Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Congrats on your marriage bostonparis. Now it is just a waiting game.

I am so sorry to hear about your father Angilla. I am glad that you were able to spend time with him before he passed.
shayreneNot TellingFrance2007-06-24 12:41:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Hi Rhonda, Thanks for the encouragment. I was wondering in your expirience if you think that it is easier to marry in france ou the us ? or which do you think is faster and will facilitate not having to be separated for a long time? I keep going over in my mind whether we should strive to get things straight on the french side or the US side, which one will give us less headache. I had talked with a french couple that i met in the states while my fiance was trying to get a work visa after finding a great company, but with all of the quotas and restrictions the work visa was not going along as planned. They kept telling us that we should get married and not worry about the work visa. We wanted to wait alittle while to marry and plan a huge wedding thinking that a speedy wedding wasnt something we were going to do right away. All of the people i had met had married their french partners and said it was so much faster and less hassle. Now that we are engaged and looking to marry it seems that the process isnt at all simple or fast and we feel like the other couple we had met must have been kidding when they said that this was the easy part; lol ... I hope to get more info tomorrow here in paris at the embassy. Thanks again for answering me and for any insights that might help .

Welcome to the site. How long are you planning on staying in Paris? It used to be that you could DCF (direct consular filing) at the Paris consulate and this would be faster. DCF could be used if the US citizen lived in France. This used to be quicker. (I would check out the IR1/CR1 board about the new developments of DCF and be sure to ask the consulate about this tomorrow)

My husband and I got married after he came on a K1 visa and are planning the big ceremony in November. This gave us time to plan. I think alot of people on VJ do the civil ceremony first and then plan a wedding later. Immigration is too unpredictable to plan it the other way. (setting a wedding date without knowing when his visa will be approved).

We didn't do the K-3 because I did not want to be apart from my husband while we waited. But my husband would have been able to work right away even after his K-1 visa expired.

I would read the pros and cons as suggested by someone. It is a hard decision to make and depends on your situation.
Initially our K-1 was approved fast and my husband would have been here last summer. But because Bush passed a new law that delayed processing, he wasn't able to come to December. However, if we had gotten married he would have been here sooner.

Bon Chance with your decision.
shayreneNot TellingFrance2007-05-31 14:34:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Bea finally got her appointment!

June 13


Let us know how it goes.
shayreneNot TellingFrance2007-05-18 15:19:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Bienvenue Aurelie,
Whenever you begin your process, this is definitely the place to be. You will be able to get all the help that you need.

Good luck with everything!

shayreneNot TellingFrance2007-05-17 12:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
I went with my fiance to his interview. You need the I-864 including tax returns, W2s and pay stubs. (I also included the letter from my employer) I had a copy of the I-129F that was sent. Evidence of an ongoing relationship (airline ticket stubs, passport stamps, pictures of you together, e-mail messsages, letters, phone bills or wedding plans etc) You will also need an updated letter expressing your intent to marry her within 90 days.

Hope this helps!!
Bon Chance

Edited by shayrene, 01 May 2007 - 03:09 PM.

shayreneNot TellingFrance2007-05-01 15:08:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
From my husband:

le rapport de police est un casier judiciaire que vous devez prendre dans tous les endroits ou vous avez vecu apres l'age de 16 ans

si vous etes francais et avez toujours vecu en france vous pouvez le demander par ecrit a nante ou s'y rendre directement par vous meme et vous l'aurez sur place
si vous etes etranger vivant en france vous devez en plus du casier judiciaire francais y ajouter celui du ou des pays ou vous avez vecu apres 16ans

j'expere que mes renseignements vous serviront et je suis toujours a votre disposition
shayreneNot TellingFrance2007-05-01 14:00:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Congrats Angilla and St. Clair! It feels great doesn't it.
shayreneNot TellingFrance2007-04-17 12:17:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Felicitations Bostonparis!
shayreneNot TellingFrance2007-03-22 13:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Bienvenue aux Etats Unis, Saint-Clair!

Angilla enjoy your me weekend.
shayreneNot TellingFrance2007-03-14 08:59:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
The bilingual thing is very important. I want my child to be able to speak to his/her relatives. I really am in desparate need of mastering the French language. When our baby comes in August, my husband will speak to him/her in French and I will speak English. I hope this won't be too confusing. My husband's cousin's children who live here in the US actually were told by the school system to stick to one language because they weren't mastering English. (It is confusing in their household anyway because they speak 3 different languages.)

I am sure we will find the balance.
shayreneNot TellingFrance2007-03-09 13:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Congratulations Bostonparis!

Great idea about the references Angilla. I wish I had used that for my husband. What we have done is give references for people that I know here. It isn't the same as having a former supervisor write one. But at least the job can call someone and speak to them.
shayreneNot TellingFrance2007-03-05 13:44:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Congrats Angilla! I am so happy for you too. The next 2 months will fly by and you will see Saint-Clair very soon.
shayreneNot TellingFrance2007-03-02 19:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Bon Chance for your interview Angilla & St. Clair.
shayreneNot TellingFrance2007-02-26 13:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
What I miss about Paris, is everything. (cheese, bread, wine and my weekly pain au chocolate, hmmm!) I also miss being able to buy food on the street (crepes avec nutella et banane o almond) And every now and then something not so French, the grec sandwich which you can buy anytime of the day. I loved sitting at cafes with my cafe viennious and people watching. Boy, are you Parisians stylish.

Oh and I miss the shopping. Visiting my Frenchie husband (fiance at the time) gave me an excuse to shop. (Which is why I was in Paris for the January sales when I met my husband 3 years ago).

My husband is so happy that he found Nordstrom's here in the US because they sell the brand name clothes from France that he loves.

Edited by shayrene, 02 February 2007 - 11:24 AM.

shayreneNot TellingFrance2007-02-02 11:23:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Not French here at all, but a question.

For those of you who filed a K1, which was used at your consulate interview? I134 or I864?

In packet 3, the embassy requested 864. However, when we were at the interview, she told me that I could give her either one. I gave her th 134 so that I could use the 864 for AOS filing here.
shayreneNot TellingFrance2006-12-18 11:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

I live in Washington state, moved here 3 months ago.
I don't really like living in the States and will move back to France as soon as I have the American citizenship, I don't know what I was thinking when I moved here :-/ I guess because my husband doesn't speak French we thought it would be easier for me to find jobs in America but still it doesn't work for me, I never felt depressed like this in my whole life, it's pretty bad *sigh*

I know exactly how you feel. It was the same for me when I lived in France with my fiance. He would come home from work in Lille and I would look so depressed because I had no friends and no job. It is more difficult to find work in France. It will get better. I know that each region of the USA is different. I think that my time in France would have been better if I had been in Paris. Maybe you could research other places to live here or visit if moving is out of the question. Be sure to teach your husband French so that when you do move back to France, he isn't lost and depressed.
shayreneNot TellingFrance2006-12-08 16:15:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

My fiance just arrived on Tuesday. He is originally from Togo, a francophone country in West Africa, but has lived in France for almost 10 years. He has lived in Paris, Lille and Caen. I am trying to learn French, but it has been difficult. I was with his family this past week and felt lost. But, it is ok because now I have a live-in tutor. LOL.

Check out the foreign embassy forum. I just placed a review of our experience with the Paris embassy.

Chouette!!!! I'm jealous, Shayrene - you're guy is here already. But mine will be in PORTLAND IN A FEW HOURS. He's in the air right now. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. I'm taking a couple weeks off and we're going to Vegas to get married. He is the francophone, a native of the Comores islands off the coast of Mozambique. He's been in France 15 years, split between Paris & Marseille. We met June 2995 while my sister and I were vacationing. Language has been interesting! I had some French in high school, he some english in high school. We communicated with my travel dictionary when we first met. Since then I've taken a course from Alliance Francaise here in Portland, and a couple more classes at the community college. I enjoy language so it's been fun. I'm also trying to pick up a few words of his comoran dialect. All in all this has been a life changing experience. Bonne chance to all still waiting.

Hey Sleepless,
It has been a long time since I have emailed you. Congrats on your FI coming today. It is a wonderful feeling. Enjoy every minute with him. We have been together for 3 days now. Everything is new to him including my driving. I never drove when we lived in France. I think I scare him a little, but hey I 've been driving for over a decade. LOL. It is funny that he has been getting more phone calls than me. It seems that all he had to do was call one of his friends and all the Togolais in the USA knows that he is here. I am happy that he is being able to reconnect with distant relatives and in-laws. I'll let you know how he adjusts.
A tout a l'heure,
shayreneNot TellingFrance2006-12-08 16:07:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
My fiance just arrived on Tuesday. He is originally from Togo, a francophone country in West Africa, but has lived in France for almost 10 years. He has lived in Paris, Lille and Caen. I am trying to learn French, but it has been difficult. I was with his family this past week and felt lost. But, it is ok because now I have a live-in tutor. LOL.

Check out the foreign embassy forum. I just placed a review of our experience with the Paris embassy.
shayreneNot TellingFrance2006-12-07 15:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
You are correct that no one should be ill treated or should any man/ woman feel they have the right to act out because they are adjusting. I am not saying it is right how these men are behaving, I am just saying that it has less to do with some mean spirit on thier part to thier American fiance and more to do with them feeling lost in a foreign country.

As you said, some people are not cut out for this and no one should feel that they have to take the BS just because they brought thier fiance here. Everyone has to make a judgement call. Rome was not built in a day and some men take longer to adjust than others. You just have to know your limits and when you get to that point, you have to do what is in your best interest.

I guess we just have to have realistic expectations as to how soon the good days will come . This is not like meeting a man, falling in love and getting marraid. These men are leaving a normal life behind. No matter how bad it may be, it is the life that they know. I had a friend who went through this a year ago. Things took some time to work out. She actually admitted it would have been easier if her fiance came with actual employable skills. She got him enrolled in College so that he could actually find a job. Today, you will never know they had a challenging start. Sometimes a lot of Caribbean men do not understand the skill requirements for successful living in the US. Getting a college degree is not a priority there as it is here and maybe you can survive there without it. Being here without a marketable skill is a challenge for a lot of these men. Those people who I knew in my similar situation 10 years ago in most cases were not skilled and that made it hard for them to make a living here. These are some of the things fiance's have to be prepared to address when they are moving here.

I have a fiance arriving here in about a month. I have to make sure that she acquires the skills to be sucessful. She is an elementary teacher in jamaica. Here that does not say sqaut without a degree and we have had to put things in place to address that. Now sure I wish she could come here and walk in a class room and teach. But I have done the homework and I know her teaching options are limited. As a couple we have to come together and deal with that.

They got along great. Took some time, but I could not imagine marrying a woman who had difficulty with my daughter. i was honest with her about that and she understood my concerns there. The time spent was the best thing ever happened. My daughter cried when she came back here after the summer vacation. Had it gone different would I have made a different choice. I think we both would have made that choice cause it was hers to make also.

How did your daughter and fiance make out without you? I do think it's a good idea for those with children to spend some one on one time together. I think it will probably work out with the younger ones but the older kids I'm sure have their own agenda :whistle:

[quote name='Elizabethnhenry' post='494816' date='Oct 7 2006, 08:36 PM']
[quote name='rhondapayter' post='494087' date='Oct 7 2006, 06:17 AM']
[quote name='wynterstail' post='491911' date='Oct 6 2006, 07:47 AM']
OK--here's one I used to get from my husband...

"Why yuh was' money on dis Kotex ting? Jus wash out yuh likkle cloths"

Nuff said.
Oh no he didn't go there :o Oh my gosh :wacko:

MIGAWD!! :o :no:
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-07 20:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
I have been reading the messages on this site and I guess I have not heard any comments from any of the men who may be on here and bringing fiance's to the US. Wonder if there are any besides myself.

Anyway, I have the unique position of having come here as the fiance 12 years ago, surviving that experience and now actually bringing a fiance from Jamaica. I originally came from Trinidad, but I guess that as caribbean men all the same our experiences are similar.

Two things I can tell you from my experience coming here as a fiance.

Firstly, I felt less of a man when I came here and could not find a job and had to depend on a woman to take care of me until I found myself. I guess I too adopted that apparently hostile attitude that was more of a defensive thing than it was me just being mean. I knew that my wife at the time expected me to be bringing the bacon home and everytime she looked at me or did anything for me like brought clothes or food or anything, it made me feel like I was a disappointment. So before she had the time to even say so, I got on the offensive so that I would never have to hear it.

Secondly, I realized that we did not really have a realistic plan for what happens after we got the fiance visa. You know the saying visit me and leave with me are two different things. When my American fiance visited me in Trinidad. everything was fine, I felt appreciated, wanted, and the visits were majical. That majic ended when I landed at JFK. This was not a vacation anymore. I felt it the moment I arrived at her home. It wa her furniture, her bed, her food, her everything and I felt like so much a visitor there and never felt like anything was mine.

I say this not to excuse the behavior of the men you all are talking about. And it is not so much of a cultural thing. It is the inability to take care of ourselves that makes us respond with less than an appreciative attitude.

Now that I am the US citizen and preparing for the fiance, I know how she would feel when she arrives here in Baltimore. Over the past couple months I have spent countless hours making this home something welcoming for her. If you walk into my home now, I would have to convince you she does not live here. From the pictures on the walls, to the clothes in the closet and the shoes in the bedroom, to the subtle changes I have had to make to my home so that she feels it is hers. We picked out the new furniture down to the bedspread and the curtains together.

The most I can say to the ladies who are having a challenging time is that if you believe that man loves you and you want him in your life, then be patient. Tell him honestly how you feel, do not spend one minute thinking that you are offending him by telling him he is hurting you. Let him get pissed but you have a right to feel appreciated and he must understand that. But tell him also that you understand how difficult this is for him, how challenging this must be and that you are there for him 110% and would be there for better or for worse.

You cannot begin to imagine the psychological turmoil these men are going through. I used to almost resent my then wife for bringing me here. I was unprepared for this life . America is a hustle. Everyman for themselves and God for us all. You can loaf around in the Caribbean and not work for months and still get a meal and a roof over your head cause that is what family will do for you. That laid back attitude has to end at JFK or whaereever they come in. That is a discussion that a lot of couples do not have early enough. Not saying that you did not. But being open about how much you can afford to support and what your expectations are financially will go a long way with making sure everyone understands that this is not a vacation. Took me a while after I came here to realize that it was not a vacation. Caribbean people or foreigners in general see Americans as prosperous and do not understand until they get here that that good life comes at a cost. The streets are not paved with gold and sometimes it takes a while for them to understand that.

My fiance and I are getting marraid 4 days after she arrives in Baltimore. It may seem rational maybe to say wait and see how things work out before I do. But I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with so her move here is not a trial thing. She has traits that pisses me off and drives me crazy and she knows what they are because I tell her and I have come to the realization that despite those traits, I still do love her. But I could not imagine my life without her. I am a single parent raising a 7 year old who is very territorial. To make that situation work I made my daughter spend Christmas and the whole Summer in jamaica with my fiance.

I am not saying that I have the ideal, and I know I am going to have challenging moments when she arrives. But love has kept us together for 5 years in two countries and love will keep us together over anything that comes our way. I know that most of you who are having trouble felt that way at some time. Look at that man next to you and if you feel that he is not the best thing for you, Call Air Jamaic NOW. But if you still feels that the fire is there, find a way to work through the differences. Being in a foreign country is hard. For you as an American , everything here is normal. For them, everything here is foreign and they feel out of place and a man will do anything to protect his pride and feel like a man. It is as if coming here has stripped them of everything that makes them a man or makes them feel like some body. Until they find themselves they are going to act like asses and drive you crazy. If you expect it to be any different, you are going to be disappointed.

I tell you, I know how they feel and it is going to get worse before it gets better. You just have to know how much you are willing to take while you wait for the better day. People may say otherwise, but I beleive Caribbean men are men whose values are grounded and who make great lovers as they do friends. When your man finds himself, you will have a gem you can be proud of. Either help him find it here, or send him home so he can reconnect with himself once again. After all, this is someone you love once, and still do, and would always want the best for them. Some foreign men cannot survive the pace of American life and you should know by now if your man will. This country is not for everyone!

I have said too much.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-07 19:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Seems we are all doing the countdown. 29 Days for me and this ordeal will end. I am so ready for it to be over. I guess I should be nervous, but I am just approaching this as calm as I am. After 4 years I figure there is only one happy ending!

Anyway, I am not nervous but my fiance is. She is driving me crazy now wondering what is appropriate attire for the interview and I promised her I will ask. She does not want to dress up liike she is going to some job interview and she does not want to look like she is not taking this seriously. Does anyone has any suggestions? I told my fiance that better to be overdressed than underdressed but she is not buying that. So it anyone has any ideas as to what is appropriate attire for the embassy interview, I would love some advice cause this one I just don't know.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-10-01 19:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hi Folks,

Just checking to see if fiance came through JFK recently. I wanted to know if JFK still gives temporary employment authorization or arrival to persons on K1 visa. I am making an effort to have my fiance fly through JFK instead of coming directly to Baltimore on her arrival just for that and I am wondering if it is worth it. She is the kind of restless person who likes to start working from Day 1 and teachers are in high demand in Baltimore so I have gotten some good responses when I shopped her resume around. But if JFK no longer gives temp work permit then it is no use going through there and we can return directly through Baltimore. Appreciate any info you may have.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-09-26 17:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Mo Bay would have been more convenient and that is the route I normally take. But the deal I get for this trip took me through Kingston. In addition to which I am flying back through JFK and I could only do that on a 5.30pm flight through Mo Bay getting into JFK at 10.10 PM. I can leave Kingston at 8.30 am and get into JFK by 12.noon. Better time for me.

I normally rent if I am going to be there for more than a few days. I have a friend who has a couple vehicles and rent me for $30.00 US per day. The best rental company in one in Mo Bay that charges 160.00 per week for a Chevy Malibu. But then you pay about 12.00 a day for insurance cause credit card companies do not provide insurance for rentals in Jamaica, So renting from a private owner always works out best. I am pretty good on the roads in Jamaica. Similar to the roads I grew up with in my home country of Trinidad. Winding roads with no lanes and no lights except in Kingston.

Thanks for the info regarding packets and medical.
If you are staying in Browstown why fly into Kingston? Isn't Mobay more convenient?
Where do you rent your car? Have you done that before? Just looking for other's experience with car rental.

TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-09-25 05:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

We got some food then headed to the bus station for our 4 hour roller coaster ride back to Mo'Bay :wacko:

I was wondering if those who went to the interview flew into MoBay or Kingston. I've never been to Kingston but I know that the ride from MoBay to Kingston is supposed to be literally a "trip". What is everyone's thoughts on this? I do not relish the thought of a 4 hour road trip anywhere; least of all there. Can you make a mini vacation of Kingston and it's environs?

OH MY GOD! Denied for testing positive for ganja--oh Christ, he'll never get here

Seriously, yes. I can recall three people who got denied in JA alone. Some other VJ'ers from other embassies were denied for admitting to smoking in the past even though they did not test positive.

Mindy please check your PM. :help:.

I agree, the bus ride leaves much to be desired. I could not do it another time. When is your interview and how long will you be in Jamaica? If it is the weekend of October 28th, and you need to get from Kingston to Mobay, I can save you the bus ride. I am however arriving in Kingston on 10/28 and picking up a rental and head to the country and then return on Sunday night to overninght for the Monday interview. I always get a good deal on the rental from a friend there.

A taxi ride would be about $50.00 US between the North Coast and Kingston if you would want to avaoid the bus. Keep me posted with your plans and I could suggest some options. Vacationing in Kingston cannot compare to the country. The only thing about Kingston is that you can get around easily without a vehice wheras in the country, that may cost a bit. But you have more options in the country.

I agree, the bus ride leaves much to be desired. I could not do it another time. When is your interview and how long will you be in Jamaica? If it is the weekend of October 28th, and you need to get from Kingston to Mobay, I can save you the bus ride. I am however arriving in Kingston on 10/28 and picking up a rental and head to the country and then return on Sunday night to overninght for the Monday interview. I always get a good deal on the rental from a friend there.

A taxi ride would be about $50.00 US between the North Coast and Kingston if you would want to avaoid the bus. Keep me posted with your plans and I could suggest some options. Vacationing in Kingston cannot compare to the country. The only thing about Kingston is that you can get around easily without a vehice wheras in the country, that may cost a bit. But you have more options in the country.

Are there any others having thier interview in Kingston between October 27th and November 1st and who would actually be staying in Jamaica for a couple of days? I am hoping we can all possibly get together and celebrate the end of this journey. I figure we should all be celebrating since the advice given on this forum has been invaluable and should put us in good stead.

So if anyone in going to be in JA during that period, please let me know and we could exchange contact info and get together. I will be staying in Brown's Town in the country side. But I would have a rental for the week so getting around will not be a problem so I can easily make it to Kingston for those who will be "vacationing " there.

I am not sure you can pick up packet 4. Actually all there is in packet 4 is your appointment letter. All the forms are in packet 3, including the medical. So I guess it would make sense to pick up packet 3. If an interview date has already been set, it most likely means that they have already mailed the appointment letter.

In respect to the passport question, they never keep that. I will check my fiance, but I am sure he does not even have to walk with it whwn he goes to do the medical. Just the appoinment letter, the passport pics 4-6 I think and his immunization record if he has it. If not, then walk with an additional $8,000.00 JA$ in addition to the fee in case he needs shots.

TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-09-24 19:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

For those who have been to the Embassy for your interview how did you react when you were told you were approved? :luv:
Just wondering if you hugged, kissed, screamed or whatever when you go the good news.

I was wondering the same thing. What exactly is an appropriate reaction short of screaming that this stage is over. In all my time of reading, I have not come across anyone being denied in Jamaica. Guess it's kind of hard to imagine what you could possibly do wrong to get denied. So none of us will ever know what a bad Jamaican experience was like. My fiance and I have never even discussed that as a possibility which I guess is good. After 5 years of this long distance relationship, we can only see a positive outcome as a rational conclusion. The other day I found phone bills and letters from 4 years ago and was just amazed at how time sure does fly. Never imagined that saving those would have come in handy.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-09-23 17:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Can anyone here remember how long the embassy takes to give the visa after the interview? I am going down for my fiance's interview on October 30th 2006. I am short on days after the 8 visits to Jamaica in the past year. I have exactly 6 days to be back at work. So I am hoping that she interviews on Monday, gets visa by Friday and we can leave on Sunday. I swear if I have to leave her one more time she is going to keel over even if it is for just a few days. We are flying through JFK in hope of getting a work permit since she is the kind of woman who just would not sit still without being employed.

So is my time frame for interview and visa unrealistic or should I be planning a longer time? Would the embassy let you pick up the visa or would the insist on mailing it? Jamaica's courier system is not the best especially if you are living in the country. She had to have the NON IMPEDIMENT TO MARRAIGE delivered and the courier called her and told her to meet him at a JFC location about two miles from home cause he did not know how to find the house. I just do not like the idae of her visa sitting on a table in KFC while someone munches over a chicken box.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-09-23 11:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
I hope I have finally found the right place to post this question.

My fiance has her interview at the Jamaican embassy on October 31st 2006. I am 99% certain that I would be there even if it for moral support. So I am hoping to get some pointers for anyone who had an interview in Jamaica recently.

1) Do I need the last tax return or the last 3. The instructions from the embassy was unclear.

2) My income exceed the 125% treshold comfortably by about $15,000.00 so I am not worried about that area for the I-134. I am wondering however how much of an importance is the bank statement since I just have a couple thousand saved, but just curious as to what is "enough" for the interview.

3) Anything special to look out for at the interview. Any questions that jumped out at you or anything that you found the person conducting the interview focussing on.

4) do you think me being at the interview helps? We were hoping that she would have been here already and I am heading to Jamaica this weekend because I think that 6 months apart is taking a toll on her. I was hoping that I would not have to return a month later, but I just do not want to make this any more stressful for her so I am going to bite the bullet and make it back in October only if it will help. I am doing the "ticket" dance hoping Air Jamaica has another sale again.

Anything that you can tell me about the interview would be appreciated. Questions, concerns, tips etc.

I really want to say that reading this forum has been such a blessing for me. I keep telling my fiance that the US may be a culture shock to the laid back life of Jamaica. Your experiences have definitely given me some pointers in lil "adjustments" to look out for.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-09-14 04:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCalling all Jamaica VJ members

Thank God Cable and Wireless has that service that gave my fiance a US telephone number so we can sit on the phone for 2 / 3 hours a day without breaking my pocket.

:o Can you let me know how you were able to do this. My phone bills are outrageous :help:

My fiance Ordered DSL through Cable and wireless. Once DSL is installed she then ordered a NET Speak package . The Net Speak package is about $25.00 US per month and the DSL is about 30 US per month. On avaerage her bill with DSL, and Net Speak and her local calls come to between 80 and $100.00 US. When you get the net speak, you select a US area code. You will then have two phones in the home. One connected to the regular Analog land line and the other connected to the DSL modem. Just get 2 different color phones with different rings so you do not get confused. So when I call her on the Net speak phone, I dial a US telephone number with a 410 area code and therefore it is aand dial my phone number here which is a local call.So you can talk for as long as you would like for only $25.00 per month. You can see the calls accumulate on the online statement, but when you get your bill, you will only see the 1 charge of about $25.00. Last month my fiance made $85,000.00 JA in calls to me which would have been about $1,400.00 US. Her phone bill was only $85.00 US which included her local calls to Jamaica plus the DSL charge. Trust me, I pay that bill every month without fail. The rule is , she never use the line connected to DSL to make a call to Jamaica because then she would be making a long distance call. She can call anyone, anywhere in the US and it will never cost a dime.

I will swear by it. We have has the service since January 2006 and the average accumulated calls per month is about $60,000.00 JA. To make $1,000.00 US in calls each month and pay only $25.00 US for them, or should say $50.00 with the DSL is the best thing we ever did. In addition to which, when time comes for that interview and you show that consular office the list of calls made totalling $60,000.00 per month, they would have no doubt that this is real.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-09-01 05:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCalling all Jamaica VJ members

We went in August , they only took last year's tax return. Start applying for the No-Impediment to marriage Cert. as soon as possible.Follow Kim's advice and you should be just fine.


The good thing about is is that as soon as I got the RFE I started gathering this information and had everything ready within about a week. She also got the police reportt done last week, applied for the certificate of non impediment to marraige and had the last of her shots about two weeks ago to update her immunization( figure will save time and money when she gets here). So all the docs are in place and the package was mailed to her yesterday with the tax return, I-134, bank statement , job letter and I threw in some recent pay stubs for good measure. I am going to get the additional tax returns to be safe. I will be there for the interview. But just in case of flight delay, storm or some odd disaster, I figure I would make sure she has all documents needed in case I am not there. I figure everything is covered and I should be ready.

Thanks Guys!

Trini..our approvals came a week I'm glad you posted this topic...and Kim...thanks for all that info! I was actually about to post the same kind of questions in the yaardies thread!

Jamaica does move fast on some things. She has turned in DS230 part 1 and I am still to get a letter from NVC telling me the case went there. I am just so tired of the distance. Thank God Cable and Wireless has that service that gave my fiance a US telephone number so we can sit on the phone for 2 / 3 hours a day without breaking my pocket. She just mailed the last of her personal belongings to the US today. 200 LBS of luggage including 1 suitcase of shoes, 1 suitcase of pocket books. How do women accumulate so much clothes? I do not get it.

We went in August , they only took last year's tax return. Start applying for the No-Impediment to marriage Cert. as soon as possible.Follow Kim's advice and you should be just fine.


This may be an odd question, but what is the issue with the bank account. I am not sure what is acceptable to them and what they are looking for. Is it a specific balance, time account opened or amount deposited . I am not one of those people with the 6 figure balance in my account . The many trips to Jamaica add up. But I make way more than the income requirement, so I figure I am safe. Just curios if anyone had any questions asked about the bank account balance .
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-08-31 19:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCalling all Jamaica VJ members
My fiance picked up the packet 3 at the embassy today. They actually call it a K-1 information packet. All she had to do was turn back in the 1st part of the DS 230 which she had completed before she went in. No checklist. If anyone been through Jamaica recently, can you tell if this is the normal experience? How long did it take to get an interview date? Anything special to note about Jamaica? They gave two set of instructions for the i-134. One said last tax return, the other said last 3? Phone call did not help to clarify. Any ideas?

I am going to be there with my fiance for the interview and do not anticipate any problems, but just want to make sure.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2006-08-30 22:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Hey guys,

Have not been on here so long. Thought i would play catch up, but 527 pages is too much for my poor soul to read. See a few familiar faced and so many new ones. Damn, these Jamaican men must be doing something right!

Hubby and I are doing great. Going back to JA for Xmas. Out 3rd trip since she moved here last year. We almost forgot we have immigration issues to deal with in two years when this conditional status needs to be lifted. So busy living, USCIS is the furthest from our minds.

So much has changed since my day. Last year this time we were so nervous about an interview. Now all she is scared about is graduating from college. She should be done in Spring 2008. whopeee. Can hardly wait.

For all the new people on here, I am reading the messages and see things have changed so much. But just remember, love move mountains. It is such a beautiful thing and just keep the faith. It has to work, Failure is not an opyion

Till next time.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-10-16 21:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Been missing all the excitement. Trying to play catch up but phew! Things have changed. Just got back from Jamaica. Iffiesha's first trip home since she moved here last year. She was so escited and after two days she had enough. I think the slow pace in Jamaica is going to take some getting used to especially with her now juggling school, work and family life. But we are doing well. Went for her brothers wedding.

So they are doing a K-3 and I had a couple questions. Since I did the k-1 a year ago, I am not sure how to answer the question with the new process in jamaica.

1)To those who did K-3, what was acceptable in terms of the "proof of ongoing marital relationship." with them only being marraid about a few weeks by the time they start this process there is not much to go by. The info we normally use for the K-1 like pictures, phone bills, ticket stubd etc that they have tons of, would that count.

2) Do they need the I-134 or the I-864 for the jamaican interview?

3) How long is the k-3 process as opposed to waiting for the I-485 process.

4) With the new fees, am I right to assume that there is no fee with the K-3 if an I-130 is filed first and then K-3 filed after?

5) Would you suggest filing the I-485 with the I-130 if you intend to do the K-3.

Hope I am not asking too much. My process went so easy that I am not sure I understand what may be some of the pitfalls so I am just hoping you guys can help me out with advising my friends.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-07-26 12:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Have not been here in a while so just dropping by. We paid with personal check. was cashed in about 10 days .

:help: OFF TOPIC

For those that went through the AOS process..... How did you pay ? Check, money order, certified check??

If by check, how long did it take for them to process and cash the check(s)??

Your help will be greatly appreciated :D

Thanks !!

PS Congrats to finding the genders of your likkle ones. My sons bday is Dec 5th (dag he'll be 14 !!!.....lets see if Rhonda-girl or Jonesie-boy will be the closest :P )

TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-07-26 12:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Good to see everyone is doing well and still hanging in there. It hets so hectic sometimes I just have enough time to read the messages and move on.

So ladies (and guys if there are any on here ) I have a question. Most of you who know me know that I am familiar with the K-1 process so when my friends ask, that is all I can advise them on. Well a good friend of mine has this notion that the process would be easier if she got marraid and she has planned her wedding in JA for July 8th. The problem is that they have known each other for 2 years and have all the evidence needed for a fiance visa, but I am not sure what evidence is required for the K-3 visa . In a nut shell, whet will be her options for bringing her spouse to the US following the wedding in August. She wants this accomplished in a year max and not sure what her options are and what evidence she would need for the embassy. I told her if time is an issue, the K-1 would have been her best bet. But after the fortune she has spent on the wedding, I guess I should let her do her own thing. Any advice, cause I am reading the guides on this site and I am not sure they are making sense to me.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-05-27 07:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I just have to make sure there is chicken and fish being served. And no shellfish. He is alergic to that. No beef, no pork, no ricotta cheese....I make a good and easy chicken pot pie and he does not like the gravy. I make a good lasagna he doesn't like ricotta.
He does make an awesome curry chicken for me. I could eat that everyday.
I cannot wait to get the grill out but when I told him it was propane he shook his head. No wood... Okay, so I will get him a small charcoal grill to use. I like my propane. Quick and easy....

My grill came out when Iffeisha arrived in November. We were grillig even when it snowed. I told her to get accustomed because I do not cook inside during the summer. too hot here in Baltimore even with AC. I even stop baking bread when the summer comes around. Yes, I do bake bread because my wife will not eat the store bought bread. Got the recipe from my mother and added my own twist, grated coconut. When Iffeisha cut those nails, she will be making her own bread. I am working on her getting some shorter ones when these come off.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-04-06 11:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I was just telling a friend how I don't like soca but the worst thing about it is that when I hear it I can't stay still. Even if I refuse to dance to it, I have to move. :lol: I'm in NY, so you know about the Parkway on Labor Day! :dance: :dance: :dance:

I don't like soca either. It has the same affect on me. :dancing:

Guess you folks would not like to see my behavior with soca. Jamaicans like reggea and Trinidadians like soca. Being from Trinidad, it in my blood. Iffeisha does not like it either, but when we are together she gets loose because I just act crazy.

Jamaicans have a thing about beef. Most do not seem to like it. Pork , fish, chicken. No beef. My wife and I always used to get into it when we go out to eat at restaurants. Take a Jamaican to a non Caribbean restaurant and there is going to be a problem cause they are not into experimenting. So she would go over the menu forever. And I would be sitting there hungry. Now as soon as I get to the restaurant and waiting to be seated, I get the menu and have her go over it. By the time we are seated, she has picked out the fish dish. I thought she would love Olive Garden. Never again. But Red lobster and cheesecake factory are ok to deal with.

Do you guys find it a challenge when you take your hubby out to eat at a Restaurant that does not serve Caribbean food? Tell me I am not the only one who wants to pull my hair out because they canot find anything on the menu.

I was surprised that Damien loves Olive Garden. Hates the Cheesecake favorite place. His favorite so far is the Outback...we went there Wednesday night and he ate 6 loaves of their bread....I was so embarrassed :unsure: but he couldn't stop smiling. He always order grilled chicken everywhere we go...even at IHOP.

There is a spicy Jamaican jerk blackpepper chicken at cheesecake factory. he should try that when he goes back. Tell them to hold the black beans though.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-04-06 11:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Tell me about the fish. Found a market in Baltimore the other day that had fish from the Caribbean like King Fish and Snapper. My wife went crazy. When I got to the register and the woman said $130.00 I almost wanted to cry. But after she complained so much about th whiting fillet, I just could not deny her the fish. I told her she need to make it last real long. Suffice to say whenever I cook fish, there is some chicken at the side.

We go to our local Asian market to get salt fish. It starts at $3.99 a pound, which isn't bad, but the seasionings, anything imported from JA is very expensive.

We brought back quite a bit of saltfish from Jamaica when she moved here in November. We still have a lot in the refrigerator. Salt fish is expensive here so I only get it when someone goes to Jamaica. I have a friend travelling there next month and gave her a list already. But some cabbage with salt fish is to die for. Actually anything with saltfish taste good. If you go to a Caribbean store it may be less expensive than your regular market.

How do you bring fish back from JA?

Salt fish was no problem. Pack it in a suitcase like anything else. For the fresh fish, we had it fried and I had taken my food saver down with me in November. We brought back two suitcases with only food. We expected problems at JFK. They would not give you a problem if it is cooked or preserved like being salted.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-04-06 11:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I ordered it from Sams Caribbean Market on line. First time ordering as we have nothing close. We will have to venture out to Boston to find some markets there.

We really like lamb so I might make that on Sunday......very low key.....

Roy eats lamb??? Hubby will only eat chicken and fish. I am soooooooooo sick of chicken and fish is so expensive.

Roy LOVES lamb....he would eat it every meal if he could!! When he got here all he wanted (or would eat) was chicken or took him a while to realize that it's really expensive (and hard) to get good, fresh, mostly chicken for him now. He will eat pork and sausage (and if this counts) he LOVES Hamburger Helper :wacko: that's the only "beef" he will eat and not complain about.

Jamaicans have a thing about beef. Most do not seem to like it. Pork , fish, chicken. No beef. My wife and I always used to get into it when we go out to eat at restaurants. Take a Jamaican to a non Caribbean restaurant and there is going to be a problem cause they are not into experimenting. So she would go over the menu forever. And I would be sitting there hungry. Now as soon as I get to the restaurant and waiting to be seated, I get the menu and have her go over it. By the time we are seated, she has picked out the fish dish. I thought she would love Olive Garden. Never again. But Red lobster and cheesecake factory are ok to deal with.

Do you guys find it a challenge when you take your hubby out to eat at a Restaurant that does not serve Caribbean food? Tell me I am not the only one who wants to pull my hair out because they canot find anything on the menu.

I ordered it from Sams Caribbean Market on line. First time ordering as we have nothing close. We will have to venture out to Boston to find some markets there.

We really like lamb so I might make that on Sunday......very low key.....

Roy eats lamb??? Hubby will only eat chicken and fish. I am soooooooooo sick of chicken and fish is so expensive.

Roy LOVES lamb....he would eat it every meal if he could!! When he got here all he wanted (or would eat) was chicken or took him a while to realize that it's really expensive (and hard) to get good, fresh, mostly chicken for him now. He will eat pork and sausage (and if this counts) he LOVES Hamburger Helper :wacko: that's the only "beef" he will eat and not complain about.

Jamaicans have a thing about beef. Most do not seem to like it. Pork , fish, chicken. No beef. My wife and I always used to get into it when we go out to eat at restaurants. Take a Jamaican to a non Caribbean restaurant and there is going to be a problem cause they are not into experimenting. So she would go over the menu forever. And I would be sitting there hungry. Now as soon as I get to the restaurant and waiting to be seated, I get the menu and have her go over it. By the time we are seated, she has picked out the fish dish. I thought she would love Olive Garden. Never again. But Red lobster and cheesecake factory are ok to deal with.

Do you guys find it a challenge when you take your hubby out to eat at a Restaurant that does not serve Caribbean food? Tell me I am not the only one who wants to pull my hair out because they canot find anything on the menu.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-04-06 10:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

How are your Jamaican hubbies coping with being away from home for Easter?

For the past 7 yrs, we (me and my son) have been in Jamaica for Easter/Spring Break. This is our (just me and Craig--my son is in Ohio with my parents visiting my brother etc)..... our First Easter together. We're just chilling out by ourselves, since we never get much quality time together, just the 2 of us.

Living here in our area --Ellicott City, Maryland....there's nothing but a few very small South African stores, but no Jamaican food, that I have found. I'm really going to have to check out that place on-line, Sams Market ? If someone has the website address again and post it, I would appreciate it. To drive into Baltimore or out to Silver Spring....???

Have a wonderful Easter holiday everyone!!


For cooked Carribean food , we go to a Restaurant downtown Baltimore at the corner of Saratoga and Light street. Best ox tails and they have patties to die for. The fresh food market in Silver Spring is off New Hampshire right after University Blvd. Head south on New Hampshire from 495 , go past University Blvd and look for the sign after the first light. Baltimore may be easier. take 695West to exit 18, Randallstown exit, get onto Liberty Road. Go through two lights. Look for the Burger King restaurant on your right. Right after Burger King there is a Carribean market that has been opened for about 3 months now. If you get to the Walgreens you've gone too far. No cooked food, but the best selecton of fresh Caribbean foods in Baltimore. If your hubby likes fish, they have everything he could want. we brought some kingfish head the other day and made some fish tea/ soup. Oh my God! The fish was so fresh and tasty. As for the snapper, to die for. My mother tells me look at the fish eyes and if they have not yet changed white then they are pretty fresh. Something to remember.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-04-06 10:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I ordered it from Sams Caribbean Market on line. First time ordering as we have nothing close. We will have to venture out to Boston to find some markets there.

We really like lamb so I might make that on Sunday......very low key.....

Roy eats lamb??? Hubby will only eat chicken and fish. I am soooooooooo sick of chicken and fish is so expensive.

Tell me about the fish. Found a market in Baltimore the other day that had fish from the Caribbean like King Fish and Snapper. My wife went crazy. When I got to the register and the woman said $130.00 I almost wanted to cry. But after she complained so much about th whiting fillet, I just could not deny her the fish. I told her she need to make it last real long. Suffice to say whenever I cook fish, there is some chicken at the side.

We brought back quite a bit of saltfish from Jamaica when she moved here in November. We still have a lot in the refrigerator. Salt fish is expensive here so I only get it when someone goes to Jamaica. I have a friend travelling there next month and gave her a list already. But some cabbage with salt fish is to die for. Actually anything with saltfish taste good. If you go to a Caribbean store it may be less expensive than your regular market.

She would not eat any kind of beef and I was able to get her excited about pork spare ribs. I think I have had jerk chicken almost every week for the past month. We normally get the wet jerk seasoning and rub it on a whole chicken and leave it overnight. Put it on the grill next day on low fire. Make you feel like you in Ochi when you eating it.
TriniladNot TellingJamaica2007-04-06 09:59:00