United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
I got a folder with alphabetical sleeves and made a key ordering things according to the packet 3 checklist, then used the extra pockets for the additional evidence and finally the medical stuff. It's useful because now I can just chuck it all in my suitcase and not have to worry about losing anything.

As far as being married - legally you are not and that's what they're interested in. I think it will complicate things if you tell them about the ceremony, but ultimately this is your choice. At least, legally you are still free to marry.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-15 12:42:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Mar 15 2008, 05:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Babbles - I am so glad it went well even if it did take ages!!! Do you really have to take the DS-156 with you? I have copies but I also sent it back with my packet 3 I think... Also do you need a copy of the police certificate? I have copies of my birth certificate but not my police certificate... it's not exactly hard but still tongue.gif

Ummm... I think that is all I have to panic about at the moment... that and my medical... I am not too sure how to prove my vaccinations as I have a print out that looks really lame as it is baically just a screen print... Ahhh - now I am beginning to panic!!! LAME!!!

I took copies of everything just in case. I over did it really because the DS-156 was not required as I had already submitted it with packet 3. Plus they didn't look at any relationship evidence.

The police certificate is yours so copy it (the copy says 'FRAUD' across it, don't worry)and hand both over when asked for, they will return the original of that and the birth certificate when you have your interview. Writing that review it was hard to remember what happened when but I think they kept the originals at first and then the lady at No.16 returned them to me.

The print of the vaccinations sounds fine. Don't stress over that.

eta: The signs outside the embassy say have your DS-156, passport and appointment letter ready. They didn't look at the DS-156 outside either. Maybe it's for non-immigrant interviews.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-15 12:28:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Meg and Grae @ Mar 15 2008, 04:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Everyone,
I'm sooooo glad we've found this thread. It's great! I had another question. Is it appropriate to send photocopies of my W-2 and my income tax files for both myself and my mother to the London interview? I've read about getting official copies from the IRS but it'd be so much faster and easier if copies of my own personal files were acceptable. Any thoughts? Thank you!!

I personally don't have a clue what all this tax terminology means but I can tell you what J and his mom sent me - which the guy commented 'brilliant' on.

For J:
Notarised I-134
Recent Bank Statement showing student loan deposit
Notarised Statement of non-filing of income tax
Statement of Student Financial Aid including grants, loans and scholarships received

For J's mom:
Notarised I-134
Earnings statement/pay check copies for the past 3 months
Photocopies of W-2 and Form 1040 for the past 3 years (2004 -2007)
Letter from employer stating employment status/annual salary and commencement of employment.

Hope this helps smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-15 11:15:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Cover letters explaining any unusual circumstances seem to work well in London.

If you're returning packet 3 now and let things run their natural course I imagine you would get a date in April. The interview dates appear to be within 2 to 6 weeks of returning the packet. I actually think it would be helpful for them to know when you're available, particularly if this date is later than what they might actually have given you and they seem to be very helpful when they can.

You have nothing to lose by including a cover letter. If you have to reschedule an interview that may delay things further. Good luck!

QUOTE (greeneyedgirlfl @ Mar 15 2008, 02:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you so much for the detailed review!!! Every one Darren reads makes him a little less anxious about our impending unscheduled-as-of-yet interview...we sent off packet 3 yesterday!!!

I thought I waffled on a bit but I think it's helpful to read everyone's reviews. People have differing experiences but it's good to have some gauge on what to expect.

Are you hoping for an interview during your visit?
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-15 10:03:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Thought I'd post a review. It's a bit long and detailed but hopefully it will give those of you waiting some idea of what goes on.

My appointment was at 10am. My mum was hassling me to join the queue at 9am but it was very busy and the nice police officer told me to return at 9.40am. We went to sit in the park and played I-spy to settle my nerves (yes, I felt like a big kid!). We were amazed at how the US were ever allowed to build such a monstrosity in a square filled with such beautiful Edwardian architecture.

At 9.40am I joined the queue where you are asked to show your passport and then you can wait in line. It is here that they give you small clear plastic baggies for mobile phones etc. The signs say you need your appointment letter ready and the D-156. I had an alphabetical folder all organised and itemised but was still struggling to get out the correct paperwork especially standing outside with nowhere to set your stuff down. You see a lot of people with barely any paperwork and I assume these were all visitor visa applicants. Fortunately, the lady in front of me (who I shall refer to as 'P') had a big folder like me and we got chatting. She was not aware of VJ but her fiance had contacts in immigration and so she seemed fully aware of what would be required. We were not asked to move forward to security until around 10.45am but the time really flew because we had so much to talk about.

Finally the 10am appointments were called forward and a grumpy chap checked I actually had an appointment. In the security office it is much like going through airport security. If you take a mobile phone you can leave it in this office. They just give you a number.

Then around the corner towards the main entrance of the embassy. You are asked again to show your appointment letter and they issue you a number on a sticky label. Non-immigrant visas are in the 1000's and immigrant visas in the 5000's. You walk up the stairs to the left of the main desk and take a seat in the waiting room. At 11am ish the waiting room was heaving. There are monitor screens showing how many of each type of visa are waiting and which desk is dealing with which number. There are also tannoy announcements to indicate which number needs to go to which numbered station. The numbers seem to come fast and furiously and people come and go between the waiting area and the interview stations. Be aware that the 5000's are not called as frequently because there are only a handful waiting at a time. P and I sat down together still chatting but this time the nerves started to build and it seemed like a long wait.

At 12.40am they called P's number and I knew I would be next. It took around 30 minutes for my number to be called and I started to panic about not having thought about responses to questions they might ask. Silly really because I had nothing to worry about. P had returned to the waiting area in the meantime where she was filling out a pink form. When my number was called I went to interview desk 14 where a really pleasant English man was waiting with my papers. He asked first for my passport and the DS-156. He handed back the DS-156 saying I had already submitted it. He then asked me to sign the DS-156K (the one they tell you not to sign when you submit packet 3). He stuck the sticky number on my passport and asked me to go to desk 12 to pay my $131.00 (£65) and return with the receipt. At some point he also seemed to be checking me biometrically against the photo I supplied.

Back at desk 14 the gentleman asked me for my photographs, birth certificate and copy, police certificate and copy and finance info. I explained I had a co-sponsor and handed the two piles of info over separately. He handed back the originals He looked through it all carefully but efficiently and said 'brilliant!' and smiled at me when he finished. At this point I told him I also had a notarised letter of intent from my fiance. He said it was not required but he would add it to my file anyway. He told me that all the papers were in order, gave me a pink form to fill out and asked me to return to the waiting area to be called for interview.

Back in the waiting area I found the nearest empty chair and began filling out the pink form which is basically details where the visa should be sent and you hand this in to the courier desk right at the end. P came back to sit with me and we remarked on how easy it all seemed to be so far. We were preparing ourselves for a long wait but P's number was called again very soon after. Approximately 10 minutes later my number was called and I made my way up to desk no. 16.

There I met a blonde wavy haired American lady who greeted me with a massively warm smile. She asked if I had waited very long and I shrugged and replied 'Ah I've waited a long time for this day, a couple more hours won't make any difference'. She smiled and got me to do my fingerprinting. She remarked on how clear my prints were 'A+ for fingerprints! Shame there isn't a high paying career for someone with such wonderful prints!'. She then began to ask me some questions, but actually it felt like we were simply having a chat over coffee or something. She was so enthused and gentle with her questioning and I didn't feel once like it was an interrogation. One question naturally led to the next as it would in a normal conversation and I probably said more than I needed to;

How did you and your fiance meet?
Which chat room?
Some light hearted discussion over our joint interests and what we both did for a living.
When was that?
How often have you visited him?
When did you decide you wanted to get married?
Explained here that we decided to get married in April last year and that the official engagement occurred at Christmas.
You're not married yet are you!?
Probably because I said 'decided to get married' and mentioned a visit to Las Vegas in the previous questions. She seemed more amused than anything.

Has he visited you at all?
Explained not and his financial circumstances plus the fact I have great holidays as a school teacher

She then said 'Right well, everything seems great!' She explained in detail what would happen now. That my visa was approved pending the medical results and fingerprint checks (she explained these need to be checked against their systems to ensure I am not a criminal), that as soon as those clear the visa will be sent out to me by courier. Explained all the AOS stuff and wished me a very happy life. The tears were welling up at this point but I held back. All the time she was just smiling at me and so I commented ' You have such a lovely job!' and she replied 'well, usually yes with people like you but sometimes I have bad news to deliver.' I thanked her about 50 times and went to join the courier desk queue.

Here I saw P again, about 6 places in front of me in a VERY long slow queue for the courier service. We exchanged our good news and then an hour and a half later I had paid my £14.00 + £10.50 for before 10am delivery and went out to see how my eternally patient mother was doing in the park.

Apparently a police officer had approached her and said 'Are you waiting for someone in there?' pointing to the embassy 'expect 3 to 4 hours!'.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-15 07:25:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (lisalu100 @ Mar 15 2008, 01:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations Babblesgirl and Ladyynara!! They are finally going to let us in, and ACTUALLY STAY!

One way to look at all of this.... if our relationships can survive separation for this long, and all the anxiety which went with it, we have a pretty solid foundation on which to build a successful marriage. In the past 18 months - Marty moved back to the USA, he got divorced from his former wife, we both changed jobs, we bought a house, survived USCIS, and we have planned a wedding. Those are pretty high up there on the list of most stressful things to do, and our relationship is only stronger. Like I said before, life is pretty good right now laughing.gif

I know! Yesterday at the embassy at moments it felt a bit surreal really. I was sitting there waiting for my number to be called and there's all those people there every single day (admittedly most of them are non-immigrant visa applicants) and I'm thinking "all the stress and anxiety of the last few months awaiting the USCIS decision culminates in THIS?" It just seemed odd that it wasn't more glamorous or at least gruelling (other than the waiting around) - if you know what I mean.

I'm not complaining though. What a great feeling it is knowing it's all over and we can actually be together.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-15 03:50:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
It's so good to see all this week's interviewees having that big red APPROVED next to their names. Congrats everyone!!!

Ladyynara, I feel like we were ships that passed in the night. Congrats!!

StP, yeah I wished I'd made a note of your mobile number but to be honest, until this afternoon I wasn't in the best of moods. The medical was a bit of a nightmare for a while there. We will meet up some time though smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-14 14:42:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Yay! I got approved!!! 3 and a half hours in that place with about 10 minutes of conversation with a nice man at window no 12 and a very nice American lady (not the infamous Chinese lady) at window no. 16. Had a few probs with the medical on Wednesday but found out today after the interview that the Senior medical officer signed me off last night!! My med stuff is being forwarded to the embassy no later than it would have had nothing gone wrong! YAY!

Anyway, as part of my acceptance speech I would like to thank the following people: biggrin.gif

I would like to thank the nice American lady at window no.16 without whom none of this would be possible.
Julezabelle for keeping me sane and helping me out so much with organising things pre-interview luv.gif
Tomsandi for having two interview dates and being super generous and helping me get an early interview date.
StP and Aly for making me laugh and keeping me going when I got a bit low.
And everyone on the UK board for being supportive to everyone going through interview in London. I felt so much better knowing what I would face in there. So thanks everyone for your reports!

Anyway that's me done. I should also thank my Mum for giving birth to me and waiting outside the embassy for me for almost 4 hours.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-14 14:26:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Ok, I'm about to leave for London. As prepared as I'll ever be!! I'm a bit scared but looking forward to all this K1 stuff being over.

Good luck to all the interviewees this week, especially tomsandi (who was so helpful to me in organising an interview) tomorrow!

I'll let you know Friday evening how I got on.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-11 07:27:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Wow Debz is leaving on Wednesday! Good luck Debz biggrin.gif

Thanks guys, I'm really not that nervous. I have a few butterflies but I think more from excitement than fear. Not sure that won't change though towards the end of the week.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-10 13:58:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Got my papers together! If they deny me now I have no idea what more I could do to get an approval. I haven't included the original I-129F application, just the evidence from it. I was getting stuck for room in my folder!

Anyone know whether a visa debit card is ok to use for the medical and in the embassy - or should I play safe and take cash? I don't do credit cards.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-10 13:42:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Best of luck Darren! I'm sure all will go well for you and you can get back to your family very soon smile.gif

I'm also going to be travelling from Leeds to London on Tuesday and staying until Friday- it's my birthday today so my mum is treating us to a break in London. My medical is on Wednesday and the interview *sharp intake of breath* is on Friday so I won't be able to update here until I return from the interview. I'll be around tomorrow though - probably asking lots of questions. unsure.gif

Good luck also to lisalu for tomorrow!!
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-09 17:49:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Mar 8 2008, 02:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for the detailed review - I was going to add your questions to my interview questions list but my puter has decided to not paste properly... have to wait til I reboot - someone nag me about it - please?!?!?


ok? biggrin.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-08 10:04:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Excellent and really helpful report. Thanks for providing such detail (it's not going on!) because for those of us still waiting on interview it really does help to know what to expect.

Congratulations!!! Look forward to your 'visa arrived' post!! biggrin.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-08 08:01:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Good luck tomorrow londonuk!!

Thanks Julez and StP! *hugs* to both of you. I am so thrilled about my interview date. In two weeks time I may never be a desperate loner again! wink.gif Horray!
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-05 18:17:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Congratulations to Bforbarree and StP. Visa approvals are almost as good as Thornton's White Continental! *chomp*

Good luck to toshtishtash for tomorrow!!
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-04 13:25:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Yep, Happy Mother's day to all it applies to and good luck to everyone scheduled interviews in March!

Extra special good luck wishes to this coming weeks interviewees: Bforbarree, StP, toshtishtash and londonuk. Looking forward to hearing your good news! smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-02 10:15:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Congratulations to all recent recipients of interview dates. March is starting to look busy! Best of luck to everyone smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-28 17:09:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Gareth @ Feb 26 2008, 07:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Gareth just got a text from the courier that they are delivering his visa tomorrow!!! Yeah! kicking.gif

Congratulations!! I can't wait until I get that text smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-26 14:47:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
n/m I found the answer smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-26 06:45:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Ok another dumb question from me. Is packet 3 sent out by Royal Mail in letter post or by parcelforce/courier? Cos my postie forgot to deliver it again today! unsure.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-26 05:20:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (SAD EYES @ Feb 25 2008, 10:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
from what he tells could be days up to 6 weeks....i dont know im confused myself. i thought that all this was suppose to be done prior the interview...but he did say once everyting cleared he would get a visa soo thats the bright side of the story

Let's keep our fingers crossed for days rather than weeks. I know it seems horrendous right now but you are approved!! You're used to the hurdles remember! Just one small one to get over and you're done. Good luck!
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-25 17:19:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Gareth @ Feb 25 2008, 02:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wahoo! We are approved! I was surprised that the embassy let me be with Gareth during his interview. The interview was super easy and short. Lots of wait for about 10 minutes of interview. So happy! Now going to celebrate by eating some ice cream!

Congratulations!! Nice that they let you be there. Enjoy!
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-25 10:06:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (SAD EYES @ Feb 25 2008, 01:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
well i wish i could say i was approved but i can't...he's stuck in AP until his name clears... crying.gif

I am so sorry. They have approved the case pending name clearance though right? Hopefully those checks will clear soon. Did they give any indication of how long it might be?

Good luck.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-25 08:49:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (ericdraven @ Feb 25 2008, 11:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Looks like Im the first out please put a big red Approval next to me and Kristy. Didn't take that long. I got there early and we had a bomb scare had to stand at the bottom of the park. I thought oh here we go, thats all we need didn't get in till 9.11 but was out 10.15 Was really quick most sirprised. So now Celebrating with a Mc D Breakfast Well there Internet is free. Oh by the way if you use the Marble arch inn they have lockers you can put your stuff in while your at the Embassy, Very handy. Anyway Will right the interview up later when I get back to manchester. It'll be about 8.30. Thanks for all your Well wishes. Dont think we would have got threw without your Guys. Good luck to all you left to go to the Embassy.



Congratulations Darren! Have a safe journey home.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-25 07:01:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (ericdraven @ Feb 24 2008, 07:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i've landed and managed to get in to the Marble arch inn. They've got free internet which is most handy for keeping in touch with my better half. Had a bit of trouble finding it at they're working on the road outsided and there a big green box in front of the door. plus the map on the next seems to mark out the wrong side of the road. Just thirteen hours to go. Let you know what happens as soon as I can, well after I tell my better half.

Good luck! it must be nerve wracking and exciting at the same time.

I am wondering if anyone knows of anyone who has managed to get an expedited interview at London. I finish work in exactly 4 weeks and J and I had sort of planned a trip to Vegas early April to celebrate a year on from our first meeting. We had hoped, of course, that we would have got our NOA2 inside the six months and then making these sorts of plans wouldn't be such a panic but now I'm worried that we're cutting things a bit fine.
I know that on one of the forms it asks when you intend to enter the US and also the date of the wedding. We have no fixed plans, but would actually putting some dates here help us get an interview before the end of March? We are thinking of marrying there so that I can file for AOS fairly quickly then have a ceremony more to our choosing during the summer when my family and friends can make it.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-24 17:04:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Good luck! Can't wait to hear about your approval smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-23 19:44:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (janaus @ Feb 22 2008, 04:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (babblesgirl @ Feb 21 2008, 12:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats to recent approvees. Any news from BG Janaus?

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
He officially got his passport with k1 visa today. Apparently it was issued feb 15, but took a few days to get here. We were busy booking our honeymoon to hawaii today. I hope he doesn't forget to get his ticket to america! ohmy.gif

Oh that's fantastic news! Congratulations!!!!! biggrin.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-22 11:25:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Congrats to recent approvees. Any news from BG Janaus?
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-21 12:55:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Bforbarree @ Feb 20 2008, 07:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No problem! I really can't imagine how we'd have got through this process without this site and the wonderful people on it, it is nice to be part of it and know you can be a little bit helpful for others! We are excited too! Below is a list of what we returned with packet 3, hope it helps!

This is all of what we sent in from packet 3
The check list from the instructions as well as....
DS-230 part 1 (pages 1-2 only)
DS-156 in duplicate (DO NOT SIGN)
DS-157 (you may not need this form, it says for all males 16-45 or anyone 16 and over with a passport from china, cuba, iran, libya, north korea, russia, sudan or syria

I would try the letter from the GP for sure! If the depression was due to circumstances I am sure you'll be fine! My So said the medical was a breeze and the doctor was really nice...I think it must have been the same Doc. that WeeDebz had.

Thank you so much again! I know I am just suffering the pre-interview nerves - this stuff didn't even occur to me until we got our NOA2. It is helpful though to hear people's opinion especially when you are worried about a particular aspect of the process. There's few people outside of VJ I can discuss this stuff with. So thank you for your reassuring words and advice on what to send off to them when Packet 3 arrives. smile.gif

Congratulations also to Courtney and her fiance!!
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-20 14:36:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Poiteen @ Feb 20 2008, 01:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You'll have to do a search, but I've read people's stories that when they go in to the medical with papers in hand explaining that whatever problems they had are behind them and unlikely to recur from their GP, they were passed on the day. People who declared a history of depression or related problems, but didn't have anything to say that it was behind them, had to end up shelling out for a shrink to sign them off. So it's definately worth bringing something with you on the day.

Thanks for the reply Poiteen. I have searched the threads but got a bit panicky about it and basically wanted some reassurance. I'm hoping a GP's letter is sufficient but I'm going to see what the GP thinks about getting more evidence. I'm actually waiting for my medical records to arrive with my GP ( I forgot to register when I moved last September) so that I can get a clearer idea. I would rather not have any delays as I'm going to be out of work in 4 weeks time.

QUOTE (janaus @ Feb 20 2008, 03:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
how bad was ur depression? mild to mod should be ok...but best to get a letter from ur GP...
Good luck tomorrow courtney!

We still haven't gotten passport with k1! crying.gif wacko.gif It better come this week..

I dunno the answer to that. It felt bad at the time and lasted a couple of years - but it was definitely event driven as opposed to something that is always hanging over me. Probably moderate I would imagine on the scale of things.

I hope you hear something soon.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-20 13:09:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (KJC @ Feb 19 2008, 10:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also, I had a period of severe depression over 5 years ago now. Would a letter from my GP suffice or do I need to see a shrink?

Well if you plan on declaring it at the medical, then yes, they will probably ask you to get a shrink to fax a letter to the medical place saying that you are alright now.

I am in the middle of doing that right now because I have a history of self-harm. If I had no scars I would not have declared it on the forms and everything would have been easy.

I'm sorry that you are facing a delay on receiving your visa and I understand that it would seem easier just to hide things if you can. I don't have scars and never attempted suicide or anything but I don't want to lie in case it comes back to haunt me. The history part of the form asks if I have suffered from depression. I have so I'm going to have to declare it. I never saw a psychiatrist at the time and it's been a long time since, so question is, would a letter from my GP confirming I have not been on medication for over 5 years be sufficient in this case.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-19 18:40:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Bforbarree @ Feb 19 2008, 07:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (babblesgirl @ Feb 18 2008, 12:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bforbarree @ Feb 18 2008, 05:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations to everyone on their recent progress.

We got packet 4, the embassy scheduled the interview for March 3....hooray....the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter by the day! But it did flicker a bit, I've been off line for a few days and had a small stroke when I read a thread about a change in the police certificate...seems it will not effect us though...wheeew!

Can't believe we could have the visa in hand in about 2 weeks!

Haha at small stroke. I did too and furiously emailed ACPO.
I haven't got packet 3 yet. I tracked what I think is our petition leaving NVC on DHL. It arrived in the UK on Friday night and the bloody embassy is closed today! Do you think it would be unrealistic to hope for an end of March interview if I return it as soon as it arrives?

YES, I really think you could get it, especially if you've got everything all filled in and ready to send straight off. BTW I really recommend you copy the whole packet before you mail it...I had a couple of middle of the night panics (oh ####### did we sign/not sign that form by accident!!), having the copy I could check that everything was fine.
We sent ours packet 3 back later then we would have liked (January 28, and we just posted it 1st class, not over night or before 9am or anything) and got packet 4 about 15 days later with the early March date! They asked (I think it was on DS2001) when we were planning to travel, we said that we do not have a travel date but were really hoping to be able to travel by mid March, it seems they really make an effort to help you out, just let them know what you need!

Thank you so much for taking the trouble to reply. This is encouraging and useful info. I am really excited about everything now (and a little nervous) and hoping that when my job ends in 5 weeks time I can have all of this behind me.
Can anyone just quickly remind me which forms need signing? Also, I had a period of severe depression over 5 years ago now. Would a letter from my GP suffice or do I need to see a shrink? wacko.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-19 14:47:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
If you have the medical earlier than the interview, do they actually tell you it's ok or pending blood tests or whatever and then contact you when the results come through? Or, is the assumption that if you hear nothing from them all is ok?

Just trying to work out whether to have the interview and medical in one trip or in two.

Congrats to Janaus (she heard back about the fingerprints?) and the other recent approvees! Not forgetting Julez and Griff on the wedding biggrin.gif

Edited by babblesgirl, 19 February 2008 - 12:52 PM.

bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-19 12:48:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Bforbarree @ Feb 18 2008, 05:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations to everyone on their recent progress.

We got packet 4, the embassy scheduled the interview for March 3....hooray....the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter by the day! But it did flicker a bit, I've been off line for a few days and had a small stroke when I read a thread about a change in the police certificate...seems it will not effect us though...wheeew!

Can't believe we could have the visa in hand in about 2 weeks!

Haha at small stroke. I did too and furiously emailed ACPO.
I haven't got packet 3 yet. I tracked what I think is our petition leaving NVC on DHL. It arrived in the UK on Friday night and the bloody embassy is closed today! Do you think it would be unrealistic to hope for an end of March interview if I return it as soon as it arrives?
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-18 12:26:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (toshtishtash @ Feb 18 2008, 02:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have my interview on 5th March biggrin.gif

Congrats!! biggrin.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-18 11:57:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Ok it's useless stats time! smile.gif

Based on a 12 month period here are some average timeframes for people awaiting interviews at the London embassy.

'Received by consulate' to 'Packet 3 received' = 7.9 days
'Packet 3 sent' to 'Interview' = 40 days
'NOA2' to 'interview' = 91 days (skewed by some requests for a deferred interview)

Edited by babblesgirl, 15 February 2008 - 01:13 PM.

bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-15 13:12:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Haha, have you been giving him a hard time about not shaving it? "Our visa is in jeopardy because of your goatee!"

It's good to know though that this is nothing to worry about. I am fretting about goodness knows how many aspects of this now.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-15 11:09:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Oh that's reassuring. I hadn't heard anyone mention the fingerprint thing before. Thanks for the info. And hopefully BG's visa is on it's way now smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-15 09:46:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Congratulations on the Valentine's Day Approvals!!

Janaus, have you heard anything more concrete?
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-14 19:12:00