K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2013 filers

Looks like CSC has gone MIA again.  crying.gif   The 2 week binge was a great run - made up lots of lost ground - but there is still work to do!!!  If only it could have lasted longer.  Just give us 15 VJ approvals a day.  That's not an unreasonable pace.  That would get us all back to within 5 months.

pataconeMalePhilippines2013-05-02 08:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2013 filers

That's. All we are praying for ... I miss my girl soo bad! That I'm about to go crazy... :(

I know how you feel. I last saw my fiancee Jan 5. I'm heading back May 24 for 2 weeks. That will likely be my last trip until she and her two little kids have their visas in hand (I'm really hoping that will be by early September at the latest). I will fly back then to accompany them on their trip to the U.S. I wish I could be there for the embassy interview, but I'm running out of vacation time - and the airfare is so expensive.
pataconeMalePhilippines2013-04-25 14:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2013 filers
If the CSC continues to process at current rates, and continues to process petitions in first-come first-served order, all January CSC filers will receive NOA2 within 5 months of NOA1.
pataconeMalePhilippines2013-04-25 08:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2013 filers
I'm optimistically estimating that we will receive our NOA2 from CSC in mid to late June, rather than the August to September estimate calculated by VJ on my timeline. We received out NOA1 on Jan 22. My estimate is based on the assumption that 15 VJ petitions will be approved per day on average at CSC (that's the optimistic part - we had an average better than that last week... will it continue for the next 2 months?), and that VJ petitions will continue at the present percentage of total K1 petitions filed. We are currently number 598 in line at CSC on Igor's list. So here's my simple calculation:

Today's Date: Sunday, April 22, 2013
Our Number 598
Assumed VJ Approvals per Day 15
Number of Days Required to Get to Our Number 39.86666667
Approval Days per Week 5
Number of Weeks Required to Get to Our Number 7.973333333
Estimated Approval Date Sunday, June 16, 2013

Obviously our NOA2 date won't come on a Sunday - but I'd settle for Monday, June 17 in a heartbeat :) . I realize that newcomers who have already filed petitions and received NOA1 prior to January join VJ on a regular basis. But even if you factor in an additional hundred new VJers with an earlier NOA1 date, the estimated approval date only increases to Wednesday, June 26, 2013.

So, bottom line, if CSC continues to process at a reasonable rate, I think we are on track to receive our NOA2's within roughly 5 months of the date of our NOA1's. Or am I being too simplistic and optimistic???
pataconeMalePhilippines2013-04-21 21:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRequirements for Children of Immigrating Spouse

No "bio forms" (G325a) are required for step children but the rest of the above is correct. Pay special attention to the requirements for step children as they differ in more ways than the lack of need for biographical forms.

If the younger child is the US Citizen's natural child (or both) then a Consular Report of Birth Abroad and potentially DNA tests would be required instead of I-130 petition package(s).

Thank you for the clarification regarding the G325a (bio forms), pushbrk. Both of the children will be my step children following our marriage.
pataconeMalePhilippines2012-11-18 10:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRequirements for Children of Immigrating Spouse

Beforehand you will need the NSO marriage certificate. "Immediately thereafter" you can assemble the I-130 package and apply.

Don't forget to request for an ADVANCE ENDORSEMENT of your marriage certificate so you won't have to wait 6 months to get it.:thumbs:

Thanks for the tip regarding ADVANCE ENDORSEMENT for the NSO marriage certificate. A 6-month wait is definitely something we want to avoid.
pataconeMalePhilippines2012-11-18 10:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRequirements for Children of Immigrating Spouse

We just sent in our I-130 package this week. It is for myself and 2 children. Each needs its own set of paperwork as outlined in the instructions for the I-130. Different requirements for the children vs. the parents. Less paperwork for the children. But as Penguin mentioned... it is different if the children are your own.

The children are my fiancee's, so i will need paperwork for each of them. Please keep me posted on the progress of your petition.
pataconeMalePhilippines2012-11-18 10:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRequirements for Children of Immigrating Spouse

Assuming they are not your biological kids (in which case, they may be entitled to US citizenship and not need a visa), yes, they need their own I-130 forms and bio forms, fees etc. You can send everything in the same envelope so the petitions are kept together.

Thank you so much for your reply, Penguin. It's really great to have your advice to help through the process. :yes:
pataconeMalePhilippines2012-11-18 10:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRequirements for Children of Immigrating Spouse
My fiance and I plan to marry in March 2013 in the Philippines (her home country). Immediately thereafter we intend to apply for a spousal visa so that she, her children, and I can live together as a family here in the US. She has two young children (3-year old; 1-month old). I have read the spouse visa guide, but it's still unclear to me what forms are required to apply for CR-1 visa for all 3 of them. For example, are separate I-130 and G-325a forms required for my future spouse and each of her children, or are my future spouse's children covered on my spouse's form? If you know the answer to this question, please be as specific as possible regarding the requirements. Thanks.
pataconeMalePhilippines2012-11-01 20:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBiggest Age Difference

I believe I owe you an apology, I was too harsh on my previous statements. I'm sorry, please have a happy life, no one in this earth deserves a sad and lonely life.

No worries my friend.  I was a bit harsh is some of my earlier postings too - sorry about that.  May we all find joy and fulfillment in our lives.

pataconeMalePhilippines2013-05-23 12:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBiggest Age Difference

20years difference and no noa2 yet still waiting after 9months.


Hang in there!!!

pataconeMalePhilippines2013-05-05 10:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBiggest Age Difference

i believe that this is an issue based on bad publicity, track record, and common sense. obviously this is only just an opinion, but i read about a girl that is 21 and her husband is 65. let your common sense kick in here. in 20 years he will be 85 and she will be 41, that is a statement that speaks for itself. there is no explanation needed to tell you what is wrong there, and of course the lower the age you go the less of an issue it is. now everyone has there own line to draw at making that determination, i PERSONALLY think that  anything over 12 or 13 years is pushing what society deems as appropriate, and obviously this is my OPINION and i DON'T CARE who gets married and i know i WILL BE FLAMED to hell in this thread, but this is my opinion so DEAL WITH IT wink.png but seriously though if you 2 are TRULY TRULY in love that is SOO AWESOME and i wish the best for you both. if that girl or guy is playing you like a Jim Belushi on a harmonica then that is the lowest life form on this earth and needs to be truly unhappy for their entire lives. again this is only opinion biggrin.png and even though i think that 20 year difference is CRAZY who the hell am i to you? nobody. so don't worry about the naysayers and live your lives. i know i will. 


I wasn't born yesterday (obviously not, or this age discussion wouldn't be relevant to me - haha).  I realize that financial security is one of the things in the mix when it comes to my relationship - but I also know that it's not the only thing.  And as I stated before, it really doesn't bother me.  I am confident enough to know that my fiancée loves me for my other qualities as well.


Let's face it, there is always something about someone that first attracts you to them.  More often than not it is their appearance - but sometimes it's their intellect or sense of humor, or a special talent, or maybe even financial success.  Then, as you get to know them, you discover their other qualities.  Some you like; some you simply tolerate or overlook - so long as they are not deal-breakers.  In the end, if you like the mix of qualities as a whole, and your partner feels the same, you may end-up in a serious relationship.  To me it's as simple as that.


Thanks for not being judgmental.  I'm with you - live and let live.

pataconeMalePhilippines2013-05-05 10:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBiggest Age Difference


My father loves me sooooooo much and my mom too, he respects his children and his wife. I guess we have a perfect family that's why I don't understand a guy like you marrying a young woman. No offense but I would never ever marry a guy whose age is like my father, worse my grandfather. I can't imagine waking up in the morning with an old man. It's just disgusting.


Age is a state of mind.  As for waking up with an "old man" - don't knock it til you've tried it.  There are plenty of us old guys who can run circles around guys half our age.  With age come experience, wisdom, tolerance, patience, perspective, understanding, and a richness and depth of love uncommon in most younger people.  For some people these qualities are more important than youth.  I guess you're simply not one of those people.


To each one's own.  I hope you and your fiancée have a relationship as rich and lasting as that which you have found in your own family.  I had 27 years with my ex-wife - many of them good.  We raised 3 wonderful children, and have many fond memories.  But, somewhere along the way the passion fell out of our marriage - eroded over time like bare soil on a mountain after many seasons of rain.  Over the last several years of our marriage we led parallel lives.  There was still care and respect - but we were not in love.  We had fallen out of love - the foundation of our marriage had crumbled, and there was no chance to rebuild it. 


I was not willing to accept a life of passionless co-habitation.  My heart, though old, is still strong and full of love.  Like the smoldering embers of a fire left long untended, my heart waited and longed for someone to stir it back to flame.  Thanks to my fiancée, love and passion burn brightly in my heart again.  I love her more deeply than I have ever loved anyone before, and she gives me more love and joy than I have ever had.  I have found my soul-mate.


So curse me if you will for still wanting love and passion in my life, and for finding it in a woman much younger than I.  Meanwhile, she and I will treasure each moment we have in our lives together.

pataconeMalePhilippines2013-05-05 09:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBiggest Age Difference

Oh your kids are not judgemental. If my father is like you, I would definitely ###### slap the girl and hate on my dad. Yea..I am spoiled and selfish like that and it's natural. CERTIFIED DADDY'S GIRL HERE!!
I thank God my father is a very wonderful man, he never cheated or put us in a hurtful situation like humiliating me and my family by him getting another woman, specially woman who is at my age, worse younger than me. I love my dad sooooooooooo much, he's the best and most awesome dad ever!!! :devil:


Spoiled and selfish - your words, not mine.  But it seems to me that you hit the nail on the head based on the rest of your post - though I would hardly call being spoiled and selfish natural.  Apparently you can think of your father's actions only from the perspective of how they might affect you, or how they might make you appear to other people - with complete disregard for how his actions affect him.  Guess what - fathers are people too.  Not everything they do has to be for their kids - especially kids who are grown up (perhaps that doesn't apply to you - at least not in an emotional sense).  Sometimes they do things for themselves.  Their intention is not to hurt or humiliate their kids.  Their intention is to have a meaningful and fulfilling romantic relationship with someone they love.  To he** with everyone who doesn't approve of it.

pataconeMalePhilippines2013-05-02 11:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBiggest Age Difference

I read your post and generally agree with you, but I don't think that your financial stability is part of who you are. If you lost all of your money, would you lose her? If the answer is no, I would say that her intentions are pure and your relationship is good. If the answer is yes, I would worry.

If one of the things that attracted you to your partner was beauty, and he/she became disfigured in an accident, would you leave him/her? Perhaps if it were the only basis for your relationship, you might. My financial stability is very much a part of who I am. It is the result of the characteristics of my personality - hard work, intelligence, sacrifice, responsibility. It's all part of the package - what I bring to a prospective relationship - along with the way I look, my age, etc. I don't worry about why my partner wants to be with me. She says she loves me - and I feel her love. It's real to me. And I know that I am madly in love with her. We give each other what we want and need. If some day she leaves me for whatever reason, so be it. I'm living in the here and now, and right now it feels real; it feels right; and it feels good.
pataconeMalePhilippines2013-04-26 17:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBiggest Age Difference
Every relationship has motives - ulterior or not. What is the basis of a relationship? You might argue love. But one-way love is not a relationship. A relationship requires 2-way love. So then what is love? Some type of feeling perhaps. What is the basis for that feeling? You might say the inner and outer beauty of my partner gives me that feeling - that feeling of love. But you don't have a relationship unless your partner loves you back. You give love and receive love in a relationship.

We all give and get things in a relationship - some tangible, some not. We are sources of happiness and pleasure to one another. We provide support, comfort, understanding, care, affection, beauty, trust. We give to each other what each of us wants and needs. Is it wrong for someone to want financial security from a relationship? Do we sometimes compromise in choosing a partner - because no one is completely perfect. If someone has a warm heart, bright eyes, and a glowing smile - everything you want in a person perhaps, but is not your ideal body type, you might still fall in love. If someone is strong and successful with a dynamic personality, but only a 6 out of 10 on the attractiveness scale, you might still fall in love, because other traits are more important to you than looks. If someone is attractive, kind, has a great sense of humor, financially stable, but 20 years older than you, you might fall in love - because those other traits are more important to you than age.

My fiancee is kind and sweet - beautiful on the inside and outside. We have fun together. We make each other laugh. We care for each other. I am 27 years older than she is. Do I mind if one of the things that attracts her to me is a desire for financial security - not really. It's part of who I am - just as much as my personality and the way I look. Does she mind that one of the things that attracts me to her is her beautiful face - I doubt it. It's just one of many things about her that I love.

What matters is how the two partners in a relationship feel about each other - not what the rest of the world thinks.
pataconeMalePhilippines2013-04-26 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBiggest Age Difference

How would you feel if you were them? Would you be so accepting?

So that's probably the main reason. Once they see you two together and see how well you get along, they will understand :]

I might be dubious, but I would at least give it a chance and hope for the best. As I say to my kids, I don't always agree with every lifestyle choice you make, but I leave it to you to decide what's best for you. I am much more of a live-and-let-live person than my kids are - they are more judgmental - a trait passed on from their mother's side of the family (haha!). :P

I just hope everything goes smoothly with the I-129F and the interview. I'm not sure yet whether I will be able to attend - not much vacation time left (I'm going to visit my fiancee for 2 weeks at the end of May), and I also need to save some time to travel back to Philippines to accompany my fiancee and her two kids on their trip to the US once they have their visas.

Edited by patacone, 25 April 2013 - 08:47 AM.

pataconeMalePhilippines2013-04-25 08:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBiggest Age Difference
My fiancée and I are 27 years apart. The age difference is not a big deal in her home county (Philippines), but it raises eyebrows here in the U.S. My kids from my first marriage are not at all accepting of our relationship. My fiancée is 3 days younger than my daughter.

Edited by patacone, 24 April 2013 - 07:42 PM.

pataconeMalePhilippines2013-04-24 19:39:00