Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I ordered it from Sams Caribbean Market on line. First time ordering as we have nothing close. We will have to venture out to Boston to find some markets there.

We really like lamb so I might make that on Sunday......very low key.....

Roy eats lamb??? Hubby will only eat chicken and fish. I am soooooooooo sick of chicken and fish is so expensive.

Tell me about the fish. Found a market in Baltimore the other day that had fish from the Caribbean like King Fish and Snapper. My wife went crazy. When I got to the register and the woman said $130.00 I almost wanted to cry. But after she complained so much about th whiting fillet, I just could not deny her the fish. I told her she need to make it last real long. Suffice to say whenever I cook fish, there is some chicken at the side.

We brought back quite a bit of saltfish from Jamaica when she moved here in November. We still have a lot in the refrigerator. Salt fish is expensive here so I only get it when someone goes to Jamaica. I have a friend travelling there next month and gave her a list already. But some cabbage with salt fish is to die for. Actually anything with saltfish taste good. If you go to a Caribbean store it may be less expensive than your regular market.

She would not eat any kind of beef and I was able to get her excited about pork spare ribs. I think I have had jerk chicken almost every week for the past month. We normally get the wet jerk seasoning and rub it on a whole chicken and leave it overnight. Put it on the grill next day on low fire. Make you feel like you in Ochi when you eating it.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-04-06 09:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Where's my manners.

Happy Easter to all. May you enjoy the bun and chesse, ackee and bammy in all thier glory. May this day be as meaningful for you as your Jamaican hubby because when Thanksgiving comes , they are going to be just as excited for you. And if your hubby does not realize that there is no Easter Monday and Tuesday here in the US, just think of it as the day after Thanksgiving and make him/her bun and cheese again and send them off to work.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-04-06 09:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Damien's job is closed today..he doesn't understand why the government is open???
I don't know to many companies that close for Easter. Working all Easter weekend last year did not set well with him......

Damien is going to cook brown stew fish Sunday..he's been eating bun & cheese all week.

Is there a difference between the Easter bun and the regular bun? Taste the same to me :huh:

You need that white cross on ghe Easter bun for it to be authentic. There is the hot cross bun with the white cross and then there is the big loaf. I never realy noticed the difference in the year round loaf and the easter bun. But trust me, Jamaicans will swear there is a difference.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-04-06 09:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I know many Jamaican spending easter in the uS for the first time are a little surprised how low key this holiday is for most Americans. My wife was surprised that she had classes at the University today since it was good Friday. Jamaicans have a long weekend for Easter and Good Friday. The holiday starts today and does not end till Tuesday. My employers closed business for Good Friday for the first time this year, but it is almost like MLK birthday where it's like a floating holiday for most people. It would have been like my first day off in a long time and would have loved to spend it with her. I almost thought she would have cried when she had to go to school today. Especially since we had 80 degree weather last week snd wend down to 27 last ight. How are your Jamaican hubbies coping with being away from home for Easter?

My has been very quiet but he is use to it spending so many away working on the ship. I did surprise him with Easter bun, cheese, patties, bammy, salt fish and some other things I has shipped from the Caribbean Market.
I am baking a small ham for my mother and me and roasting chicken for him on Sunday.

When you say shipped, you get to order online and they deliver? I have to drive all the way to Silver Spring to get some bammy. The oriental stores here in Baltimore call themselves Caribbean Markets. Please they only thing the have is salt fish. That is if you can get pass the smell. I had my mother in law ship me some bammy a couple weeks ago from Jamaica. I felt like a kid on Christmas morning when that box arrived.

Clarifying. You know a couple years ago the people who organize Baltimore Carnival had a big falling out. So the group split and formed two association and hence Baltimore has 2 carnivals. The first one this year is July 13-15th. The parade is on Sat 14th 2007. The other is September 9th 2007. I do not normally go to the one in September because after Boston and New York, I normally do not have enough energy. Besides I like carnival when it is hot and sunny, not in September when we sometimes get an early chill here in Baltimore. Jumping half naked in the streets is better when it is hot.

We are definitely going to be in DC. Just so you know, I play with the mud band every year. I am not into the pretty mass in DC. The mud band has the most fun and all my friends are in the mud band. You should really give it a try. I know the whole idea of putting mud on your skin and jumping in the street may not sit well with you. Iffeisha is not keen about it either. But I did this since my days of living in Trinidad and I could not think of playing mas in DC any other way. I try to play with the mud bands in cities where they are allowed. My wife and I enjoyed jamaican carnival for the first time together last year in Kingston and she normlly sees me as a stiff jacket always business like. After that experienc she no longer has that perception. Calypso music has an effect on me that is hard to explain.

Thanks :thumbs: I've never seen the mud band so I'll prepare myself for it....sounds like fun.

Good, so I will keep you posted as time gets closer.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-04-06 09:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

How are your Jamaican hubbies coping with being away from home for Easter?

Roy doesn't think he has to go to school on Monday 'cause it's Easter Monday.....just like last year, I am having a hard time explaining it to him :lol: He already ate his "bun" so I need to go buy another plans -- he is working both jobs all weekend.....

Easter Monday! These Jamaican and the holidays. As if good Friday was not enough. Don't worry in Trinidad they celebrate Easter Tuesday also so I know the feeling.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-04-06 09:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Definitely. Boston Carnival has always been one of my favorites. Long drive from Baltimore but well worth it.

Wow, didn't know you were in Baltimore, I'll be moving to Washington area!! Maybe your wife can be my new best friend :)

I m sure she would love that. She has not made too many friends in Baltimore as yet. Been so hectic with work, school and all, she has been swamped since she got here. At the rate she is going at , it looks like she would earn her 4 year US degree in 2 years. I keep telling her that the 18 credits a semester can burn her out, but she wants this degree behind her. Try 18 credits a semester and working 30 hours a week. I do not know where she finds the energy to do it. I have found myself cooking meals more often than not of late. I keep telling her she better be lucky that her husband can cook otherwise she would be eating Mc Donalds everyday. Like most of you ladies, it is a good feeling when your better half comes here and really take advantage of the opportunities. We were so lucky this semester when the green card came earlier than we anticipated. Now she gets Financial Aid and with Pell grant and SEOG she got the semester bill behind her. We had to twist some arms to get In State tuition rates at the University of Maryland cause you have to be living in the State of Maryland for a year to get In State rate. Now I am up all nights reading assignments. You know how Jamaicans write with flowery language. Must be that British Education. I keep telling her, American professors like it simple and straight to the point. She hates me chopping her papers but she smiles when she gets the A every time. I tell you, I feel like I am earning a degree again. But I figure it's a great investment. We have our eyes set on a piece of property in Jamaica where we are going to build that mansion. We need two normal pay checks to afford to build the mansion on it after we buy the land when we go home in December. So the faster she gets that degree, the happier I would be.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-04-06 09:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
I know many Jamaican spending easter in the uS for the first time are a little surprised how low key this holiday is for most Americans. My wife was surprised that she had classes at the University today since it was good Friday. Jamaicans have a long weekend for Easter and Good Friday. The holiday starts today and does not end till Tuesday. My employers closed business for Good Friday for the first time this year, but it is almost like MLK birthday where it's like a floating holiday for most people. It would have been like my first day off in a long time and would have loved to spend it with her. I almost thought she would have cried when she had to go to school today. Especially since we had 80 degree weather last week snd wend down to 27 last ight. How are your Jamaican hubbies coping with being away from home for Easter?
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-04-06 08:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I guess most of your Jamaican hubbies would share with you the stories of a true Caribbean Carnival. For any of you who never experienced the Mardi gras like festivities in Jamaica, there are a lot of US cities that do have caribbean Carnivals where you get the chance to really let yourself lose. You know how Caribbean people can party.

So now that I have all these friends (am I so bold to use that word now?) across the US, I hope I can get the chance to meet some of you when I visit some of these cities this summer for Carnival. I am normally in Boston, Philly, Delaware, New York, Atlanta and Miami. I am hoping to add maybe 2 more cities this year so I can give that new car of mine some mileage. Does anyone live in a city that has an exciting Caribbean Carnival and plan to go this year? Don't worry, I am not going to be hitting anyone up for accomadation. I usually stay in a hotel.

Do you know the dates? We may go to the one in Delaware and NY. The DC carnival is June bellydancing class (including myself :blush: ) will be in it. Let me know if you come out...we would love to meet you and your wife. Do you have Baltimore dates?

Clarifying. You know a couple years ago the people who organize Baltimore Carnival had a big falling out. So the group split and formed two association and hence Baltimore has 2 carnivals. The first one this year is July 13-15th. The parade is on Sat 14th 2007. The other is September 9th 2007. I do not normally go to the one in September because after Boston and New York, I normally do not have enough energy. Besides I like carnival when it is hot and sunny, not in September when we sometimes get an early chill here in Baltimore. Jumping half naked in the streets is better when it is hot.

We are definitely going to be in DC. Just so you know, I play with the mud band every year. I am not into the pretty mass in DC. The mud band has the most fun and all my friends are in the mud band. You should really give it a try. I know the whole idea of putting mud on your skin and jumping in the street may not sit well with you. Iffeisha is not keen about it either. But I did this since my days of living in Trinidad and I could not think of playing mas in DC any other way. I try to play with the mud bands in cities where they are allowed. My wife and I enjoyed jamaican carnival for the first time together last year in Kingston and she normlly sees me as a stiff jacket always business like. After that experienc she no longer has that perception. Calypso music has an effect on me that is hard to explain.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-04-06 08:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I guess most of your Jamaican hubbies would share with you the stories of a true Caribbean Carnival. For any of you who never experienced the Mardi gras like festivities in Jamaica, there are a lot of US cities that do have caribbean Carnivals where you get the chance to really let yourself lose. You know how Caribbean people can party.

So now that I have all these friends (am I so bold to use that word now?) across the US, I hope I can get the chance to meet some of you when I visit some of these cities this summer for Carnival. I am normally in Boston, Philly, Delaware, New York, Atlanta and Miami. I am hoping to add maybe 2 more cities this year so I can give that new car of mine some mileage. Does anyone live in a city that has an exciting Caribbean Carnival and plan to go this year? Don't worry, I am not going to be hitting anyone up for accomadation. I usually stay in a hotel.

Let me know when you will be in Boston. Would love to meet you and your wife.

Definitely. Boston Carnival has always been one of my favorites. Long drive from Baltimore but well worth it.

When is it anyway? I always miss it and it would be great to plan for it. Nice surprise for hubby.

It is always the last saturday in August, right befor Brooklyn's carnival. Carnivals are always held the same time every year. DC is the last sat in June, New york is on Labor Day weekend, Baltimore has 2. One is the weekend after new York and the other id the 2nd Sat in August. If the date changes for Boston, i willlet you know. But for now, just plan for the last Saturday in August.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-04-06 08:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I guess most of your Jamaican hubbies would share with you the stories of a true Caribbean Carnival. For any of you who never experienced the Mardi gras like festivities in Jamaica, there are a lot of US cities that do have caribbean Carnivals where you get the chance to really let yourself lose. You know how Caribbean people can party.

So now that I have all these friends (am I so bold to use that word now?) across the US, I hope I can get the chance to meet some of you when I visit some of these cities this summer for Carnival. I am normally in Boston, Philly, Delaware, New York, Atlanta and Miami. I am hoping to add maybe 2 more cities this year so I can give that new car of mine some mileage. Does anyone live in a city that has an exciting Caribbean Carnival and plan to go this year? Don't worry, I am not going to be hitting anyone up for accomadation. I usually stay in a hotel.

Let me know when you will be in Boston. Would love to meet you and your wife.

Definitely. Boston Carnival has always been one of my favorites. Long drive from Baltimore but well worth it.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-04-06 07:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
I guess most of your Jamaican hubbies would share with you the stories of a true Caribbean Carnival. For any of you who never experienced the Mardi gras like festivities in Jamaica, there are a lot of US cities that do have caribbean Carnivals where you get the chance to really let yourself lose. You know how Caribbean people can party.

So now that I have all these friends (am I so bold to use that word now?) across the US, I hope I can get the chance to meet some of you when I visit some of these cities this summer for Carnival. I am normally in Boston, Philly, Delaware, New York, Atlanta and Miami. I am hoping to add maybe 2 more cities this year so I can give that new car of mine some mileage. Does anyone live in a city that has an exciting Caribbean Carnival and plan to go this year? Don't worry, I am not going to be hitting anyone up for accomadation. I usually stay in a hotel.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-04-06 07:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Hey Trinilad!
You mentioned a $250.00 wedding!!!! How did you guys get such a good deal and can you please offer some tips? Thanks! :D

Wow, what happened?

Congrats to Texasbound!

And also congrats to the others who have been approved and/or received their visas!

Well Iffeisha brought a bridesmaid dress for about $80.00. The wedding ceremony was $25.00 at the courthouse. I had a suit already. My daughters dress cost about $45.00 , we had dinner at my college that is a culinary school with a restaurant. There were about 6 persons there. The school waived the charge , but the lunch special was about $10.00 pr person. Misc expenses made up the rest.

We figured that the piece of paper to mail to USCIS saying we were marraid was what we needed. Did not want to spend a fortune when we knew we could not get what we wanted in such a short time. We are going to Jamaica for Christmas and having a reception there for all her family and friends. We also have a church blessing arranged.

Our life together is what is important. Travelling, going to school, getting a new car and preparing for the cold weather were her focus when she came here.
After you spend all that money on travel back and forth to Jamaica and the whole visa process and knowing the cost of the I-485 and the workpermit, we just did what we had to do to get this whole immigration thing behind us for now. Besides, we are stillon our honeymoon and will be for years to come.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-04-06 07:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Now to the topic at hand.

I for one don't care if a woman says 'My Jamaican husband is a dog'.
However, I take EXTREME issue with her saying 'Any Jamaican man you bring up is going to be a dog'
Because that is no longer PERSONAL experience, but a BLANKET statement!!
So while I will bite my lip when I hear some generalizations being made in what I believe is ignorance, I will not sit idly by and watch my Jamaican kings being lumped together because of someone's bad experiences.....
Of course I expect women to tell both the good and the bad, hopefully sharing will help someone else in a similar situation. I think it is of paramount importance that the 'seedy' side is shown, the horror stories.
But what needs to be remembered is that the bad in your relationship is not a trend, not a given, but a PERSONAL experience.
I derieve no pleasure from 'jumping' on people or proving they are stereotypical. All I demand is that you treat every situation as a personal experience, not a blueprint on 'What Happens When You Marry A Jamaican'....
Many of the women here are living with their families buying into the stereotype of a 'black Jamaican man' and are vocal in their outrage. Yet many here are creating their very own pet stereotype while critizing the actions of others....

I will always try to support, to educate, to help, to provide any insight I can to help people here.
But I will not sit and watch ANYONE tear Jamaicans to shreds.

Amen to that!
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-04-05 12:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

OK that didn't work. :wacko:

In "bringing family members to the USA"

Isn't this crazy, now there's drama for you :wacko:

Now that we have expelled all that energy in a pissing match let us just calm down and realize that when you post on this site, you are posting to people with very diverse personalities. We are not a cheering team, waving pom poms and encouraging everyone on despite whatever opinions they may have. We are all supportive of people who embark on this journey, but at the end of the day we all have strong opinions about one thing or another and we will sometimes express them. I am not going to hit back tat for tat with the young lady who thinks that I have no children so I do not understand her need to take care of her child. After all I am Caribbean born, with two children. Came here as a fiance years ago and now an American citizen bringing a fiance here. So I guess I really do not know. As a Caribbean man, I felt offended by what she proposes as an option for a Jamaican bro. But again that is my opinion and I did not expres it in a nasty or offensive way. I try my best to say little as possible on here because sometimes you get the feeling that a lot of people looking for support no matter how outrageous they sound. But when stuff is cruddy, I am going to break my silence and say so.

I will continue to read, and I will continue to post. But for those who come on here hoping that they are going to be applauded and cheered and encouraged no matter what they say or do, I am not sure that you are in the right forum. As i stated before Caribbean men are a proud people and just because we sometimes come from countries where the standard of living may not be on par with the US, that does not say that we are any less passionate about who we are. Sometimes the views expressed on here by some make us appear as substandard people and I just chalk it up to ignorance and leave it at that. So I am going to chalk this one up to ignorance again and just move on. Cause at the end of the day, we know who we are deep down inside and if the truth hurts, then so be it. Just do not ask me to shut up cause you cannot stand the pain.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-04-05 05:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaOld Timer visiting
It's been a while since I have been on here. Not seeing any of those who started this journey with me in 2006. If any of you are still here, just want to let you know we have crossed another milestone. Rec 10 year greencard in the mail yesterday. I was worried since I have heard so many horror stories about Vermont Service Center. For all those who are new all I can say is this process can be as easy or as hard as you are willing to make it. We were lucky to only have had one interview and that was at the embassy in Jmaica when my then fiance went for her K-1 visa. After arriving heare, we have never been called in for an interview. I really think it has to do with having very organized paperwork and from the day you start planning to make this jouney, get a good size box and throw every picture, bill, and anything that could be of any use in there. Trust me, when that two year comes around, you do not want to start looking.

Anyway, hoping everyone enjoy this journey. It only gets better.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2009-06-07 18:12:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina
Pozdrav svima...

Mene bas dugo nije bilo ovdje, mada se od zadnjeg javljanja BUKVALNO nista nije promijenilo. I dalje blejim u kuci po cijeli dan, nabacujem salo i ziva se smaram.
Moja I-485 se nije pomakla od januara i ne znam vise ni sta da mislim, ni sta da radim. Vodjena nekim optimisticnim datumima ovdje, nisam predava posebno za EAD i Ap, nego sve zajedno, jer kad sam poslala, vidjela sam da su neki od vas cekali mjesec-dva na green card. Kontala sam da cu biri bar priblizne srece... Evo, jun uveliko, i bukvalno nikakvih vijesti nakon biometrics.
Sve to mozda ne bi ni bilo toliko lose, da ovaj slavni Merilend nema neke izuzetno glupe zakone i regulative, zbog kojih ne mogu da otvorim racun u banci, niti mogu da dobijem njihovu vozacku dozvolu. NOA2 nije dovoljna za bilo kakav dokument (state ID, vozacka dozvola), za svaki dokument traze radnu dozvolu ili zeleni karton. Tri puta smo isli u MVA, isli u CBS na aerodrom, ali nije upalilo. U medjuvremenu sam i auto dobila koje zalosno cuci na parkingu, i ja ga tugaljivo gledam svaki put kad izbacujem smece. :crying: Ponekad ga malkice provozam, ali imamo cika policajce u komsiluku, pa necu da se igram... cujem da nisu ni slicni nasim policajcima :lol: .
Eto, da sumiram... za sve vas koji cete uskoro poslati papire za AOS, nemojte ni razmisljati da ne posaljete EAD i AP sa svim onim papircinama. Za sve vas koji ste u procesu i kontate kako dugo traje, utjesite se kad vidite moj slucaj...skoro pola godine otkako smo predali, na sajtu USCIS-a i dalje stoji "Initial rewiev". :crying:
Srecno svima i veliki pozdrav! :)
B&DFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2010-06-08 00:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGente de Venezuela
QUOTE (Ricardo_C @ Aug 22 2009, 12:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Saludos a todos, y mis disculpas por postear preguntas justo después de inscribirme, pero he explorado el foro, y no doy con una respuesta a mi pregunta, de modo que aquí va...

Soy venezolano, mi esposa es estadounidense. Nos casamos en Maracaibo en marzo de este año. Yo resido en Venezuela, ella viene tan frecuentemente como le es posible. Iniciamos el proceso de inmigración en mayo de este año, y nuestra I-130 fue aprobada el 17 de agosto. La relativa rapidez de esta etapa nos ha dado esperanzas de poder completar el proceso antes de que termine el año, pero hay algo que me preocupa: El website de la embajada dice que el pasaporte del inmigrante debe ser válido por al menos 60 días luego de la expiración de la visa de inmigrante. El mío expira en marzo del 2011. ¿Es esto un obstáculo para obtener la CR-1? Estoy preocupado, dado lo infernalmente difícil de renovar (ni hablar de reemplazar) un pasaporte en Venezuela.

Gracias de antemano por cualquier ayuda que me puedan prestar.

Hola Ricardo!

Mi nombre es Andrea, de Merida ( ahora vivo en Baltimore),lei tu pregunta y me parece que no debes preocuparte por lo de la fecha de expiracion de tu pasaporte porque si ya recibiste la aprobacion de tu I-130, seguro que lo de tu residencia va a salir pronto. No se si ellos te mandaran a una entrevista porque todavia estas en Venezuela pero una vez que la peticion of an alien relative es aprobada ya falta poco para que salga tu residencia, aunque yo no se como hicienron ustedes si se casaron en Venezuela con el certificado de Matrimonio y todo eso, pero una vez que ellos te den la residencia que el lo que tu estas buscando, no ninguna visa, no te preocupes si se vence tu pasaporte pq faltan como 2 anos y una vez que se vence vas a la embajada o al consulado de venezuela aqui para la renovacion. Yo soy residente desde hace 2 anos y en Mayo me toco renovar el pasaporte y nada paso. Ellos en la embajada lo dicen por la gente que se viene con algun tipo de visa, como la de fiance o de estudiante y le toca hacer cambio de estatus aqui, pq si comienza algun tipo de proceso una vez que se le vence la visa tiene que poder renovarlo aqui. Asi que no te preocupes que ya pronto podras salir de ese desatre. Cualquier otra pregunta avisas.
Andrea-JimFemaleVenezuela2009-08-25 09:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGente de Venezuela
Hola Ana, Anita, Carola, Carolanessi, etc, etc!!!!
disculpen que las tengo olvidadas.... sorry pero es que este trabajo me ha tenido de un ocupada que ni se imagianan, pues ni tiempo he tenido para meterme y chismear con ustedes que tanto me gusta y me entretiene, pero es que entre terminar de conseguir todo lo de los papeles y trabajando hasta las 7 no me quiero sentar en una computadora despues que salgo de aqui.

Pues no he terminado de mandarlos, tengo todo ahora solo me falta armar los paqutes pero para variar tengo mil dudas y voy a ver si ustedes me salvan como siempre.... juro que no se que haria sin su ayuda.... y sus cuentos porque pareciera que con cada uno me identifico, pero despues que termine todo esto comenzare a contarles mas de mi....

Bueno la duda que tengo es esta: Cuando ustedes mandaron los papeles mandaron la I-30 y la I-485 junta a la oficina que les correspondia o mandaron cada una por separado. Yo se que cada una tiene que estar separada en un sobre con el cover leter y el indice de lo que esta adentro y tambien se que con el paquete de la I-485 voy a mandar el permiso de trabajo, los examenes medicos, el permiso de viaje y los biographic whatever... pero el cuento es que no se si mandarlos cada paquete en un unico paquete.... no se si me entienden....

Bueno senoritas cualquier ayuda o respuesta sera bien recibida y altamente agradecida....

Un beso y les voy chismeando mas adelante que pasa.... Camilla se fue esta manana y anoche la v i me dio un envidia pq iba a ir a comer rico por 15 dias y a abrazar a su mamita.... y yo que extrano tanto a la mia, pero bueno por otro lado va a ir a enfrentarse de nuevo con la realidad de nuestro tan destruido pais.... despues de enterarme anoche que mataron al tio de una amiga que esta aqui no me quedan ganas de regresar... todo lo contrario, un miedo del hijueputa....pero despues les cuento ahorita me tengo que ir

un beso
Andrea-JimFemaleVenezuela2007-03-23 14:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGente de Venezuela
Buenas, buenas

Como andas las panas!!! ...que comico que aqui todos me fastidian por "mi pana".

Carolanessi mil gracias por las form, hoy salgo de eso y cono muchas felicitaciones y felicidades por esa bebe, grande linda y rosadita me imagino como todos nosotros los venezolanos... Por ahi te hecho una llamadita si tengo alguna duda.

A ver Carola... la otra... porque tengo madre confusion con esas dos Anas y dos Carolas.... que bien que lo oiste, yo ya casi que ni me aguanto las ganas de ser mama... creo q esos instintos maternos cada dia se me despiertan mas y yo ahi aguantandolos pq todavia falta un poquito de tiempo pq quiero esperarme a tener mas o menos la edad de ustedes que considero es la perfecta.... solo tengo 27 asi que a veces no quiero q pase el tiempo pa no ponerme viejita y seguir siendo una pelada pero por otro ya quiero que pase pa estrar en esa otra etapa tan linda que es ser mama.... muchas felicidades y disfruta como lo estas haciendo de tu embarazo que creo es la unica etapa en el que el bebe es completamente tuyo, ya despues lo tenemos que compartir con la vida y el resto del mundo...

Cami ahi te llamo ahora mas tarde pa cuadrar pa manana....

Ana que rico que te vas por ahi por al mundo... que rico pero a veces de trabajo pierde su encanro pero igual trata de disfrutar y tomar muchas fotos pa que ensenes .... y tranqui que por esas peladeras de mercado pasamos todas... sabes un dato ahi, los SmartOnes de weight watchers que son comiditas congeladas son de lo mejor y baratos... una buena opcion y pa ser congelada no es tan danina y saben rico... eso es lo q yo estoy comiendo de almuerzo....

Bueno un besito
estamos hablandito
Andrea-JimFemaleVenezuela2007-03-15 12:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGente de Venezuela
Hola Srtas!!!! :help:
pues hoy estube medio ocupada y no habia tenido tiempo de escribirles pero ya lei todo lo que ha pasado en sus vidas. Bueno ahora una preguntica ahi! .... ustedes por casualidad tienen un formato de las fulanas cover letters que se mandan con la I-130 y la I-485... porque la que vi en Example Forms es para la peticion de la K-1 y no se si esa sirva. Estoy terminando entre hoy y manana todo esto.... asi que cualquier ayuda o tip que ustedes crean que debo chequear antes de mandar los papeles es bien recibido.

Muchisimas gracias y ub beso
Andrea (F)

Sorry!!! es estuve, no estube... a donde se me esta llendo mi espanol :crying:

Andrea-JimFemaleVenezuela2007-03-14 15:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGente de Venezuela
Hola Otra vez!!!
muchas gracias a todas por responderme tan pronto, Ana, Anita y Carola... es una gran ayuda ....

Carola yo soy de Merida-Merida, y que chevere que te la lleves bien con nosotros los gocho y espero que el hijueputa no te suene tan raro porque yo lo digo cada 5 min.

Bueno ahora tengo algo que preguntarles. ustedes por casualidad tienen un formato de las fulanas cover letters que se mandan con la I-130 y la I-485... porque la que vi en Example Forms es para la peticion de la K-1 y no se si esa sirva.

Bueno espero esten todas bien
un beso
Andrea :thumbs:
Andrea-JimFemaleVenezuela2007-03-13 20:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGente de Venezuela
Hola Anaa!!!!!
muchisimas gracias... eres un angel, ya ando a punto de crisis con estos benditos papeles pero esta es la semana definitiva o los mandamos o los mandamos. Bueno te cuento que esta pagina me esta volviendo loca y tu sabes que como soy gocha pues se me pone como complicada la situacion :blush: ... pregunta: Como hago para que mi foto aparezca como la tuya y la de cami, porque la mia no la veo; pero bueno ya los por lo menos las agrague.

Bueno te mantendre al tanto de lo que vaya haciendo... y lo siento mucho por lo de tu suegra

Un beso
Andrea (F) :star:
Andrea-JimFemaleVenezuela2007-03-13 13:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGente de Venezuela
Hola a todos!!!
Mi nombre es Andrea, soy una gochita que esta viviendo en Baltimore y esta es la primera vez que les escribo, pero es que no habia logrado entender como es que esto funciona y de hecho todavia ando medio gris... en fin ya habia oido hablar de algunos de ustedes por medio de Camila y Josh, de hecho una vez hable con Ana por telefono. Para contarles un poco de mi, me case hace como 10 meses aqui pero no habia metido mis papeles para el AOS, mi esposo se llama Jim. Yo vine en el 2004 con una visa de estudiante y bueno aqui me consegui a mi amorsito y me quede... por supuesto la situacion en nuestro pobresito pais tambien ayudo. Tengo 27 anos al igual que mi esposo y ya casi estamos listos para mandar nuestros papeles. Por supuesto tengo todavia miles de preguntas y quiero ver si ustedes que ya han pasado por este tormentoso proceso me echan la manito :yes:

1. Tengo unas preguntas sobre la Aplication for Travel Document I-131, no se como llenarla, en que categoria entro y si es advance parole y no tengo una fecha de viaje que pongo cuando me la preguntan y que tengo que poner en ese paper que me piden donde explique porque yo califico...
2. Cuando ustedes mandaron los papeles anexaron documentos que tuvieran los nombres de los dos, como recibos o cuentas juntos, no se pruebas o eso es solo para la entrevista.
3. como hago para agregarlos en mi lista de amigos

Bueno les mando besos y espero que no les importe tener a una venezolana mas
Andrea-JimFemaleVenezuela2007-03-13 11:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Whenever I have people coming to the US who have difficulty finding steady 9-5 jobs especially where actual skills are involved, I refer them to a site that has always worked for me in making ends meet. Go to National Association of Retail Merchandising Specialist. Go to job seach and then select job bank and the area you live in. A lot of companies post jobs here when they are looking for people to do marketing or demo work. From demo's at supermarkets to doing POP and Store resets at grocery chains and stores like Walmart. I was making an extra $1,000.00 a month just doing weekend work here and everytime I need some extra money I go here and take up jobs. Most interviews are over the phone and it does not take rocket science to restock a shelf in a supermarket. Another way your better half can pick up some extra money especially with the holiday coming up.
down inside, you know the answer.

Keep the faith.

:thumbs: Great InFo :thumbs: :yes:

Do I have to pay the fee before I can seach for jobs?


http://shopper.minte.../user_apply.php : THEY DO MYSTERY SHOPPING OF FEDEX and UPS locations. You cannot work for either of these companies to get these jobs.

http://www.mcaretail...ers/index.html: They do resets mostly

http://www.checkmark...ter_secure.aspx : They do mystery shopping at all retailers.

Again, none of these compannies charge for the service. They are looking all the time for new employees. Great part time work for new spouses. I used to sign up for jobs and send my friends to do them when they were waiting for work permit. Remember, you never really meet a hiring manager. They do interview over the phone. Am I suggesting that you be dishonest and sign up for work and have your spouse do it especially if her has no work permit and it does not matter which one of your name is on the check? I would never do such a thing! Hint , hint!
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-24 19:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Whenever I have people coming to the US who have difficulty finding steady 9-5 jobs especially where actual skills are involved, I refer them to a site that has always worked for me in making ends meet. Go to National Association of Retail Merchandising Specialist. Go to job seach and then select job bank and the area you live in. A lot of companies post jobs here when they are looking for people to do marketing or demo work. From demo's at supermarkets to doing POP and Store resets at grocery chains and stores like Walmart. I was making an extra $1,000.00 a month just doing weekend work here and everytime I need some extra money I go here and take up jobs. Most interviews are over the phone and it does not take rocket science to restock a shelf in a supermarket. Another way your better half can pick up some extra money especially with the holiday coming up.
down inside, you know the answer.

Keep the faith.

:thumbs: Great InFo :thumbs: :yes:

Do I have to pay the fee before I can seach for jobs?

No, you do not have to pay anything to search the jobs. One of the great tools is that you can go and create a profile and put the things you are interested in and the expereinces you have. Comapnies will then do a search of people in a particular geographical area and actually call you to get you to take work that you express interest in. A month ago, my father and I did a reset for some hair products at CVS. We were paid $100.00 per store and took us about 4 hours each. We did 6 stores that weekend. It may not seem as much, but that was my car payment in one weekend. The good thing about it is you take the jobs you want, you stop when you feel like it and you do not have a set schedule everyday. Now some companies will offer you a merchandising position permanently for a long term. My sister for instance goes into Sears , Hects and JC Penny and restock thier ties and has been doing that monthly for the past two years. I did Hallmark Cards at Target for a year. In those cases you get paid per store. Making $20.00 per store every month and having to just visit that store maybe for twice a month for 15 mins is great if you have lets say 10 stores. Sometimes if you work well, you may service the same store for multiple companies. I used to do Best Buys , Comp USA and Office Depot in my area for 3 different companies resetting POP and cutting in products. Make about $60.00 for a 30 min visit . In most cases you will do the reporting online or mail in paperwork. They do spot checks occasionally to make sure you are doing the work. Just give your free samples to the sales associate and they will always remember you were there when they call even though you may not visit for 3 months.

Companies like Actionlink will have weekend demo jobs for work as doing demo's at Best Buys and those kind of stores. If you are a game buff, Activision will have you doing marketing work for thier games. It is a great site and it does not cost you a dime to have a profile or to do searches.

Another website to check is .WWW.ACTIONLINK.COM. This company offers One time demos and resets and also long term merchandising.

Another website is WWW.MOSAIC.COM. tHIS COMPANY OFFERS MERCHANDISING WORK FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE MORE TECH SAVY. They offer merchandising work for game and DVD companies and tend to be in Best Buys , Game Stop and EB stores. If you are good with doing demo's on printers, cameras, video games and such, this will be ideal. Permanent weekend gigs may be 4 hour weekend making about 50/ each day.

Maybe I am giving too much info. If anyone is really serious about making extra money without the hassle of a permanent part time job, these sites will be great for you and applying or searching does not cost anything. e mail me sometime and I can direct you to a couple more sites if you are interested. I am not selling anything, I am just passing along free info.

And that my friends is my 5 mins for today.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-24 19:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Why the heck am I so nervous? My stomach is doing flip flops and I still have all day tomorrow to get through, and never mind not sleeping tomorrow night!!!

Can you tell me if this is okay or does it need more? It is the employer letter that I am writing to have my boss sign.

(Me) has been employed by xxx since July 12, 1992. She is currently a Staff Accountant in the Office of xxx.
Current salary is xxx biweekly, xxx annually.

This is a permanent position.

If there are any questions, yaddy, yaddy, yaddy.

I have a whole week or so to go and I am unable to sleep at nights. This is too stressful. I cannot imagine ever going through this ever again. I just cannot. So if you are nervous then you are doing just fine.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-24 13:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Ok ladies (and Trini) - I need advice :(

I am really, really fed up with my job. I'm tired of working almost every weekend, I'm tired of being on all different crazy shifts (in the last year, I've been on 1st shift, 2nd shift, and 3rd shift) and I don't even like my job or the manufacturing industry :crying: I've been casually looking around for other jobs but the problem is that I can't find anything that pays even close to what I make now (not counting the overtime money!). Tony's job is too unstable to rely on his income. He's doing roofing but works outside so they can't work in bad weather - in Michigan that's often :(

I have been at my job for just over 5 years now and I know I would have to start all over again w/ vacation time and all that. I also have really good benefits for me and Tony (medical, dental, vision, 401K, etc) and lots of paid holidays and decent amount of vacation days. But the biggest problem is simply the huge pay cut I would have to take. We're talking $20,000 a year or so! :o So, do I just stick it out for now and continue working ALL the time - no social life, no time for friends/family etc. Or do I take a huge pay-cut and take another job and get to work "normal" hours (Mon. thru Fri. 8 to 5 or whatever) ??? :help: I am so stressed out over all this. I did not slave away at college for over 4 years to have this job that I can't stand and work every weekend :angry:

I guess when you lose your passion for what you are doing it becomes frustrating to continue the 9-5. But at the end of the day the decision is an easy one to make. This is not one of those things you can resolve overnight. From where I look at it, you have to decide whether the stress involved in being unable to make ends meet is less painful than the stress of doing a job you do not have a passion for anymore. You know, the worst of two evils.

Whenever I have people coming to the US who have difficulty finding steady 9-5 jobs especially where actual skills are involved, I refer them to a site that has always worked for me in making ends meet. Go to National Association of Retail Merchandising Specialist. Go to job seach and then select job bank and the area you live in. A lot of companies post jobs here when they are looking for people to do marketing or demo work. From demo's at supermarkets to doing POP and Store resets at grocery chains and stores like Walmart. I was making an extra $1,000.00 a month just doing weekend work here and everytime I need some extra money I go here and take up jobs. Most interviews are over the phone and it does not take rocket science to restock a shelf in a supermarket. Another way your better half can pick up some extra money especially with the holiday coming up.

You have responsibilities and as frustrating as it may be, you just have to find a way to keep your head above water. Trust me, we would all love to cut back on the hours and make ends meet, but unless you are willing to make some drastic adjustments to your way of life, it is not going to happen. Let's be realistic about that. You have gotten accustomed to a certain lifestyle that you have been able to afford because of the income you have. Are you willing to give it up?

Additionally, this may the time to maybe look at skills you have that you can work on. Yes the degree speaks for itself, but look at the jobs that you are interested in and see if any training can get in the door in about 6 months or so. In the short run, you have to stick it out. The plan now should be to increase your spouse's income and work on that seriously. He may need some skill training too to give himself some options as time goes along. You two have to come together on this one and make a decision that you BOTH can live with and be realistic about it. I am sitting in a job that I love cause it allows me to work from home when I want to, go on vacation in Jamaica when I like and such so I can give you all the advice in the world. But until I walk in your shoes, i am just blowing steam. At the end of the day, it's your call, and deep down inside, you know the answer.

Keep the faith.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-24 07:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
For anyone who recently had the interview for the fiance visa in Kingston, can you remember whether they accepted the income tax return copy printed out from the tax software as Turbo Tax or whether they insisted on the IRS generated tax transcript. I sent the last three years tax return transcripts that I got from the IRS to my fiance and she seems to have misplaced 2005. I have my copy from TURBOTAX that I saved. I am wondering whether that will be sufficient. It is too late to order the IRS transcript in time for next Monday.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-22 21:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)


We had a really good talk last night and we finally got to a point that I think both of us understands one another a little better now. This money issue will take time. This is a hard issue to resolve but I think it will get better once he starts working and making his own money.

On a good note........we received notice that we have our AOS interview on December 7, 2006. It seems kinda fast (I am NOT complaining though!!!!.... :no: ) considering that we have not received the EAD yet. Is that normal????

Is there anything that we need to do now to get prepared for the interview?? What do we need to bring to the interview?

Have a great Sunday everyone!!! (L) (L)

Have a doc that may be of help. I am goint to e mail it to you cause I am not sure I can attach it to this message. There is a chapter here that will guide you through the rest of the process. A PDT. file so you will neeed adobe acrobat to open


We had a really good talk last night and we finally got to a point that I think both of us understands one another a little better now. This money issue will take time. This is a hard issue to resolve but I think it will get better once he starts working and making his own money.

On a good note........we received notice that we have our AOS interview on December 7, 2006. It seems kinda fast (I am NOT complaining though!!!!.... :no: ) considering that we have not received the EAD yet. Is that normal????

Is there anything that we need to do now to get prepared for the interview?? What do we need to bring to the interview?

Have a great Sunday everyone!!! (L) (L)

Have a doc that may be of help. I am goint to e mail it to you cause I am not sure I can attach it to this message. There is a chapter here that will guide you through the rest of the process. A PDT. file so you will neeed adobe acrobat to open


We had a really good talk last night and we finally got to a point that I think both of us understands one another a little better now. This money issue will take time. This is a hard issue to resolve but I think it will get better once he starts working and making his own money.

On a good note........we received notice that we have our AOS interview on December 7, 2006. It seems kinda fast (I am NOT complaining though!!!!.... :no: ) considering that we have not received the EAD yet. Is that normal????

Is there anything that we need to do now to get prepared for the interview?? What do we need to bring to the interview?

Have a great Sunday everyone!!! (L) (L)

Have a doc that may be of help. I am goint to e mail it to you cause I am not sure I can attach it to this message. There is a chapter here that will guide you through the rest of the process. A PDT. file so you will neeed adobe acrobat to open
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-22 13:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Two last questions. So I filled out that VISA application form for Iffeisha and I have two questions that I am not sure I know how to answer.



Is that safe or should the answer be NO.


What is the correct answer.

In both cases it is obvious that SO will work/ and or attend school at some point in time. So nothing is wrong with saying YES. Or should you say NO to avoid suspicion that you are migrating for employment or educational purposes.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-21 11:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hello everyone.

Trinilad - when is the carnival in Baltimore?

Have fun tonight :dance:

Baltimore has two carnivals. one in July and one in September right after labor day weekend. Not as good ac DC Carnival which is always the last saturday in June.

Thanks....just making sure I didn't miss anything new coming. I went to one in Baltimore last year but couldn't remember which month. We missed the carnivals in DC and Baltimore this year.

So did I. First time in 10 years. I made Jamaica Carnival though. My God! The women there are a you say Women from Trinidad enjoy carnival cause that is the best Carnival in the world, but Jamaican women takes it to another level. Iffeisha is not into Carnival and it was the first time she saw me respond to calypso music in this manner. Calypso is not played a log in Jamaican clubs. She has sworn never to take me to any place that plays calypso music again. I wonder what she is gonna do when we go DC Carnival next year. I go crazy to soca music. I actually play with the mud band for DC Carnival. To this day I do not know how I got home last year. Just woke up Sunday morning in my tub covered in mud. But whatever I did, I am sure I had a great time. With some luck, no one else knows .
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-20 16:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hello everyone.

Trinilad - when is the carnival in Baltimore?

Have fun tonight :dance:

Baltimore has two carnivals. one in July and one in September right after labor day weekend. Not as good ac DC Carnival which is always the last saturday in June.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-20 15:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

This evening is my lil bachelor party. My friends are taking me to a bar close to work to get my drink on. last hurrah!

Have a good time :dance: and be careful!!!

My daughter heard me talking on the phone and asked me how do I get drunk. I guess she will be overnighting at the baby sitter. She has never seens me when I drink cause i just don't drink enough to get drunk. Not about to change that though.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-20 12:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

We got there at 6:30am, there was about 40 or so people already in line. We got in about 7:30am. Our interview was on a Friday at 9:15am

Stephen, is this weather crazy here today or what??? It was 75 degrees yesterday and now today, it rained this morning, windy as all get out now and supposed to be only 60 degrees !!!

These days I do not know what to wear. I get up on mornings, stick my hand out the window and then go to the closet. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. Had to open my windows last night to cool the house down.

This evening is my lil bachelor party. My friends are taking me to a bar close to work to get my drink on. last hurrah!
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-20 11:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
[quote name='nannygirl82' post='518091' date='Oct 20 2006, 12:08 PM']
[quote name='Trinilad' post='518038' date='Oct 20 2006, 11:53 AM']
[quote name='nannygirl82' post='517927' date='Oct 20 2006, 11:22 AM']
[quote name='Elizabethnhenry' post='517773' date='Oct 20 2006, 10:36 AM']
[quote name='darlene' post='517742' date='Oct 20 2006, 10:28 AM']
I'll be at the Knutsford on Thursday and Friday. Now I wish the interview was on Monday so we all could have gotten together. I suppose on Friday they will be all tired and cranky....
Getting nervous...

Party at the Knutsford!! :lol:

Good luck to all of you with your interviews!

BTW, I liked the Knutsford when hubby and I stayed there.

really? that is great! i looks nice from the pics i have seen on there website...what kind of things are there to do around there??? how far is the embassy?? a couple of blocks right?

The embassy is a couple blocks away. At 6.30am in the morning, I would not suggest walking. It will take you about 5-10 mins to walk. But it's not like a main street you are coming from. The hotel will call you a taxi which may be about $300JA. Spend the $5.00US and get there safetly.

Things to do around there. Hmmm. It is downtown New Kingston so not much besides shopping. Are you leaving from Mo Bay? There is a lot to do in the counntry side. But in Kingston, from my personal experience, the options are not that much. It is not a tourist town in my opinion.

ok...well we are planning on being at the embassy at 5:00 am because the line gets very long!! so i guess we will just take a taxi then....
guess we will just hang out by the pool :D

If I can get Iffeisha out of the door at I would. But to do that, you have to get this woman started at about I actually brought the outfit for her to wear to the interview to save us trying on 15 outfits before she decides on the first one she tried two hours ago. But I am going to try to get there as early as I can.

[quote name='Trinilad' date='Oct 20 2006, 12:15 PM' post='518119']
[quote name='nannygirl82' post='518091' date='Oct 20 2006, 12:08 PM']
[quote name='Trinilad' post='518038' date='Oct 20 2006, 11:53 AM']
[quote name='nannygirl82' post='517927' date='Oct 20 2006, 11:22 AM']
[quote name='Elizabethnhenry' post='517773' date='Oct 20 2006, 10:36 AM']
[quote name='darlene' post='517742' date='Oct 20 2006, 10:28 AM']
I'll be at the Knutsford on Thursday and Friday. Now I wish the interview was on Monday so we all could have gotten together. I suppose on Friday they will be all tired and cranky....
Getting nervous...

If I can get Iffeisha out of the door at I would. But to do that, you have to get this woman started at about I actually brought the outfit for her to wear to the interview to save us trying on 15 outfits before she decides on the first one she tried two hours ago. But I am going to try to get there as early as I can.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-20 11:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I'll be at the Knutsford on Thursday and Friday. Now I wish the interview was on Monday so we all could have gotten together. I suppose on Friday they will be all tired and cranky....
Getting nervous...

Party at the Knutsford!! :lol:

Good luck to all of you with your interviews!

BTW, I liked the Knutsford when hubby and I stayed there.

really? that is great! i looks nice from the pics i have seen on there website...what kind of things are there to do around there??? how far is the embassy?? a couple of blocks right?

The embassy is a couple blocks away. At 6.30am in the morning, I would not suggest walking. It will take you about 5-10 mins to walk. But it's not like a main street you are coming from. The hotel will call you a taxi which may be about $300JA. Spend the $5.00US and get there safetly.

Things to do around there. Hmmm. It is downtown New Kingston so not much besides shopping. Are you leaving from Mo Bay? There is a lot to do in the counntry side. But in Kingston, from my personal experience, the options are not that much. It is not a tourist town in my opinion.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-20 10:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
For even my close friends that know me (and know Craig), have NO CLUE why Craig is acting the way he acts and why HE is making this experience so flippin stressful.........maturity??!!! I said to him last night, we (me and my son) are SOOO laid back and we're NOT hard to live with.....but he just can't handle the fact that he DOES have to share........but again, this wasn't a "surprise" to him!!!!!!! I suggested to Craig that he reeeeeally needs to be around families WITH kids, my friends with their kids and COUPLES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My son is 12 and a true-blue teenager WITH a mouth at times, but I put him in check and Craig can't STAND when I get upset and raise my voice at my son (I don't discipline physically). I'm the type of parent that won't let my child get away with disrespect, etc and when I say you're grounded....I follow through. My son is a good kid, everyone that he goes and stays with and hangs out at their house compliments me alllll of the time.

Who knows?????????

That parent thing. Are you telling me your parents do not know you are marraid and have no idea who Craig is? Or maybe , I need to read that again. looks like that is what you said.

I live in baltimore City . When I get back from JA, maybe we can all get together. Maybe Craig just feel out of sorts and everyone around is foreign to him. Does he have any frinds here from Jamaica or the caribbean?
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-20 10:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I am still here.

We are going to have a civil ceremony at the courthouse in Baltimore City that Friday. I work at the Culinary school in baltimore and we have banquet and restaurant faccilities. As a present, my college is throwing me a small reception at no cost for about 25 people. Could not pass up on that offer. Did not feel like doing the decorating for the banquet hall for the ceremony and since the courthouse has a nice wedding chapel area I decided to use them.The time between our arrival and the wedding is too short to plan anything else. We have a lot to take care of when she comes here from deciding which college to attend, my sister's wedding in Florida a week after she gets here, her having to take the Praxis exam for the MD Education board certification on November 14th, a surprise birthday party for her on November 16th , and trying to make sure we cathch all the sales on Black Friday.Phew! I get tired just thinking about it. So I guess I will come up for air sometime in December!

Wow that's nice that your place of employment is doing that for you. But your schedule Stephen, OMG. I'm getting exhuausted just looking at it :P .

I know. There is so much to do and so little time. I tell Iffeisha all the time that we are going to have to get secretaries and learn how to have a quickie. Between her schedule and mine, it will be a while before we settle down. It's just we had arranged things assuming she would have been here in september. So we are a month or so behind and playing catch up.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-20 10:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

DEFINITELY 2nd that........for GOOOOD VIBES to Darlene, Shauna and Stephen. Safe travels and best wishes to everyone!! I'm routin for ya !!

Have a great weekend everyone !!! Hopefully us MD/VA/DC OR PA (if you were around) are going to be able to link up !!



:lol: :lol: ...kelly you are too's the weather????

Stephen...i have the same date as you and at 7:15 as well.....are you staying over in Kingston the night before??? I decided it would be best for us if we did and then we are also going to stay a extra night...i am sure we will see you there!!

I am staying over in Kingston. I actually fly into Montego Bay on Sunday from JFK and then we are driving to Kingston and overnight at the Knutsford. Do not feel like driving that early morning to get into Kingston.
I will e mail you my contact info in Jamiaca so we can at least maybe get together sometime before you leave. Is he supposed to be flying back with you? I am going to be there until Sunday when we fly back to JFK.

cool!! i am flying into Mobay on Sunday as well...from Philly to mobay and i get in at 11am...then we are going to ochi to get the folder of papers at mike's place then to kingston....and we will be in Kington till tuesday when i leave to go back :( wish i could fly back with him but can't take that much time off of me your contact stuff and we can meet up since we will be at the same place...
Darlene...sorry you won't be there :( :(

I definitely would. i am getting into MO bay at about 12.30 that Sunday and driving to Brown's Town to drop my luggage off and then head to Kingston. I figure we would spend the night going over the paperwork to make sure everything is in order. I am not sure if I can live through the anticipation. I will certainly e mail you my info. We can have lunch on Monday after the interviews.

Sorry Darlene. I will take a drink on Appleton just for you. I know by the time we are done, you would have been through a dozen bottles of wine. Celebration time! I guess I will see you for Boston Carnival next year. Anyone coming to Baltimore Carnival, make sure you let me know. I am assuming everyone here knows what carnival is right? Keep forgetting your SO are jamaicans and not from Trini.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-20 10:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Kelly -- How are things going on your end? Hope all is well.....

Hey Mindy,

Thanks for asking.....

Things are a little better after not talking to each other for 3 days !!! We HAD to talk last night because I told him he needs to find another place to stay because this is TOTAL BS !!! Anyway, his "deal" is my relationship with my son. He *says* he's not jealous, but.......he asked, when is it ME and YOU time, you and Austin are ALWAYS together !!! Now, here's how things go in our house.....

He leaves for work at 7:30am and I take my son to school at 7:30am. My son has soccer practice Mon & Wed from 5-7pm, we don't get home until 7:30pm-ish. I NEVER know when Craig is going to get home from work, it can be anywhere from 6:30 to 9pm. His place of business is closing so his hours are all over the place. So when I get home, I gotta cook or find something for dinner, help my son with mounds of homework...catch-up on my travel stuff (because working my part-time job takes away from that on occassions), plus I scored the Baltimore Blast soccer team travel this year and that's keeping me VERY busy!! There are certain shows on TV that I like to chill out and watch and Craig likes the shows that I watch (except for The Bachelor). So we usually sit and watch them. My son goes to sleep at 9:30pm and Craig is shortly thereafter. Weekends --my son has soccer skill training Sat for 2 hours (times vary) and Sunday's we're off to anywhere in Maryland or Virginia for a game or tournament. This time of the year, I have a ton of travel functions and shows to go to in the evening and I'm gone till 9pm-ish.

I spend as MUCH time with Craig as I possibly can.........but, he does not "GET" the fact that "I" am my sons only support system. Yes, my son tries to take advantage of that, but I give a little here and I give a little there. For those of us that have kids, you know exactly how I'm feeling and what I'm talking's WAAAAY exhausting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tonight we have no plans, but ........who KNOWS when he'll be home and he's NOT a "planner". I know that we need more quality time, but being a single parent with a crazy busy schedule (and he totally knew this BEFORE he got here)......"I" NEED a vacation alone !!!

Anyone else feelin me ????????

You know I cannot respond to this one cause I get overly passionate about this issue me being a single parent myself. (For 3 weeks gain at least). Every relationsship with children has its own set of perculiar issues and no two are alike. My personal philosophy when it comes to my child is that I can chose my spouse, but my child I am stuck with for life. It's unfortunate that he feels he has to complete. Maybe he should try to take him to a soccer match or two, get on the sideline and do some cheering. My prayers are with you on this one. I guess I am too much of a cut and dry person for understand this so maybe someone with more of an objective head can give you some tips here. I need to take Craig with me and have a drink one of these days. We live close enough. Maybe he is having some difficulty understanding how easy this whole adjustment can be. Having a successful marraige and a happy home should not be so damn hard. maybe there is something that you are not sharing cause I cannot understand why he just insist on making this such a stressful experience. Maybe one Caribbean man to another, I may be able to share me lil bit of wisdom with him.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-20 10:10:00