IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of Bono Marriage
I ended up sending 4 photos (wedding, birth of our baby, thanksgiving and one from 2009).
I included some of the many receipts for my ferry rides over to him. I didn't want to send ALL of them but we indicated on the cover letter that we have ALL of them if they require them.

I have every email he's ever sent and a chat history of Skype too. I hope it doesn't come to that though. I would feel a little violated.

We do have a joint bank account that we created after we got married.

We don't "share" anything else though since we (of course) do not live together. It would seem silly for him to add me to his Comcast bill or At&t in my opinion. He is however, working on adding me to his health insurance.

Thanks for all the replies to this matter :)
KammoFemaleCanada2011-01-19 01:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of Bono Marriage
Hi again.

I am becoming frustrated and somewhat confused after hours of going through this... I have made some copies of travel itineraries and copied a few pictures. Plus marriage cert and babys birth cert.
While I am sure all of you have been through this and know what your talking about, I become confused when on THIS very website in the guide for filling I come across the following

Note: Evidence of a Bonifide Marriage
The USCIS now requires that when filing an I-130 for a spouse that you include evidence of a bonifide marriage. They list examples of acceptable evidence as:
1. Documentation showing joint ownership or property; or
2. A lease showing joint tenancy of a common residence; or
3. Documentation showing co-mingling of financialresources; or
4. Birth certificate(s) of child(ren) born to you, thepetitioner, and your spouse together; or
5. Affidavits sworn to or affirmed by third parties havingpersonal knowledge of the bona fides of the maritalrelationship (Each affidavit must contain the full nameand address, date and place of birth of the person makingthe affidavit, his or her relationship to the petitioner ofbeneficiary, if any, and complete information and detailsexplaining how the person acquired his or herknowledge of your marriage); or
6. Any other relevant documentation to establish that thereis an ongoing marital union.

Am I reading this right when it is saying "OR"? Meaning one or the other right? Not everything listed?

I am fully willing to provide EVERY scrap of evidence if it is needed (I have about 200 emails in our year and a half of togetherness and several chat logs, calls, ticket stubs and hundreds of pictures, but on the other hand I think there has to be a fine line to overdoing it.

Is there anyone in my situation (married with a child) who has gone through this procedure? What did you provide.
KammoFemaleCanada2011-01-17 01:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of Bono Marriage
Seems that all we need for our situation is our daughters birth certificate, however I see a lot of people on these threads gathering tons of evidence (pics, chat history, travel documents). Should we gather these documents as well? Is this something USCIS will want to see even with our child?
KammoFemaleCanada2011-01-16 19:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPoverty Level Guidelines
Hi again VJ

My husband and I were curious if his PREVIOUS years tax returns will have an effect on our approval.

After an excruciating time of unemployment he is now working again (as of December) and now meets the requirements, but for the last few years did not.

Does anyone know if his past few years will be an issue?
KammoFemaleCanada2011-01-31 02:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresrecent IR1/CR1 Filers
I was hoping to start a thread to find out how many people have filed their paperwork recently!
I feel a little disappointed to see that it could be as long as a year and a half before this comes to an end. At first we were under the impression that it would be less than a year (at one point he thought maybe around 8 months).
At least we have started and (hopefully) we will see an end to all this someday! :)
Congratulations to those who have started their journey!
KammoFemaleCanada2011-01-20 02:31:00

I've been having a really rough time.

I don't have any friends. I've never been very social, almost all of my interaction with anyone was online before I moved here, outside of the fact I had roommates. My husband is very much the same way.

When I got my EAD I applied for a lot of jobs and had no luck despite a great resume. I finally landed a position in a call center with a bank thanks to a family friend of my inlaws. I started there in March. I did very well, was a top performer... I just didn't like it very much. I didn't have anything in common with any of my coworkers and I wasn't liking the banking industry as a place to work. I just wasn't happy. So I kept looking for a new job.

Months of nothing, not even so much as a call for jobs I was qualified for. It's fine, I *had* a job so I know how lucky I was.

In August, I got promoted at the bank call center. Pay raise, better hours, new supervisor. While my supervisor was nice and I was doing really well, he and I had... not clashing personalities or anything but we just didn't seem to click very well. There were no fights or anything, just... awkwardness and difficulty communicating. That sort of compounded my unhappiness and I went back to looking for another position. In addition, I had some really bad health problems and had missed some work.

So at the start of November I got a call from a job that was basically doing exactly what I did back in Canada. I interviewed and had the offer right away. I gave my notice at the bank and started there three weeks ago. I was really enjoying it, was really excited about the company and was getting really good feedback.

Today, they let me go. The short reasons were about how I was obviously very intelligent and well versed in the industry and the questions I was asking were making other people in the training class feel intimidated and that they had gone to HR saying that it made them uncomfortable. There were some other things going on that I'm not going to go through the headache of getting into... but I now find myself unemployed, without insurance (my husband doesn't work, he's a student), without friends... and just really wishing I could go home.

I had so much trouble finding another job and to be let go after three weeks without so much as being told there was a problem (and there were a couple others let go too, its... complicated)... And I was already having a lot of trouble dealing with isolation, unexpected culture shock (I'd spent plenty of time here before I moved here) and just... general unhappiness with things.

I love my husband, but what happened today just solidifies a lot of doubts that I had about me being here. I don't fit in, I don't seem to have the right kind of... something. I don't know.

He graduates next December and we were going to leave Michigan when that happened. Go somewhere else in the US that's more suited to my values and beliefs and the sort of atmosphere we both enjoy... Go somewhere where we had friends. But now I just wonder if we wouldn't be better off if I just went home and we went through a spousal visa process for him to move to Canada when it was over. We did the long distance thing for years and we're only a few hours apart if I go back to Kitchener...

I just don't know. I've been so unhappy here.

I have that same thought too. They're both different countries and my whole family lives in BC and I'm moving to Minnesota. My Husband is from Michigan and he say's that state is not for everybody. Maybe like the others are saying, if you try a different state? Minnesota is different but I believe it's the closest state to Canada. For the most part people are very friendly and economy is better that Michigan... Whatever you decide to do, don't worry things always work out in the end.
bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2012-12-11 12:50:00
CanadaHow long is my police check good for in Montreal?

Perfect, thanks!

I know there was no rush for me to get it since it's easy to obtain however I had the time to stop in and do it so I completed it. Working full-time, husband in the U.S., me here, 2 little kids... nothing is EASY these days when it comes to finding time to do it. I'm crossing as many things off my list as I can when I'm able to so I'm ahead of the game at all points.

Oh I know... Working fulltime and with kids and everything it's so hard to find time for all this immigration stuff.
bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2012-12-11 21:55:00
CanadaHow long is my police check good for in Montreal?

Yes, that's my experience as well. The police can say it is as good for as long as THEY say so but it is the Montreal consulate who ultimately is going to decide how long it is valid for which is why I was asking. I was hoping people with knowledge of Montreal might see this as well and give us the answer specific to Montreal's requirements.

Montreal requires it to be valid for 1 year so you're ok.
bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2012-12-11 12:31:00
CanadaHow long is my police check good for in Montreal?

I decided to go get my police check done. I'm thinking it is good for 6 months so figured I would just have it on-hand. If it isn't good for 6 months or my interview winds up too far down the road then I know I'll need to get another one.

But my question is... how long is it good for? It is in York Region, Ontario. And obviously my interview will be in Montreal.

I can't find the answer anywhere though I am certain I saw it at some point!


I know mine is good for 1 year. I'm from BC, not sure if that makes any difference.
bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2012-12-10 23:08:00

Thanks everyone!
I called DOS this morning, Visa was issued on Dec. 7... and I just got an email right now with my tracking number!! Looks like I'm on track for a Dec. 20 POE!! :)

Good luck on your interview, bccanadagirl! :)

thank-You! can't hardly wait!
bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2012-12-12 10:26:00

Our interview was on Thursday - and we were approved! (Wanted to post this sooner, but my fiance just left to go home this morning, and I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible!)
I *definitely* could not have done this without VJ. I felt like I was so well-prepared, knowing exactly where to go (especially thanks to Saylin's thread with the MS-Paint maps!) - so thank you to everyone who contributes to this site and makes it a lot easier!

I posted my review (which is almost more like a story) here: http://www.visajourn...php?entry=11043

Now hopefully I'll get my passport back ASAP, so I can POE on Dec. 20!

Congratualtions! My interview is on the 13th I can't wait!
bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2012-12-10 22:56:00
CanadaInterview date is tomorrow!!

Normal to feel nervous--Maybe if I tel you NOT to be nervous that wil fix it,lol Not,lol

Just double check that you have everything!! Ensaure you have ur passport and interview letter handy as they wil prob ask for it! And as someone recently added--Ensure you have proof that you signed up for DHL.

Best of luck

Yeah Lol I have all that stuff. I am much more relaxed now than I was! This whole thing can make you crazy sometimes for sure lol

Good luck! Don't be nervous!! You're a Canadian! Be strong and proud! :) You'll do just fine.

I keep telling myself this LOL I'm Canadian it's not gonna be that bad!
bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2012-12-12 18:56:00
CanadaInterview date is tomorrow!!
I picked up mine and my daughters Dr results today so now I know we're good to go but I cannot help but feel so nervous! just finished up organizing all the paperwork in a 13 slot accordian folder and it is FULL!
bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2012-12-12 16:22:00
CanadaGot way bill number last night on our visa/passports
looks like it's right on schedule. I plan to POE the middle of this week!
bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2012-12-15 12:32:00
CanadaVisa's were approved!!!!!


bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2012-12-17 02:29:00
CanadaVisa's were approved!!!!!

Yeah, I'm only going to be in montreal one night.
Unless I'm missing some reason why we can't be.
Take 1 day off, drive the 7 hours, sleep, check out go to interview.
Go back to car, drive back 7 hours on second day off.

We'll be doing the medial in toronto before that.

Sweet! Goodluck! you won't need it though, this site has everything you need to know and It makes a huge difference being on this site and knowing what to do where to go ect... Everybody else there seemed confused and unsure where to go which gave me advantage being in the back corner of elevator and 3rd in line to get number... Thank god for visajourney
bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2012-12-13 12:51:00
CanadaVisa's were approved!!!!!

Where do you live at normally. Was montreal a flight or a long drive away?
God I'm not looking forward to that part.

I live in BC. Flew in from Vancouver last thursday about 5 1/2 hr flight. My daughter and I had the Dr's appointment here at Medysis last Friday. Tomorrow we all fly back to Vancouver early flight (6:50am) My husband has been here with me this whole time and we both went to the interview which made things that much easier.... Pain in the butt cuz after paying all the fees we paid for flights and Hotel and food while we were here, but it was well worth it in the end.
bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2012-12-13 11:10:00
CanadaVisa's were approved!!!!!

Everyone likes this nice lady with the dreadlocks I see.
Hope we get her.

Yes she was really nice. I figure in her 30's or so was so relaxed making jokes ect. We also had the nice smiley red head at the window where they take your documents. It was a breeze!
bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2012-12-13 10:27:00
CanadaVisa's were approved!!!!!
THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR ALL YOUR HELP!! In and out by 9am had number C3! and the nice lady with the dreadlocks did our interview!!
bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2012-12-13 09:50:00
CanadaPOE'D December 19th

I have driven from Victoria to Sask through the Rockies in the winter numerous times! Beautiful scenery, but pretty scary at times when it starts storming. Congrats!!

I wasn't worried! The worst of it was through Washington! once we got through Idaho (some snow) it was beautiful in Montana the whole rest of the way! (my husband has done this drive dozens of times, we were altogether.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! What a haul that must have been!

oh was it ever! we stopped along the way and stayed at hotels. It was a very nice trip though, perfect weather!
bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2013-01-12 00:47:00
CanadaPOE'D December 19th
Finally in Minnesota. We drove all the way from BC and stopped along the way (what a drive). We got here just before xmas, hope everyone had a great xmas.
bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2013-01-06 01:24:00
CanadaWow took only 4 weeks for green card to get here!
In case anyone was wondering... & I thought it would take longer! :yes:
bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2013-01-19 02:36:00
CanadaInterview in Montreal January 22, 2013

Well, after almost a year to the date of filing our K1 petition, my children and I are going to Montreal for our interview on Tuesday. I went over the checklist today and I have everything ready and filed in an accordian file folder in triplicate. :yes:

I'm just wondering about the interview with the kids... will they interview them separately or will they just stay with me? They are 10 and 12 yrs old. Anyone have any experience with this?

Of course it's supposed to be minus a gazillion degrees on Tuesday morning... so not sure how early I will arrive outside the consulate. I can't see waiting in the cold for longer than 30 minutes with kids in those freezing temperatures... :(

Any other VJer's have an appointment that day?

My 9yr old didn't get interviewed at all. She was just asked if she was Kaitlyn and asked her if she was excited to move to U.S.
bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2013-01-22 04:13:00
CanadaAside from the cold Minnesota winter! Life is good down here with my husband & daughter!
I wish everyone luck to those of you that have interviews around the corner! :)
bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2013-02-25 15:24:00
CanadaQuestions regarding Medical Exam and Interview in Montreal

What I did is I stayed in Montreal for a week to complete medical exam at medysis and wait till I got to pick up the results. a couple days later i had the interview... a total of 8 days in montreal! i was from vancouver so airfare/hotel was pricey for myself, husband and daughter!

bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2013-05-16 13:25:00
Canadaspring has finally arrived here in Minnesota!

Wanted to tell those with interviews around the corner Good Luck! as long as you have all necessary documents the interview goes very smoothly!

bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2013-05-16 13:52:00
CanadaMontreal Hotel Recommendations Please

Good evening !

The consulate sent me the email today that said I could schedule the interview and when I logged onto their site I had one ... Tuesday March 26th at 9:00am !!! 33 days away !!! I thought I had read that Montreal takes a lot longer than that to schedule appointments.

I am hoping to get some hotel recommendations if anyone has them. I tried searching on the site for the keywords Montreal and Hotel but am not having any luck. I would like something within walking distance if it's not too expensive. I live in Ontario, about 10 hours away so will drive on Monday and sleep there the night before my appointment.

Thanks to anyone who can give me a decent referral.

Cheers !


We stayed at the gouveneur hotel, about 5 mins from the consulate!
bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2013-02-25 15:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical Exam and Vaccinations

My husband (Russian) doesn't have any documentation regarding his vaccines, although he definitely had the common childhood vaccines that were administered during the USSR.

My question is, does anyone have any experience going to the medical exam WITHOUT any history regarding vaccines? How do they handle this situation? According to one site I found, he would only have to get a small handful of vaccines, which would be acceptable(MMR, tetanus, chickenpox, and influenza), but we don't want a situation where he's given all 12.

This is something I've been wondering about too. I was unable to get my immunization record because they only hold them until the age of 23.
bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2012-10-24 10:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Expedite Request due to financial hardship

speak with your local congressman... You never know. They deal with expedites all the time!

bccanadagirlFemaleCanada2013-05-16 13:41:00
CanadaAlmost got the visa
OH #######!!!! good thing its all workable! I just double checked my hubby's divorce papers
he supplied me...and its just a stamp that says "certifified copy" with the is issuing signatures!
I was told not to remove the staples holding the papers together as it then becomes nul/void!

at the time of my K3 was not a problem!
cdancerNot TellingCanada2007-03-10 01:24:00
CanadaWho went the K3 way ?
cdancerNot TellingCanada2007-03-13 00:25:00
CanadaPOE Experience
congrats! Happy Wedding Day in Tulsa!
cdancerNot TellingCanada2007-03-15 01:11:00
CanadaWe have an interview!!!!!!!!
cdancerNot TellingCanada2007-03-16 14:44:00
CanadaLast paycheck still missing.

I am finding it takes forever for mail to reach the usa from canada. Mail from mom (nothern ontario) takes 2 weeks or more, my fiend sent me a letter package 2 weeks ago from Toronto, still isnt here. #######

thats normal!

I have to say the USA has a great Postal Service System...was impressed they deliver mail saturdays of all things! also...I am amazed that people have the old fashion style mail boxes at the end of the drive way in the rural areas! I told my husband that will soon be changed to a "locked box" when I move at the end of the month! no wonder Identity crisis is alive and well in the USA! I think they should take lessons from Canada and get the
"super mail box" style. When my husband first came to Canada to visit me he had ask what they were???? LOL
cdancerNot TellingCanada2007-03-18 22:58:00
CanadaWish me luck on Monday
Misa ..Relaaaaaaax!!!! just enjoy the experience! and have fun in Vancouver
can't wait to see your post! :dance:
cdancerNot TellingCanada2007-03-17 00:32:00
CanadaCanadian SIN card in the USA, do I need to update it?
cdancerNot TellingCanada2007-03-19 15:19:00
CanadaGot the visa!
KEWL :thumbs:


Edited by cdancer, 19 March 2007 - 10:07 PM.

cdancerNot TellingCanada2007-03-19 22:05:00
CanadaInterview TOMORROW!
GO VISA GO! :dance:
cdancerNot TellingCanada2007-03-20 23:48:00
CanadaMedical Exam in Vancouver
cdancerNot TellingCanada2007-03-20 23:51:00
CanadaInterview This Morning
cdancerNot TellingCanada2007-03-21 23:32:00