go through JFK if it will help him be able to get to work faster and take a job. But I'm wondering if he has to have a SSN to work, which sounds like takes at least a few weeks to get, under good conditions. Financially, if we don't have to route through NY, that would be great, but if it really will make him able to take a job more quickly, it would be worth it. Any experiences or suggestions?

4. What does the work permit/authorization allow him to do? How long is it good for?

Thanks for your patience with the wordy-ness. I'm all spazzed out with too much information! :-) Any help you all could give would be greatly appreciated!

Best of luck on the journey. In answer to question 1. That process of getting an interview date normally takes about 2 weeks to a month. That is just the time frame to know the date. The actual interview is going to be about a month after the appointment letter. This will be a good time to get the medical done and make sure the police report and certificate of non impediment to marraige are in place. A good estimate is under normal circumstances you would have about 6 weeks again at least before the actual interview. Get those documents out of the way and use this six weeks well.

My reading of the new procedure is that everyone will now need to make appointments. Since fiance visa applicants normally have to have an appointment set by the embassy, I figire this will apply to those people who normally would be allowed to walk in. So I would not sweat that.

Now comes the JFK issue. They work permit is still being given there. It will be a stamp at the back of the I-94 that will say EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZED with an expiration date the same as the I-94 which would be 90 days from his arrival. There are no restrictions on the work permit so he can work anywhere. The problem would be the social security card. Some offices will give you a hard time. In the case of an immigrant, verification process between USCIS and Social security takes about 30 days. So even if he apply for it the same day he arrives, it would be at least 6 weeks before he gets the card. No employer will hire him without a social security number. But, he might be a lucky one. The catch is that since the employment document is 90 days and you would lose at least 1/2 of that just waiting on a social security number, you are not getting a great deal of use out of it. Also since it is only 90 days, you would need to get marraid and file AOS and apply for a work permit almost as soon as he arrives otherwise it will expire before he gets the new employment card and he would have to stop working. My fiance went through JFK and got the work permit and we had to race aginst the clock to get everything together so she could work.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-12-19 09:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
They must not be paying me enough to have all this free time to respond.

So since this is my last note on this issue with Kelly which appears to have taken on a life of it's own, I am just going to say the following briefly (yes I can be brief)

In my hearts of heart, I wish you well. None of us when we undertake this journey, do so hoping this situation can happen, but it does. You were brave enough to have shared it, whether intentional or not and whoever is calling this an "attention grabbing " thing just needs to get a grip. As someone just said, this is not about him being a foreigner or an American, it is about respect.

But we do not know the passion you two share in those tender moments. The fire that you had burning for him will not go out easily and maybe with time he may mature enough to be a man about it. My approach to life is one that keeps me safe and my wife tells me every day that my sharp wit and dry nature can be harsh. But that is me. I applaud you for giving your man the benefit of the doubt and for doing what you can to keep this fire burning. Just know that we are here for you. I am sure I speak for evryone when we say that whether we agree with your decision or not, it is yours to make and it is yours to live with and we send nothing but love your way, because at the end of the day, we all do things that others may not think is in our best interest. We laugh with each other, we cry with each other and we celebrate with each other.

This does not define you. We are all today and end product of many a trial in our lives and this my dear may just be your test. Do what you must for YOU, for yourself, for your happiness and for your son. Tomorrow's trail may belong to someone else, but today , this cross that you bear, you do not bear alone. We are your friends, the extended family. I am just a stone throw away. If you ever, ever, need anything. A shoulder to cry on, someone to shout at, or just someone to come whop Craig's ### when he needs it (there I go being violent again), you pick up that phone and you call me. I will PM you my number again. I am sure many on here share the same sentiment in that they will be there for you through it all whether in words, in spirit or otherwise. I cannot tell you how much it hurts me to see a man do this to a woman. I am not a sexist suggesting that women cannot do this. But love heals, love nutures , love strenghtens, love lifts us all up and love makes us feel whole. I love my wife with the same passion today as I did 5 years ago when I met her and everyday I celebrate that. she is my queen and I honor her. That man needs to make you his queen an honor that everyday and that is all I hope and pray he will be mature enough to do some day. Just know that you a queen and whether he sees it or not, you will still be a queen to your son, to yourself. And that he can never take away from you. I honor you as a woman and I lift you up in prayer, for the man above still has a plan for you that he is working out.

Since this is not the Sunday prayer hour I have said enough. i need to stop coming on here.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-12-14 13:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Well, Mr man had a slight temper and aggravated enough he would react. So she she set about the task of aggravating him until he became violent. He was arrested on domestic violence charges. It gave her a cause to take out a protective order which did not allow him to return to the house pending the outcome of the case.The law against foreigners are strict. He was not released and was subsequently deported to jamaica even before the case was completed. She filed for divorce and he was not here to defend himself and the domestic violence case was enough evidence.

This is just completely CRAZY!!! It is women like this who "cry wolf" that make it bad for women everywhere with REAL, LEGIT domestic violence problems :angry: Now he is going to have this on his record forever and will never be able to enter the U.S. again - all because this women cried wolf. There are other ways to end things amicably without stooping to this level.

Maybe from a very rational standpoint, you and I can come up with a rather cosy approach to this situation. But you try having someone in your home who decides they are not going to leave and makes your life a living hell, you may have to take the gloves off. Trust me, I came here as a fiance years ago and know that there are people out there who have legit relationships who pay for the mistake of others. But when at the end of the day you have to make a decision as to whether you can put a value on your peace of mind, the criminal record of some dead beat user may not exactly come high upon your list of concerns. You bring a fiance here in good faith and you enter into marraige in good faith. When that other person clearly shows you that your sacrifices and effort are simply their stepping stone to greater things and they are willing to walk over you to get what they want, then you cannot perpetuate that whole idea that you are a deserving victim and you do not owe them anything except maybe a one way ticket back home if so much. Would I in her shoes do the same thing? Damn right I would and I will make peace with my master later. My happiness means a lot to me and I will do what I have to , by all means necessary to hold on to my peace of mind.

But then you will never stoop to that level right?
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-12-14 12:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I will NOT let this situation get "violent" like that just to get him to leave....sorry, not my way of handling things!! Plus been in a domestic situation like that yeeeeears ago Stephen and I don't intend to ever go back there again!!!! Until you have been IN that type of situation....that's just WAAAY crazy !!!

Thanks for your opinion/advice.....


Kelly, I think that he was just giving you an example of how you could get out of the situation, not actually create a "violent" situation. ;)

At least someone understood my objective here. Thanks
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-12-14 12:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

So Kelly,

I am reading your last message posted and I am a lil confused. So why again did you not just hand Craig the phone and let her get him out of your house? I was reading and i was like, ok, so she has decided to cut her losses and then wham, you told her he wa not there. So I am Craig sitting down there listening to this thinking, "well damn she still wants me. I can continue to play my games. have my cake and eat it." Trust me, Mississippi is not gone by a long shot cause by now he has called her and told her what happened. It is your decision dear, but looks like he may be reading these mixed signals the same way I am reading them.

The following may come across as a bit drastic, but I am only sharing this for informational purposes. My friend a year ago was in your situation and because of the Laws of the State of MD, she could not just ask him to leave because technically she could not force him out since the house was now the marital home. She was also concerned about how his meandering around the US if he left her home but stayed in the US would affect her. That I-134 may come back and bite her. So what did she do? Well, Mr man had a slight temper and aggravated enough he would react. So she she set about the task of aggravating him until he became violent. The violence was simply he push her out of his way and accidentally ripped her clothes. Doestic violence is not tolerated anywhere. She called the cops. He claimed it was an accident. The cops arrested him anyway because they have to take someone out of the home until a cse determines the validity of the domestic assault charges. Sg=he simply stated she feared for her life and wanted him gone. He was arrested on domestic violence charges. It gave her a cause to take out a protective order which did not allow him to return to the house pending the outcome of the case.The law against foreigners are strict. He was not released and was subsequently deported to jamaica even before the case was completed. She filed for divorce and he was not here to defend himself and the domestic violence case was enough evidence. We had a couple drinks some months ago celebrating the granting of the divorce.

Many of you may call me drastic and devious, but when you have to protect what you have worked hard for, you do what the hell you have to and pray to the man above for forgiveness. Someone is in your home and does not want to leave, you take the gloves off and get them the hell out. I do not have the time in my life to be miserable and if I ever want to be, I will do it myself and noy give someone that task.

Now Kelly, I am not advocating this as a solution to your problem , this was just for informational purposes. You know I am not that kind of person. (that is my disclaimer)Just remember, you have to take control of this situation if you want him gone cause he is not going to do it if you give him mixed signals.

Thanks Stephen, but I'm handling this situation the best way that I can (and know how). Yes, I'm not happy, but I'm also soooooooo busy that I truly don't have time to worry about it. Craig doesn't do this *uckery stuff all the time, just some of the times....we have ALOT of laughs and have great great talks. We've talked about Mississippi and it was alll about money and she strung him along saying she'd help. WHO KNOWS what went on with this woman and WHY she felt like she HAD to continue to call him and yes HE needed to be the one to stop it....but I DID and it's done !!!

I will NOT let this situation get "violent" like that just to get him to leave....sorry, not my way of handling things!! Plus been in a domestic situation like that yeeeeears ago Stephen and I don't intend to ever go back there again!!!! Until you have been IN that type of situation....that's just WAAAY crazy !!!

Thanks for your opinion/advice.....


I was not suggesting that you adopt this approach to resolve this issue. I am not a violent person. I was simply suggesting that you may want to consider the possibility that you may have to take more meaningful steps to extricate yourself from what may become quite a quagmire if you do not stay on top of it. Trust me, we all all hoping that this can be resolved amicably, but the reality does not suggest that it may. I am not blessed with your patience and you may not be necessarily be blessed with my blunt approach to these challenging situations. And at the end of the day this is your choice to make. In respect to walking your shoes, been there done that. You are in my thoughts and I hope you take my comments in the spirit they were intended. This is not meant to be harsh and please do not take it that way. But from a man's perspective, you are providing an ideal situation to be "played." But that is only my lay man's interpretation and your situation may not be that way. I just want you to just be prepared to do what is necessary when the time comes. I am an optimist, but in this case, that time will come.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-12-14 12:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
So Kelly,

I am reading your last message posted and I am a lil confused. So why again did you not just hand Craig the phone and let her get him out of your house? I was reading and i was like, ok, so she has decided to cut her losses and then wham, you told her he wa not there. So I am Craig sitting down there listening to this thinking, "well damn she still wants me. I can continue to play my games. have my cake and eat it." Trust me, Mississippi is not gone by a long shot cause by now he has called her and told her what happened. It is your decision dear, but looks like he may be reading these mixed signals the same way I am reading them.

The following may come across as a bit drastic, but I am only sharing this for informational purposes. My friend a year ago was in your situation and because of the Laws of the State of MD, she could not just ask him to leave because technically she could not force him out since the house was now the marital home. She was also concerned about how his meandering around the US if he left her home but stayed in the US would affect her. That I-134 may come back and bite her. So what did she do? Well, Mr man had a slight temper and aggravated enough he would react. So she she set about the task of aggravating him until he became violent. The violence was simply he push her out of his way and accidentally ripped her clothes. Doestic violence is not tolerated anywhere. She called the cops. He claimed it was an accident. The cops arrested him anyway because they have to take someone out of the home until a cse determines the validity of the domestic assault charges. Sg=he simply stated she feared for her life and wanted him gone. He was arrested on domestic violence charges. It gave her a cause to take out a protective order which did not allow him to return to the house pending the outcome of the case.The law against foreigners are strict. He was not released and was subsequently deported to jamaica even before the case was completed. She filed for divorce and he was not here to defend himself and the domestic violence case was enough evidence. We had a couple drinks some months ago celebrating the granting of the divorce.

Many of you may call me drastic and devious, but when you have to protect what you have worked hard for, you do what the hell you have to and pray to the man above for forgiveness. Someone is in your home and does not want to leave, you take the gloves off and get them the hell out. I do not have the time in my life to be miserable and if I ever want to be, I will do it myself and noy give someone that task.

Now Kelly, I am not advocating this as a solution to your problem , this was just for informational purposes. You know I am not that kind of person. (that is my disclaimer)Just remember, you have to take control of this situation if you want him gone cause he is not going to do it if you give him mixed signals.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-12-13 17:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

The most I can say at this juncture is that you have a bit more...maybe a lot more patience than I do in this situation. I guess I envy your ability to come to the conclusion that he is not a "bad person" just someone making bad choices. I am going to temper my opinion on this quite a bit cause I can sense that you still do have feelings for your man, though not the ones that would suggest that this situation will end well. But, I will say this much. You have a son that you love, that is young impressionable and who is the only child you must be raising at this time in your life. You did not go to Jamaica to adopt a child, cause you already have one. Helping your man grow up, really should not be your responsbility and you should not take on that responsibility. The worlds "selfish", "mean spirited" and "dishonest" comes to my mind when I read the messages you post about how he is treating you. In this life, you deserve nothing but the best for yourself and I could not imagine anyone treating me like this and getting the benefit of me thinking thet they are not a for want of a better word "bad person." i had a dear friend in your situation a year ago. She took the gloves off and dealt with this issue in a not too pleasant manner. the police became involved and at the end of the day, the man was escorted back to jamaica where he rightfully belong. Now was it the best thing to do? I can only say that today she is still single, but enjoying a peace of mind that he tried to steal from her and failed.

You will know when you have reached your breaking point. If you have, my best advice is to make a clean break from this situation and move on with your life. It may mean you have to take the gloves off, but do not let any man try to take advantage of you. As my grandmother would say "your mama ain't raise no fool." This situation is one that will not have a happy ending. He has made a choice by his actions, when the time is right, please make yours and let the child grow up on his own, or go back to jamaica so his mama can raise him right. When you said that he is not the man you fell in love with, my feeling was simply that he was good at hiding his true self.

I had so hoped that this would have gone down differently, but at this juncture, there is really not much you can do to salvage this when the trust is gone.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-12-09 11:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
The most I can say at this juncture is that you have a bit more...maybe a lot more patience than I do in this situation. I guess I envy your ability to come to the conclusion that he is not a "bad person" just someone making bad choices. I am going to temper my opinion on this quite a bit cause I can sense that you still do have feelings for your man, though not the ones that would suggest that this situation will end well. But, I will say this much. You have a son that you love, that is young impressionable and who is the only child you must be raising at this time in your life. You did not go to Jamaica to adopt a child, cause you already have one. Helping your man grow up, really should not be your responsbility and you should not take on that responsibility. The worlds "selfish", "mean spirited" and "dishonest" comes to my mind when I read the messages you post about how he is treating you. In this life, you deserve nothing but the best for yourself and I could not imagine anyone treating me like this and getting the benefit of me thinking thet they are not a for want of a better word "bad person." i had a dear friend in your situation a year ago. She took the gloves off and dealt with this issue in a not too pleasant manner. the police became involved and at the end of the day, the man was escorted back to jamaica where he rightfully belong. Now was it the best thing to do? I can only say that today she is still single, but enjoying a peace of mind that he tried to steal from her and failed.

You will know when you have reached your breaking point. If you have, my best advice is to make a clean break from this situation and move on with your life. It may mean you have to take the gloves off, but do not let any man try to take advantage of you. As my grandmother would say "your mama ain't raise no fool." This situation is one that will not have a happy ending. He has made a choice by his actions, when the time is right, please make yours and let the child grow up on his own, or go back to jamaica so his mama can raise him right. When you said that he is not the man you fell in love with, my feeling was simply that he was good at hiding his true self.

I had so hoped that this would have gone down differently, but at this juncture, there is really not much you can do to salvage this when the trust is gone.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-12-09 11:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Just to let everyone know I am still here. To catch you up on what is going on with us, all is well.

It has been an experience dealing with the different dept as Social Security and DMV. Remember my better half had an issue with the I-94. Well the immigration at BWI did not want t fix it. I had to call JFK and got a really nice officer there who had me fax the incorrect I-94 to him and he sent us a replacement . The number he had to write in because I-94 numbers cannot change He also sent us a letter explaining what happened and confirming the work permit stamp at the back of the I-94. The new I-94 had a bigger EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZED" stamp than the previous. Took to Social Security. Got the card yesterday. Two weeks Flat. The 'VALID FOR EMPLOYMENT WITH INS AUTHORIZATION' stamp was not even on it. Gor her State of MD ID last week and taking a few driving lessons so she will be ready for the Driving test next week. Sent off the AOS application and the EAD application last week.

She aced on the Praxis test for the Dept of Ed to get her teaching certification so we are waiting on them to complete the verification so she can accept a state teaching job. She took a job at Hechts for the holidays to make some money and get the discount. So all is well and all we are waiting for now is some snow.

To all of you who are waiting for interviews, good luck. I will try to pop in here more often. Been so busy catching up at work. You know you cannot do all the overtime when you get marraid as you used to do when you were single. It is catching up with me, so I am trying to make my better half understand that dinner may have to be sometimes.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-12-06 13:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Roy is sad that we hardly got any's so funny -- I was really worried how he was going to react to the snow and the cold and he LOVES it. He keeps watching the news to see when we are suppose to get more (Tuesday) -- but it's just suppose to be a "dusting." I will have to take a picture of him in his "Nanook" hat....not your typical Jamaican :lol:

Shauna -- Can't wait to hear about your shopping experience. Roy still gets a bit "taken back" when we go to the big malls. He doesn't say anything but I can tell (sometimes) by the look in his eyes.

Hope everyone has a safe (and warm) weekend!!

Iffeisha is the same too. She is just dying for some snow to fall. We have only had some flurries here so she is still in a waiting mode.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-12-06 13:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
So I am back up for air with a question.

My fiance gets a work permit on her arrival at JFK. Great, but we have a problem. So we go to social security to get a social security card and they are saying that the information on the I-94 was incorrect . I guess they are now immigration experts. Anyway, I figured that the immigration officer did make a mistake with the date given he put that the i-94 expired in February 2008 and not February 2007. So now we have to go to immigration at BWI airport to get a new I-94 card. The piss ### thing about this is that BWI does not give work permits. So we have a I-94 with a work permit that is no good, and we will get a corrected I-94 without a work permit. Short lived celebration huh? Iffeisha is handling it well cause we will just go ahead with school next year.

So I have a couple questions to those who been through this stage.

1) Did you have to wait till status was adjusted to get a social security card or did they give one with the I-94 only? What was the process involved in getting one. the guide on this site does not really give you a certainty, just a If scenario?

2) We are getting ready to file the I-485. Did you just do the vaccination supplement or do you have to do over the entire medical. Iffeisha has all her shots and did the vaccination supplement today for $25.00. The medical is $300.00. I am assuming the full medical is not needed. At least that is what is stated on thec I-485 package. Does anyone have an answer to this.

3) Now we have to get a new I-94 because the immigration officer here in Baltimore says that if we send in our status adjustment request with the one we have, we would get an RFE requesting a new I-94 because the data on the card is incorrect. Does this sound ok to you?
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-11-21 09:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Congrats Shauna. You two deserve this. Be good to each other and do not be a stranger now that you are a graduate of the Yardie program.

To all, we got marraid today. Beautiful ceremony and out of this world lunch. Thanks for the support from you all. Iffeisha is still in awe at how well we were catered for at my job. Will keeep you posted. Will post pics if I can figure out how to do it
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-11-17 16:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

thanks everyone for the positive thoughts!! trying to stay positive!! after talking to my mom she suggested i call my senator and ask if there is somthing they can do or maybe cause a fuss about how all the embassy's or out of we shall see i will be writting the letter tonight and faxing it to them tomorow...well if it doesn't help me at least it might be able to help someone else who gets put in this situation....

Shaunna I would just call the tommorrow morning and ask. You will get a response better that way. If there is a senator close to you maybe you can set up an appotiment to meet with one of the reps. I processed mine through the speaker of the house and they call me and make sure my case is going okay.

I hope they can help.


yup i called them today....and my senator is one of the sr. senators so kinda powerful as far as getting things done and i will write them a letter and then go from there...

I will just say at this stage to let Thursday play out and then get your senator involved if things still moving slow. These consulates sometimes do not respond too well to someone exerting influence especially if they are not really doing anything wrong. We do not want Mike being subjected to anyone just wanting to take out thier vengance because some senator raked them over the coals. Mike is going to be fine and Thursday is just a day away and he will get the visa in time. I feel your fustration, but just do not give those people anything to get pissed over unless absolutely necessary
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-11-14 19:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Shauna when is Mike going back to the embassy?

he is going on tuesday!!! i just pray that everything is filled out right and that there isn't a problem with my parents being retired....but if all goes well he should soon be here!!

:thumbs: Once he get's the visa will he be coming right away?

kelly hooked me up with a cheap rate for a plane ticket on if all goes as planned he will be here that night :D

Wow that's great Shauna; I'm sure everything will be fine.

Stephen how was the wedding?

Late fill in here. There was a slight change of plans on Friday. Was supposed to have ceremony at court house. Discovered on Thursday that it was close due to observarance of Veterans Day. What a bummer. Had to do some panic cancellation . Gladly it was my employers footing the bill and not some private caterer. Had to postpone to Friday 17th. Man these American holidays will kill me. Thanks for the support guys. She picked her dress out and rumor has it that it is a killer. I was not allowed to see it though. But we are coming along fine. She has developed a great rapport with my family so the clothes situation has been solved. They offered her directly and she accepted and actually has begun wearing. My grandmother who is suffering with cancer was so sweet she gave her the jewelry for the wedding and gave her so much clothes and jewelry for other things we are having an issue with space. This has been easier than I thought especially with my sister who is very protective. They are already shopping buddies.

Will keep you guys posted about what happens after Friday.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-11-13 10:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

For anyone who knows about filing the I 134, question #11 says "that I intend/don't intend to make specific contributions to the support of the person(s) named in item 3. If you check "intend" enter the exact nature and duration of the contributions...

my question is...

if I check "intend"...what then am I supposed to say? am i supposed to say that i will furnish housing, meals, etc until after he receives his work permit and gets a job? is that acceptable? or is there another answer?

Also question 10 says "that I have submitted visa petitions to the CIS on behalf of the following persons(s). If none, state none". Am I supposed to put my fiance's name? Or mark none because I have filed no other visa petitions besides the fiance visa for him?


I smiply checked "Intend to" and then wrote "All expenses", Some say to check do not intend to. I do not agree, but that is just my silly opinion. I was not asked about it at the interview anyway.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-11-12 10:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Belly...the paperwork says they want all three tax years.....although some folks only had to actually submit one. The lady did ask us for all three.....I have made "well" over the support limit for the past several years but she still wanted to look to see the pattern of my income. (So she said..) She gave me back the oldest but initially she asked for all three of them so I would just be safe and get them.......Doesn't Mindy say something like....."better to bring everything and the "kitchen sink" just to be safe".....

YES, bring all THREE years of tax returns and W-2's. They took all 3 years of ours!! It's better to be way over-prepared than not have something you need.

I will throw my two cents worth in here and say that all situations are not the same and you should just prepare for the worst case scenario. If you have all that they could possibly ask for, you will know that you are prepared and it will show. There is a general attitude with these officers and the people who check the paperwork that if you start not having what they want, they pick an attitude and it will continue throughout the interview. Walk with all the tax returns, pay stubs, phone call receipts and bank statements you can muster. The officer that interviewed my fiance said to us that when you make life easy for them, they have very little reason to question you . They like things labelled and easily identifiable. Label all your docs and let them give you back what they do not want. As ususl, take evrything and the kitchen sink.

I'm happy to say, I now have a perfect set in my purse and 5 days to detox for my medical.

I love it!!!! I can picture the whole scene in my head and it has me dying!!! Thanks for sharing...

That really did bring back memories. I remember while we were waiting in line I was amazed by those guys across the that's the way to make a living :lol: :lol:

Elizabeth -- Can you refresh my OLD memory?!!? :help: I remember "we" were talking about drinking "lemon water" in the morning....what was the purpose and the outcome of doing that? I just read about that again but in this article they didn't tell you what the benefit was.....I did it on Monday and Tuesday (forgot to today) but I'm wondering why I'm doing it :wacko:


I am in the same position as you. I have been having Lake do it every morn this week and I have been as well. But I cant figure out exactly why. :lol: I KNOW it helps "detox", and also makes your body more alkaline, as usually most folks have too acidic bodies anymore with their diets. That helps with immunity. But I think its supposed to do some nice things digestive wise too, and helps with dieting for some reason. Ok, Elizabeth, we are waiting for prolly already posted and I havent read the last page yet...

Oh and JaynMars, great story, loved it.

Congrats to everyone on upcoming interview dates. Oh and Trinilad, I have been meaning to pm you about the sites you posted, great stuff. Always lookin for a way to make extra income, so I love more info. I have NO idea what a 'reset' is. So I will pm and when you get a chance, gimme more info if you could. :)


A reset is simply straightening a display or a section in a store. Most store shelves are set to POG, (Plan o Gram) and when people move things around, they POG is now out of order. A plan o gram provides you with the lay out the stores have determined for which product goes where, how many "Facings" there are, which shelf they are on and how deep to put the facings based upon the space allocated. Your reset will involve reading the POG and putting the products on the shelf to match the POG to the letter. There is a deliberate determination by stores in placing products on shelved and end caps. Will be glad to provide any more info needed. PM if need be.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-11-09 08:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I have a question about the work permits.. I am wondering if the work permits they are giving in JFK are only good for NY?? Or could you use it in Ca. as well?

Work permit is valid for the US. It is just a stamp on the I-194 that says Employment Authorized till dd/mm/yyyy. No state specifically.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-11-08 16:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Morning :D

Two year work permit? Wow!! That's a first. congrats. :dance:

I figure he meant to put 02/04/2007 and not 02/04/2008. But who am I to argue with an immigration officer.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-11-07 11:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hi People,

I am back. My and my baby made it in yesterday. Came through JFK. They still do give work permits there if anyone wants to know. It was a lot smoother than we thought. Went to an old man who took about 10 mins to look at the paperwork. No questions asked. we just stood there. Then he said, "the names are different. How are you two related?" I said, "she is my fiance." He just started stamping like crazy. We took our stuff and walked away when he told us to go. When we looked at the I-94 if had an expiration date of 02/04/2008 and the employment authorization at the back of the I-194 had 02/04/2008 as an expiration date.! I was loke oh my God! A two year work permit, unbeleivable! Guess the Gods must have whispered in that old mans ear.

She is coping with the cold weather and all is set for the wedding on Friday. Next week we start the job hunting. Will be on regular later this week to catch up with the happenings.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-11-07 09:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hey Shauna, Just keep your head up. This too shall pass. Great to have met you two.

So we are getting ready to leave on Sunday. Iffeisha and I are flying out together on Sunday. We should be picking up the visa tomorrow.

The interview was quite an event. First I have to tell you Air Jamaica was 4 hrs delayed last Sunday from JFK. My flight left JFK at 12.30 pm. By the time I got to Montego Bay I was tired , hungry and pissed.Thank God my baby brought my Sunday dinner to the airport. So got in at, drove to Brown's Town, then headed to Ochi and took a taxi to Kingston. Checked into Knutsford and went over the paperwork making sure we had everything.

Got to embassy at 5.30 am. Just a FYI. For those of you who want to sleep in late for the interview, $200.00 JA will get you an early spot in the line. There are guys there selling space in line. Totally funny.

Anyway we met up with Shauna and Mike. Made it upstairs and gave our interview letter and waited. Document check time. Bank statement, bank letter, pay stubs etc. Gave me all that back. Just took the I134 and last years tax return and job letter. So if you have those two, trust me, you will be ok.

Interview time. We remember someone saying that window 11 was great so we were praying for her. At 9.15 she announced "Iffeisha .......... window 11 please." We said "thank you God." We went up together. First thing she asked was who did the application. I said I did. She said "you are in the wrong profession as an accountant. This was the best prepared application I have ever seen." Then she sent me to sit down. I was not nervous cause I knew Iffeisha could handle herself. It was however not the typical interview. Questions.

When did Stephen move to the US. Who filed for him.
When did you two get engaged? How did you feel that he asked you to marry him and he was not divorced?
What did you two do last night? Did you have dinner? What did you have for dinner? Did you two have "fun" last night? (I guess that is the safe term for sex)
How old was my daughter?
When did he visit Jamaica and what did you two do?

To be honest, they had a very friendly conversation. I remember peeking and seeing my fiance laughing during the interview so it was not stressful. It was more like two girlfriends catching up on gossip.It was less about confirming information on the application and more about just seeing what kind of relationship we had. Was nothing like we expected.

After the 4 minute conversation, the officer had to take a phone call and instead of having my fiance stand there she sent her to sit down. Then she called us back together. We walked with our book of info for the hard part of the interview. As soon as we got to the window she said "I believe you. You have the visa." We did not remove a single paper from our folder. nO PICS, NO PHONE BILL, NO LETTER. She said "Trust me, you two do not need anything else."

Imagine we worked so hard on the pics and letters and e mails and all night right before the interview and she begged us not to take anything out of the folder. Hey, we are not complaining.

For those preparing for the interview and application stage, spend some time on that question 18 on the application and make sure your fiance knows everyline on it. If you can tell the story of how you met and keep the dates in sync it will help.Also, be as neat and as prepared as possible. Label everything in that application. Make the job of that officer easy.

I want to say thanks to all of you for keeping me sane. Now I am in the league of the veterans and Shauna , trust me, we are all here for you and Mike through this final stage. It will be so easy the next time.

Do not worry guys, I will still be here from time to time. Wedding is next Friday the 10th so we have a hectic schedule ahead so may be a couple days before I come up for air. We have so much celebrating "fun" to take care of.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-11-01 20:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hey Everyone,

Well, I just heard from Shauna....they were approved, but...... pending she get a co-sponsor. They would NOT accept the fact that she is making well over proverty level for 2006 and 2004. They ONLY wanted to see that she made over in 2005....even with the tons of documentation that she provided. So I guess you could go in not having a job this year, but prove that you had one last year????

Needleestosay, they are both entirely upset, although there is some good news ....her parents told her that they will now be her co-sponsor. This process will take approximately 2-2 1/2 weeks....

She says thank everyone for all of the well wishes!!

They are going to the pool and drinking !!!!!!!!!!

Congrats Shauna....just a small setback. You have wonderful parents :thumbs:

Hi folks. Got the visa. Saw Shauna and Mike. It was quite an experience. Suffice to say they asked me to sit out the interview. The questions were real personal. None of the how you met, and age ect questions. Will post details later. We are heading out to the movies. Flying to JFK on Sunday
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-30 20:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Congrats Darlene. I leave tomorrow night for JA. So I guess I am in the limelight now!
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-27 17:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

No, you do not have to pay anything to search the jobs.
And that my friends is my 5 mins for today.

No, not too much information :no: I could not figure out how to seach for the jobs in our area, I'll go back and check again.

Thanks :thumbs:

This might help with the narms site
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-25 07:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

good evening everyone....i feel a lot more at peace off the phone with my lawyer...and he really helped calm me down about a issue i was having...the whole aff. of support thing...i think i will be able to sleep a little better tonight! :)
Darlene you only have one more day before you are flying to JA... :D

So you gonna share the advice offered, or am I being too bold here?

gonna pay for it????? :P

With that, I think it is time for me to go to bed!

what questions do you need answerd?

It was a joke dear!

TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-24 20:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

good evening everyone....i feel a lot more at peace off the phone with my lawyer...and he really helped calm me down about a issue i was having...the whole aff. of support thing...i think i will be able to sleep a little better tonight! :)
Darlene you only have one more day before you are flying to JA... :D

So you gonna share the advice offered, or am I being too bold here?

gonna pay for it????? :P

With that, I think it is time for me to go to bed!
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-24 20:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

good evening everyone....i feel a lot more at peace off the phone with my lawyer...and he really helped calm me down about a issue i was having...the whole aff. of support thing...i think i will be able to sleep a little better tonight! :)
Darlene you only have one more day before you are flying to JA... :D

So you gonna share the advice offered, or am I being too bold here?
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-24 19:59:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAmerican Embassy (Paris) Returned Our File to USCIS
I havent heard anything yet. I am so stressed out about it. If IMBRA was started through the violence against woman act and marriage brokers, how does this even relate to me. My foreign fiance is the man and we met while I was on vacation in Paris almost 3 years ago. So frustrating. I can not plan my life because of this and it goes against my personality. :( A toute a l heure.
shayreneNot TellingFrance2006-06-27 14:23:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAmerican Embassy (Paris) Returned Our File to USCIS

Bon soir,

My finace is also in France. Our NOA1 receipt date is March 6, how unlucky is that, NOA2 march 31. Sent ot Paris Embassy by NVC apr 12. Fiance received
Instruction pkt Apr 24, returned checklist etc. May 5. Never heard a word from the embassy afterward.. tried in vain to contact them from his side of the planet and mine. finally received an email from CRIS that my I129F petition had been received by USCIS - no explanation why, assume due to IMBRA and the March 6 NOA1 receipt date. Got antoher email June 20 that case has been reopened on motion of USCIS and will recieve decision when processing completed. I assume the case is back at the NSC where it originated, I was not informed that it had been transferred to CSC as many other NSC K1 petitioners have said. Hopefully, if this is the result of IMBRA, the RFE will arrive shortly and we can get back on track.

Do you or any other people with fiancees in France know how to contact the french embassy - NOT the call center (that is not even located in Paris I learned after shelling out 15 euros to talk to an operator who told me the only option as to appear in person in Paris on Friday afternoons and hope you get into to talk to someone). This is not real convenient as my fiance is in marseille.

When you call the embassy. Be sure to say that you are an American calling from the US to speak to someone in the Immigration Visa Department. This was the only way I was able to talk to a live person without being charged 15 Euros. 33 1 43 12 22 22

This is how I found out that my case had been sent back to NVC. I spoke to them on 4/21/06.
shayreneNot TellingFrance2006-06-23 10:57:00