Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow to check status of green card production?
Small update: this morning, I got an email stating the USPS had picked up my card and that I should receive it within 7 days. They also provided a USPS tracking #.

Wanted you to know so that you know what to expect. After months of nothing happening (if you see my posts here, they went wayyyy over processing time, I had an RFE and an interview-sigh), all of these happy updates are a bit overwhelming.

M613FemaleCanada2013-10-26 08:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow to check status of green card production?

On one of my many calls to the USCIS Service Center, I asked the same thing: why is my case status showing for *months* at a time? Their answer: they only update the online case statuses once a month.  dry.png


After I got approved (September 30th) I didn't see a thing until October 21st: I got an update that they had ordered production of my card (yay!). Then this morning (at around 4:00am) I got an email saying they had mailed my card today (October 25th). double yay!!


So for months of no status change, once they start these things up, the updates come flying in.


Hope this helps a bit--and congrats re: your recent approval!!

M613FemaleCanada2013-10-25 13:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRescheduling an appointment ?
Go on info pass-it has a button that offers to cancel appointments. Site is here: https://infopass.usc...php?sel_lang=en

Once that is cancelled, schedule another one. Make sure I have your receipt # handy, because you will need it to both cancel and schedule appointments. No questions asked and nothing crazy-it's very self-serve and straightforward.

M613FemaleCanada2013-10-26 08:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNOA letter is expiring, No answer from USCIS

I am thinking I might have this situation pop up as well; my letter expires in September, and I travel for work quite a bit. re: the suggestions above, I have a couple of quirks, however:


1- My passport is expired; I cannot renew it until I get my new 10 year green card;

2- Applying for citizenship is not an option; I do not and will not be here for life, and as such, the 10 year card is what I want-no more, no less :)



So... for the Infopass appointment--is it possible to receive another extention letter? Any suggestions are welcome!

M613FemaleCanada2013-08-05 10:34:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers



On October 21, 2013, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283

M613FemaleCanada2013-10-21 09:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers
Thanks! we are the real deal but yes, we got a fantastic interviewer. I suspect he's seasoned enough with 36+ years of doing this to be able to tell from the get-go what's up when people go into his office.
M613FemaleCanada2013-10-01 06:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers

M613...just out of curiosity...what kind of questions did the officer ask you?

Hi Ari25!

I promised myself to keep my promise via an earlier post to remember all questions to pass along to this community. I didn't get asked one thing-neither did Matt (husband/US citizen). We literally sat in his office and talked as if we were in a bar or a living room. He talked about working for USCIS for 37 years, being from the South but not feeling like a typical Southerner... I mentioned we had a cat-he said he had one too. When he retires, he wants to move to Austin and get into standup-I kid you not. While on the subject of how long he's done this, he talked about how sad it was seeing some peeps who ARE fraudulent but aren't bad people- they just want to live here. He does his job, though, and he stressed how though he had empathy, he doesn't tolerate folks lying. D

It was completely surreal-he didn't ask a thing. We are back home in Austin now, of course, and we are both still baffled. My huge package of evidence and preparedness is now in a Rubbermaid box in the attic. Seriously.

Edited by M613, 30 September 2013 - 05:35 PM.

M613FemaleCanada2013-09-30 17:34:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers
You were right!!! Merci encore pour votre oreille électronique, mademoiselle :)
M613FemaleCanada2013-09-30 16:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers
Had my interview in the San Antonio office today. We just got back and I am still blown away. Not sure how to report how it went... we had all of out previously sent stuff, more recent photos, trips, tax filings, leases-everything-organized and copied and ready to go. the gentlemen called us in, sat us down and we talked-he made some Canada jokes, said he loved my home country. Said he loves Austin and wants to retire there (Austin is where we live). I volunteered for him to see my mega package of copies I had ready and he said he didn't need it; he never asked us a thing. took my passport photos and inputted approved on his computer- he did this because I asked how soon I would get it. lol. For real- he was an absolute gem. Zero issues- it was like sitting down with an awesome great uncle or something. I know this was an extraordinary and out of the ordinary experience, but my advice for those who are going to do interviews: go wickedly prepared. get there early. chill out. and remember: these interviewers are people too.

So yay approved-booo waiting for my card (I hope to god I get it soon!).

Huge thanks to everyone for your love and support--it's what makes this place so amazing, whatever stage of the visa journey you're at. You are all wonderful, special folks.

Edited by M613, 30 September 2013 - 04:01 PM.

M613FemaleCanada2013-09-30 15:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers

Gracias sir!

M613FemaleCanada2013-09-25 10:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers

Thanks so much--any and all kind vibes are super appreciated.


I just want it done-and GS in hand. lol. Not worried about them "believing" us or not. - does anyone know how long it takes after a successful interview to get the actual GC? I read 15 days, but I am super dubious about that (but hopeful...)

M613FemaleCanada2013-09-25 09:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers

Am I the last one of the September 2012 filers to still be waiting for mine? lol...


Interview is this Monday (September 30th) in San Antonio (I live in Austin). Original ROC package sent copy is made, trip tix organized, pictures up the wazoo from the last 4.5 years, affidavits, utilities, taxes. Everything short of having them in our bed, I guess. heh.


We're legit, so I know it'll be fine. I just hate interviews.. that and I travel alot for work--I need my GC to get my passport in my married name/renew everything else. argh. C'est la vie.... Will report back with what happens at the interview and the kinds of questions they ask, as I know that can help folks out in future in the same position.


Cheers, and will post soon!



M613FemaleCanada2013-09-25 08:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers


I think I'm in the same boat as you. I was going to ask about my long wait time after RFE response! Looks like I'll be calling them today smile.png


Do it! Poking them can't hurt :)


Megatron wait is no fun! I only care because of work; I need to travel, and I just want this out of the way. They sent some auto reply to my inquiry saying they didn't have an update however they had the wrong receipt number! I wrote them back, and copied the Vermont Service Center, telling them that:

1- they had the wrong receipt number;

2- this decision was crucial for my job;

3- offering up anything they need.


They can interview me 10000x over; my husband and I are legit, so I really have no worries regardless. It's just the waiting game that, since 2008 now (with all stages of this "journey") that irks me.


May the forces of decision making be with us!

M613FemaleCanada2013-08-19 12:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers



Tiny, but hopefully resulting in happy results, update. I called USCIS twice today and:


First call: "It looks like they're still under initial review-wait". Riveting.

Second call: Service agent saw my stuff was wayyy over processing times and put in a service request for me. They have 15 days to respond with an update/expedite stuff... If not, I follow up with them w. my service request number.


Lesson: Try try and try again!


Random related anecdote: I was in NYC for a friend's wedding this weekend, and a friend of the wedding peeps is an immigration attorney there. He told me this: best days to call are Wednesdays and Thursdays and after lunch. He was dead right--both of my calls had me on the line with someone in less than 3 minutes. Handy to know!


Fingers crossed--may USCIS good joojoo smile down on me soon!



M613FemaleCanada2013-08-14 17:34:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers

Gracias for incorporating my update! It's all good: I did my (copious amounts) of reasearch on here and thought something like this might happen; luckily, I ordered the certified docs last year so I was set--and only because of this place smile.png


I love the love, comradery and goodwill consistently shown here-I could not have done part one, nor part 2 and/or RFE of silliness aka part 3, without all of you!!! More updates as they happen, and thanks so much to everyone smile.png

Edited by M613, 01 July 2013 - 05:15 PM.

M613FemaleCanada2013-07-01 17:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers

Sorry for the delay in responding/updating on here---I've been across the country and back and am moving (still in Austin), so my brain's on disconnect mode lately...ha. SUPER congrats to everyone who has progressed since I saw this thread last- *does happy dance*


Alrighty, so my update is as follows:


RFE dated June 20 received

RFE response-for certified #######-sent today (July 1st)


Let the waiting rumpus continue! Also-HAPPY CANADA DAY TO MY FELLOW CANUCKS! I'll be having a pint later on whilst blaring some Stompin Tom Connors :)

M613FemaleCanada2013-07-01 13:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers

Thanks carocaro :) --onward and forward in purgatory I guess :)


Jason-I'm sorry I had missed your original post-! Thank you thank you for outlining that whole gongshow for me--it is incredibly helpful! I definitely will call again.


My thing is this--I have zero movement and/or letter... I had found myself feeling a bit awkward when the level 2 lady said "you got your extension letter, right?" -Me: "Yeah". "Then wait" was what she said. Riiight. So I was left kind of hanging there feeling silly... heh.


Any advice from folks who haven't had nary a thing show up in the mail and called? I'll have to toughen myself up a bit more for my next call :)

M613FemaleCanada2013-06-13 08:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers

Alrighty, called USCIS:

- first person said "it's under initial review". derp. Asked if I wanted it "elevated to someone who would see and know more", I said sure.

- On hold for an hour. Had it on speakerphone and worked.

- Lady who answered verified me/who I was. Then told me as I had an extension letter for a year, I didn't have to "worry". Told me to look out for something-anything-until September. Told me if I did NOT get anything 2 weeks before my year of waiting, to make an Infopass appointment for an extension.


So-useless. But there you go-a try was made! Silly as it may sound, I'm hoping the call magically kickstarts/triggers something in their system to get some movement on this... lol.

M613FemaleCanada2013-06-12 12:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers
jason: -no I haven't! I didn't know if I should or not yet.. I suppose I can give it a whirl-what do I have to lose, right? thanks for your nudge of positivity and suggestion-it's appreciated smile.png I'll give it a whirl and report back after. thanks again!


Edited by M613, 12 June 2013 - 09:10 AM.

M613FemaleCanada2013-06-12 09:08:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers

gah-this is all so exciting! I am so happy for all of you!!! *Some* movement-let alone happy approvals and productions-is SO good to see.


I am in still in waiting mode (*cue The Sound Of Silence again*). I'll look every week or so on the UCIS site and it still says "initial review". 9 months and counting, and a trip across the pond in the spring, has me wondering: when do I poke at them for the status of it? I'm a bit wigged out that it's in a box. on a shelf, getting dusty. Or something. Any ideas and/or advice as to when I should remotely jab them is most welcome. Thank you!

Edited by M613, 11 June 2013 - 05:37 PM.

M613FemaleCanada2013-06-11 17:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers

aww-thanks! I love this song too-seeing them live is on my bucket list!


I'm ok with waiting-it's just a bit wierd being in purgatory for so long with something, when so much of everything else moves so quickly (thank you internet!).

M613FemaleCanada2013-05-24 12:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers

Simon and Garfunkel is my soundtrack during the waiting game :)


M613FemaleCanada2013-05-24 11:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers

it's gone all quiet in here now ;(



I know, right? Despite people before, during and after my send date being approved, I'm still in waiting purgatory. *whistles*

M613FemaleCanada2013-05-09 08:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers

Awesome!!! Got my "congratulations approved" letter in the mail yesterday! :). When I had checked the status of my application the other month, my case could not be found. I was expecting to be in limbo for awhile so this was an amazing surprise!

So question- if I travel out of country over the next month - will I require my new GC? Or can I travel using my old GC and the NOA1 letter? Advice is appreciated before I book my flight!!!

Hooray!.. and congrats to everyone this far!

This is such good news-SO happy for my fellow timeline sister! Congrats-and have a pint of brew for me when you go home :)
M613FemaleCanada2013-04-24 07:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers

Use the biometrics receipt number. You used the NOA1 letter which won't work.

Ah-thank you! It's still at "initial review" a.k.a. purgatory until something happens. Hm-it is what it is, I guess. The only thing I'm in a "hurry" for (if you can call it that) is having my new GC to renew my Canadian passport; the GC makes for great proof of identity w. my married surname, but alas an expired GC isn't fancied by Passport Canada folks :) -also, having these shenanigans out of the way for a while will be awesome. I loathe paperwork! And waiting.

Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction with the correct # to use!
M613FemaleCanada2013-04-21 17:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers
yay for everyone being approved!!! this inspired me to check on what the status of my application is (I haven't heard a peep since I did my biometrics in October) and I got this message:

"Your case can not be found at this time in My Case Status. Please check your receipt number and try again. If you need further assistance, please call the National Customer Service Center at 1.800.375.5283"

-has that happened to anyone else? I will try tomorrow, and call them (shudder) if it doesn't work again--just wanted to poke/see if this has happpened to folks before.
M613FemaleCanada2013-04-21 16:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers
No State ID- I never bothered when my GC was still active. So hi-ho, it's the GC card- an expired one- I go.

I'm a bit weird like that- maybe it's because I'm in Texas- but the less of my stuff that I have in their databases-State ID included- the better (to me). While I think the processing times are silly, I am also in zero hurry to get my renewed GC; at least I am *with* my partner this round (the Visa wait is evil!). I am legally, legitimately and happily married, so my thiught process is that I have nothing to worry about re being here for the right (and legal) reasons to justify having my card renewed; we just gotta carry on, live well and wait. I dunno- that's just me I guess.
M613FemaleCanada2013-02-10 09:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers

you've had your AOS with you?? Not sure what you mean. Do you mean the extension letter?? I've never had to go to the immigration office when I came back to the US with my expired green card and my extension letter.

I think that's what he meant too. FYI, I travel quite a bit for my work within the US only, and it varies re: the reactions I get with my expired green card. 99% of the time, its been no problem and most TSA folks know that you have a year extension after your expiration date. I just got back from Nashville last night, however, and 2 TSA agents at the Nashville airport (those peeps who check your ID and ticket) had a mini debate as to how long the extension is. I got through, and they were super nice, but gah--it had me tripping out internally.

I'm planning on going home to Canada for my little brother's birthday in early June. I filed for ROC in Sept. 2012 and, based on the processing times, it looks like I'll be bringing my coveted letter with me. I, ah, just hope I'm not yoinked into some Die Hard-esque scene type room with Immigration. That sounds so scary :/

Edited by M613, 08 February 2013 - 06:50 PM.

M613FemaleCanada2013-02-08 18:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers
My only update is I had and went to my biometrics appt here I Austin on November 1st. Sorry for not posting sooner- I got a promotion and have been on alot of planes (in the US only- my passport is expired- waiting on my new unexpired permanent resident card to submit as proof of identity to get a renewed passport. whew- that was a mouthful).

also-I am a wiener---I posted in the wrong year-bwahaha.
My link
M613FemaleCanada2012-12-07 10:30:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers

Howdy M613! Hope yer keeping it weird in Austin! :lol:
Glad that you received your NOA1 and that they wont be shipping you back to the land of maple syrup. :thumbs:

ha- keeping it weird indeed: it keeps itself that way :). A big happy Thanksgiving to you, fellow Canadienne :D ( we're rocking out the turkey on Sunday!-as always)

Deep-thanks for the update- I appreciate it; have an awesome weekend as well!
M613FemaleCanada2012-10-05 19:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers

ASC Appointment Notice received and Biometrics scheduled for 10/26 in Dallas! :dance:

How soon can I attempt an early walk in? I have to work during my scheduled appointment time and may be tricky to adjust my work commitments :unsure:

yay B!!! and hello! :)

My update: got my NOA1 yesterday (is dated October 2nd). sweet sweet tasty relief.
M613FemaleCanada2012-10-05 08:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers
Lara- if you have you proof of delivery use it and, per the great suggestion up there, make an InfoPass appointment right away! If that Dan Renaud guy signed for it (and you have the copy of this) go for gold! -it's amazing how meticulous those folks want us to be (and then some) and yet, things like this happen. You did the right thing, you're honest and you have some paperwork backing you up- make them accountable. sending good joojoo you're way!
M613FemaleCanada2012-09-29 13:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers

Wow, you're so brave! Geez, I think I would be frantic with worry if I send the packet days before my GC expires :crying: The extension letter is part of the NOA which I think most posters here received at least a week after USCIS received the packet.

I don't know if I'd use the word brave-lol. I just got confirmation from the UPSPS that it got delivered and signed for--they even included a PDF of it having been signed: the name was Dan Renaud and (YAY GOOGLE) this is the homie who just signed for it--YAY! http://www.linkedin....enaud/a/69a/153

Edited by M613, 28 September 2012 - 12:42 PM.

M613FemaleCanada2012-09-28 12:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers
Yup-I be in Austin, Y&J :)

I sent my stuff yesterday from here to VT--looks like it just got to Burlington.
M613FemaleCanada2012-09-28 09:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 September 2012 Filers
I guess I can join this thread club now; sent off our package for my ROC yesterday (my card expires September 30th).

When do folks get their extension letter? I'm not in a hurry to have this process complete (am I the only one that feels that way? hehe), but a letter providing an extension during the waiting game would be nice.

Edited by M613, 28 September 2012 - 08:57 AM.

M613FemaleCanada2012-09-28 08:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRFE Response time Nov VSC Filer (Sent RFE - 3rd June, 2013)

I sent my RFE in May 2013. My online status didn't change for several weeks, so I phoned and they said they were not able to see if it had been received over the phone. They recommended I make an info-pass appointment. I did an e-request and I immediately found out that my case had been transfered to my local office. Then, about 3 weeks later, got the dreaded letter, scheduled for an interview.


So: I never heard anything about the RFE.

geez louise! How did the interview go?


My two cents in this thread:

I'm still in waiting mode myself. Filed September 2012, RFE dated June 20th received, sent RFE evidence July 1st and nothing so far.


Funny aside: I moved last week, and was a good permanent resident and changed my address online AND via mail. I received near-immediate confirmations via email and through regular mail that they had received my change of address. So much silence on the ROC front, and yet prolific responses for a *change of address*. Strange brew...

M613FemaleCanada2013-07-29 10:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGeneral FAQ's for Removing Conditions
Howdy-doo, VJ peeps...long time no post.
I don't know if it's because of the long weekend or whatnot, but I'm a bit fuzzy with the submission date for the removal of conditions for my GC. the anniversary date is September 30th 2012. The 3 months is of course coming up--my plan is to get the whole package in within the next week and a half. Is that ok? I know to NOT file before---just seeking some clarification on the timing aside from that.

thanks in advance for your usual awesomeness--super appreciated!
M613FemaleCanada2012-05-29 09:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaLast minute advice for interview?
Though I did mine in Canada, I think general advice that I can offer to anyone is the following:

- eat before you go!
- wait for the officer to ask you their questions-they're usually nice. My interviewing guy basically said that they do this ALL of the time, so there's no need to be nervous-that, and no interruptions are always appreciated! (I guess nervous people talk alot... lol)
- bring all of your necessary paperwork ORGANIZED. I used one of those accordion folders with everything labeled, and it saved me alot of time and confusion to be able to find everything they asked for immediately (yay labels!).
- arrive early- get yourself parked/situated at the embassy early. The lineups can get long, so the earlier, the better.

That's all I can think of... So long as you're prepared, honest/have nothing to hide and love eachother-and yes, it shows!, you should be fine.

Good luck/Bonne chance!

Edited by M613, 16 August 2010 - 06:04 PM.

M613FemaleCanada2010-08-16 18:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1-29F Form-question 18
QUOTE (tallcoolone @ Feb 17 2009, 09:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (M613 @ Feb 17 2009, 08:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wish being a Canadian citizen made a difference re: timeframe, but from what I can see, people from the Phillipines get faster approvals than us Northerners do-incredibly weird... and discouraging.

Philippines was an American Colony until the end of WW2, and US granted them their independence.

Too bad they didn't become the 51st state.

Yes, Visa timeframe thru PI seem to move at a quick rate.

And yes, PI cases look like they take approx. 5 months--from what I can gather for the Canadians, it's between 6 and 10.

Another thing-do some of the more extraordinarily longer cases involve kids and/or other factors that could lag the process (previous criminal record, etc...)? Minus this checkbox marked-but-no description-stated oversight, it's just me-employed, fingerprints done, long form birth certificate, all good to go. Which is why I'm antsy/curious on timeframes...
M613FemaleCanada2009-02-17 09:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1-29F Form-question 18
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Feb 17 2009, 08:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (M613 @ Feb 17 2009, 08:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Feb 16 2009, 03:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Most likely an RFE will come. Did you submit evidence of meeting during the past two years?

Thanks for replying. No-the "yes" box was checked-the "describe how you met" portion was left as is, and that was it. So-if we do get the RFE-how long does that push things back?

We got our NOA1 Dec. 1, 2008-I am *hoping* everything gets approved/out of the way for this summer... heh-in light of the situation I described, is this a reasonable expectation based on everyone's knowledge and/or experience?

Thanks in advance for any information!

The NOA1 acknowledges USCIS received your petition, it means nothing else. It also means nothing that they cashed your check, except to reduce your bank balance. If you did not answer question 18 and did not provide some supporting documentation you, about the time you would normally get an approval, receive an RFE asking for more information. Your case will be delayed until they receive what they need. You can cross your fingers and toes, but your petition will not be approved without this information, they never forget things like that.

PS..."hoping" will get you nothing in this process and things DO NOT have a way working out. You need to provide each and every answer and supporting document required.

Question 18 was answered--it was replied "yes". Description was not put in-this, I realize now of course, will likely be asked about, etc....

Just a generic timeframe is what I'm looking for, with this bump in the road... I wish being a Canadian citizen made a difference re: timeframe, but from what I can see, people from the Phillipines get faster approvals than us Northerners do-incredibly weird... and discouraging.

M613FemaleCanada2009-02-17 09:17:00