United KingdomApproved!!!!!
Congratulations biggrin.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-10-04 17:45:00
United Kingdomgreen card today
Congratulations! It's great to see the success stories on VJ whilst you're waiting on approval. Thanks for sharing the news smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-10-19 12:02:00
United KingdomI miss England
QUOTE (Gwen666 @ Oct 19 2007, 06:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (babblesgirl @ Oct 19 2007, 05:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would be interested to know what the differences are just for future reference. I assume both you and Gwen have lived in both the US and England with your spouses. I have only stayed out in the US with my fiance and I noticed that everything was so much cheaper than here in England. Literally, my money went twice as far as it does here, in fact, I had a hard time spending it all tongue.gif

There are almost too many differences, and too many subtle ones, to actually detail what there is to miss. For me, it was things like walks along Brighton Pier, fresh chips from a proper chippy, public transport that works (and before any of you Brits say anything, it's better than nothing, which is how much public transport there is where I grew up!), the NHS, driving a crazily fuel-efficient car, and the social life we have here. I was also pleasantly surprised to note that my BA carried more weight over here and I secured a much higher paying job right off of the bat (despite my worries!).

It was a siren call that made us come back. And believe me, the decision to give this up and go back to the US, where I have to pay for my incoming calls on my mobile phone and there's nary a piece of good chocolate in sight, was a difficult one. It's one we still agonize over.

Yes, the UK is's no more expensive than living in the Metro NYC area, which is where we lived before. We will miss it when we leave.

I suppose, for me, the inability to get a foot on the housing ladder over here was a big incentive for us to settle out there. My fiance also has closer ties to family and friends because he's never moved out of the town he grew up in. As a result, we have a great social life out there, whereas here my friends have all moved on to other places in the UK and Europe.

I will miss the chips and the english countryside though. And the NHS. I'm looking forward excitedly to my new life out there though. smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-10-19 12:51:00
United KingdomI miss England
I would be interested to know what the differences are just for future reference. I assume both you and Gwen have lived in both the US and England with your spouses. I have only stayed out in the US with my fiance and I noticed that everything was so much cheaper than here in England. Literally, my money went twice as far as it does here, in fact, I had a hard time spending it all tongue.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-10-19 11:50:00
United KingdomShipping ?
When I was initially looking into this process a friend of mine who did the reverse operation (moved from US to the UK) advised me to buy a cheap suitcase and pack it with things I really couldn't bare to part with and take it with me to the US when I was visiting.

What has been hardest for me is parting with a book collection I had built up for years, including a lot of modern first editions. Ultimately, I think, unless you afford it you have to be pretty brutal about possessions. I recently relocated from my home in Kent to my Mum's in Yorkshire so I can save money for moving over to the US. That move alone, spurred me into action to get rid of anything that I wasn't desperate to keep just so I could move in my car and I made a good few hundred quid at car boots/ebay etc. More than enough to buy a plane ticket and an extra suitcase tongue.gif

I understand there are larger items of sentimental value that can't be handled this way and it's more difficult if you are moving a whole family. But I have a good idea for cd's. I used to have around 400 cd's in my collection and even whittling them down to essentials would have left me with over 100 to ship. So, I bought an 80 GB ipod and loaded all the essentials on there. For more serious music collectors there are 160GB ipods available now.

Just a few ideas smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-10-28 05:40:00
United KingdomEducation transfer
QUOTE (FutureAmerican @ Nov 6 2007, 08:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi there - I used the World Education Service on to convert my degree/A-Levels/GCSEs, as they were very reasonable for price ($150), and it didn't take too long. Also, all the employers and potential employers I've spoken to so far have accepted them. The GPA came out very well for my degree - I had a mid range 2:2, and that gave me a 3.19 GPA! Most of the companies I applied to in the UK needed a 2:1 minimum, whereas the ones I'm applying to the UK are very happy with around a 3.0! GCSE's are considered the equiv of a High School Diploma, which helped with getting my Christmas job, and A-Levels count towards degree classes.

Hope that this helps!

This is very useful information. Thanks good.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-11-07 13:47:00
United KingdomOne Good Reason for Leaving England
Don't worry. America will tire of them soon enough... unless Rebecca Loos moves out to LA like she's threatened to.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-11-18 12:58:00
United soooo happy
Congratulations on your approval and thanks for taking the trouble to explain the experience. Very helpful. Best wishes to you for Christmas and your New Year in the US! biggrin.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2007-12-21 23:09:00
United KingdomGood luck Debz
Do you actually get any paperwork or do they send it direct to the embassy?
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-01-12 11:01:00
United KingdomGood luck Debz
QUOTE (weedebz @ Jan 12 2008, 08:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
home and about to climb into bed for a couple of hours. Medical was fine, Dr really nice german guy who slammed his finger in the door on the way in and let loose a string of obcenitites, most of which were in german but not all, he then apologised and started chatting. He was very chatty all the way through. The only issue I had was with my vaccinations as apparently you need to have had your tetanus within last 10 yrs, well I had mine in 1995 and had an allergic reaction to it, I told the dr this and they said that he could still sign my vaccinations off as if you have had a reaction to a tetanus vaccination then the next time it's likely to be worse and it could be dangerous for me to have it. He has assured me it wont affect my application as I've not refused to have it, they have refused to give me it on grounds of my safety. He put a note on the vaccination record sheet and ticked the vaccinations incomplete box but then ticked the waiver due to medical grounds box. All in all not a totally unpleasant experienece. Just glad that bit is done. Just the hard part now.....interview!

edited for horrendous spelling...sorry I'm exhausted

Glad it went well. You must be relieved to have that part over with. I was thinking, when my time comes, to try schedule medical and interview on the same day but I think it would be easier on my nerves (which are a bit raw lately tongue.gif ) if I do as you have. Thanks for posting your experience. Roll on 2nd Feb! biggrin.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-01-12 10:24:00
United KingdomThe Whole Story
Congratulations and thanks for posting such a detailed description of goings on at the London embassy. Reading this has made me feel much more relaxed about going when it comes around to my turn. Thanks and best of luck to you both for the future!
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-01-16 14:50:00
United KingdomMy flight is booked
Congratulations to both you and Ed on finally making it! It must be a wonderful feeling knowing you are about to start your lives out in the US with your loved ones. Well done and best of luck for the future smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-01-23 15:35:00
United KingdomLast questions before I send in the I-129F
QUOTE (greeneyedgirlfl @ Jan 24 2008, 11:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (brnidokiegurl @ Jan 24 2008, 05:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Passport main name page and any stamps (YOU HAVE BEEN TO SEE THE SO HAVENT YOU) as this is a MAJOR requirement to file.

My passport hasn't been used, but as my sig. refers, he has visited twice and I do have his passport with the appropriate stamps for those visits....

Thanks a bunch for the info...I'm off to buy some small bags (all mine are the industrial size variety)....


Did he keep his boarding passes? Also any receipts, transactions on bank statements which place him with you at the specified time?
I believe the photos are secondary evidence but I included 3 or 4 and printed them out myself. They will want firmer proof of your meeting such as the passport stamps and ticket stubs etc.
Proof of ongoing relationship is required for interview but I included phone bills and some copies of letters.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-01-24 18:29:00
United KingdomQuestion about UK police report
QUOTE (B-R & A @ Jan 26 2008, 07:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

My fiance's been waiting for his police report, and I saw this thread and was wondering, do most people receive a receipt from the police? It's almost been 40 days since he posted it, so I wasn't too worried yet, but he didn't get anything saying they had it. Did most people get something saying the police at least had the application?


I had to post mine off to West Yorkshire Police as they don't accept applications in person. Three days later I received a receipt from them and confirmation of processing times (40 days). If your fiance applied in person at his local police station he should have received a receipt on the day.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-01-27 09:31:00
United Kingdomthe good, the bad and the interview
QUOTE (weedebz @ Feb 6 2008, 09:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
At this point the overwhelming relief that came over me lead to a few tears, the interviewer passed me some tissues
I: I'm used to that reaction but stop that, people will think I'm mean *smiling*
Me:thank-you so much
and I walked away, grinning ear to ear.

Goodness, you got me crying with relief and happiness here too! Congratulations and thanks for posting your experience *hugs*
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-06 14:05:00
United KingdomAunt Bessies Frozen Yorkshire Puds
QUOTE (devilette @ Jan 11 2008, 12:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (broma25 @ Jan 10 2008, 03:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
personally I think it has something to do with the kind of potatoes you use!!

Maybe. Dr_lha always said that! My friend parboils them, smashes them around in the pan, then adds oil & cooks them. SO DAMN GOOD.

This plus a (un)healthy sprinkling of salt before you pour the oil over will make them perfect everytime.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-01-11 11:17:00
United KingdomPolice certificate
I just received my police certificate this morning. I actually have a CRB enhanced disclosure as well but didn't want to risk having the 'wrong' form at interview. So, I do think it's worth waiting on info from the US embassy on this because people could end up wasting money on a certificate which the embassy may not recognise until it has passed the pilot stage. That said, it could well be that both forms will be accepted until one form becomes the preferred method.

I'm hoping to get packet 3 in the next two weeks, I will post an update on what the instructions say when it comes through.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-13 10:36:00
United KingdomMy Interview (long)
QUOTE (mustang-sally @ Feb 15 2008, 09:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (babblesgirl @ Feb 15 2008, 07:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have only just seen this thread but I really wanted to thank you for the detailed report on the interview. I am trying to relax about it but have been worrying about minute detail and the possibility of denial. Your write-up has made me feel much more relaxed and positive. So thank you.

Congratulations! Best wishes for the future smile.gif

For those that think they have problems I just want to reassure. When I went for my medical I was half way through my treatment for cancer, I was was asked to submit the operation results, grades etc, when I got them. My surgeon faxed these through, however I still had to go through 4 weeks of radiotherapy which finished on 24th December. The radiotherapy was not included on the medical report but I was still approved. The only comment I got was to "keep an eye on it".
I was convinced that my visa would be denied because of my medical history and the fact my treatment wasnt finished, I have me last appointment next week, hopefully to sign me off.
I know its different for people like KJC but I just want to say that it wont be a problem, just follow their Recommendations.
Incidentally I ticked that I had depression when I had marital problems, I saw a cpn and was on anti-depressants for a while, this was overlooked and ignored, seems like if there was a reason for the depression then thats ok

Lol, I think you must have some ESP. You've reassured me a lot. Thank you.

And, I do hope you get signed off next week. Good luck with that and congrats for getting through all you have.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-15 17:07:00
United KingdomMy Interview (long)
I have only just seen this thread but I really wanted to thank you for the detailed report on the interview. I am trying to relax about it but have been worrying about minute detail and the possibility of denial. Your write-up has made me feel much more relaxed and positive. So thank you.

Congratulations! Best wishes for the future smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-15 14:43:00
United KingdomTaking my credit rating with me
I hope not! After being a student for too many years my credit rating is really poor. It's starting to improve but I was looking forward to a fresh start particularly now I've got better career prospects than I had back when I messed it all up. Just a comment from the other side of the coin tongue.gif

I can imagine it being frustrating to start over if you have a great credit rating already. I wonder though, if you have an account with American Express or similar whether that helps you get started more quickly.

Edited by babblesgirl, 16 February 2008 - 08:38 PM.

bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-16 20:37:00
United KingdomNobody appears to have Vaccination records on me
QUOTE (KJC @ Feb 14 2008, 07:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The nurse said I didn't really need vaccinations right now as it was a K1 visa, but that I could choose to either get them done there at the time, or get them done by a GP and take the proof to my visa interview (or was it to the states?). It's only 4 vaccinations. I don't even know what as they gave me bigger problems to worry about.

Yeah, the US embassy in London website states the vaccinations are not needed for K1 until AOS but I think the general view here is that it's better to get them done while still here in the UK. I believe they can get expensive if you wait until in the US. If you get them done at your GP ask for proof (vaccination record), and take them with you to the visa interview anyway. You will definitely need the proof to take with you to the states for AOS.

Sorry to hear that the medical threw up some other problems. I hope it is something you can get resolved easily.

QUOTE (ladyynara @ Feb 14 2008, 09:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I went to my GP's a week before my medical last month and had the MMR and Dtp (it's diphtheria, tetanus and polio all in one) done for free, and I didn't have to have any extra at the medical.

Thanks for clearing that up. I've heard of Dtp, didn't make the association with Tdap tongue.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-14 08:17:00
United KingdomNobody appears to have Vaccination records on me
And the costs for having them done at the embassy medical are here>>>http://www.usembassy...v/vaccfees.html

I think he dreamed the £600 thing. Unless he added all those fees up!

Not sure he even needs the MMR - it says born in 1957 or later
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-13 22:45:00
United KingdomNobody appears to have Vaccination records on me
He should go to his GP to get the vaccinations- there should be no cost for this.

As far as the vaccinations go, here's the relevant link from the embassy: http://www.usembassy...ccinechart.html. Get him to print this out and take with him to his GP.

If you check the age requirements it looks like he needs the following:

Tdap (not sure what that is - some tetanus jab or other)

There are two more he needs from that list but they are unavailable in the UK. I'm not sure whether they have to be obtained in the US before AOS (someone else will probably guide you on this) but certainly all the vaccination requirements should be completed by the time he adjusts status.

Edited by babblesgirl, 13 February 2008 - 10:40 PM.

bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-13 22:39:00
United KingdomConverting the $$$$$
Well, when Jesse and I were first discussing where and when we would get married/live etc. one of the incentives for living out there was the fact that here in the UK we would have a hard time getting a foot on the property ladder. Even with a decent job. I was living in Kent at the time, which is far more pricey than oop north where I moved back to - so I guess we could have managed up here, but starting out in our 30s and wanting a family at some stage etc. seemed less viable here in the UK. In Kent, most of my monthly salary went on rent/council tax etc. and it was really depressing at times.

I'm looking forward to being able to afford things again. smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-13 19:26:00
United KingdomConverting the $$$$$
QUOTE (Rocinante @ Feb 13 2008, 11:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Considering the exchange rate, I'd just pay for everything while she's over there. That $1000 is what? 500 quid or so? She will lose a LOT of buying power. You, on the other hand, will have massive amounts of buying power with whatever money you have when you come over here. Depending on the region, of course. Here in Indiana, you can do a lot with what you would consider a small amount of money. For instance, you can buy a house for $65,000 (32,500 quid). This is for a 1920s Arts & Crafts in great condition that's across the street from me. New houses around here are generally in the $100K - $150K range (50K - 75K quid).

That sounds like the perfect house! Wrong part of the country though tongue.gif

It is incredible the difference in house prices, cost of living out in the US. Every time I have been for a visit I've come back with a healthy bank balance. That has NEVER happened before in my life!
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-13 19:03:00
United KingdomLondon Medical Jan 28th
QUOTE (Darren&Laura @ Feb 13 2008, 12:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Had my medical at Bentnick Street on Monday after flying back to the UK on Thrusday last week after spending the past three months with my fiancé in the USA.

I caught the train from Leeds to Kings Cross, (cost £57 return), then bought a Tube day pass, (£5.60 I think). I caught the tube over to Bond Street and walked up to the surgery. I was over an hour early so bought a newspaper and sat with a glass of lemonade in the pub just across the road from the surgery and relaxed. The medical itself was a snip - I had the chest XRay, my height and weight confirmed, my blood pressure taken, and then a brief examination of my body and dangly bits. The doctor then handed me over to a nurse who gave me an MMR jab, but I didn't require the tetanus as I had one in the USA last month when I had to have some stitches after slipping and cutting my foot. I then had to give a blood sample and everything was done to my surprise already.

The medical cost £205 including the MMR jab and they promised my results would be at the Embassy by thursday, (tomorrow).

My appointment was at 2:10pm and I left there just after 3pm, so as my train back north wasn't until 7pm I decided to make use of my tube day pass and went sightseeing.

All in all, it was a pleasant day out in London and the medical was nothing at all to be nervous about. I hope this allays some fears.

Hopefully my Embassy appointment will be scheduled shortly and I can get back home to the USA to be with my future wife and our two gorgeous baby twin girls, (born December 2007 during my last three month trip.)


Belated congratulations on those twins! Hope you get an interview date soon. Good luck!
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-14 08:35:00
United KingdomScheduling London embassy interview
QUOTE (Lansbury @ Feb 25 2008, 10:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I seem to recall someone posting on here that they had booked their wedding and they had left themselves very short of time. I believe they said they wrote the Embassy explaining the situation and the Embassy gave them a quick interview.

Certainly nothing to lose by including a letter when you send the checklist back asking.

I am going to try that too. Thanks so much for your help smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-25 18:07:00
United KingdomScheduling London embassy interview
QUOTE (Lansbury @ Feb 25 2008, 07:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Some have been lucky and put a date in and the Embassy have been able to do so. We got our interview a week before the date we put.

However there is no guarantee that the date will be met, or that they will get then visa back to you in time.

If you haven't even got packet 3 yet I think you are pushing it to get it in time for when you want. You might be lucky

Thanks for your reply. I am getting fearful that we are pushing it to make it in time. But, well we've waited this long so...another week or two and a change of plans won't hurt us.

I will give the date thing a go though and see if it helps. Thanks for posting your experience smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-25 16:37:00
United KingdomScheduling London embassy interview
Hi, hope someone can help me. I posted this Q on the interview thread but I think it's more geared towards people who have already got through the interview process.

I'm still waiting on packet 3 which I hope will be with me in the next couple of days. I have already filled out the forms online in the hopes of returning the packet as soon as it arrives.

Here's my problem; My fiance and I would really like to make a trip to Vegas with some friends of ours and hope to get married on this trip and have a blessing ceremony for family and friends later on in the Summer.

I had thought the trip was going to be early April but my fiance got the dates mixed up and it will actually be on the 25th March. The timing works out perfectly for us because my current employment contract will end on the 18th March.

I notice on form DS-156, Q22 asks When you intend to arrive in the U.S. (Provide specific date if known) and wondered if anyone has had any luck obtaining an interview earlier than the date you provided when that date is approaching less than 4 weeks away.

We were unwilling to make any fixed wedding plans until timeframes seemed more solid but when we received our NOA2 figured that end of March/early April was not unrealistic. I am just so worried now, having set our hearts on this trip, that we're going to be out of time. Would writing a cover letter explaining our wedding plans help at this stage?
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-25 11:34:00
United Kingdomwhat to take to UK interview
QUOTE (Lansbury @ Feb 25 2008, 08:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I fully appreciated what you were saying and that you were quoting someone else, however I did think it prudent to make the point I did. The person who you hand the documents too, isn't the person who reviews them or makes the decision.

You point of having a proof you can self fund is a good backup, all I was trying to do was make sure people didn't accept what a person thought had been checked and what hadn't as reliable information however well intentioned.

I agree. You were right to point that out. I could have worded things better in retrospect.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-25 15:47:00
United Kingdomwhat to take to UK interview
QUOTE (Lansbury @ Feb 25 2008, 07:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (babblesgirl @ Feb 25 2008, 07:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There is a VJer called weedebz who presented bank statements at the interview along with the sponsor and co-sponsor info and the embassy saw her bank balance (c. £9k) and didn't even bother to check the I-134 package she took with her. So, it is a good thing to have a back-up plan of your own if you can.
I know everyone using a co-sponsor (including me) has concerns but it seems that London is pretty flexible on this.

I think there is more to this than that. £9k in assets is about a third of what would be needed for a 2 person family, if the couple were married, to cover the required income for 3 years using assets. No one else has reported on VJ that the London Embassy has done anything but require the financial requirements to be met.

When you hand the paperwork over you are asked to sit down again while the Consular officer looks at it, there is no way to be sure what has been looked at and what hasn't. They spent about 5 minutes looking at our paperwork so I surmise it wasn't examined to closely or in great detail, but I have no way of knowing for sure just what they looked at and what they didnt.

Well, I'm just quoting what she told us on VJ here but I have no direct experience of the interview myself so I am inclined to trust your word on not knowing for sure what was looked at and what wasn't.

Anyway, I wasn't suggesting that WS-JW relies on his/her own funds alone. Just saying it's a good thing to have some proof of self-funding as a back-up or supplement to the sponsorship stuff.

Also, I was trying to find a thread I read a long time ago that stated some flexibility about the beneficiary meeting any shortfall in income. I'm sorry I can't find it now so I suppose the message here is have a sponsor or co-sponsor who can prove earnings of 125% poverty level and if you have some assets of your own, all the better.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-25 15:27:00
United Kingdomwhat to take to UK interview
QUOTE (WS-JW @ Feb 23 2008, 08:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi again all,

I have my interview in London next week and just wanted to double check I have everything I need. My list so far is this:

birth certificate with 1 copy
police certificate with 1 copy
evidence of support
vaccine records that i have just had but didn't at the medical

now, it also says 2 colour photos. Is that US passport style photos? or does it mean 2 pics of me and my fiancee?

this is really all it says to bring on the letter I got. Should I bring evidence that I sent when orignally filed? like pics of us, phone bills, plane tickets etc or is that unnecessary at this stage?

another thing i am concerned about is the affidavit of support. I have one but there are so many papers from my fiancee and her father cosponsor is is complicated. and just incase it is done wrong, will bank statements of mine for the last 12 months proving i have plenty of money to look after myself be acceptable? i read on the website it can but have not heard of anyone else using it.

Also my appointment is at 9am and am getting a train at 5:30 which will arrive at kings cross around 7 - 8.

does anyone know how far the embassy is from kings cross station? is it an easy taxi journey? and finally i understand there is a place i can get the US passport photos taken near the embassy within walking distance, is that correct?
if so what is the name of this place? thank you for all your help in advance

So sorry, I have only just spotted this thread.
Thanks to Lansbury and Piggulet for their valuable advice. I will be going through this soon so this info is very useful.
I have a couple of things to add to their comments;

There is a VJer called weedebz who presented bank statements at the interview along with the sponsor and co-sponsor info and the embassy saw her bank balance (c. £9k) and didn't even bother to check the I-134 package she took with her. So, it is a good thing to have a back-up plan of your own if you can.
I know everyone using a co-sponsor (including me) has concerns but it seems that London is pretty flexible on this.

I also think you should take your original K1 package plus any communication evidence you have gathered since filing. As Lansbury said, most people say that the CO doesn't even ask to see this - but I think, and this is ONLY my opinion, if you look like you have a lot of evidence then they won't ask to see it.

I would also take copies of all the forms you submitted in Packet 3 - so yes, that would include the DS-156.

I think the key here is to be prepared then complain later that you need not have bothered preparing all this stuff tongue.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-25 10:18:00
United KingdomWe are MARRIED!!!!
Congratulations on your wedding! How was Las Vegas? A place I never dreamed I would like, but it is pretty amazing.
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-23 19:33:00
United KingdomPanic!!
Mine was issued in 2002 and it's been fine. Here's what the Home Office says about it;

Your current passport will remain valid until its expiry date. You will not need to exchange your passport to a biometric passport, but should apply for a new passport in good time as and when your current passport expires. It is best to allow three weeks for a passport application. Source
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-26 05:14:00
United KingdomStunned
QUOTE (greeneyedgirlfl @ Feb 25 2008, 09:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
After getting touched yesterday, I was more than happy to wait patiently for something to happen. After all, somebody at least picked it up...

I read the January filers thread, and someone that was touched yesterday was approved...well, me being the curious sort, I had to log on to USCIS and saw that my file had been touched today...okay, touched two days in a row...not odd with the January filers at VSC...

I then got it into my head to check the file had to read it twice, the enormity of it didn't hit me the first time through... blink.gif ohmy.gif

Application Type: I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On February 24, 2008, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

OMG...hyperventilating at work...thank goodness the students have already gone home....

I only wish everyone who filed before me had gotten their approvals too...makes me feel a little guilty...but I guess that means that VSC is starting to move faster...

Woooh!! I knew it! When I noticed that touch I KNEW it was coming! Congrats!
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-26 05:26:00
United KingdomDublin POE while going through K-1
That sounds terrifying! ohmy.gif Especially 'you're not getting married are you?' I think I would have burst into tears at that point.

I'm so glad you made it through. It's a shame you had to clarify in your post about the ceremony but I understand why. You know the July crowd (and many of your other friends here on VJ) understand the exact situation and wish you all the very best.

Make the most of the trip, relax and enjoy it. I am *slightly* jealous you are in CA, but very happy for you. All the best *hugs*
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-02-08 15:53:00
United Kingdom2 Different Interview Dates in London
That was really nice of you! I really appreciate your efforts, and as Julez said regardless of whether it got me an interview or not it was still very generous of you to at least attempt it! Thank you so much. Good luck on the 12th! We'll be rooting for you smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-04 11:57:00
United Kingdom2 Different Interview Dates in London
QUOTE (tomsandi @ Mar 3 2008, 08:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To babblesgirl - I'm so sorry I cant be more help. I havent been checking the boards frequently since our NOA2 so I didnt know you were having such problems getting an interview date. I think the switchboard premium number ppl will tell me to come on Wednesday 12 next week. But even if this was free i'm not sure how I could help you at such short notice. Both appointment letters have my name, along with the date and time, and I dont think the security ppl would let you in with my letter, if i mailed it to you. What does anyone else think? I've been through the visa process at the embassy twice before a couple of years ago (for a J-1 and choir tour visa respectively) and they were super strict on the gates. But I'm willing to mail it ASAP if this will help.

Thank you all for your guidance - invaluable as always good.gif

I appreciate your offer of help, seriously. Both appointments are yours so no it would have to be done officially. If your Dad is calling for you and you cancel either date then I can call them too and request a cancellation. I might be lucky, you never know with these things. But please be assured that I won't be holding you accountable if I don't get lucky. However, if I do get lucky then you'll be my hero forever.

Just calling and letting them know will help massively! Good luck with your interview smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-03 15:49:00
United Kingdom2 Different Interview Dates in London
QUOTE (julezabelle @ Feb 29 2008, 02:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TracyTN @ Feb 29 2008, 09:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You could try to call them, or you could bring the March 12th letter with you to the March 10th appointment. They probably have some way to go in the system and 'free up' the March 12th date for someone else.

Yeah, call the mebassy and tell them to gice the second appointment to babblesgirl! She needs an interview ASAP!

Anyway, I'd go to the one on the 10th as you have an appointment letter, but would still call and advise them that they double booked you so they know that a date is available for someone else (like babblesgirl!)

ohmy.gif I've only just spotted this! Thank you Julez for thinking of me. It is such a long shot though, but my medical happens to be on the 10th anyway and if the 12th was freed up (and I flukily got the 12th) my Mum has said we can stay down in London two nights. It's my birthday week smile.gif

Please tomsandi, call them - I'll even pay for the cost of phoning them if you can persuade them to give me the interview date.

Edited by babblesgirl, 03 March 2008 - 02:29 PM.

bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-03 14:26:00
United KingdomLondon: Time between Medical and Interview?
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Mar 8 2008, 12:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Kewlies - thanks!! I'll just scribble out the TBA and things then smile.gif Or should I leave it there? Oh how lame is this when we sit wondering how best to put something!! Grr - red tape is making me nervous!!

leave it as it is smile.gif
bakofoilFemaleEngland2008-03-08 07:43:00