K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa
According to their website on Feb 28, they were still dealing with July 2012 visas.

Some people who submitted applications in Oct/Nov/December have already heard back.

Maybe you can call to followup on its status?
GreatDaneFemaleDenmark2013-04-12 07:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresComprehensive K1 Visa Fees?

Hi Everyone!


We just received our NOA2 for our K1 visa and have been trying to see the next step financially. Ive been searching online but havent found any site that has a comprehensive list and also, it would be beneficial to a lot of people on here.


Does anyone happen to know the list of fees? 


Thank you and I wish you the best of luck on your journey! :)

GreatDaneFemaleDenmark2013-07-10 00:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProblem

He needs to have his advanced parole or temporary reentry approved before he can leave the US, otherwise the entire process is considered null and void. Also, if you get married during the process, it also nullifies the K1 visa application. The only way after you get married is to reapply for the CR1 visa, which also means he cannot live in the US until the process is finalized. 

Edited by GreatDane, 02 August 2013 - 02:46 AM.

GreatDaneFemaleDenmark2013-08-02 02:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance lost his old passport with stamps proving we've been in the same places

I used all itineraries, hotel bills, etc. to prove it, plus his passport (not mine)


Our petition went through relatively quick. 

GreatDaneFemaleDenmark2013-08-02 02:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen will I need to prepare the afidavit for my I-129F K-1?

They are right. You need the I-134 for the interview and I-864 for submitting the AOS.


As far is your dad is concerned, make sure his income is high enough to support the minimum income requirement for supporting all these people. Otherwise, it could be questioned by the immigration officers. 

GreatDaneFemaleDenmark2013-08-02 03:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Assembly

I made sure to staple related documents and put clips around the entire packet so they could  easily examine each document and not lose pages, see which were together, etc.


Good luck on your application! It's definitely a process :)

GreatDaneFemaleDenmark2013-08-02 03:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQUESTION ABOUT NEXT STEPS FOR K1

thank you guys!!! but why do I need another letter of intent?


They need an updated one so they know it is up to date and that things haven't changed between the two dates. 

GreatDaneFemaleDenmark2013-08-05 13:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP K1 QUESTION



When you submit the K1 Visa paperwork, you and her will both need to submit paperwork attesting your will to marry within 90 days of her entry into the US. Its an involved process that needs the cooperation of both parties and take 6 to 12 months. 

GreatDaneFemaleDenmark2014-03-15 22:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionmedical exam requirements

there is the I690 waiver for moral and religios conviction that we can file once he is here, doing it now will cause months of delay, I'm just hoping that being 42 he can avoid getting as many as possible due to medically unnecessary untill he can arrive here where we will have time to file the waiver.


he has had one malaria shot when a child, that only made him sicker. since then he re contracted it several years ago and cured it outright with traditional tribal medicines, and has prevented it ever since, and all other diseases known there. you can not infect someone with a disease you don't have. and you don't prevent a disease by injecting the disease into your bloodstream.  I have not known sickness of any kind not even the common cold for 15 years because of my lifestyle and trust in naturopathy. I have been in close contact with people with many sicknesses including walking pneumonia and never even contracted a cough from them. so someones opinion that i am endangering people around me and what if someone dies? from what? my health and lack of any sickness or disease? a person can not pass sickness if they are not sick. and its illogical to inject yourself with sicknesses that havent been seen here in decades. to prevent what isn't here. 


and were not legally married yet. he is my husband before God, not any gov hence the k1. Gov is not in charge of allowing marriage, nor saying when a person "is married". the papers we will file with them informing them of our marriage is just that. worthless paper to inform them, never to ask permission. only God gives permission.

Oh, nm. I just realised the OP is K1 (I wish bio info on the left showed up on mobile view).  Folks were referring to a "husband".


Anyway, so yeah, you can get him to the USA without any vaccines being up to date (K1s don't have to be up to date, because it's a non-immigrant visa), but you'll fail at AOS.

thank you.


 we will have time to file the waivers once hes here

Iyawo AyodeleFemaleNigeria2013-12-19 14:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionmedical exam requirements

As i said "You would be hard pressed to show evidence of an adult developing mental retardation after a shot".


Your husband isn't a child and sure people die getting immunized but the good of the many, far outways the good of the one (Mr. Spock said that).luv.gif


And they will do a tither test you know. You say he has never had a shot ever, not even malaria or anything?


Your beliefs are yours. I sure am not knocking it but coming from a country that has diseases the US has fought long and hard and erased will be hard to allow someone in just because.


And watch the attitude and name calling. It's uncalled for.protest6wz.gif

you people tell ME to watch my attitude and name calling because i called a few people unmannerly??? and YOU several then redicule my lifestyle, and beliefs? perhaps you should take a look at YOUR OWN BEHAVIOR! I did not come on here rediculing anyone elses beliefs and lifestyle! I just said that you could be more mannerly and polite to someone you dont agree with! 


and YES many of the victims WERE ADULT, and just because YOU were lucky and didn't react badly YET or develop irreversable brain damage YET doesn't mean it is good or acceptable to play RUSSIAN ROULET WITH MY LOVED ONES. 


my beliefs and knowledge is VALID and supported by FACT


and also NO ONE who is even totally unvaccinated is a danger to ANYONE. he is not SICK because he didn't receive gov approved poisons. HE IS WELL AND HEALTHY. and has been that way due to NATURAL health management, when he got malaria, he CURED IT with paw paw seeds, as GOD PROVIDES all medicines anyone needs for the deseases caused by MAN. Western poisons only mask the symptoms, and never kill the parasite!


your ignorance does not allow you to redicule another individual, you are welcome to poison yourself as you wish and believe the lies the gov tells you.



Iyawo AyodeleFemaleNigeria2013-12-19 13:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionmedical exam requirements

just for the individuals who may read this post in the future, I solved my own question irregardless of the rude, and un professional replies:


Technical Instructions for Panel Physicians and Civil Surgeons


Vaccination Requirements for Immigrant Visa Applicants



  • Reviewing any incomplete vaccination series to determine if eligible for a blanket waiver.

    A blanket waiver is a waiver that is applied uniformly to a group of conditions and does not require a separate waiver application or fee to be filed with USCIS. In many cases, it might not be medically appropriate to administer a dose of a particular vaccine. Five "Not Medically Appropriate" categories are acceptable when determining an applicant's eligibility for a blanket waiver.

    The five "Not Medically Appropriate" categories are?

    • Not age appropriate

      For each vaccine for which administration is not age appropriate, the "Not age appropriate" waiver box must be checked. For all applicants, this box will need to be checked for at least one vaccine. For example, infants and adults do not need meningococcal vaccine, and adults do not need Hib vaccine.

    • Insufficient time interval between doses

      If the minimum time interval between the last documented dose and the next required dose has not passed, the "Insufficient time interval" waiver box for that vaccine must be checked.

      If administration of the single dose of a vaccine at the time of the medical examination does not complete the series for that vaccine, the "Insufficient time interval" waiver box must be checked to indicate that additional doses will be needed to complete the series for that vaccine.

    • Contraindication

      If an applicant has contraindications to specific vaccines, the "Contraindication" waiver box for that vaccine must be checked.

    • Not routinely available

      When the required vaccine is not licensed or not routinely available in the country where the medical examination is performed, the "Not routinely available" waiver box must be checked.

    • Not fall (flu) season

      Influenza vaccine is required during the influenza (flu) season in the country of examination. The flu season usually occurs during fall and continues through early spring in temperate areas, where influenza activity peaks from December to March. Influenza occurs throughout the year in tropical areas. The influenza vaccine might be available only during the flu season in the country of examination. Therefore, if that is the case, the "Not fall (flu) season" waiver box must be checked at other times of the year.

  • Completing "Part 2. Results."

    After reviewing entries in "Part 1. Immunization Record" for all the vaccines, the appropriate box under "Part 2. Results" must be checked.

    • Vaccination history incomplete: Applicant may be eligible for blanket waiver(s).

      Completion of a vaccine series is not required to conclude the medical examination, because such a requirement would require multiple visits to a panel physician and could lead to unnecessary delay in the immigration process. If any of the boxes under the "Not Medically Appropriate" heading was checked, the "Applicant may be eligible for blanket waiver(s) because vaccination(s) not medically appropriate (as indicated above)" box must also be checked. This box will probably always be checked because some vaccines may not be age appropriate for the applicant.

    • Vaccine history incomplete: Applicant may request a waiver based on religious or moral convictions.

      If an applicant objects to vaccination based on religious or moral convictions, the "Applicant will request an individual waiver based on religious or moral convictions" box must be checked. This is not a blanket waiver, and the applicant will have to submit a waiver request to USCIS.

    • Vaccine history is complete for each vaccine.

      If the applicant has met the vaccination requirements, i.e., completed the series for all required vaccines, the "Vaccine history complete for each vaccine, all requirements met" box must be checked.

    • Applicant does not meet immunization requirements.

      If an applicant's vaccine history is incomplete and the applicant refuses administration of a single dose of any required vaccine that is medically appropriate for the applicant, the "Applicant does not meet vaccination requirements for one or more vaccines and no waiver is requested" box must be checked.



Edited by Iyawo Ayodele, 19 December 2013 - 04:01 AM.

Iyawo AyodeleFemaleNigeria2013-12-19 04:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionmedical exam requirements

i happen to know several including my own children confirmed developed ADHD from vaccines, several children developing MS directly from them, two who DIED from them given 5 at once, several who developed tumors in the brain and one who developed sesiures. just because you don't know any cases, and havent done research doesn't mean you know. and CHRISTIANS are not supposed to ever get vaccines by order of the BIBLE where is says to keep your body free from blemish and toxic substances, and i quote a few:

There are scriptural passages that teach us why it is not right to vaccinate.  Vaccines are comprised of foreign proteins, and vaccination is the forcible procedure for putting foreign proteins in our bodies.  Scripture gives specific instructions about how we are to care for our bodies and repeatedly warns against defiling the body.  We are commanded to keep these temples clean, pure and holy.

~1 Peter 1:15-16 teaches us ?as He which hath called you isholy, so be you holy in all manner of conversation (life); Because it is written, be you holy, for I am holy.?

~Leviticus 11:44-45 tells us to keep the body clean in order to be holy.  ?You shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and you shall be holy.?

~Ephesians 5:27 and ~Romans 12:1 beseech us to preserve our bodies without blemish or any such thing and tells us that it is our duty to do so.

Our bodies should be ?holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.?

~1 Corinthians 3:16-17 teaches us that to be holy we must follow the laws of nature.  This scriptural passage warns that if any man defile the temple of God, he shall be destroyed, ?for the temple of God is holy, which you are.?  The destruction of living tissue, and eventually the body, is a natural consequence of a degenerative disease process that begins when the body becomes defiled.

~Deuteronomy Chapter 14 and ~Leviticus Chapter 11 To keep us free from blemish, the laws of nature stipulate that our bodies cannot tolerate foreign substances.  For our protection, these scriptural passages list the clean and unclean proteins that are both acceptable and unacceptable in our bodies in any manner.

Children are a blessing from God to us

~Deuteronomy 28:4a teaches us that our children are holy.  ?Blessed shall be the fruit of thy body.? The attention we pay to the stewardship of our own bodies must be practiced as well in the loving care of our offspring.

~Revelation 12:17 Blessed are the children because they are born desiring to keep the commandments of God.  The life of a holy child must not be defiled with foreign and unclean proteins.  Disease, in both its natural and manufactured forms, is a threat to the life of man and child: ?the dragon was wroth with the women, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed,?

~Luke 17:2 As stewards of their spirits and for their protection, we are obligated to keep their bodies free from blemish:?It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.? <

In order that we may actively and purposefully engage in practices that sanctify and purify our bodies, scripture compels us to choose for ourselves and our children the foods, medicines and activities that preserve and promote life.

Religious conviction, law and the medical code of ethics

~1 Corinthians 6:19 2 and ~Corinthians 6:16 Christians think of life as a gift of God and the body as a marvelous work of divine creation to be reverenced as a temple of God.  The human person is not only a living body, but a body living with spiritual life open to share in the eternal life of God and which must be kept holy.  This tenet forms the basis for religious objection to the practice of vaccination.

~Psalm 139:13-16 ?For I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are thy works;? and my soul knows that well.

~Revelation 14:12 and ~Deuteronomy 13:18 challenges us ?to do that which is right in the eyes of the Lord thy God.?To be good stewards of God?s creation, we must act our conscience and obey the laws of nature.

The fact that some vaccines are cultured in aborted fetal tissue presents another ethical concern with the practice of vaccination and the policy of forced compliance of this procedure.

When we believe that murder is sinful, the use of vaccines derived from the tissue of an aborted fetus is offensive and morally repugnant.  When we accept a vaccine produced in aborted fetal tissues, we participate in the purposeful ending of a life and further violate the dignity of the unborn person.

~Exodus 20:13 ?You shall not murder.?

~Deuteronomy 30:19-20a ?I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life,? so you and your seed may live.

Both the Constitution and the medical code of ethical conduct honor our sincere need to consciously live according to our spiritual beliefs.

The Constitution enables us to witness to the sacredness of human life in both word and action.  The Constitution denies Congress the power to create laws which prohibit the free exercise one?s religious beliefs and it prohibits governmental interference with the free exercise of religion.

An ethical medicine is a system of loving care that respects the right of a patient to informed consent and compassionate treatment.  Medical ethics requires that all physicians abide by the Hippocratic Oath, which promises no harm to the patient.

Because vaccination defiles the body with foreign substances known to cause death and injury, we have a religious duty to abstain from this practice if we are truly committed to our faith.  The community, our lawmakers and the medical providers who advocate vaccination are obliged by law and ethics to respect our beliefs.

~1 Corinthians 8 St Paul urges respect for the conscience of others.  Any laws restricting conscientious objection to practices that conflict with religious belief are unethical.

The Bible is explicit in it?s instructions to us as a people.  Living a Christian faith means having a commitment to keeping the body blemish-free so that we may have abundant life.  There is no scriptural support for injecting poisons or any virus into the bloodstream to cure or prevent disease.  Scripture is filled, however, with references to the care of the human body.  People who object to the practice of vaccination for religious reasons can be confident that they are obeying the Word of God.




and by the way, the Quran agrees.

Iyawo AyodeleFemaleNigeria2013-12-19 02:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionmedical exam requirements

Please, does anyone know if there is any way to avoid the immunizations at the medical exam? we are personally and religiously against immunizations as they are toxic poison that has caused many many diseases and mental retardation, and mental damage. is there ANY WAY to avoid the immunizations, at least till he is able to get here, then we can speak to my pastor about religious exemptions????

Iyawo AyodeleFemaleNigeria2013-12-18 23:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionpolice certificates, please add one from your country.

Well my fiance went to the police headquarters, and ask for the certificate, I told him to tell them it was for a job in Lagos, but I think he undermined his own efforts by telling them he was going for a job in the Benin Republic. they insisted the price was N25,000! ($157 USD) he told them it was supposed to be N1,500, and they screamed at him, he begged and pleaded his way down to N15,000 ($94 USD!) Well, it's over now, no sense in crying over money gone.


In the future I suggest people tell them its for a job IN  LAGOS. and don't mention a visa at all!!!

Iyawo AyodeleFemaleNigeria2013-12-23 12:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionpolice certificates, please add one from your country.

oh #$%! thank you, I'm still getting used to the whole haggling part, waaay too used to nice set american prices. even if we dont agree with them, or think their highway robbery. but theres enough negotiating with private people here, it shouldn't be hard to learn lol... this bribbery and negotiating thing takes getting used to, its hard not to get my Taurus hackles up and refuse to pay those idiot bribes. but i don't know why, after all i do have my own Nija police officer on my payroll :-) my husband votes me most likely to get shot for fighting with a robber :-)


thank you so much for the advice not to let them know about the visa thing, I remember seeing someplace that their not accepting the requests from the us embassy anymore, don't know why. so I will advise him to say its for a job interview :-) unfortunately i think my hubby stinks at negotiating, here i am the kettle calling the pot black lol


Stinks that they may insist on an EKG, that's all we need is more expense :-(

Iyawo AyodeleFemaleNigeria2013-12-19 20:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionpolice certificates, please add one from your country.

thank you, very informative. but unfortunately didn't include cost, i'm not totally sure my information on cost is totally up to date, but should be in the ballpark. i'll update that when further evidence is found.


I also appreciate that your information stated the unreliability of requests by mail to the Nigerian inspector General, and that the applicant should have a local family member go there in person for them and then mail them.

Edited by Iyawo Ayodele, 19 December 2013 - 05:43 PM.

Iyawo AyodeleFemaleNigeria2013-12-19 17:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionpolice certificates, please add one from your country.
Applicants who have lived in Nigeria for more than one year since they turned 16 MUST Provide police records relating to their residence in Nigeria. Such records are readily available to applicants living inside or outside Nigeria.
To apply for a Police Character Certificate,
appear in person (no appointment necessary) or write directly to:
The Deputy Inspector General
Criminal Investigation Department
Nigerian Police Force
Alagbon Close
Ikoyi, Lagos
for in person applications, bring:
  • form letter found in packet 3 addressed to the Assistant Inspector General
  • passport
  • full set of fingers or the best you can do :-)
cost: officially: ?1,500 (US $10), but may cost up to ?5,000 depending on your ability to haggle or lack thereof.
may take up to two weeks for investigation before it is available for pick up.
for international mail: Applicants must include
  • an international bank draft for US $10.00 payable to the Deputy Inspector General of Police, Fingerprint Section, Nigerian Police Force.
  • The applicant?s letter must state his/her:
              ? Full name
              ? Place and Date of Birth
              ? Nationality
              ? Passport number and date and place of issuance (for current passport or passport used during applicant?s stay in Nigeria)
              ? Exact periods of residence in Nigeria and addresses where applicant resided.
Each applicant 16 years of age
or over also must enclose:
              ? Copies of the first three of the data pages of his/her passport as well as the pages containing Nigerian visas, entry and departure stamps
              ? A complete set of fingerprints
Applicants should contact the headquarters of the police in their present area of residence to ascertain whether they are able to take fingerprints for the purpose.
for mailing allow 4-6 weks for delivery.

Edited by Iyawo Ayodele, 19 December 2013 - 05:26 PM.

Iyawo AyodeleFemaleNigeria2013-12-19 17:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhen is the earliest I can schedule the consulate interview?

oh bleep! protest6wz.gif  thank you. good.gif  i will make sure there is very very much evidence of his relationship with the boys and letter of consent from their Mother. and their birth certificates naming him as father. 


Iyawo AyodeleFemaleNigeria2013-12-31 00:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhen is the earliest I can schedule the consulate interview?

should i pay for all three? (My Love, and his two boys) also included in the K1? 


The file was mailed 12 Dec, the trends seem to point to them receiving it in a couple days from today, then another 3-5 days for Ayo to receive packet 3, and another 7 days to get packet 4, so i should schedule the nearest interview date. God, I need a loan lol tickets for 4. i am praying to be able to be there for their interviews.



Iyawo AyodeleFemaleNigeria2013-12-16 16:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhen is the earliest I can schedule the consulate interview?

My Fiance and I (K1Visa) are waiting on the NVC to mail out our file to Lagos, we are at the NVC status of: "Admin processsing complete". but they havent mailed it just yet, (hopefully today please GOD!) 


my question is this:


when is the absolute earliest I can pay for and schedule his interview, since your K1 time line for Lagos is 1-3 months for the interview! OR will the NVC or consulate automatically schedule and let us know the date??

Iyawo AyodeleFemaleNigeria2013-12-12 19:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat happens to old K1 Fiance Applications?

her ex fiance's petition was almost two years ago she said, If neither she or her husband continued the application, it would have been denied and closed long ago, the file is very very likely to still be there, though, so she will have to be honest and tell them about it, and as much identifying information as she can to help them locate it. telling them the truth is absolutely necessary as any lie they catch you in will cause a denial of your current app.


So Yes, it will affect your current application, they will be aware that this is your second application, and will most likely have your letters to them in that file, but wether its a neg impact, or just nutral, is up to them, to minimize any possible neg. impact, just tell them the circumstances of your decision to leave guy1 and the bonified relationship you are in now, and it will work itself out. contrary to popular belief, its reported that the ones making the decisions on these cases are, in fact, totally human. even if they are gov employees.....

Edited by TeresaKM, 16 December 2013 - 08:10 PM.

Iyawo AyodeleFemaleNigeria2013-12-16 20:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 divorce



I tried to talk to her, but she does not return my calls, and every time when I try to talk to her, she laughs, hung up on me, she does not treat me right. She has changed. She does not care about me anymore. About a year ago, she wrote me a letter where she said why she left me. She said that she thought she loved me, but she realized that I would never change, that at the age of 26 I am too old to change, and her love started to fade away. She didn't sign and she didn't put her address neither. 


To be honest with you, I do not want to see her. She is happy with her man. 


She built a website from one of my software iWeb, when she wrote about me in a good way, I called my hosting company, and in her website, there is the purchase date and the expiration date. The purchase date was in 2011. In 2011, we were living together. I could use that. 

When she left me, she forgot her journal, I've could of use that but I gave her back a year ago.

My ex scares me. 

Sonly19MaleFrance2013-06-19 19:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 divorce

I am, sincerely, happy you've found someone who saved you. Thanks a million for your thoughts and advices. It touches me. 

I won't give up my ROC. 

How did you move forward when your ex left your after 15 years?

My ex left me in the beginning of April for someone else, she left everything behind. I just found a Teddy Bear that I offered her with a Postal Card. 

Sonly19MaleFrance2013-06-18 17:24:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 divorce

Thank you very much for your words. I went to the given link. Thanks again. 

Sonly19MaleFrance2013-06-18 06:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 divorce

Thank you. Is there anything else I should be worried about? 

I have heard the inspectors are very suspicious people. I am not sure what would show them that I loved my ex. 

Sonly19MaleFrance2013-06-15 00:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 divorce

Hello Everyone, 

After an interview with my ex wife at the immigration office, I received my green a year and half ago. Everything went fine. My ex left me in the beginning of April 2012 and the divorce was finalized at the end of November 2012. There is nothing I could've of done to stop her for leaving me. I tried. She left with another boy. We were student and we were building our lives together. That was the plan. We lived in the nice place with my landlord (my joint-sponsor). I still live in the same place, we sub-rented the place. 


However, I followed the advices of some lawyers I gathered whatever I could. This situation it's a straight nightmare since my ex left. Since my marriage lasted less than 2 years, we didn't create any health assurance, car assurance ect...  I am tired of it. 


Here is what I have for i-751 waiver:


- Letter of my friends, parents, landlord

- My statement of what happened. 

- Divorce decree. 

- Joint-Bank Account. 

- Joint-Tax 2011.

- my 24 sport club membership (of my ex and me)

- Pictures of us (random pictures of us, and our traveling) 

- Proof a website we built together (IP expiration date and creation date), and in her biography she talks about me in a good way.

- And some pick-up shot of Facebook, comments, pictures, location geography. (Archive)


I am quiet tired of this situation, and I came to love my friends, my work, and my study. And to be honest, I am afraid and I feel lost. Please if anyone can help me, I would appreciate it. 


Sonly19MaleFrance2013-06-14 20:52:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 divorce - need advices

Hey thank you for responding, 


It makes sense. I hope she won't lie. I, sincerely. hope she won't. Although I've heard terrible stories, and women can destroy you. Mine has nearly destroyed me. But yes, she has no proof about anything. She left everything behind. Including her phone bills that I am dealing with. 


For the following proof health insurance, car insurance, car loans, joint credit cars, we never had car together and we had no money to get our own health insurance yet. Actually, we were working on it. As for the credit cards, we could not have one because I was an international student (no credit card history), and my ex the same (She moved from France to USA). We had to open a secure credit card but she wasn't interested to that, I did that by myself. 

Sonly19MaleFrance2013-08-14 21:34:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 divorce - need advices

Hello everyone, 


Firstly, for whoever is going to respond, a big thanks for your time, the I-751 waiver for divorce is a very scary situation. Few weeks ago, I wrote a topic and I got a positive feedback from the users. 


A month ago, I submitted my I-751 application. This is what I sent. 


1. I-751 application ($590) and the form of I-751 

2. My declaration  of my I-751. 

3. A ScreenShots of ex-wife and I interacting on Facebook. 

4. A ScreenShot of my ex-wife and my mother communicating by email (hotmail)

5. A ScreenShot of my ex-wife personal webiste and web-hosting payment on my name. 

6. Copy of my marriage

7. Copy of my divorce. 

8. Copy of my joint bank Statement and void cheque. 

9. Copy of gift from Build.A.Bear (White Teddy Polar Bear) 

10. 22 Photographs of our traveling (NY, SF, Seattle)

11. Joint Income Tax Return 2011

12. Letters (8) from my father, family, friends and my landlord (To whom we payed the rent)

13. 24 hours fitness membership club. 

14. Phone Bill separated but same address. 

15. ScreenShot of the customers list's hair dresser GREAT CLIP. 


Although, I sincerely, doubt it if it would be enough since we were young when we married. 

This situation is such a nightmare, I am counting the days. 


So far, I received the receipt (extended residence), passed the biometric appointment, and now I am waiting for my interview. 


Here is my situation, a week ago, in the border of Canada, the officer held my green card due of the fact that it was issued in the wrong category, CR7 instead of being CR6 (because I am over 17). I was paroled in the United State, I went to the appointment with an officer who scared me and threated me. The officer gave my green card back, but before I left, he told me that the USCIS will contact my ex-wife for more information, they will track her down if they have to. I got the feeling that the officer will do whatever they can to throw me away. 


Honestly, after what my ex-wife has done to me (she left me for someone else), I do not trust her at all. I lost my faith in her. I do not want to be near her. I lost my previous job because of her lies, I lost her friends to whom I started to like, and every time when I tried to contact her, she kept threatening me. No more. I've been through a nightmare. 


When she will be contacted, I fear that her lies will cost me even more. It's not sure, but she might said bad things to destroy me or perhaps she will tell the truth... I don't know. I do not trust her. If that's the case, what should I do?


Thanks again for taking the time to read and guide me, I hope I did not annoy you with my life. 



Sonly19MaleFrance2013-08-14 18:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsREADY? ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS? OPEN?

You are right, wait for the VISA first before making plans.

Zach RogersNot TellingPhilippines2013-11-19 11:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsREADY? ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS? OPEN?
BOOM!!! Just came back ISSUED! From READY to AP to ISSUED!! Wee!
Anyone know how long till the passport with visa shows up?

Zach RogersNot TellingPhilippines2013-11-19 03:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsREADY? ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS? OPEN?
Sometimes just a little sympathy is what's needed! We gave ourselves ample time and a cushion in case things didn't pan out perfectly and I guess we were just off? You are probably right that the best thing to do is follow the instructions that they give you in the next steps for the visa. We'll just have to move the date for the wedding!!
Zach RogersNot TellingPhilippines2013-11-18 23:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsREADY? ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS? OPEN?
We were told that this happens all the time with this document... And that it usually takes between 7 to 10 days! Well, it's been 20 days and nothing yet! I'll give it till Friday and if no "ISSUED" is there I will have to eat the $10g's spent on the wedding;(
Zach RogersNot TellingPhilippines2013-11-18 23:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsREADY? ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS? OPEN?
I went for the interview with my fiancé in the Philippines on October 30. They needed a follow-up document verifying her previous married name and NBI (National Bureau of investigation ).We gave that to them the next day and have been waiting ever since. At first it stated administrative process, then ready, and today it went back to administrative process again! When my fiancé called last week they said they were issuing the visa and that they did not need any other follow-up documentation and that everything was fine!
However the fact that it went back to administrative process and was noted that that could take a few weeks it makes me concerned. Our wedding is planned for 30 November and we have already paid in advance and have over 100 people showing up!
Any feedback on time lines would be great!

Zach RogersNot TellingPhilippines2013-11-18 22:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion221g White Letter Help
It is often the case when an applicant for a visa is told that a final decision cannot be made on his visa application immediately. In doing so, the consular officer invokes Section 221(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act and informs the applicant that the case will be put on hold until the applicant’s eligibility for the visa can be determined. This processing “time-out” is taken frequently: approximately one million visa applications were subjected to 221(g) during 2010. Technically, 221(g) is considered a denial; in subsequent visa applications and registration in the Electronic System for Travel Authorization, this must be disclosed. Nevertheless, the overwhelming majority of 221(g) denials are overcome and visas issued.

There are, in essence, two types of 221(g) cases:

Washington-related “administrative processing”, in which a clearance or approval is required from an interested agency or agencies in Washington, D.C.
Post-related, in which the consular officer requires additional time, information, or documentation before making a final visa decision.

Clearances from Washington are required when the applicant presents issues of security, criminality, legal questions, technology exports from the US, other admissibility problems, or is from a country of concern. The question of a security “hit” can arise in a variety of situations, such as potential terrorists, individuals who previously worked as military or other attachés in the US for an unfriendly country, even if that work took place decades before, or even individuals who spent time in certain countries (e.g., Iran). To resolve these issues, a Security Advisory Opinion is needed. Often the “hits” arise because the applicant has a common name: other individuals with the same name are blacklisted, causing cases of mistaken identity or prolonged delays. Suspected criminal activity or ties (e.g., Russian mafia) can also lead to prolonged processing to allow for an investigation. In addition, consular officers refer some legal issues, such as certain material misrepresentations made in a visa application, to Washington for a legal advisory opinion. The application will be held in abeyance until receiving guidance from the Visa Office Advisory Opinion section.

A widely applicable phenomenon has been administrative processing for applicants, usually scientists, researchers, and businessmen, who may be exposed to technologies in the United States which fall under the Technology Alert List. The US does not want sensitive technologies to fall into the wrong hands. In such cases, the applicant is requested to provide an English-language resume, list of publications, and description of the proposed work to be done in the US, which is forwarded to Washington. Individuals who hail from certain countries, such as Iran, Syria, Sudan, must be cleared by Washington. Quite often, these clearances are a formality and simply a question of time to run through the interagency gamut. However, for certain types of clearances, the visa validity period may be limited.

Post-related issues can also be broad in scope. They may include investigations or verifications in the home country of the applicant or requests for information or documentation relating to the qualifications of the applicant for a visa. A consular officer may seek to investigate or verify issues such as:

the legitimacy of a marriage (e.g., send an investigator to the home of the couple applying for a visa);
employment of an applicant (e.g., calling an applicant’s company to verify that he does work there);
tax filings or information (e.g., confirming with the tax inspectorate the tax number of an entrepreneur);
pension fund payments; authenticity of an education document (e.g., sending an inquiry to the Ministry of Education or a school or university to confirm that such a diploma was issued);
intentions or existence of a sponsor (e.g., calling the United States to speak to the signatory of an affidavit of support);
or authenticity of a statutory document, such as a marriage, birth, or divorce certificate.

Additional document requests may include:

a police certificate from a country in which the applicant lived after the age of 16;
certified copies of court dispositions (arrests, convictions); confirmation of the date of a past departure from the US (e.g. visa overstay);
employer tax documentation; additional affidavit of support (e.g., consular officer does not believe that the submitted affidavit of support suffices);
job offer (e.g., a Lottery winner); financial documents (e.g., if the applicant will undergo medical treatment in the U.S.);
and additional information about the job to be performed in the United States or the employer.

Sometimes, the initiation or outcome of these investigations can be erroneous. For example, a consular officer may mistakenly believe that an applicant has a background in a technology that is on the Technology Alert List; a consular investigator may visit the wrong office address; a secretary who picks up the phone at the applicant’s place of employment may tell the consular caller that no such person works there when in fact the applicant does work there; a consular officer may be attempting to re-adjudicate a previously-approved employment petition by requiring additional documentation or sending it back to USCIS.
Today, 09:25 AM
Thank you For you explain I'm very happy thank you so much
BiniyamNot TellingEthiopia2013-02-05 10:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED!
jewell2013FemalePhilippines2013-07-17 09:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 Approved!
jewell2013FemalePhilippines2013-07-02 05:37:00
IndiaSubmitting documents to VFS prior to interview?

If we submit the original PCC to NVC (with the IV packet), does my spouse need to carry another one or would the copy of the original one suffice?

No - your spouse does not need to carry the second copy of the PCC. In fact it never hurts to have it with you. Once you get the Interview Letter it shows what they have received from you and what do they expect from you at the time of interview. Other thing I always suggest to carry two photos even you submitted with the NVC cause it came to know the Embassy looses them somtimes. Good Luck!
BillykMaleIndia2013-04-05 21:05:00
IndiaSubmitting documents to VFS prior to interview?

I have seen K-1 applicants submit evidence to VFS along with their packets prior to the interview.
Is it recommended/mandatory for CR-1 applicants as well?

I know in New Delhi, the Consulate Officer's do not take a lot, if any, time to look at new evidence brought to the interview.
Please share if you had your interview already and you were a CR-1 applicant. Did you submit evidence to VFS prior to your CR-1 interview?


Hello AKSinghSingh79, If you are applying for CR-1 visa then your sponsor should know all this because this is done at NVC. US VFS does not except documents unless it is directed by the US Embassy/Consulate. Your US Citizen sponsor submits all the reqiured documents with the NVC who actually schedule your interview after receiving all the required paperwork. NVC process your I-864, Visa fee and accept your Visa form DS-230. Applicant takes his/her passport, Medical Report, Police clearance from the Passport Office and local police authority. Make sure you take two US passport photos cause sometimes they ask for them. At this time you take your proofs to accomplish a bonafide relationship with your sponsor like wedding photos, photo of any party where both of you joined, airline tickets, hotel booking, letters, greeting cards, prints of e-mails. I hope not but if the Visa Officer ask you to submit more evidence or documents then you can submit at your local VFS office with the letter they give to you at the time of your interview.
Keep in mind this is all material but the facts would be the response to the visa officers questions. Visa officer did not ask for anything from my wife other than questions. We carried the bag of photos and everything we possible had. Hope this will help and Good Luck with your interview!!!
BillykMaleIndia2013-03-25 14:53:00
IndiaNumber of days it take from visa approval to pick up date feom Jalandhar?

2-5 business days normally.

BillykMaleIndia2013-10-25 09:41:00
IndiaVisa for Baby



I can only apply for tourist Visa not for OCI or PIO card for my baby?

 Can I go to Indian Consulate Chicago and get the Visa same day?

You can apply OCI or PIO but my response was to your original question. Same day Visa is for extremely Emergencies and you have to prove that but even you succeed to get the visa it won't be for a long period of time. Embassy/Consulate does not issue Visas directly and they do use third party  you have to go thru. You will get all the answers once you hit the Consulate Web Site. Thanks!

BillykMaleIndia2013-11-05 12:14:00