Australia and New ZealandNEW ZEALANDers heading to the US and their USC spouses - POST HERE!
Hi All

I have not been on the site for ages, but thought I'd have a read and catch up with how everyone is going.

Sounds like on the whole everyone is making great progress.

It is hard to believe that we have now been in the US for 8 months. We are well and truly settled into life in Sacramento. I'm working as a Project Management consultant for a consulting firm. I am on a huge long term project for the Californian Government. I am enjoying it a lot.

It seemed to take forever to find a job, but the hardship of it all is starting to all seem worthwhile now.

Brook and the kids are doing well. Brook is enjoying being a stay-at-home mother, but is keeping an eye out for the perfect job. The boys are doing well, our oldest is going a million miles an hour, and our youngest has now spent more of his life in the US than in NZ.

I am enjoying the Californian lifestyle a lot, and loving the weather. I am also enjoying Sacramento, I think that, overall, it is a very nice city.

Overall, the administrative parts of getting established here all went well, my SS card, and Green card arrived quickly, I got my drivers licence as soon as I could. We got my name added to Brooks existing bank accounts and credit card. We put all the bills that we could under my name. That has meant that in the 8 months we have been here, I have already got a good credit score (to go along with Brook's).

Anyway, great to see how everyone is going.

Take care and I hope progress continues to made by you all,


gshennenMaleNew Zealand2009-06-22 23:16:00