IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOne more police certificate question - UK
QUOTE (latteberry @ Mar 20 2008, 06:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (babblesgirl @ Mar 20 2008, 01:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is it ok to give you a hug now? wink.gif

I agree about the unfairness of this. Hang in there. They probably haven't had much dealing with this as yet. Your case may well help them get informed, which can only help others.

Yes, I did need a huge hug. I am glad DH was home because he knew I am not the keyboard-throwing type. LOL I had a total hysterical breakdown. But, being the wonderful Englishman that he is, he cuddled me while I was sobbing.

Sorry I got a little pissy. It's definitely not anyone's fault here. I've just had more than I can take recently and this was the last straw.

Totally understand!! This situation over police certificates really sucks. I'll keep my fingers crossed you get the right result here. Good luck! and I don't normally do this, so don't tell anyone:

bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-20 13:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOne more police certificate question - UK
Is it ok to give you a hug now? wink.gif

I agree about the unfairness of this. Hang in there. They probably haven't had much dealing with this as yet. Your case may well help them get informed, which can only help others.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-20 13:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOne more police certificate question - UK
QUOTE (latteberry @ Mar 20 2008, 05:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I got the info from the girl on the phone at the NVC. They sent out a request for this on the 12th. I haven't received it yet.

Ok thanks. I am really sorry you're facing this #######. Unfortunately, because you've hit the cusp of an introduction of a rule change you've ended up suffering for everyone's lack of knowledge on this - although the info you got on this thread WAS correct at the time of posting.

Frankly, the embassy site instructions don't seem to recognise their ####### from their elbow - it states you need the ACPO certificate and that it costs £10. Unfortunately at the moment we are relying on a lot of anecdotal evidence right now but I can assure no one here wants to delay your process. Perhaps, you could send off for the ACPO form right away, in the meantime you can still try challenging NVC since the London embassy site is very unclear on this but states a cooling off period on the old form of six months from the introduction of the ACPO. This info has been extracted from various sections of the embassy site. It's terribly unclear.

Please keep us updated because this is helpful to others.

Edited by babblesgirl, 20 March 2008 - 12:56 PM.

bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-20 12:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOne more police certificate question - UK
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Mar 20 2008, 05:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hmmmm... I'm trying to piece this together from your posts. I'm wondering if this is because you're doing an IR1/CR1 through the NVC -- if I'm not mistaken, unlike the K1s and the DCF folk, you send your police certificate off first to the NVC? (K1s and DCFers just have to bring them to the interview.) Perhaps the NVC is taking a harder line than the Embassy about the validity of the old-form police certificates (which is still puzzling, but looks like they *might* be accepting them until August 15th), and requiring the ACPO certificates without exception.

The other thing is you say your husband applied for the certificate last spring -- is it nearing a year since he received it? If so, they might want one with a longer validity, so that it would be definitely still current at the time of interview (which, of course, you don't know the date of yet).

Just a few thoughts. Sorry you've hit this bump in the road; when you asked earlier this year, none of us had a clue about ACPO certificates, as babbles points out. But it is quite fast to get one, so hang in there!

I'm not aware of the process for IR1/CR1 so this post is exceptionally helpful. We really could do with having some definitive answers on this. It is certainly not fair that the old certificate should be acceptable for one type of visa and not another. Seems like there are some differences in non-immigrant and immigrant visa application rules on this too. Utterly confusing.

Fortunately, as you say, the ACPO one has a quick turnaround.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-20 12:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOne more police certificate question - UK
QUOTE (latteberry @ Mar 20 2008, 05:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (babblesgirl @ Mar 20 2008, 12:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey wait just a minute! When you asked back in January no one here even knew about the ACPO form. The ACPO instructions came in to effect only last month - approximately February 15th.
I understand your frustration but everyone who posted on this thread back in January gave you correct information.

So why does someone already in process have to go through this again? I could understand a new application, but they've had our packet for a while now.

Ok, what is unclear right now to me is who rejected your police certificate. The fact is, since they changed the rules on this in February, there is an awful lot of confusion on whether the old certificate is acceptable or not. It seems a little harsh of them to reject yours within the timeframe that London are quoting the old one will still be acceptable for.
Can you fill us in on some info about who rejected it exactly. Was this at interview? I recently went through interview in London and had no problems with presenting the old certificate. It is best we get this straightened out so we don't unnecessarily panic other members.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-20 12:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOne more police certificate question - UK
Hey wait just a minute! When you asked back in January no one here even knew about the ACPO form. The ACPO instructions came in to effect only last month - approximately February 15th.
I understand your frustration but everyone who posted on this thread back in January gave you correct information.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-20 12:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence for I-129F petition
Despite the disagreements in this thread over what constitutes primary evidence, it has turned out to be a very useful resource for those of us who are just embarking on the visa journey.

There was a very important point made here by Timsdaisy which is that for newbies the whole process is saturated with forms and procedures but very little straight talk about what is required to avoid RFE's or worse a visa denial. We have all been at this stage at one point or other. Desperate to start our lives with our partners, excited, worried and unable to appreciate fully what is required of us. This is why VJ is possibly the best resource out there, the experience of others helps us to see what is needed to make the process successful. And hence, it is really important to be specific and accurate with the information supplied.

Another question has been raised in my mind since reading this thread. The petition states that proof is required that the couple have met AT LEAST ONCE. It's common sense that a number of visits would make for a stronger application, but I wonder if anyone has been denied a visa because they only met once and therefore the relationship was not deemed to be solid enough to warrant issue of a visa.

I am currently getting the information together to send to my fiance so that we can make the application before the price increase in July but I do intend to travel back out to the USA in August. This is not definite, I really need to save hard. Would it be wise to point out in the statement of intent to marry that I intend to visit him again in August. Obviously I will ensure during that visit we get some date stamped photos of us together...I do now have two photos from my visit in April but unfortunately they weren't date stamped :(

Anyway, thanks to you all again. This thread has been really useful. I certainly feel more confident than I did when I first posted my original question about being able to gather relevant evidence.

Edited by slothy, 13 June 2007 - 12:51 PM.

bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-06-13 12:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence for I-129F petition

It does not take much time to write a little something and fire it off snail mail. If the two of you can write a few letters a month, that would be great evidence. As KriKit mentioned, be sure to retain the envelopes as proof.

This forum is great. I'm so glad I found it. Thanks
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-04-22 06:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence for I-129F petition

If you met his parents or other family members while you were there, perhaps they could send you a note saying "nice to have met you, welcome to the family". (not verbatim, of course, but you get the picture.) Make sure you keep the envelope with the date-stamp.

I have received emails from his mother and sister to this effect. I'm never sure whether emails are as 'good' as snailmail. We rarely use snailmail simply because we communicate by phone, IM and/or email on a daily basis. I do have archives and phone records to support this.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-04-22 06:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence for I-129F petition
Thanks to all who have replied to this thread. Your advice has been very helpful.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-04-22 03:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence for I-129F petition

Photos are only one example of evidence--you can also send copies of letters, cards, e-mails, and telephone bills. Also, copies of your ticket stubs or reciepts from restaurants, hotels, cash machines, etc. could also be evidence that you visited the U.S.

Did anyone in his family take any pictures of the two of you together? Not even when you announced/celebrated your engagement? Are you or your fiance going to visit one another soon? If so, be sure to take some photos together during that visit.

We didn't announce the engagement because we were concerned people would think we were rushing into things. But, in a sense, it was great because we hadn't even looked into the process of actually getting together permanently by that point. So, it was very much a heartfelt decision.

Since I got back we've been looking into things more seriously and discovered the issue with photographic proof. I don't want to get to the embassy interview stage and have them say that we don't have sufficient evidence of a genuine relationship. So we're looking into the possibility of another visit.

As regards the embassy interview, do both parties have to be present or just one?

Thanks for your help.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-04-21 14:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence for I-129F petition

I've been reading through the forum and found it extremely useful as I have just returned from the US having met my boyfriend for the first time in person and subsequently got engaged! :D

Whilst I was out there, as an avid photographer, I took lots of photos but it never occured to me to have photos taken of myself and my fiance together as I am generally photo-shy, but also because we simply hadn't thought this far ahead. Sounds silly but we were more intent on finding out if the depth of feeling we had for one another for months online was a reality in person.

I have loads of photos of him and his family but none of us together. A friend of ours did, however, take at least one shot of us together and I am trying to get him to forward the photo as soon as possible. The advice on general websites has been that three photos are required.

I don't want us to start the process of filing the I-129F petition only to find that we have insufficient evidence to support our meeting. I would be grateful if anyone who has been through this part of the procedure would give me some advice on this.

Many thanks
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-04-21 12:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI must cancel this journey

Procedure??? Last time I checked we had 20 million losers from Mexico here eating up our social programs and taking jobs from America's less fortunate. You know your country is being overrun when you have to press 1 to get english. Nice procedure?? My girl is educated, knows english and she has go through a bunch of BS to come here yet 20 million losers with no education , most cant speak english just come over the border??? Some procedure??? Round this cancer up and send them back and build a fence with a mine field. Let the people who can add value to the country and show respect come in without the BS. Let the losers who come illegally and then think they are entitled to something wait 6 months or longer after they get deported. Procedure?? Gimmie a break.

I don't suppose you noticed that the thread opener's partner was from Mexico.

And, as far as I can tell, it's the American government (and many others) who encourage illegal immigration. Californian agriculture, as an example, thrives on employing people illegally, paying them low wages with no benefits. Giving them jobs that seemingly no one else wishes or can afford to do. Since most of these businesses are conglomerate agricultural companies it seems unusual to me that the government can't keep a track on exactly who they are employing. My guess is they turn a blind eye.

I don't think it's particularly helpful for anyone to turn this thread into a rampage against Mexicans or immigrants from any background. Besides which, we all need to check up on history a bit more often before branding a whole people as cancerous.

It might be helpful for you to know that "The United States in 1846 declared war on Mexico, and during the course of that war American military forces seized California. The war was fueled in part by feelings of Manifest Destiny, a popular sentiment in the United States that viewed the expansion of the nation as an inevitability."

I could go on, but I really think a political debate in the context of the original question is somewhat tasteless.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-06-25 13:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs the K-1 right for me?

After we got used to the idea of getting married so quickly, it sort of began to fit. So now I'm afraid of fraud on both sides. I'm afraid if he comes on the work visa it could be argued that we planned to get married all along, or that if he comes on the finace visa it could be argued that we got married, or at least accelerated in the direction, so that he could get a visa at all.

I mean, they can't both be fraud, can they? I'm frightened of fraud. I don't want to have anything to do with it. I just want to follow the rules and get the appropriate visa for him. I like the idea of marrying him. I also like the idea of not having to do it 90 days after he gets here. I want to invent my own visa type, the H-1C, the pre-engagement/work visa for the non-professional.

Legally, how is it decided how far a person is along the road to the altar? According to the courts, when does a relationship become an engagement? When you talk about getting married someday together? When he proposes and gives you a ring? When you set the date?

I don't even know the answers to these questions without the confusion of visas, let alone with it. :unsure:

There is a lot of confusion and uncertainty and there are no guarantees when it comes to deciding on the best most legal route to being with your partner. Be prepared for a lot of waiting, a lot of frustration and some real tests of your commitment to one another.

I met my partner online and visited with him for the first time in April. We knew we were in love before we even met, but couldn't guarantee that we would feel that way on meeting physically. In the early stages of our relationship we had discussed at length how we would deal with being apart after that initial meet, how in the future we might be together, whether he should come to the UK or vice versa. After meeting and spending time physically together, we knew that all the feelings we had experienced during our online relationship were magnified tenfold and the separation since has been extremely difficult at times.

Since meeting we have spent the past 2 months reading information, discussing and asking questions about all the possibilities. We know now that we want to spend the rest of our lives together and we really love the idea of being married. However, like you, we have both wondered if it might be more ideal to get a visa which would allow me to work and live there with him and see how our relationship pans out before taking the plunge into marriage. There is certainly an option for me to do that as I have a professional qualification which would assist me greatly in the process of obtaining a work visa. However, the work visa route is also beset with problems and you would be wise to read up on those before you make a decision based on finding him a hasty route to visit you and stay for a decent period of time.

All the people here who are experiencing separation from their partners have had a lot of thinking time. I view this time as valuable. I also view many of the people on this board as being a great source of inspiration and information. It hurts to be separated from the person you love but it also makes you realise what you have and what you want from your life. The time apart gives you the opportunity to consider, to plan, to ensure you are committed to one other. No one can guarantee their relationship will work out but I do think that none of us here take our relationships for granted in the same way we might if he or she were just down the street.

After much consideration my fiance and I know that marriage is what we want, not just a means of being together on a more regular basis. I think when you reach that point, you will not question whether you are 'legally engaged' or not.

Making plans to be with someone who lives in a different country is always going to take time and will be riddled with confusing choices. But, once you decide the K1 route is for you I am certain that after approximately 6 months of waiting, that 90 day window for getting married will be one you look forward to rather than feel a little shaky about.

Work with your boyfriend to get him a ticket to visit as a tourist. Let him meet your family, experience life there and spend some quality time together. Then work out which route is the best one for both of you.

Good luck :)
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-06-24 06:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport photo for K-1 application

You can get the US style photo's from Snappy Snaps.

They have a photo booth that does the appropriate size? I'm not sure if they are just a photo lab. Thanks

It's not a photo booth. A photographer (usually just one of the shop assistants) will usually take a snap using a digital camera, then upload it to a computer in the shop. They then use software to get it to the right dimensions. However, the first set of snaps we had done for the G-325As were taken with a more conventional Polaroid-style passport picture camera, like they used to use before the digital photography boom. These were the right dimensions but we both looked shiny and bloated in them! Definitely preferred the digital ones Bruce got for the visa, as he was able to have them retaken immediately when the first snap was a bit duff.

Make sure you remind the photographer you want a US-style photo, and bring the photo guidelines with you if he or she looks confused. A lot of us UK VJers used Snappy Snaps -- in different parts of the country -- and nobody recently seems to have ended up with the wrong size photos using their services.

Cool, thanks very much for the info. :)
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-07-12 16:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport photo for K-1 application

You can get the US style photo's from Snappy Snaps.

They have a photo booth that does the appropriate size? I'm not sure if they are just a photo lab. Thanks
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-07-11 16:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport photo for K-1 application

I don't want to sound like a hardazz here, but I think when you are told to have passport photos of a certain size (2inx2in), you really should make the effort to comply. Now, I know other people have submitted non-standard-sized photos and nothing has gone wrong, but do you really want to risk the delay of an RFE if the person reviewing your petition/application on the day decides to make an issue of it?

As Rosemarie says below, you can get them at Snappy Snaps, and the Embassy has a list of other places where they can be obtained: http://www.usembassy...forms/usppt.pdf

Ok thanks everyone who has advised on this thread. We're trying to get the forms in before the end of the month so I'll do my utmost to find some way of getting a 2"x2". To be honest, the RFE is something we're trying desperately to avoid but now the price increase approaches I'm really concerned about getting the application off.
Thanks though, I expect others will find the comments you've submitted on this thread useful too.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-07-11 16:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport photo for K-1 application

Good. No problem.

Phew! Thanks :)
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-07-09 15:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport photo for K-1 application


Does anyone have any advice on where to get the 2"x2" passport photos done in the UK. I just had a set done today for my application and just realised that the British Passport size is too small.
I've searched the forums and found lots about making sure it's the correct size but no advice on where the US size is available to UK residents.

Be grateful for any help on this.

They are probably fine. 2X2 isn't the standard size anymore anyway and they trim them much smaller than that anyway. What size are they?

They are standard UK size 1 3/4" x 1 3/8"


Does anyone have any advice on where to get the 2"x2" passport photos done in the UK. I just had a set done today for my application and just realised that the British Passport size is too small.
I've searched the forums and found lots about making sure it's the correct size but no advice on where the US size is available to UK residents.

Be grateful for any help on this.

It has to be close. Where my wife had hers done, they don't do 2 inches. They didn't even do 50mm which would have been awfully close. We ended up with 45mm square.

or 48mm x 38mm
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-07-09 15:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport photo for K-1 application

Does anyone have any advice on where to get the 2"x2" passport photos done in the UK. I just had a set done today for my application and just realised that the British Passport size is too small.
I've searched the forums and found lots about making sure it's the correct size but no advice on where the US size is available to UK residents.

Be grateful for any help on this.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-07-09 15:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOverstayed in England

I just checked my passport, I've been stamped coming AND going every time since 2003 except leaving last August 06. And I had a valid UK visa during that time as well. Heathrow, Gatwick & the Chunnel.

Agreed. I'm a British Citizen, the last time I returned to the UK from the US (April this year) they took a barcode scan of my passport. Also on a recent trip via the chunnel to France, on my departure from the UK my barcode was scanned again.

I guess they are keeping some record of movement across borders which may only be flagged up if some illegal issue arises, at which point they may check the database. Otherwise, I can't see how these individual journeys are cross-referenced.

However, one might imagine that if I were a foreign national then an overstay might be something the system flags up automatically. I am simply guessing here but I would be cautious about your fiancee taking a trip to Europe to facilitate refreshing visitor status.

Edited by babblesgirl, 26 July 2007 - 04:53 AM.

bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-07-26 04:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSuccessfully visiting
QUOTE (lilysidiq @ Sep 8 2007, 07:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks. And of course, not everyone will get in, thats why i said this is only one person, but i think its good to put the success stories out there too, as if you are from certain countries, and have a valid reason for visiting, chances seem pretty strong, and being apart is so tough so its worth a shot if you can !


I was successful too. I arrived in the US on 31st July and am returning to the UK tomorrow. The immigration officer at my POE (Las Vegas) asked who lived at the address I provided, I said 'my fiance'. She asked when we were getting married. I said 'hopefully next year, as soon as we receive acceptance of our visa application.' I had a copy of the petition in my backpack in case there were any problems but she seemed happy with that response and told me to have a good trip.

I need not have worried about the whole K1 application being in the pipeline. I'm still waiting for CSC to cash my check and issue a case number wacko.gif

And I think it is useful for people to hear the success stories...I was worried prior to this visit about being refused entry but reading the forums equipped me with a confidence (backed up with evidence) when I went through immigration.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-09-08 13:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting - Chances?
QUOTE (julezabelle @ Sep 17 2007, 01:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You may have a tough time since you have spent so much time in the US recently. My fiance did the same thing as you (2 visits at nearly 90 days with 2 months in between) and when he came for the third visit (after a 3 month wait), they gave him a tough time in secondary. But, its worth a shot. Just keep in mind if they do turn you down you can never travel on VWP again and will be responsible for your return flight. Personally, I think the stance the immigrations officers is a bit much - they told my fiance that they don't think he's a terrorist, just that he spends too much time in the US. Its not like he's milking the US system, pays his own way and all. Good luck to you!

I agree this is a bit much! I believe the max is 180 days in one year so that might have had a bearing on the immigration officers comments. Though if there was 5 months in between total then it's arguable the third visit should trip over into a new year's allowance. But anyway, really they should be happy that he's left the country twice already. It shows he has a respect for the system if anything. No overstay, no infringement on the VWP.

To the questioner, return ticket within 90 days (which you have) you could also have your parents write a letter that you are staying with them permanently, copies of bank statements, mobile phone contract etc. Get what you can together and take a copy of the K1 application to prove that you are going through an appropriate method of entering legally outside of the VWP at some stage in the future. There are no guarantees, but it's best to be as prepared as you can be.

If it helps at all, I was asked a few questions last time I visited. The immigration officer asked who I was visiting, I said 'my fiance', she said 'when are you getting married', I replied 'oh next year hopefully, if our K1 visa application gets approved'. She wished me luck with the application and I went on my way.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-09-17 13:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGood News - Anyone? Anything?
QUOTE (chris4gretchen @ Sep 18 2007, 06:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (babblesgirl @ Sep 17 2007, 08:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How accurate is that 10%? I had wondered what proportion of K1 applicants use this forum.

i read on here one month that 2000 ( i forget the exact number) petitions were filed with USCIS, and a few weeks later someone posted that 210 (again i forget the exact number) or so filed petitions on VJ that same month, so i just figured it was a 10 percent ratio. nothing scientific or even accurate really. just a guess based on those two things. no matter what the % is, we have had so few NOA2s in the last 4 weeks, yet theres so many petitions pending, and we all know it only takes 15 minutes to approve the standard petition. And there are more than one person working there at the 2 centers. so are they really busting out NOAs and its just the luck that none are here on VJ?
you think VJ is 1% of the petitions?

we are left to wonder......


Now that would be bad news.

I think it would be interesting to have some idea of an average percentage of petitions that are presented on this forum. I know I wouldn't have had a clue how to go about filing the application or even really have known which process would suit our needs best if it hadn't been for finding this forum back in April. I assume, therefore, that a large percentage of applications must be handled through lawyers, since I can't believe anyone could file the petition without some secondary help.

I suppose the accuracy of the data we're using via timelines depends on how many people who use VJ for advice in the process post a timeline and/or continue to use VJ after filing.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-09-18 15:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGood News - Anyone? Anything?
QUOTE (chris4gretchen @ Sep 17 2007, 11:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'd have to say that the good news is they are actually open for business, though im not sure anyone is actually in since they arent giving NOA2's with any kind of frequency. especially when it only takes 15 minutes to approve a petition whistling.gif . no way the 10 % of all filers that happen to be on VJ arent getting more approvals or the unlikely event that every one who isnt on VJ is getting approved. If they are so backed up, you would think they would be going a little faster than normal to try and clear out the backlog and increase the daily quotas for each adjucator. helpsmilie.gif

How accurate is that 10%? I had wondered what proportion of K1 applicants use this forum.

QUOTE (Minister @ Sep 18 2007, 03:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My Fiancee's visa appointment is just one month away. That's great news. Here's hoping that we are together again soon!

Fantastic news. Congratulations smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-09-17 22:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre you fed up with USCIS yet?
QUOTE (Jaseball @ Sep 20 2007, 12:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (babblesgirl @ Sep 19 2007, 04:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (devilette @ Sep 20 2007, 12:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It is still the gov't - red tape & all. We are at their mercy. No guarantees are made - we chose to bring someone to live in America. It is a privilege, not a right.

I agree, what I was trying to say was that I think people assume there should be guarantees of some know, quick turnover, immediate citizenship BECAUSE they are paying. But, we all know that it's a unique situation where private money is used partially to fund a beaurocratic government agency. People assume payment = rights. I still maintain though that there should be a cap on processing times for family petitions (excluding fiance). There should be some type of crack team ( tongue.gif) working to give some kind of resolution when it's getting close to a year. There are crack teams working on work visas aren't there?

And I agree with you about writing to congress people. USCIS have enough on their plates right now.

Excluding fiancee? Why should someone who is legally married already or who had a child get priority over a fiancee?

If that were the case I would have just married my girl in China and came back here to file a K3.

The reason I went the K1 route was after reading up on the options and realizing for us the K1 was the best option and could possibly be faster than the K3.

I guess I'm not sweating the NOA2 because I've already read the FAQS, read tons of posts, and realize that as happy as I will be knowing my petition is approved it will be at least 1 more month to get to China, 2 months sitting in a warehouse, then 4 months before the interview. I was expecting a 6-12+ month wait already when I filed the K1. I'm just hoping for no RFE and that my girl is well prepped and we prepare for the interview...many, many months down the road.

If they kept shoving K1 fiancee petitions to the back and prioritize K3 and petitions with K2 child visas I'd be really pissed. Besides, as has been mentioned the long, long delays are usually at the Consular stage or there are probably circumstances involved that no one knows about.

At least I believe it is first come, first served for most of us. That part is fair. We're all dealing with the same slow, bureaucratic, annoying, paper heavy system and I for one have not found an expedited path to any part of this process.

I was really focussing on people who have been married for some time and have children. For the record, I don't have children and am not married yet. Of course, I want my K1 to go through swiftly and smoothly, but I think I would face less of a hardship than those families who depend on a spouse's income.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-09-19 19:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre you fed up with USCIS yet?
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Sep 20 2007, 12:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (babblesgirl @ Sep 19 2007, 07:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Aaron_WSU @ Sep 20 2007, 12:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think it is a little insensitive of the members on this board who are much further along in the process to say things like "immigration is a privilege, not a right" or "just keep waiting, these delays are normal." The fact of the matter is, the mass majority of previous filers didn't have to go through the kind of stuff the April, May, and June 2007 filers are going through. We are facing a huge backlog of petitions, and no matter whose fault it is, it still sucks and we want to complain. I imagine that if a lot of these users were in the same boat as us, they would be complaining just as loudly as we are.

Why do people need to try and put people in their place? Why can't they just give some words of encouragement? I understand some people's desire to exercise their First Amendment rights, but arguing on the internet is like winning the Special Olympics. We all need to encourage each other so we can encourage our loved ones. There is a second user on the other side of almost every single account on this board. My fiance is going crazy more so that I am. Not only does she miss me, but she hates her job, and she can't quit because she can't sign another contract and incur the monetary cost of breaking that contract to leave for the US when USCIS finally decides to get off their butts and get our paperwork done.

It's also highly insensitive and inappropriate to compare arguing with winning the Special is an immense achievement to take part in the Special Olympics, nevermind win it. Hardly comparable to sitting at home arguing the toss on the internet.

Well, that's a big oops if I ever saw one.

...much as I enjoy arguing the toss on the internet tongue.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-09-19 19:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre you fed up with USCIS yet?
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Sep 20 2007, 12:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I thought your first post was spot on - nothing in there that wasn't true.

Yes, it does look like Wendy has had a tough journey. She's probably got a right to be ticked - more so than many others.

For the record, I don't find 'newbs' unbearable. But I do believe many are unnecessarily impatient.

I think 'impatient' is a fair assessment in some cases. This is why these boards are so useful. All of us knew what minimum timeframe we are looking at before we applied. The timelines of others help us gain some perspective. If it gets past 9 months for me i'll probably have a different opinion on this. tongue.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-09-19 18:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre you fed up with USCIS yet?
QUOTE (Aaron_WSU @ Sep 20 2007, 12:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think it is a little insensitive of the members on this board who are much further along in the process to say things like "immigration is a privilege, not a right" or "just keep waiting, these delays are normal." The fact of the matter is, the mass majority of previous filers didn't have to go through the kind of stuff the April, May, and June 2007 filers are going through. We are facing a huge backlog of petitions, and no matter whose fault it is, it still sucks and we want to complain. I imagine that if a lot of these users were in the same boat as us, they would be complaining just as loudly as we are.

Why do people need to try and put people in their place? Why can't they just give some words of encouragement? I understand some people's desire to exercise their First Amendment rights, but arguing on the internet is like winning the Special Olympics. We all need to encourage each other so we can encourage our loved ones. There is a second user on the other side of almost every single account on this board. My fiance is going crazy more so that I am. Not only does she miss me, but she hates her job, and she can't quit because she can't sign another contract and incur the monetary cost of breaking that contract to leave for the US when USCIS finally decides to get off their butts and get our paperwork done.

It's also highly insensitive and inappropriate to compare arguing with winning the Special is an immense achievement to take part in the Special Olympics, nevermind win it. Hardly comparable to sitting at home arguing the toss on the internet.

Edited by babblesgirl, 19 September 2007 - 06:52 PM.

bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-09-19 18:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre you fed up with USCIS yet?
QUOTE (devilette @ Sep 20 2007, 12:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It is still the gov't - red tape & all. We are at their mercy. No guarantees are made - we chose to bring someone to live in America. It is a privilege, not a right.

I agree, what I was trying to say was that I think people assume there should be guarantees of some know, quick turnover, immediate citizenship BECAUSE they are paying. But, we all know that it's a unique situation where private money is used partially to fund a beaurocratic government agency. People assume payment = rights. I still maintain though that there should be a cap on processing times for family petitions (excluding fiance). There should be some type of crack team ( tongue.gif) working to give some kind of resolution when it's getting close to a year. There are crack teams working on work visas aren't there?

And I agree with you about writing to congress people. USCIS have enough on their plates right now.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-09-19 18:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre you fed up with USCIS yet?
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Sep 19 2007, 11:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Some people may have said not to write.

I think the conservative concensus would be to write about something that really matters. About the overall picture of immigration in America today, and not just the K1 process.

Even though it does feel personal as it is happening, is it hard to step back and realize how small some of the issues Wendy raised are in comparison to many of the other things happening with immigration today? There are FAR larger injustices being committed with family-based immigration categories than whether or not you get something as fast as you think you need it.

I'm sorry if it sounds sarcastic, but that's the bottom line everyone needs to examine. Are you being reasonable and realistic in your expectations? And is there true harm being caused to you - or are you just being inconvenienced?

This is a microwave society we live in. Most people aren't used to waiting for anything anymore.

And it hasn't been pointed out anywhere in this thread, but I will raise the point - once you finally are reunited - the time separated truly does melt away. It may not seem like it now, but it does.

And when it does, will you still be as 'interested' in stirring the troops - or in helping others get what they need? Or will you fade off into the immigration sunset until your own next personal situation crops up? It might be a harsh question, but self-examination is never easy.

For the record, this post wasn't up when I began writing my last post. I agree with you wholeheartedly. I think an impersonal appeal on behalf of families stuck in the system would be a more productive approach. This, if successful, might have a knock on positive affect for all others who embark on the process in the future.

And I can understand how Wendy feels...she has had an arduous K1 journey so far.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-09-19 18:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre you fed up with USCIS yet?
It really saddens me that some of the older members of VJ find 'newbies', in general it seems, so unbearable. This isn't the first board lately that this sentiment has been expressed. And you are fully within your rights to express any opinion you wish.

I, for one, have found these discussion boards to be a fantastic source of information because of the experience of others; older members who have seen the process in its entirety and also relatively new members who might be at the same stage of the process as me. Each of us has some common ground and I appreciate being able to learn from others and also being able to share what can otherwise be a very lonely process. I'm sure we do post some stupid questions at times, but we're new to a rather complicated process and we need guidance from those more experienced than us. As we read, learn and experience the process for ourselves I'm sure many of us will pass on the information we have gained here onto others. Thanks to those of you who have completed the process and have stuck around to help others. You are doing an incredible thing. Thanks also to those of you at any stage of your visa application who are passing on vital information you have learned from your experience.

Trawling through the boards and attempting to analyse data from timelines I have noticed the people who are 'stuck' in the system, seemingly impotent to do anything to move their application along. Including contacting congress representatives. People separated from their husbands, wives, children for years. Parents who have never seen their children in the flesh. I feel so bad for them and I feel that we all, approved or waiting to be approved should be noticing these people and trying en masse to at least care and do something to make the politicians aware of the apparent glitches in the system. Whether this is by writing correspondence or doing as Rebeccajo suggested. Something has to be done about this at least. What kind of glitch in the system can put someone in a situation where they are waiting upwards of a year for approval?

I knew when I embarked on this process that it might take six to nine months and I'm prepared for that. The problem is, there is absolutely no guarantee that we all will be approved within that time and that, I think, is what people fear. We are checking for NOA1's and NOA2's out of fear our applications will get tied up in the system seemingly forever without action.

I think part of the problem is that this is, for the most part at least, a privately funded public service. Individuals expecting guarantees on a service they are paying for. However, this is not a situation where quick turnover can be guaranteed. Security post 9/11 aside, each application is individual and some are more complex than others. But, some guarantee can be made. I don't think anyone (particularly those with spouses and children) should be waiting on an NOA2 after a year in the system. That is unacceptable in my opinion.

I'm prepared to take the advice of those more experienced and be patient. But, I also think that people outside of the process (including politicians) will never really know about those who are stuck in the system unless someone tells them.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-09-19 18:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Original Submission: assembly and evidence
QUOTE (beckypua @ Sep 24 2007, 05:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I guess it wouldn't hurt to send a couple chat and emails but don't send a stack 1" thick.
If I were the reviewer I'd throw it aside and pick the thin ones!

That's a very good point...
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-09-23 23:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Original Submission: assembly and evidence
Looks good to me. We also included copies of boarding passes and bank statements which listed transactions made at relevant dates during my visit. The passport stamps should be adequate to prove you were actually visiting though.

Many people who have successfully gone through this process have advised not worrying about how the packet is put together, even though there are specific assembly tips on the USCIS website. I think content is probably more important.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-09-23 22:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUK police check details
QUOTE (James-uk1 @ Oct 25 2007, 12:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I have a question to add into this..... I'm just about to request my UK police info in preparedness for what I hope to be my embassy visit in Jan08.

When I was 15 I received a Police caution (I think). I say think because that was over 25 years ago and I don't remember signing anything. It was for some stupid reason to do with my mate nicking some music tapes. (yes, remember those?)

and I received two. I remember going to the police station and being spoken to in a stern manner by a senior officer.

I've certainly had no involvement with the police since, apart from our wonderful "safety cameras". I'm curious to know if it will appear on my police report. I'm certainly no international master criminal. blink.gif


p.s. the tapes were ELO and the The Police. (oh dear)

ELO and The Police are classed as criminal records i'm afraid tongue.gif

I found this site here which lists some advice about police records and visa applications for Brits. Hope it helps. smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-10-25 06:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUK police check details
Does anyone know whether having a CRB enhanced disclosure is sufficient. I already have this due to my job. I went to my local police station and they said they do not deal with visa police checks anymore. Having phoned the CRB they mentioned that the Subject Access form is what is required for visa purposes but that the CRB enhanced disclosure automatically includes this. I don't mind paying the £10 for basically what I already have as long as it is what the embassy requires but it would be useful to know whether the embassy recognises the CRB enhanced disclosure. Thanks smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-10-24 06:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f Proof of Having Met. Is this enough?
Congratulations. What a nice surprise smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-10-28 13:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFile for K1 while on Tourist Visa?
QUOTE (julezabelle @ Oct 25 2007, 02:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you didn't have intent to marry prior to your arrival in the US on a Tourist visa, I'd marry and adjust status. Then you won't have to spend any time apart. What LisaD and some others posted is correct, you can legally do this if there was no intent prior to getting here. Many others have done this successfully! I wish that's what I had done!

Had I known what I know now I would have done the same. Obviously, it's more complicated if you still have ties back home (which I did) but if you're free to stay in the US until April 2008 and have sufficient money or support to tide you over until you get employment authorisation then yep, the K1 is not required. Just be aware that if you do marry and adjust status you would need to have advanced parole to be able to get back into the US if you should need to return to Hong Kong at any point (say for an unplanned family emergency). This can be applied for with AOS though.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-10-25 11:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuick Question
Just adding to Gwen's response.

The UK fiance visa entails making two seperate visa applications, one from the US and one following marriage in the UK. You will not be able to work in the UK on a fiance visa until you are married and have applied for the marriage visa. Once the marriage visa is granted you will be able to live and work in the UK without restriction for two years.

If you marry first, then you only need apply for the marriage visa and once you arrive in the UK you can live and work here for two years without restriction.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-11-18 12:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUnusual delay in receiving I-129 receipt
Many people experience delays in receiving the NOA1 or never receive one at all. The important thing is that your check has been cashed. The back of the check should quote your case number and this is really all you need until you receive the NOA2 (which IS the one to worry about).

For timeframes you need to look at the visa timelines or maybe take a look at the K1 October filers forum to keep a track on when similar filers are receiving news. Currently USCIS are finishing June applications and making a start on some July petitions.

You have no need to worry but you'll need plenty of patience. Good luck with your petition! smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-11-18 13:12:00