Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS EN VISA K1
QUOTE (LUISH @ Aug 27 2007, 08:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Felicitaciones Otis, y que bueno que los reportes de Nydia te ayudaron mucho, estoy seguro que aca en el foro uno aprende muchas cosas que son necesarias para nuestros procesos.

Nydia, nuevamente felicitaciones , y que alegria saber que vamos a ser vecinos, ya que tambien estoy ubicado en el sur de Florida, no exactamente en Miami, pero si cerca , yo resido en Coral Springs.

Ahora es bueno saber que hay que llevar algo con que abrigarse a Bogota, aunque la verdad no se donde voy a conseguir algo aca, ya que nosotros estamos en pleno verano, pero bueno Viviana me dijo que alla comprariamos algo para mi...

Sobre mi caso Nydia, pues Viviana esta viajando a Bogota este jueves 30, ya que no tenemos el certificado migratorio del DAS, y ella lo va a buscar alla porque es mas rapidio el conseguirlo, por mi parte yo estoy llegando el 8 de setiembre a bogota y me voy a quedar en esos apartamenticos que aconsejan en el foro, de WELOVEBOGOTA.COM", Viviana a su llegada se quedara en casa de unos familiares, y el 5 de setiembre mi suegra y cuñada llegan a Bogota tambien (via bus), asi que voy a estar bien acompañado en mi estadia en bogota, aunque claro siempre buscando los momentos a solas..., jajaj. bueno Nydia, pronto me toca el turno a mi, y a chester es la proxima semana,, asi que suerte para todos..........y espero escribas a tu llegada aca a florida


Saludos...yo me quede en los apartmento donde tu vas a quedar te....el dueno se llama Alberto me trato muy bien. Yo me quede en el cuarto grande y me cuesto $40 dollars por noche. Tiene todo TV, jabon, towel, plancha (iron) y telefono para ser llamadas locales. En frente a unas tiendas con accesso a internet y para ser copias. Y cercas tambien esta el centro commercial Crespi...para ser llamadas a largar distancia, con ATM's.
Buena suerte en la entrivista.
otisMaleColombia2007-08-27 20:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS EN VISA K1
QUOTE (Sam y Nydia @ Aug 26 2007, 05:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hola a todos!! Ay mijos aqui me tuve que quedar por 5 dias mas, viajo el viernes para MIAMI!!!! toy very happy!!! Es mi primera vez en un avion unsure.gif y me da miedito blush.gif

Comparto lo de LUISH Y LUCHO, el certificado de nacimiento ni la partida de bautizo se deben enviar en la I129F, yo le envie a sam copias autenticadas hasta de mi pasaporte completo y tambien del registro civil y de la declaracion juramentada de que no tengo fe de bautizo. Jajaja me las devolvieron, porque ellos requieren es el original en el dia de la entrevista. Tambien nos devolvieron casi todas las pruebas que sam envio de la relacion. Pero todo eso sirvio para que ellos vieran que la relacion es verdadera.

Y cuentame CHESTER Y LUISH, como andan ustedes de cosas, ya casi les toca venir a la nevera (bogota), les digo que se traigan abrigos, y paraguas porque esta lloviendo horrible. Oigan, les iba a comentar, resulta que en la sabana de Bogota se estaba formando un tornado blink.gif hoy vi las imagenes por RCN y me quede muda, tan raro no?

Besiños a todos.

Congratulations Nydia,
Yo apenas regreso de Bogota...mi novia tuvo su entrevista el 23 de Agosto...y todo los fue super. Todo el processo fue como escribiste aqui en este foro. Solo que me piedon el certificado de nacimiento de mi a mi novia....pero no fue problema porque teniamos extra copia. Yo se que lo mande en la applicion. llamos a la embajada a las 5:35 am y como a las 9:20 am terminamos la entrevista con las buenas noticias de que la "Visa Approved" para mi novia.
Gracias por tomar el tiempo para escribir como te fue. Los ayudo mucho.
Las personas de la embassy los tratandon bien y todo el processo bien organizado.

otisMaleColombia2007-08-26 23:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS EN VISA K1

LUISH Y CHESTER!! que bien por ustedes!!

Esperen sus paquetes 4 la proxima semana que de seguro les llega.

FELICIDADES!!! :blush:

Gracias Nydia. Dios quiere todas salga bien.

Chester, y ud ya sabe la fecha de su entrevista?, mi novia envio los papeles el martes 31 de Julio, y hoy voy a llamar para ver si ya hay una fecha para la cita...,

Este hace dos semanas apenas salio la lista para la citas de entrevista para el mes de Agosto en la pagina de la embajada. Y la lista de citas para el mes de Septiembre no sale hasta como el 22 de Agosto. Pero si reciben el paquete 4 antes van a saber la fecha de la entrevista.

Una preguntas general ya que unos tenemos la entrevista muy pronto: que recommendacions los dan..como a que hora llegar a la embajada, que documentos/papeles extras recommeindan llevar, dicen que son tres lineas pero que uno haya fila en linea 3 es correcto?
Me pueden dar un idea como es el processo durante el dia de la entrevista y otras recommendacions.
otisMaleColombia2007-08-06 08:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS EN VISA K1


El Certificado Judicial (certificado policia) NO lo entregan sellado. Eso es como un libretica verde.

***El Certificado Migratorio (entradas/salidas) SI es entregado sellado y se debe conservar asi.


Una pregunta a ti y a todos: Aun a tenido un familiar de la novia/o que an quierdo venir solo para la boda? Saben que se necesita para ayudar les que puedan obtener permiso/visa para venir? Que tanto tiempo tarda el processo? Etc. etc....

otisMaleColombia2007-07-30 23:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS EN VISA K1

Hola otis, gracias por tus buenas energias. Respondiendo a tu pregunta si era necesaria la "Fiance Letter of Intent" cuando se aplica la I-129F. Igual, se la pedirán a tu novia el dia de la entrevista. La tienen que hacer ambos, por separado, expresando su intención de contraer matrimonio en el plazo de los 90 días reglamentarios de la K1.

Te dejo un ejemplo que encontré en la web para tu guía:

La segunda Pregunta aquí está la respuesta:
El pasado judicial es el mismo certificado judicial o de policia. No tienes que sacar "certificados de buena vecindad" como lo han hecho muchas chicas aconsejadas por otras personas de otros paises. En el caso de Colombia, solo se expide un solo certificado judicial (libreta verde) si la persona esta limpia de antecedentes. Si ella ha vivido en otros paises por mas de seis meses, pues tambien tendría que presentar el certificado de policia de todas las ciudades donde haya vivido en ese país.

La informacion para sacar este registro la puedes obtener en esta direccion DAS en la parte donde dice SEDES, ahi encuentras el telefono y la direccion donde se debe ir personalmente (tu prometida) a solicitar ese documento. Este enlace te dice los documentos que ella tiene que presentar: Gobierno en linea . Este certificado si tu prometida lo solicita en una ciudad que no sea Bogotá, pues le demora de 4 a 5 semanas en llegarle. Si se solicita directamente en Bogotá, tu prometida lo podrá obtener en máximo 4 días laborales.

Y te comento, cuando te entregan ese certificado te enfatizan en no abrirlo, porque entonces perdería su validez. Te lo entregan en un sobre sellado, y asi mismo se tiene que presentar al consul. Este documento tiene caducidad a los tres meses de la fecha de expedición.

Gracias por la informacion porque me dijeron que mi novia debia obtener el Certificado/Carta de Immigration. Ahora tengo una duda...mi novia fue directament a DAS en Bogota y el entregando el Certificado Judicial en menos de una hora pero no en un sobre sellado....cres que tengamos problemas durante la entrivista por este documento no esta sellado?
Si vives en Bogota....aver si das informacion/recomendacion sobre que Doctor ir o no ir?

Hasta pronto
otisMaleColombia2007-07-24 23:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS EN VISA K1

ayy ayy ayyy que lindos :crying:

Gracias por sus palabras tan bonitas, y pues les cuento que si tuve un pequeño ataque de nervios :blush: pero ya... ya se me paso y ahorita si a la realidad. LUCHO, LUISH Y MAAAVIIIIIWARO jijiji casi que no lo puedo escribir, ya me habia acostumbrado a llamarte MAWAVIARO jijiji sorry

Lo unico que me falta por recibir para tener los documentos listos es el certificado de divorcio de mi amorsito nada mas, el resto esta listo desde hace 1 mes. Mañana me voy a colocar las vacunas.. aah un dato importante:


* TD HOMBRES: $ 10.000
* TD MUJERES: $ 3.000
* MMR: $ 20.000
* VARICELA: $ 95.000 (Gratuita en Centros o Puestos de Salud)
* Opcional: INFLUENZA: $28.000 (Esta vacuna me la aplico porque soy propensa a gripes fuertes)

Y yap. Besitos ;)

Congratulations en que has recibido la fecha para el entrivista. Tengo una pregunta sobre una carta "Fiance Letter of Intent" porque cuando mande la applicacion de I-129F, no mande esta carta. Si entiendo bien simplemente debo ser una carta y indicar que yo voy a casar me en 90 dias. Tambien mi prometida debe ser un carta....dede ser en Ingles? Estas cartas las debemos tener antes de entrivista? Deben ser por notario?
Otra pregunta saben si se necista la Carta de inmigracion colombia sobre entradas y salidas del pais? Mi novia nunca a salido de Colombia?
otisMaleColombia2007-07-23 22:18:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy K-1 Interview c. 2001
QUOTE (*julez* @ Sep 12 2008, 06:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ahhh...the good ol' days. Kinder, gentler times for our great nation. tongue.gif

Yep, I should have made a note in the original post that this was pre- 9/11. But nicky was saying that the policy wasn't changed until some years later and even then you could stay in London and collect the following day.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-09-12 13:34:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy K-1 Interview c. 2001
I was shocked that everything was done and dusted within 40 minutes. I know this might not be typical but I had to wait much much longer than that just to pay the courier fee!
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-09-11 23:06:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy K-1 Interview c. 2001
I found this interview and medical experience on a random internet search. Thought some of you, especially those who have been through the K1 interview, might find this interesting and/or amusing.

He arrives at 1.15pm and takes his MBE and passport with K1 visa away at 1.55pm! Incredible!

Edited by bakofoil, 11 September 2008 - 04:59 PM.

bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-09-11 16:58:00
United KingdomU.S. Politics
QUOTE (rkl57 @ Sep 11 2008, 07:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bakofoil @ Sep 11 2008, 02:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I suppose here, I am not surprised by the dirt-digging so much as how partisan the media is. My husband hates Fox news but it is interesting to watch the blatant liberal-bashing. Same with MSNBC - we are an Obama household, even our dog is an Obama supporter tongue.gif. Anyway, my husband watches Keith Olbermann religiously and we especially like his end messages, however, I keep pointing out to him that it's pointless because the only people watching Countdown are the ones who don't really need converting.

I think I'm the only left-leaning person that wishes Olbermann would STFU. He looks like a scolding harridian who walked off some 50s educational film about the dangers of reefer madness or something tongue.gif

Haha, he does. In fact, he looks like my Dad when he was younger - so I get where you're coming from with the 50's thing. He is very scolding and a wee bit self-righteous, but his message is often really pertinent - but I still think he's only ever preaching to the converted. I liked Paxman and before him, Robin Day, so I guess I must have a secret passion for men of that ilk.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-09-11 14:31:00
United KingdomU.S. Politics
Well you are probably right there. Do either party publish a manifesto in the US? I see a lot of comparisons of soundbites.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-09-11 14:22:00
United KingdomU.S. Politics
Mudslinging goes on in UK general elections. Party-political broadcasts, Question time and so forth give plenty of opportunity to slate the opposition.

I suppose here, I am not surprised by the dirt-digging so much as how partisan the media is. My husband hates Fox news but it is interesting to watch the blatant liberal-bashing. Same with MSNBC - we are an Obama household, even our dog is an Obama supporter tongue.gif. Anyway, my husband watches Keith Olbermann religiously and we especially like his end messages, however, I keep pointing out to him that it's pointless because the only people watching Countdown are the ones who don't really need converting.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-09-11 14:08:00
United KingdomJust Saying Hi
Hey Eli!

SO good to hear that everything is ok with you. I had been wondering how you had got on with everything - but, I know how difficult it is to keep up with everyone whilst you're settling in. Glad to hear that everything is going swimmingly and good luck to you both for your wedding day.

(It's me babbles, btw. The name change seems to have caused some confusion)

bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-09-14 16:19:00
United KingdomWe got married
Ok my post on the other thread is confused! You ARE married. So congrats!! If you need any help with AOS gimme a shout again. I didn't send off the I-693 but if you can get it done for $20 do so. I'm just chancing them taking the vaccination thing I got from my medical in the UK.

Great to hear that the dog has settled in. J and I got a doggy from the pound here, she's adorable and has made my homesickness less fierce.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-09-14 16:36:00
United KingdomSuit or casual wear
Actually, the US embassy in London is surprisingly unimpressive and informal. The CO's themselves, as I recall, weren't wearing formal attire. Perhaps this policy is intended to make the experience less daunting for visitors.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-08-26 14:08:00
United KingdomSuit or casual wear
The majority of people in the embassy are not K1 or K3 applicants anyway, so if you see a suit it's probably because they're taking a couple of hours off from their office job to sort out their non-immigrant visa. From my experience, the suits were the minority.
Smart casual is the best way to go. You'll be queuing or sitting for a long time and when you get out you'll probably need a drink or two. The CO cares only about the quality of information you provide.

Good luck!
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-08-26 13:56:00
United KingdomCertificate of Creditable Coverage from NHS?
QUOTE (Nicoxcx @ Oct 2 2008, 07:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Registration card? I don't think I have one of those I am guessing you have to request it? I have European coverage though.

Your GP will be able to issue you one. Everytime you change GP you get a new card with your NHS number on (a number which stays with you for life). It's possible if you've been with your current GP forever that you're not aware you have a card. So, call them and ask if they can send you a replacement.

Thanks Tay, btw, for pointing this out. I had no idea that the NHS card could be used in this way.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-10-02 14:49:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (SAD EYES @ Mar 22 2008, 01:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (babblesgirl @ Mar 21 2008, 03:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No news on piqqulet, bunsk or sad eyes? sad.gif

STILL ON AP crying.gif Its probably gonna be lengthy one SO is of pakistani descent, male, and has a common name so uh he probably be stuck for sometime... Once again he did pass his interview and visa is approved pending his namecheck/fingerprints clear.

I'm so sorry to hear that. Hope it doesn't take too long *hugs*
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-21 21:09:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
No news on piqqulet, bunsk or sad eyes? sad.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-21 14:25:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (KJC @ Mar 21 2008, 01:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hmm.. I think my envelope containing my appointment letter and 156 form is on the streets of London somewhere. I'm sure I had it when I left the Embassy and now I don't have it at all. I must have dropped it when I was rushing to the subway in the rain.

Don't like the idea of that stuff laying around the streets. I don't have my passport either, but I'm sure the interviewer said they were going to keep it and send it back to me with the visa attached.

The embassy do take your passport. Are you sure the appt letter and DS-156 are not just poked away with the rest of your documents. Maybe you handed them over with other docs by accident?
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-21 10:33:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (KJC @ Mar 20 2008, 10:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

All in all from when I joined the queue outside at 9:30am, it was about 5 hours before my interview was complete. The interviewer apologized for the wait as they were short-staffed. It also didn't help that they gave me a ticket for 'non-immigrant' rather than 'immigrant', and I got called up to one of the counters and told to go back down to get a ticket for 'immigrant' and was put to the back of the queue as I was the very last person to be processed for an immigrant visa.

Now I just have to wait for the visa & passport getting delivered sometime next week.

Congratulations!! I'm sorry it took so long. I was there about 4 hours too. The courier service seems the worst delayed part of it, but maybe that was just my experience. I hope your visa comes through quickly.

QUOTE (greeneyedgirlfl @ Mar 20 2008, 11:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (babblesgirl @ Mar 20 2008, 10:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm travelling on Saturday!! YAY!! I'm so flipping excited!

OMG...that's just two days away!!! I'm so excited for you!!!!

We're excited too. I was so lucky to get a cheap ticket on Saturday, they went way up after that through most of next week. I have to go through Chicago and I was trying to avoid that as I missed my connecting flight last time. Hopefully all will go well this time. I don't care though - I get to stay this time!! biggrin.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-20 19:51:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (sunsi @ Mar 20 2008, 03:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I want to include this information for others (and save you much frustration) but if you have questions about your case and it seems like things are moving slowly calling this number in Washington DC at the National Visa Center 1-202-663-1225 with your fiance's "Case Number LND**********" plus which Embassy you are working through they are able to give you helpful information about what is going on.

I had to call today because we turned in our Packet 3 on Feb. 1st and had not heard another thing from them. This Washingtom DC number I called said we were "not qualified" because we had not sent part 2 of DS 230. The instruction did not state that part 2 was needed but we will send this happily.

I just wonder how long we would have waited to hear from London Embassy about "not qualified" had I not called the Washington DC number as it was almost 2 months since we sent packet 3 in, I'm sorry but I feel a bit angry right now.

That doesn't sound right. DS-230 is not required. In fact, I took a copy of it with me to the embassy just in case and no one asked me for it. However, they clearly noted that you hadn't sent yours in. I don't know what to think of this.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-20 11:48:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Best of luck to KJC for today!! smile.gif

I can't believe there are no more interviews until the 1st April.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-20 09:28:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Sorry to hear you've been sick Julez, hope you're feeling much better now.

I really was banking on that text message and so glad now that I paid the extra for a 'before whatever' delivery, otherwise you'll end up being stuck in all day not really sure whether its coming or not. I would really recommend paying just a little bit more for a delivery time.

Anyway, thanks everyone for your messages (just taking a tip there from Crikey's thread tongue.gif ). But yes, thank you everyone, you are all truly wonderful!

I'm travelling on Saturday!! YAY!! I'm so flipping excited!
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-20 09:26:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
It came!! The courier was totally bemused by my lack of excitement. It just looked like a Next Directory delivery or somepin and I had talked myself out of it arriving before next Tuesday!

Conversation went like this:

Doorbell rings. I wake up from my dream that my visa is on its way to Stevenage (I live near Leeds) wacko.gif Run downstairs and open door.
Man hands over Next Directory looking package and asks me to print name and sign.
Him: 'Were you expecting this to arrive?'
Me: 'Ugh...don't know' *still half asleep*
Him: 'It said delivery before 10am'
Me: confusion starts to wither away 'Oh is it my visa!?'
Him: 'Yep, weren't you expecting it?'
Me: 'Well yes, but I didn't get a text message'
Him: 'So you weren't expecting it then?' *teasing*
Me: 'Well yes, but I thought with easter it wouldn't come till Tuesday'
Him: 'So, you WEREN'T expecting it then?' *teasing more*
Me: 'Well no' grins and thanks courier profusely
Runs upstairs and tickles mum 'I got my visa!!!'

Ok, now to book a flight biggrin.gif

QUOTE (Poiteen @ Mar 20 2008, 09:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The embassy close for all british holidays, and US ones. Nice for them whistling.gif

I got my fingers crossed for you babblesgirl, you never know, they might have just forgotten to text you.

It worked. Thanks for your good vibes everyone smile.gif

I think working at the embassy has to be one of the best jobs ever. All those holidays and getting to give the majority of people good news. It has to be a nice way of life.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-20 05:36:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
No news on my visa arrival yet. After tomorrow (which isn't likely since I haven't received a text message) the next delivery day will be next Tuesday which means that J and I will miss out on the trip we planned. Ah well, not the end of the world. Just another rearrangement of plans on the cards. blink.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-19 18:46:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Mar 19 2008, 11:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As for police certificate thingy - it looks like I might be ok with August 15th as there is a page on the embassy website that says this is the cut-off date... so I am going to print the page and if they have any questions I am going to wave it in their face tongue.gif

Could you post the link for the August date because there are few people awaiting interview who are wondering about this. I couldn't find it when I checked again. Thanks!
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-19 11:20:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Bforbarree @ Mar 18 2008, 09:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Our update: My SO landed at JFK today (in hopes of getting the 90 EAD stamp) and made it thru immigration but that is about all I know (other than that the Virgin Atlantic flight was bloody awful) because we had a bad mobile connection and he was catching his connecting (DOMESTIC, HURRAH!!!!) flight...I should be seeing him in about 8 hours, I can't wait! We'll post a review of the JFK POE as soon as we can and many thanks to the others that have done so already.


Wonderful news!!! I take it he's flying into the west coast somewhere?
I can't take another domestic flight tongue.gif I'm hoping to go through Dublin if the prices are reasonable enough by the time I book. Still no text *grumpy face*
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-18 18:20:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
I'm sure it will be fine. Plus, the kids will think it's an amazing adventure - sleeping on floors, hotels, airports, flights and then home to the US smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-18 16:00:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Well the cooling off date WAS August 15th for the 'old' police certificate but someone is now reporting April 15th. See thread here. Sorry about that anyone who will be interviewed after April.
Also if you do go ahead and order the ACPO certificate the embassy states it is valid for 12 months after issuance and not the 6 months it states on the certificate.

Congrats Ladynnara!! I noticed some reasonable prices for travel this weekend, hope it stays that way so I can book mine. It's Good Friday this week, I do hope the courier service get notice to deliver my visa before then sad.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-18 12:57:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (DonnaB @ Mar 18 2008, 04:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I did book it before my passport arrived! I just couldn't wait. I received the text message at 16:15 yesterday saying that it would be delivered by 12 today. I paid a bit extra for midday delivery so my retired father wouldn't have to wait around all day for it to arrive!

I'm too scared to book mine and I think I'm going to regret it! But, no text message yet. I paid the before 10am delivery thing. Hoping it's going to be tomorrow.

QUOTE (greeneyedgirlfl @ Mar 18 2008, 04:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Mar 18 2008, 12:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Haha - well against all advice and info I want to book my flights asap cause I need to make sure I can get my cat on and in the summer there are going to be restrictions because of the heat embargo... Why do I have to make life so complicated for myself! I just feel like everything is up in the air at the moment with the packet not being delivered and the changes to the police cert and the HPV thing... mad.gif

I need to know about this police certificate as well...Darren already has his 1 year certificate, and we need to know if we need to order a new one...

What a racket!!!

The old one is still valid until August. I'll check that though.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-18 11:35:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (DonnaB @ Mar 18 2008, 01:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My passport was just delivered! My interview was the 12th so it took 3 full working days to be processed. I've booked my flight leaving March 31st via JFK onto Nashville. Ahh the next 2 weeks are going to drag!

Ooh how exciting! Useful to know roughly how long these things are taking. Did you get a text message to say it would be delivered today? And my final question - did you book your flight before or after you knew the visa was on its way?
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-18 11:13:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
I dunno. I think it all depends on who you talk to at the post office. I paid £9 odd and got mine guaranteed next day delivery but that's prolly not necessary in most cases.
I want my text to come from the courier people!! I'm dying to book my flight.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-18 06:24:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Could be that they've just not updated yet. Did you send it special delivery?
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-18 05:47:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Good luck to zoobuffalo for today!!
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-18 04:05:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (ladyynara @ Mar 17 2008, 09:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wooo, just noticed a text message saying I should have my visa tomorrow morning by 10am! Phew!

Ooh looks like you can make the move before you lose your home!! Congratulations!
I didn't get a text message yet. Though my medical details will have only arrived at the embassy today.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-17 17:04:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (greeneyedgirlfl @ Mar 17 2008, 03:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have a quick interview question...

We sent 2 copies of the DS-156 to the embassy...

Does D need to take another copy of this with him to the interview or are the two that we sent enough? I ask this because when we were copying the form to send with packet, he only made two copies...

Will this be a problem?


It shouldn't be a problem at all. I just panicked because at the entrance to the embassy the signs said to have the DS-156 ready along with appointment letter and passport. It also said 'fee receipt' and we've pretty much decided that these signs are geared towards non-immigrant visas since the fee receipt is not applicable to us and when I handed over the copy I had of my DS-156 he gave it straight back to me because I had already sent it in with Packet 3. So, there should be no problems at all.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-17 06:33:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Poiteen @ Mar 15 2008, 08:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ahahha - I'm in the opposite situation to you Jeraly!! We are legally married, but it was just a quickie for the sake of doing DCF. I don't have a ring or anything, but it's hardly a legal requirement.

The point is in our case that we have a legitimate relationship (even if we don't feel 'married'), and in yours that even though you have had the ceremony that's the meaningful one for you, it wasn't a legal ceremony. Now stop stressing wink.gif You're not lying, your not covering anything up. Even if you told them about it, it wouldn't change the fact that you guys are doing this all the right way. heart.gif

I agree. Good post. good.gif
People just adapt their plans to fit in with not being able to predict the time frame involved accurately. When I go to the US we will have a similar situation to you for the sake of AOS and a more meaningful ceremony later in the summer when my family can all get over at the same time. Even if Aly ends up having to talk about the 'wedding' she has still adapted things for the purpose of satisfying the authorities rather than herself.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-15 16:00:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
If they note from your file that your wedding was planned for the 11th Feb and ask you. Then just say we had to postpone the wedding until later. I don't think they will ask beyond that. And if they ask if you are married already then the answer is still no. Don't worry.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-15 12:48:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
I got a folder with alphabetical sleeves and made a key ordering things according to the packet 3 checklist, then used the extra pockets for the additional evidence and finally the medical stuff. It's useful because now I can just chuck it all in my suitcase and not have to worry about losing anything.

As far as being married - legally you are not and that's what they're interested in. I think it will complicate things if you tell them about the ceremony, but ultimately this is your choice. At least, legally you are still free to marry.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-15 12:42:00