US Embassy and Consulate Discussionfiance got blue slip in Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City
Wells Fargo notorized my time line for free. Fiance goes back tonight our time for reinterview. Wish me luck yall.....
BrianandphuongMaleVietnam2009-01-18 19:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionfiance got blue slip in Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City
I will be happy to share a lil back ground. Im divorced for 7 years now. 31 years old. I have never filed for INS paper work before. I finally got a fax of the paperwork she was given by the US Consular Officer. It is asking for a notorized and detailed time line of how I met her and when we decided to get engauged etc etc. This form looks to be very generic form they hand out to many people. They simply just fill in your name and case number so im sure this is the form many people before have received when they got a blue slip. I was mistaken about the credit card info they just want a copy of the credit card statement showing my name on the card and proof that i purchased the ticket. I am also getting copy of the statment where i paid for my hotel there in vietnam and when i used the ATM there also. Hopefully this will be enough information to make them happy and issue my fiance a PINK slip this next time around. I think another thing that make be taken into account is that my fiance's father n step mom have only been in america for less than 2 years, so maybe there is some worry i was paid to bring her here which is far from the truth. I do love my fiance and plan to marry her and have a family together....


Yes it was a single visit to Vietnam and only 2 month of knowing each other before we decided to get engauged!!!!!!
BrianandphuongMaleVietnam2009-01-13 23:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionfiance got blue slip in Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City
Thats not good if they want originals. Last package I sent to Vietnam never arrived. Takes so long to get there.. :-(
BrianandphuongMaleVietnam2009-01-13 17:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionfiance got blue slip in Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City
Will they accept the doc via email or fax? Or do I have to send originals via post office?
BrianandphuongMaleVietnam2009-01-13 16:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionfiance got blue slip in Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City
They have the receipt from the travel agency but they said it was not good enough. They want 6 months worth of statements. Which is fine I have a request in to the credit card company now. It will show purchase of ticket, hotel stays in Vietnam, as well as ATM withdrawals I made in Vietnam. Now I just need to sit down and back track the past year and make a good letter about me an her, on how we met etc etc..... FUnny thing is they did not even want to see any photo's of me and her together...
BrianandphuongMaleVietnam2009-01-13 15:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionfiance got blue slip in Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City
Any advise on my statement of meeting beside being totally honest?
BrianandphuongMaleVietnam2009-01-13 14:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionfiance got blue slip in Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City
My fiance go the blue slip yesterday. The letter says I must provide additional information. Once thing they want is the credit card receipt for the purchase of the plane ticket plus 3 month statements prior and post of ticket purchase. Also they want a notorized statement of how i met her and so on. If anyone can give me some tips or help on this that would be great. I have contacted my credit card company so I can get copies of my statements.

BrianandphuongMaleVietnam2009-01-13 14:00:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe passed the K3/K4 interview in U.S. Embassy Manila
QUOTE (marriedtomrg @ Oct 14 2009, 09:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Rhean!

Thanks for your message. We enjoyed your company, you are a great girl, very easy to talk to. Chuck is a lucky guy!

Wow, you're leaving na? That's terrific. smile.gif Our ticket is for October 23, our visas have not arrived yet...according to ir21, we should get them anytime today.

Here is Pippo, she has a message for you:

hiya biggrin.gif good luck when you get there biggrin.gif bye
i'm going back to watching titanic now biggrin.gif

QUOTE (ChuckandRhean @ Oct 14 2009, 10:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Im so happy for you and your family. Seize the day with your loving husband and bright kids . Youre such a good person, having a huge heart, Kaye. Our dear Lord truly bless you. Keep smiling . I feel comfy with you and your daughter happy.gif .Take good care always! My flight will be on the 20th of October kicking.gif heart.gif

We both are so lucky and blessed happy.gif .Wheew! Warm Welcome me America. I cant put into words how so excited ,and thrilled I am! Chuck will have his leave for couple days. Hes going tothe gym almost everyday tongue.gif energy.gif Getting ready, I guess hehe.

To Pippo:

Aaaaaaaah happy.gif youre such a sweet bright,girl! I wish I could have a daughter like you. blush.gif Study smart,Enjoy your pre-teen age . Take care of and Love your Mom and Dad.

Ingat kau lagi. Hope we could see each other again.Keep in touch!

ChuckandRheanFemalePhilippines2009-10-14 22:27:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe passed the K3/K4 interview in U.S. Embassy Manila

Im so happy for you and your family. Seize the day with your loving husband and bright kids . Youre such a good person, having a huge heart, Kaye. Our dear Lord truly bless you. Keep smiling . I feel comfy with you and your daughter happy.gif .Take good care always! My flight will be on the 20th of October kicking.gif heart.gif
ChuckandRheanFemalePhilippines2009-10-14 09:51:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

I appreciate your distaste for the term 'Mail-Order Bride' and I've had to fight some stereotypes with my own family when I told them I was dating a woman long distance from a Third World country. However, that doesn't dismiss the reality that there are many unscrupulous agencies out there who are profiteering on the notion that an American man can simply 'buy' his spouse. They even state such things as saying that these women are submissive, obediant, non-complaining, etc.

these comments you make here, and the ads you quote, show a delightful innocence about the subject. Honestly, the economic component is a big factor to these women. As grandma quoted her mother "it is just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as a poor man". If you don't think that these women from the third world factor this in, you may want to study this some more. These standard comments advertised, while you may find distasteful, are somewhat true. When they say this, they are saying, "as opposed to a domineering, filandering, complaining American woman", which you would perhaps find even more distasteful. But if you don't think these concepts are an issue, you should talk frankly with men who have actually done this. Men on this site don't want to speak of it for fear of setting off the ladies who also use this site.

Not every site that connects foreign women to American men are necessarily sinister or evil. But let's not be ignorant about the possibility of woman being coerced or forced into such services. The sex trade exists and is a huge problem among Third World countries. Because these agencies are international and not under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Federal courts, we are unable to stop them from using unscrupulous practices.

I think the new IMBRA law will in fact be a positive effect in putting pressure on dating agencies to use ethical standards when American men who are serious about marrying someone for love will be more careful as to which agency they use. That's something that has long been needed.

Well, I think you are a nice, optimistic person who is looking at the bright side of this whole thing. I wonder what your attitude will be after you have gone thru the process? A bit more jaded, I suspect. I gotta tell you, the differences between the girls you will find on an "exempt" site versus a "non exempt" site are not much. Certainly it is not the difference between a sex slave and an educated, independent woman. Actually, in my studies, having done my own searches as well as free and paid searches for friends and associates, and having studied the entire subject for over 20 years, I have found that the ladies who are on the "non exempt" sites are generally more serious about seeking marriage. The government exempting some venues and not exempting others has no good effect, other than making a search more difficult. The ethics of the agencies is really neither here nor there, it is the lady you contact that really matters. A for profit enterprise attempts to maximize profits, not ethics. It is true there are sites in former communist nations that are generally scams all the way around, including the people you are corresponding with. To mix the notions about these (or any) sites with the sex trade is missing the point, the sex trade is not at all about marriage to an American using a paid or unpaid site, and it was ridiculous for the government to think they were going to have a beneficial impact on that with this legislation. As a matter of fact, they could have an opposite effect, driving people to use illegal means to bring a woman in out of frustration with the system, which in turn could increase the demand and the supply of this type of thing.

In my wife's country, Vietnam, the girls are very motivated to marry an American. They are smart, motivated ladies with good morals, and make excellent wives, coming from their difficult circumstances, which seem to only have made them better. As we make it more difficult for them to marry an American, another choice they have to fall back on is the Taiwanese, who they can much more easily marry and move to their country with minimal effort. These men have a terrible reputation in Vietnam for being abusive. Yet it is a chance many of them take, as a gamble to improve their lives. So in Vietnam at least, the net effect will be a negative towards women, it will allow less of them to come here to their first choice, to someone like myself who treats my wife like the very special woman she is, and into marriage with a Taiwanese, or mainland Chinese, who is generally a lot more abusive (generally speaking that is, you asians can whine about this if you like, message me for documentary evidence if you want to quibble on this).

I am done with my deal, I hope to be with my wife the rest of my life. I have no axe to grind with you folks trying to do this, indeed, you have my support and deep sympathies. It is much harder than it should be, and they are making it harder. I know a vn girl who married a Frenchman, it took her a matter of weeks to get her visa, not months, or years. You folks who think that this law is an attempt to help these people in other countries, well, maybe you are right. But I can tell you this, the average American, especially a woman, does not like it that an American man can have an almost perfect woman from another country. She finds it distasteful for a lot of reasons. In my opinion, (again, based on over 20 years of serious study of this entire subject) this is the real reason for these new regulations. Any beneficial effect this law is having is so small that it is of laughable consequence, and it is very likely that the unintended bad effects will far outweigh any benefits.

top-gorillaNot Telling02006-06-18 17:29:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
somone wrote (sorry, accidentally deleted the part that stated who, and don't care to start over)
Someone stated this earlier - it's not just that you want to marry someone, but you want to bring them into the U.S., and that is an immigration issue, and to a larger extent, a social issue. If requiring you to disclose how you met your fiancee is social engineering then so is any rule or regulation established in deciding what immigrants we let into our country. Secondly, Mail-Order Bride services do in fact exist and anyone who doesn't believe that is simply in denial. The law hasn't made that illegal since it is difficult to clearly define just how much a marriage broker is marketing foreign women to American men. It's just requiring petitioners to state whether they used one or not. How is that harmful to anyone who sincerely wants to marry someone out of love?
[/quote] So then I write the following...
well, let's see, it has now cost about 10,000 couples about 3 months, which according to my math equals about 5,000 years of human lives. How many years of human lives have been improved with this thing do you figure?

By the way, on the so called "mail order bride" issue, I am assuming you all have read the fine print on this. For reasons that are unclear (to me anyway) certain internet meeting sites are exempt, while ones that charge men but not women are not. The non exempt ones have such a burden put on them, some of them have quit serving Americans. Others have quit doing business. For a resourceful person, he can merely look around and find different venues to conduct his search. In my case, I used a site that would not be exempt at this point. That site does not follow the dictates now, and so I would have had to find someone else. While their are lots of wonderful Vietnamese ladies out there, I wonder who I would have found otherwise? Seems to me that the system should not have that much power, to force a change in the person I will spend the rest of my life with.

On the name "mail order bride", I think that this is a holdover from the 1800s when a man could actually have a woman sent over having never met her. Of course, disparites in wealth and living conditions, (as well as potential for future well being) between the American men and the foreign women was always a big factor in this equation, and often still is. See the great movie "Picture Bride" to learn more about this. Or better still, study the subject in general, the more you learn about the subject, the better a partner you will be for your foreign spouse. With the requirement of meeting your intended spouse, as well as the visa process, there is no way these people should be considered "mail order", and I think the term itself lends sleaziness to the whole subject, which is a big part of the problem we are faced with. Hence, this new requlation, as well as the negative attitude projected by so many normal Americans when judging our "mail order" marriages.
top-gorillaNot Telling02006-06-18 13:17:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Hi folks. I don't post anymore, I have been married a year now and don't really have the need for VJ anymore, although I do monitor the process for some friends and out of general interest. This is in the New York Times today. If it should be in a more relevant thread, someone please copy it over to it, so people can see this. My personal take on this entire subject, well, I will put it under the story, if anyone is interested.

The New York Times
Printer Friendly Format Sponsored By

June 18, 2006
Change in Visa Paperwork Stalls 10,000 Trips to the Altar

WASHINGTON, June 17 (AP) — Wedding plans have been delayed for 10,000 American citizens seeking visas for their foreign brides and grooms as the Homeland Security Department works on new paperwork for their applications.

The form change was required as part of a law, enacted in March, to protect foreign mail-order brides from abusive American spouses. But Homeland Security missed a deadline three months ago, putting the visa applications of thousands of law-abiding couples in limbo.

The department said this week that it would send out additional forms to the visa seekers for more information that should satisfy the new law's protections.

But the bureaucratic entanglement has halted wedding plans for many couples.

"We were ready to get married this year, but I can't really make a date until we get the approval," said Bill Hall, 41, a construction foreman from Burlington, Vt. He applied two months ago for a visa for his fiancée, to emigrate from Canada with her two sons.

"We're just kind of here, in limbo," Mr. Hall said. "And it's kind of aggravating — it's a real simple thing they have to do, and they're making more of it than they need to."

He said his application, sent to Homeland Security in April, "never got approved. It's just sitting there."

All sides agree that the new law is a well-intentioned effort to protect women.

Spurred by stories of mail-order brides — largely from Eastern Europe and Asia — being abused by their American husbands, Congress approved new protections for the women in December.

The protections included amending the application form for visas to ask if the romance was arranged by an international marriage broker, and if the American citizen had ever been accused of a violent crime or convicted of three or more alcohol- or drug-related crimes.

President Bush signed the law in January, putting Homeland Security under order to draw up the new paperwork. But the forms were not finished by March 6, when the law took effect, resulting in the department shelving all spousal visa applications written on the old forms that were received after that date.

Chris Bentley, a Homeland Security spokesman, said about 10,000 applications were currently being held because they did not address the criminal or marriage-broker issues.

"They did not have all of the information needed to determine whether someone qualified or not," said Mr. Bentley, who works for the department's Citizenship and Immigration Services.

He added, "It's certainly an inconvenience brought about by the new requirements of the law."

Homeland Security said it would send additional forms to the 10,000 couples to get answers to the new questions.

Senator Maria Cantwell, Democrat of Washington, criticized Homeland Security this week as getting cold feet about quickly processing the new regulations that she helped write.

"Security and safety should be their top consideration, but their long visa process delays are putting a lot of people's lives on hold," Ms. Cantwell said in a statement.

Mr. Hall said he was frustrated with the visa delays for people trying to follow the law at a time when the Bush administration is grappling with giving other benefits to illegal immigrants.

"I thought it was ironic," Mr. Hall said. "And I find it unfair."


Okay, me again. My knowledge of this deal is that it was done by people who really don't want to see men getting foreign women. They don't think it is fair, they don't like it. So they got it stuck in a law, and tough **** for you guys, you have had it too good for too long. You American women on this site can whine about this, tough for you, you are just collateral damage, they are willing to sacrifice you for the greater good of their principles. They probably think you don't really know what is good for yourself anyway, but it is the men that really **** them off. And what is amazing to me is that we can have some 10 million or god knows how many illegals in this country, and the authorities don't do squat, and yet they find a way to target this small niche of legal citizens who follow a legal process. And what is really funny, there are far more illegal men who bring in illegal women (from their countries of origin) to marry, and then have legal children, which gives them kings x, as our country does not go after the parents of U. S. citizens. Yet they ignore that, because they are illegal already, and as they have shown contempt for the laws, and the system has proven that they will not go after them anyhoo, what would be the point of messing with them? Really, one can see why it would be better just to forget about following the process, and instead just follow the Mexicans They really cannot stop the illegals, and don't even try. In my state, it is actually better to be illegal in some ways, as the system is overwhelmed, and so the authorities just ignore the minor infractions by the illegals. Legals are worth messing with, as they actually have to pay for their crimes. I followed the process, it is a total pain in the rear to go thru it, but looking at it now, I gotta say, it is getting awfully close to being to a point where it is too big a burden. And I think that is the future of this legal process, death by a thousand cuts, at some point, it is just too difficult to do (legally). Every step in the process is a total pain, and now this stupid IMBRA. I am already done, but I have contacted my so called representatives in government, who respond with stupid form letters (if at all) about different issues, as they don't have a stupid form letter for IMBRA. If you want to complain, give them an earful, I did, for you guys who are trying to follow the process now and in the future. My sympathies to you all, our government is ******* pathetic.
top-gorillaNot Telling02006-06-18 00:23:00
IMBRA Special Responds to my IMBRA Question
I am married to a vn lady and done, personally. I do advise folks on the process a bit, and having studied this for about 20 years, (the process, not our laws), I continue to watch what is happening. I am in contact with various so called IMB's just to see their reactions. I can tell you that some of them pretend it does not relate to them, well, that is true, to an extent. As they are not U.S. corporations, they have the right to ignore our laws. Problem is, if a USC USES THEM. The USC has then played outside the rules, OUR rules. So he is the one in trouble on this, not the IMB. These smaller outfits basically have given up on the deal, they will sell contact info to the USC and pretend that they are legal (which they are, in the country they work out of). I think this info might belong somewhere else on VJ, this may not be the right forum for it. Anyone who is more involved in VJ than I am, feel free to post this where it may be more relevant.
top-gorillaNot Telling02006-06-30 11:19:00
IMBRA Special Responds to my IMBRA Question
[quote name='Dean iWait' date='Jun 29 2006, 08:10 PM' post='281794']
[quote name='zethris' post='269211' date='Jun 23 2006, 03:44 AM']
[quote name='Brian and Amy' post='269039' date='Jun 23 2006, 01:04 AM']
[quote name='aixaix' post='269000' date='Jun 23 2006, 12:34 AM']
However they charge the USC but the site is free for the foreign ladies (few could afford the fees and pay for internet access, at least I know my finacee couldn't).


part of the laws refers to entities that "facilitate", it does not just have to be actually selling you the address. As they charge the men, and do not charge the women (one of the criteria stated in the act), seems pretty clear to me they are not exempt from the act. My favorite site (the one I found my wife on) pretends it is a non issue to them also, it is a non issue to them, because they are not in the U.S. so our laws mean nothing to them. But if an American uses them, he is not in compliance, the way I read this thing. Worst thing will be if the guy does not know about all this, how does he undo the fact that he did not follow the rules, those being, the so called broker was supposed to put the info in front of the girl before he got her address? What a mess this all is.
top-gorillaNot Telling02006-06-29 20:34:00
VietnamHow long to wait for NOA2?
Mine was submitted on the 20th of May. I got NOA1 on the 30th of May. NOA2 on August 3rd... so 3 months total..

California Service Center

Good Luck!!!

Mine was submitted on the 20th of May. I got NOA1 on the 30th of May. NOA2 on August 3rd... so 3 months total..

California Service Center

Good Luck!!!

Oops I mean, a little over 2 months
Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2012-08-05 09:07:00
VietnamHow long to receive Visa after interview CR-1
Great question because I was going to attend the interview with my wife. I heard it's better, but then again, I'm only allowed 2 weeks of leave.

Then I was trying to figure out how I'm gonna fly there and come back with her sitting next to eachother in the same plane. Don't wanna go through the hassle of asking people to switch seats..
Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2013-01-28 18:58:00
VietnamEmployment Letter Question...
So it's been very busy at work.. Working in a secured area which I don't see a good friend of mine much.. my old Supervisor before I got moved to another department. I asked him if he could write me a employment letter. He didn't think twice about it and said to let him know when I'm ready. Whew!
Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2013-02-03 00:27:00
VietnamEmployment Letter Question...

Did you tell them that it was for immigration purposes? At first, my hr said the same thing, once I explained to them the situation, they wrote me a letter.

Yes and the lady said that she gets those requests a lot..

I wonder if I go directly to my Supervisor, and if he does agree to write me a employment letter, would that work?
Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2013-01-28 18:00:00
VietnamEmployment Letter Question...

1st stop is the HR office, 2nd stop, direct supervisor, 3rd stop department head or owner.
These with your current 3rd party paper work should be ok. Also deposit slips from pay and maybe a letter from the bank if you have a contact that knows you, stating information about your employment deposits, weekly or monthly

Thanks for the reply..

The deposit checks I can get online. Wellsfargo keeps records of your deposits and is available for download in PDF format.

I work at a international manufacturing company. So the only people I can go to is the ones I report to everyday. Since I've worked there, I've gone through 5+ different supervisors because I moved around different departments throughout the plant. So I think I'm gonna try the 3rd party and see how that goes.
Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2013-01-27 19:52:00
VietnamEmployment Letter Question...
So I talked to my employer. They said they couldn't write me a letter. Instead forwarded me to a 3rd party Employee Verification website.

Pretty much this just says that you work from when till when, and where you are employed at. Not a actual letter from the employer. My question is, has anyone dealt with this before? And does the Letter of Employment have to be in a form of a letter?

I tried pulling up my records but it didn't work. What a hassle! Gonna have to make a phone call Monday.

Thanks Guys..
Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2013-01-27 18:15:00
Vietnamcosponsor question
I meant to ask,, what is the paperwork called? not language wise.

Like for us sponsors, we use our letter of employment. But cosponsors need their own letter of employment, but I don't know what it is called in Vietnamese..
Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2013-03-13 00:07:00
Vietnamcosponsor question
Very quick question. The person who is handling my paperwork told me that my cosponsor, self employed, needs their tax, place of birth info, and a letter saying they own the business. All this in Vietnamese, but after I have gotten off the phone with her. I later forgot to ask her what the "letter of business" would be in english. My vietnamese is bad! It's late now and this has been bothering me because I really need to get this info to my cosponsor.

Any help would be appreciated..

Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2013-03-12 23:34:00
VietnamFew Questions....

So I haven't been on here in a while.. Just a quick update and thanks for all the help!


We did our Le Dinh Hon on October 14th and Marriage ceremony on October 21, 2012. 


Just a week and a half ago we received our Interview date which is on the 22nd of this month. Just a few more weeks to go. I sure hope everything goes smoothly!


Dinh Hon October 21st, 2012
Wedding October 28th, 2012


Tired as heck and typed the wrong days.. 

Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2013-08-05 03:08:00
VietnamFew Questions....

So I haven't been on here in a while.. Just a quick update and thanks for all the help!


We did our Le Dinh Hon on October 14th and Marriage ceremony on October 21, 2012. 


Just a week and a half ago we received our Interview date which is on the 22nd of this month. Just a few more weeks to go. I sure hope everything goes smoothly!

Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2013-08-05 02:55:00
VietnamFew Questions....

so you are married by law, but haven't done the big ceremony and reception yet, and you filed a cr1 petition? you're going back in october to do the whole dam cuoi thing and take pictures, and hopefully bring them as evidence to the interview....

one month is a LONG time to take off, most people get 2-3 weeks max.

Right on the money! I was researched online and I asked a few attorneys if I can file for Cr-1 before having a actual ceremony. They said yes with the proof of official marriage certificate..

1 month is long right? The last 2 times I went for 2 1/2 weeks. i hope the weather wont be bad in October.
Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2012-08-06 18:13:00
VietnamFew Questions....

Very confusing.. hope the CO doesnt get confused as well! You filed a visa petition for your WIFE, but you said "This will be my 3rd visit! While there, I'm going to be having our Dam Hoi and wedding 2 weeks apart."???:blink:

3rd visit to see her yes. 1st was to meet up. 2nd was to do the marriage paperwork.
Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2012-08-06 07:34:00
VietnamFew Questions....
I also want to add this to this thread just in case some people are confused about the process... I went back and read the whole thread, and I was surely confusing myself with being overwhelmed by the whole process..

First thing first, I went and done the Ket Hon paperwork. This process was super easy! But then again that depends on what area you are at in vietnam. Got everything filled out from the forms provided by my attorney. Or you can download and print online. I went with an attorney, ONLY, because I didn't have time to get the paperwork notarized by the state, blah blah. With all the papers filled out, I took those paperwork provided by my attorney and my Citizenship certificate to vietnam with me. We had a guy in our area who did paperwork. Paid him a little more for bribes. I arrived to vietnam on the 1st of December. That Saturday. Monday, the 3rd, we went and signed papers that were needed in vietnam. I can't tell you exactly what day it was, I totally forgot but it wasn't long until we had to go from Phuoc Tinh (Long Hai area) to Vung Tau. I believe it was that Wednesday. Paid for processing fees and waited for a phone call. We got the call and went for the interview. Keep in mind, Bribe!, we passed before we stepped foot into the building. They asked a few simple questions about the family, and how I met my wife. Grabbed the paperwork and went down the street to get the paperwork translated. While there, it was so convenient that the Postal Office? was a walking distance away, and we had her Passport done. I had everything done by the 16th, and my plane leaves on the 18th. She received her passports shortly after I left.

It was a overall fun experience especially when things are accomplished!
Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2012-08-05 10:22:00
VietnamFew Questions....
Just a little update... and before this, thanks everyone for the help.

My parents made me seek a lawfirm. So I headed over the Houston TX and met up with this guy who does many immigration cases. The labor cost was very very very reasonable and I get to visit Houston. Just a 2 hour drive. But anyway,, I received my NOA2 already. Paperwork was submitted on May 20th of this year and I got approved on August 3rd. Just waiting for the notification in the mail so I can continue with the journey. Kinda thought it was weird that it was sent to the California Service Center. But hey, I'm not complaining!? It's going quicker than I thought!

I'm pretty excited! I am also going to Vietnam in October. Gonna be there for a month. This will be my 3rd visit! While there, I'm going to be having our Dam Hoi and wedding 2 weeks apart. They said it's okay to have it 2 weeks apart. Have to be done like this because of my Job. They won't allow me to take off long term. But everything is coming together smoothly so far. I hope and I pray that there is no issues for the rest of the journey. Wifey is very nervous about her interview. She keeps hearing horror stories.. =)

Thanks all!

Edited by Hoang_Phuong, 05 August 2012 - 08:28 AM.

Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2012-08-05 08:22:00
VietnamFew Questions....
Thanks Dan,
I went to a local vietnamese doctor who does immigration exams. They filled out my document Clearly. So im assuming the justice of the peace in vietnam will accept it with no probs. what you have just explained is exactly what I was told. So good luck to me and hopefully the interview date wont be a long wait..

Thanks again! On my way to the airport!!
Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2011-11-30 17:23:00
VietnamFew Questions....
I have my single status and ket hon paperwork here done. Was sent to the vietnamese embassy in D.C. for approval. My medical paperwork, single status, ket hon, papers are all stapled together. I just needed to know what happens when i get to vietnam this coming friday.

My wife already did her single status and medical exam. Im trying to find out whats next.. My plane leaves today at 7pm.. Its 11:45am right now.. Hopefully i can get a simple answer from the more experienced.

Thanks all for replying.. Its great help!!
Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2011-11-30 12:46:00
VietnamFew Questions....

I was told by all 3 very good immigration lawyers that it was too early to get married and that the process will surely fail.
That's when I did research and found Visajourney. After careful reading of all posts, I formulated my plans.

In short, I came to the conclsuion that if the marriage is real, the CO will approve it not matter the time frame.
I met my wife for the first time, went back in 3 months and married her after that. No KET HONG. File the paper work and was approved in less than 5 months (It's the quality not quantities).
Along the way, got held up on the marriage certificate (over 3 money helped)and police certificate (over a 2 money didn't helped).

All paper for marriage can be accomplished in Vietnam. Once you have the marriage certificate, most of the paper work can be done in the USA. All except the mental exam.
They will want to do that in Vietnam. I had mine done in the USA and they didn't accept that.

So theres gonna be a 2nd visit for medical exams? One for ket hon and one for immigration? What a pain!

I was planning on starting on the immigration paperwork when I get back next month or early January. Hope its not too complicated because i do want to have most of the paperwork done here..

Thanks for sharing your experience.. Ill have to keep those in mind. Did you wear shorts when you submitted the medical exam papers too?? Jk!! Hahaha
Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2011-11-28 13:22:00
VietnamFew Questions....
Interview? Dang! This is gonna be a process to go through. I hope the interview will be scheduled quick because im only gonna be there for 2 weeks.. Ill go in pants lol!!
Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2011-11-27 20:52:00
VietnamFew Questions....
So i got everything taken care of. But now i dont know what to do when i get to vietnam.

Does my wife have to do anything else? It seems like i already have all the paperwork done so theres nothing left but to get it submitted in vietnam. But she keeps telling me she has all these other paperwork to do. Im confused..

Any help will be appreciated! Im leaving this wednesday to vietnam to see her, so i wanna make sure i get everything done right!


Edited by tomi, 27 November 2011 - 07:26 PM.

Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2011-11-27 19:24:00
VietnamFew Questions....
Dan, you cleared things up for me. Thanks a bunch. I'm filing CR-1 after I get married. That's the last I'm worried about.

Here's the deal. I bought a ticket to fly back in December. Just for more visits and photos. But of course to see her =). After a few weeks after I bought the ticket, I thought about doing the Ket hon paper work while I'm there for two weeks. So I'll have that taken care of before I go back again to get married in may/June. My wife kept telling me it's cheaper to do the medical part of the paperwork in VN. I agree with her but if I'm gonna get my attorney to do my Ket hon paperwork, I thought I'd have everything done here. I'm gonna see if prefers doing the medical here or over there in VN. Sounds easier if I and my wife do it the same time there in VN. Otherwise, I'm aware that all te other paperwork has to be notarized here in the states by the Viet embassy in Washington. Another thing was, I didn't know if I could do all of this 6 months ahead of time before I get married. Usually paper work is only good for less than 6 months. I still yet to go talk to my attorney about it.

Lastly, when you went for the medical checkup, what did they do?

Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2011-08-16 03:19:00
VietnamFew Questions....
Thanks tuan. I do have a person who lives locally who can do it around a week or two. But I'm still skeptical. So this is the reason why I want to do this a few months ahead, before I go back and get married officially.
Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2011-08-14 05:25:00
VietnamFew Questions....
I thought we do the medical exam here in the U.S.? If it's for sure done there. Then my best bet is to take care of this when I go back this December.

As for the priest. Yes he is gonna need the marriage certificate before we get married officially. This is why I'm trying to see if I can do the paperwork 5-6 months prior, since I will be returning to VN around the middle or end of May 2012. Since I'll be leaving the states on Nov. 30th, going back to VN in April is a little early. But we will see what goes on at that time. I'm still in the early stages and plans could change.

I did talk to a attorney. He explained to me about the Ket Hon paperwork. He says he is able to take care of everything here. Even will give me a check list for when I'm in VN. That way I will have everything I need when I come back after my marriage. But I have not gone back to ask him about this December. At the time I was talking to him, he explained that the more visits, the better. After I walked out of his office, I went and bought a plane ticket.. Not just because he said I should have more than one visit. I wanted to go back again since it's been over 14 years since I've gone. So this will benefit me both ways. Im gonna go back next month to ask him about doing the paperwork for marriage earlier than planned because of my situation. Hopefully it'll be good news. I planned on saving $300 and doing it myself. But my mother kept telling me to have the attorney do it since they've done a lot of them, so it's simple to just pay them to do it. I guess I'll have to agree with that now. Saves me a little headache!

Thanks for the reply guys...
Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2011-08-13 22:51:00
VietnamFew Questions....
oh another thing is.. I don't know if this will work because the person who is helping me said that my first visit with my girl was this year in May, so it's still way too early to do any kind of paperwork. They suggested that I do another visit or two before even think about doing paperwork for getting married. Which my 2nd visit will be this Nov.30th...
Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2011-08-11 08:43:00
VietnamFew Questions....
Hey guys...

Came up with an idea but I don't know if it's gonna work...

This is regards to how long I'm able to take off to travel to vietnam. Which is max 3 weeks without my employment being terminated. (as of right now until I'm able to get more days/weeks off approved)

November 30th, 2011 is my next flight to Vietnam to visit my girl and my family. So I had this idea, which my girl did ask me about, to stay ahead of journey. We don't have the exact marriage date, but it will be somewhere in May or June. This is also depending on how many weeks I get to take off, but we will start with 3 weeks. With the Ket Hon paper work on her side. She is telling me that it's going to take at least 2 weeks for the process. So that's 1 week left for Marriage and all before I go back home. This is if we do everything in May/June time. Now that I already have my plane ticket read for this Nov. 30th, I'm wondering if I can get the Ken Hon paperwork done and have it ready for marriage in May/June. (since my visit time is going to be 3 weeks minimum)That will help cut down the processing time while I'm in vietnam in May/June. So we basically want to get married within the first week, and have the rest of the 2 weeks out of the 3 to travel vietnam.

Otherwise, I would have to take at least 5-6 weeks off to do everything at once. Again, this is only because my employment. They're finicky about taking too many days off and it doesn't matter if you're going overseas or not. I've only been at my job for a little over a year and a half. The people who have been working there for many years do get to take more time off. Oh BTW this is paid and unpaid time off together.

Thanks guys!
Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2011-08-11 08:33:00
VietnamFew Questions....
Sweet.. thanks.. I'll confirm it early next year.
Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2011-07-20 08:57:00
VietnamFew Questions....
Wow Dan! You saved me $300... Thanks!

One last thing.. Is there a expiration date on the signatures? I kinda wanna do it super early and get it out of the way so I'll have it ready way before I go backto Vietnam..

Hoang_PhuongMaleVietnam2011-07-20 00:10:00